From Real ID to Medicare Advantage: The Real Health Freedom Story

May 15, 2024

Host: Hon. Sam Rohrer

Guest: Twila Brase

Note: This transcript is taken from a Stand in the Gap Today program originally aired on 5/15/24. To listen to the podcast, click HERE.

Disclaimer:         While reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate transcription, the following is a representation of a mechanical transcription and as such, may not be a word for word transcript. Please listen to the audio version for any questions concerning this dialogue.

Sam Rohrer:       Hello and welcome to this Wednesday edition of Stand In the Gap Today and also this month’s focus on health freedom, both the challenges to health freedom and also where it is there. And we try to always find it some good news in the fight to preserve our health freedom number. My special guest, as normal on this focus is Twila Brase, president and co-founder of Citizens Council for Health Freedom, and they have their Lots of good information there. Encourage you to visit it when you have interest in more information on health freedom related issues. I will say though, that when it comes to this broader issue, there are many, many things that we could talk about. There are many challenges always to healthcare freedom that we could cover today, but we’re actually going to pursue about four different ones that’ll touch on a few more, but four basic areas that represent substantive issues.

Sam Rohrer:       For all of you who are listening to me right now, whether we happen to be patients or which all of us are at one point or another, or you could be a healthcare provider, perhaps you could be a policy maker, but in any regard, no matter who you are, what hat you wear in this area should be aware. The title I’ve chosen for today’s program discussion is this from Real ID to Medicare Advantage, the Real Health Freedom Story. So that’s just kind of like a broad umbrella, but it’ll fit things under that. And with that brief introduction, let me welcome in right now. Twila Brase Twila, thanks for being back.

Twila Brase:        Oh, it’s great to be back. Thanks, Sam.

Sam Rohrer:       You are welcome. And before I get into the theme for today, I just want to publicly thank you Twila, for the minute updates that you do. And I think they are very pertinent. I always find them interesting and you do a good job of voicing them. So I just want to tell you that publicly and ladies and gentlemen, as a matter of fact, it’ll be embedded at some point during this program today. You’ll hear it. So just listen for it and see what TWA is talking about today. But well done, Twila in regard to that. Let’s get right into this first issue I’d like to consider that you’ve been looking at speaking at it’s the Biden administration’s effort. They’ve seemed to be initiating an inquiry of sorts into what’s referred to as healthcare consolidation. On the surface, it appears that the Justice Department and others are looking into, if I’m reading it properly, how private companies driven by profit and greed, they say are consolidating healthcare providers, eliminating patient access, reducing quality, patient care, all of those things. Now here’s the question. Can you share what’s going on in this inquiry? What’s it really about and what are they looking for? And really in the end, is it going to lead to greater healthcare freedom or less?

Twila Brase:        Well, that’s a great question. And they put out a request for information and they asked people to comment. So we commented, and I have to say it was a bit, we did it with a bit of an amused tone because we’re like, if you really want to do this, we are cheering you on. But really it’s the government that caused all of this consolidation and we don’t believe the government’s going to take it away. And that’s why we are moving forward a parallel healthcare system. But we gave them information and hopefully it will be useful, but we don’t really believe that they’re serious. So what’s really happening here is that first of all, there’s a divide amongst the Democrats, and you could see it with the Medicare for all bills that Bernie Sanders put out. And the representative from all Jayapal, I think is her name, Mila Jayapal, and she’s in Washington state.

Twila Brase:        And one of them wanted the whole healthcare system. Both of them wanted to nationalize the system, but one of them wanted the health plans to run it and the other wanted the health plans all gone and regional directors that would take your requests for funds around the country. So you’d have to basically every hospital, every clinic would’ve to beg a federal employee for funds to run their system. But this whole push really at the Democrat level is toward a single payer system. And so they can say this because I think they really want to, I think this whole initiative is about getting rid of the health plans. It’s about saying that the health plans are costing us too much money, they’re seizing too much control. All this consolidation, some of the plans are buying hospitals, but then hospitals are also buying health plans. And so this a vertical structure, this integration, this consolidation where they’re all in bed together as it were, and in a conflict of interest with the patient is what’s going on. I

Sam Rohrer:       Think that’s great. Boy, we could go down the road on that. I’m thinking when you’re talking about that ladies and gentlemen, have you heard the phrase managed care, managed care is where all this comes. It sounds good. Somebody’s got to manage the care, right? Alright, so here’s the next question I want to ask you because it ties into this twilight and that is this, when it comes to quality healthcare, strong doctor patient relationships, which are an integral part of health freedom, and I’m going to put into that the preservation of the oath that physicians take that keeps the independence in place. The Hippocratic oath do no harm, which we sought extraordinarily impinged upon during the whole covid lockdown. And here’s the question is that, is this in the end of the day, does it make much difference whether healthcare is corporately controlled or government controlled and just put those together because in the end, like you say, in reality, they’re oftentimes sleeping in the same bed.

Twila Brase:        Well, they’re intertwined, but ultimately it does make a difference because you can sue the health plans. The health plans don’t have police power. The health plans can be eliminated, their competition can send them to the dust heap of history. And that never, ever, ever happens with government. So even though the health plans are the corporate version of socialized medicine, they aren’t socialized medicine yet. But I did mention to you that I had noticed that Michael Bloomberg, a democrat in New York who really wanted a quasi Medicare for all system, he has just given $250 million from his foundation to create healthcare high schools to train up students. And he’s working with 13 different healthcare systems. And my concern here, of course, is that the schools and the corporations are working together to train students the way they want them to be trained with this money that’s coming from somebody who wants a government run healthcare system for all.

Twila Brase:        And so we see that this kind of movement is taking place because there’s not enough people who want to be in healthcare. They have bureaucratized the entire system and now doctors are leaving early, nurses are leaving early, people aren’t coming in. And of course Bloomberg is going to need a doctor and a nurse in his life and maybe he sees that the problem is he’s not going to have anybody who’s there to care for him because of what’s happened. But I don’t necessarily think that he’s going to steer them all in the right direction with whatever kind of curriculum they have.

Sam Rohrer:       No, I don’t either. Ladies and gentlemen, what’s the difference between training and indoctrination? Okay, that’s one. And what’s the difference between socialism and fascism? Well, socialism when government owns it all and fascism is when they control it, this is what we’re talking about. So anyways, we’ll just leave that there. Next segment, we’re going to talk about this whole thing matter real id. Do you have it? I hope not. Well, our theme today is this from REAL id, which we’ll talk about next to Medicare Advantage, which we’ll talk about in the next segment. But the focus is the real health freedom story because we’re connecting this as we generally do on our monthly program, TWI La Braze from Citizens Council for Health Freedom. And me as we engage this, that broader concept of health freedom, real idea. All right, let’s just talk about this now for a moment.

Sam Rohrer:       A little bit of history. It was passed in 2005, midway through the Bush administration. It’s called the Real ID Act. What precipitated it? Well, think back, it was nine 11 out of nine 11. Remember there was a big bill legislation waiting in the wings. It happened to come flying out as in wait of nine 11, we got to make America safe and major thing. It remolded the entire US intelligence community. Nearly all US intelligence community changes have expanded. Expanded in what areas? Well surveillance, tracking, monitoring, eroding of and violating of US citizens rates. All the while, as you all know, sadly, grants open access to illegal aliens and enemy combatants flooding across our open borders. It’s a one-sided change that happened out of that real ID was one of those changes, not to assure freedom or safety, but to the contrary, frankly, initially, that entity, that program was flooded with federal money, bribe money, bribe money.

Sam Rohrer:       I’m saying that carefully bribe money, which is the way it always happens when the federal government seeks to erode state rights. So they give money to the states, to the governors, to the legislatures, and they give up their constitutional obligations. That’s what happened. And some states then began to implement the provisions of the Real ID Act, whose purpose was to create a national database of drivers and a standardized way to read the licenses that they carry other states and certain governors began to push back against this thinly veiled effort to force through what is in essence a forbidden and always a taboo national ID card. That’s really what it is. Due to much resistance, several deadlines for implementation have come and gone over past years. Well, through that time, federal bribe grant money has tended to dry up and frankly at this point has all been dried up.

Sam Rohrer:       And most states have refused to allocate state tax dollars to mandate this dangerous and unnecessary federal ID card that has an estimated implementation cost of get this $23 billion. Yet the globally minded central government planners still push on trying to scare people into compliance. So if you’ve been reading that, you’ve got to get this real ID by a certain time or you can’t live well, that’s part of the lie Anyway, I’ll just go from there with any more opinion on it. Twila, when I was in the Pennsylvania house, I led the fight here against real id. You and I talked about it a little bit before the program and I held hearings on this dangerous expansion of federal overreach. It came in subtly behind the scenes here in Pennsylvania and other states. And it was because of money, just like I said, that kind of went in behind the scenes and lo and behold, now things began to change. Alright, so you’ve done a lot of work and recently informing people on the latest deadline, which I think was just a few days ago, that has now been missed, and I think there’s a new deadline that’s out to May, 2025 perhaps. So with that in place, can you bring our listeners up to date on the deadline just passed and the new one imposed? What’s involved in that as far as you are able to see?

Twila Brase:        Sure. Well, I know a lot of people are lost in the deadlines, but I will tell you one did not just pass. So the last one was for 2023 and then a really a surprise, they suddenly didn’t do just a one year increase. They said, okay, we’re going to wait another two and a half years. So the next deadline is May 7th, 2025, and this is probably the sixth deadline the next year, May 7th. And this is such an interesting issue because states knew from the very beginning in 2005 when they first wanted it imposed in 2008 states. Instead, were passing legislation in 2007, 2008 and 2009 saying, yeah, no way, we are not going to comply with the real id because they understood it was a use for patient of their rights as states that identification and driver’s licenses were all under state authority, not under federal authority.

Twila Brase:        And so then when Obama came in and they came up with this clever thing of you can’t fly without an id, it just put the whole American public up in an uproar and legislators didn’t stand up for their people anymore and business wanted real id. And so now it is every state in the nation has conformed, but the people have not. And so this is a really important point is that most states give you an option of not having a real id and everyone who’s listening should go to their purse or go to their pocketbook right now and see what kind of ID do you have? Do you have a star in there? Do you have a gold star? California has a gold bear and I think Oregon has some tree. But anyway, most of them have a star. It’s often called the STAR Card or the Gold Star card.

Twila Brase:        But this is a federal identification and tracking card. And if you have a right in your state, there’s only four states I think that don’t give you the right, I know Texas doesn’t give you the right to have a regular card, but you should go get a regular card. If you have the real Id go get a regular card, you can say you lost it, you can lose it purposefully. You can do whatever and go get your standard ID because at some point we’re going to get to a tipping point and they’re just suddenly going to say, enough of these deadlines, we’re just going to make this happen. And if there’s complete chaos at the airport, well so be it. And that is the reason why we have had deadline, deadline, deadline, deadline is because they are so afraid of what will happen at the airport when they suddenly impose it.

Twila Brase:        And all these people with their trips who didn’t even follow real I who aren’t looking at real ID zone, nothing really about this id, they’re ignoring all the signs. They don’t have any idea and suddenly they can’t get on the plane. But the fact of the matter is you can get on the plane, there are like 16 different IDs. Nobody has to have a real id. TSA has it on their website. It’s like 16 different IDs that can get you on the plane. And so now when you’re in the airport and you see those signs that say, get your Real id May 7th, 2025 is the deadline. Look at what it says. It says you’ll need a real ID compliant identification card. And those are those 16. But in my hopes, dreams and plans for this organization is we will kill the real ID because the real ID is a takeover of the country. You can just think China, you can think 6, 6, 6, you can think whatever you want, but their plan is to put this on your phone, your personal phone control your phone, control your life through your phone, digitize the real Id have it at a national level. This is very, very, very dangerous to America. And all of us must refuse the real ID or go exchange the one that you have and get a standard.

Sam Rohrer:       Alright, ladies and gentlemen, just bear this in mind that the real ID is, as Twila said, and I’ve said it is in reality a national ID card. Now that’s bad enough, but the standards of the picture, what makes the Real ID card distinctive is that the photograph that is taken is a facial recognition, digitized photograph taken in a special way that is linked to actual international standards that come out of the United Nations. Yes, that is true. That’s a part of what we uncovered in our investigations and committee work when I was in the house back in the two thousands. So it’s far beyond just a national and when it’s linked to a federal id, their federal ID card, then with it comes legal obligations that makes its usage not only possible but possible for legal controls to be placed on it in what you do and where you go and a whole number of things. I’m just going to add that on top of what Twila was saying. Twila any comments to that? And then why don’t you have you answer another question?

Twila Brase:        All you have to do is look at what was happening with the So-called VAX Passport. This was an international movement to require for travel that you have this one standard for a passport of your vaccination. And this also was just a real opportunity for them to try to move us toward an international standard of control over our movement, over our purchases, over our decisions. If you can just imagine that the real ID would be needed for healthcare access to healthcare, right? Everybody would bow, there just should be a big war on this because this shouldn’t have happen. But also like ammunition, guns, your ability to register at a hotel, all of these things where they ask for your ID now being under federal control and being digitized. And then once it’s digitized, just like in China, they can just turn it off and suddenly you don’t have an ID anymore. You can’t buy anything, you can’t anything. So this is really, really dangerous. I just think of 6, 6, 6 of the Bible and go, this is in my opinion, this is where this is all driving and we’re called to fight. We’re not just called to acquiesce.

Sam Rohrer:       Absolutely. So bottom line, ladies and gentlemen, you do not need it by law in even if the law said you had to have it, you wouldn’t obey it because it’s not constitutional. So you have many different reasons, moral reasons, constitutional reasons, but you don’t need it regardless of what you may see them trying to intimidate people into doing. So anyways, that’s that next segment. We’re going to talk about Medicare Advantage. Many, many of you probably have it, many of you listening have Medicare, it’s all related. We’re going to talk about what’s happening in that area next. Well, before we get into the second half of the program right now, just a reminder that you can always go to our app if you don’t have it downloaded, it’s free Stand in the gap is what you put in on our website, stand in the gap

Sam Rohrer:       You can search by topic. So we’re talking healthcare today. You can look under things related to that and you will find previous programs archive form. And we do this program on health freedom every month. So you can scroll easily through the program and you can find this information and these kind of programs in an easy way. And a lot of people do that. And it’s a great way to take further advantage because a lot of times we put information or program like this, there’s too much to take and write notes down. Or you may be sitting in a car right now, or you may be depending on when you’re listening to the program, you may be eating dinner at night or you may be eating lunch, however that may be. And you don’t have time to write it down, go back and listen to it.

Sam Rohrer:       And then twila website, CCH, we’ll have then further information on this theme more than what we cover on this program. So I encourage you to take advantage of all of those anyways. On previous standing in the GAP programs with Twilio, we’ve considered challenges to health freedom in America. We’ve discussed at length the overall negative impact of the federal government’s longstanding effort to monopolize healthcare control, doctors and hospitals, and in the end to limit healthcare options for all. We talked about that a bit in the first segment. The goal ultimately is to socialize medicine and healthcare where the government literally owns it all or controls it. In the case of fascism, as we’ve already chatted about briefly in this whole change has been nearly fully realized with the American healthcare system, what’s the very finest gold plated healthcare system in the world? Now, you younger listeners right now have never known anything perhaps other than what we have now.

Sam Rohrer:       But those of you who’ve lived little bit older, I have longer in time, you’ve seen the change in our healthcare system and now it’s being so literally controlled. It’s about to be dismantled and destroyed. And that’s why Twila, I know you are doing what you’re doing to try to preserve what we have and why. I like to have you on here to talk about it. Under the gun right now though, twilight sinking fast is Medicare advantage. Ladies and gentlemen, think about this. Medicare advantage. Some of you are already, you’re on, this is estimated about 16 million Americans are on Medicare Advantage. That’s about 31% of the 52 million Americans enrolled in Medicare. So alright, that gives you an idea of the trunk of people. So here’s what I want to talk to you about Twilight, and that is what’s taking place in this Medicare advantage area. Give what we’ve already talked about, but if you add anything into it, you can, but give some markers along the way of how government have literally systematically, incrementally taken over our healthcare system, replacing it with really the goal is a monopolized, federally controlled system.

Twila Brase:        Yes. Well, so I go around the country and I give presentations and I have one that’s called Medicare traps. And so sometimes in that I give a history of the key initiatives that led us to today. And it all began with employer sponsored coverage and that began the destruction of personal health insurance where people started getting their insurance through their employer rather than buying it on their own. And that of course if they lose their employment then because they get sick, they’re in real trouble anyway. But that created a system where your compensation, your full wages, part of it is diverted in ever increasing amounts to a health plan that you did not choose. And some of you remember when there were 15 or 20 choices, but today for most employees there is one choice and it’s your money. It’s not the employer’s money, this is what people will forget.

Twila Brase:        It’s not the employer’s money. They could be giving you that money in cash and letting you go out and buy your own insurance, but they aren’t because they get a tax benefit anyway. So this is a theft of your money and you don’t get to say where it goes to. And the health plans keep raising the prices. So more and more and more of your dollars go into this health plan and those dollars are gone at the end of the year, whether you used it or not. Anyway, so all of this made it really easy for Ted Kennedy when he passed the HMO Act of 1973 and imposed these HMOs on employers and said that employers had to offer them if they had more than 25 employees. And those HMOs have now become today’s health plan. And then in the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, it required all of us to have a health plan unless we had a health sharing organization.

Twila Brase:        But really the majority of Americans have health plans because of the Affordable Care Act. And it also prohibited, it made unlawful real health insurance, catastrophic insurance. It outlawed that in 2010 when Obamacare passed. So thus we have the corporate version of socialized medicine, which is the health plan which Ted Kennedy wanted and Obama wanted and Hillary wanted, she was going to have HMOs for all. And so that’s how we get to where we are today and just a few health plans across the country run healthcare for all of us unless you’re in healthcare sharing. Thus, we are starting the wedge of health freedom, a parallel system of freedom and cash-based freedom and eventually cash-based hospitals because that’s how it used to be. People got their insurance or they had their cash and they paid the hospital in cash or in cash that their insurance company paid them because it was a private contract between the health insurer and the person and the health insurer paid cash to the person and then everything was transparent, every price was out there and there were no third party fingers taking money, making healthcare more expensive. So we are in a situation today where everything is turned upside down and the patient isn’t even the first priority in the hospital anymore.

Sam Rohrer:       Alright, that’s excellent. Okay, I’ll come back on that. I think go here next. Medicare Advantage. Okay, now it is a subset of Medicare. It’s having a lot of promotion behind it. A lot of our listeners are probably getting things in the mail. They’re hearing things join up, join up, become a part of Medicare Advantage. You call it a sinking ship. Why?

Twila Brase:        Because Medicare Advantage, and we actually call it Medicare disadvantage because Medicare advantage is the health plan. So it’s the Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, Obama version of healthcare, the corporate version of socialized medicine. And because you do not have freedom in Medicare Advantage and the government pays a lump sum of money every month to the health plan, the Medicare advantage plan, and then unlike original Medicare, the health plan Medicare Advantage can deny you access to any of those dollars. It can limit you to what doctors you get to see a network which hospital. Most of them don’t even let you see a specialty cancer center. It can control your medications. If you are in original Medicare, you can go to any doctor, any hospital, anywhere in the country that takes Medicare. It’s still not good. It’s still a socialized system, but at least it has freedom in it. And when you are least able to protect yourself when you are sick, when you are dying, when you are injured, to actually go into the appeals process with a Medicare advantage plan is a daunting, daunting prospect. And the federal government itself has put out three reports that talk about the rationing of care, the denial of care, medically necessary care, Medicare approved care, but it’s being denied by the Medicare Advantage plans to the people who are enrolled in them.

Sam Rohrer:       Alright, rationing, ladies and gentlemen, that is what you’re talking about. Rationing government says we want to make sure that everybody’s got care, but we’re going to limit what kind of care and how much. Oh, it costs money, alright? Don’t believe them, this is a problem. Alright? That’s why it’s sinking because what’s the date that’s put when the expected insolvency occurs?

Twila Brase:        Well, they just pushed it out five years. So now they’re saying 12 years from now rather than seven. That’s why they’re trying to push everybody into Medicare advantage because then the government’s bill, as it were for Medicare is capitated, right? I don’t know if your people understand that, but it’s capped. So they give a lump sum to the health plan and the health plan gets to decide how much to keep, how to give in care and then it will allow them to keep Medicare going longer. But that doesn’t mean it’ll allow anybody to have access to the care that they need. So that’s why they’re pushing everybody in there. Then they can say, well you’re all covered, but we’re going to use the health plans to ration the care that you get. And so we will limit the amount of money that we will give to them. We’ll never have to give another dollar over the year, even if they’re rationing your care away. But that will allow us to say that yes, we’ve kept Medicare alive, but you on the other hand might be dying because you are in Medicare Advantage.

Sam Rohrer:       Alright, hopefully, and gentlemen, you get that. Okay, what should people do in regard to signing up for a Medicare disadvantage? Obviously not do it, but I mean in simple terms, what should they do? What’s their option?

Twila Brase:        It’s going to be more expensive to have original Medicare and the government has done it that way to get you to go into Medicare Advantage. But if you are in Medicare Advantage, you can choose to go back to original Medicare. However, a supplemental or Medicare policy may or may not accept you if you have current medical conditions. So that is something, it’s one of the traps that I talked about in my presentation. But if you’re not yet in Medicare or if you’re in your first six months of Medicare, you can make a decision to go back to original Medicare without any penalty and still able to keep or get a supplemental policy to help pay for premiums. Deductibles, sorry, not premiums, deductibles and one thing that I’m missing. But anyway, there’s three things, copayments, there we go.

Sam Rohrer:       Okay.

Twila Brase:        So you can do that.

Sam Rohrer:       Alright, well ladies and gentlemen, we’re giving a lot of information right here. And for many of you who are before age 62 or in that age range, you’re not even a part of Medicare, but you are going to be when you reach that age, it’s good for you to know because if you’re younger, your parents are probably in it. So it does affect probably nearly everybody who is listening. Medicare advantage is not Medicare advantage, it is Medicare disadvantage. Don’t get into it, get out of when finish stay with us. We’ll be back in this moment. Alright, Twila, we’ve covered some big areas here so far on the program, actually not done ’em comprehensively, but I think we’ve covered a lot. But there’s a few things I’d like to get in before we part here today. A fourth area has to do with well covid shots. You’ve done some work on this, but I think significant efforts appear to be underway in a number of areas. Two states in particular have made some significant advances. One Florida and one Arizona regarding covid, MRNA shots actually being illegal in one or maybe both places. But what’s happening in this area and why is it so important to know about?

Twila Brase:        Well, in Arizona the Republicans passed a ban, the JAB resolution. So the movement on the Republican side in the state is to outlaw, outlaw this dangerous Mr. NA shot in Florida. It is a man who has been rabble-rousing about this for some time. And he has finally filed a lawsuit to force the state to ban the jab. And so his is interesting because he says that his lawsuit seeks to force Florida to enforce state and federal laws including laws on biological weapons, weapons and firearms, federal crime of treason, domestic terrorism, murder and genocide. And so he’s asking them follow these laws and thus immediately prohibit the distribution, promotion, access and administration of COVID-19 injections as well as all the nanoparticle injections and and all mRNA products in the state of Florida. So we’ll see how he does in that. But that is a strong thing that he is trying to do through the law.

Sam Rohrer:       And that is in the writ of mandamus, it’s called, it was filed. I read through some of that where that doctors actually really appealing to both the governor, the attorney general, I think the surgeon general to actually lay hold on the shots that are out there and actually do testing to find out exactly what’s in them and those kinds of things, which most people think, well surely somebody’s done it already, but in reality they’ve not. So there’s a whole lot that’s happening in that. Do you have reason to believe that in Florida, because Governor DeSantis has been really pretty open about his concern about this for years, that something may actually happen.

Twila Brase:        Maybe. I actually met this gentleman, he’s a PhD and so he has very strong reasons for why he has gone forward with the lawsuit. And we also have not only DeSantis but his, what’s his title? I can’t remember, but Ladi, who’s like the secretary, but I think that’s not his, his title. I’m just forgetting his title. But anyway, he has come out really strong against the shots. And so it’s possible that with the two of them really as strong as they are, something could happen here. But I don’t know it is going to go through the courts. It’s not going through the governor’s office or the administration.

Sam Rohrer:       Alright, so ladies and gentlemen, just to be aware of what’s happening there because it’s significant. And just for clarification as well, Twilight, the appeal there in the interest is not so much broadly for all vaccinations, it’s specifically more geared for the Mr. Nna component, which was first broadly distributed in the COVID shot. Is that correct? That’s correct.

Twila Brase:        That’s correct.

Sam Rohrer:       Yep. And ladies and gentlemen, see that’s the reason because if you know, and we’ve talked about it not for a while on here, but with changes made through FDA and all of that, that is now being the mRNA is now become a part of all vaccinations going forward. It may not have been integrated into all of them yet that normally have administered, but it will be based on what was done going all the way down to infants at six months old. But that’s the Mr. Nna part that is so sly impactful on immune system. So I’m just going to throw that out there. Any comment on that? What I just said there? To clarify anything more,

Twila Brase:        I’m going to say one thing about you mentioned immune system. So I’m just going to draw people’s attention to the interview that Tucker did with Brett Weinstein, a biology PhD. And it was interesting, it was at the end of a completely different subject where he said this, but he said that for people who have gotten more than three shots, they get a substance IgG four that downregulates the immune system, makes it less effective, doesn’t respond as well. And he said that it appears that they’ve had a firmware update and that they will not respond as well. And he mentioned that China has never given their people any Mr. NA shots. They’ve never forced their people to create spike protein in their bodies. And he basically is telling the government, if this is really true, if this is really what’s happening, that our government needs to figure out how to neutralize this threat.

Twila Brase:        Because if we have so many people who don’t have any immune system that will respond the next time around, then we’re in real trouble. That’s essentially what he’s saying. So you’re absolutely right, because this is a genetic therapy, this is not a vaccine, it is not going to stop and never did stop. And now of course we know that the more shots you get, the more likely it is that you will get covid. So yes, this is really important to stop this entire process and to look at the mRNA before we put it into anything else.

Sam Rohrer:       Okay, ladies and gentlemen, just be aware, that’s why we’re presenting this. It’s an important thing of which you need to be aware. Alright, so we’ll just let it there. A couple of minutes left here. Medicare, we talked about it just briefly. They gave a five-year extension on the solvency of the entire Medicare plan, more or less. And you explained some of that, but you and your organization are urging Congress now to do something in light of this. I’m going to say rather ominous warning this point at which this program just will not function anymore. What are you doing? What can our listeners do to help?

Twila Brase:        Well, there’s one data point in 2033, they expect 73 million people to be dependent on Medicare, 73 million. And then now it’s an extended to 2036. So in 2036 they say that only 89% of Medicare bills will be paid. So 11% will not. That’s billions and billions and billions of dollars that will not be paid. So what does that mean for seniors? It means that seniors are at risk and as due to congressional policy decisions, budget constraints, political agendas. So we have called in Congress to look deep into what the trustees said and the trustees said that seniors are in danger. That’s what the trustees said. Doctors will leave, they won’t have access to care, the quality will go down. So we said Americans need to be able to opt out of Medicare voluntarily today they can’t because they will lose their social security benefits and we’ve got to halt that connection. That’s got to be delinked and they should restore real health insurance so that everyone in this country, everyone who even thinks Medicare is going to be there for them and it won’t be or it will be in name only. And so they should restore real health insurance for everyone so that catastrophic coverage policies, real health insurance will be there to care for all people, all Americans, for their entire life. Nobody will be forced into Medicare like they are today where there’s not going to be any care or dollars to care for them.

Sam Rohrer:       Alright, well I could go further, but we’re about out of time Twila. So anyway, thank you for being with me today, ladies and gentlemen. Again, this information I would think, Twila, probably everything we’ve talked about today, people could find in greater detail on your website. And that is ladies and for twila site on these issues we’ve discussed today. And then for this program and all of our programs in archive form, you can find on your app, stand in the Gap, or on our website, stand in the gap Alright, with that, glad that you have been able to join us today and if you found this beneficial, pass it along to a friend. Encourage a friend to come here and find this program and be with us tomorrow. Lord willing, I’ll be back right here with Don Michelle Bach.