This transcript was taken from a Stand in the Gap Weekend program originally airing on Dec 25 and 26, 2021.

Sam Rohrer:                      Well across America, we know that culturally we’ve moved far away from God. In fact, officially… Well, at least officially by actions, God has been thrown out of the public square, rejected in matters of public policy and law, court rulings, matters of justice. Anyone who claims to be a follower of Christ with a conviction of moral truth, as defined by the God who created all life and people on all levels we find are increasingly marginalized or silenced. And what makes this more challenging is that such directives are coming from people in position of some authority, whether it’s the Christian teacher in the classroom, who was told, now teach about the origins of life, but do not dare mention anything about God or creation or the Christian physician who feels called by God to his mission, to help the sick and the infirm to be restored to health, but then commanded by some bureaucrat or a corrupted insurance company or health consortium to under no circumstances, provide proven life saving treatments to patients, for instance, with COVID 19, or if they do, they’re going to face the loss of their medical license or hospital privileges.

Or perhaps the millions of employees who are told to violate their conscience or their moral conviction, or to sacrifice their belief in the right of bodily sanctity by submitting to the COVID jab, as for instance, or face termination. You understand what I’m saying? It’s happening all around us. The scenario is the same. And with that, I welcome you to Stand In The Gap today. I’m Sam Rohrer and I’m going to be joined by Dr. Gary Dull and in just a moment by 20 year police officer Anthony Weaver from Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, who like so many thousands of law enforcement officials who have been witnessing the increasing mandates from their authorities to either stand down and let the criminals and the rebels on the streets to rampage, ride and burn down private property or just like the Christian teacher, the physician or healthcare worker, or Christian employee living with a fear of God. Men and women of character and true faith are being for, to choose between God and some evil dictate of human government.

And our guest Anthony Weaver worked through this challenge as a police officer in an urban setting. And I believe his story has a message that can be of help to all of our Stand In The Gap Today listeners. And so the title I’ve chosen for today’s program is this, Stand Down Or Step Aside: More Than A Law Enforcement Dilemma. And with that, let me welcome to the program right now, Anthony Weaver. Anthony, thanks for being with us today.

Anthony Weaver:             Thank you so much, gentlemen, for having me on it. It’s a true pleasure to be here and talk to you this afternoon.

Sam Rohrer:                      Well, Anthony, I know after talking with you, your story I believe, is going to be of help to our listeners regardless of where they may find themself. Let’s go here first. You are a police officer for many years. You are a Christian who believes in what God says should be the role of law enforcement yet the system that I’ve described presented you with a dilemma, can you briefly share the core of this dilemma and a bit of your background that brought you to a point of decision stand down or step aside?

Anthony Weaver:             Yeah. Great question. Thank you for it. I think ultimately the core dilemma that I experience and I think that many in law enforcement are experiencing right now is, is the profession going to stay true to the mission? And when I talk about the mission, I have to bring the biblical truth into that and talk about what role the government has, all government and that includes those in law enforcement, to either lift up and praise those that are obeying the law and doing the right thing and living righteously and hold those who are breaking the law to discipline them and hold them accountable. The Bible even says, bring wrath down on them.

So I think that’s the dilemma. And just a little bit of my background, 20 years in an urban environment in Lancaster city and during those 20 years, and especially in 2020, we just saw the same type of protests and riotous behavior happening in Lancaster that many other parts of the country we were experiencing. And I began to see my agency begin to kind of walk away from that mandate and begin to kind of direct us to stand down. And that became a huge dilemma for me obviously.

Gary Dull:                           Anthony, it’s a delight to have you with us on the program, and certainly we do support the police. But as a Christian officer, do you consider your involvement in law enforcement to be a job or is it a calling? And depending upon how you answer that, how does that relate to the way that you dealt with this dilemma in which you find yourself?

Anthony Weaver:             Well, I definitely think it’s a calling. I mean, many times I’ve had young people or people who are interested getting into law enforcement, come up to speak to me about the profession. And I would always caution them to really think critically about whether or not they were being called to it. Obviously I think, all work, all jobs are ordained by God and we’re called to do all types of different things. But I think there is a heavy mandate, a heavy mantle if I could say, that officers wear.

And I think it’s important to think critically about what is entailed in that and what God calls anyone in government too. And to think critically about whether or not you are truly supposed to take on that position and take on that mantle. And so as a Christian, I took an oath to uphold the law, to serve and protect, but even more importantly as a Christian… I’m sorry, as a police officer, I took an oath uphold the law, to serve and protect, but as a Christian, I also have a biblical mandate as I stated earlier.

And so my conscience both as a police officer, someone who took an oath and then biblically my conscience was seared towards the end of my career. And I began to have a really difficult time doing some of the things that we were being asked to do or not do. Some of the things that we were being asked not to do.

Sam Rohrer:                      And Anthony, I was going to ask you to basically say what you did, but I’m going to have you save that until the next segment.


Sam Roher:                        Ladies and gentlemen, our theme today is Stand Down Or Step Aside: More Than A Law Enforcement Dilemma and special guest is Anthony Weaver, former 20 year police officer. And he’s also hosting… Well, I’m not even going to tell you what he’s doing right now. I’m going to save that because when he was faced with a dilemma on the police force of basically saying, you cannot do what you’ve taken an oath to do, and you cannot do in regard to a police officer, what the Bible says should be done relative to law breakers. All right, what do you do?

Well, he responded to this and I know many of you in many different positions, you don’t have to be a police officer to be faced with this but many positions. And the question is, how do we deal with this? We’re going to go into the next segment. We’re going to talk about the mission of law enforcement, build out what Anthony was saying, part with what he dealt with. And we’ll also find out early into this next segment, what he did and how God directed him in his choice. We’ll be right back. Whether the issue is law enforcement or law making, or the judicial administration of law at the heart of this is the concept of authority. Now the consideration of authority, accountability, justice, duty, and integrity. They all flow from this consideration. And if you recall with me for 11 Mondays of on this program here on Stand In The Gap Today, and we started at the end of June and it went up through actually into October, we presented in detail what we term the 10 principles leading to national renewal.

And these principles were lifted from the pages of scripture. They were also identified and applied by our nations, found founders at the beginning of our nation. And it formed the foundation for our system of laws and justice that were formed. I encourage you go to our website, you can find us to the radio section and scroll down through that. You will find the 10 principles, all of these 10 principles in radio form. And they’re also there because we dealt with them in 22 30-minute TV programs. And so we’re going to reach in and pick out just a piece of that here in this discussion today with our special guest Anthony Weaver. But let’s go back here, as in all of culture and culture’s challenges, the approach one takes with how you deal with them is either the result of embracing God’s view, we say here, a biblical worldview, God’s view and purpose for authority, which then leads to freedom and blessing.

God says that, Deuteronomy says that many times and all the way through the Old Testament, or it is an embracing of an evil and anti-Christ view of authority, which always leads to bondage and totalitarianism. Now that’s the big view, but it’s very practical because we’re confronted with it regularly. Anthony, you referenced in the last segment, you were faced with a dilemma, you referred to it, you took an oath of office to support constitution and the law, but you’re also a Christian police officer. And you know what the Bible says about the purpose of that. So I want you, if you could hear right now, define what you embraced as the God ordained mission of law enforcement as it pertained to you as a police officer, and then, you didn’t have time in the last segment, but within that wrap up to how you dealt with that dilemma and when you stepped aside, which obviously you did, what did you do? So bring those two pieces together, if you could.

Anthony Weaver:             Sure. Yeah. So I think ultimately it lies in Romans 13 where we see God has established all government authorities and they’re established to bring praise to those who keep the law and bring wrath to those who don’t. So very simply the mission of law enforcement is really in its name law enforcement, the police should be apolitical, simply put they should be engaging with people who break the law. So for me personally, that was my mission as a police officer, was to engage daily in my duties with people who were breaking the law. That was the best way I felt I could serve and protect the good people in my community that were trying to live rightly. And so in 2020 with what we faced and being told to stand down and kind of abandon that oath, abandon that biblical mandate that I had as a believer, it became a very difficult decision for me to decide what to do.

One thing I did is as respectfully as possible, I pushed back against that with high levels of leadership in the department. I also was able to have a frank conversation with the mayor of the city and there were things I did in that way, but ultimately my wife and I through much prayer, some fasting, some speaking with some godly people that we trusted, we made a decision that it was just time for me to exit out of that agency. And thankfully and providentially, I had 20 years, I was fully vested and so I was able to just move out and retire from Lancaster city, which was the right decision for me at that time.

Gary Dull:                           Well, Anthony, we want to thank you so very, very much for your service of 20 years, and God used you there. And I’m certain that God’s going to continue to use you, but just out of curiosity, did your understanding of the biblical mission of law enforcement develop while you were on the job or did you understand that before you took on the responsibility of being a police? Where and how did this understanding of this biblical responsibility come to you?

Anthony Weaver:             Well, I mean, when I first started the job, I think I had a general biblical framework that I was operating within, but I think as is life, as we mature and grow in our faith and grow in our walk, we become more acutely aware and we’re given wisdom and discernment from the Holy Spirit to even further understand what the word says. So, as I engaged in the work, had different experiences, different challenges, rubbing shoulders with different types of people. There was definitely a growth that happened there, but it was always grounded in biblical truth and I always tried to… Anything that I was being told or taught or learning, I always tried to bring that against what the Bible teaches and how does this line up with biblical truth as I carry out my duties.

Sam Rohrer:                      Anthony, what you’re describing there, it sounds to me like you came more fully matured into your understanding of the principles. And I can say when I went into office, Legislature, on that part of government, I knew a framework, but not nearly like I was when I was put into a position of casting those votes, that became mature in that process. And I can imagine you carrying a gun, confronting law breakers day in, day out. A lot of things came front and center to you as well. So I appreciate that question that Gary ask you.

Let me go here and ask you to build out on this act. You said you stepped aside, you felt it was right, because you could not reconcile your oath of office, you could not reconcile your position before God in the enforcement of the law to stand down and permit effectively the lawbreaker to be praised, which is exact opposite what Romans 13 says. And I want you to go into this a little bit. You started a podcast called Diakonos, which is interesting, because that’s the word we get the deacon from or servant, but Diakonos: A Cop’s Calling. Why did you go into that? And what do you cover on that podcast?

Anthony Weaver:             Well, really, as I moved out of my career with Lancaster city, I just felt a calling to do a podcast. I had never in my wildest dreams ever thought about doing a podcast. It was never on my radar. But it became something that was on my radar that I started putting a lot of thought and prayer into. And basically Diakonos: A Cop’s Calling, it aspires to promote law enforcement with biblical truth and just to help people better understand the calling of a police officer, that’s the mission. And within the framework of that mission, I aspire not to just be another cog in the outrage machine wheel that we have in this country right now, where everyone’s upset about everything. I also want to present hope. So within the framework of the podcast I talk explicitly about the gospel.

I share the gospel. I have officers on that tell their stories in their own words, talk about why they got into the calling, some things they’ve experienced. I push back against some of the narrative we see happening in our culture that’s negative towards the police. And I just examine current events and bring a context to them in light of my career and what I know and my training. So kind of like do all those things to try to just really shed a different light on law enforcement instead of such a negative light.

Gary Dull:                           Sounds like a real ministry you have with that podcast, Andrew. We appreciate that very… Oh, Anthony, excuse me. I appreciate that very, very much. My question is, what kind of response do you get from your podcast? I mean, response from the average citizen out there, or other individuals who were involved with enforcement or who are involved with law enforcement, are you getting good response from folks?

Anthony Weaver:             Yeah, it’s been super encouraging. I have had many people in law enforcement reach out to me and talk to me about how it has encouraged them. It has put words to some things that they’ve been feeling. And I’ve also had many people who are not in law enforcement, reach out to me and say, it’s just helped them to better understand the weight of the job and some of the things that officers are going through on a day in day out basis. And just how to view certain things that we see. You know, we see these 10 second, 15 second clips on the news and people aren’t really understanding what they’re seeing and drawing conclusions. And I’ve had some people say that the podcast has helped them think more critically or have a different view of some of these events in light of an officer describing what may have been going on and some of the things going through the officers minds in those situations.

Sam Rohrer:                      Anthony, I’m going to ask you a real quick question because the next segment I’m going to have you come back and give counsel to those who may be in law enforcement and to others who appreciate law enforcement, but just a quick response, if you can here, why do you think that there’s been so much movement by different mayors of different cities to have their police officers stand down and effectively counter their oath and their commitment to the people? Why is that?

Anthony Weaver:             I think really right now, what we’re seeing is the social justice movement is polluting law enforcement. And so you have mayors and you have high level of authority and government who are no longer apolitical, who are no longer interested in protecting and serving the people in their community, but are getting attached to these worldly ideologies and social justice movements that are causing law enforcement to no longer be apolitical, but to pick sides. And really law enforcement should be picking the side of those who keep the law and should be against those that are breaking the law. It should have nothing to do with how a person looks, how they identify themselves.

Sam Rohrer:                      Thank you, Anthony. Ladies and gentlemen, the best way to sum it up again, your worldview makes all the difference. A biblical worldview, truth, justice are defined. A non-biblical worldview, you do what you want, that’s what you see. Stay with us. We’ll be right back.


Sam Rohrer:                      Well, at this point in the broadcast, I always like to share a letter, a testimony from a listener, just to do two things, to let you all know as you’re listening across the country, because this program has a signal in all 50 states. And it is a wonderful thing when we can hear from people all across the country. And I have a whole bunch of them, I’m only going to give one right now. And this one just is jumping out at me. This is from Jennifer here where I’m sitting in Pennsylvania. She said this, thank you for your biblical insights and practical instruction for living in these last days.

She said, I glean so very much from your broadcast and appreciate the hearts of your guests. In these days when finding preaching from the pulpits to be so anemic and off mark, from what people really need, your programs are filling a God design hole in my life and the life of so many others who I know. May God preserve and keep your ministry. Now, aint that wonderful. Really want to thank Jennifer for sending that in. And can I just ask again, all of you, there are many, many… I run into people all the time and Gary’s on the program. He runs into people in his part of the state here in Pennsylvania, where he is in his church in Altoona, people come up all of the time and say, you know, by the way, we saw you on TV or thank you for the program and share just like what Jennifer shared, that means so much to us.

But can I ask to you at this point in time though, that if you have never written to us, please do so right now. If you’ve not partnered with us financially, would you prayerfully consider doing that? God has put many, many opportunities before us and we’ll share some things in this fourth segment. But God has put so much before us, please partner with us financially and in prayer. God will bless you for it and I really believe lay up dividends in heaven as a result, is where you can do all of that or on your app, if you’ve not downloaded it, do it, Stand in the Gap and then you can do it off the app. Okay, let’s shift gears and go back with our special guest here, Anthony Weaver. I was trying to think of the idea of where we are here right now.

And God took my thoughts back to Moses. Moses was chosen by God to lead the children of Israel from Egyptian bondage. And this large group of people found themselves to be like civilizations throughout time, they had personal disputes of all type. They had lawbreakers among them too, who harmed other people and destroyed others’ property. Moses was burning himself out, literally handling all of the issues all by himself. So his father-in-law Jethro wisely recommended a plan for, well, we would call it representative government under God.

That plan recognized God’s moral laws, the foundation, and envisioned a representative form of judicial review for complaints before the law, with a system of law enforcement, law making and checks and balances. And so, as it was with Moses, wise counsel was needed then, and it continues to be required in all of life today. So, Anthony, I want to go here first with you because as someone who’s worked through this dilemma of being told to stand down and permit effectively the law breaker to run freely or step aside, which you ended up doing, you’ve done what many in your profession are dealing with right now all across the country. And when those who fear God know that to stand down is frankly unconstitutional, immoral and totally unbiblical, that is a dilemma. So what counsel do you have for those who may be in positions just like you were in, what do you tell them?

Anthony Weaver:             Yeah, I great question. I think you have to respectfully resist and stand up to that and be talking to the supervisors above you about it and why it should not be done the way it’s being laid out to you. I think it’s really important for police officers to decide right now where their line is, establish it, be in the word, understand authority in light of the Bible and not what the world says and realize that there has to be some sort of line where you’re no longer just doing your job.

We see things going on in Canada and Australia right now where you will hear officers saying, well, I’m just doing my job. Well, at some point, and we’ve seen throughout history, those in authority claiming they are just doing their job has led to some really terrible things. And so officers right now need to be deciding, where’s my line and how am I going to push back against this? And how am I going to do that in a respectful way that also doesn’t violate the word of God. And for those in leadership within law enforcement, desperately need good leaders in law enforcement, servant leaders who, who stand in the gap between the officers that work under them and the people above them. So I think those are some practical things that they need to be thinking about.

Gary Dull:                           Those are some excellent ideas, Anthony, and I appreciate you shared them. And though, as difficult as it is for the police officers to stand down in the face of law breakers, it’s also heartbreaking for citizens who honor those in law enforcement and who understand justice and the biblical duty to praise those who do well and to punish those who do evil, it’s hard for them to watch while people’s livelihoods and property are being destroyed while law abiding citizens become victims. All the while law breakers are seemingly becoming protected. So what advice do you have for the average citizen in days like this as we face these issues?

Anthony Weaver:             Well, we live in the United States where we have a say in the government because we can vote. So I think, definitely looking critically at the issues that are in front of us as a country, as citizens and speaking in the voting booth to that end. Practically speaking, praying for those in government is something that we’re mandated to do biblically and the Bible as well. And so praying for, and serving the local police department where you live, being a supporter of them is always encouraging to them. If the police department where you live, the jurisdiction where you live, if they have like a citizen police academy, or they allow you to do a ride along, do that, it helps the citizens and people just gain a better understanding of what law enforcement is up against.

And also ask questions. I was always, truly encouraged and blessed by people, friends of mine, who instead of assigning motives and drawing conclusions when they saw something on the news, would reach out up to me and just simply ask me my opinion on it and my perspective as a police officer. So if you have someone in your life, who’s a police officer, instead of just railing against the police. If you see something or drawing your conclusion, reach out to that officer and just be like, Hey, I saw this, it bothered me, but I just want to gain some perspective from you about that situation. And that’s always really helpful too.

Sam Rohrer:                      That is really good advice, Anthony. Now I want to come back here in the last couple of minutes, I’m going to ask you a real personal question here. Because you had to deal with it, but again, I started the program up by saying there are teachers in the classroom who are Christian, they are told, teach the origins of the earth, but do not mention God or creation. Or physicians, do not prescribe this thing for your patient, which you know will help them because this is not sanctioned by the CDC or some bureaucrat out of Washington. So it’s happening a lot. For you personally, and as you would apply it to others, what would happen if you would have continued to not do what you know you were morally obligated to do by oath or by what the scripture says, what happens to a person if they continue to override those convictions?

Anthony Weaver:             Well, I think, I believe it’s in Romans 14, it talks about that, that as believers, if we violate our conscience, it’s sin. And so my conscience was seared and I had to begin to deal with that. And there were conversations that I had to have with supervisor above me, basically laying out like, listen, please don’t give me this particular order because if you do, I cannot do it. I will not do it. And that means that you’re going to have to discipline me. So those are really difficult conversations to have. And again, it helps to know where your line is. It helps to have a clear understanding of the authority you as a police officer have, you as a government official have and where that authority begins and ends and what the mission is.

So, it’s important and to have clear expectations about what the mission is and what you’re supposed to be doing. And if you violate that and you begin doing things that you know are not moral and are not backed up by the word of God, it’s sin. And I think, you have to call it for what it is and make sure that you’re not by violating your conscience when it comes to those things of freedom that we have as believers, but also not engaging things that directly violate the word of God.

Sam Rohrer:                      Anthony, that is just superb. I want to thank you for that. Ladies and gentlemen, his podcast of Diakonos: A Cop’s Calling actually is a website, Diakonos, it’s like the Greek wording that’s Diakonos servant, D-I-A-K-O-N-O-S, Diakonos ACC, a cop’s calling, You’ll find his podcast there where he deals with a lot of these things in this specific area. So very, very practical for today. So, Anthony, thank you for being with us today here on this program and may God bless you as you continue to stand in that gap where God has called you. So thanks so much. And ladies and gentlemen, one other thought I just want to put here before us, is that what you heard Anthony talking about is very much the kind of thought process that I know went through the minds of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego or Daniel, when he was told not to pray, he said, no, wait a minute, wait a minute, I cannot do that.

So do we know what God says? So we can make a difference and call the draw, the line. It’s important that we do. Stay with us. We’ll be right back.


Sam Rohrer:                      Well, this is our normal fourth segment. If you listen to the program regularly you know we take themes and then we try to resolve them. Reason we do that is because God’s word deals with the underlying principles to address every issue of complexity and confusion that will face us individually as a family, as a church, as a nation. We believe that, why? Because that’s what the Bible said, has everything that we need. Well, we’re talking today here with Anthony Weaver, a former police officer who was faced with a dilemma, do not do what the Bible tells you to do that is to praise those who do well and punish those who do evil.

So as a police officer, the order to stand down and let the law breaker run roughshod is a problem for every person who’s ethical, moral, God fearing. All right, well, why do we get into that circumstance? If you were just listening, I ask him, why do we get to this point where the authorities are actually telling police officers don’t do your job as defined by your oath or defined by God’s word? Why are they saying that? He went into it’s application of social gospel. And I went that direction of saying this is a worldview issue here. All right. We talk about that regularly. We don’t like to bring up issues without a resolve. Well, let me share some things here with you. I want to bring in right now, Dr. Jamie Mitchell, who is our director of church culture and pastoral engagement. Jamie, are you there?

Jamie Mitchell:                 Yes, Sam. Good morning.

Sam Rohrer:                      Well, good morning. Good afternoon now, and wherever you’re calling from brother. But in any regard, I want to dock here on this because we, as a team, Gary, Gary’s going to share some things that he’s just done in his church in a moment, but we believe without a doubt that unless this nation returns to God, not just in word, but indeed, not just in their head, but in their heart. If we don’t return to God as a nation, we know what’s going to happen because we saw what happened all throughout the history of civilizations past, in Israel as the model established by God. So Jamie, God has laid some things on our heart and we are wanting to go forward with some of those things. Would you explain that right now? What it is? So our listeners can know what it is and how they can be a part.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Well, Sam we’ve been talking for, oh, it seems like months that we keep looking for horizontal solutions to what’s going on. I mean, you just listen to Anthony’s story and you think about the lawlessness on the streets and the disrespect for authority and the list will go on. And it is absolutely useless for us to look for horizontal solutions. They’re not working. And we know that we need to start looking vertically. We need to start pointing upward and first and foremost, for the church of Jesus Christ to do that. And Sam part of this was sparked by something you did. You wrote a narrative from your heart using the scriptures and looking at the history United States. And you wrote what we’re calling a letter from God. If God was to write America right now, what would God’s heart pour out onto the pages?

And we’re going to talk about that for a second. But many of us watched that and watched the dramatic video of that letter from God, we all got the same sense that a response was needed and so, as we began to talk here in American Pastor’s Network, we realized this was clarion call. We need to call the church together and for us in unity to look to God. And so Sunday, January 9th, we are calling churches and pastors and believers to set that day apart for what we’re calling return, Return to God Sunday. It comes out of Joel 2, Joel is prophesying for God that the nation is in trouble, they’ve had a drought, they’ve had a plague. The enemy is pressing in, instead of looking horizontally inspired by God, Joel says to the people, return to God, repent, cry out, fast, and then he doesn’t give a promise. He says, and maybe God will relent. No guarantees.

But what we’re called to do is to return to God, to look upward. And so Sam, we’re calling on churches. We’ve set up a website We’re asking every believer to talk to their pastor, to challenge their churches, Sunday school classes, small groups, and let’s have this day, January 9th, where the believing church here in America, cries out together, returns to God and asks God to do a work and revive the church and to get our focus back on him for the answer to all of our problems and the solution to all of our dilemmas.

Sam Rohrer:            , ladies and gentlemen, is where you can find that website. Go to that website, I encourage you, go there now. Go there today. You sign up there, please sign up on that site. More information is being added daily. Go there, become a part of that Now, Gary, let me go to you here in the last minutes, because you are a pastor of a church. You’re a part of this program. A week ago, I think this last Sunday, you actually showed that video, An Open Letter To America from God, why did you do that? What was the response of some of the people there in your church?

Gary Dull:                           Well, Sam, when we were talking about this in our executive committee last week with APN, it just hit me. We need to get this film, this video out to people. And so the Lord actually led me to show this past Sunday night at our evening service. And I’ll tell you what Sam, it was solemnly, but wonderfully received. As that particular video went on by the church sanctuary, it was just quiet as a mouse, as they would say. And the people responded to it greatly after the service was over. A number of folks came up to me and asked me questions and said, boy, this is something that we need to get out to people. And in fact, a number of our people actually went to the website and looked at it again, shared it with others and so forth. So we got a tremendous response.

And I also in addition to that, Sam, felt led of the Lord to contact some of the local television producers I know here in central Pennsylvania. And the one fellow who works with Fox and ABC has agreed to this particular video the week of January the 2nd, because of the fact that we are going to be building up to January the 9th, which is Return to God Sunday. And so already, it’s starting to have its impact and I would encourage anybody who’s interested in seeing our nation come back to God to go to that website because it was put together very well. It is very telling. And I’ll tell you what Sam and Jamie, if we can get this thing out across the nation, I think God will use it to have a great impact in bringing many of our nation back to God.

Sam Rohrer:                      Ladies and gentlemen, I’ll tell you that when you watch it, you will be sobered. It is serious. But til we get serious with God, we’re not going to see any help to the kinds of dilemma and the trouble that we are in. I encourage you to go there, It’s on our American Pastor’s Network site. Go there, sign up, watch it, send it to your friends. Encourage your pastor, your church. Gary, can you close us in prayer briefly,

Gary Dull:                           Father, we thank you and praise you for the opportunity that we have had to talk about this issue today. I thank you for men like Anthony, who we had on in the first part of the program and asked that you blessed and strengthen him and all those in law enforcement, but Lord, as it relates to this matter of our nation, turning back to you, I thank you Lord for the opportunity that we have to promote this through APN and I pray that you’ll use it for your glory. May we see this country turn back to your principles and will praise you in Jesus name. Amen.

Sam Rohrer:                      Amen. Gary, thank you so much. Jamie, thank you for being on. And ladies and gentlemen, go to the site Go there and check out that video. Pray with us, consider joining with us, not only in prayer but financially to help us get this information across the country. We’re running out of time. God wants to hear us. We need to come to him on his term.