by coreygraham | Aug 30, 2017 | Transcript
QUESTION #1: Is there any biblical or prophetical significance to the solar eclipse America experienced on August 21st? Answer: Sam Rohrer: “I think there is…I think the best place to go is to God’s word first of all. First place I think about going is the Book...
by coreygraham | Aug 30, 2017 | Transcript
QUESTION #2: When Jesus died, his death on the cross was accompanied by three hours of darkness over the entire land. Then during the future tribulation period, when the sixth seal is opened, the sun will become black as sackcloth of hair. Certainly, these signs spoke...
by coreygraham | Aug 30, 2017 | Transcript
QUESTION #3: Do you see anything significant to the fact that seven years from now we’re going to face another eclipse like this again? Answer: Sam Rohrer: “Well, we can take events such as this, which man has had nothing to do with. No man can adjust the sun, can...
by coreygraham | Aug 23, 2017 | Transcript
QUESTION #1: As a history teacher, please share with us some of your knowledge about General Robert E. Lee and why it would be a travesty to erase even the difficult parts of American history? Answer: Dan Kistler: “…as I was watching all this play out I was actually...
by coreygraham | Aug 23, 2017 | Transcript
QUESTION #2: Who’s really involved in what happened in Charlottesville? Who’s part of this larger issue? Answer: John Guandolo: “First of all, I think for your listeners it’s important to lay out what is the Red-Green Axis, what does that actually mean....
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