by coreygraham | Mar 30, 2017 | Transcript
QUESTION: What lessons can one of the greatest leaders in the last century teach us about appeasement in the face of evil? Answer: David New: Winston Churchill was definitely one of the great men of the 20th century. I think without him, if he had never been born, the...
by coreygraham | Mar 30, 2017 | Transcript
QUESTION: Why do Pastors and churches remain silent and unwilling to call Islam what it really is? Answer: Pastor Isaac Crockett: I think part of that answer may be in the fact that Churchill had seen the results of how evil humanity can be, and the results of some of...
by coreygraham | Mar 30, 2017 | Transcript
QUESTION: Did Muslim’s play a role in World War II and what are the ideological similarities between Nazism and Islam? Answer: David New: During World War II, the Mufti of Jerusalem was a very good friend of Adolph Hitler and a strong supporter of Adolph Hitler....
by coreygraham | Mar 30, 2017 | Transcript
QUESTION: Do you see anyone on the world stage currently, that won’t bow to the idol of political correctness on the true nature of Islam? Answer: IQ al-Rassooli: “The only one I can think of, whether you laugh or not, is Donald Trump. There’s nobody else. There...
by coreygraham | Mar 22, 2017 | Transcript
QUESTION #1: Please share with us some facts about worldview ‘shaping’. Who has the greatest influence on a child’s worldview, when does it happen, and how can these influences better prepare the current and next generation to have a biblical worldview? Answer: George...
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