This transcript is taken from a Stand in the Gap Today program originally aired on 3/11/22.  To listen to the program, please click HERE.

Isaac Crockett:                  Thank you so much for tuning into this Friday edition of Stand in the Gap Today. I’m Isaac Crockett and I’ll be joined by Sam Rohrer, our Stand in the Gap Today host and president of the American Pastors Network. And today we have a special friend returning who’s been on here before. Some of you will remember and recognize CIA station chief Scott Uehlinger. And Scott, you’ve served our nation in the military, you’re retired from that, and the CIA. You’re still, in my opinion, serving our nation by the great information that you bring.

You go out, you talk to groups. In fact, I encourage any of you who want Scott to come with the security analysis that he does, if you’d ever like him to speak to your group, feel free to reach out to us, contact us or contact him directly on social media if you’d like to. We’d be glad to give you his information. But Scott, you’ve made time to be with us today and I want to thank you so much for being on with us and for what you are doing even now for our nation.

Scott Uehlinger:                Well, thanks a lot, Reverend Isaac. I want to try to do my part. I think it’s modest, but it’s just at least what the Lord has empowered me to do right now, is to get the word out to people who don’t really understand this. People live their day-to-day lives, and this stuff is way too complex to follow themselves. Especially when you have a press which is sometimes eager to cover up the mistakes of this administration, it becomes very hard to separate fact from fiction. So anything that the Lord empowers me to do to help illuminate this and help people understand what’s happening is a good thing. So I’m glad to be back.

Isaac Crockett:                  Thank you so much, Scott. The goal of this program is to take a stand, stand in the gap for truth and to put the truth out there. As we know, the truth will set us free. Scott, you mentioned this administration. I know that one of our guests we’ve had on here several times, Ben Sisney, who’s a constitutional attorney, a lawyer with the ACLJ, he talks about things. In fact, he wrote a book with Jordan Sekulow and they talk about elections have consequences. And it would appear that one of the consequences of the 2020 election is having a Biden-Harris White House, a Biden-Harris presidential administration, that by looking at the poll numbers, looking at the economy, looking at our foreign policies, they seem to be weak.

And I want to look today at weak leadership, how it brings about wars. I’m not saying that it’s their fault what the Taliban has done or what Putin has done, directly. But I am saying that weak leadership against those groups, bullies like that, seems to empower them to come at us even more. And so that’s what we want to discuss with you as a person who looks at the securities and strategies of our nation. That’s what you’ve done. So much of your life and career has been spent doing that as a CIA station chief.

But Scott, today of all things, what’s going on in Ukraine and Russia really hits close to home to you, not just figuratively, but literally. Could you talk to us about where you were stationed, where you spent some of your time as a CIA station chief, and your wife and the roots that you have in this part of the world that we’ve been looking at with all the war and bombings going on?

Scott Uehlinger:                Sure. When I entered the CIA in the mid ’90s, which is at a time when supposedly the world was going to be in a post-historical period with no future conflicts and everything was going to be hunky dory, I was very interested in learning Russian and working against the Russian target, because I had followed that, as someone born in ’64 who was raised during the Cold War era. And so that became kind of my specialty. So I spent almost all of my CIA career that was overseas, which is more than 12 years, living in the former Soviet Union. So that would include Estonia, that would include Kosovo; that was the one kind of non-Russian speaking. Azerbaijan in the Caucasus, Tajikistan in Central Asia, all former Soviet Republics. And the last place I served overseas was as chief of station in command of our CIA station in Moldova.

Now, Moldova is… People can look at the map, it’s showing up a lot on TV now. Moldova is on the western border of Ukraine to the southwest. If you go to the northwest, you got the Polish border, but Moldova is there. And Moldova, compared to the other countries that border Ukraine, is the only other country that was a former Soviet Republic. So although many more people are going to Poland, there are a fair amount of refugees going to Moldova, because Moldova, despite being ethnic Romanian speaking, were raised as Soviet subjects, so everyone speaks Russian. And all the Ukrainians know that, so some of them preferring to go to Moldova versus Romania, because in Romania they speak a language that’s a Romance language, like Italian, and they won’t understand it at all.

But if they go to Moldova, every Romanian speaker in Moldova also speaks Russian, much like Canada, English and French. So my wife, I proposed to my wife in Odessa, in Ukraine, and I was married in 2012. And then later on I came back to the United States with my wife and stepdaughter. She’s now in university and she was 12 when she immigrated. And we still retain some relatives, aunts and uncles basically, and cousins, in Moldova. And so now, of course, Moldova, which is a very small country, it’s the size of Maryland, and the people, basically the only thing they produce, the soil is excellent, much like in Ukraine, and they’re very renowned for their wine. But it’s a poor agricultural country and the average person probably makes $250 a month. Now, they’ve been inundated with refugees since this started two weeks ago.

I don’t know how many are in Moldova, but I would say certainly in excess of 100,000. But that is a lot of people to digest for a poor, small country. And so keeping close to home, my wife’s cousin has been housing refugees from Ukraine for the past four or five days now and I’m sure that he has a lot of friends who are doing the same. And in fact, some of my relatives in the United States are sending me money, which then I’m going to take and send to our cousin over in Moldova to help him with the expenses of housing an entire Ukrainian family in his house.

Sam Rohrer:                      Scott, can I ask you something here just real quick? We have about a couple minutes left here… Is this. Describe just briefly, you’re doing it a little bit, but the Eastern part of Ukraine, more Russian and so forth, the Western, less. You talked about in terms of languages, but where is there support in Ukraine right now for Russia, if any?

Scott Uehlinger:                Well, that would be in the eastern parts. And that’s the thing, there are… The eastern part of Ukraine so that would be on the Black Sea. And it would be the areas of the breakaway provinces. Those were kind of, quote, ethnic Russian areas. The reason is because those areas were highly industrialized and in areas that were highly industrialized, whether it was in Estonia or Ukraine or anywhere else, the Russians preferred to have their own there.

So, so to speak for 75 years, they had colonists. They would send Russians to Uzbekistan. How would they get them out there? They’d pay them more money. They’d give them more social benefits to get them to move to those countries, because they basically felt more comfortable dealing with fellow Russians than, let’s say, an ethnic Uzbek or an ethnic Estonian. So that’s what they’ve done and that’s the reason why the eastern, very heavy industrial part of Ukraine is dominated by Russian speakers. Now, so one of the big cities under siege over there is Kharkov, or as the Ukrainians would say, Kharkiv, and they’ve destroyed a lot of that city, but there are people fighting back. The ironic thing is those are Russian speakers fighting Russian speakers. They’re not even Ukrainian speakers, but they don’t want to-

Isaac Crockett:                  That is very interesting.

Scott Uehlinger:                They don’t want to fight, they don’t want to be occupied by Russia.

Isaac Crockett:                  This has been so helpful, Scott, giving so much information from on the ground and from your experience there. We have a lot more questions for you. We’re going to take our first break, hear from some of our partners and come back. I have some questions kind of going another direction, but there’s a lot to talk about. We’re going to take our first break.


Isaac Crockett:                  Welcome back to Stand in the Gap. I’m Isaac Crockett, and our regular host, Sam Rohrer. We’re here today with our guest and special friend, Scott Uehlinger, retired from the military and as a retired station chief from the CIA. And Scott, we have a lot more questions. I don’t know if we’ll have time to get through all the questions we have for you, but to pick your brain as a security analyst, but you were talking so much about the region there in Ukraine, Russia, and in particular, Moldova where you used to be stationed as a station chief and where you have family: your wife and your stepdaughter and different family members.

And you’re bringing up a lot of really helpful information. I think Putin really had convinced himself that many people, especially the ethnic Russians in Ukraine, would just come parading him in and bring him in and bring in the glory days. I don’t think that’s been happening. Maybe you can kind of finish up talking some about that. And maybe also, you were just mentioning to us about Moldova and the tie in there with the Jewish population and things. Any other interesting tidbits before we go on into some other lines of questioning today?

Scott Uehlinger:                Well, I think, so this whole debacle represents a huge intelligence failure on the part of Vladimir Putin, a huge miscalculation. Does that mean it’s not going to end in quote, Russian victory, unquote? No. But I’m saying this has been a disaster as far as intelligence is concerned. Now, why would that be? One, because Putin has absolutely misread the character of the Ukrainian people. Like a lot of dictators who’ve been in power for a great deal of time, he has surrounded himself, eventually there’s nothing left but yes, men. And so yes men are telling him what he wanted to hear, and if there were somebody who had a dissenting opinion, I think he kept it to himself. Much like Saddam Hussein, everyone just kept their mouths shut.

So he had convinced himself, drunk of his own wine, and he said, okay, this is what’s going to happen. But the problem is that did not happen. So that was failure number one. Failure number two is the misunderstanding of Ukraine and the character of the Ukrainian people and the capabilities of their military. They have not folded like a house of cards, they have become unified, they have an inspiring leader, and they’re not surrendering. And so that is another huge miscalculation on his part. Another miscalculation has been, he has totally misunderstood the capabilities of his own military.

Now, he’s not a military man. He never served in the military. He was a lifelong intelligence officer. And that’s another reason why this is not called a war, he calls it a special operation, because he’s thinking like a spy. But that’s the problem. It’s not, it’s a war. I served both in the Navy and the Reserve and I have the military side and the intelligence side, which is a little unusual, even in the United States. He has only the intelligence side. And so he convinced himself that 14 years of military reforms, after the invasion of Georgia in ’08, he was convinced that had turned the Russian military into a very modern, capable force. And it has certain characteristics of that, and it is impressive in some ways, but this invasion has shown the great weaknesses of the Russian military and the fact that corruption, which has always been endemic in the Russian military for hundreds of years, has not been erased by these military reforms.

And this corruption has turned around to bite him, as far as an inability to resupply his own troops, underperforming units, which are not well-led, they’re led by basically people who just do what they’re told, and in a fast moving fluid situation that’s not good. So those are three big main intelligence failures. The last one is he totally misunderstood the reaction, or underestimated the ability of the West, which frankly has even taken me by surprise. The West, in particular Germany, has basically scrapped 15 years of a pro-Russian policy and has totally done a 180.

It remains to be seen if that’s permanent, but has done a 180 in their relations toward Russia, and is actively exporting weapons, which are being used by the Ukrainian army. So he did not expect that the West would be as unified as this because of the lack of response to his seizure of Crimea and the Eastern territories in Ukraine in 2014. He thought it’d be more of the same.

Sam Rohrer:                      Scott, I think that was excellent, what you just said right there, but I want to move from there and pick up on the fact that you’re saying Putin is primarily an intelligence guy, not a military strategist. Because into that, there are some thought that his relationship with China, that China had been fueling thoughts in putting information, not all good information, disinformation, into the mind of Putin on these last months, that in fact gave him an overconfidence, supported his move into Ukraine, because China thought that it would benefit them. Now, we know China’s… Got relationship with China to buy their oil and all that kind of stuff, there’s a lot of stuff happening there. But build together that relationship, Russia, China, which has not supporting the West in sanctions against Russia. What happened there? Did they perhaps contribute to some of this miscalculation by Putin?

Scott Uehlinger:                That’s an excellent point. And it’s something I hadn’t even really thought of, but we can explore that. The idea that China actually kind of not only supported Putin, but almost encouraged him, that is not an unbelievable statement. People have to be reminded, Russian-Chinese history is extremely troubled. Okay? The two countries came within a hair’s breadth of nuclear war in the late 1960s. The Russians and Chinese, despite the fact they were both communists, have been at each other’s throats in different periods after the end of World War II. And mind you, no matter what you hear about lifelong friendship, et cetera, et cetera, which is proclaimed by both China and Russia, right this moment, there are Russian and Chinese nuclear weapons pointed at one another, and never forget that.

So what you’re saying actually ties into the fact that China is out for itself and Russia is out for itself. Russia fancies itself the senior partner in that bilateral relationship, but believe me, China is the boss there. And China is like, “Okay, let the Russians think that they’re running this, but we are running the show.” So it is actually kind of in keeping with the way the Chinese approach strategy that they would actually almost encourage Putin to overreach, because this is going to hurt Putin.

And in the calculation of these people, it’s a zero sum game. If you win something that means I lose something. There’s no such thing as a win-win, there’s no such thing as something that benefits both parties. If something is good for you, it is by necessity bad for me. So in other words, a Russian problem in Ukraine would actually be good for China. It would give China more leverage in a bilateral relationship. And so, and that’s certainly what China wants. China wants Russia to be a supplier of natural resources, occasional technology, et cetera. So a humbled Russia would actually be good for the Chinese, so that’s a very interest proposition right there.

Isaac Crockett:                  Well, we’re looking at China. And Sam, did you have a follow up to that?

Sam Rohrer:                      Well, not really, other than the fact that thank you for commenting in that way, Scott, because that consideration, we happen to think that one of the Western problems is that we think binary, meaning it’s only one way or the other, which is exactly what you’re talking about. But it seems to us, as we’ve tried to do analysis on this program with Russia and Ukraine, it’s not either one way or the other. There’s a lot of factors going on all the same time; the EU, the globalists, they have their objective. There’s a reason why they don’t mind if Russia’s in there with Ukraine. China, you just went through that whole thing. But without understanding some of these complexities, it’s really difficult to understand what’s going on. So anyways, I appreciate your answer on that.

Isaac Crockett:                  And Sam and Scott, what you guys are saying brings me back to our own leadership in our nation here. Scott, if you would maybe from a security analyst point of view, compare what we had under Trump, with so much going on, I mean, people were worried we were on the verge of all kinds of nuclear war when he was coming into office. What we had under Trump versus what we have right now under a Biden-Harris White House.

Scott Uehlinger:                And of course that was-

Isaac Crockett:                  As far as leadership or lack of leadership, maybe.

Scott Uehlinger:                Right. Look, history is literally full of cases where weak leadership sort of incites the worst in human beings and incites conflict. And we’ve seen that. It is not a coincidence that Putin decided to invade Crimea in 2014 in the Obama administration, and then seeks to complete the job under the Biden administration. Yet at the same time, the president that was supposedly so friendly with Russia, Donald Trump, nothing was done, because one can say whatever one wants about the way Trump ran the White House, but the bottom line was, for the first time in like 75 years, he introduced a big question mark in US foreign policy that was very good, because it offset our enemies. Our enemies, for once, were not sure what he would do. That was true to a lesser degree under Ronald Reagan.

And it was another reason why, because I’m old enough to remember, every liberal said that Reagan was going to start World War III, when actually the man ended the Cold War. And he ended the Cold War because he was strong, because he was willing to call things what they were. When Reagan, in a presidential address, called Russia the Evil Empire, liberals were furious. This man is inciting us to a third world war. However, after the Cold War, and after talking to a lot of Russians, when Reagan called out the Soviet Union as an evil empire, that gave the people in Europe who lived in chains hope, because they said, “Thank the Lord, for once he is saying the truth. He is saying the truth about this society. And now we have hope.”

And he gave hope to tens of millions of people in Poland, in Hungary, in Russia itself, that they could overturn their governments, because he wasn’t afraid to call them what they really were. And like, as Jesus Christ called out demons in people, it’s the same kind of thing. You call out the evil for where it is and evil hates to be recognized and will scream and foam at the mouth but then will eventually come out of the person who’s demonized.

Isaac Crockett:                  Scott, this is exactly right. Stand in the Gap Today, that’s our point is we want to put a light on the truth. We want to shed light on what’s going on. So many more things to talk about. We’re going to take another time out and we’ll be right back after this on Stand in the Gap Today.


Isaac Crockett:                  Welcome back on this Friday edition. You have your co-hosts Isaac Crockett here, and Sam Rohrer, the regular host of our Stand in the Gap Today. We have our special guest, Scott Uehlinger is on with us and been just really having some very interesting conversations. Scott is retired military and CIA station chief over in Russian speaking areas, as well as Central Asian and all kinds of Middle Eastern places. So a lot of things going on and a lot of things to talk about. But before we go into more delving into these questions, Tim, our producer behind the scenes here, could you give us some updates about things going on in our ministry and let our listeners know, for example, maybe if somebody’s tuning in right now, how they could go and listen to the entire program and other archives and resources that we offer?

Tim Schneider:                  Sure, Isaac. Good Friday afternoon to everybody. Thank you so much for tuning in and listening. This afternoon in this great context and this conversation about Russia and Ukraine and everything that’s happening around the world, I want to let you know about some things that are happening here at the American Pastors Network, that if you only listen to the radio program or check out the TV program, you’re missing an awful lot of the resources that we have here at APN and Stand in the Gap Media. One of the things is we’re on social media. Check us out on Facebook. Every Friday, you can go and see Facebook Live. Right now over there on Facebook, you’ll see the program happening in real time.

And you can check out the program even afterwards too, but that happens on Fridays, but we also have other things posted on our Facebook channel. Also our Twitter handle. And we’re also on BitChute. So go ahead and check us out on those three platforms: Facebook, Twitter and BitChute. Those are our social media platforms. Also, we are on YouTube and we have three great channels. We have Stand in the Gap TV, the American Pastors Network YouTube channel, and Stand in the Gap Radio. Right now on Stand in the Gap TV, which you can see on the American Pastors Network and Stand in the Gap TV YouTube channels we’re highlighting a two-part series about the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast with Michele Bachmann.

So go and check that out over there on YouTube, and search and subscribe to be notified when new content is posted. We also encourage you to please pray for this ministry. Nothing happens without prayer, it is the catalyst for ministry. So we encourage you to please pray for us as you think about us. Please pray for the Lord to provide for us financially and for other things, just the things that have to be done around here to make this ministry continue to go forward.

Please bathe us in prayer. We appreciate it. Also, if the Lord blesses you through this program, please consider giving financially. No amount too big, no amount too small is too much. Whatever the Lord would put on your heart to give if you’re blessed by this ministry and you want to give back, and as Sam says often, lay up treasure in heaven. Please go ahead and consider giving financially as to what the Lord might give you to be able to give to our ministry. All right, Isaac, I’m going to go back to you and we’re going to continue this great discussion about Ukraine and everything going on in Russia over there.

Isaac Crockett:                  Well, thanks, Tim. And Scott, thanks so much again. You’ve been a good friend to this program and to our American Pastors Network. I’ve heard you speak in person, you and I have met many times over the years, and you’ve been on this program quite a few times. And with your intelligence background, plus your military background, it really does give you some very keen insights as well as just your overall experience in the CIA, flipping different scientists and people. And you’re one of those guys that… When we think of the CIA, we often think of what we see in the movies and things. But so much of our intelligence agencies are really just a bunch of people in buildings in the Washington DC area. But you were part of that tip of the spear out there in the field, doing these things.

And it just gives you such understanding and history and it just really helps us as we look at these different things. If you’re listening, I would encourage you to follow Scott on Twitter, and Scott, maybe you can give us your Twitter handle and if you want to reach out on our social media or contact us, Scott, I know you still do a lot of different speaking engagements and different news things and stuff so thanks again, Scott, for being on here. And maybe if you wouldn’t mind giving your Twitter or some way that people can follow some of this information that you put out on social media or to connect with you.

Scott Uehlinger:                Right. I can be found on Twitter at Scott Uehlinger @thestationchief. And what I like to do is I tweet a lot, mostly bringing people’s attention to various articles, and other people have written some really outstanding things, particularly about the latest crisis that I’ve stumbled upon that offer really good comments. So I like to try to introduce a lot of folks who wouldn’t have read those kind of, let’s say, Twitter feeds and things like that, so they can understand better what’s happening. So yeah, I appreciate people following me there, and I’m available, as you said, to speak publicly to different organizations, if people would be interested in hearing what I have to say about intelligence or international security. As you said, we’ve been on the radio over the years, several years now we’ve been talking about different issues with China and Russia. So this is more of the same.

Isaac Crockett:                  Yeah. And some of the things that you’ve predicted that we had to be watching out for, could happen at any moment, have started happening. And again, going back to this idea that we said at the beginning, elections have consequences, weak leadership has consequences. The weak leadership in White House in the Middle East, it has consequences with what’s going on. And any time that bullies see a weakness somewhere, they’re going to exploit it. Could you maybe talk to us about some of the problems we’re seeing in the Middle East as a result of some of the decisions or bad decisions that the Biden administration has made, and maybe what’s causing this, what appears to be a rift between Saudi Arabia and our White House right now?

Scott Uehlinger:                Right, it’s a very good point. Recently, to add further insult to injury, President Biden tried to contact the leaders of the UAE, the Emirates, and Saudi Arabia and was ignored. Now, why would that be? Well, for one thing, he has not been supportive of our allies. And in fact, people may recall that there’s a war going on in Yemen with the Yemenis lobbing missiles into Saudi Arabia every once in a while, much like what Ukraine’s been going through, on a smaller scale, but over a longer period of time. And basically, President Biden decided to take the Houthis, basically the terrorists, off of the terrorist watch list, and basically also refusing to sell military gear to Saudi Arabia to allow them to combat these groups, which are targeting southern Saudi Arabia. So needless to say, the Saudis are somewhat annoyed at the withdrawal of US support.

And then the president decides he’s going to call this country to ask a favor, “Oh, by the way, can you increase oil production?” Because the president says, God forbid that I should increase American oil production. It’s much better to seek my allies. Or even worse, let’s talk to an authoritarian regime like Venezuela or Iran, and let’s rapidly conclude a totally disastrous Iranian nuke deal in the hopes that Iran will come back into the world community and can supply the United States with oil, because I am adamant about drilling our own oil.

So this is another thing that’s happening. The US is having to work with Russia to effect an agreement with Iran, and in fact is almost giving away the farm, as far as the JCPCOA, the Iranian nuke talks, in a desperate attempt to get the Iranians back into the world so they can export oil, ignoring the fact that they’re also a huge exporter of world terrorism, but we will turn our back on that because we need gas prices to go lower because we will not drill our own oil in Alaska or via the Keystone Pipeline.

Sam Rohrer:                      And Scott, that brings it to the nonsense of the kind of policies that are going on. But I want to bring back into that the Russian involvement, because you mentioned it. But people are finding it hard to believe, but it’s coming to fruition right now, literally in these last days, that Joe Biden had actually worked a deal with Vladimir Putin, and asked him to help bring the Iranians to this conclusion, as you’re talking about. The same guy that he had said we’re going to buy oil from last year when he cut the XL Pipeline, and now going back and saying, we’re not going to buy oil from Russia, which just means US prices go up. And so who’s left? Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and Iran. The nonsense aspect of this is bizarre, isn’t it, Scott? But it actually is creating a security issue in the Middle East because of these policies of Joe Biden, and Russia’s right in the middle of them.

Scott Uehlinger:                That’s right. And basically, it’s basically that the Biden administration has backed the wrong horse. They are absolutely wrong, ideologically. They are absolutely wrong in their total approach to foreign policy. So now we have one disaster begets another; we have a disaster in Afghanistan which perhaps then helped beget this disaster. And now it’s further compounded by, well, let’s make more of a disaster by extending a hand that should not be extended to Iran or to Venezuela. And then what’s going to happen is you’re going to increase the instability in the Middle East, and are we going to have a preemptive attack by Israel on Iran in six to eight months? Because we basically said, okay, all bets are off and you can do what you want, we just want you to pump the oil.

So in other words, it’s a losing hand and we keep on losing, and it keeps on getting worse to the point where I really think you have to start looking very seriously at the Bible, because these things are not merely the miscalculations of an incompetent administration. It’s like there is some greater evil going on here that is very scary. I think there was somebody mentioned something, I think it’s 2 Thessalonians. You gentlemen would certainly know more than me. But it talks about how in the end times that there will be basically nonsense happening, where that leadership will be acting as if they were mad, or something like that. And I start to feel that’s the area we’re in now, we’re in the area now where our leadership is acting as though they were mad.

Isaac Crockett:                  That is so right. Coming from a military and intelligence background, but it seems so obvious. And to those of us listening right now and reading our Bibles, we see so much of this coming together, and it reminds us to look upward and to return to the Lord. Here at Stand in the Gap, we keep talking about our nation needs to be renewed. We need American renewal. [inaudible 00:30:07] put together these books on this and a lot of good things about a return to God. And some of you have had that in your churches. We’re going to take our final break. We’re going to come back with Scott. And we’ve just so much enjoyed talking to you today, Scott. You’ve had so much good information. We’ll be right back after this break on Stand in the Gap Today.



Well, welcome back. And as we finish up this Friday edition of Stand in the Gap Today, Sam and I have been talking with retired station chief from the CIA Scott Uehlinger, also retired military. Scott, you’ve shed so much light on what we’ve been talking about, and by that I mean you’ve been speaking truth. And when we talk truth, it sheds light, and just as you’ve explained, we can see this, not just theologically, but we see this actually happening in front of us.

And everything from you, just giving us some of the context of the geography and the culture over there in Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, as well as giving the history between Russia and China and Middle East and some of the current things happening, some of the vacuum that happens when you don’t have strong leadership here in America, how it allows these bullies, this axis of evil to come out, just so much information. And for those of you listening today, you may want to go back and listen to this again, share this with friends, because this has really been great.

Sam and Scott, you guys have really put together a lot of good commentary. I think we’ve had some good questions here. And it’s just really helpful to get a good grip on what’s going on in the world right now. But Scott, and I know this isn’t going to happen, but if somehow you did have the ear of the White House, if somehow you could talk to the people in leadership right now, from your background in the military, from your background in the intelligence, in security and defense and all these things, what advice would you have for us? How do we take a stand? How do we show our strength again? How do we shine the light of truth on the situation that’s going on, not just in Ukraine, but all over? What advice would you have if you could talk to the president or to his cabinet or leaders right now?

Scott Uehlinger:                Right. Well, I think what I would do is I would hearken back to the days of Ronald Reagan, who was an excellent communicator, in that using what, in an ideal world, what the president of the United States should do. And simply, our president is, because of dementia issues, et cetera, is simply incapable of doing this, is to use the bully pulpit of the president to reach out personally to the people of Russia, to basically extend the hand that says, “Look, we do not hate Russians. We hate your regime, which is performing atrocities and illegal war acts in another country. And we understand that it is not your fault,” and basically things like that.

Because Donald Trump did that to some degree with Iran. And there is no greater weapon than that. The weapon of ideas and words is better than any military, because it is the one thing that the forces of evil hate more than anything is to have the light of truth onto them and being shown as their true selves. That is what these dictators and authoritarians, I don’t care if they’re from North Korea, China, Russia, Iran, or anywhere else, it’s what they hate. They hate to be revealed. And it empowers the people to do something about.

Now, right now, by the way, Putin, it’s not like… I don’t want people to think Putin is going to be overthrown inevitably, because the problem is, another thing people have to understand is that 80% of Russians’ primary and overwhelming source of information is the television, which is state controlled and has been for 15 to 20 years. So unfortunately, what we have is a thoroughly propagandized Russian population. Now, there are, of course, there’s always going to be some people with doubts, but an authoritarian government for 20 years is a very strong thing and there are just too many people who’ve been beaten down by this authoritarianism and they’re afraid of expressing their opinions or of sticking their neck out.

There are a couple of very brave Russians who were arrested protesting the war, and God bless them and their cause, but that is more the exception than the rule. On the other hand, when unfortunately body bags start coming back to Russia and the Russian people and Russian widows and the organization like the Russian Society of Soldiers’ Mothers, which is an important civil society organization of Russia, when they start finding out the true cost of this war, then all bets are off. But right now, the Kremlin is controlling the message and a lot of the Russian people simply accept that this is the world against Russia as usual. It’s Fortress Russia. I am the only leader who’s capable of defending besieged Fortress Russia against the evil forces that surround our country.

There are too many people in Russia who still believe that, too many people who are… Relatives in Ukraine are calling and saying, “Okay, the Russian army just destroyed my house and now I’m homeless.” And this person’s aunt or uncle is saying on the phone with them, “I don’t believe you. That’s not what we’re being told in Russia. You’re wrong. It’s not the Russian army destroying your house.” So a lot of people are in absolute denial of reality. And it’s going to take a while for the Russian people to wake up to that, unfortunately. But these are the kinds of tools, a very good world leader would be trying to appeal to the people, to communicate to them directly to try to help the situation.

Isaac Crockett:                  Scott, that is spot on. And that’s what you keep going back to, is truth in authority, and ultimately God in his word. And when you take away from that and you have a society that’s built on corruption and atheism, it’s very hard to get through to these people. But what you’re saying is so good, so helpful. We just thank you very, very much for making the time to be on with us. Sam, I know that yesterday on the program you talked with a lawyer from Canada, you talked with a constitutional lawyer from here in the States. We see these same sort of things happening in Canada and even in our own country here, kind of like a regime trying to push us down, tyranny taking over our rights and things like that. And we can just look to Russia, look to China, look to the Middle East to see where that leads the people.

And Scott, what you’re talking about, this is something we want to avoid, not to embrace. So I know we’re coming to the last few minutes of our program here. And Sam, I want you to have time to close this in prayer. But Scott, thank you for the way you’ve set this up. We really appreciate this and all of our listeners, I think, are very grateful for this helpful information. But Sam, I’d like to give you a few moments to kind of give any wrap up as well as maybe any tie in from yesterday’s program of where we see our own North American governments headed and to what we see going on in other parts of the world.

Sam Rohrer:                      Well, Isaac, yeah, what we talked about yesterday was just to highlight again, we talk about so much. There are two world views: a biblical-centered worldview, that God is, and God created, and from that came certain things, including God- given rights. And then there’s a world view without God, where we are evolved and life is not of value and God becomes government and it can do whatever it wants to, to its people. That leads always to totalitarianism. These are what we’re seeing worked out before us right now. Like we talked about yesterday, Isaac, it’s just for people to know there are, as you said, there are consequences to elections.

Well, there are consequences to choices of what one believes, and all of these things that we are talking about here today, the aggression from China, the aggression from Iran, the aggression from the globalists, the inconsistent policies coming out of our own Washington, are coming out of the heads of people who have really said by their own words, “Who is God? We are God,” and they’ve thrown that to the side. The only antidote to that is what we say, and what Scott talked about, is truth. That’s why we say regularly on here, there is a specific reason we say decide to pursue the truth, to embrace the truth, and then to stand in the gap for truth. Truth is powerful, but it’s only not the truth as I want to make it, but as God has detailed it in his word. That’s what we’re saying.

And Isaac, you mentioned it, we have a book that people can find on Amazon or on our website,, and that is our Return to God Journey Guide, which has the 11 principles in it that we’ve dealt with on this program, and Isaac and you and I’ve dealt with in 22 30-minute Stand in the Gap TV programs made to coordinate with this booklet. Ladies and gentlemen, if you want to get a perspective on what is biblical worldview and the foundational truths that lead to good policy and government that yields God’s blessings, go and pursue this. Go online. You can get it from Amazon or on our website, Heavenly Father, thank you that we can be together on this program today. Thank you for Scott and all that was said. And we look to you, Lord, our only redeemer, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Isaac Crockett:                  Amen. Amen. Well, thank you, Sam. Scott, thank you so much, Scott Uehlinger, retired CIA station chief, for coming on, for the great insights. And thank you for listening today. Please pray for all of our ministries here at the American Pastors Network and Stand in the Gap Media. And until next time, stand in the gap for truth, wherever you are. Thank you.