This transcript is taken from a Stand in the Gap Today program originally aired on April 5, 2022.  To listen to the program, please click HERE.

Sam Rohrer:                      Well, as I mentioned yesterday on Stand In The Gap Today, today’s program is one that, well, it’s frankly, disturbing in many respects. The news we’re going to present is hard to share, unpleasant to hear, and somewhat difficult to process. Yet it is exactly the news that God tells us about in scripture that will occur in the last days. And so whether one’s motive is driven by duty as a watchman on the wall, as I shared yesterday. Ezekiel 33:6 refers to that, where the Lord says, “If those in positions of authority,” be they in the pulpit or political office, or parents, or media, teachers, or employers, any position of authority. “If they fail to warn of impending danger for those underneath of them, they will be held liable by God for the blood of each person who suffers or dies as a result of their silence.”

Now in the same pattern, every pastor in the pulpit, as a shepherd who fails to warn his sheep of a wolf in the street, as Jesus talks about in John, chapter 10. Jesus would call that person a false prophet, a hireling, and literally a thief. So today we’re going to warn of a ravaging wolf. We’ll share information that’s both shocking and significant because it’s true. But with warning comes the imperative to do something about it. That is to prepare. And I’m going to say right up front prepare first spiritually, then physically. And we’ll build that out in the program today.

The program title I’ve chosen is this: The Black Horse: The Horse Of Famine Arrives, 20 Emerging Facts. Now our focus today deals simply with quickly developing food shortages, both in increased prices and reduced supply, just as spoken of in many places of scripture. Revelations six, verses five and six, refers to the black horse of famine in the sealed judgment. That’s an example.

Now the evidence is mounting by the day, and this is not sensational. This is going to be just straight up facts here today. But the evidence is mounting by the day that for the first time in modern history, people by the hundreds of millions. That’s right, hundreds of millions will be going hungry. Most all have to learn, most for the first time, how to live with less. And millions experiencing starvation due to famine and food supply and exacerbated by pestilence, plague, and war just as prophesied in so many places in scripture.

And from the reading of this passage and others, it would appear that war pestilence, plague, famine, and death affecting the entire world in the end days, actually converge, not necessarily come in sequence. Today it seems as if these horsemen of the tribulation period prophesied in scripture are actually in the gates and already perhaps beginning to ride.

Now, my special guest today is Michael Snyder, attorney by training and an economist in focus, but now publisher of the Economic Collapse blog, end of the American dream book, The Most Important News. He puts this all together. He’s the author of many books, which you can find And with that, I want to welcome in right now to the program Michael Snyder, Michael, thanks for being back with me.

Michael Snyder:                Sam. It’s great to be with you today. Although I wish I was with you under a better circumstances because we have very troubling news to share today.

Sam Rohrer:                      Well, we do, and we have a lot to go over. So I want to get right into it. Michael, I’ve known you for several years. You’ve been a guest in this program many times. You’ve warned many times about how prophesied events of the end times were increasingly visible, and coming to fruition regarding Jesus’ answer to his disciples in Matthew 24 regarding the signs of his second coming: deception, wars, rumors of wars, pestilence, plague, false prophets, earthquakes, and so forth.

But in regard to the focus today, the emerging food shortages and famine, you just released a best summary that I’ve seen of data that I’ve been tracking for a long time. You put it in a good perspective. In the article you said this, and I want to say this first, and then ask you a question. You said this, quote, “A very alarming global food shortage has already begun. It’s only going to get worse in the months ahead.” You go on to say, “I realize this is not good news, but people deserve to understand what is happening. And they deserve an opportunity to get prepared. The pace at which things are changing around the globe right now is absolutely breathtaking, but most people assume that life will just continue to carry on as it normally does.”

“Unfortunately,” you go on to say, “the truth is that a very real planetary emergency is developing right in front of our eyes.” And then you proceed to identify 20 facts which we’re going to look at today. So very quickly just to get this set up. Michael, you’ve written about many things, like they say this for a long time. But I sense in this article that there’s an urgency that I perhaps have not seen before. Am I sensing that correctly?

Michael Snyder:                Oh, you definitely are, Sam, and people need to understand that we’re not exaggerating one bit. Global leaders, the top global leaders all over the world are openly admitting that this is the case. The [inaudible 00:05:39] minister of France just came out and he admitted publicly that we are facing an extremely serious global food crisis. Joe Biden, he just came out with the past week, many of your listeners are already aware of this, but he just came out and he openly admitted in front of the press that the food shortages are, quote, “going to be real.” And members of his administration are now using the word “famine” to describe what our world is facing to the media.

The Secretary General of United nations, Antonio Guterres just came out, and he said that our world is facing a hurricane of hunger in the months ahead because of what we’re potentially facing. And then the head of the UN World Food Program, the man that’s most entrusted with feeding our planet and all the people that are suffering. He says that what we are facing, we haven’t seen anything like it since World War II. In fact, if you remember the eighties and nineties, when so many people are starving in Africa, what we’re facing, he says is going to be far worse than that. So all these global leaders they’re admitting that global food shortage, global famine, is upon us, Sam.

Sam Rohrer:                      Michael, in simple terms, who’s the primary intended audience for this warning that you are portraying and what really is your prayer that people will do as the result of it?

Michael Snyder:                Well, my hope is that this will spur people to action, not only realizing that we’re in the end times, but would take practical steps, which we’ll talk about later in the show. But in terms of the intended audience, this is going to affect every man, woman, and child on the entire planet. Of course, the poor countries are going to be hit hardest first. But already in Europe we’re seeing dramatic things happen. We’re seeing rationing in Spain where they’re rationing. They’re seeing shortages of eggs and milk and dairy products and so forth. We’re seeing in Greece where the flour and sunflower oil are being rationed. In Germany, Reuters was announcing this week that the food prices in their supermarkets are expected to jump another 20 and 50% and inflation is already the highest it’s been in Germany in a generation.

So we’re talking about Europe. We’re not talking about Africa with those things. And it’s already hitting hard. This global food shortage is already hitting Europe. Here in the United States, we’re already seeing sporadic shortages on the shelves and so forth. Prices are going up. They’re going to go up a lot more as we’ll talk about later in the program. We’re about to go to break, I understand.

Sam Rohrer:                      We indeed, Michael. Thank you. Our theme for today, ladies and gentlemen, is this, stay with us and get ready to write some things down. You’ll want to listen to this again, I know. It’s a lot of information. But we’re titling it The Black Horse of Famine Arrives. We’re going to begin, we’re going to come back, identifying 20 emerging facts that support what we’re talking about. You don’t want to miss this.


Sam Rohrer:                        Our special guest today is Michael Snyder. He’s an attorney by trade, an economist in focus. He’s an author and publisher of the Economic Collapse Blog. You can find his information of all types at couple of websites. But this one here,, you can find some things. Our theme today is this. We’re dealing with the idea of, again, the title, The Black Horse of Famine Arrives: 20 Emerging Facts.

We’re going to begin to share 20 unarguable facts that are supportive of the reality that food shortages, famines actually are before us, not 10 years down the road. So it’s important that we put this information out and this information, again, we’ll get right into it. But one of the leading evidences of the end days as identified by Jesus in Matthew 24. He said there, if you recall, was deception. He said that deception would be advanced and made normal, not only by false prophets in the pulpits, hirelings as identified in John chapter 10, those who refuse to warn the sheep of true dangers, the wolves in the street. But really it applies to all of those in various positions of authority who substitute God’s truth with demonic lies as we see today.

So unlike the propaganda, which drives these mass formation strategies of the globalists, who in my opinion I’ve said are actually acting as the advance team for the anti-Christ himself. Truth, truth, biblical truth, must always be our goal, and the commitment of every child of God. True facts, the truth, should always be our goal. And then proclaiming that truth is the duty of all watchmen and those in positions of authority. And I think that literally applies to all who are listening to this program today, one way or the other.

So Michael let’s get right into it, because we got it a lot to cover. We could arrange these 20 facts that you’ve put in your article in any number of ways. But I’m just going to use for the sake of order, your order. Facts one and two, for instance, are statements made by leading Western government officials. Who are they? What are they saying? You already referred to a couple of them, but let’s start laying them down in order. Facts one and two: statements by leading Western government officials. Who? And what are they saying?

Michael Snyder:                Yeah, yeah. We’ve had a whole bunch of them as I referred to in the last segment, where even Joe Biden is admitting that the food shortages, he says, they’re going to be real. They’re going to be real. And when Joe Biden is admitting it, we know we’re late in the game, because this is something I’ve been covering for many years. The trends toward global famine, I’ve been warning that this was coming. But then a couple months ago, Sam, I got a alarming email from a farming insider that I correspond with on a regular basis. And normally it’s just a normal chit-chat. How are your chickens doing? Things like that. But what he told me a couple months ago, he said, Michael, the price of fertilizer has gone up. Some fertilizers have doubled in price. Some have tripled. Some have quadrupled. Now you have to remember this was before the war, before the war in Ukraine.

And so he told me this. He said, “Michael, because of the price of fertilizer, how it’s gone so crazy, and it’s tied in with the new global energy crisis, which we have.” He said, “It’s not going to be profitable for me to plant corn this year. I can’t plant corn. I’m not going to grow corn.” And he said a whole bunch of other farmers that he knew personally were not going to be doing the same thing. And so I started the looking into this. I started realizing this is a really big deal. And so we’ve seen fertilizer prices go up 200, 300% more in some cases, and it’s gotten worse since the war in Ukraine has erupted.

This is going to affect not only farmers in the United States where we’re going to see a lot of farmers are switching from corn, for example, to soybeans, which requires less fertilizer. But in other parts of the world, for example, farmers in Africa, they’re going to use a whole lot less fertilizer or no fertilizer at all. And even before the war, Sam, it was being projected that the amount of food that was going to be pulled out of production in Africa alone would be enough to feed 100 million people.

And so in Africa they were talking about, this was before the war, they were saying, we’re going to have to go export from other countries in order to feed our people. We’re not going to have enough food. And so who do people look to export food? Well, two of the biggest ones are Russia and Ukraine. And Russian and Ukraine, they-

Sam Rohrer:                      Okay. Why don’t you hold on that, Michael? There’s so much. The first one, the government officials you are saying, you said France, you said Joe Biden. They actually are calling out and using the word famine. Let’s move into it. Gary, go to the next set here now.

Gary Dull:                           Yeah, Michael, earlier in the program, Sam mentioned Revelation chapter six. And in Revelation, chapter six, the Bible prophesized, not just shortages of food, but increased prices on food. That the prices will be going up. You bring that out in fact number three and how it deals with the country of Germany. So tell us about this startling fact. What is taking place in Germany as it relates to the price of food?

Michael Snyder:                Yeah. Yeah. Where Reuters just announced a couple days ago that there’s a big supermarket chain over there called Aldi, and other supermarket chains as well are going to follow course. But apparently food prices are expected to be escalated there 20 to 50%. And so, I mean, I would define that as hyperinflation. But what we’ve got is a situation where since the COVID pandemic came in, governments in Europe and the United States and all over the world, have been borrowing and printing and creating all this money, funneling all this money into the system, and central banks as well creating money out of thin air, propping up the financial markets all over the globe.

And all this money has created this tremendous inflation crisis. Meanwhile, we’ve got this global energy crisis where you’ve seen the price of gasoline shoot higher when you go up to fill up your gas tank, and all forms of energy are going up dramatically. And natural gas is a key input into fertilizer production.

So all this has come together to increase the price of food. And you’re already starting to see this here, even in the United States where food prices are rising pretty dramatically at the store. But this is just the beginning because right now we’re eating and consuming the food that was produced last year. Now this year with all the inputs that are going in, with the dramatically, radically increased cost of fertilizer going up and so forth, that toward the end of the year we’re going to be seeing the shortages that the decreased production, increased cost, of food as we get into the later part of this year.

Sam Rohrer:                      Okay. So Michael, you’re talking about here, we’ve got a supply issue being affected by number of factors we’ll continue to go through. But you we’re talking about now inflationary prices and the cost of things going up. Ladies and gentlemen, let me just give you a few facts here. Here in the United States, just from 12 months ago, if you’re wondering why your budget is up and why what we’re talking about is real, listen to this. Used car prices, this is all within one year, 30% increase. Beef prices, 21%. Lumber prices, 35%. Crude oil, we talked about that. Energy, 55%. Wheat, 37% increase. Sugar, 33. Corn, 39. Palm oil, 43. Coffee, 108. Oats, 115%. Ladies and gentlemen, that is just in our country in the last year. Don’t believe the 7% a year inflation rate. This is what it costs people to live, and this is going to directly impact, and why we’re saying what we’re saying now is, in fact, real.

Michael, facts four to six, highlight an economic, I’m going to say, control practice. You’ve already referenced some of this, but those who are alive right now remember during the Jimmy Carter years, we actually saw rationing of certain things. And we actually saw a little bit of this in 2020. People couldn’t get toilet paper. So people remember that. Why don’t you cite your facts, four, five, and six, because it talks about rationing. Where are we seeing that happen?

Michael Snyder:                Yeah. Yeah. I already mentioned that we’re seeing rationing right now already started in Europe. These are wealthy countries. And then the CEO of BlackRock, he just came out, and people know BlackRock is one the most important corporations in our entire country. If people don’t know about BlackRock, they should look up BlackRock. But the CEO, the head of BlackRock, just came out and he that this is going to be the very first time that this generation, “This generation,” quote, “is going to go into a store and not be able to get what they want.” And so, I mean, we’ve already had some shortages, but he’s saying they’re going to get worse. And and one of the big things that’s causing this, Sam, is this war. Because we already had a global food crisis which was emerging, a global energy crisis, which was emerging before the war.

But now the war in Ukraine is hit. And this is a really big deal because Ukraine and Russia, they’re two of the main breadbaskets of the world. In fact Russia, we talk about fertilizer. They’re one of the biggest global exporters of fertilizer. And we’re talking about nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. The three major groups of fertilizers, Russia normally exports a tremendous amount of that. And not only that, Russia and Ukraine normally collectively account for approximately 30% of all global wheat exports. And so this is a really big deal.

Sam, people need to understand, there are 45 nations out there that import at least a third of their wheat from either Russia or Ukraine. For example, you’re talking about the entire continent of Africa. We just talked about Africa earlier. In the entire continent of Africa, half of all of Africa’s wheat imports usually come from either Russia or Ukraine. So we talked before about how agricultural production in Africa is going to be dramatically reduced. Well, normally what they import, what they bring in, half of that comes from Russia or Ukraine, and Ukraine’s not exporting anything now. Russia’s cutting back. And so what is Africa going to do? I have no idea.

Sam Rohrer:                      And ladies and gentlemen, as what Michael is saying, remember these things are coming together here, as you can see. Government, major government, leaders are saying, using the word extremely serious, famine. That’s fact one and two. Fact three and four deal with the fact that price increases are jumping significantly. We talked about that, inflation driving it, shortages driving it. Rationing already occurring in multiple European countries. And the fact now that fertilizer, which comes from Russia, is being limited or being cut off altogether, which will make an increase in prices and a decrease in supply of our agriculture products. We’ll continue on when we come back.


Sam Rohrer:                       In biblical prophecy, the indicators of judgment on a God- rejecting nation, and in the end days, important to note, in the end days, the entire world becomes involved. And that’s what makes the end days significant. It’s not relegated to just one spot in Africa, or one spot in South America. Literally the world is involved in this. And so famine, food shortages. And it’s interesting that food shortages ultimately become, it’s almost like the ultimate tool for government control of people. Because when people become hungry, they become desperate. And when they become desperate, they are willing to give up much of what they have.

When Hitler came to power in Germany, what did he do it with? He promised the people a loaf of bread because they were hungry. And they did amazing things and they gave up amazing freedom for a loaf of bread. So this is real. We’ve not known it in our country, thank the Lord. Much of the world has. But the events of what we’re laying out today is affecting the entire world, and the poorer countries, as our special guest, Michael Snyder said, probably first without a doubt. But it’s also already being affected here as we’ve seen in our prices. And also already in this country availability and supplies are already absent on the shelves in many places. And that will increase because of the things that we’re laying out.

So Michael, back to your 20 facts about emerging global food shortage. That’s the title, 20 Facts About Emerging Global Food Shortage That Should Chill You To The Core. That’s your title. You have facts, 10, 11, and 12, which again goes back to the direct impacts of Russia and Ukraine. Russia and Ukraine is now in the middle of this. You’ve already cited something, so you can hit it more briefly. But war in the middle of this and particularly Ukraine and Russia, which is a breadbasket of Europe, and as you were saying to African and so forth. That is also now adding to fertilizer shortages and other issues. So any comment on that again, before we move on to the other points?

Michael Snyder:                Oh yeah. Oh yeah. People need to understand this is a really big deal because Russia and Ukraine normally, as we mentioned earlier, they normally account for approximately 30% of all global wheat exports, so I already mentioned. And for Africa, people think, oh, Africa’s poor. Well, they get about half of all their wheat imports come from Russia or Ukraine. But people need to understand there’s a whole bunch of countries out there that depend on wheat from Russia and Ukraine even more than Africa does. For example, Turkey, Egypt, Bangladesh, and Iran, each of those nations normally get more than 60% of all their wheat, their total wheat, from those two countries. You’ve got Lebanon. Lebanon, which is north of Israel, they get 75% of all the wheat that they use from either Ukraine or Russia. They’ve been looking for other sources. So far, they haven’t found it.

And so we have a major crisis in Lebanon right now because of the war in Ukraine. Then you’ve got countries like Armenia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and Eritrea, which get basically all of their wheat from either Russia or Ukraine. And so this a major problem. And now a Russian official just came week and he said, “Hey, we may soon only export food to friendly nations.” So if you are coming against us because of what we’re doing in Ukraine, well, we’re not going to send you any food. So food is being weaponized. Food is being used as a threat. And so this is a really big deal, Sam, because it’s not only Ukraine and Russia that are going to suffer because of this horrible war that has begun, but literally nations all over the globe are going to suffer because they’re not going to have enough food to feed their people.

Gary Dull:                           Michael, going on here, not only will reduced grain and other food products from Ukraine be seen due to the inability to do spring planning. But from what we understand in reaction to the United States and the globalist West sanctioning of Russia, Russia has also threatened to purposefully withhold agricultural outputs to the point of using food as a weapon. Now this of course is what you emphasize in fact number 13. I’m wondering if you could share with our audience why this is an important thing to consider as well?

Michael Snyder:                Yeah. One thing people need to realize, that even the United States normally imports fertilizer from Russia, and of course we’re not going to be doing that now. That’s one of the factors that’s helping to drive fertilizer prices in US even higher. But people need to realize that, thankfully, a shooting war between the United States and Russia has not begun yet. But an economic war has begun where once Russia went into Ukraine, then the US and the European started hitting Russia with economic sanctions. And in turn, Russia said, okay, you’re going to declare economic war on us. We’re going to declare economic war on you. And Russia provides food, fertilizers, so many other things.

And then people also need to realize in terms of Ukraine, they’re a big producer of neon gas, which goes into the production of computer chips. In fact, over 70% of all the neon gas used in the production of computer chips normally comes from Ukraine, which isn’t going to be coming from Ukraine now. And so our computer chip shortage, which literally affects thousands of our industries, is going to get even worse. And that’s going to make our supply chain crisis, and our supply chain headaches even worse.

So we’re seeing this perfect storm start to develop, Sam and Gary. And we even have some more factors, which we’re going to talk about. I think we’re going to talk about the bird flu pandemic here in the United States.

Sam Rohrer:                      I do want to mention that coming up. I mean, that’s next. That’s what you’ve identified as facts 14, 15 and 16. Again, people can go to your website and they can find this article, They can find it there. But this is one I found interesting, Michael. I listen to farm news every morning when I get up around five o’clock on local stations here. I’ve been listening to farm news now for a long time. It’s talking about dairy. It’s talking about planting. Well, they’ve been talking about the fertilizer issue. They’ve been talking about a number of things for a long time. And only in about the last 10 days has anything been mentioned about what we would call biblically a pestilence or a plague. And that is the reemergence of bird flu. This is more than significant. Tell us about this, your facts. 14, 15, 16.

Michael Snyder:                Yes. And a lot of people don’t even know about this yet, because if they’re not in the industry or they haven’t been paying attention, because this has kind of sprung up suddenly. You go back to February 9th, the very first case of highly pathogenic avian influenza was confirmed at a commercial facility in the United States. So that was case one, early February. Then jump ahead to early March. Then we had jumped up to more than two million cases in terms of chickens and turkeys that had been killed by this new plague. In just one month we went from one case to two million cases. And what happens is once one case is detected at a facility, at a commercial facility, then all the chickens have to be put down in order to prevent the spread of the disease. So we went from one month, 1 million to two million. Then we went to 12 million. Now here we are are less than two months into this pandemic, this new pandemic. And the total now, we’ve gotten up to 28 million, just shy of 28 million chickens and turkeys that have already died.

So less than two months, we’ve gone from one case to 28 million dead. And things are particularly bad when we’re looking at Iowa, where on Friday, another five million egg laying chickens, it was announced, had to be put down because of the spread of this horrible, horrible pestilence and pandemic. So that pushes the toll just in Iowa, Iowa alone, to be on 13 million dead birds. And when you break it down nationally in terms of the overall total, it’s so far in just two months, less than two months, 22 million egg laying chickens, 1.8 million broiler chickens, 1.9 million pullet and other commercial chickens, and 1.9 million turkeys.

And so what this is going to do, this is going to cause a shortage of chicken and turkey. Think of how much chicken and turkey you eat on a regular basis. Also eggs. Sam, the price of eggs just since this pandemic started, has gone up by 52% in the United States. That’s not on a yearly basis. That’s less than two months, the price of eggs. And it’s going to go a lot higher because if we have 28 million dead chickens and turkeys in just two months, what is the death toll going to look like six months from now? This is a major, major plague.

And Sam, before we get to the next point, let me just mention one more thing. We better pray. We better pray that this pestilence does not jump from birds to humans. And normally it doesn’t. Normally bird flu doesn’t spread to humans very, very easily. But once in a while it does, and on official CDC website, you can go look this up. Once birth flu gets into humans, the death toll according to CDC website can be as high as 60%. So we just went through COVID where the death rate was less than 1%. So imagine a pandemic where if it evolved or mutated into a form that can spread easily among humans, the death toll would be unimaginable. So we better pray because Jesus warned there would be pestilence in the last days. Well, we better pray that the bird flu does not mutate into a form that can spread among humans easily.

Sam Rohrer:                      And to that, Michael, I’ll mention that in regard to that, ladies, gentlemen, the CDC has already said, well, it’s likely that it doesn’t happen, but they have already said, now I get this. They’re already working on a vaccine for it. I can’t get into all that. But those of you listening who are alert, you know exactly what that means, telegraphing something. So again, these are not made up. This is not sensational. This is just what’s happening.

And Mike, we’re about out of time, but I’m just going to mention in Michael’s report facts 17 and 18 actually have to do with the current winter crop in China and in the United States as being estimated as being perhaps 50% or less because of bad weather and or drought. So it’s not just forward-looking crops. It’s what we’re coming out of this year with, the winter wheat, all of these things, again, converging. We’re identifying just some of them. When we come back, we’ll identify the final two and then we’ll talk about, all right, now what can we do in a practical sense to prepare for this?

Throughout the word of God, warning, planning, taking heed, listening, watching. Aren’t those all the words that we hear when we read the scripture so much? They’re all marks of wisdom, and they should be the mark of all believers who are thinking, looking ahead, and doing what the Lord tells us to do, and as we indisputably watch prophesied end times events unfolding just as Jesus said. Today we’re just looking at, frankly, one piece. But that piece of famine, which is what Jesus talks about, food shortages. We’ve seen even in what we talked about today, how they are interconnected with war, rumor of war, just the Ukraine- Russian as an example. Prices, availability going through the roof. And the scripture says at one point the time will come where you won’t even be able to buy anything, even if you had the money, because it’s going to cost so much.


Sam Rohrer:                         Well, we’re seeing that comes from a number of factors, short supply. But from inflation, overspending, and those kinds of things, policies, governmental. These things are coming together. But in the end, Jesus said in Matthew 24, when you see these things, don’t be deceived. That’s the one thing I noted in Matthew 24, verse six. But he also said there do not be troubled. Now, when you see these things, he said, understand these things have to come to pass. But he doesn’t say sit down and do nothing either. He also said to look up and wait for his return. But in Proverbs and all through scripture, we’re reminded that the prudent see danger approaching and they responsibly prepare.

So we’re going to touch on just a couple of those things as we conclude. We could spend an entire program on preparation, and I’m really thinking about how to do that in a way where we can talk about more practical, financial preparation and so forth. But we’re going to get some of that here in the remaining part of this program.

Michael, there were two remaining facts that you identified. One had to do with prices, and the other had to do with the fact of just government, again, acknowledging that where we are is historic globally. Just share these final two. And then I want you to move into practical preparation that people can dig, start. When you move into it, we’ve got the vertical and then we’ve got the horizontal. So the final two facts and then move into preparation if you can.

Michael Snyder:                Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fact number 19. There was a recent interview on Fox News here just recently where they interviewed a farmer and he told people. He said, “You’re not going to like it when your grocery bill is up $1,000 a month.” Now, can you imagine that, spending extra thousand dollars for groceries? Now, it hasn’t happened yet because as I mentioned earlier, we’re still eating the food that was grown and harvested last year. And last year there wasn’t a bird flu pandemic. Last year, the harvests were relatively normal. Well, this year the winter wheat harvest in the United States is going to be disastrous. China’s going to have the worst winter wheat harvest in their history. So later this year, we’re going to be eating the food that was harvested and grown last year. So things are progressively going to get worse. Food prices are going to progressively get worse.

And then point number 20, David M. Beasley, the executive director of the UN’s World Food Program. He said, quote, “Ukraine has only compounded a catastrophe on top of a catastrophe.” And then he also said, quote, “There is no precedent even close to this since World War II.” That’s what we’re moving into, Sam, global famine. And so I’m encouraging people because this is going to affect all of you. Every man, woman, and child, listening to this program, I encourage you to take action to be like Noah, to be like Joseph, to see the danger coming and to get prepared.

Now, in terms of you saying, oh, Michael, this stuff about the bird flu very scary. What can I do? Well, what I’m encouraging people to do is to go out and one thing you can do is you can stock up on canned chicken and canned turkey. I did that last Friday. I did that the Friday before. And I did that the Friday before that, because I’ve been so alarmed by what’s coming. So I’ve been going to the store and buying canned meat, especially canned chicken. So that’s something you can do. And when you get stuff that’s canned, it can last for many years. And so that’s one thing.

Now people ask me, Michael, do you suggest going out and buying the five gallon buckets of emergency food? Yeah, I’m an advocate of that. I have that. I encourage that. But now with the five gallon buckets of emergency food, that can last for many, many years. I think it’s great for long-term food storage. One of the downsides though, is that most of it doesn’t taste all that great, to be honest with you. All right?

So if you want food that you’re actually going to enjoy and eat I more encourage canned food, and I encourage growing a garden. That’s something that almost everyone that’s listening to this program can do, because the prices of fruits and vegetables and all that’s has gone up quite dramatically. It’s going to be going up even more. For example, in Florida, they’ve got citrus greening disease, which is just devastating the citrus crops in Florida. Talk about another element of the perfect storm we don’t have time to get into. But I encourage you to grow a garden and grow the things that you like, especially that you like to eat, whether it’s green beans, whether it’s tomatoes, whatever you like to use. That’s a way to become more independent of the system and to kind of shield yourself from growing food prices.

Raising chickens is a way that you can also insulate yourself if you like eggs, because the price of eggs, like I said, already up 52%. Going to go a lot higher, because we’re just in the early stages of this bird flu pandemic. So if you have the time and resources and space to raise chickens, that’s a great thing to do as well. And these things I’m talking about are more short term.

In the longer term, the Bible tells us we’re going into global famine. The Bible tells us things are going to get really, really bad. And so ultimately you not only need to store up enough food and supplies for yourself and your family, but everyone else who hasn’t been preparing. Relatives that haven’t been preparing, anyone, friends, family that are going to depend on you for long term survival. Because so far the shortages in the United States have mostly been in an inconvenience. Now, eventually we’re going to get to the stage where they’re going to be painful. And so you need to be prepared for that day and you need to be prepared for it to get progressively worse moving forward as we move deeper into the end times and the things that Jesus warned about Matthew 24 and so on.

And people need to be thinking of, okay, what do I need? Not just in food, but other supplies for the long term. And recently on, I provided a list of 50 basic essentials that you need to stock up on right now while they’re available because the supply chain crisis and all that is only going to get worse. There are 50 things I put on that you can start stocking up on right now to prepare for the difficult years that are coming, Sam.

Sam Rohrer:                      Okay. Michael, that’s excellent and practical. There are some things there that Michael has. And again, we’re laying this out here. This is not to get everybody all excited and fearful. No. But to be motivated, yes, because that’s the whole purpose. When there are warnings that scripture gives, it’s for the fact that we should heed and respond. But as Jesus told the disciples, “Don’t be troubled when you see these things.” He didn’t say, “Don’t do anything.” He said, “Do plan.” But this is, I believe ladies and gentlemen, is when our faith walk is going to be tested. And so again, we note these things, we respond. Gary, just in the last little bit here. And I know there’s not very much time, but most of what Michael talked about was physical preparation. Talk to us briefly about at the end of the day, our vertical, spiritual preparation is the most important, isn’t it?

Gary Dull:                           Well, it is. And I was just thinking of that as we were going throughout the program, how significant it is for people to know the Lord Jesus Christ as savior. Because if you think that what we’re talking about today sounds bad, just think it’s going to be a whole lot worse without knowing the Lord Jesus. And so I would encourage each and every one of you who are listening right now to make sure that you know Christ. Call upon the name of the Lord and be saved, which means be delivered from sin. Because, you see, it’s when we know the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior that when trials and tribulation come our way, we have his strength to get through them. And then if you do know the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, just depend upon him every day. Trust in him to provide for your needs, and ask him for wisdom to be able to prepare in the ways that you should, and then watch how Christ will work in your life.

Sam Rohrer:                      Now, ladies and gentlemen, our time is up. Wow, it’s been fast. Hopefully go back and listen to program again. Note the things that are there. is where you can find this program. Send it on your friends. Let them be thinking. It’s very important. It’s not five years down the road. We are witnessing this converge around us now. It’s not made up. We need to respond to it, but respond to it with faith and confidence in the Lord.