This transcript is taken from a Stand in the Gap Today program originally aired on August 30, 2022.  To listen to the program, please click HERE.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Well, here’s a troubling statistic, at least 150 million younger Millennials and members of Gen Z, that’s the one that follows the Millennials, have no interest in or knowledge of the Christian faith. More than 15 million of them are self-identified atheists and a significant majority embrace gender and family fluidity as being normal. This could be the largest generational spiritual loss in US history. And what is even more sobering is that the suicide rate in this group of people have tripled in the last 10 years. The question must be asked, how can we reach them or probably more sobering, can they be reached?

Well, welcome again, to Stand in the Gap today. I’m Jamie Mitchell, director of church culture at the American Pastor’s Network. I’m your host today. Our topic today is how to reach this younger generation with the gospel and specifically harnessing the power of what we’re going to call godly grandparents. The spiritual hope for the church, and our guest today truly believes that today’s largest unreached people group in our nation can be impacted by their family’s patriarchs and matriarchs.

He’s launched a ministry a number of years ago to equip, empower, and inspire these seasoned saints to become missionaries to their family. Dr. Robert Petterson is a pastor, an author, a master storyteller and the founder and president of The Legacy Imperative, believing that grandparents can forge the future spirituality for Christ and his church in their grandchildren. Bob, welcome to Stand in the Gap today.

Robert Petterso…:           Well, it’s good to be with you, Jamie. Thanks for having me.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Bob, I want to help our listeners today to fully understand what’s happening in the world and especially what has happened to this younger generation. We probably sense or feel that some things are missed today, that there’s always been this generation gap, but let’s start to get an idea in general. What is it like to grow up in America today and what type of things are our young people and our grandchildren being confronted with?

Robert Petterso…:           Well, first of all, they’re being confronted, Jamie, with a dizzying cultural changes, partly due to the social media age in which we’re in. Things that might have taken 20, 30, 40, 50 years, two or three generations to change are now changing literally overnight. Our kids are being raised in a generation where everything is changing and the sense of identity of the markers that we had growing up are gone, and it’s a very difficult time.

Our kids are struggling to know who they are. They’re struggling to discover who they are. An interesting statistic is that some 48% of high school kids today identify with the LGBTQ plus movement. Not that many are involved in a homosexual lifestyle, but it is the coolest, hippest, most powerful movement in America today, and kids want to be part of it because it’s trendy and cool. Our kids are really being put through the ringer right now through CRT, BLM, gender transition, a lack of faith, many being brought up in homes where their adult parents have walked away from the church. It’s a crisis.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Bob, one of the terms that I know you used is this idea of digital land. What is that, and what do you mean by it?

Robert Petterso…:           Well, what I mean by that is the 174 million people in America that are under the age of 40 are Millennials, those between 27 and 40. Gen Z, those between about 26 and 10, and then those 10 and under who would sometimes are called Alpha generation or Generation Next, they are the first truly digital natives. Their lives are totally consumed and controlled by social media.

On average, a high school kid today will spend about 11 hours a day on various kinds of social media. And so social media controls the greatest cultural influences in their life are on social media. They communicate on social media. Increasingly Christian young people, and there are not a lot of them, but Christian young people are doing online church, online religion. It’s as if from a lot of these kids that they were born with their cell phone, their mobile phone surgically attached to their ear.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Yeah. Bob, every generation has had unique characteristics. We’ve heard of the greatest generation, the builders, the Boomers, the busters. Can you help our listeners understand the profile of what this potentially lost generation looked like both in good and troubling qualities?

Robert Petterso…:           Well, I think in the good qualities is these kids are entrepreneurial. They’re searching for answers. George Barna discovered that they’re looking for stages, it’ll share life wisdom with them as long as they don’t try to cram religion down their throat. This is a generation I think really that’s waiting to be grabbed by someone and either it’ll be the social media cultural influencers, it’ll be the politicians, it’ll be their teachers, their professors, or it will be those of us who will commit ourselves to becoming missionaries to these kids and grabbing hold of them.

I think this is an age fraught with great difficulty. It’s also an age with incredible opportunities for Christians, and just as the early church used the Roman roads and the Roman roads were used to take tyranny, Roman tyranny, Roman culture, the different religions of Rome to the rest of the world, but missionaries, early Christians also use those Roman roads to bring the gospel to the world. I think in the same way, we can use the digital forces, the social forces of today as roadways to build bridges to our kids rather than walls that separate us generationally.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Yeah, Bob. You are exactly right. This generation, they have just an innate mistrust for anything that is established or institutionalized. The scriptures friends tell us that the sons of Issachar discerned their times. That’s what we’re trying to do here at Stand in the Gap. We try to help you discern the times.

Bob, what you and Legacy imperative is doing is exactly that you are helping us gain insights on this younger generation, the generation of our grandchildren and that’s our focus today, godly grandparents. There’s a generation that’s lost or we’re losing them. Now, when we get back, we want to go further and see why grandparents may be the most strategic people in a place to impact this troubling spiritually loss generation. Come back with us after a break as we talk more about godly grandparenting.


Jamie Mitchell:                 Well, Proverbs 1631 tells us, “Gray hair is a crown of glory and it’s gained in a righteous life.” Similarly, Proverbs 2029 says, “The glory of young men is their strength, but the splendor of an old man is his gray hair.” Age does have its advantages, especially regarding wisdom, life experience, spiritual understanding.

Today, we’re discussing the value and power of grandparents and the impact on their grandkids who are a part of a struggling, confused, complex generation. Our guest, Dr. Bob Petterson, founder of Legacy Imperative. Bob, in our first segment, we discussed the Millennials and the Gen Z generation, and as you call them digital land. Let’s talk about grandparents. Why do you believe that our older saints might be the perfect ambassadors to reach this potentially lost generation?

Robert Petterso…:           Well, I think they are because first of all, 60% of evangelical churches today are over the age of 50. That makes them the largest force. They are by far and away, the largest percentage of evangelical Christians today. They have the wisdom and the age. Most grandparents are in the fourth quarter. Some might even be in sudden death overtime, but God has spent the first three quarters of their life preparing them for the final quarter.

In the last NFL season and in semi-finals, three of the teams won their game on the last play of the game. And the fourth team, the Kansas City Chiefs went down the field to tie the game and sent into overtime where they won. Almost all football games are won in the fourth quarter. And so is the game of life. And so what I believe is God has been preparing us for the fourth quarter through the first three quarters of our life. By the time we get to the fourth quarter, we have time, we have energy, we have wisdom, life experience, and we’re the last generation actually to remember the story of faith that has been passed on to us through our fathers and mothers before us.

Largely, our adult children’s generation has walked away from the church and our grandchildren’s generation is lost to the gospel. We are the last generation. We have a legacy of faith and that’s why we call our organization Legacy Imperative. It is absolutely imperative that we give the gospel to the next generation because we’re the final generation really that has it.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Bob, as a former pastor, I would love to think or hope that the church could touch this generation, but it sounds like the institutional church is a turnoff to these young people. Why is that?

Robert Petterso…:           Yeah, it is pretty frightening actually, Jamie. 8% or 11% I should say, only 11% of those who attend evangelical churches are under the age of 30. 64% of our young people don’t return to church after they go off to college. Only one in five high school kids has ever even been in church and their lifetime.

Those are sobering statistics and really studies show that there are several reasons our kids are turned off to the church. Number one, they really struggle. The number one struggle for young people today, particularly Gen Zs, is why is there a good God? How can God be a good God and a sovereign God or a God in control and the world be so messed up? Particularly, they’re thinking about how messed up their own lives are. So they really struggle with the biblical concept of God. They struggle with the biblical concept of sexual morality, particularly in a world where all bets are off when it comes to biblical sexual morality.

They struggle, of course, as every generation of young people has with hypocrisy in the church. They struggle as Barna says with the idea that, well, that if they have questions, if they have struggles, that they’re not well received by the church. They struggle politically. Many young people are turned off because they have perceived the evangelical church has been co-opted by Conservative right wing politics.

For all these reasons, young people are leaving the church. And frankly, if you preach the gospel from the pulpit and you preach what it really says, you will have young people walk away because they will consider you either homophobic, transphobic, anti-women, anti or Islamophobe or whatever because young people, they want everything to be inclusive. When we preach the gospel, it is exclusive and it calls us to one way to salvation and young people will walk away from that.

That’s why we are committed to calling pastors to train the largest percentage of people they have in their church, which are the 50 and older people to equip them to go from the church and reach their young people outside the church because young people may not come to church. They might not listen to the pastor, but they will listen to their grandparents. They will go home for Thanksgiving, for Christmas, for family reunions, for vacations, and that’s where we’re going to have to reach the next generation of young people will be outside the church in our homes, in the schools, in other places where God has called us to go outside the church.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Bob, it sounds like even more than their own parents, grandma and grandpa could effectively minister to these young people. What is it about grandparents that is so endearing and possibly not as threatening to this generation?

Robert Petterso…:           Well, let me just say a couple of things. First of all, when I started looking at where we were going culturally about three years ago, as I was writing some books on the subject how to write a generational story for your children, I got very depressed. Something excited me in that moment of despair thinking about the world my own grandkids were going to inherit and that was the fact that when asked, who are your favorite people in the world? Who do you love more than anybody else in the world? 83% of Millennials and Gen Z said their grandparents.

Anaheim Travel did a survey about seven years ago. They asked Millennials across America who would you rather go on vacation with? And they gave them three choices. Their parents, their peers, and their grandparents, and 74% of these young Millennials said, they’d rather go on vacation with their grandparents than anybody else.

The question is, why would young people want to go on vacation with decidedly, uncool older people? Well, first of all, they pay for it, but what they discovered, Jamie, is that your parents put pressure on you to be correct. Your peers put pressure on you to be cool, but your grandparents love you the way you are. You see, parents have to play by the rule. I’m not your friend, I’m your parent. It was Will Durante who said that we get our children as savages at birth and we have about 18 years to civilize the barbarian.

Kids need coaches. They need parents that will discipline them, call them to account, to coach them, but grandparents really can be cheerleaders. We can be their friends and that’s why grandparents are so effective with young people because young people love cheerleaders more than they love coaches. I think we all do.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Bob, as I’m sitting here listening to you, and I’m thinking to myself, these grandparents, they might have, I hate to use the word, fail with their own children, but maybe something didn’t connect there. They weren’t as effective of impacting that generation. This really gives a chance to redeem something that maybe in their eyes was broken. Do you think that’s the case?

Robert Petterso…:           Listen, I love being a grandparent because I get a do over. I gave myself the building big churches and having great ministry around the world, and my daughter will tell me that I was often missing in action. She said, “Dad, you were there, but you weren’t there.” When I got my report card on parenting from my daughter, I had to really do some confessing to her and some repentance to her. But with my grandchildren, I think I have as an older person, now I have a better sense of priorities. And more than anything, I want to cross over into heaven with my children and my grandchildren with me. It doesn’t matter how many thousands of people I’ve won to Christ and I have. What matters more to me than anything is that my wife, my daughter, and my granddaughters come with me across to the other side.

Jamie Mitchell:                 So Bob, the grandparent who’s listening today, who has a sense of, I missed the mark with my kids. They really don’t have to live with that guilt. They have an opportunity to make things right and to change their family story. Is that correct?

Robert Petterso…:           Amen. Amen. I couldn’t agree with you more Jamie, and that’s what we’re calling people to do. I know two things, one I’m going to die and two I’m going to face the judgment. And so when I cross over and God holds me accountable, where are you going to hold me accountable most for? The fourth quarter of my life because to who much is given, much is required. And so I want to make this fourth quarter count and the best place to invest it is in the next generations that I will leave behind when I go on to heaven.

Jamie Mitchell:                 One of the reasons that we’re doing this program today on grandparents is we want to encourage churches and families to mark down September 11th, Sunday, September 11th. I don’t know if you know this or not, but that is Grandparents Day, probably just another ploy for Hallmark to sell some cards, but it’s a great way to honor grandparents and challenge them.

After the break, we want to discuss how to train and equip grandparents to minister to a new mission field, that’s their grandkids. Come back and join us for this next section of Stand in the Gap.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Well, welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. The title of our program today is Godly Grandparents, the spiritual hope for the church, but not just the hope for the church, but also I believe our nation and the world.

Our guest today is Dr. Bob Petterson from Legacy Imperative. Bob, before we go any further, I want to make sure that our audience knows how they can find out about your ministry, Legacy Imperative, and what kinds of tools and training that you’re producing for grandparents who want to make an impact on their grandkids?

Robert Petterso…:           Well, thanks for asking Jamie. If they want to immediately find out more about our ministry, they can go online to our website at, that’s If they want to see some of our hot button issue teachings, they can go to our YouTube site, Legacy Imperative, and they have a menu of different talks that they can look at like how do you deal with LGBT? What do you do if your children are in the far country? How do you bring them home? What if your adult children tell you that you can’t talk to your grandchildren about the Lord? How do you respond to that? How do you respond if one of your children or grandchildren say, “I decided that I’ve made the choice to become LGBTQ, or I’ve decided that I want to transition.” How do you deal with that? How can you love your children without affirming what their choices are?

Or on the other hand, if your children say, “If you don’t affirm my choices, I’m going to cancel you.” How do you respond to that? And so we have all kinds of tools. And then of course if any pastors interested, we have the weekend seminars where we come in and mobilize your people. And then we have all kinds of follow up training sessions and small group sessions and curricula that will really help people stay in the only game that matters in the fourth quarter of their life and that’s reaching their young people and other young people for Jesus Christ.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Well, Bob, I am anxiously looking for you to bring one of your summits to Raleigh so Chris and I can go so we can sharpen our grandparenting skills for my sweet little Charlotte, but I want to encourage all of you to do that. And pastors to check out Legacy Imperative and bring Bob and his ministry to your church. Well, Bob, let’s give our friends just a brief, but general idea. When it comes to equipping grandparents, what do they need to know and understand to reach their grandkids?

Robert Petterso…:           We do our weekend summit. We have an eight week basic training course. We’ve called people that get in the war, get in the battle for the lives and the souls of their kids and their grandkids. And so we have a follow up sort of like basic training. The very first lesson we have, which our surveys show is the most popular and the most profound lesson, the first thing and most important thing, how to listen to your kids, how to listen instead of lecture and jump in with quick answers, how to listen with your heart and your eyes as well as your ears, how to listen to their heart. Listening is more important than lecturing.

How to ask questions? I mean, to ask questions, when our kids say things that we find offensive and outrageous, how can we ask questions rather than respond with pontificating answers? For instance, well, how does that make you feel? What do you think that’s going to lead you? And they’re really showing interest in what’s the thinking behind what they’re doing, how to depend on the Holy Spirit.

At Legacy Imperative, we like to say there are the three persons of the Trinity, and you’re not one of them. And so God has not called us to play Holy Spirit. How do not nag, push or shove, how to not to run ahead of the Holy Spirit, but to allow him the time to do his work? How to tell your story, that’s important to tell the story of your family, of your faith, to your kids in short, easy to understand segments. We live in a media saturated age and our kids don’t have the attention span we may have had.

How to tell God’s story. We teach people how to share the gospel in a way that speaks to today’s Millennials and Gen Zs, and how to deal with hot button issues, how to build bridges instead of walls between people. And so that’s what we’re about. I think that grandparents need to understand that we can’t talk to our grandkids the way our grandparents talked to us. It’s a whole different world out there. And if we’re going to be effective, we need to learn how to be effective and that’s why we exist as Legacy Imperative.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Bob, like any ministry, relationships are the key. Now, there’s a familiar relationship here that you have a grandparent and grandchildren. I get that, but there are some practical things that grandparents need about relating to this generation that would open doors for spiritual impact. I know, I think of myself, how I view relationships and even how I conduct relationships, wouldn’t work with a 20 or a 30 year old. What can you give some of our grandparents listening today that would be just an insight on how to open the door relationally for a spiritual conversation to take place?

Robert Petterso…:           It’s so simple to understand, so biblical, and yet it’s so hard to practice and that remember what James, the half brother Jesus said, “Love covers a multitude of sins.” I don’t have to be hip. I don’t have to have the answers to everything. What I have to do is love my grandkids. The most important thing is the earlier we get involved in their lives and spend time with them, the better it is. You can’t wait till your grandkids are 16 or 17, have a crisis, and then jump in to save the day. You build the credibility when they’re young.

I spend massive amounts of time with my eight and five year old. They think that Papa is a geriatric rock star. I use social media to stay in touch with them through the week. We Zoom together, I send them memes and little giffies. I give them just short little messages during the week, verbal messages by cell phone, and we’d get together at least three times a year. Whether they come to our home in Florida, or whether we stay in a hotel in Washington, DC, where they live, I give everything to them. I always tell people I’m glad when they come and I’m glad when they leave because I’m totally exhausted. But I know that it’s when they’re young and when I’m just loving them.

You remember the prodigal son when he went off into the far country and almost all of our kids will spend some time in the far country. When he was in the far country, two things brought him to his senses. One, his father let the far country do its work. The far country will dismantle our kids. It will not give what they promised and when he was in the Pigpen and when everything had fallen apart, he remembered something critical. He remembered that there was a place where he could go and find love.

Now, I want my kids to know that when they mess up and when they face crises, there’s one place where they can go and find unconditional love and that’s from me. I can’t stress that enough, Jamie. All the other cool things we teach people are important, but loving your kids unconditionally. You don’t have to affirm what they do. You don’t have to celebrate what they do, but you can love them. Jesus never affirmed the prostitutes and the tax collectors and the way they live their life, but somehow they knew he loved them in a way that the religious people never loved them. And so that’s pretty simple, but it’s pretty profound.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Bob, what you’re saying is so true and honesty is the best policy. I know I told grandparents and parents, if your kids are doing things that go against your moral code or your biblical worldview is to tell them that. Say, look, you know what you’re doing that grandma and grandpa don’t agree with, but we will never stop loving you. We will never stop loving you, and we will be there for you through thick and thin.

I think that does resonate with this generation, Bob. There is a sense of pure honesty and pure love that if it’s harnessed can reach these young people. One thought before our time for the segment is up. Obviously, they resist any conversation about theology or the Bible. They would say that that’s too dogmatic or too black and white. How do you have those conversations though with them? Because you do want to have biblical or theological conversations without telling them it’s biblical or theological. Is there a way to do that?

Robert Petterso…:           Well, one, I think you make it personal. You see, this is what I’ve discovered in my life rather than this is how you should think. You can say, this is what’s worked for me. That’s really key. Also, asking questions and really listening. Sometimes as Christians, we pretend like we’re listening, but we’re only waiting for a lull on the conversation so we can jump in with our thoughts.

Kids have a really good BS meter. They know when we’re faking it. They know when we’re not really listening. They know when we’re ready to pounce on them. So I think the most important thing is that I show that I’m really interested in you, and I want to know why you think the way you think. I really want to learn from you. By the way, I think we’re going to learn some things from this generation that. They’ve got a lot of moral issues that we Christians find foreign and we ought to find it foreign.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Bob, when we get back, we’re going to wrap this up and we’re going to give some more insights. This has been incredibly helpful. Come back and join us for our last segment on Stand in the Gap.


Jamie Mitchell                   Bob, thank you for joining us on this very special Stand in the Gap today, as we’ve been looking at empowering unleashing the next great missionary force that is grandparents. Our guest has been Dr. Bob Petterson from the Legacy Imperative. When I went on the Legacy Imperative website, I saw something interesting. It says that their vision is this, to bring about another great spiritual awakening to America and the world, and obviously that’s by empowering grandparents, ignited with a flame to reach their generation below them, their grandchildren, with the gospel. Bob, you host these next generation summits. In brief, what is the summit? What happens during it? And what do you try to accomplish in your summits?

Robert Petterso…:           Well, summits are held at local churches around the country. We have some very large churches that they’re hosting our summits and some medium and smaller churches. What we do is we come in from Friday night from about 6:30 to nine, Friday night, and then about 8:30 to one on Saturday, 10 sessions filled with media and they’re fun. They’re fast moving.

Primarily, what we’re doing is we’re calling people to action and we’re presenting the case for why we need to be involved in the lives of our young people. I believe we have about 10 years before the window shuts, unless God does a miraculous next great awakening and that’s the urgency. So we call people to the urgency. We share with them how six generations occupied today’s landscape and how each one of them shaped differently and thinks differently, how to understand ourselves and our kids.

We talk about how to love our kids. We talk about how to hold to our values and not sacrifice our values, but at the same time build bridges with our kids. We talk about hot button issues that we’re facing today. Fluidity versus fixed values, all kinds of different, about seven different hot button issues. So it’s very practical.

They get us started and then we call people and we challenge people to be part of our follow up small groups and then our follow up training groups and then our follow up after that sustaining groups, where we actually promise people that if they finish, we’ll give them a certificate as a missionary to digital land. That’s what our whole goal is to get 10 million people in these summits across America, and then come up with four million people that are committed to being missionaries to digital land.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Wow. Bob, there has been so much we have discussed and I feel like we’ve scratched the surface. So I’d love to do a follow up in the future, but I also want to remind our listeners and pastors, churches to celebrate Grandparents Day on Sunday, September 11th.

Now I said, I have something special here. When I went on the Legacy Imperative website, I found this great piece. I want to encourage you to go check it out. It’s called A Grandparents’ Commitment. And as we close our program today, I just want to encourage all of our grandparents by listening to these commitments. They impacted me. I hope they impact you. Just listen.

I promise to give my best and last years investing in my grandchildren’s future. I promise to treasure every moment I have with them as a divine appointment. I promise I will pray for them regularly, passionately, and expectedly. I promise I will be a model of faith and character and not a critic. I promise to be their cheerleader and respect their parents as their coaches. I promise I will pass onto them stories of faith and family and country.

I promise I will listen to them and study to understand the issues of their lives. I promise I will learn from them as I hope they might learn from me. I promise I will love them unconditionally, even if they go into the far country. I promise I won’t stand aside, stand down or stand against, but will stand up for them. I promise I will learn everything necessary to evangelize and disciple them.

I promise I will make the personal changes necessary to be a winsome witness. I promise nothing will take priority over investing in my grandchildren’s future. I promise to encourage other grandparents as fellow missionaries to the next generation. Bob, that was so impactful when I read that. Obviously, that’s the goal that you’re trying to do with Legacy Imperative. Do you have some stories of victory and some testimonies that come from your work with grandparents so far?

Robert Petterso…:           Well, one of the things that we often face is when grandparents are forbidden to talk about their faith with their grandkids by their adult children. What we’ve discovered and where we’ve had some real healing for instance, is that it’s not necessarily that adult children are anti-Christian, but some of them are really bitter about the way their parents raised them in the church or their Christian life. They really think they’re protecting their grandchildren from a kind of Christian witness that was abhorrent to them.

And so what we have seen is several grandparents who have sat down with their adult children from our advice and said, “Did I do something raising you as a child that presented an unattractive view of Christianity to you? And did I hurt you? Did embitter you?” And we have seen several grandparents have healing relationships with their adult children that have opened the doors for them to talk to their grandchildren about their faith. That’s been incredible.

We have had the grandparents who had very minimal relationships with their grandkids, other than see them at Thanksgiving and so forth, who have told us how they’ve led their grandchildren to Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior. We’ve seen several conversions as grandparents have the joy of sharing with grandkids who don’t go to church, the gospel and seen them come to the Lord.

We had one situation where a woman was alienated from her daughter who had become part of the LGBTQ movement by the way she had responded to her. She went to her daughter and asked for forgiveness. She didn’t roll over. She didn’t abandon her convictions, her biblical convictions, but she stopped condemning her daughter. She and her daughter are now having a wonderful relationship. Her daughter is coming to church with her and she’s really praying and hoping that her daughter will soon change her mind about the direction she was going in her life as the Holy Spirit’s working.

So we’ve seen all kinds of incredible transforming relationships when grandparents begin to learn how to build bridges rather than erecting walls between them and their grandchildren, when they’ve learned how to love their grandchildren, rather than judge their grandchildren and get angry at their grandchildren or say, “I don’t understand you, so I’m just going to stay away from you.”

Jamie we’re seeing lives transformed, and I believe this with all my heart, the next great awakening is going to be started by smoldering old wicks set on fire with a Holy Spirit and a new purpose and I believe that. I believe our best years are ahead of us. Even if the day of the Babylon is at hand and with that, which is predicted by revelation is just around the next corner, we have to teach our grandkids to stand in the days to come.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Amen. Listen, you’ve been listening to Dr. Bob Petterson from Legacy Imperative. We’ve been focusing on grandparents. We want to encourage you, go to This has been a real blessing. Don’t forget September 11th, Grandparents Day, and that’s what we’re here for at the American Pastor’s Network to help touch this next generation. Listen, we’re going to be back in 23 hours for another Stand in the Gap today. This is Jamie Mitchell. Have a blessed day.