This transcript is taken from a daily Stand in the Gap Today program originally aired on Jan. 9, 2023.  To listen to the program, please click HERE.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Well, welcome to a new week here at Stand in the Gap today. I’m your host for today, Jamie Mitchell, the director of Church Culture here with the American Pastors Network. With me, our president, Sam Rohrer. Sam, I can’t wait to hear some reports from yesterday return to God’s Sunday. We’re praying that as churches turn their hearts and their ears to the Lord God, that genuine revival will occur across our nation, and oh, Sam, how we need revival.

Sam Rohrer:                      Any more importantly than what you have said. We must have revival if we are ever, ever going to see a turning of the judgment of God on this nation into once again the blessing of God on this nation. The Holy Spirit, we need an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that goes all the way. It’s got to go through the pulpit, it’s got to be in our positions in government, but it’s got to find its way into the hearts of every individual person, every mom, every dad, every employer, every employee. This is something that’s got to revive the hearts, actually, take the hearts who don’t know Christ to Him first, but then revive the hearts, seeds of revival really is what we’re talking about. That’s what we need today, Jamie.

Jamie Mitchell:                 That’s right, Sam. That’s what we’re calling this first part of the New Year, seeds of revival. And we’re looking at our need for revival and then how to make it happen. Today, we launch our series with a very special guest, Dr. Robert J. Morgan. It’s a familiar name in the Christian community. Like many of us, God has used Robert’s book like Red Sea Rules and The 50 Final Events In World History, and God Works All Things Together for Good, 100 Bible Verses That Made America, just a few of his 35 titles that have touched us and challenged our thinking. Robert was involved in pastoral ministry for 50 years in Nashville, Tennessee. He’s transitioned to an itinerant ministry. He was married for 43 years to Katrina, who went home to be with the Lord in November 2019 after battling multiple sclerosis. He and Katrina have 3 daughters, 16 grandchildren. Robert, thank you. What a privilege it is for you to be with us and to help us understand the importance of taking God’s Word and putting it deep in our hearts. Welcome to Stand in the Gap.

Robert Morgan:                Thank you, Jamie and Sam. It’s a real joy for me to be with you. I’m so thankful for it.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Robert, let’s jump right into today’s subject. Today, we’re talking about putting God’s Word deep into our heart. There’s no revival without coming face-to-face with God’s Word. You’ve written a lot about it, about engaging with the scriptures. You continue to model it in your own ministry. From your perspective, why is personal engagement in the scripture so important to the believer, and what are you seeing in regards to Bible engagement throughout the church today?

Robert Morgan:                Well, there was a survey that was just released by a magazine that said that daily Bible reading took a significant plunge in the last year even among Christians. I’m desperately concerned about this. I love studying the Bible. If I didn’t read the Bible and study it every morning and often every evening and sometimes throughout the day, I would be absolutely bewildered looking at what is going on in this world. I need the scripture to keep my spirits up. I think that as followers of Jesus Christ, we have 66 books. Each one of them readable, studyable, understandable, interesting, fascinating. Psalm 119:130 says, “The unfolding of your Word gives light.” And so, I think that having our daily time of Bible study and Bible reading is, first of all, the way that we converse with God. It’s not just a routine, it’s a relationship.

When I wake up in the morning and sit down at the little desk that I have in my bedroom by the window, I’m having an appointment with God and I talk to him in prayer and he speaks to me through the Bible. We get to know one another that way, just like a husband and wife get to know one another by conversing and spending time together, any two friends do. But also, we discover as we read the Bible, how we should think, how we should act, what our attitude should be. There’s a wonderful verse, I’ve been going through the book of Titus one verse every day and just taking apart that verse. The very first verse of the book of Titus talks about the knowledge of the truth that leads to Godliness. Without a knowledge of the truth, which is the scripture, then it’s impossible to develop Godly habits. It is the content that provides for our conduct. For all of these reasons, we just need to fall in love with this wonderful book that God has given to us.

Sam Rohrer:                      Robert, let me follow up on that with you because you and Jamie and I talked at length before we started this program. There was one thing that I noticed. I know Jamie has great passion to the Word of God. I have great passion. You have great passion. You’ve been in the mystery for a long time. You have a lot of experience. Can you just share maybe with our listeners right now from a personal perspective, what is it that you think when you look back over your life, has driven you to, I would say perhaps even an increased passion and love for the Word of God now that you could relate to those who are listening today?

Robert Morgan:                It began very early with me. My father loved the Bible. I remember late at night I’d get up to go to the bathroom or get a glass of water and he’d be sitting in the living room or in the den reading his Bible. That made an impact on me. I remember hearing my parents read the Bible together before they went to bed, and at a very early age, he gave me a Bible. I think it’s important for parents to let their children see them reading the Bible.

This is why I’m all for having Bible on our phones. I’m not against having the Bible apps on our phones, but when your children see you looking at your phone, they don’t know what you’re doing. But when they see you with an actual Bible and you’re reading it, then they do see that. They do know that. I think that my passion for scripture really comes out of those early childhood experiences with my parents and their love for the Bible. I think it’s very important for children to see their parents reading the Bible. Ruth Graham said that the best way to teach your children how to eat is to let them see you enjoying your food and your meal. And so, if children see us enjoying the Word of God, the bread of life, then they’ll be very apt to want to do the same.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Well, we are convinced that the seed of revival begins with God’s people having a hunger for the Word of God, intentionally, passionately, planting it deep into their soul. When we come back with Robert Morgan, we’re going to discuss ways to engage in God’s Word, to get it deep into our souls, so the Holy Spirit can bring about the revival we desperately need. Come back and join with us in a couple of more minutes for Stand in the Gap today.

Well, welcome back to Stand in the Gap. Sam and I are thrilled to have Robert Morgan, author, speaker, shepherd to discuss the value and the necessity of God’s Word in our lives, especially if we desire to see revival happen. Robert, I want you to treat me as if I was a new believer in your church. I’ve just come to faith in Christ and I’ve been told by everybody I need to “get into the Bible.” I make an appointment, I come to your office and I say, “Pastor, everybody’s telling me this book is really important. How do I get into it?” What would you tell me?

Robert Morgan:                I would say, first of all, to find a certain time every day and just begin with five minutes if that’s all you can begin with, because it takes a while to begin habits. Any habit, any good habit at least is very challenging to begin. I would encourage people to get a wide margin Bible. You can buy them online anywhere or at most stores, and a pencil. These two things helped me so much, a wide margin Bible, so that you can make notes in it and a pencil. Then, select one of the shorter books of the Bible. For example, Philippians, it’s in the middle of the New Testament. It only has four chapters. You can read through it in 10 minutes very easily and just spend some time every day opening up to Philippians or whatever book you choose saying, “Lord, I need a Word from you today. I need a verse of scripture.”

You take that pencil and you look for keywords. You look for phrases that occur and reoccur. You look for ideas. You look for verses that speak to you, phrases that will speak to you, and you just mark up that Bible, and then the next day, you do it again. You start where you left off. It’s just as simple as that. The Lord whispers into your heart and sometimes He shouts as you hover over His book with a pencil in your hand and a prayer in your heart.

Sam Rohrer:                      Robert, I’m glad you mentioned that. I didn’t know what you were going to say to Jamie’s question, but that’s what I have personally found to be so good as well. That’s what I have used, a wide margin and find myself going back so often. I’ve often gone and also dated, I don’t know if you’ve ever done that, but dated. When God gives those thoughts, those insights, I put the date down there lots of times and it’s interesting to go back and look at when those things occurred. One of the things I want to ask you a question on here in addition to marking it out like you’re talking about, is that the scripture in so many places talks about, like Psalm 63:6, when I remember thee upon my bed and meditate in the night watches. So many things to talk about, meditation, and you have as well. Would you define meditation and why that is so important and is it the same thing as Bible study? If it’s not Bible study, how’s that connect to Bible study?

Robert Morgan:                Well, I love this subject. I have a book called Reclaiming the Lost Art of Biblical Meditation. When we talk about biblical meditation, it is nothing at all like transcendental meditation or secular meditation or what the world talks about. Biblical meditation is simply pondering and thinking about Bible verses. It is letting God’s Words circulate in your brain like water through a fountain or like oil through a pump. Now, it helps a lot if as you find these verses that speak to you, you write them down and memorize them. For example, if you’re going through Philippians, you come to Philippians 4:4, it says, “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again, rejoice.”

Well, people can memorize that. That’s not too hard to memorize. You say it out loud two or three times every day for a week, and you have that verse memorized. The wonderful thing about that is that then the Word of God gets out of the page and it is inscribed on the walls of your mind so that when you, like you said, lay down at night, instead of all of these worrisome thoughts, you can push them aside and say, “I’m going to quote scripture to myself. Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again, rejoice!”

When you’re on an airplane. I was on a 12-hour flight last week and it’s a long time and I lean back, and two things continually cycled through my mind. Some of the great hymns of the faith like Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty. Early in the morning our songs shall rise to thee. Then, scripture passages that I’ve memorized. I had other thoughts as well, troubling thoughts, worrisome thoughts, but I just would choose to let those other thoughts circulate through my mind. I think that biblical meditation is as simple as that. It is allowing the Word of God which you have studied and perhaps memorized to you think about it when you’re riding your bicycle, when you’re driving down the road, when you’re waking up in the morning, you post it around and you think about the verses that God has used to speak to you.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Robert, this is so helpful. As we begin a new year for people, it’s a good time to start some new habits, have some resolution, and one of them we want to certainly see happen is them getting into God’s Word and making that a regular part of their life and diet of life. But I’d also remember Howard Hendrix once saying, “It is a sin to bore people with the Word of God.” Now, he was speaking to preachers and people who communicate and teach the Word of God, but I think it’s true also when it comes to personal Bible study and getting into the Word of God. How do you keep the Word of God fresh and exciting? If you do have a second, you mentioned hymns. I know you’ve written a book on hymns and using that to help in your spiritual life. How do we keep the Word of God becoming fresh in our lives for devotional work?

Robert Morgan:                Well, I love the great hymns. I love the new Christian music too, but the great hymns of the faith I’ve written about and Then Sings My Soul, which is really a series of three books. I wake up every morning and I put on my music playlist, my hymns playlist as I get ready for the day and then I’ll shower and dress and get a cup of coffee and sit down at my desk and open the Bible to where I left off the day before. I keep a prayer list as well, and I just spend time there with the Lord. Sometimes, I’ll use a commentary. The other day, I’m actually teaching through Philippians right now. I came to Philippians 1:21, “To live is Christ, and to die as gain.”

The commentator said that in the original Greek, the word Christ is Christos and the word gain is the word kerdos, and that the original listeners to this letter, hearing it and the original language would’ve heard a slogan, “To live Christos, to die kerdos.” I thought how powerful that is, and that has stayed with me for several days. To have a good commentary is sometimes very helpful, but there are insights into the scripture that as you ask the Lord to show you, there is so much there. This is a book that you can hold in your hand, it is so small. You can hide it in your heart, it is so deep. You can take it with you all through life, it is so long, and it will satisfy you eternally. I love not only studying the Bible, but then it overflows and you find that you have to begin sharing it with other people.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Robert, one of the things that we have talked about here at Stand in the Gap in the American Pastors Network is our great concern for pastors today and the lack of depth in the pulpit today. Do you think that part of this is that pastors themselves are not getting into the Word of God like they need to and has things like reliance on podcasts and these kinds of things, has there been a debilitating factor to people getting into the Word of God? We have about a minute left.

Robert Morgan:                I think there are a lot of pastors who are so distracted with the other obligations of their ministry that they have forgotten that their most important duty is to unfold God’s logic to people expositionally as it unfolds in the scripture. That requires a lot of study. I was taught when I was being trained to be a pastor, to devote my mornings to study and to the preparation of my message, and the rest of the day to everything else. I think a lot of pastors don’t do that. But if we spend time in the study with the Lord, then there will be power and inside when we stand in the pulpit in front of people.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Interesting as you guys were talking about your own personal habits, when I was a kid, I used to go to visit my aunt and uncle upstate New York and they both worked and occasionally, they would send me over to their next door neighbor who happened to be a relative. Her name was Hattie Denton. I went over to Hattie’s house and she was the Sunday school teacher for the local church. She would make me sit down with different colored pens and underline from Genesis to Revelation the promises of God.

Now, as an eight-year-old, you could imagine how exciting that was for me, but I’ll tell you, I look back to those summers and those few hours of underlining the Word of God with those different colors, thank God for Hattie Denton and the way God used her in my life. Now, just like is recommended that you’re not to start a day without a healthy breakfast, every believer must get going in God’s Word. When we return, we’re going to talk about how the Bible has been used to shape America. Don’t go anywhere. We’re talking about seeds of revival for yourself, for your church, for your nation, here at Stand in the Gap.

Sam Rohrer:                      Welcome back to Stand in the Gap today. Our theme today is all about seeds of revival, getting God’s Word deep into our hearts. Now, we’re doing this at the beginning of the year. Last Tuesday, Jamie and I did a program where we focused on returning to God. That’s been our overarching theme last year, and it certainly is this year. What do we need more than anything in this country? Well, we want good policies. We would like to see changed laws without a doubt, but what comes first? It’s going to be a return to God.

We better get ourselves right with the God of heaven. That leads us to this program today and then a series of programs that will follow all building on seeds of revival. Our special guest today, and we’re so glad to have Mr. Robert Morgan. He’s been a pastor. He’s a author of a number of books, and one of them that I have particularly found of real blessing is a little book he wrote about Red Sea Rules, about how to make decisions. Aren’t we all faced with the decisions? That little book was so helpful, but there are so many things we could go and talk about there.

But in this segment here now, Robert, what I’d like to look at is this. On this program, we deal with headline news we say from a Biblical worldview perspective, because we believe the Word of God holds the answers to every question in every matter of life. Well, at the founding of our country, certainly there were those and we’ve talked much about it, knew what the Word of God said. They claimed what the Word of God said and then they acted upon what the Word of God said, and we now sit here beneficiaries of it, but we’ve been going through a lot of trouble in this country we are right now, because we’ve turned our back on God. Many people would say that the Bible had nothing to do with our nation. Now, we know that is not true and you know that’s not true because you’ve taken and put together a book, 100 Verses That Made America. Tell us just a little bit about that. What was the genesis of that book and maybe few of the highlights that you found while you were putting together these 100 verses that made America?

Robert Morgan:                Well, Sam, I’m aggravated about how many historians today are trying to erase all Christian influences from American history while every other group is determined that their contributions be added, sometimes inflated, but it is the Bible itself that is the genius for the establishing of freedom in America. I don’t think that many school children realize that the United States of America was established between two great revivals before the 4th of July, before the Declaration of Independence, back in colonial times and the 1700s, there was an enormous revival of faith. The message of Christ swept over the land. We call it the First Great Awakening.

It was Jonathan Edwards. It was George Whitefield. It was many others, but they were the evangelists with the message, but it was the Holy Spirit that took these 12 colonies and brought them together emotionally. Most historians would say it paved the way for freedom for the Declaration of Independence.

Now, after the Revolutionary War and after the Constitution was established, America went into spiritual decline. People were busy building a new nation, they were moving westward. There was the enlightenment and the influence of the French philosophers, but then there was another great awakening and we call that the Second Great Awakening, another great revival that swept people back to God and reestablished a biblical, a Judeo-Christian foundation for the morality of our nation that has lasted up until our lifetimes. America was born in between these two great religious revivals. To me, it’s just fascinating. The people, the characters that all through American history have been influenced by the Bible, there are so many stories, they’re fascinating to hear, to tell, to discover. I believe that every child in America ought to know the contribution that the Bible has made to American history.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Robert, there is certainly a systematic attempt to remove our Christian influence from both our history and our nation, and how important God’s Word was in America. From your book, the 100 Verses That Made America, could you just reflect on maybe one or two of those verses that did make America and why they were significant and maybe even in the context or the historical event that took place?

Robert Morgan:                Well, the history of the Revolutionary War began with the shot heard around the world when the British and the American forces right outside of Boston first engaged with one another. You don’t read in the history books that the engagement was between the British and a congregation, a local congregation in Lexington. The pastor was Jonas Clarke and he was a wonderful Bible teacher. He believed in freedom, he believed in biblical and spiritual freedom, and in freedom of religion. He had preached and taught his people. When the British began their invasion, they moved out of Boston into the suburbs into what we would call today the suburbs. There in Lexington, Jonas Clarke rang the church bell. The men of his village and the deacons of his church came together with their muskets. The shot fired and was heard around the world was aimed at Christians. They were the ones that began defending the liberty of this nation.

Now, George Washington is made out now to be a deist, but he was an Anglican and he spoke a great deal about God and about Christ. After the Constitution was established, he wrote a letter to the governors of the 13 new states. This is what he said in his letter, “I now make it my earnest prayer that God would be pleased to cause us all to do justice, to love, mercy, and humility, and to have the same attitudes which were characteristics of the divine author of our blessed religion being Jesus Christ, and without a humble imitation of those examples, we can never hope to be a happy nation.”

When he was inaugurated, the first thing he did was to bend over and kiss the Bible in full view of the crowds in Lower Manhattan in New York City when he was inaugurated. All the way through history, we see a reverence for the Bible among those who are the greatest leaders that our nation has had. These stories are just fabulous and they ought to remind us that without the righteousness of God, there is no way that any nation can be truly great.

Sam Rohrer:                      Robert, I had talked with you earlier before the program. I had served an office in Pennsylvania for about 18 years, and one of the things that I noted then and I always enjoyed sharing with other folks when I take them on tours, particularly of the Capitol building in Pennsylvania, but it’s also in other states and it’s certainly in Washington, is that our founders, I believe, as a witness to our generation, took Bible verses and they engraved them in stone. They are in pictures. They are all over as a reminder to this generation that it was founded, it was based on biblical principles and the Word of God. Revival, as you talked about, and we only have a couple minutes here, but revival, you cited first revival, a second revival, and then these things, then our country came about. Do you believe that we can see revival again?

Robert Morgan:                Well, I’m answering two ways. Number one, I believe it’s our obligation as Christians to live in personal, perpetual, spiritual revival. Whether the whole society is revived spiritually or not, I believe that I can be, that I can live in joy, I can live an overflowing life through the power of the Holy Spirit if I’m yielded to the Lord and walking with Him. I think that I have an obligation and we all individually have an obligation to live revived lives, to live overflowing lives, to live refreshed and refreshing lives.

On a personal sense, I know that revival is not only possible now, but very vital to us. Now, whether that spark from our hearts will catch our society on fire again, I don’t know. I really don’t, but I am praying every day for revival. I have a map of the United States and my prayer list and my little prayer book, and every day, I’ll put my hand over the United States and pray for revival. It certainly is possible. It’s happened again and again and again in history. I’m looking forward to it. I’ll tell you something else. I see an awfully lot of young people today in colleges and everywhere else I go that are passionate for Jesus Christ, and that encourages me so much.

Sam Rohrer:                      I’m glad you answered it that way. Ladies and gentlemen, as you’re listening to us right now, I’m hoping that you’re being both informed and encouraged and I would say convicted, because I am as I go through this. We talk a lot on this program, we want things to change in this country. We want God’s blessing again, don’t you? I do. Well, what’s our hope? Is it some political party? Is it some election? No, no. It’s when we return to God. Can revival come? Well, it can. Where must it start? In your heart and my heart and then maybe the Holy Spirit will take and fan that flame. But certainly, scripture tells us that faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word of God, and we’ll never get back to God unless we get back into God’s Word. Let that be a thought as we just move from this segment now into the last where we take and conclude this program with our special guest, Robert Morgan.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Well, thanks for staying with us for this special program today. We’ve been speaking with Robert Morgan, author of Red Sea Rules, 100 Bible Verses That Made America and other wonderful books. But beyond being an author, Robert, you have given your life to be a shepherd of the flock, to preach faithfully the Word of God. Now, you’ve been out of the full-time pastorate for I guess a couple of years and like myself, you now get a chance to visit churches and to see what else is happening in the landscape of Christianity. What is the state of pulpits today? Are you concerned at the type of preaching that we see today in churches, Robert?

Robert Morgan:                Yes, I’m very concerned. I miss preaching every week to the same congregation. I’ve replicated that with my Bible study podcast so that I’m still preparing a message every single week. I’ve just got to do that. But in many pulpits, we have a lot of textual sermons, a lot of topical sermons. We have motivational talks. We have dumbed-down information, but not a great deal of serious well-executed biblical exposition. I think as a rule in our pulpits, we need to be preaching through books of the Bible, like through the book of Romans, for example. The reason is because God gave us 66 books. Each one of them have their own theme, their own personality, and the logic, God is very logical, and his logic unfolds progressively through those books.

In the book of Romans, the Lord lays down something in chapters 1 through 8, and then he gives an addendum in chapters 9 through 11. Then, in chapter 12, he says, “As a result of everything else, here is something you need to know.” That unfolds until we get to the very end, and it is one progressive unfolding of the thoughts of God on a particular subject. To be able to preach through that, I don’t mean you have to take five years to do it, but to be able to preach the Word of God as it is unfolded in the book that he gave us, and to teach people is such an important and such a joyful thing. If it’s done well, then it builds up a strong congregation. It’s not sticky points, but Bible verses well-executed that we need today in our pulpits.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Robert, I’m seeing the same things in the need for improvement in some of our pulpits. Would you encourage pastors today, not just improving of their preaching, but how would you encourage them to encourage their flocks to get into God’s Word through their own model of ministry?

Robert Morgan:                I think if there is good solid preaching every Sunday expositionally to the scripture, that it’s only natural for the members of that church to become Bible students themselves. When you are sitting every week under wonderful, wonderful teaching that just comes directly from the scriptures, then it gives you a aptitude and a hunger to be a student of the Bible yourself. We have to remember that the word pastor, P-A-S-T-O-R, pastor is very related to the word pasture, that it’s the main job of the shepherd to lead the sheep, to find food, to find nourishment, to find pasture.

I like to tell pastors that their number one responsibility besides loving the flock is to feed the flock and to give them the richness of the green pastures and the still waters. To me, it was always such a joy. It wasn’t a labor, it took a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to develop the messages, but it wasn’t a labor of drudgery, it was a labor of love. I think to fall in love with the scripture, to learn it, to study it, to be able to pass it on, pastoring is the crown of all of the professions and exposition is the scepter of the kingdom of the pulpit. I just want to encourage pastors to take this aspect with royal seriousness.

Sam Rohrer:                      A great way to say that. Robert, let me ask another question before we wrap this up today, and that is this. There is required a great deal of courage when a person enters the pulpit or when we live our lives as individuals, if we’re going to reflect the Word of God in our lives as salt and light. One of the things that we know from all of the surveys that are done, that there tends to be a great degree of timidity in the pulpit, where we know now that probably less than 9% of those in the pulpit, even evangelical pulpits, even preached a sermon last year on marriage or on anything relative to human sexuality, now, one can assume that it was because of being afraid, but let me go to that. It may be for other reasons. Why do you believe there is such timidity to deal with important issues that are facing all of our families and our culture today, and what can be done to fix that?

Robert Morgan:                A lot of pastors have been brainwashed that they just can’t offend anybody. They can’t say anything offensive or controversial in the pulpit, and that was never true of any of the preachers in the Old or New Testaments. I know what it’s like. I preached a sermon last year from Ezekiel 33 in which I dealt with the sanctity of sex, sexuality of marriage, the sanctity of life, and even friends who heard that sermon, a few of them were critical of me, one person in particular, and I was so surprised and I think that I preached lovingly. I think we have to be very loving, very gentle. We don’t go in and smash people over the heads with truth.

But if we don’t present the truth to people who are in error, they will never come under the conviction of the Holy Spirit and repent. The most loving thing that we can do is to lovingly present truth. When we’re preaching expositionally, then very naturally, these subjects come up and we deal with them. Because we’re dealing with them in the context of the exposition of scripture, then it’s much more natural that way, but we can never be afraid. We can never be intimidated because it’s God’s Word and not ours, and the Lord hasn’t given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and of sound thinking.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Robert, we could go on for another hour. Bless you for carving out this time with us. Before we sign off though, how can our listeners find out about your ministry and your resources?

Robert Morgan:                They can go to my website, please. It’s just my name, Robert J. Morgan, J for John. My father’s name was John. and all of our books, our resources, my podcast, my blog, everything is there and I would love for people to do that. They can also follow on social media, Robert J. Morgan.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Sam. Seed of revival is a hunger for the Word of God, that unquenched appetite for the bread of life, for the living water of the Word. I hope people have been moved to open their Bible today and to dive in this week.

Sam Rohrer:                      Jamie, so do I, and I believe that they have today. Ladies and gentlemen, I trust that you have been motivated to get into God’s Word, meditate in God’s Word, memorize God’s Word, and then apply it. Heavenly Father, it has been a wonderful privilege of ours, for Jamie and Robert and I to be here speaking with people all across this country. I pray, Lord, that You would take that which has been shared here today and put a motivation and a conviction in the hearts of millions of people across this country. Seeds of revival, Lord, it’s what we need and it starts with us. We pray these things in Jesus name, amen. Well, thank you for being with us today, ladies and gentlemen. It’s been our privilege to be with you. Pray for us as we communicate with us,, and Lord willing, we’ll see you back here tomorrow.