NATO: Defying God…Promoting Evil…Provoking War
May 30, 2024
Host: Hon. Sam Rohrer
Guest: Leo Hohmann
Note: This transcript is taken from a Stand in the Gap Today program originally aired on May 30, 2024. To listen to the podcast, click HERE.
Disclaimer: While reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate transcription, the following is a representation of a mechanical transcription and as such, may not be a word for word transcript. Please listen to the audio version for any questions concerning this dialogue.
Sam Rohrer: Hello and welcome to this Thursday edition of Stand In the Gap Today and today along with Leo Homan, independent investigative journalist, he and I we’re going to present the latest information on several pertinent areas of headline news about which I really believe that all God-fearing and alert people should be aware. Now, there’s obviously a lot of those items that we’re choosing just a couple today. The first area where we’ll spend the most time today is either directly or indirectly in the news, nearly every day, and it’s frankly been there for a long time, and that is nato, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. And while this area appears to be far away over there in Europe, somewhere quite removed from us, in reality it’s not, the impact is much closer to whom because of their actions and because they as an entity are really at the end of the day more funded by US dollars, and I’m going to say guided by the ambitions of the Western globalist cabal, their positions that is NATO’s positions and actions will impact us all more than we can imagine.
Sam Rohrer: Now we’re going to deal with this area primarily in the second and third segments. The second area though is hardly ever in the news being mostly relegated to areas of Technocracy news perhaps or the financial pages or economic and retail settings. Yet I’m going to say this second area is quite literally at hand, and you’ll see there’s a pun there at hand. We’ll pick up on that when we get to the end. But coming to a store near you, it appears local, but I’m going to suggest it’s really global and we’ll update on this item in segment four. Now in the end, both Aries are part of the largest strategy to advance a one world government system and the imposition of the beast system of which we’ve talked many times both can be found, also referred to or inferred to in biblical prophecy. Now with that teaser in place, my title tends to focus on the first issue, but stay with us the entire program as you’ll not want to miss any of today’s discussion. My title is this, NATO Defying God, promoting Evil Provoking Warren. And with that I welcome to the program right now, Leo Hohmann. And Leo, thanks for being back with me.
Leo Hohmann: Oh, thank you for having me, Sam.
Sam Rohrer: Leo, I first want to thank you for being so prolific in your investigative writings, your research thorough, you’re transparent, you provide embedded source links within your articles, and I’m going to say your objectiveness is truthful, and as you present your perspectives on most important issues, you let the evidence drive the analysis. Now, that’s what all journalism used to do or most of them, but hardly anybody does now. But in any regard, I want to thank you and I want to ask you a bit more about how you approach things in just a second. But that being said, over the last month I’ve looked back over what you’ve written. You’ve devoted several articles, which is why we’re going to talk about nato. You’ve talked about and written about NATO from a couple perspectives. One you just did. You entitled that the us, UK and NATO may have just crossed Putin’s final red line on the way to World War iii, captivating title.
Sam Rohrer: We’re going to talk about that in a minute. The other one is NATO has become the military wing of the globalist cabal that promotes self-destruction of nations in a depopulated world. Also, intriguing title, ladies and gentlemen, we’re going to deal with both of those in the next two segments. But Leo, here’s the question I want. Many of our listeners obviously are well acquainted with you read your articles and you’ve been on here many, many times, but they may not know relative to how you approach independent investigative research. So here’s a question for you just to get a little inside scoop on Leo Homan and how you think. How do you go about selecting the topics you choose to write about? And when you do, approximately how long does it take you to write, I’m going to say a well-researched article.
Leo Hohmann: Well, if you consider the thought time that goes into the article before I actually start writing, it could be anywhere from several hours to several days. It just depends, Sam. And in terms of how I go about selecting a topic to write about, there are certain topics that people who follow me know are sort of within my wheelhouse, national security type issues. That’s why I would get into an article, say, let’s take an objective look at NATO and what they’re doing as opposed to what they say they’re doing or what they say they stand for. What do they actually stand for, and how has that changed perhaps over the years? An article like that would be in my wheelhouse. Why? Because hardly anybody else is looking at that type of an issue or analyzing it from that angle in that perspective. So anything along those lines of Russia, China, NATO, geopolitical, I guess I would say geopolitical patterns that I see.
Leo Hohmann: I look for patterns of maybe the way that things in the world order are shaping up to change as opposed to how they have been over the last, oh, 75 years since the end of World War ii. We’ve had a very US dominated world order since the end of World War ii, simply because all of Europe was laying in ruins at the end of World War ii, Germany, Russia, great Britain, France, they were all in ruins and the United States was the strongest country left standing, and so it only made sense that the world order would shift up until that time, it was Great Britain who had the world’s most powerful Navy and they kept the seas open for trade in commerce. And the US sort of took on that role after World War ii and there were certain rules that went along with that world order. They called it the post World War II liberal Rules Based Order, and now that’s coming to an end, Sam. And so we are a fair game for a lot of articles because very few other journalists are writing about this shift in global power structures from a US dominated system to what’s called a multipolar system where maybe more than one nation will be sitting on top of the perch setting the rules for the global order.
Sam Rohrer: Alright, Leo, that’s very, very good. That takes me close to the end, so I’m not going to be able to get into this at some point I may want to come back and ask you to answer this question. As you look at America today and what’s happening and you’re talking transition world leadership multipolar, I was going to ask you this question, and again, you won’t have time to answer it, but we’ll get back to it. And that is, think about it, in your opinion, what’s the greatest threat to continued freedom in America and what would you offer as the greatest solution to that challenge? So ladies and gentlemen, that’s probably an intriguing question to you too. I’m interested in what Leah’s going to say. We’ll probably deal with that in the last segment if we can, but there it is. So if you’re just join us this Thursday edition of Stand of the Gap Today, our title, NATO Defying, God Promoting Evil Provoking War, and we’ll get into exactly how that can describe NATO as I continue with my guest, Leo Hohmann, author, researcher, independent investigative journalist.
Sam Rohrer: He has a website, We’ll be right back. Well, according to one globalist organization, and that is the Council on Foreign Relations, often referred to as CFR, and I’m going to say itself, that organization itself is a bastion of elite self-selected policy gurus. They say on their site that there are six most prominent international organizations. That is what they say, and they identify them. The United Nations, NATO the EU, European Union, WTU, world Trade Organization, the G 20 and the ICC International Criminal Court. They’re saying many of these organizations were created to promote global peace and prosperity, including through governance of international and trade monetary policy forming part of the liberal world order. Now, according to this source, NATO, which is our discussion now in this program, is a defensive alliance formed in 1949 consisting of 12 members, but also according to them, NATO is now the world’s largest alliance with 32 members with the most recent members being Finland and Sweden.
Sam Rohrer: Now, what is NATO’s historic purpose? Well, they say it’s this to preserve a free integrated and democratic Europe and to combat the growing influence of the Soviet Union. Alright, now this matter of NATO, its purpose and mission is key in my opinion. Leo and I read all that just to give our listeners a little bit of a background because it’s in that area where I’d like to focus now because you entitled your May 20th article, which people can This is the title. NATO has become the military wing of the globalist cabal that promotes the self-destruction of all nations in a depopulated world. Now to me, that signifies a major change from defensive to offensive purposes and it’s greatly concerning, but let’s come back to that consideration, Leo in a moment. We’ll do that in the next segment, but it’s a statement that was just made by NATO Secretary General Jen Stoltenberg that I think is most revealing because it frankly, my opinion defies God promotes evil and arrogantly states the real operative purpose of nato, which is what he says.
Sam Rohrer: Now, this is what he said you included in your article, and our listeners can find it if they want to go there,, they can find this article, but this is what he says, this the Secretary General, he said, NATO exists to defend 32 nations and our people’s right to live freely and in peace. Now ladies and gentlemen, listen to this because this becomes key on the international day against homophobia, bi phobia and transphobia, and every day all love is equal. It goes on to say LGBTQ plus people deserve respect and dignity and I am proud to call myself an ally. Well then, Leo, your first paragraph in your article, you want to un said this, one of NATO’s primary missions is to spread instability throughout the world using the military industrial complex to bully and intimidate countries non-compliant with a militant anti-family, anti-God agenda flowing out of Western capitals promoted by western media. That’s what you said it assure does sound exactly what Stoltenberg was talking about, but here’s my question to you. Please expand on this shift by NATO to defy God, advance gross immorality and to, as you say, intimidate countries who are noncompliant with their military anti-God agenda flowing out of Western capitals and promoted by western media. I’ve said a lot there, but this is a big deal. Expand upon that please.
Leo Hohmann: Yeah. When I saw this comment by the Secretary General of NATO, Jen Stoltenberg, all sorts of red flags went off for me, flashing, flashing, flashing. Sam, because this was a very bold bombshell statement because we have been told for decades that NATO stands for the defense of the free world, right? Freedom and democracy. That’s what NATO stands for, and it will fight to defend that wherever it is threatened by the Soviet Union, former Soviet Union, China and the whole what used to be known as the communist block, and that was just a given when we heard that NATO in the United States, and let’s face it, the United States is NATO, and NATO is the United States because wherever NATO goes, the United States troops make up about 75 to 80% of the forces and all the other members account for the remaining 20%. And so when we heard that it was fighting for freedom and democracy, we took that at face value, but I think it’s time we start to question exactly what is meant by freedom and democracy.
Leo Hohmann: Jen Stoltenberg gives us a very strong hint. I would say it’s beyond a hint. It’s an outright bold statement of the truth of what exactly NATO considers freedom and democracy. It means the freedom to be L-G-B-T-Q. It means the freedom for same sex marriages to blaspheme the whole institution of marriage. And now it’s going beyond that to blaspheming in biblical terms, at least I would call it a blasphemy of God created two genders, right? Male and female. The NATO countries led by the United States say that there can be any number of genders and that a parent can choose their child’s gender at birth and the child itself can later go against his own biology or his parents’ wishes and choose a different gender than what he or she was born with.
Leo Hohmann: When you put all this together, this is the type of freedom, this is what they mean. Now, when they talk about freedom, when we hear that word as Christians, we think of what the first amendment, the freedom of speech, the freedom to practice our own religion, the freedom of the press, the freedom to own firearms under the Second Amendment. These are the type of things we think of when we hear that word freedom. That is not what NATO is fighting for. In fact, the NATO countries have been warring against those very freedoms that we hold sacred in a very, very progressive manner over the last, I would say four or five years for sure, with all of the censorship that’s been going on and all of the intimidation that’s been going on against people who speak the truth, biblical truths especially, or go against whatever narrative the NATO governments are putting out there with their lap dog media friends in the mainstream corporate media. And so this is what they’re talking about, Sam, when they’re talking about freedom and it all adds up. If you look at that agenda and throw in the pro-abortion on top of that, it adds up to a depopulated world because gay marriages do not produce children. Genderless or transgender. Young people do not produce children. Vaccines make people sterile and they force that upon the nations. And so they’re looking to depopulate the world according to their green sustainability agenda, 2030 principles.
Sam Rohrer: Absolutely. I couldn’t agree with you more and ladies and gentlemen, just a reminder all the way back to the Obama administration and all the way up until through now, our government have been trying to force other governments around the world to adopt all of these things that Jen Stoltenberg from NATO made clear is the agenda of NATO. In order to accept or receive USAID, we have been aggressively trying to force this defiance of God immorality and evil on all the nations of the world and we’ve leveraged them. So just think about that in terms of the statement by NATO. I only have a couple minutes left here, Leo, but I did want to ask you this. You made the statement, the Western globalist cabal, just for the sake of those who are listening who may not know what that is, who do you throw into that category? Who is the western globalist cabal?
Leo Hohmann: I would say the United States, the UK, the EU, EU, European Union and the transnational corporations associated with those countries along with I would say China, because China is heavily invested in the western world in the So-called formerly free world economically especially. So yeah, that’s what I would consider that element and throw in organizations, NGOs like the World Economic Forum, the Rockefeller Foundation, and organizations like that, Sam, and that is what it is made up of.
Sam Rohrer: Okay, and ladies and gentlemen, I think you probably could have guessed a lot of what Leo said there, but that Western cabal, these are the elite, these are the ones that, the organizations that Leo mentioned, they’re the ones that when I read from the council on foreign relations description of the sixth biggest, most influential international organizations, they were all of those that Leo mentioned. I’m going to throw in on top of it, you got the World Bank, the IMF, some financial people, it’s all part of that cabal. It’s all part of the same group. Anyway, so this is what’s behind it. It is a big deal. And when they make a statement like Stoltenberg did to me, it makes me think of Psalm chapter two, where the leaders of the world lift their fists to the god of heaven and say, we don’t like your rules.
Sam Rohrer: We’re going to redefine it anyway, when we come back, we’re going to move from defying God promoting evil to NATO provoking war. Well, if you’re just joining us now, we’re right smack in the middle of the program today. Glad that you are with us. And my theme is this NATO defying God, we just talked about that in the last segment. Now we’re going to go to promoting, actually define God and promoting evil. We put them together. We’re going to about to start and talk about the idea of NATO provoking war. My special guest, Leo Hohmann, well-known on this program, I know so many of you appreciate the time that we spend together on this program and his writings, and I’m going to say he’s one of the most prolific and trustworthy journalists that are out there today. There are very few who don’t do the bidding of somebody else, but he’s independent.
Sam Rohrer: And so he depends on donations and all of that. For people to keep him going has a website, And when you do that, it’s H-O-H-M-A-N-N two n’s leo Alright. Since the advent of c COVID-19, we’ll remember that when the entire world, we can’t forget what happened. We called it a dress rehearsal, many times begin must think in terms of that. But since the advent when the entire world, we remember east and West fell into what seemed to be like a pre-ordained pre-practice, lockstep lockdown, and I’m going to say it was led not by some action of some other country. It was led by the United States. It was led by the Declaration of Pandemic Emergency, which happened here in 2020 that put the pieces into motion because it also at that point in a disastrous way suspended the US Constitution in America. That’s what pandemic emergencies of that type do.
Sam Rohrer: And it opened up the purse, it began to pump out trillions of US dollars to fuel the world’s move toward global government. That’s been the result since then. If you really back up a n, a lot of people don’t want to think about it that way, but that’s exactly what happened. It greased the skids, the fuel to make the governments of the world and to help the United Nations and a World Health organization to advance its prominence in world control. It was our money and the actions of the United States, regardless of what anybody says, but it’s continued to move. The world has continued to move toward the goals of who? Well, the Western cabal, the United Nations, the CFR, those I just read about, talked about in the other segment, and Leo identified the world’s elite puppet masters and the pursuing a plan, a roadmap that really was laid out in detail by the World Economic Forum guys, all part of this, they’re all the same people, but coinciding with this came the increased rhetoric of war.
Sam Rohrer: If you think after that covid, the talk about war began to now become the narrative, didn’t it? West, west and East, the eastern alliance of Nations began to develop because of a lot of what came out of that alliance being Russia, China, Iran, and others. It’s really developed significantly in the last couple of years, but it’s ended this narrative. I think that the threats of world wari, they’re all over the place. If you Google, you see it all the time. They continue to appear headlines and across Europe heavily and not extensively, though NATO seems to be connected to a lot of that. And as Leo said, who is nato? It’s us. It’s the United States. So we’re moving closer. And the point there is most recently it’s the potential World War III in regard to NATO and Russia. So that’s where we’re going to go. Now, Leo, let’s go back into the observation that you made, that NATO has become the military wing of the western globalist cabal who you identified and has become an offensive body, no longer just a defensive military wing as they were originally put together. That brings me to the consideration that NATO is actually provoking war. So what are your thoughts on this? Has NATO become a war provoking in militarily offensive body, and why do you say that?
Leo Hohmann: Well, it certainly appears that way. If you look back over the last 25 years or so since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Empire, and you’ll hear the neocons in Washington, folks like Nikki Haley, Mike Pence, Lindsey Graham, Michael McCall, the House of Representatives leader from the state of Texas. These are all what I call neocons. And why do I say that? Because they continuously accuse Russia of what NATO is guilty of. They use this psychological projection, which is a very demonic tactic where you accuse your enemy of what you are actually guilty of. And they accuse Putin, who’s been in office for like 24 years now of wanting to quote, restore the old Soviet empire. I can still hear Mike Pence saying that a few months ago before he dropped out of the presidential race, he was at a town hall meeting and he said that point blank statement, which is echoed almost word for word from all of these other Washington neocons who are so eager to go to war with Russia if Putin and they say Putin is like Hitler and he’s wanting to take over all of Europe.
Leo Hohmann: The man has been in office for 24 years. Do you not think if that was his goal, he would’ve started it by now.
Leo Hohmann: And if you look at nato, since its origination in 1949, it started with 15 countries. It has now more than doubled up. Its at 32 countries completely surrounding Russia’s Western flank, especially with the last two additions of Finland, which shares like 800 miles of border with Russia. It is now a member of the military alliance, NATO, Sweden has just joined. Ukraine is I consider a defacto member, even though not an official member of Ukraine, because we’re certainly acting like Ukraine as a member of NATO, the way we are fighting using every NATO resource available to fight Russia in that country, this would be, and I must say Ukraine. NATO has gone about militarizing the country of Ukraine for the past 10 years, since a color revolution was instigated by the west in 2014. And at Western Puppet government has been installed there. They have trained the troops, they have given military aid to the troops they have added to their military hardware.
Leo Hohmann: And of course, this has been jumpstarted even more since the Russian invasion, which that was considered. And that was characterized as an act of aggression by Russia against Ukraine. Its neighbor, a non NATO country. But in actuality, that war has been going on, on and off for 10 years. Sam and Russia has just now said, we’re tired of it. We’ve been warning you not to bring Ukraine into NATO. You won’t go back on this talk of Ukraine. Joining NATO. You continue to arm Ukraine, make it a more deadly neighbor on our border. And so Russia invaded.
Sam Rohrer: Okay, lemme just, okay, you could go much further, but I want to get another question here that you put in the last article. You say this, the title of your May 28th, this couple days ago you said this, the US, UK and NATO may have just crossed Putin’s final red line on the way to World War. Okay, what red line with Russia, are you suggesting that NATO driven by the US and the UK perhaps have just crossed?
Leo Hohmann: Yeah, good question there, Sam. The weapons flowing into Ukraine have been steadily increasing, not just in number but in sophistication. First, the United States said, well, we’re not going to send tanks. That would be an escalation that we don’t want to get involved in. Then they sent the M1 Abrams tanks and the leopard tanks from Germany. Then they said, well, we’re not going to send long range missiles. And they didn’t for quite some time. They said, we’re not going to send fighter pilot fighter jets like the F fifteens. And they didn’t for some time. Now they’re sending the fighter jets. Now they’re, they’ve been sending long range missiles from the uk, the UK long range missiles and the United States long range missiles. But they said, you can’t use these. We’re going to send them now, but you can’t use them to strike deep inside of Russia.
Leo Hohmann: Now they’re saying, well, France, Germany, the uk, they’re all saying, well, we think you should be able to strike deep inside of Russia with these long range missiles. It’s only the US that is holding out and we’re hearing drum beats in the US from the likes of Lindsey Graham, secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, several members of Congress all putting pressure on the White House to allow Ukraine to use these long range missiles. Strike deep into the heart of Russia. So that’s just a matter of time before it happens. But the final provocation, and this is what I call I believe could be the final red line that we have crossed, is that we are now allowing Ukraine to send drone attacks on Russia’s long range advanced radar detection systems. Now, what do I mean by that? Russia has advanced radar detection systems that can detect incoming missiles, not from Ukraine or any country bordering Ukraine, but from as far away as the UK and the United States, these are being attacked. And if we take these out, Sam, I think this could provoke Russia to finally strike back at nato. They do not want to see their radar detection system degraded.
Sam Rohrer: And I think ladies and gentlemen, that is a pretty clear red line and that is happening. So this is why a provoking to war is probably not an idle statement. Stay with us. We’ll conclude in just a moment. Well, at the beginning of the program I said we deal with two issues. One is nato and we’ve dealt with that in the last couple of segments. NATO defying, God promoting evil. Go back and listen to the program. If you didn’t catch the whole thing, you can find it on our website, as you know or on stand on the gap or on your app. And as a reminder, we now are adding full transcripts of the programs that are generally available within or under 24 hours from the time that we do this program. So if you’d prefer to read or you can do that, and so that’s something we’re trying to make available, you can do it there as well.
Sam Rohrer: So I’m going to shift here now. And Leo, there was so much more that we could say about NATO and you were on a roll in that last segment, but we’re going to have to move to this last one. The second issue, because in today’s program we’ve talked ladies and gentlemen about NATO as the lead military arm. I’m going to say of the morally depraved western nations. I don’t know how else to describe this post-modern nations led by us at the United States, but upholding and pursuing aggressively the worst of immorality, as God said, we’re doing it using our dollars to force other countries to capitulate. All these things are happening. And as I quoted just stated by nato Secretary General, Jen Sternberg, he basically not, basically he did state the new purpose of nato and it is the advancement of an L-G-B-T-Q agenda and equal love as he says it.
Sam Rohrer: Amazing. Well, as such, this entity operating in full alignment with the US government, the State Department, UK leadership is flying in direct defiance of God’s view for government. Its purpose of government, God’s standard for morality, the basis for God’s blessing on a nation. And I’m going to suggest very clearly based on what God’s word says, inviting the judgment of God, but they’re also provoking war. They’re inciting fear, seeking the imposition of a one world government. All these things we’ve talked about so many times and all of these things we’ve talked about are all part of what the Bible says will happen with nations that reject God and pursue a plan out of their own head. But there’s another area, Leo, about which we’ve talked in the past, you’ve written recently, it’s the one I mentioned that’s not headline news, but it’s making huge advancements and that’s what will comprise a major piece of this beast system ties into digital id ladies and gentlemen that we talked about yesterday with Reggie calling in from Geneva at the World Health Organization. We talked about that yesterday, ID and tracking digital currency and more. We talked about that yesterday. Leo, your article title is this, the process of digitally marking every human is well underway, but how many humans are even aware of where this is leading? Great title is a good article. Tell us about what’s happening and how far along this whole thing is.
Leo Hohmann: Yeah, Sam, what I’m writing about here is JP Morgan Chase coming out recently and saying that they are going to have a new biometric digital payment system ready to go that they will make available to all retailers, repeat all retailers in the United States by 2025, and this will be by biometric. What does that mean? That means you’ll have to participate in it and it will be voluntary at first. I don’t want to mislead people and make them think that this is going to be mandated in 2025, but it always starts on a more innocent level. It is voluntary, and it’ll make everything more convenient for those who sign up for it. All you have to do is take a picture of your a Palm scan, upload it to the app, and JP Morgan will allow you to go into a store, any participating retail store, and they said they’re going to make it available to all of them, and you will no longer have to pay in cash or credit card.
Leo Hohmann: You’ll simply waive your palm over a scanner and the money will be automatically debited out of your bank account. This will be rolled out in conjunction with a defacto digital ID and eventually Digital Central Bank digital currency. It will work, they said with the coming CBDs, and it is the wave of the future in retail transactions. They said, now, I think it was the very next day, the next day or two days after Visa came out and announced a similar program that they’re getting ready to launch. So this is where things are heading, Sam, we knew that they were going to eliminate cash, but it appears they’re also wanting to eliminate credit cards and debit cards so that there will be no more physical paper or plastic needed to make purchases at the retail level. You’ll simply wave your palm over the scanner, or in other cases they will scan your face. So that to me sounds like a biblical potential. Mark of the beast when you’re talking about the hand and the forehead, the eyes are setting in the forehead, and so some of these will scan your retina, your eyes, others will scan your hand, your palm, in order for you to be able to buy or sell in the coming New World order. It’s going to start out voluntary, but like all of these programs, it will eventually become mandatory.
Sam Rohrer: I think you’re totally correct, and ladies and gentlemen, I’m reading a little bit from the article, Leo, that you put together here, and I’ve been watching all of this unfold, but ladies and gentlemen, you may think, oh, well that’s way down the road. That’ll be beyond my lifetime perhaps for whatever, or people are not ready. They’re citing here. 25% of Americans are comfortable using a biometric hand scanner for payment, 25% in the uk, 50%, but lest you think that you’re not already doing something of this flavor, they cite the fact that a number of our football and sports teams are already doing things. Shallow Seahawks as an example, and others, there’s several Kansas City Royals, Houston Astros, Colorado Rockies, Boston, red Sox, others are moving towards using the same thing so that right now you leave your seat to go buy food, it’s scanning and you come back in and it’s so easy.
Sam Rohrer: And that is the thing. People are already being conditioned far more than you think, and as they are saying here to the retailers, it’s going to increase your profits and they already have numbers out there, they’ve already been checking it, that your profits will go up and it’s going to be so easy for people. The reason that we’re saying this is it is so close at the door, be aware of it because each of us are going to have to make a determination about, alright, how far do I go? It may not be the mark of the beast necessarily, but what’s the real difference? If you are already using your hand or your eyes or something else and have somebody come along and say, well, now just take this little mark. You’re already doing it. You know what I mean? So this is a big deal, and Leo, we’re at the end of the program, but thank you for taking and bringing this up to date on both this bigger issue, NATO, and what’s being involved there, as well as what’s happening right here at home with this move towards biometrics and scanning of palms and eyes and all of that kind of thing to make our purchases.
Sam Rohrer: Thank you so much for being with me, Leo, always a great deal of information. His website, again, ladies and gentlemen, leo That’s with two Ns and end of the end, leo and then our website. Stand in the gap And again, you go there and on our app, get this program, forward it to a friend. That’s the best thing that you can do. Listen to it again, move it along to a friend. And again, transcripts are available online within 24 hours of the program.
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