The WHO Power Grab: Delayed but not Dead
May 29, 2024
Host: Hon. Sam Rohrer
Guest: Reggie Littlejohn
Note: This transcript is taken from a Stand in the Gap Today program originally aired on May 29, 2024. To listen to the podcast, click HERE.
Disclaimer: While reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate transcription, the following is a representation of a mechanical transcription and as such, may not be a word for word transcript. Please listen to the audio version for any questions concerning this dialogue.
Sam Rohrer: Hello and welcome to this Wednesday edition of Stand In the Gap Today. As I welcome in just a minute or two, Mrs. Reggie Littlejohn, founder and president of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers and Anti Globalist International, she’ll be joining me or is actually joining me live from Geneva, Switzerland, where she’s there amidst the ongoing and long anticipated World Health Organization, the WHO Pandemic meeting, and she’s only give us the very latest on the status of that tyrannical meeting. Now, if you’re a regular listener, stand in the gap today. You know that I’ve had experts and personal friends such as the honor of Michelle Bachman and independent investigative journalist Leo Homan on this program and others many times over the past several years about the rise of the Globalist Beast system. We’ve discussed in detail the various strategies being demonically implemented to create crises and mayhem such as the pandemics of which COVID-19 and the pre-planned VAX shots were the most sweeping and bold and arrogant.
Sam Rohrer: We also talked about strategic open border policies designed to place enemy combatants and disease within our nation. We presented the evidence of the pursuit of the UNT throttled printing of money jointly promoted by Republican and democratic leadership alike to destroy the US dollar and drive the world into a trackable digital currency and an inescapable surveillance system with the goal of controlling all travel. And ultimately, it’s going to be all purchases by all people, forcing the world’s population through various means and strategies into submitting to a one world global beast system. Now with that being said, the long anticipated annual World Health Organization meeting in Geneva, Switzerland held the potential to consolidate international health control into the hands of a few unelected elite led by the Marxist Teras, Adam Nam Gaius. That meeting began officially on May 27, runs through May 31st day after tomorrow. Now attending the entire meeting is my guest today, Reggie Littlejohn.
Sam Rohrer: She’s been there in attendance, but Reggie is not some novice observer but actively involved in warning the world about not only this particular meeting but the larger goal of the globalist set on establishing a one world government. Reggie’s the graduate of Yale Law School. She’s founder and president of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers where she launched it to combat forced abortions and sterilizations in communist China. She also founded Anti-Global International as well as the Stop Vaccine Passports Force and the Sovereignty Coalition. The title I’ve chosen to frame today’s discussion, which will delve into the breadth of the topics I just identified, is this The Who Power Grab delayed but not dead. And with that I welcome from Geneva Live right now. Reggie Littlejohn. Reggie, thanks for being with me.
Reggie Littlejohn: Thank you so very much for having me. It’s a pleasure.
Sam Rohrer: Reggie, you’ve been busy. I appreciate so much you carving this time out of your schedule to be with our listeners across the country. But let’s get right into it based on the recent comments from the Marxist WHO director Tedros Ghebreyesus. He said in effect when I watched him that while the votes, and I’m not sure the votes actually were there, they got to that point, but you can talk to us about it, but he basically acknowledged they weren’t where they are, but he also said, I am not defeated though delayed something of that type. Here’s my general question. How substantive is this delay if it’s a delay and comment on this as well, how did it get to the point that they knew they didn’t have the support to bring it even up for a vote if that’s where it sits?
Reggie Littlejohn: Well, okay, so this is a very important question. What happened is basically they were supposed to have come up with a final draft of the International Health Regulation Amendments and the treaties by last Friday. And the international negotiating bodies just, they couldn’t come to agreement. And so like you said, the World Health Organization put out the following quote from Tedros saying, we’re not where we hope to be when we started this process. But this is not a failure. We will try everything believing that anything is possible and make this happen because the world still needs a pandemic treaty. So those words are kind of frightening, okay? They’re going to try everything believing that anything is possible and make it happen. And so this is the thing number one, that deadline that they gave themselves of last Friday is a ridiculous deadline. According to the International Health Regulations Article 55 final versions of amendments are required to be circulated to the World Health Assembly, all the nation states four months in advance.
Reggie Littlejohn: So that deadline passed on January 27th. And the reason for that, the rationale behind that rule is very simply that these are weighty matters. They’re complicated and nations need time to analyze them and to consider their impact on the nations. And also it gives time for civil society like you and me to analyze them and comment on them and get to our legislators and tell them what we think, et cetera, et cetera. So they totally blew past that deadline, which made the attempt to vote on this illegal according to their own rules. And then they extended it all the way to last Friday and couldn’t even make it last Friday. So the negotiations decisions fell apart, but Teros and others have stated with determination that they’re going to come through with a treaty. There was a meeting yesterday of something called Committee A and it was basically the focus of it was the response of various countries to the fact that the negotiations fell apart.
Reggie Littlejohn: Each country got about three minutes and country after country after country said that they’re committed to seeing the pandemic treaty through. One of them said that they were ready to sign it right now without any further negotiations. Others said, oh, this is so complicated and important, it should take two to three years to come up with a good draft. And others said, and this is what I think is what they’re going to do is well, we need about another four months and then we’ll be able to vote on it. And what that does is it puts the vote still within the timeframe of the Biden administration. I think that their hope is that they can pass it during the Biden administration and that he will then sign off on it by executive order as opposed to having it go through the Senate, which is another thing that’s illegal. A treaty has to go through the Senate. So the answer to your original question, yes, there was a delay, but it’s not dead. It’s continuing to go on and we need to continue to keep the pressure up.
Sam Rohrer: Alright, Reggie, Littlejohn, thank you. Just stay with me. We’re going to go into a break here right now. Ladies and gentlemen, if you’re just joining us, our theme today is The Who Power Grab delayed. And as you heard Reggie just say Not dead. Reggie is the founder and president of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers and she’s there really as a part of other groups. Anti globalist is one with a website, anti I gave an introduction to her if you just joining us. I have to go back and listen to that introduction of her, but she is calling Life from Geneva, Switzerland right now. When we come back, we’re going to talk a little bit further about the next steps of what they are doing because I’m telling you, when crooked people of this type invest so much, they do not delay. They just change their shape in their form.
Sam Rohrer: Well, if you’re just joining us, you want to stay with us the entire program today because we’re dealing with the status of the World Health Organization Power Grab, that’s my title, WHO Power grab delayed but not dead and giving us the very latest update and really pleased to have her is Reggie Littlejohn. She’s the founder and president of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers and also Anti-Global International. And she is there in attendance. So we’re going to get right into it because there’s a lot, if you stay with us, you’ll understand not just what’s happening there right now, but how this World Health Organization attempt to consolidate power is part of a larger picture and how it’s all works together. I think it’s very important. Now, for those of you who’ve ever been a part of high stakes political processes, and I know that’s not most listening to me right now, but for those of you who have been such as, I’m going to say serving in state government, it’s a little bit different than serving on the local level, but state government or federal government, you know that once a major initiative has been launched with lots of money and lots of prestige and people’s names involved in it and they’ve been out there publicly, that issue seldom if ever goes away.
Sam Rohrer: The greater the influence I have found of the people involved and the greater the amount of money involved, well the more money gets involved and the more that happens, the more influence is now able to be leveraged on those who actually end up making the votes at times the move policy of advance forward. And the more likely it is that any delay in achieving stated goals, we’ll just simply see another strategy arise or some other way to circumvent the opposition. And often that’s in the sense of buying off opposition and such as the World Health Organization goal to consolidate power, to initiate control and shape what they determined to be global health emergencies with the power to force worldwide compliance as we witnessed during what we’ve termed so many times the Covid dress rehearsal. Alright, Reggie, now with that in place, in my estimation, this delay, you’ve already suggested to it World Health Organization Control is maybe delayed but certainly not dead.
Sam Rohrer: So you agreed with that. Let me ask you go ahead with this and here’s the question. How are those folks, either there, where you are now or those that are behind pushing it, how are they posturing? For instance, the political pathway for another vote? Because you talked about they have to publish four months ahead of time. Well, I’ve been in office, I know there’s a lot of ways around things of that type. Lots of illegal things happen all the time. So what are they doing to get around the political prohibitions perhaps, or what are they doing perhaps for positioning the world for another imminent pandemic such as the bird flu or dengue fever or something else that’s already out there in their planning as a way of whipping up support? What do you see happening going forward here on this issue?
Reggie Littlejohn: Alright, so just yesterday what happened is a group of countries, so this is France, Indonesia, Kenya, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, and United States eight floated a resolution. Alright, so a resolution is different from amendments to the international health regulations, which would require a vote or certainly a treaty which would require two thirds of vote. A resolution I believe can just be passed by silences consent. And what this resolution does is it says that they’re going to be negotiating on the international health regulations this week to vote on amendments on Friday. And as I said, it’s completely illegal. They’re supposed to submit these things four months in advance. So what their argument is, Sam, their argument is, I don’t know if you know this, but about 18 months ago they circulated a draft of the International health regulations with something like 306 different proposed amendments. They’re arguing that fulfilled the requirement of submitting the final text four months in advance.
Reggie Littlejohn: That’s an absurd argument, but so what we’re doing is twofold. One is we are challenging this new reform reformatting of their plan, just as you had said. So the problem is, number one, they’re doing these negotiations way too late. Number two, they’re doing them in the dark, we can’t see, or we have no idea what they’re negotiating, they could be putting the most egregious aspects of the pandemic treaty into the International health regulations and we have no way of knowing. So the only way to actually stop this is for one country. And we are trying to get to the heads of state of several countries to sign something called a dispute between nations and to dispute this legally and to stop it. So we are talking to, we’re talking to Israel or trying to get to Israel from Akia, Argentina and El Salvador. So those are the countries that have been very negative on the pandemic agreement. And if one international leader, one head of state would sign this statement of dispute between nations, then they could actually stop this vote on Friday.
Sam Rohrer: All right. Well that’s interesting. And it does not surprise me, Reggie, it does not surprise me at all that you’re floating the idea that they’re suggesting perhaps a resolution as a way of providing for some quasi appearance of legality or lawfulness when in fact it’s not. But in my opinion, I have not found political leaders bound by law. They’re making up their own thing. So I will not be surprised at whatever comes out this week. So basically what you’re saying is that things are in works where they’re going to try probably to do something via resolution perhaps this week to give them at least the appearance of victory and moving ahead. And you’re saying you and others there that are on the ground are trying to come up with a way to scuttle that attempt by challenging and filing some kind of a dispute. That’s what you’re saying, correct. That’s basically where you think things are right now.
Reggie Littlejohn: Yeah, I think that that’s an accurate representation.
Sam Rohrer: Okay. Alright. Now that being the case, if you were to walk away and you’re there now you see the people that are involved, I suppose they could come up with something with other than a resolution. But let’s come at this perspective right now. The World Health Organization has the quasi control over health policy, which I think includes now climate control provisions as of last year, last May, but that’s very broad. But suppose the World Health Organization and this group this week is not able even to pass a resolution. Do you see them also proceeding in other ways right now because is there another entity within the UN as an example that could actually effectuate the control that the WHO is trying to get? Is there another way they can just bypass the WHO altogether?
Reggie Littlejohn: Oh sure. So number one, as I think I mentioned in the first segment, they are continuing to negotiate the pandemic treaty that is not dead. So that’s one track. They’re continuing to negotiate the international health regulations. So the World Health Organization is continuing to effectuate its power wrap. But as you said, there are other ways of doing this that have nothing to do with the World Health Organization. So for example, United Nations has a big meeting in September and they’re going to be trying to pass what they’re calling an emergency platform where if there is what they have called a comm complex global shock, they will be able to basically affect a paragraphs similar to the WHO. So they have a chart called complex global shocks, and in that chart, they list certain things that they would consider to be complex global shocks, which would mean that would trigger this emergency platform, which would operationalize automatically, meaning if this complex global shock emergency platform passes and then a complex global shock, then it doesn’t have to go through another vote of the nations, it’s already passed.
Reggie Littlejohn: It will operationalize automatically that the United Nations basically gets to start taking over in ways similar power grab to the World Health Organization. So the complex global shocks include health, so they would probably act through the WHO for that. But then also if a power grid goes down, if supply chains are interrupted, if there’s a major event in outer space that’s actually there. And then they have something else called a black swan event, which is basically any other event that they couldn’t think of. But all of these would be a way for the director general of the United Nations to grab power similar to what Tedros at the World Health Organization would do in case of a pandemic emergency.
Sam Rohrer: Alright, Reggie, that’s excellent. Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you get what Reggie Little John is saying. What we’re talking about today, this current event there with the World Health Organization, the effort to gain sovereignty control over national sovereignty of nations around the world, couldn’t get consensus on it by Zoe Friday. So they have not yet had a vote. So they’re basically posturing themselves right now, but if they get away from that this week and can’t do what they need to do, there are other ways to do it by going directly to the top and that is how these guys globalist elitist work. So anyways, we’re going to talk in the next segments today with us, we’re going to identify this bigger plan towards one world government and who’s involved in it and why. Well, as Franklin Delano Roosevelt made famous, you’ll recognize this, he said this in politics, nothing happens by accident.
Sam Rohrer: If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way. Well, from my experience in elected office in the Pennsylvania General Assembly for nearly 20 years, I will concur with that statement. I can also say that in politics, business organized crime or organized religion, you just have to follow the money. When you combine politics with unlimited money, money from billionaires and oligarchs, well then you can access the printing press and the taxpayer’s wallet. You only increase the frequency and the magnitude of the scope and strategy of political cheny, fraud, corruption, and tyranny. Now you combine these with an evil heart driven by a lust for power and fame or money, well then what’s that bring you? Well, it brings you the United Nations. It brings you the World Health Organization. It brings you the World Economic Forum and a host of other elites who have for generations lusted for a one world government, able to control people and resources and frankly, literally life and death because they think they’re God.
Sam Rohrer: Alright, Reggie, when you founded the organization, your anti-global international organization, you did so I know for a number of reasons and as a, for those who are listening, we’d want to check that out. It’s for this larger reason that I’d like to discuss in this segment here, this larger goal that I just kind of laid out that’s behind your anti globalist net organization because it has many prongs. There have been many things underway for many years, but this particular World Health Organization meeting and vote I’m going to suggest is but a part of a larger issue like an octopus, many legs, they’re all moving and propelling this creature of tyranny forward. So here’s my first question. If we could walk through, I’ve got several questions here. If we could go through it, and you’ve done so much work, so you are qualified to speak. How would you identify and describe the globalist goal? Let’s go there first, the globalist goal, which we must understand in order to, frankly, if we can’t oppose it, if we don’t understand it, what’s their goal?
Reggie Littlejohn: Well, I usually don’t start out with this, I lead up to it, but I’ll just start out with it right now, which is, I believe their goal is to establish a biotech surveillance police state that will basically enslave humanity and establish kind of a two tier governance structure where you have the global elites who would be the overlords and the rest of us would be basically serfs or slaves.
Sam Rohrer: Okay, I think that’s great. We’ve talked about that before. I didn’t know for sure exactly what you’d say, but I knew you’d have to be saying that because that is their goal. Ladies and gentlemen, that’s really what they say. They are little gods, they think they are. God. Alright, so to establish a two-tiered world where there are a few masters and there are an awful lot of slaves, I’m going to put it that way. Here’s the second question. Alright, that’s the goal, alright? In order to get there, it requires people, it requires organizations, many of which are strategically created. So identify those major organizations current and maybe past if there’s some no longer around, but played a key and people perhaps that are doing all they can to achieve this goal.
Reggie Littlejohn: Well, I mean the three legged stool I think is really the World Health Organizations, the United Nations and the World Economic Forum. But there are many others that are involved like the World Bank and there’s, gosh, I don’t know, there’s Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission, all these people are globalists, but I don’t know if you’re going to ask me this, but what I’d like to talk about is what is the strategy? How are they
Sam Rohrer: Going to do this? That’s where I want to go now. So you’ve got a goal. You never get towards a goal. Anybody listen to me? You never get to a goal unless you have a means to get there and a strategy to get there. So, all right, so here are these people, these organizations, these globalist minded people who have had stated goals moving towards centralized tyrannical government for a long time, alright? They have used strategies. So you want to go there, I want you to go there, identify those most recognizable initiatives and strategies that people listening would identify as these goals to get us to a point of a two-tiered world elitist and control everybody else’s slaves.
Reggie Littlejohn: Alright? So I think that the centerpiece of this, what I call a digital gulag, are the digital ID and central bank digital currencies. Alright, so let’s talk a bit about the digital id. The World Health Organization, what they’re trying to do constantly is frighten us about health because they found that people are willing to give up important constitutional rights if they’re worried about their own health, the health of their parents, the health of their children. So the idea is to keep people in a state of perpetual fear. And also I think it’s an abuse of empathy or abuse of goodwill that they will try to convince everybody you need to get this vaccine, for example, in order to protect grandma or whatever it is, which is in fact not true. Vaccines, they did nothing to protect grandma, but so that you have almost good and bad, the people who take the vaccines are the one who care about grandma.
Reggie Littlejohn: The people who don’t take the vaccines are the ones who don’t care about grandma. So they’re bad people and they’re also dirty and infectious, which is another ploy that they use to isolate people that are undesirable. People who think for themselves, people who do their own research and decide that maybe they don’t want the latest vaccine or the latest booster. Alright? But the point is that the fear engendered by COVID-19 or whatever is coming out next. They’ve been talking about disease X, which is 20 times more deadly than COVID-19 and strikes children rather than the elderly. So they laid the infrastructure during COVID-19 of vaccine passports where they were requiring those some places and they’re using health as a pretext to get vaccine passports, but they’re not calling them that anymore. They’re calling them digital IDs. And the pretext is we are going to be having more pandemics.
Reggie Littlejohn: The pandemics are going to be terrible. We need to be able to track people in terms of who’s infected, who’s been vaccinated, et cetera. So that’s the pretext. But in actual fact, what these digital IDs will do is if you look on the World Economic Forum website, there is a chart of everything that the digital ID is going to do, and it’s going to do a whole lot more than just track somebody’s vaccination status. So you’ll need, or their plan is that we will need the digital ID in order to access healthcare insurance and treatment to open bank accounts and carry out online transactions to travel, to access humanitarian services, to shop and conduct business transactions, to participate in social media, to pay taxes, vote and collect government benefits like Medicare or social security and to own a communication device like a cell phone or a computer.
Reggie Littlejohn: So you’re going to need a digital ID basically to participate in any aspect of civilized society. And this is a huge mechanism of surveillance and control because if you step out of line, for example, if you don’t want to get vaccinated with the latest vaccine or if you criticize the government like I’m doing right now, and you, they can do something that’s similar to the China social credit system. As you mentioned, I started out with advocating for human rights, especially women’s rights in China. So I don’t know if everybody, all your listeners are aware of the China social credit system, but that’s what they’re replicating here worldwide. So in China, all of these different things, they have real time geolocation, they have facial recognition, so they know what you look like where you are, and then they track into a centralized database where you work, where you live, your social media posts, your internet search history, which you can learn a lot about somebody from their internet search history. But in China, if you try to search for something that is disfavored, for example, Tiananmen Square Massacre, that will affect your social credit score, your internet spending history, your criminal history, your medical history, and
Sam Rohrer: Okay, we just have a little bit left in this segment. Let me just ask you this question. So to accomplish this part, this digital ID is what the World Health Organization doing now or seeking this control over health, is it necessary to accomplish this piece? Or is this piece being accomplished regardless of what the World Health Organization is doing right now?
Reggie Littlejohn: You see, that’s a great question and the answer is both. I mean, if the World Health Organization digital ID passes, they can require this of countries. However countries can do it voluntarily. And if you have an administration in place like the Biden administration that’s pushing this, they can just do it anyway. They don’t need a mandate for the World Health Organization.
Sam Rohrer: Okay, well just to hold it right there, Reggie, ladies and gentlemen, stay with, we’re going to come back and conclude this discussion with some input from Reggie on. Alright, well now what can we do? What can we actually do in light of this? Because the knowledge of these things should cause us, well at least to decides certain things. And we’ll talk about that when we come back in just a moment. Well, we’re going to go into our final segment here now, and I’ve been so thankful that my special guest today calling in live from Geneva, Reggie Littlejohn, she’s a founder and president of a number of different organizations, but one specifically that deals with this matter of the World Health Organization. They’re seeking to impose, not them, but the Pandemic Treaty. But the larger issue we just covered of this larger goal that’s been underway for really a long time by a lot of different organizations, billionaires, the Bill Gates of the world, them, George Soros of the world, these guys oligarchs from around the world, they’re a part of having a common goal.
Sam Rohrer: And that goal is to, well, if you make money your goal, you never get enough of it, right? If you make power your control, you never get enough of it. If greed is your goal, you never get enough of it. It’s never filled. That’s what drives them all. And as we’ve talked about many times on this program, this goal, this pursuit of a global government, whether you call it a New world or a great reset or any other name Beast system, we call it, because it’s basically described in the pages of scripture, ultimately led by Antichrist himself. We know biblically that is where it is going. It is a government that forcibly controls all people and has a means of being able to track buying and selling. So it’s an economic factor. And that goes to the digital currency that Reggie just referred to. It also goes to mobility and transportation.
Sam Rohrer: This digital ID that you just talked about, that’s a part that has been in there that was really launched big time by the Covid lockdown, which frankly we’ve talked about that amazing thing that the entire world gets on board. There were no rules in place. World Health Organization didn’t control anybody, but they all did it. So we know that circumstances can strangely make the entire world jump on board and do what they did during the last several years. So with that being said, Reggie, knowing that these organizations, some of which you mentioned and a couple of guys that I just mentioned, I’ve made clear where they want to go. What do you anticipate happening that regardless of what may happen this week with the World Health Organization, you did mention the UN gathering in September coming up, that appears to be a date certain where big things can happen. But what do you think in context of moving forward Chaos Division, all of which these guys were all attempting to do, because you make people fearful there, they can do strange things. What do you see happening between now and say September meeting?
Reggie Littlejohn: Well, I’m not sure that the September meeting is the deadline that I would give as something happening. I think that the presidential election in November is something that they will seek to disrupt. I mean, I fear that that’s the case, or I should say that I’m concerned that there is going to be some kind of a pandemic calls between now and then in order to, for example, give the pretext for mail-in ballots where there can be a lot of tampering, right? So because there’s three things that are happening through, there’s the World Health Organization being the now, September is the United Nations, and then November is the US presidential election. And the globalists hate Donald Trump because he’s just not one of ’em. He’s not predictable. He withdrew us from the World Health Organization, but Joe Biden put us right back in as soon as he got into office. So my concern is that there will be some kind of an event that will be disruptive of the US election.
Sam Rohrer: Okay? I happen to share that because again, ladies and gentlemen, as I said, when you have something this big, this visible, the goals being established this long, such as one world government and all these pieces, the folks just don’t walk away, they double down. So that’s why I’m agreeing with you on that. Now, a couple minutes left here. In your opinion, from the perspective of the organizations that you lead as well, what do you recommend that God fearing and patriotic people do in these days? And I will tell you, we tell people regularly don’t fear because that’s what the other side is wanting them to do. But in a practical sense, what do you say? How should people respond to these things? So
Reggie Littlejohn: Number one, everybody should be praying every day actually for the US election. I mean, I just pray that we will have an election, that it will be a fair election and that the friends of freedom will win in that election. Okay, so that’s one thing I would ask everybody to go onto my website, anti Read the manifesto, the first word, the first sentence is we are living in a globalist coup effectuated by a wealthy and powerful international elite determined to enslave humanity to its own advantage. And we need to stand up against this because once we lose our freedom, it’ll be basically impossible to get it back. And now is the time. So please sign the manifesto, share the manifesto. And what happens when you do that is that it will put you on my newsletter list and then you will get action items as things come up for the rest of the year and indefinitely. So that’s what I would ask people to do.
Sam Rohrer: And ladies and gentlemen, those are two basic things that can be done. And I’m also going to throw into that as well. If you’re listening to me now, you probably are a faithful listener to the program regardless of where you are, because this program is in all 50 states. There are about 550 stations that carry this program. So wherever you are right now, whether you’re in your car, in your home, or wherever you may be, stay tuned and continue to listen to the program because bringing information of this type as we do headline news from a biblical worldview perspective helps to keep people current, people with eyes to see and ears to hear keep current. But also what we try to do is to provide an analysis of what is happening from a perspective that is constitutional. For those listening to me who are in the United States, that means something.
Sam Rohrer: If you’re listening in another country, the constitution doesn’t apply to you, but the biblical worldview does. So these two together we think are the best way to help a person know how to think and to act and to respond to whatever comes up. God’s word does speak to all issues of life, including what we are just talking about here right now. Alright, we’ve got about one minute left in the program, Reggie. So you are planning on staying there the entire week. What’s the mood on the ground there as you’re interfacing with people shared just a little bit of slice of life?
Reggie Littlejohn: Well, I mean, I feel like the mood is almost sort of like a fog in terms of the delegates. They buy into the idea that we need a pandemic agreement and in order to stay safe in the next pandemic, that’s something that we need to combat and counter. And so there’s going to be a great protest on Saturday that I’m going to be speaking at, and I’m looking forward to that hugely. And there’s going to be a summit on Friday of all various leaders like anti globalist leaders. And it’s going to be wonderful to meet these people for the first time. People coming from all over the world that we know each other by reputation, maybe we’ve collaborated on some stuff that we’re going to be able to meet each other face to face. And I think that a lot of good is going to come from that.
Sam Rohrer: And Reggie, thank you. What that brings us to the end of the program again publicly. Thank you for carving out this time to be with us and our audience. We will pray for you for this meeting that’s coming up on Friday. God bless you again. Thanks for being with us. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being with us today on the program. Again, you can come back, you can listen to program again, archive form. Stand in the gap, and you can find a transcript which we’re adding that is available online generally within 24 hours of this program.
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