Iran Threatens…Israel Anticipates

August 5, 2024

Host: Hon. Sam Rohrer

Guest: J. R. McGee

Note: This transcript is taken from a Stand in the Gap Today program aired on 8/5/24. To listen to the podcast, click HERE.

Disclaimer: While reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate transcription, the following is a representation of a mechanical transcription and as such, may not be a word for word transcript. Please listen to the audio version for any questions concerning the following dialogue.

Sam Rohrer:       Well, welcome to this Monday edition of Stand In the Gap Today and this first full week of August. What an eventful day. This promises to be an eventful week, I would say as it seems that global events are boiling like a volcano about to explode, particularly in the Middle East as that is happening. We’re going to go there for most of the day, but even as we do the program right now, there are major moves in the global financial markets. The Japanese Tokyo Index market there and our US market today, already this morning have taken the largest plunges since 1987. Japan may be as one headline I saw was ever, so that’s a significant thing. These are things that are happening. Hurricane Debbie just down there, just make landfall this morning. Heavy rains protested in Florida, Georgia, and Carolinas, a couple hundred thousand people without power as we do this program down there for them.

Sam Rohrer:       So there’s a lot of things happening and I just to say it’s impossible to cover all that’s happening today, but today special and recurring guest, JR McGee, Extreme Leadership Group founder and CEO military strategist, a Navy seal trainer, a friend to all of you who are listening, he’s a student of biblical prophecy as well. He and I are going to focus on one aspect of what we’ve talked about today, and that is what is expected, what we expect, what that’s appears that all of those sitting around the world who are looking are expecting to unfold as a major and organized attack against Israel by its enemies led by Iran. Now because the implications of this expected and coordinated attack against Israel are so humanly incredible, I’m going to say, and shall I say biblically anticipated? We’ll talk about these things. We get into it, it demands our full attention, and so that’s what we’re going to try to do in the program today.

Sam Rohrer:       Here’s where we’re going to go. First segment is going to highlight the threats and considerations of what’s happening there from a 10,000 foot level, and then we’ll kind of bury down further into its segment two. We’re going to revisit the driving foundational hatred of the Islamic vendetta against Israel, and I’m going to say the United States as well. We’ll go there to second segment, third segment, go more into detail as the most likely in the coordinated strategies. We see it of the enemies of Israel, what they’re likely going to be doing based on what we know now. And then we’ll conclude with considerations of how to pray for this matter as there’s nothing better than we can do than pray, and we’re going to tie together some other significant things about the history of Israel and the timing of this year and the timing of this whole thing in more than a symbolic way. We’ll talk about that as well. With that, I welcome JR McGee to the program right now. JR, thanks for being here,

JR McGee:           Sam. It is always a joy to be with you and our listening family, but no more than today. Today is such a momentous day. I’m, I’m reminded of the book of Esther for such a time as this and I’m really excited about talking with you and the audience about what we’re seeing going on out there today

Sam Rohrer:       And absolutely jr. So our listeners know, you and I have been going back and forth over the weekend or a number of friends who were friends of that are in positions of knowledge, of military knowledge, of observation and trying to compare notes. And ladies and gentlemen we’re going to put together today through the balance of this, what is from the most studied perspective, what we think is happening. But Jared, let me get into it and say this, our discussion and the attention of the world has leapfrog, put it that way with a Hamas attack against Israel October 7th. Everybody’s aware of that. But a day after that, October 8th, Hezbollah began to lob regularly rockets into Northern Israel, October 7th, October 8th, they need to sit together, but 10 months now that’s been happening. That was 10 months ago, pretty close. But now there appears to be a more comprehensive, for sure, greater coordinated attack against Israel by multiple countries, not just a Hamas and a Hezbollah. So I start here, if you don’t mind, from an overall perspective, who are the players in what is widely expected to be the largest military assault against modern Israel? I’m going to say perhaps ever. Who are the players right now that we know of?

JR McGee:           Sam, I like your analogy of players. So I’m going to use baseball. Obviously the pitcher is Iran. Iran is behind most of this both with finance, training, equipment, but you’ve also got Hezbollah, you’ve got Hamas, Islamic Jihad, you’ve got the Houthis, you’ve got Syria, you’ve got now Turkey, Turkey’s engaged on this very actively on the side of Iran and you’ve got Yemen and Sudan. That’s where the Houthis are located. All of these are biblical. This is the complete team because the coach is Russia. And we’ll talk a little bit about Russia in all of this as well. Today the head of national security for Russia, Sergi Suo is in Iran. Having talks with the Iranian new president and the Ayatollah strengthening security ties. I don’t think that’s accidental.

Sam Rohrer:       Alright, so that’s there. So ladies and gentlemen, you got a number of folks that are there, Jared, let’s go ahead about a minute and a half from this perspective, the rules of engagement in the Middle East are different than what most Americans are used to. In other words, there for every action, there’s an expected reaction and then there’s an action, and then there’s a reaction. The failure to respond by either party is viewed as weakness and saving face, and that’s kind of what brought us really to this point. In simple terms, from your perspective, what are the actions and reactions that are driving this potential conflict from Israel’s perspective and then from Iran’s perspective,

JR McGee:           This whole thing started back in 1948 when Israel became a country and the day she became a country, they were attacked by Islam. And that’s been, that was the initial attack. Then Israel reacted or Islam reacted. It has gone back and forth until today. This situation that we find ourselves in is going on right now. Started October 7th when Hamas launched a massive attack killed over 1200 people, took over 250 hostages, left hundreds and thousands, wounded Israel responded with an attack on Hamas. Hezbollah jumped in to try to protect Hamas. Iran has been trying to protect both of them because Hamas and Hezbollah are their crown jewels and it’s been tit for tat and it is been escalating since October 7th. And I believe that rather than finding a ceasefire, we’re fixing to see it come to a head because Israel is of the opinion right now that unless they do something drastic, this is going to continue. And Israel is fed up. They’re fed up with being persecuted by the west for whatever they do. They’re fed up with being blamed by Islam in the east for whatever they do. And the only thing that seems to be constant is the Israelis pay the price.

Sam Rohrer:       That’s right, ladies and gentlemen. So that’s where it is. We understand God’s greater picture and we will build out some of that as we go through the program, but that’s now where we sit tit for tat action reaction, a big action anticipated. We’ll go into some details now in the next section.


If you’re just joining us today, my theme today is this, Iran threatens Israel anticipates. We’re spending time now in the Middle East discussing my special guest JR McGee, no stranger to those of you who listen regularly to this program as we try to put together from an overall perspective, a biblical perspective, a geopolitical perspective, a military perspective, all of which JR brings, and we blend that together in the program as we try to consider today what is unfolding in the Middle East and it is something clearly historic. Now, anytime anyone visits Israel, I’ve been there several times and a lot of you listening have been there probably.

Sam Rohrer:       But whenever you visit Israel, if there’s one phrase that we routinely hear from the tour guides or from anyone else is that, well, Israel, everything’s complicated. Well, that’s a very true statement. It is, and in part it’s because the mindset, the culture, the very thinking of the people who live there go back thousands of years. It’s not a recent thing. The history of conflict has been ever present there in that Middle East area, fueled by an historic tribal feud in one respect between the sons of Abraham, the Jews, and the Arabs. And once this was combined with, I’m going to say the demonic religion of Islam that pursues the religion of antichrist and therefore persecutes the Jews and Christians and have done so for millennia, the situation is truly complicated on one perspective, but on the other, I’m going to say totally biblically explainable and expected as prophesied in this pot, which has boiled for a long time will continue to boil and it will explode on time and with the players, as we just talked about in the last segment, called out by God as he said it would and as God said, it would explode into an identified wars in these days in which we live.

Sam Rohrer:       And we’ve talked about those so many times. Psalm 83 War, Ezekiel 38, 39, battle of Armageddon, all these things that are coming up, but it all ends with the subduing of the antichrist governments of the world, which when that occurs, it will be all governments in the world because they will all be against Israel because there are all these governments will bow to the antichrist and the one world government, all of which we see happening before our eyes and they will pursue the complete destruction of Israel. But what is not complicated is that they will not be victorious and they will be subdued and Christ will be victorious, the returning king of kings when he comes back physically in real life and everyone will see it and everyone will know it. Now we know that. So that’s the big picture condensed, but into that scenario, let’s consider the nation of Iran because they are, you call them the pitcher if we consider these different countries as players on the field, but Iran, formerly Persia, the Bible calls it out as a major player now and in the years ahead, but they lead and appear to be clearly leading the effort to destroy Israel.

Sam Rohrer:       Here’s my first question. From a strategic perspective, what’s behind Iran’s hatred and its network of proxy, some of those you’ve already identified, and I’m going to put the enablers also who are expected to be a part of this orchestrated imminent attack. Most of whom you did note briefly in the last segment.

JR McGee:           Sam Islam believes itself like almost every other religion to be the dominant true religion. However, Islam is divided into three major segments or secs. There’s Sunni Islam, which is headed by Saudi Arabia. There is Shia Islam that’s headed by Iran, and then there’s Wahabi Islam, which is predominantly located in Saudi Arabia, but they’re the most virulent and the most aggressive and the smallest of the three segments. Sunni Islam and Shia Islam have been at war with each other since around 700, 800 ad. And both of them believe that they are the true Islam and they hate each other. The only thing they hate more than each other is Israel. And the only thing they hate more than Israel is the United States. And what’s behind all of this is Iran’s belief spiritually and religiously that they deserve to run the world and rule the world. As a Kalif, they have put together a series of proxies, which is Hezbollah, Hamas, salami, jihad.

JR McGee:           There’s a couple of dozen different groups, but those are the main four especially right now. And they use them to further their position that they are the dominant form of Islam and should be in control of the holy sites. Saudi Arabia is in control of two of the holy sites, Medina and Mecca. Jordan is in control of the third holy site, which is in Jerusalem, which is a temple Mount Shia Islam led by Iran believes they should be in control of all three. That’s what’s driving all this. And anything that interferes with Shia Islam’s supremacy has to be destroyed, not the least of which is Saudi Arabia and the Sunnis Israel and the United States. The United States is because we believe in freedom. Islam doesn’t mean peace, it means submission. Submission is the absolute opposite of freedom and the United States for its entire existence has promulgated freedom, which is the opposite of submission. And that is what makes us the great Satan and Israel, the little Satan, Israel simply occupying the land that they want. America is a direct threat to their religion and their supremacy. Sam.

Sam Rohrer:       Okay, and I think that’s well stated. I might come back and follow up, but let’s go here now that being the case where ultimately Islam, both Saudis I ran, she is and the others that they all agree, as you say, they hate Israel because of other reasons, go all the way back into Old Testament times United States because we lead, have led, let’s put it this way, the movement for freedom around the world. But Iran now has been in the process since Israel came back into the land in 1948. They have been posturing themselves, they have moved, they have morphed and preparing themselves. What do you believe is their ultimate goal? You said a Kalif, but explain that if you would, and why do you believe that their direct involvement now against Israel may be not preparation, but as much as fulfillment of the years of preparation?

JR McGee:           Well, it’s not just the fact that Israel occupies the land that they want, and oh by the way, they didn’t want it until Israel got it for 2000 years. It was just desolate desert that Bedouins were in and virtually no one else other than a handful of Jews. But Islam is not as much a religion as it is a form of government. It is a form of government that demands control over any and all of its inhabitants. Their ultimate goal is to control and dominate not just the Middle East but the entire world. That’s why you see Islam moving so heavily into France and to Germany and to Great Britain. Islam is moving into the United States, it’s moving into south and central America. Islam is trying to dominate all of the governments of the world. They want to become that global dominant leader. Now the Bible tells us that the head of that government is going to come probably out of the old Roman Empire, but the government and the infrastructure will unmistakably be a form of Islamic government. I see. That’s the ultimate goal. That’s exactly where this is headed. The Ottoman Empire tried to establish this in the 17 hundreds and the 18 hundreds. Iran believes that they can do it and they can do it better, and that’s driving this whole thing, Sam.

Sam Rohrer:       Okay, and I agree with you as well. A couple minutes here left. Let me ask you this question. I know in another program last week I responded to this, but I want to get your thoughts on it, because of Israel’s assassinations of top Hamas, Hezbollah and Iranian guard leaders, do you think this has caused Iran perhaps to speed up its plan to cause Israel? In other words, many have said Hamas and Hezbollah part of a longer term Iranian chess game effort to get the ball rolling, make Israel use up a lot of their weaponry and defensive items and then to pour on the steam perhaps like we’re watching right now. But do you think the assassination successful assassinations by Israel has sped this up as Iran ahead of its game or do you think they’re right pretty much in their planning

JR McGee:           Unmistakably that Sam, and it’s not just the two that’s getting all the press. Very recently in the last couple of weeks, Israel has taken out not just Muhammad Raza Rahini but fa Shakur, and he was the guy that was the lead designer for the 1983 bombing of the US Marine Corps compound in Beirut killed 241 Americans wounded 128 others, the US State Department had a $5 million contract out on his head, and yet we did nothing. He was behind killing the 12 Druze children. Two days later, Israel took him out. That’s action, that’s leadership. But it was also Israel took out several generals for the Iranians in Syria and Lebanon, general Hasi, AMLI, Hama, Rahimi, which I mentioned and some others ha ti, which is a commander of the Hamas wing that was operating in Lebanon in Kerim was taken out Saturday. Israel has been taking out their key leadership and really making this very painful for them

Sam Rohrer:       And they have ladies and gentlemen. And so all of these things, again, the boiling pot preparation things moving forward, when we come back in the next segment, we’re going to talk to jr. We’re going to discuss what is perhaps the likely strategy now by Iran and its allies. All right, JR let’s go back into what we were talking about on the other side. Obviously Iran and its enemies are driven by an Islamic hatred for Israel goes way back. The children coming out of that all the way down through they hate the United States because as you so said, we have not so much now because we’ve walked away from the biblical underpinnings that formed our nation, but we have historically since America became a nation and God made it what it was, that it stood on truth and biblical truth and that has always been an enemy of tyrants.

Sam Rohrer:       And so we know that. So that is there, but now we’re at that point where the enemies of Israel led by Iran is now as most are saying here, anticipating, I’m just looking at something here out of Israel and this one is expecting something 24 to 48 hours. There’s a lot happening right now. So let me just come back into it from your perspective, you teach military strategy as a part of your training for leaders. Do you teach them war gaming, how to anticipate what may happen, looking at what we know and how should we respond? So with that in mind, looking at what is there right now layout, if you don’t mind, what you think the strategy is will be and why.

JR McGee:           Sam, you’re right. I spent most of this weekend war gaming this in so many different ways. And I think what is most likely, and I preface this by saying this is simply my perception, none of this is in concrete because nobody can see the future, but statistically the most likely way forward for this is Iran is going to strike Israel with her proxies and they’re going to use a large number of projectiles because they tried in April they launched 312 and all but four were shot down. That was humiliating. So they’re going to try a massive attack to overwhelm the American defenses, the Jordanian defenses, and the Israeli defenses. And here’s what’s going to happen. I think they’re going to have limited success because that large number of projectiles is going to be very difficult to protect against. They’ve learned that they can overwhelm Iron Dome from the attacks on Hamas.

JR McGee:           They’re going to try to overwhelm the entire system. Israel is then going to launch an attack against Iran directly. And I think the most likely targets are the nine nuclear facilities that Iran has where they’re producing their nuclear weapons. And there are nine facilities. There’s other smaller storage facilities, but there’s nine different places where they’re actually producing weapons, grade uranium, processing it, developing it, different things. And I also think that Israel will probably attack the oil refineries and the oil pipelines to shut off the financing for Iran. Iran will then retaliate with an even greater number of missiles and rockets, at which case Syria and Turkey come into play and Syria has chemical weapons and Turkey has a very large military. If Syria engages Israel with a chemical warhead, I think Israel responds with a Jericho moment and that’s a potential nuclear response against the mosque.

JR McGee:           I think this escalates between today and the ninth of which is Tuesday of next week. I see this as being a week that will change history. I think that this is going to occur very quickly. In fact, the Israeli leadership is in underground bunkers. President Biden is in the situation room. Kamala Harris has been recalled to the situation room that says somebody somewhere is expecting something to happen very, very soon. And I think that in terms of sundown today in Jerusalem, time until sundown on the ninth of Ave, the world is going to go very quickly out of control. Now this is how I or game it. I think this is the most likely scenario. Nobody can see the future. There’s thousands of different ways that this could occur permutations. But if you look at it from a statistical point of view, if you look at it from a strategic point of view, this makes a great deal of sense in terms of escalation and it will reach the point where only the hand of God will protect Israel. I think this is where the entire world gets to see an Old Testament biblical miracle where God himself protects Israel and shows the world he is God. He is real. I think we’re fixing to see that, Sam, I could be totally wrong, but that’s my belief, that’s my perception. That’s how I see this playing out and everything to include up until about 30 minutes ago is confirming that that is looking more and more likely.

Sam Rohrer:       Ladies and gentlemen, just so you know, JR and I talk and always want to have guests on here. We are most of the time in discussion ahead of time before what we left to try to make sure we’re presenting as complete a picture as possible. Now, don’t want to go away. The next segment, we’re going to talk about how we should pray for all of this because none of us right now are in a position to actually do anything about this, right? We’re not. So praying is always the best thing to do anyways, but we’re going to talk about that. But I’m also going to share just a little bit more and JR. And talk just a bit more about his reference to the ninth of aav. Ninth of AAV is a special date within the history of Israel. And I’ll share more in the next segment and why this could and in fact does come into play as we’re talking about the response of Iran because not only does Israel know about this important date and this week in which we’re in, so does Iran.

Sam Rohrer:       And Iran has already talked about their response being within this window. So we’ll go there in the next segment. But Jared, let’s come back up here right now. And that is this. You mentioned Turkey mentioned just briefly, Russia right now, the Russian delegate you said as in Taiwan. So it’s not coincidental. I agree with you. It’s not coincidental. They’re discussing this very situation we’re talking about and what Russia will do, perhaps if Turkey a week ago yesterday said that they were prepared on behalf of the Palestinians and the Islamic movement to invade Israel. That’s a bizarre kind of a statement. But he made it, Erdogan made it, and he repeated it last week. And that was somewhat conditional upon if Israel did anything regard to Lebanon. But this whole effort that we’re talking about would involve, well a whole lot of things. Israel’s going to have to go wherever the missiles are coming from, be that Lebanon or Syria or Iraq or Iran. It’ll be an amazing thing. But let’s talk a bit about Turkey. Turkey’s not really close. They’re not really in a position to invade Israel like he was saying. So how do you think the Turkish involvement could logically occur?

JR McGee:           If I was Erdogan, what I would be looking at is a naval engagement. Turkey could threaten Israel’s oil and gas platforms. They could engage Israel on their coast. They have an amphibious capability so they could go around Lebanon and land on the coast and Turkey could go through Lebanon. Lebanon is practically an ally of Turkey, and I believe that in order to protect themselves, Lebanon would give Turkey permission to come through there. So there are some options that Ergon has, and he’s obviously had conversations with Iran, Syria, and Lebanon before he made those statements. He didn’t make those statements just off the cuff. He’s got a plan. He knows when and when, where he will engage them. And I believe that he will use the Turkish Air Force. I think he’ll use the Turkish Navy and I think that he will use that to take pressure off of Syria and Lebanon and to show that he is worthy to be included on the Russian team because ultimately Erdogan wants to be an ally of Russia. He’s made that very clear. I’ve been laughed at for years on your show years ago, I started trying to tell people Turkey will be leaving NATO and joining the Russian Alliance. And I was laughed at up and down the line. And here today we’re seeing precisely that occur. And I think by the time this is all over, Turkey is going to be firmly on Russia’s side.

Sam Rohrer:       And that is complicated because they’re still a member of NATO. And ladies and gentlemen, if you were with me a week ago when I had Michelle Bachman and she made a statement that I think is worthy of note and that is that Turkey, because they are a part of NATO, there is a concern that if Turkey chooses to become involved in something, it does involve the potential triggering of an obligation by the other NATO members on behalf of Turkey. Bottom line is, remember what I said about what that common statement is in Israel, everything’s complicated. Well, I’m telling you, the more that things unfold and people become lawless, the more complicated they become because one triggers another like a domino hitting another domino, hitting another domino. So all of that being there in place Now when we come back, we’re going to talk about how we should be praying for who we should be praying and for what.

Sam Rohrer:       And then I’m going to also fill in on what I mentioned to you, the symbolic factors involved in this period of time in which we are living right now ending with this ninth of awe date next Tuesday. Alright, what makes this potential conflict more imminent perhaps in potential doubly significant, is that Israel is in the midst of a three week fast. It began on Tuesday, July 23rd, and it culminates on the ninth of aav, which begins at sundown August the 12th through sundown on August the 13th. Now here’s the significance of this, and I’m going to read a little piece from the Times of Israel, but the ninth of Ave is credited and viewed as the date that the 10 spies gave a bad report about the land. Now this goes all the way back into the days of Joshua and Caleb, okay? 10 spies came back and they gave a bad report that was ninth of off.

Sam Rohrer:       It’s also the date that both temples were destroyed. Think about that. It’s also the date that Spain kicked out all of the Jews during the Inquisition. It’s also the same date that England kicked out all of the Jews during the Middle Ages. It’s also the day that Crystal knocked, that’s the night in November 9th and 10th of 1938 when the German Nazis attacked the homes of Jews. So this time period and this date is more than symbolic, not just to the Jews, but can I submit also to the Iranians? Now let me just read to just a bit of an article here from the Times of Israel just a few hours ago. Here it is. It says From Sky News hadn’t meant it was reported, part of that, but it’s Times of Israel. Unnamed western intelligence sources quoted by the UAE owned the Sky News Arabia indicate that Iran and Hezbollah plan to launch their retaliatory strike against Israel on Tisha Beov, the day of mourning.

Sam Rohrer:       That’s the ninth of awe for the destruction of the two Jewish temples, which begins this year at sunset on August the 12th ends on August 13th. At nightfall, the sources indicate that the choice of the day is due to several psychological and tactical considerations. It may aim to revive historical traumas for Jews of destruction and uprooting, thereby amplifying the psychological impact of the attack on Israeli society to Muslim audiences receptive to Iran and Hezbollah’s narrative, an attack on Tish Bov would signal that Israel is vulnerable to destruction the way the Jews have historically been. The sources add and concludes with us. A large scale attack on a day of religious significance may also exploit Israel’s lowered defenses and increase the state of chaos the way Egypt did with its surprise attack on Yom Kippur in 1973. Okay, now JR with that foundation down there, let me just go back to you to say, do you want to add anything to that? Because war and the strategies of war have a lot to do with the psychological. It has a lot to do with the strategic. The tactical is laid out here. It appears by this article that I ran, the Enemies of Israel are actually factoring both together and view that announcing a time when they would attack, viewing the psychological nature of it may be even more important than the tactical. Just your thoughts on that. And then let’s move then into how we should pray. Okay,

JR McGee:           Sam, you couldn’t be more right. Psychological warfare has always been a major aspect of successful warfare. And one of the elements of psychological warfare is making your adversary wait and anticipate and not doing what you think they’re going to go do and then doing what you think they want. The psychological aspect of all of this is very powerful. And the ninth A is a very, very specific powerful holiday for Israel. It’s a day of remembrance. It’s a day of remembering all of the things that has resulted from their lack of obeying God. And Iran knows this, but I think that there will be some faints and some attacks leading up to that. I think the culmination of this will be the ninth of all, and I think that it’s going to be very significant. I think Iran and Shia Islam believe that aspect of God’s promises on their side. And we know that God protects Israel. That’s what he says his hand will be on Israel. So it’s a very interesting aspect of this. And it’s one where what we’re seeing is that actions of today in the newspaper are precisely aligning with the words in the prophecies of the Bible. You cannot miss this. If you do, you’re willfully ignoring it.

Sam Rohrer:       Alright? And I agree with that. And so let’s not do that. But let’s move now into we’re commentating. We’re offering opinions and perspectives based on all that we know. And it changes a whole lot when we look through the lens of scripture, which we’ve tried to do today on that. But let’s move that now to a matter of prayer. But we are to pray for the peace of Jerusalem always. But now there is a real reason because there are things that we can see. So let’s talk about prayer from your perspective as you looked at it. How should we pray and for whom should we pray?

JR McGee:           I think the who I want to address first, I think we clearly need to be praying for the state of Israel. I think we need to be praying for Israelis specifically and Israeli leaders. We need to be praying for US leaders and American itself and American leaders in general. But Sam, I also believe the Bible teaches us we should pray for our enemies. That’s precisely what Jesus commanded us to do. And if we have the courage, commitment, and faith to pray for our enemies with the same fervent energy that we pray for our friends and family, that’s where the Holy Spirit will move. What we need to pray for. I think we need to pray for wisdom, righteous decisions on the part of our leaders and for allowing every one of them to allow the Holy Spirit to lead them as much as leading us.

JR McGee:           And how do we pray for it? Romans chapter 10, one says, brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. And you look at Isaiah 54 verses 15 through 17, there’s all kinds of things. One of my favorites is the warrior Psalm, Psalm 91 verses two through seven, and I’ll read, I will say of the Lord, he’s my refuge and my fortress, my God in him will I trust. Surely he will deliver thee from the snare of the Fowler and form the noisome pestilence. He shall cover thee with his feathers and under his wing shall he trust his truth, shall be thy shield in Buckler. That’s a military term. Thou shalt not be afraid of the terabyte night, nor for the arrow that eth by day to me that that’s rockets today, nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness nor the destruction. That was it. At noonday, a thousand shall fall at thy side and 10,000 at thy right hand. But it shall not come naive. I could keep going. There are dozens of verses in the Bible that teach us and tell us what to pray, how to pray, and who to pray for. We need to simply follow the Bible, follow what Jesus has taught us, and be faithful that he’s got this. He is in control of all of this.

Sam Rohrer:       And with that, ladies and gentlemen, let’s just bound prayer for a little bit. Heavenly Father, we thank you that we can come to you with these things in mind, joined together by people all over the country as they hear here. Lord, we pray for thy people. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray that would come to understand who is that prince of peace. We pray, Lord, that they would come to embrace the Messiah Yeshua, who they shunned 2000 years ago. But we know Lord will come one day to call out to you and say, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord and Lord, you will come and we look forward to that as we anticipate these events unfolding before our eyes, all of which you have said, we pray these things in Jesus’ name. Amen. JR McGee, thank you so much for being with me today, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for being with us. Grab this program, stand the gap or on our app, listen to it again and share it with a friend. Very current, excellent information. I hope.