Medical Observations from the Frontline

August 26, 2024

Host: Hon. Sam Rohrer

Guest: Dr. Gordon Donaldson

Note: This transcript is taken from a Stand in the Gap Today program aired on 8/26/24. To listen to the podcast, click HERE.

Disclaimer: While reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate transcription, the following is a representation of a mechanical transcription and as such, may not be a word for word transcript. Please listen to the audio version for any questions concerning the following dialogue.

Sam Rohrer:       Hello and welcome to this special edition of Stand in the Gap today with a very special focus on health, but from a perspective a little different than often I do on this program that of an independent frontline doctor. Now, if you listen to this program regularly, you know that I deal with matters of health on a fairly routine basis and increase that focus as the general need may arise. However, most information or articles or health related news that is placed into the media narrative, I’m going to say is strategically placed there by or shaped by big government or big pharma or big insurance or big healthcare of some type. As a result, what’s really happening on the ground with real life individual patients and patient health or observations from real live frontline medical providers is either, well, I’m going to say systematically ignored, definitely belittled, generally just unknown.

Sam Rohrer:       So in reality, genuine patient-centered health is becoming something that controlled health is trying to literally eliminate. So they control and can control. And that includes such valuable resources as well. The independent family physician, which many of you I’m sure go to such as is also my guest today, or perhaps the independent pharmacist or the Dumas or midwives who are increasingly the choice of young mothers for at-home births. So today I’ve asked my own personal family physician, Gordon Donaldson do to join me again for today’s program that I’m entitling medical observations from the frontline. And in future programs I’m going to bring on others who are serving on the frontline in health services and have them share their honest and real life observations. And I think these will be both informative and encouraging. And with that, I welcome to the program today, Dr. Gordon Donaldson. Gordon, thank you for being back with me.

Gordon Donaldson:         Sam. As always, it is great to be on with you from the, as I call it the trenches. And as you out there in your audience may notice I dealing in the trenches deal with my own issues. I am human as well, so thank you.

Sam Rohrer:       Yeah, you are. And I will say you have a deeper voice than normal for those who are really tuned in well because you’re battling a few things yourself, but not a wonder since you deal with sick patients all the time. It’s really an incredible thing that God has given good health to all of those who work with sick people. But nonetheless, let’s go here, Gordon, I want to talk about your observations because it’s valuable, but the greatest challenges facing frontline independent doctors, of which you are one, I’m going to say those individuals still driven by their Hippocratic oath, their genuine commitment to honesty, to put health of their patients first in refusing to compromise them with any of the big entities that I mentioned earlier. That is a challenge. So if you could just identify the single greatest challenge perhaps that would be facing you as an independent or others, all those out there in the frontline doc position.

Gordon Donaldson:         Well, I believe that number one is that we just don’t have the freedoms out there like we have had in the past to discuss with the patient what their needs are, get a plan to diagnose them and treat them. The confidence and trust in the healthcare system is at an all time low. And sadly we have a healthcare system that is being controlled by entities that are driven by greed. And you just mentioned many of them, government, big pharma on a global level, the WHO, the UN and the medical complexes that are out there. And the biggest thing that is driving them, and I know that your audience is not unfamiliar with this term, it’s called protocols. Protocols are plans of treatment for an illness. And it is a huge problem because of who develops those protocols and how they’re developed. And so protocols can be beneficial or harmful. So we always want to practice beneficial protocols, but the narrative out there is pushing the ones that we know are not beneficial and they’re actually harmful. And we’ve seen that especially accelerated through covid, although it has been going on for years. The whole area of the diet and with our nutrition, the protocols and how we are being pushed is it’s been an ongoing problem, but just accelerated.

Sam Rohrer:       Okay, so you identified one, basically the undermining of your independence, the freedom to actually practice medicine, tailor what you may diagnose and prescribe for the specifics of a patient’s. In other words, you are being prevented from actually focusing on putting your patient first.

Gordon Donaldson:         Absolutely. That’s the biggest thing that we see. And a big part of that is just because we don’t have the, again, going back to the freedom to be able to do that,

Sam Rohrer:       Okay, let me just jump in and ask you this. How is that being done by any one of these big entities that are out there that we know the bigger you get, the more control you want. That’s the nature of consolidated government or whatever it is. Shove everybody out, shove the competition out, control the process. That is the goal. How is that being accomplished? How can they just force a protocol as you would put it on a doc to standardize perhaps how he would analyze and prescribe?

Gordon Donaldson:         Very simply, it boils down to one thing, it’s called greed and the money is the driving force. It’s the money through the insurance companies, it’s the money that those who are involved with Medicare that comes down obviously from the government as a result how physicians are reimbursed, especially when trying to operate through the standard or what we call traditional. And that’s why for myself and what we are seeing out there is this going away from that model to a parallel model that is more direct pay where the freedoms are there where we don’t have to worry about what we put down for a diagnosis. We don’t have to worry about reporting on patients. Things that frankly don’t need to be reported on or to be coded for to go into a national database.

Sam Rohrer:       All right. I’m looking at my clock. We’re just about at our break. We have about 20 seconds, don’t name them. But are there a dozen other things that you could cite that would be factors? Are you ODing independence or how many other things are there out there? A lot of them,

Gordon Donaldson:         Well, there are a lot of them. They all stem from that big one. But I will say that really, and we will go into this, I know in the next segment is the whole covid and how the covid has driven that narrative in a way that is like none other.

Sam Rohrer:       Okay. And ladies and gentlemen, we will go there in the next segment because a move from these overall challenges that are impacting our frontline docs, those who are committed to honesty and the Hippocratic oath, keeping their patients first when we come back next step, we’re going to talk about observations relative to patient health. What are these frontline doctors actually seeing regarding health of patients today, for instance, as compared to a decade ago?

Sam Rohrer:       Well, if you’re just joining us today, I’m entitled today’s program, this medical observations from the Front line. So yeah, we’re dealing with health issue, we’re talking about that medical observations. And my special guest today is Dr. Gordon Donaldson heads his own medical practice here and there. He happens to be my own physician, been on the program here before, but he, along with many, many others, not enough I’m going to say, but many others across the country are on the front line.

Sam Rohrer:       They’re actually out there dealing with real life people, real life sicknesses and trying their best in a world that is increasingly controlled all the way from the World Health Organization all the way down through the FDA, all that we have seen in the past years, making it really, really tough. Not just for them, but obviously tough for all of us as patients because we’re all brought into this. So that being the case we’re dealing with, I’m say this independent perspective. Now, Gordon, as we continue on in this, I’m going to ask you in this segment about what you’re seeing relative to health. But physicians, hospitals, medical clinics, we know they exist of course because there are always health needs and they range from people having accidents to infections that occurred as serious diseases of some type. And these things ebb and they flow. So sickness in this as believers who hold a biblical worldview, we know that these things are a part of a sin cursed world and that’s reality.

Sam Rohrer:       But that being said, we also know that lifestyle choices, including diet or exercise or the lack thereof or the spiritual condition of a person, all of these things impact a person’s health. And thereby you put enough people together, you have the general health of a community of a nation, but also know this. Gordon, I’ve talked a lot about it, this we’ve talked privately and I’ve talked on the radio, but we know from many places in scripture as an example that such as the book of Deuteronomy chapter 28, God says that if a people, a nation were to live in the fear of God and keep God’s commandments, which affects every decision in all of their life and embrace his determination, his definition of morality, that God would bless that nation. And in that section it talks about it. If a nation and a people does that, one of the things that God would give as a blessing would be good health.

Sam Rohrer:       It’s amazing. But if the nation walks away, God said he would send sickness as a directed judgment, an indication from him, or he would just allow the consequences of bad choices to have their way in a person’s body. So these are realities. Now that being said, here’s the first question I’d like to ask you and that is this. From an observational frontline perspective, what are you and other frontline docs actually seeing, witnessing experiencing now in relationship to the overall health of people? Are people generally more healthy now? Are they sicker now? And I don’t know what timeframe you’d say in the last five years, 10 years, however the timeframe people generally sicker or are they more healthy?

Gordon Donaldson:         Well, very simply, the amount of illness and office visits that we are seeing are up dramatically. I have a modified concierge type program that focuses on prevention, wellness and being proactive. But where with my program I was able to have patients keep them healthy. They were in five, six times a year and now the average has doubled to where it’s 10 to 12 conservatively saying, and that is something that has really accelerated over the last four years. But I will say that that was already going on over the last 25 years, 30 years, where this generation is the first generation that is going to have a shorter lifespan, which covid accelerated dramatically than the previous generation. And so most of it being related to diet, sedentary lifestyle, the electronics, social isolation, and then of course covid. So it’s something that has been a problem that is building, it’s a serious issue is that the illnesses in the younger population where diabetes type two is the number one diagnosis in adolescence, and it goes back to that. So there’s just been so much, it has changed how we look at patients. It changes their symptom complex, it changes how we look for etiologies of illness. It’s just really a whole new paradigm. And in a nutshell, it’s placing a huge burden on the healthcare system and on the medical personnel because there are a fewer of us.

Sam Rohrer:       And that’s something that sometime ago I covered with Twila Brase on this program about the extraordinary shortage of nurses. A hundred thousand nurses fled the scene during Covid. There are, I forget what the number, we talked about 40,000 less docs that are in the system right now, which means about 1700 per state if you take. And you just divide that out. So that is an impact. Patients are feeling that. But let’s go back to the patient health that you’re seeing. You talked a little about, you’re seeing more in younger people, you talked about diet a little bit and all of that kind of thing. But compare contrast if you would, the type of illness, you made a reference just offhand that like normal used to be maybe five times a year a patient would come in. What about what you are seeing, the type of illness, the frequency of illness, the intensity of illness perhaps that you are seeing and other frontline docs are seeing now as compared to say 10 years ago?

Gordon Donaldson:         Well, it boils down to the difficult conversation, and it must be going back to that really what has accelerated. This has been the introduction of the mRNA Covid shot that cannot be put aside, it must be acknowledged, which unfortunately a lot of the traditional docs out there who are in the narrative don’t want to acknowledge. But what we are seeing is a huge uptick in illnesses that are related to autoimmunity and blood clots and neurologic, neurocognitive. The other one, and I see it, is that it’s like they just don’t understand why young people and the amount of cancer in the younger population, well we know the answer to that, but not being acknowledged in the appropriate way. And so it really has translated into a huge amount of people who have illness and are dying from cause unknown. And so it’s something that again, challenges the system.

Gordon Donaldson:         It challenges us because of that in that many times it is not easy to pick up what is going on and yet we see the result of it. But trying to really look into the etiology of it, and again, knowing how to look at it, which again, standard medicine is not willing to do and I have my own approach to that, but also you have to understand that it amount comes down to dialogue with the patient and are they willing to acknowledge, especially those who have gotten the shot, are they willing to acknowledge that they want to know what’s going on and then we can deal with that.

Sam Rohrer:       So without a doubt, you and other frontline docs, because a lot of you guys talk across the country, what you’re seeing in your practice is basically, would it be safe to say that that’s what’s being seen generally across the country and perhaps maybe the world? Is it that broad?

Gordon Donaldson:         Yes, it is, absolutely. It is a global phenomenon. And as a result of that, it becomes, again, we see the articles, articles coming out from all over the world that’s realizing that there are these significant illnesses and we have to look at it and then try to understand. But again, to have the doubling down on the narrative, to have the doubling down on this and just chalking it up to, oh, well this is normal. We know that that’s not the case.

Sam Rohrer:       Okay, now you guys are seeing this in practice on the frontline, those officials that would be in government, those who watching things, do they know this as well? And if they do, are they just ignoring it or what are they doing?

Gordon Donaldson:         Well, they do, and I actually have a lot of information on that in the sense of what they knew was going to be coming down the pike. They realized it, but still doubling down. Sadly, I was just at a conference for myself and the one presenter on immunizations doubled down on getting the covid shot into children down to six months of age. And it was to me heartbreaking to hear that. To think that there are those out there that are still pushing that.

Sam Rohrer:       Alright, ladies and gentlemen, just got a sense, again, we could go much, much deeper, but you get the idea this is what’s being witnessed across the country and you may be a part of this, no doubt you are dealing with things because we’re all part of those statistics. We all are dealing with certain things, right? We come back, we’re going to talk and move now into the observation of some of these impacts from the shot in particular in this phenomenon that we call shedding.

Sam Rohrer:       Well, Dr. Donaldson, during the height of Covid and I just talked about that, we just referred in the last segment, you talked about your observance of patient health. You can track it as well, not just saying you, but it’s trackable across the spectrum of the globe impact almost like placing on steroids following Covid and particularly the shot. But one of the things in regard to that, the whole shot, it was the fact that you and other frontline docs I know.

Sam Rohrer:       So I’m thinking back on this and frankly the entire health industry began to deal with and are continuing to deal with illnesses of various types, people who are sick coming in more frequently, people who have died sadly. And we know so many, it’s been in my own family, increasingly dealing with long haul sicknesses we call them, they’ve been documented to be the result of permanent immune system changes caused by the mR NA component of the covid shot plus other things that were in that shot. Many people still don’t know what was in that yet many listening to me right now would recognize the phenomenon called shedding. We talked about that just briefly before this segment. People like yourself and other experts that I had on this program over the last four years predicted that this phenomenon called shedding would be a result of injecting a vaccine, which is not a vaccine but mRNA into people in the height of an increasing pandemic, that that itself would create a phenomenon called shedding.

Sam Rohrer:       Alright, now that being the case, here’s my question. To what degree are you and other frontline doctors and then frankly the entire health system dealing with sicknesses now, not just a result of the covid shot directly, but impacts created indirectly, perhaps by those who have had the shot now become a part of this shedding process, which they shed something, a contagion of some type onto those who did not get the shot. And now you’re dealing and we’re seeing things with people having some degree of illness as a result of shedding. Alright, speak to me. Define that. What is this shedding thing? What are they shedding and to what degree are you seeing it?

Gordon Donaldson:         Well, number one, shedding is a real phenomenon and I always like definitions. And so what is shedding? Shedding is the spreading of anything from one person to another. And normally we think of bacteria viruses, but in this situation it’s actually a particulate that is and has been part of the covid virus. So it’s the spike protein. Now understand, and I always like to draw pictures, but if you hold up your fist with a couple fingers sticking out and you realize that what covid was the spreading of the virus, which is your fist with the spike protein, which is your fingers sticking up. Now we know that that was very easily spread. Now think of it in light of just your fingers being separated and that alone being the particle size that is being spread. And so if we have a complex that can be spread, well the spike protein by itself can be very easily spread.

Gordon Donaldson:         And that is what we’re talking about because this, again, going back to the beginning, spike protein is the causative agent for all the most bad stuff that happened with covid. Again, it is the inflammatory response that was a result of that. And so basically anybody who has had the shot and they’ve become manufacturers of the spike protein, then that shedding is occurring and we are seeing it. I’m seeing it in my practice where I’ve started doing antibody levels on patients who come in with some symptomatology that is just not normal or it’s low grade and we do antibody levels on them to the spike protein, which we can do. Their levels are immeasurably high and they had no shot, so they are not the ones manufacturing it. So it is definitely a situation that with the antibodies and anybody can have their antibody level to the spike protein checked.

Gordon Donaldson:         I’m also doing it in patients who have had the shot because again, it gives us an indication of where they are at with their bodies and the way that they’re responding to that as well. And so the symptomatology can be something that’s very kind of unnerving, dizziness, ringing in the ears, autoimmune stuff, some brain fog, headaches, insomnia, visual changes, pain syndromes. And especially where it was really first focused on was women and menstrual irregularities where those who were around women who got the shot and were around people who had gotten the shot were having issues with that. And that goes into the whole clotting mechanism, which we knew was one of the adverse effects from the spike protein.

Sam Rohrer:       And we could go much further, but again, in the simplest terms, the shedding of the spike protein. Okay. So anyone who had the shot by the nature of that shot makes their body produce the spike protein, the spike protein as we’ve talked about in other programs. The problem with that is that it creates inflammation of various source across the body. Is that correct?

Gordon Donaldson:         That is correct. Okay. Inflammation, the bottom line.

Sam Rohrer:       Okay. And inflammation is at the part of basically almost all of our illnesses. So you are saying that now you are testing and people can be tested to determine whether or not this spike protein, inflammatory creating entity is in the body and present and identifiable. It is identifiable in those who took the shot. And those numbers can be extraordinarily high. But you’re saying you’re also finding it in people who did not take the shot, which means that they had to have gotten it from some who have shed it in their breathing or whatever, the body fluids, whoever what I mean, is that how it’s transmitted?

Gordon Donaldson:         Yes. So it is basically those who have not gotten the shot when they have antibodies to it, we take two things into consideration. One that their immune system is intact. And number two is that they’ve had to have exposure to the spike protein for their body to respond with an antibody to that spike

Sam Rohrer:       Protein. So those people can be dealing with brain fog or all those things that you talked about to a lesser degree perhaps, than those who actually had the shot, but it’s identifiable and they can be tracked. Okay. Now let’s move into this in the remaining part of this segment, is there anything that can be done?

Gordon Donaldson:         Yes, there is. And again, I like to give always hope and we will deal with that a little further in the last segment. But specifically for the spike protein, there are four main treatments that are out there and I would refer patients to a great article by Dr. Pierre Corey, and he’s on substack, but his article is available and it’s shed on me. He really breaks it down in a fantastic way. And I have to admit that I stand on the shoulders of these great people who are studying it a lot more in depth than I am able to. But there are four main treatments for this. Number one is actually Ivermectin and Dr. Pierre Corey, that’s the first line of anybody who is dealing with this situation. Number two are then over the counter supplements and they are enzymes that focus on breaking down the spike protein in the body.

Gordon Donaldson:         It’s Brolin, which is the protein enzyme in pineapple Nattokinase, which is an enzyme and also is a cardiovascular benefit. And then there’s another one called Serrapeptase, which again breaks down the proteins that are floating around. And so those are very important. There’s also just one apple pectin, which binds the spike protein as well. So there are some options out there that we can work with and that we can try to mitigate. Unfortunately, in a lot of cases we will never totally get rid of it and I don’t know because of the number of shots that have been given out there that we will ever be able to be totally away from the exposure to shedding.

Sam Rohrer:       Alright, and ladies and gentlemen, I know you weren’t able to write all of this down, so I remind you again, this program on our website, on our app has attached to it a transcript that you can go back and you can read through all of this and then we’ll give more information in the next segment as well when we come back. So there are things that can be done, but the first thing starts with knowledge of what is. And that’s why we’re sharing these observations from what is happening. You are a part of this. So we’ll come back with some more things we can do proactively.

Sam Rohrer:       Well, ladies and gentlemen, if you’ve stayed with me the entire program, thank you. I know without a doubt that if you were here from the beginning of this program, our theme being medical observations from the frontline, and my special guest today, my own personal physician and friend, Dr. Gordon Donaldson, a frontline doctor, not unique should I say, but somebody who happened to know and believe and trust and see.

Sam Rohrer:       But there are individuals like him across the country that are on the line that are actually dealing with people, real life, people who they know trying to honor their Hippocratic oath. Not all are God-fearing, but many are, as I’m coming to find, they certainly are because they hold onto truth. And it’s been hard to stand up across the health industry, but I’m going to tell you this, it’s been hard to stand up for those who are in the political realm who hold to biblical truth. It’s hard for employers, it’s hard for teachers in the classroom. It doesn’t make any difference really anymore because those things that are there to compromise our commitment to truth, to biblical principles as a believer, that’s how we’d say a biblical worldview. Those things which are being there to deceive or to pull away, to compromise, to make somebody to bow, those are happening all across the spectrum.

Sam Rohrer:       We just happen to be looking at this sliver, this piece called health today, just so you know, it’s not just Letterman did it here, but in every case it comes down to knowledge, pursuing truth, operating the best possible in the fear of God best as possible, not bowing the need to deception or anything else that comes. Not giving into bribery, not giving into fear, all of those things. That’s all a part of it. So that being in mind, again, we’re looking at this piece today, Gordon, let’s go back and just talk now about some proactive health strategies that you can recommend that the average person, and I really believe that those who listen to this program, I know because I hear from people in almost every state, those who are listening here are bent towards the truth. They are seeking the truth and they are wanting to do what is possible to do because not all things are possible except for God. But that being the case, speak to the person who wants to before God do as much as they can to take proactive action in regard to their health. What can they do in regard to these things we’ve talked about today?

Gordon Donaldson:         Number one, one of the biggest things that I want to emphasize, and I’m sure most of you out there are hearing the new fearmongering that is coming from the bird flu at this point in time. It is not passed from human to human. Now that being said, it also can be manipulated very easily and to be able to do that, I don’t say that to fear monger in any way because I want to say first and foremost that number one, there is hope. And number two, don’t fear any new pandemic. Because what we do know based on the treatments that have come out of Covid that have come out of the past is that the two primary sources, the ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as prescriptions are still treatments against any virus, any flu virus. The avian flu is a flu virus along with the others that have come down.

Gordon Donaldson:         So it works against any virus. So that’s really number one. And so trying to connect, get your hands on some ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine is extremely important on the supplement side of things. And that’s where really I am all about prevention. And that is that in the protocol, and I think it is on Stand in the Gap if you go into it, my prevention protocol is still there and it’s the top six very quickly for time, vitamin D three, vitamin C, quercetin and acetylcysteine, zinc. And for our children elderberry. Elderberry is a wonderful supplement that all children should really be taking. The detox protocol is really pretty large and really is more of a personalized approach because with individuals, depending on what symptoms they’re dealing with, but the big focus is on the enzymes that I mentioned before and also on the prescription with the ivermectin.

Gordon Donaldson:         But it’s important for individuals to know what their status is. So let’s go back to the other very simple things, and that is get out, have a good whole Foods diet, get your exercise, get fresh air, get the onboard with sunshine, good sleep. And that is a big starting point to having our immune systems optimized for anything. And so that’s really what is critically important and that we need to then when we do get sick, to focus on the acute treatment as well. But again, I try to emphasize if you have your immune system built up, the likelihood of sickness coming along is much less. And that is across the entire spectrum of any illness because again, when you do those things, you reduce inflammation. And that is the whole focus, reducing inflammation in the system.

Sam Rohrer:       Okay, Gordon, that’s fantastic. Ladies and gentlemen. We will have on the site this protocol list of which Dr. Donaldson did not give the entire thing, but it’s there. You’ll be able to find that again. So avail yourself of that. Okay, Gordon, just a couple minutes left here. These are things that can be done proactively. Do these good things. Alright, these supplements. Get to sleep. Ladies and gentlemen, we do need our sleep. We do need our sleep. We do need the sunshine. We do need exercise. We cannot do without those things. But Gordon, inflammation, we talked about it. So what are some things that perhaps we need to concentrate on to make sure that we don’t do?

Gordon Donaldson:         So the big things that we don’t want to do is obviously eat bad things that are pro-inflammatory in our diet. So cutting down on the gluten, cutting down on the sugars, cutting down on some of the dairy, cutting down on some of the bad processed foods, the processing, the food industry wants you to be sick. And so processed foods are huge. The other thing that we don’t want to do, and again, I will just simply say it going forward, we have to think critically with common sense. And we have to take the courage to stand up and not be driven by fear and anxiety. Because what we know, fear and anxiety is a thing that reduces our hippocampal function, our brain function, and they’re very connected in that way. So we have to just try to, as much as possible, stay away from that. And again, as Leviticus says, the life is in the blood. So therefore whenever we do anything, we must reduce the inflammation that is in our cardiovascular system.

Sam Rohrer:       Oh boy, Gordon. I’d like to continue a little bit more. Ladies and gentlemen, part of this component is spiritual trust in the Lord. Do what he says, not stress, bitterness. I’m telling you, bitterness will destroy our body system. There’s so many things we could do, but observe these things. Hopefully this has been helpful today. We’ll have this protocol on our website, go there and avail yourself of it. Again, this program and a transcript available too, it is available on our website or off of our app. Thanks for being with us today, Dr. Gordon. Thank you so much for being with me.