The World Against Jerusalem: The Time for Prayer
Sept. 4, 2024
Host: Sam Rohrer
Guest(s): Albert Veksler
Note: This transcript is taken from a Stand in the Gap Today program aired on 9/4/24. To listen to the podcast, click HERE.
Disclaimer: While reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate transcription, the following is a representation of a mechanical transcription and as such, may not be a word for word transcript. Please listen to the audio version for any questions concerning the following dialogue.
Sam Rohrer: Hello and welcome to this Wednesday edition of Stand In the Gap Today, and it’s also our bimonthly emphasis on Israel prophecy and the Middle East. Now my special guest again today is Albert Veksler, the global director of the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast Initiative. And as he does routinely, Albert normally calls in live from Jerusalem, the capital city of the independent nation of Israel. But today he’s actually talking with me from New York City and we’ll explain why that is the case in just a moment. As we emphasize regularly on this program, and it bears repeating because some people ask why we spend so much time talking about Israel in prophecy and the Middle East. Well, it’s because that God puts emphasis there. God’s everlasting covenant nearly 4,000 years ago was with a man named Abraham in that God’s plan of redemption was promised there to him, but it was first mentioned in Genesis three 15 and this man of faith, Abraham, then it was promised to him and his descendants.
Sam Rohrer: So it started with him, but it went to Isaac and then to Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel. But through that God’s plan of redemption through whom God promised that one day would come a promised Messiah, Yeshua would deliver a sacrifice for the sins of the entire world. And through his life, death, burial, and resurrection would provide that way to redemption. And through this divine payment delivered through the shedding of Christ’s blood on the cross, the sins of mankind prior and post before Christ and after Christ, through faith in the work of Yeshua, would permit a restoration, a redemption of fallen mankind that we know biblically all are dead and trespasses and sins. Now, this is in effect the message of the gospel. It’s the message of the entirety of the Bible. It’s the message of hope and light that God designed was to be delivered and shown to the world through his chosen people, the Jews, his chosen nation, Israel and his chosen city, Jerusalem.
Sam Rohrer: So that’s why we spend so much time, but as we know the rejection of Yeshua, Jesus Christ by the religious establishment of his day at his first coming, God then turned to the Gentiles and Jesus said, I will now build my church made up of true believers, both Jew and Gentile. And that’s been going on for 2000 years. But when the times of the Gentiles would be fulfilled, Christ said, God said he would rebirth the nation of Israel, regather the Jewish people, scattered around the world and would focus the entire world. The whole world’s attention would come again and focus on the Jewish people and the nation of Israel and the of Jerusalem. This is literally the very time in which we now live. That’s why it’s so exciting. It’s amazing, but it’s the reason that we on this program spend so much time helping to connect the dots of God’s fulfilling promises with the headline events of the day, which almost entirely, if you look at what’s happening almost entirely, everything that we see has some connection that seems to the Jewish people or the nation of Israel or the city of Jerusalem.
Sam Rohrer: And above all God’s unfolding plan of redemption. Now, with that being said, we’re told in scripture that the world would increasingly align against God and his anointed being Jesus Christ, the Jewish people and Christian people all chosen and anointed by God. Psalm chapter two refers to these things, and it’s in these days that we’re especially called to pray. And to that end, I’ve chosen to entitled today’s program, the World Against Jerusalem, the Time for Prayer. And with that, Albert Veksler. Albert, thank you so much for being back today with me and all of our listeners across the country.
Albert Veksler: Thank you, Sam. Always a pleasure.
Sam Rohrer: Albert, in just another week, Jerusalem prayer breakfast that you leads is going to be gathering in New York City, and that’s why you’re there and why I mentioned you’re calling from that September 15th and 16th. We’re going to talk about that more on this program in the last segment in particular. But to get us started, share just briefly the purpose for this. Why is this gathering being held in New York City on September 15th and 16th, and why is it so important to pray for the peace of Jerusalem as commanded in Psalm 1 22?
Albert Veksler: Thank you, Sam. Well, as you remember, in July, the International Court of Justice passed an advisory decision, a declaration basically, which in my opinion crosses every red line that you can see from the biblical perspective. What they did was that they declared that it is illegal for the Jewish people, basically the Jewish presence in Judea and Samaria, the very heartland of Israel, the land covenanted by God himself, as you mentioned earlier, to Abraham forever. And so these court judges have now come up with this decision that they have released in, I think it was July 19, that it is illegal for the Jewish people to live in Judea, Samaria, east Jerusalem, and of course Gaza. Now this time the United Nations 17 ninth General Assembly will most likely try to adopt this decision. So now all the nations gathered at United Nations will then vote on whether it is criminal or not criminal for the Jewish people to live in the land that God by his covenant provided and allocated for the Jewish people for.
Albert Veksler: So we have now come to a major, major decision point, a moment that the nations like you quoted, Psalm two are in a very obvious and clear way, telling God what you have said in your word is not just that we don’t like it, it is criminal. This is illegal for the Jewish people to live where you told them to live. So many people are not happy with their government decisions and they would say, no, this is not done in my name. So what we have planned, and we are calling the people to do, is to stand in the gap and stand in the gap for Jerusalem, but also for their nation, for their state, for their city, saying, I’m not crossing this red line. I’m not telling God that Jewish people have no right to live in the land you’ve given them by promise to Abraham and by covenant, I am on your side, God. And so this year as the United Nations is assembling, and this is going to happen, it’s already starting on September 10, we have not just asked, but we are really mobilizing people to pray worldwide. But then specifically on that weekend, 15th and 16th of September, when we will gather here right in the heart of New York City,
Sam Rohrer: Albert, thank you so much. That’s excellent. Ladies and gentlemen, that is why. So the prayer breakfast, Jerusalem prayer, breakfast, New York City, an event being held, I plan 10 to be there with my wife, many others including Albert and so many others. We’ll talk about that more in the last segment, but it’s a time of historic note and we’ll build this out more as we get into the program. The theme today, the world against Jerusalem, the time for prayer. We’ll be right back. Well, if you’re just joining us today, this is our bimonthly emphasis here on Wednesday on Israel prophecy and the Middle East. My special guest today is Albert Veksler. He is the global director of the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast. And normally he calls in live from Jerusalem, but today he’s in New York City, which happens to be the place that the Jerusalem Prayer breakfast will be held here in America in New York City, September 15th, Sunday and Monday, September 16th.
Sam Rohrer: And if you have an interest in going, and I would advise you to do so, it’s quite an event. You can find it on the website, jpb Jerusalem Prayer, jpb NY standing for New York to jpb, and we’ll talk more about the specifics of that, who’s going to be there and that kind of thing in the final segment today. But Albert, let’s go. Now, let’s just talk about Israel and some things. I have a number of questions. We have far too many things we’d like to talk to you about that we’ll have time to do. But let’s go here. The first is this, just the other day, Benjamin Netanya, who Prime Minister of Israel, held a press conference. And in that press conference, he apologized to the Israeli people after Hamas had just executed six of the October 7th hostages that have been the subject of release and the war that’s been going on since that horrendous event took place last fall. Liberal Jews inside Israel and around the world, plus most of the world’s leaders, some what we just talked about, including Joe Biden here, have tried their best to demonize Netanyahu and to force him from office and force Israel into a new election. Not thus. So far they have failed. But here’s my question to you. What is the internal attitude of the average Israeli citizen today toward Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister? Is it strengthening? Is it weakening? Why, why not?
Albert Veksler: Well, Sam, as strange as it may sound, his position is strengthening. And you see there are certain people that are at ease with a worldview where all the mistakes and all the things that are going wrong, you can pin them to one person. So it’s a simplified way of living. But for some reason, for some people, this is the best way to explain all the bad things that are happening. And in our case, the media has been, of course, for months been feeding the Israeli public of just that simple solution for every problem. I mean, Netanyahu, Netanyahu is the one who is in their opinion, the culprit. He’s behind every wrong thing that is happening in the talks with Hamas, he’s behind every wrong thing that Hamas is doing. And it’s just so ridiculous. I am at loss of words because not only did the labor union call for a strike just recently, they blame the fact that this murder in bloody ha just executed these six young people.
Albert Veksler: They blame it on Netanyahu. I mean, it’s how twisted things can get. I mean, you have a murderous terrorist organization killing young people, and the blame is shifted in a very cunning and very subtle way over to our prime minister. Now, he’s not perfect. He has his share of mistakes like everybody, but he is I think, the leader of a Churchillian statue that can literally turn things around, I believe for Israel and on the world stage, I mean it’s these people that are criticizing him, these people that are talking against him are by far unable to even stand in this same position, and yet they take the boldness and they criticize and so on and so forth. So it’s very unfortunate and painful to see how the whole hostage situation has been hijacked by this Netanyahu haters. So I mean, the hostage movement is split, by the way. There are the ones who trust the government and support Netanyahu, but the larger majority of the movement has been hijacked by people that have been running the anti Netanyahu demonstrations for years, for decades, I would say. I mean they started.
Sam Rohrer: So Albert, I just want to clarify. Sorry. Are you saying that the movement overall against Netanyahu is strengthening, but at the same time the people’s opinion of Netanyahu is strengthening, clarify what you just said there.
Albert Veksler: Exactly. That’s exactly the strange phenomenon because as much as they cry against him, his political position is strengthening. And it’s almost like the more they beat him, the more people love him. And if the elections will happen today, he would win again. So those from the left wing advocating for elections, now I don’t know what they’re thinking, but they would definitely lose them and they would have Netanyahu again.
Sam Rohrer: Okay, thank you for clarifying that because it’s not been clear, certainly from those listening to the news. The news does not give what you just gave and I think in a very balanced way. But let’s go to another question here. It brings up a tie in to what you said in the last segment about the United Nations gathering and the expected resolution to condemn Israel relative to the West Bank because here’s a question. Over the past days, Israel has attacked certain enemy positions in the West Bank, which for clarification, ladies and gentlemen, that West Bank we refer to is the area of what we know as Judea Samaria. It’s in the northern part there of Israel. But that being the case, could you comment on who was the attack against in that area in the West Bank, and what does it signify about the commitment of the current Netanyahu coalition? And was the timing of that perhaps coincidental, relative to the un vote coming up or not connected at all?
Albert Veksler: I don’t think it is connected, but I think what is happening is that Iran is emboldened and is encouraging those Hamas extreme terrorist groups in Judea and Samaria to rise against Israel. And that’s the reason why Israel is basically forced to respond. I mean, we are not leading any campaign as they try to paint in the media against the Arabs in Jude and Samaria. It’s just the fact that there’s been attacks coming out of them. And Iran has been doing their best to smuggle in explosives, to smuggle in weapons. And like they’ve been behind this whole war of October seven. I mean, they paid for it. They trained actually, they coordinated for years that it would happen concerted. But of course, Hamas took advantage of the situation trying to get the glory, glory for this attack against the Jewish people. And they started unannounced on October seven without actually Iran and Hezbollah approving it at that moment. So we have the big picture, and this is Iran, and they are of course on the threshold of becoming nuclear.
Sam Rohrer: And just hold that high rain because I want to talk about them. Albert, I want to talk about rain in the next second. Just hold that part, but let me go back here. As we’re looking internally, Hezbollah to the north, everybody’s been expecting a full owl out engagement by Hezbollah, but Israel has actually taken out some of their leadership, whatever that’s related or not. But here’s my question from a human perspective, why do you think, what is the perspective there? Why hasn’t Hezbollah actually fully engaged in an all out war that people are expecting against Israel, and by the fact that they haven’t? Do you see any kind of potential that Israeli leadership politically may soften to the extent of lowering their guard by the fact that they haven’t done that? What are your thoughts on that?
Albert Veksler: Sam? Hezbollah does not want this war. This is a war that they are doing as a protest against what’s happening in Gaza. The moment the flames will go down in, they will also end in the north. And Moreau, I mean, Hezbollah is an Ace card in Iran’s hands, and it’s for them, it’s too early to play this card. I mean, they don’t care about the Lebanese people. They don’t care that the Lebanon will turn into another Gaza. They don’t care about these people at all because they are just pawns in this big game for them. But from the strategic standpoint, Iran is not ready to sacrifice them yet. So they’re keeping them on the low fire. And so the attacks and counter attacks from Israel have been on a lower level. Nevertheless, it’s horrible. It’s forced close to a hundred thousand people from the north to evacuate and they cannot return to their homes. And Israel was ready to start a ground incursion, but we heard from the White House. So this is I think the reason why it’s been also held back.
Sam Rohrer: Okay, well, that’s very, very helpful. Albert Veksler, global director of the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast with me here, ladies and gentlemen, stay with us. We’re going to come back and we’re going to talk a bit more about Iran and we’re going to talk a bit more about the reason for the prayer breakfast again and go a little bit further into that in the next segment. We’ll be back in just a moment. Okay, Albert, let’s shift a bit now more outside Israel. I want to go to the Gaza now because in the Gaza area, which is where the fighting has been so much occurring since the October 7th attack by Hamas, there is an area there referred to as the Philadelphia Corridor, and a lot of people don’t know what that is at all, but it seems to be an important, Israel has said, I think just a day or two ago, Netanyahu said no, that Israel would never give up control of this corridor. Now that they have it, the United States, United Nations, Hamas, Egypt, and seems to be literally everyone has been pressuring Israel not to get into that area of ground and to give it up now that they are there. So it’s a disputed area. But here’s what I’m going to ask you. Could you define what is meant by the Philadelphia corridor and why is it so important for Israel to maintain control?
Albert Veksler: Right. The Philadelphia corridor is tiny, well, it’s narrow strip of land bordering with Egypt. So it runs from the Israeli crossing. There is the entry point into Gaza all the way to the Mediterranean Sea. Now, here is the background. In 1979 when begging and Sadat signed the Peace Treaty with between Israel and Egypt on the in United States with President Carter, United States was the guarantor of this peace treaty. And basically they said that Sinai, which is basically bordering with Gaza, would be demilitarized. And so United States is the guarantee that it stays demilitarized and nothing, no harm would come to Israel from that Sinai Peninsula. Now, here is the thing, under the very nose and guarantees of the United States and Egyptian governments, Hamas since 2007 when they took over have dug tens, I think about a hundred tunnels in between that border area. And so they’ve been smuggling the weapons, the missiles, I mean, some of the tunnels are as big as that, that a bus or a truck can drive through.
Albert Veksler: I mean to tell to Israel and to the rest of the world that we didn’t know about. This is just ridiculous. And this is even more ridiculous when you think that, I mean, United States of America was the one giving the guarantees that signup Peninsula is demilitarized and all these military grade equipment and missiles and whatnot was just passing through that place right into Kaza. So why Israel cannot give up Philadelphia corridor, you remember also the other word that they used was months back, Raffi. Israel shouldn’t go into Raffi. Raffi, he’s like bordering city. It’s like Raffi, he’s on the side of Israel and there’s Raffi on the side of Egypt. And so we have a situation where if Israel is not controlling that border area, the weapon smuggling will start immediately. Israel would be in danger of another October seven immediately. Moreover, the hostages could be taken into Egypt and from there to Iran, and that would be a whole other chapter and another development in this whole horrible situation.
Albert Veksler: So I think Netanyahu is 100% right that Israel should not give up or return from Philadelphia corridor. We cannot do that. And there’s been a lot of criticism on Israeli side saying like, oh, look, we had it earlier years and we were not able to control all of the smuggling over the borders. But it’s true. There has been problems. And yet for Israel to give it up and again, why would be there even a pressure to give it up unless there is a strategic interest in restoring the capabilities, the military capabilities of Hamas again, and allowing them to connect freely with the terrorist networks in Sinai. So it’s the situation.
Sam Rohrer: Well, Albert, you are correct. I mean from any logical perspective, it’s a no-brainer. It obviously makes sense. That’s the gateway, that’s the gateway from Egypt up into the Gaza. And as you say, that’s how the tunnels got built to begin with. And it’s particularly troublesome that the United States, as you said, had the responsibility to enforce, to make sure that the enemy did not get it there, but actually had to have participated. We’ve talked about this in the program before. They had to have participated and the United Nations absolutely participated in the building of those tunnels. That is an incredible thing. So more power to the leadership, therefore holding firm on that. Now, let’s go now back to Iran, behind all of these things, Hezbollah, Hamas, and all that’s going on is Iran. I stopped you in the last segment from going deeper into that’s bring that back. What is Iran actually doing right now? Are they strengthening, preparing for something? Have they been because of Israel’s high effectiveness in taking out some of their leaders? Have they backed off? How would you position what they’re doing there now?
Albert Veksler: Well, you see, when you look at Iran, you can understand that they are meticulously planning their steps and they seem to have much time. They can be very patient, they can wait, and that’s the dangerous side from Iran. I mean, they are very sophisticated and the only thing that has held them now from fulfilling the promise and threat to attack Israel over the death of Ismail Kni, right, 150 meters away from the presidential palaces in Tehran is the reason is that the American ships are positioned in the Mediterranean, in the Red Sea and Persian Gulf. So they understand that it’s not the moment, it’s not the time to make their advances. Now, talking from the biblical standpoint, I mean again without making any reference to what the Bible says about which country is north and south in the book of Daniel, it’s just curious to me because you see that it speaks in the 11th chapter.
Albert Veksler: It speaks about the ruler who is enraged against the covenant, and you can see that the spirit behind all these attacks is enraged against God’s covenant with the Jewish people and the land of promise. And so it says, I think in verse 28 that this evil ruler is held back because there are ships of Kitti that are making him concerned. And so whether it refers to the current situation or not, I think it is very curious to see that this same, very same kind of scenario is played out right now because it is the US military presence that is holding back Iran from fulfilling their promise to attack and to retaliate against the assassination of Ismail Hania.
Sam Rohrer: I think that is very, very astute comparison. Albert, and of course ladies and gentlemen, we know at one point that God is the one who times the events, he raises up leaders, he puts them down. God’s plan is working itself through the nations of the world. And when individual leaders get up and do their thing and countries decide to move or to stall or to wait, it’s all in God’s hands. I just want to leave that right there. Let’s go to one other question I want to ask you about that is Turkey. Turkey some, well, several months ago had aligned firmly with a, they had said that they were going to support Hamas. They said they would come in actually threaten to invade Israel like they had as some other countries in the past. And now Turkey just officially said they were joining the nations, the Brix nations, Brazil, Russia, India and China, further aligning them against the United States and ultimately Israel. Okay, what do we know? What can you share about what’s happening with Turkey and their relationship to Israel?
Albert Veksler: Well, Erdogan has had his megalomania and dream to restore Turkey back to its empire. And of course, Israel was under Turkish occupation in the 20th century when British were the ones liberating Jerusalem from the Turkish rule in 1917. So Turkey should be kicked out of NATO. That’s my opinion because I mean, as they have now really positioned themselves as part of bricks, they cannot be part of NATO. And I mean, it’s amazing how they even get away with all these things. People don’t talk about this, the Turkey occupied half of Cyprus, 1974, where is the Cyprus Liberation Organization? Where is the demonstrations against Turkish occupation of Cyprus? Nobody hears about them, and yet they get away with this, that they are in Syria, they are killing Kurds, they’re doing all but they want to do as if and with great impunity.
Sam Rohrer: Ladies and gentlemen, again, remember God moves in the heart of rulers like rivers of water. He moves them withers, so he will, that is what we’re seeing in the context of, well, the focus, God’s focus on Israel, the Jewish people, and Jerusalem. When come back, we’re going to talk about the Jerusalem prayer breakfast coming up, how you can go if you are interested, and certainly more information about what you can pray. Well as we go into the final segment. Now, if you are interested, get your pencil out. You can write down some information about the Jerusalem Prayer breakfast scheduled to be held in New York City Sunday, September 15th, that’s coming up. And Monday, September 16th, a website that you can go for information on how to do that. You have to register ahead of time. There is a cost, but all that information is available there at the website JPB, standing for Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast, J-P-B-N-Y stand for New York.
Sam Rohrer: So jpb And again, like always, we’ve been saying a transcript of this program. If you weren’t able to write it down, maybe you’re writing in a car right now or doing other things, but you have interest, you can go to the website, stand in the gap or on our Stand in the Gap app and the transcript where you can get all this information and read it is available. So I would encourage you to do that. Alright, Albert, we started out in New York, that’s where you are now. We went to Israel, talked about some things, so much more we could talk about. But information you provided was a tremendous perspective from my opinion. But let’s go to now the upcoming prayer breakfast. Can you identify some of the people who will be there and participating? For instance, it is a Jerusalem Prayer breakfast. It is a time set to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and all that’s happening. So who possibly from Israel may be in attendance and whatever you can share. Share please.
Albert Veksler: Thank you, Sam. Well, first of all, of course, our ambassador to United Nations. Dan Danon, he’s back in his position as an ambassador just recently. And so he’s going to be speaking for us and updating us about what is happening in the un, his work, his tasks. I actually even joked with him when he was speaking for us at Orlando Prayer Breakfast in 2018. I said, look, Danny, Danny is actually short for Daniel. I said, the prophet Daniel from the Bible was in the Lion’s den only one night, but you seem to work there referring to United Nations. So he really liked it and I think he picked this as his title for his book. But Danon will be there, our Israeli council to United States in New York Uni. He will be with us. And of course we are bringing a very honorable delegation, minister of intelligence.
Albert Veksler: Gilli will be addressing the delegates on Sunday. We have a cent member who is actually our host in Jerusalem, Kahana. He’s a legendary pilot in cast lead operation, pillar of defense, and in 2014 in the Gaza operation. Then of course Mo, the only member who during this current war served as an operations IDF officer. Can you imagine a member of Parliament in Reserves serving actually in Gaza and being the member of K at the same time. And of course, our great friend Al, who is part of the Foreign Affairs and Security Committee, they will all speak at the Jerusalem Prayer breakfast in New York. And of course we have some great speakers like Ambassador David Friedman who is coming. And actually he’s going to sign his new book, one Jewish State. So we can actually recommend people, our audience, to order the books and on Amazon and come and he will sign the book for you.
Albert Veksler: But also we have Ron Lauder, the President of the World Jewish Congress. We have Mario Branick, we have the New York Board of Rabbis, Joseph Potass and Rabbi David Foreman, of course, our own Robert Otto from Mcne member who is a co-chair together with Congresswoman Michelle Barkman from the Congress. We have also Lee Zeldin and we have Mark Green coming. And the most important part, the New York State Senate Senator Rob Ort, he is the one welcoming all of us to New York, welcoming the Israeli delegation. So of course we have great speakers. You have been at the prayer breakfast. It’s not just a breakfast, it’s kind of misleading. We have a two day conference. We start with learning sessions and receptions. We have a great concert. Nick IC is going to speak there. Michelle Bachman is going to speak there. But then we have these learning sessions, which are kind of Ted Talks.
Albert Veksler: Andrew Tucker, a world renowned specialist on international law, Jim Garlow who leads a ministry called Well Versed, and he’s been leading a prayer network for United Nations and many, many more. I mentioned Mary Branick. I also want to mention our great friend William Kerig. So he’s going to do some great interviews during the prayer breakfast, and it’s going to be really an exciting time. So the breakfast itself on Monday morning, then another session of learning sessions and the Final Founder’s dinner, because we don’t see this just as a one time event. We see this as a movement and this has become a movement literally taking us all around the world. And New York will be the 21st city outside of Jerusalem that we will have a Jerusalem prayer breakfast. And so we try to help people to come. I know the fees are very high right now actually in the Marriott Marquee trying to get the prices down.
Albert Veksler: And I mean, it’s a very expensive place to do the Jerusalem Prayer breakfast. But we are trying to help our friends to come and just come for the concert, pay for the concert, or come just for the learning sessions or come just for the breakfast. I mean, there is the price that we have to pay. And then of course we cannot admit people for free. But then we would very much want to encourage people to come and let’s say the concert alone is not so expensive. $99 I think people can afford and then be part of this whole thing and enjoy it. And the idea that I wanted to come earlier with wanting to finish is that we are building a movement. So that’s why we have the founder’s dinner. We have people who would see themselves as founders to keep the flames of intercession burning, to see the prayer for the peace of Jerusalem as the Bible commands us is flaming.
Albert Veksler: And so that we would see this prayer, this ongoing prayer, and that these people that are coming to the Jerusalem Prayer breakfast in New York are not just coming for a one-time event, but they will keep this movement going on. And it’s just amazing how God has been providing and inviting us from place to place. As we will have the in New York, we will have the next event in Copenhagen, next event in Oslo, Norway. And this will mobilize the church worldwide to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, stand in the gap for their own nations and bring a blessing from heaven to their own nations because this is God’s foreign policy doctrine. He said he who will bless Abraham will be blessed. And we’ve seen it throughout the history. Nations have risen and fallen. Empires have risen and fallen over how they treated the Jewish people. Okay,
Sam Rohrer: Albert, after we’re we’re out of time, but I got to clarify this. If people are wanting to go, they need to go to the website and register first. They can’t just show up, can they? Or can they?
Albert Veksler: No, they can’t. We have for security, security reasons and so people have to register. So please visit the website and come.
Sam Rohrer: Alright, ladies and gentlemen, again, that website you got to register in advance for security reasons, JPB n, JPB Albert Becker, thanks for being with me today. Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for joining us and being a part of the program today. God bless you all. We’ll hopefully, Lord willing, see you back here tomorrow.
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