Winter Storm Warnings: The Latest National Security Forecast

Sept. 3, 2024

Host: Sam Rohrer

Guest(s): Michael Snyder

Note: This transcript is taken from a Stand in the Gap Today program aired on 9/3/24. To listen to the podcast, click HERE.

Disclaimer: While reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate transcription, the following is a representation of a mechanical transcription and as such, may not be a word for word transcript. Please listen to the audio version for any questions concerning the following dialogue.

Sam Rohrer:       Hello and welcome to Stand In the Gap today and this first Tuesday of September. As we say, we’re going to officially begin a shortened week this week due to Labor Day Observances yesterday. I hope that you were able to perhaps do something with your family if you were able to do that, but with Labor Day, normally it’s recognized, I’d say unofficially, but it’s kind of like the official kickoff to fall in winter. Schools are now in full swing around our area here in a lot of our country farmers and all those who grow the food that we so often take for granted are in full harvest mode. But with 2024 also being a presidential election year, the political campaign season enters the all-out final stretch where as we know the entire media and communication system with the help, I’m going to say augmented this year by artificial intelligence really making its way in a notable sense, it’s going to package propaganda as news.

Sam Rohrer:       We’ve seen it. We’re going to see an awful lot more of it in these months ahead. The goal is to influence people to not think about God, but frankly, everything other than God, this is the time when campaigns in particular become paranoid, living and dying by the polls or pragmatism and being consumed again, not with a fear of God, but the fear of man. We see it. That’s what’s happening. And about this time of years as well, I just saw it a couple days ago, the Farmer’s Almanac forecast for the fall and winter makes its predictions. But the weather people, the political people, the military advisors, the economic and financial gurus, all of those who speak for their own little sectors of interest, all issue predictions, they’re all looking ahead, all right to the fall, into the New Year’s part of what we’ve come to expect.

Sam Rohrer:       But in this historic 2024 year to those who have eyes to see, I think that’s most of you listening to this program, the hand of God is more evident than it’s ever been. As prophetic events and biblical principles converge, they demonstrate that God is not dead. Now we know he is not. But I say that phrase because a lot of the world think he is. He’s not dead, he’s still on the throne, and his will for the nations is moving right along, right on time. So today I’ve asked Michael Snyder, attorney economist, publisher of the Economic Collapse Blog, the End of the American Dream, and the most important news to join me again for an overview and update on top line events developing all around us. The title I’ve chosen for today’s program is this Winter Storm Warnings, the latest national Security Forecast. And on today’s program, we’re going to consider the largest potential impacts in the area of weather and technology in just a moment here. Segment two, health and Wellbeing, segment three, economics and finance, and then the last segment, war, political and civil stability, and all of this and more here on Stand in the Gap today. And with that, I welcome right now to the program again, Michael Snyder. Michael, thanks for being back with me.

Michael Snyder:                Sam, thank you so much for having me on today.

Sam Rohrer:       Michael, you’re literally pouring out articles on all the areas I just mentioned and a whole lot more. And one of I want to start with right now, we can’t go into super depth that I want to give a broader view for our listeners today. But one of the things you’ve been writing about a lot is increased in, I want to say movement of the ground earthquakes, volcanic activity that we’ve seen around the world, but particularly here in the country. One of them sparked my interest and what you have a comment on, even in California, I think over the weekend, a power company has cut power to a segment of people out there because the ground is literally moving and threatening to pull down power poles and wires, threatening fires. And they’ve said they’ve done it indefinitely. So there’s a lot there. Speak to us a little bit about what you’ve been warning about in regard to the shaking of the ground.

Michael Snyder:                Yeah, Sam, particularly along the ring of fire, we just saw magnitude a 7.1 earthquake in Japan, and then they issued their first ever mega quake warning, which people were running to the supermarkets to buy food. They were so scared of that. But Japan is along the same ring of fire, which circles the Pacific Ocean that California is. And so you look at California, we’ve seen several earthquakes, which really shook people up lately, made headlines, didn’t cause a tremendous amount of damage, but there’s been a lot of shaking along the west coast of the United States. In fact, I just looked it up. And in California and Nevada, in just the last seven days, there have been 922 earthquakes. So there’s been a whole lot of shaking there. But in particular, the story that you were referring to refers to there’s this suburb of Los Angeles and southwestern Los Angeles County west of Long Beach where the ground is moving there along the shore and that the residents there say, Hey, you can literally watch the ground moving.

Michael Snyder:                And this has been happening on a consistent basis, but particularly over the last 12 months, we’ve seen an acceleration where some areas are moving up to 10 inches a week. So you walk down the main street there and there’s a big chasm which has opened up in the ground and they’ve had to cut the power off to some. And gas lines are bursting and fires are being caused, but literally the whole community sliding toward the ocean, and in fact a new body, a new area of land has now formed because so much of the community has slid into the ocean that a new area of land has been created. And so Sam, this is a huge concern because scientists tell us we’re way overdue, way overdue for the big one. And a few years ago, researchers who looked into this said, Hey, it’s not like how most people think we’re part of California will snap off and fall into the ocean.

Michael Snyder:                That’s not how it works. But researchers said, they said, Hey, what will happen someday is that the ground on the western part beyond the western part of the fault line will literally drop by up to three feet very, very suddenly. So the ground on the eastern side of the fault line will remain where it is, but the ground on the western part of the fault line will drop by up to three feet. And they say this has happened in the past, but what that will cause, because so much of that area is just barely above sea level, is that the ocean will come rushing into those areas which is suddenly dropped by several feet. And so it won’t be like California is going into the ocean, but literally the ocean is coming up, rushing in on coastal areas there along the coast in California. So that’s why we are watching this so carefully, Sam, because someday and the scientist tells we’re way overdue, the big one will strike and the death and destruction we will witness will be off the charts.

Sam Rohrer:       We’re just about out of time. So I can’t go much further with you on this, Michael, but ladies and gentlemen, we could go into much further depth on not just what’s California, not just what’s in Japan, but you’ve got volcanic action actually happening in Italy right now where Vesuvius the volcano from the past, there’s a lot boiling under the ground there. Actually old civilizations are coming to the surface, it’s happening around the world, but this isn’t context to what the Lord says, that there will be an increase in earthquake activity as we approach his return. That’s what helps to make this and the other parts that we’ll talk about the balance of the program make further sense. So stay with us. We’ll be back in just a moment. Winter storm warnings, the latest national security forecast, special guest, Michael Snyder. Well, if you’re just joining us, this is standing in the gap today.

Sam Rohrer:       Our theme today is Winter Storm Warnings, that latest national security forecast. It’s at the title I’ve given to guide us in our reference to headline news today, things that are happening all around. And if you’ve just joined us, you can step in with us as we move further into the program. My special guest is Michael Snyder. He produces a lot of material, a lot of writing, and you can find them at the most important, the most important He’s got a couple of websites, I just give that one at the moment. But Michael, let’s get back into it right now. We talked on the other side about weather related things and just focused bit on earthquakes, volcanic activity because it is increasing. You’ve written a lot about it, I’ve talked about that. There’s a technology that you’ve also written about that just for time’s sake, we’re not going to be able to get into where you’re talking about.

Sam Rohrer:       We had 5G that was implemented, well actually during covid is when the towers were put up when the schools were shut down. It’s interesting, but now we’re talking about six G and the implications for that. You’ve written an article on that. Again, I’m not going to go into that at the moment, but big issues, health impacts from that. But here, and we’re talking here now in this section about health and wellbeing when it comes to forecast about the weather, put it out there, ladies and gentlemen, just think about this. Everyone wants to know, don’t it, whether it’s going to be rainy, sunny, hot or cold, and the temperature. We all look at it. I do. The weather people, they know this too, and they’re increasingly doing, it’s almost 10 agitating commercialization it seems like where they’re marketing, weather forecast, intriguing headlines, often, sometimes not even true to get you into it.

Sam Rohrer:       But the point being, the weather profession, I also make the comment about it. It’s the only profession it seems that can be so terribly and consistently wrong, yet retain the highest believability ratings, and they actually do Now in most areas of life. I do not recall a time when forecasts, predictions, estimates have become so given to, I’m going to say intentional misinformation, manipulation and flat out lies designed not to inform, but actually to deceive and de shape the way people think and their attitudes and their actions with the worst offender actually being government officials themselves driven not by the truth, but by greedy and ulterior motives. And if there’s one thing we need to learn from the last four years, it is that, but it will carry over into what we discussed in the next segments here. But Michael, in the past programs I’ve talked about how the CDC matter of health now have put official regulatory acknowledgement into place to make bird flu an immediate health concern with lockdown potential.

Sam Rohrer:       They’ve actually done it. It’s all there sitting waiting, governmental wise, they don’t need to do anything else. They’ve already declared it. Then the World Health Organization a couple of weeks ago issued their highest global alert indicating their concern for a global pandemic related to Monkeypox, they said, and therefore the basis for another global lockdown. So they’ve taken international action and laid it on the table, all kind of simmering comment on these two if you want to as they look at together. But you wrote about actually a third one where there are a couple of cities, at least in the United States that are already being locked down due to that threat. So anyways, put these together because they seem to be in the pot kind of moving around together.

Michael Snyder:                Yeah, Sam in Matthew 24, Jesus warn there would be pestilence in the last days. And so we’re watching all these things that are taking place. The one that you just referenced is called Eastern equine encephalitis. And if a human gets it approximately a third, one third, about 30% of all humans that get this end up dead. And so there have been cases in Massachusetts, in Vermont, in New Hampshire, horses in New York and Texas have been confirmed cases of this. And so it’s spread by mosquitoes. So they actually put some areas of Massachusetts on lockdown because of this. There’s a tremendous amount of concern about that. Meanwhile, another disease that’s spread by mosquitoes, west Nile virus is also spreading in the northeast. In fact, Dr. Fauci himself, I don’t even like to call him a doctor. I’m no fan of Fauci, but he caught West Nile virus and he had to be hospitalized for that.

Michael Snyder:                So that’s been spreading in the eastern part of the country. Meanwhile, you mentioned Monkeypox, where CDC has issued their highest global alert. We had monkeypox a couple years ago spread around the world, mostly spread through sexual activity. Now a different strain has been spreading in Africa, but this strain spreads a lot more easily. Tons of children there in Africa, lots and lots of children have been catching it, and the death rate is far, far higher. So it spreads more easily, they say, and the death rate is far, far higher now. We’ve had a confirmed case in Sweden, a confirmed case in Asia. It’s spread to other countries in Africa. It’s starting to spread around the world. Meanwhile, on top of everything else, we have Covid where schools in Alabama and Tennessee, these are in red states already the school year have been locked down, is coming back. I thought we weren’t going to do that anymore, but that’s coming back. And so we’ve got all this going on with pestilence, Sam, and we don’t know if any of them are going to erupt to become a really big thing, but it’s interesting that all this has happened as we approach election season. But yeah, there’s a lot of fear about pestilence is out there right now, Sam.

Sam Rohrer:       So those touch on matters of health. And ladies and gentlemen, again, we’re sharing these things not again to alarm, but to inform and just to underscore the fact that these things are happening, earthquake shaking, we’re talking about ward a little bit. Health matters, pestilence are all things that the Lord says be aware of. We’re just connecting those dots to keep it in perspective because all of these things are on the ground, they’re in the mix. And at any point, any one of the things from the ground shaking to a health item could become an item, but it’s all there moving around. Michael, you did write an article, and again, people can find this, I believe, most important I would suppose, but in that one you raised, no, you didn’t raise it. You just highlighted the fact because it’s out there, a health concern that a lot of people have not heard about and it has a direct impact on human population or maybe the ability to increase population. But speak about this.

Michael Snyder:                Yeah, Sam, it’s the concern of microplastics. All the plastic that we discard and throw away, it doesn’t disappear, but it breaks down into smaller and smaller and smaller pieces until it finally gets so small. They’re known as microplastics and they’re literally in everything. And the water we drink and the food we eat, literally in the rain that falls from the sky, our soil is saturated in our homes. About 40% of the dust in our homes is now made up of plastic. And what happens is we eat this, we drink it, we breathe it in, and it’s accumulating in our bodies. In fact, a study just came out which found that it’s accumulating even in our brains, in fact, that they found that the amount of plastic in our brains is increasing samples. They examined from 2016 to 2024 increased by 50%, and they’re saying the samples from 2024 human brain samples had half a percent of our brains are now plastic.

Michael Snyder:                And that’s a huge concern. If it keeps increasing at this rate and the amount of plastic we produce globally is rising at an exponential rate, if the amount of plastic in our brains keeps going up at this rate, well, 80 years from now, 28% of our brains are going to be plastic. And of course none of us are going to be able to live if 28% of our brains are plastic. But this isn’t really an existential threat to humanity. All this plastic and plastic, it gets into our systems that on the official NIH website, they admit that exposure to microplastics causes cancer. And we’ve had an explosion of cancer in our society right now, and I believe this is one of the factors that is causing it. Another study, they had rats drink water with tiny plastic particles in it. They started showing signs of dementia.

Michael Snyder:                Of course, we’ve seen a lot of dementia in the news and in our society recently. And so Sam, this is a massive threat to our health affecting us right now. A lot of people are getting cancer, they don’t even know why, but this is truly is given enough time because Sam, even if we stop producing all plastic immediately, the plastic we’ve already produced would continue to break down into microplastics for decades to come. And so the total amount of microplastics is going to continue to increase no matter what we do. We desperately need Jesus to come back and set everything right, because if we didn’t, we are literally going to kill ourselves and everything around us. And this is just one of the ways that we’re doing this, Sam,

Sam Rohrer:       And that’s interesting. And in regard to this, we only have just less a minute here, but this evidence is indicating is impacting fertility as well. That’s a significant thing, isn’t it?

Michael Snyder:                Yeah, they found it in the human reproductive system. And of course, human fertility rates have been just plummeting in recent years. And I believe this is another factor why, and most people have no idea, well, why can’t I get pregnant? Well, it’s all the plastic is one of the reasons, but people don’t know about this because the mainstream media is not really talking about it.

Sam Rohrer:       Okay, Michael, so anyway, I bring this right up to the break, ladies and gentlemen, again, what’s the application to this? I think that’s what you just said, Michael, that man in his wisdom, without God thinking that he is, God will find out by God that he is not God. That makes sense, ladies and gentlemen. And ultimately God’s plan for this earth, for mankind is that we do what he says and he blesses. But when we cut him out of the picture, there are consequences. Some of these things we’re just talking about are just simply consequences to cutting God out of the picture. Right? When going to come back, we’re going to leave that alone. We’re going to talk about economics and finance a big issue. A lot of news have come forth in the last weeks relative to economics and finance and how that may impact things here in the Monza ahead.

Sam Rohrer:       Well, Michael, you’ve written much about economics that is a part of your background in condition of being an attorney. I’ve spoken much about finance spending and what’s really happening, not just here in America, but around the world. It seems like the whole world is moving towards a digital reset and so many things, but just a couple of weeks ago, the federal government actually came out and revised down employment numbers by just about, I think it was about 800 million people or 800,000 people, just a hundred million people for the march april type timeframe. Now, in my opinion, and in some of others, that was not a minor twist or adjustment, that was a major, major change to the extent that I would say it was impossible for them to have gone that long. So there’s something up. But anyways, here’s my question to you. What is your economic warning and forecast for the fall in winter based on the true data? What is happening truly with the economic condition here in our nation in particular?

Michael Snyder:                Yeah, I’m very troubled by what I see, Sam. Now what you just mentioned, where the American people have to a large degree been fooled because they look around, they say, oh, things aren’t great, but we keep getting these numbers from the government, which tell us that things are okay. So things must be okay where month after month, for example, the employment number comes out and it looks pretty good, but then later on it’s revised downward. But by then no one cares, no reporting on it anymore. So month after month has made the Biden administration look good, but then later on we find out, well, things really weren’t good after all, but no one really cares at this point. But one number that the government can’t adjust, can’t massage is bankruptcy filings. And that’s why I think it’s one of the best indicators where we’re really at as an economy because firms are either filing paperwork for bankruptcy or they’re not.

Michael Snyder:                And so you look at the 12 months, the year that just ended in June, 2024, halfway through this year for that year, the number of bankruptcy filings for that 12 months was 40.3% higher than the previous 12 months. A total more than 22,000 businesses filed paperwork for bankruptcy during that 12 month period. So when the number of businesses going bankrupt increases by 40% in one year, you got a real problem on our hands. And so we’re seeing, I’m sorry, restaurant chains like Red Lobster filing fair bankruptcy. In fact, CNBC this week listed 10 major restaurant chains that just filed for bankruptcy. We’ve got retailers all over the country going bankrupt, like crazy retailers like Rite Aid closing hundreds of stores, dollar Tree closing, hundreds of stores, big lots closing hundreds of stores. So we’ve got a restaurant apocalypse, we’ve got a retail apocalypse. We’ve got in a two week period, banks just closed down 41 more branches, they’re closing down branches like crazy.

Michael Snyder:                We’ve got a big time problem with an economic slowdown. Meanwhile, consumers, because of the cost of living crisis, they’re going into more debt than ever before us. Consumers are now $17.8 trillion in debt, household debt, highest level we’ve ever seen before because consumers are so stressed right now that we just saw a poll where this was a Wall Street Journal poll where two thirds of Americans no longer believe that the American dream is still alive because people can’t buy homes, they can’t live a middle class lifestyle anymore. Pastor Sam, this has been kind of sneaking up on us for a long time, but now our economic problems are accelerating, the cost of living crisis is accelerating. And Sam, most people right now are struggling.

Sam Rohrer:       Michael say, I’m kind of stumbling just a little bit here because I want you to take and put this in balance. Now, one of the difficult things in both reporting news you when you write and refer to the weatherman, putting sensational headlines on weather events, that kind of thing, is the communication of news objectively in a way that leads people to knowledge with the encouragement to make right decisions. The government and the ungodly produces information to try to make people fear so that they become dependent upon government and not God. Now, God warns us about things as well, but not to make us fear, but to make us dependent upon him. This is a reality. As you look at this area of the economic right now as an example, what should people observant people do? Some may agree with what you said because they may experiencing it, others may have everything in good shape financially be working well, and they say what Michael’s saying does not make sense. Okay, how should a thinking wise person respond to this information?

Michael Snyder:                Well, Sam, we really do have a dichotomy in America today because those that are heavily invested in the stock market, those that are wealthy have been doing well because the stock market has been going up and they’re living the highlight. They’re saying, oh, what’s the problem? Meanwhile, survey after survey has shown the vast majority of the country, well, for them, the economy is the number one issue because they’re really hurting right now and they’re stressed, they’re in debt. And we’re seeing this in delinquency rates which have been rising on various forms of debt. So on a practical level, what people can do is try to get out of debt or don’t go into any more debt. Try to live within your means. Because what we saw, for example, the recession of 2008 and 2009 or even during the covid crisis, we saw people who were overextended then they lost a job, they were out of work for a while or their business got into trouble, then they couldn’t pay the bills, they couldn’t pay the mortgage, they lost their home.

Michael Snyder:                And so we saw, and we continue to see more people go out into the streets where homelessness in the United States is in an all time record high. Right now we’re seeing, I just wrote an article recently where the more than 3 million people are living in their vehicles right now. If you drive by a Walmart at night, you’ll probably notice, hey, there’s lots and lots of cars in the parking lot, literally there’s lots of people sleeping in their vehicles in our Walmart parking lots, other retail parking lots right now. So try to live within your means. Try to build up an emergency fund, try to build up a cushion because you’ve got to pay your mortgage, you got to pay your rent, you got to keep things going no matter what because if you get overextended, if you can’t pay your mortgage, you could be the next person out in the street. It’s happening to more people every day, Sam, more people are falling not just out of the middle class and into poverty, but out of poverty and literally out in the streets. People are sleeping in their vehicles because they overextended themselves.

Sam Rohrer:       Basically what you’re saying, Michael, is that is good biblical advice, always going into debt makes one a servant to the lender. We have a time when government is overspending, which is creating inflation, which lowers the value of people’s money. Some of those things like the inflation thing people can’t do anything about. It does put pressure on people when you have federal policies as an example that are not biblical, and some of this is a part of that as well. So some things are in people’s control, some things are not. But from your perspective, because you are a believer and you write from that perspective, how should a person today who fears God, how should their attitude toward God be changing today in light of so many things that are beyond our control?

Michael Snyder:                Yeah, it should humble us. When we look at all these things, it should humble us and make us realize that we need God. And one of the reasons why I write, I have a very large secular audience, and I hammer on these things to make them realize, Hey, we don’t have a reason for pride, the human race. We cannot, we were failing in ruling ourselves. We need God to rule us. We need to do things God’s way because when doing things our way leads to a giant mess and we have a giant mess in our society today. Also, ultimately, it’s a point people to Christ and then beyond that is to say, Hey, we really need Jesus to come back because there’s no way we can fix all this giant mess that we’ve created. We need Christ to come back or we’re headed for a very, very big trouble. But then the good news is Jesus is coming back and he’s going to set everything right and we’re going to be with him forever, those of us that are believers. And that is the best news of all.

Sam Rohrer:       Indeed it is. And I’m glad that you mentioned it because ladies and gentlemen, we are told in scripture we not when we see these things occur. And what makes it significant now is that so many different things are occurring in convergence and in frequency and intensity when those things happen. The Lord says comfort one another with the fact that we know that he is and he will return and make things right, don’t have much time. Another question here, Michael, just one other thought in this regard, your quick thoughts on, I commented on inflation that is raging the numbers, the Federal Reserve says that it’s going down. Others say it’s going up. What is actually happening?

Michael Snyder:                If you go to the grocery store and you look, you say, Hey, I used to buy this for such and such a few years ago. Now it’s almost doubled or it has doubled, and it’s a hard time for people. And so people are going to have to realize our standard of living as a society, it’s been going down and it’s going to continue to go down because our politicians in Washington aren’t going to stop spending money like drunken sailors. And so people need to realize, Hey, I’m going to have to make adjustments in my lifestyle. I’m going to have to try to cut back. I’m going to have to try to get lean and mean because inflation has been really bad the past few years and it’s going to continue. And so people need to adjust for the new environment.

Sam Rohrer:       So ladies and gentlemen, again, knowledge should help us to plan, prepare. That’s what warnings are for. That’s what bringing this information is for. And again, not to operate in a spirit of fear, but power and of love and of a sound mind. Sound mind coming from knowledge of scripture and applying it. Stay with us. We’ll conclude the program in the next segment. Throughout scripture, God places a great deal of emphasis on authority. And as we conclude the program today, we’re going to move to the area that deals with civil society, but there is no jurisdiction of authority. Authority meaning, well, the individual, the family, civil government, the church, those are the institutions really of authority jurisdictions they’re called. But there is no jurisdiction of authority established by God to which he has delegated more earthly power than civil government. In Romans 13, for instance, we’re told that God has given the sword there, the sword to civil government.

Sam Rohrer:       That means that civil government literally has the power to imprison. That word literally means they have the ability to do death penalty they can kill, and governments have done that. But God’s also given to government a very narrow duty that is to enact justice as defined by God, not in their definition, but God’s definition. So between Peter and the Romans, the Apostle Paul, talk about those two things. What are they to do well, to praise and protect those who fear God and keep his commandments and then to punish or to bring swift retribution against those who violate God’s design for civil society. That’s it. That’s limited government. When the people and leaders do what God says, God will bring blessing to that nation and to those people, they’ll have prosperity and good health, and they’ll be held in respect by other nations. God makes that clear in scripture, Deuteronomy and many other places, and it wasn’t just to Israel, any nation that does it, our own country here has been a recipient of that.

Sam Rohrer:       But when those in government and the people, because those in government tend to be a reflection of the people choose their own way rather than God’s way than civil, instability, injustice, bribery, and corruption then will become the standard practice. And in that process, God raises up leaders who reflect the people oftentimes and they’re ungodly and peace will disappear and war will prevail. That’s what the scripture says. That’s been historical pattern. So in such times people are to look to God, but hardly ever does that happen. Instead, during times when prosperity is not there, security is threatened and there’s a lot more to fear than to be secure in the human sense. People begin to look well more to the political process and the politicians who promise what people want to hear with the result that that brings more instability and less prosperity. I hope that makes sense.

Sam Rohrer:       But Michael, historically in biblically and God’s judgment on nations war is the final step. That’s why God told Solomon when he prayed to God all the way through the Old Testament. That’s very clear, and God will allow war to do his judgment. War is a sad, that bad thing. It breaks things. It destroys all that people have worked for. We in this country have not seen it here since the Civil War on our ground, we see it around the world, but it’s different. But ultimately we know God’s going to wage a final war against God, rejecting nations battle of Armageddon, and he’s going to demonstrate that he’s in charge. Alright, that being the case, what notable events have occurred in this area of war or political instability and perhaps enhanced by moving into an election period that you have found it necessary to warn about?

Michael Snyder:                Yeah, Sam, of course, Matthew 24, once again, Jesus warned of wars and rumors of wars, and there’s three major areas I’m watching right now. China is one of them. This week, Jake Sullivan, national security advisor to Joe Biden. Jake Sullivan went to China and during his visit there, he met with the president, he met with others. But during his visit, he was publicly confronted by prominent Chinese general about Taiwan, and he forcefully told Jake Sullivan, Hey, look, we’re going to reunify with Taiwan. You got to quit telling people things that aren’t true and quit arming Taiwan and so forth. But the Chinese are becoming very aggressive and very forceful, not only regarding Taiwan, but also the Philippines. There’s talk about how US naval vessels are going to have to start escorting Philippine ships because of the dispute between China and the Philippines over some islands there.

Michael Snyder:                And eventually this is going to become a big deal between the US and China, I believe. And so that’s one area I’m watching. Second one is Russia. Now this week, Vladimir Zelinsky, president of Ukraine, he’s begging the Biden administration saying, Hey, we want to use long range missiles that you provide to strike targets and Moscow deep inside Russia. And so people need to see this from the Russian point of view. If we say yes, okay, it’s US missiles that we’ve given to Ukraine that we train them to use, and then we provide the intelligence and the targeting information, and in many cases, we actually pick out the targets for them to fire at. Do you think if US missiles that have been provided by the United States that have been people firing them, have been trained by the United States and we actually pick out the targets and they’re falling on major Russian cities and killing their civilians, do you think they’re going to hold us responsible?

Michael Snyder:                The Russians are very clear about this. They’re saying, Hey, the United States is responsible for this. So much of what’s happening in the war over there, and now the Ukrainians want to take it one step further. At some point, the Ukrainians are just going to push things too far. Of course, the Russians are escalating things too. Both sides are this conflict over there. We’re getting dangerously close to the United States getting directly involved. I think that’s going to become a major deal and the 12 months in front of us. But then I believe the one that is going to erupt into all-out war first is this situation in the Middle East where in recent weeks we’ve been getting closer and closer and closer to this all-out war between Israel and Hezbollah. But of course, in the end, it’ll not just be Hezbollah, but Syria and Iran and all their allies there in that region.

Michael Snyder:                But also just in recent days, we’ve seen Israel conducted the largest military incursion into the West Bank in at least two decades. And that surprised me. I didn’t think the West Bank was going to be such an issue right now, but they were rooting out terrorist cells there apparently or whatever. And we’ve seen the strike in Israel and the drama with the hostages and tensions in the region have never been higher. We’ve never been closer to all out war in the Middle East than we’ve been now. And now we saw the war originally erupt October 7th last year as the appointed times in the fall. The biblical festivals in the fall were ending that the war erupted. Now we’re approaching the biblical festivals, the appointed times of this fall, and will Israel’s enemies do something then? We don’t know. But certainly the stages set Sam for a massive war in the Middle East. And I believe when all out war erupts with Hezbollah and Iran and Syria and everything else, we’re going to see death and destruction on a scale that is literally going to shock the entire planet.

Sam Rohrer:       Well, ladies and gentlemen, wars and rumors of wars, God said, he said that when we see these things in Matthew 24 says, don’t be perplexed, don’t get all debilitated. Understand the Lord says these things must come to pass, and when they come to pass, we need to look to him, not to some government leader. That is probably the walkaway. Michael, what website quickly should people go to? I’ve given the one the most important, but where should they go if that’s not it?

Michael Snyder:                Yeah, I encourage people to go to the most important every day. You can find the latest research that I post, and please share the articles with your friends.

Sam Rohrer:       Alright, Michael Snyder, thank you so very, very much for being with me. Again, his website, the most important, all of the things we’ve talked about today, you can find in articles that go far more into depth than what we’ve done today. Well, thanks for being with us ladies and gentlemen. God bless you and hopefully, Lord willing, we’ll see you back here tomorrow.