Damascus Falls – The World Teeters

Dec. 9, 2024

Host: Hon. Sam Rohrer

Guest: J.R. McGee

Note: This transcript is taken from a Stand in the Gap Today program aired on 12/9/24. To listen to the podcast, click HERE.

Disclaimer: While reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate transcription, the following is a representation of a mechanical transcription and as such, may not be a word for word transcript. Please listen to the audio version for any questions concerning the following dialogue. 

Sam Rohrer:       Welcome to this Monday edition of Stand In the Gap. Today as today we’re going to consider a sum anyways, some of the amazing events of the past two days as they’ve occurred and are occurring in the Middle East and in Europe as well, as well as developing events frankly right here in the United States from a geopolitical and national security perspective, as well as of course through our continual and focused presentation and view, biblical worldview and prophetical lens. It’s the only way really to look at the events of the day. It’s got to be through those two in order to know what’s happening. But my returning guest is JR McGee, strategic Leadership and Counter-Terrorism Specialist, as well as Extreme Leadership Group founder and CEO. Now, before I bring in JR, let me just give you a quick roadmap for this week as I generally do on Monday’s program.

Sam Rohrer:       Tomorrow, Dr. Jamie Mitchell is going to lead this program with our Michigan State Chapter President, pastor Tim Berlin as they consider insights on Christmas and its impact here in America. I think that’ll be an interesting little discussion. Wednesday, Leo Hohmnan independent and investigative journalist is going to join me for an in-depth discussion on the latest, some aspect of the latest global strategy, further emerging and pushing for global government. We’ll be something related to that as we consolidate our thinking at this juncture. On Thursday, Brian Osborne from Answers in Genesis will join me for a matter of something related to creation and apologetics, and then on Friday, Dr. George Barna will join me along with Dr. Isaac Crockett for a presentation of the latest cultural research in which George Barna has led that. So please make a point of catching every program. And with that, let me walk him in right now to the program JR McGee Jr. Thanks for being back with me today.

JR McGee:           Thank you, Sam. It’s always a privilege and a pleasure to be with you and our audience

Sam Rohrer:       And it’s always a pleasure to have you back as well and JR. Over the weekend, changes in the Middle East took a rather unexpected turn from what appears to be a surprise gathering of enemies of Sir Bashar Assad, his government and the remarkably quick collapse of his government and his exodus to Russia where he’s now been granted asylum. But into this scenario, the roles of Russia, Iran, Israel, the United States as well as Turkey and possibly China are changing as we speak, but in Europe with Ukraine, NATO in Russia, and Donald Trump’s threat to exit NATO seems to have supercharged an already unpredictable circumstance there that here in the United States, the now indisputable played down for a long time, ignored, but it’s now it’s kind of up there unarguable, an invasion of, well, theoretically unknown source drones, big drones hovering over military bases, homes of federal government agents and other places has sparked grave concern as just evidenced by the Pentagon. Finally, they said something and these are just some of the events from over the weekend, which we’ll discuss in greater detail in today’s program, but that being the case JR, you and I and some others have been in regular conversation over the weekend as each of us from our respective positions have offered insight to continually unfolding information perspective is key. Let me ask you this, from an overall perspective, how would you summarize the events of the weekend as we’ve seen them unfold in the Middle East?

JR McGee:           Sam, you can only say it’s been extraordinary and not entirely unexpected. We’ve been watching these things develop, but they accelerated with extreme force beginning Saturday and the Syrian army collapsed very, very quickly. Much like some other Middle Eastern countries have collapsed in the past, Iraq and some of the other things that we’ve seen, it’s been extraordinary to see how rapidly it has occurred, but the Israelis really set this in motion with the destruction of Hamas and then the destruction of Hezbollah. Hezbollah was one of the chief protectors along with Iran for Syria, and when Hezbollah collapsed, so did their ability to protect the Assad government and then some of these jihadi groups saw that as an opening for them to go take advantage.

Sam Rohrer:       Okay, now I just hold that because I want you to go into further detail on the next segment on that, but just overall view here. Here’s another one, overall perspective regarding unfolding events in Europe and particularly Trump’s order. He appeared almost to give an order to Putin accept to cease fire, and then he threatened to remove the US from NATO. It’s got a lot of heads turning. Overall response to that,

JR McGee:           It’s very difficult for one country to dominate another country, especially when they’re roughly equals. Trump is expecting his new government to be able to mediate a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine, but it was a little forceful the way it came across, and we’re going to see how Putin responds to it. Putin doesn’t bluff and he’s very measured and very logical in his response, and I think we’re going to see how that’s going to play out in the very near term.

Sam Rohrer:       What do you think about the input again on NATO because that’s got a lot of European heads turning.

JR McGee:           I am of a mixed opinion on this, but moreover, I’m delighted to see that somebody’s finally telling NATO they need to take the responsibility for protecting themselves. The United States cannot fund and provide protection for everybody, and the NATO countries are going to have to fund their own militaries because look at the instability. I mean, we’re looking at the potential for World War III and Germany and France are incapable of defending themselves, much less their neighbors, so there’s going to have to be some rapid turnaround in terms of their ability to provide for their own defense, and I think Trump is trying to wake them up to good effect

Sam Rohrer:       And I think, anyway, we’ll comment more on that, but certainly his comments are a catalyst for action. The outcome may have to wait and see. Here’s another one though. I mentioned this just a bit ago. Drone sightings all across the country, A lot of them, particularly in volume and frequency and duration, a lot of people are sighting November 22nd. They’re saying as of that date, things have happened, but they’ve been reported a long time before that, but they’ve been ignored by almost all agencies of government. The Pentagon just this morning saying now it’s come out headline, they are gravely concerned. Any thoughts on what and who these drones might be?

JR McGee:           Well, I think somebody knows who they belong to. They’re not extraterrestrial, that’s for certain, and we have the technology to take them down. We have the technology to defeat them both through microwaves and kinetics, and we haven’t. That’s the thing that’s the most inexplicable in this is we have not taken the steps to protect the airspace over our most sensitive facilities. That is criminal in my opinion. We are allowing someone, and I think we know who it is to map and video our most sensitive facilities and find out where their weaknesses are. I think we’re allowing ourselves to be set up for some catastrophic events in the near future, and that should never have occurred and should not be allowed to continue. Sam?

Sam Rohrer:       No, I agree with you and that’s how I would, you didn’t use the word, but to me it’s not possible that our intel agencies are not aware, and it’s certainly not that we can’t do anything about it. So the word that comes to my mind is complicity. Anyways, ladies and gentlemen, these are three big things of occurring over the weekend. Come on, we’re going to go to the Middle East and not go to Syria and the fall of Damascus. Well, welcome back here to the program. We’re into our second segment here today, my special guest, JR McGee. The theme that I’ve chosen for today is this, Damascus Falls, the World Teeters. In the last segment we just discussed briefly, just briefly, three major events that have occurred over the weekend, the fall of Damascus in Syria. We’ll talk about that in more depth in this segment.

Sam Rohrer:       Some things happening with Russia coming out of the Middle East, and that’ll be in more the third segment, then a final segment. Then we’ll take and put together some thoughts. You cannot talk about what is taking place without considering how many of these things I think are very clearly coming right off the pages of Scripture or could be. So we’re going to talk about that as well. Now, one of the most amazing and little expected developments in the Middle East, and we know that the whole world’s been watching for a couple of years or actually for longer than that, but one of, I would say an unexpected event occurred over the weekend, and that is the fall of the Bashur Assad regime in Syria, which ends a 50 year reign over Syria by the Assad family in 24 years, specifically Bashur Assad. Now this forcing from power of Assad SOD who was supported and upheld by Russia and Iran was frankly unexpected by most people, but it does seem to look like a chess move where the roles are definitely shifting for all countries involved in the Middle East and some beyond.

Sam Rohrer:       From Iran to Russia, to Israel, to the United States, to Turkey and maybe beyond, and because of biblical prophecy regarding Syria and specifically Damascus, the Syrian capital regarded by many historians as one of the oldest or the oldest continually inhabited cities going back some say 6,000 years, which will take you back to creation. So it’s not that far obviously, but way back it makes this weekend’s fall of Damascus more than just surprising, but literally historic and perhaps prophetic Jr. First of all, let’s get into this. Would you first outline exactly, and I want you to pick up where I cut you off a little bit, in that last segment, go further into detail about what happened over the weekend and a little update on what we know at this point, how it happened.

JR McGee:           Well, Sam, it’s really remarkable what’s occurred. There’s an organization that’s developed called Hyatt Tahir, al Sham or HTS, that’s a jihadi organization, and it’s made up of groups, jihadis that really oppose Iran. They’re more Sunni than Shia, and yet Iran supports the Shia organizations and Hyatt to here. ALH stands for the English Translations Organization for the Liberation of the Levant, which is Israel. Now, what’s occurred is they were able to take advantage of the instability of the Syrian army, which collapsed, and they took Homs. They took several cities in a row within 24 hours, and then in the next 24 hours they advanced on Damascus itself, surrounded the city, the city collapsed, Bashur escaped with his wife and three children to Moscow. There were some reports that he may have crashed in an aircraft that turned out to be a decoy, but it was very quick that it just shows that things in the Middle East can take years to develop or they can happen overnight.

JR McGee:           There’s really no telling how fast. That’s why you’ve got to be constantly aware of what’s going on, and there’s a lot that’s going on behind this. There’s several different organizations and Turkey has been supporting these organizations. Turkey’s been historically at odds with Syria for quite some time. So the realignment of all of this is what’s so spectacular. The shift in power, the balance of forces has been dramatic and has been extraordinarily quick, and this was all triggered by Israel. Israel did all of this. I know that the American administration tried to take credit for this over the weekend, but this is a hundred percent Israel destroying Hamas and crippling Hezbollah and Hezbollah and Iran were the two that were predominantly protecting Syria and the Assad regime. And when Hezbollah got their legs cut out from under them, these other groups saw that weakness, they saw that opportunity and they went in there and took it and they were remarkably successful.

Sam Rohrer:       Well, JR. Okay, in addition to that, I think people should be aware that along with this organization, this group of people, there is the presence of a name that some have said has been they were totally destroyed, Al-Qaeda, ISIS. They’re in this mix and to some degree being used as justification by actually direct American involvement. They’re in Syria now, and I want to chat about that with you right now. But also what Israel is doing, because both of them, both the United States, despite Trump’s public statement that the US should not get involved in Syria. We should let it play out. We are heavily involved, and I want you to share it to what extent, but Israel is heavily involved with paratroopers on the ground, tanks on the ground in Syria, which is then causing some to say what is actually going on. So here, I’m going to play a clip here right now, JR from Bibe Netanyahu, it’s only a minute and a half clip where he states the reason for Israeli involvement. And I think, listen, ladies and gentlemen, listen carefully to what he’s saying because this is what Israel is saying and their involvement. And then Jeremy come back. Then I want you to comment on it. Amy, if you could play that please.

Benjamin Netanyahu:     This is a historic day for the Middle East, the collapse of the Assad regime. The tyranny in Damascus offers great opportunity, but also is fraught with significant dangers. This collapse is a direct result of our forceful action against Hezbollah and Iran, Assad’s main supporters. It set off a chain reaction of all those who want to free themselves from this tyranny and its suppression, but it also means we have to take action against possible threats. One of them is the collapse of the separation of forces agreement from 1974 between Israel and Syria. This agreement held for 50 years. Last night it collapsed. The Syrian army abandoned its positions. We gave the Israeli army the order to take over these positions to ensure that no hostile force embeds itself right next to the border of Israel. This is a temporary defensive position until a suitable arrangement is found. Equally, we extend a hand of peace to all those beyond our border in Syria, to the Jews, to the Kurds, to the Christians, and to the Muslims who want to live in peace with Israel. We’re going to follow events very carefully. If we can establish neighborly relations and a peaceful relations with the new forces emerging in Syria, that’s our desire. But if we do not, we’ll do whatever it takes to defend the state of Israel and the border of Israel.

Sam Rohrer:       Well, JR I mean, it’s pretty remarkable because what he’s saying, I mean, you can interpret that a lot of ways, but even saying we’re there, we’re taking all precaution. What has happened, we created the circumstance to make it happen, and we’re going to stay as long as we need to for the purpose of protecting our borders, which opens a door, in my opinion, for significant Israeli control way beyond the current borders of Israel. So they’re involved right now in a lot of ways sharing what Israel’s doing, but then the United States has gotten directly involved, again, opposite in opposed to what Donald Trump said we ought to do. We’re there big time. So fill out the balance of this segment with updating us on the actions of the US and Israel there in Syria.

JR McGee:           Sam, I completely understand what Donald Trump was trying to say, but I actually agree with these strikes. Syria was in control of and possessed some very dangerous weapons, not the least of which were some very serious chemical warheads and some very advanced surface or surface ballistic missiles with some very dangerous warheads with guidance packages, much more sophisticated than what Hezbollah has been firing at Israel. So Israel and the United States have taken this opportunity to strike the depots and the storage areas for these chemical weapons in these advanced ballistic missiles to destroy as much of that capability to include the production and manufacturing capabilities. This is to protect Israel and other countries from the jihadis using these weapons From a terroristic point of view, let’s face it, if a chemical weapon were to be used against Israel, Israel will respond to that with extreme prejudice up to and including the unthinkable.

JR McGee:           And I think that what everybody’s trying to do is to prevent that. Now, I’m not naive enough to believe that even though the United States would be 52 F 15’s and a tens, they struck 75 plus military targets. The Israelis have struck dozens and dozens of targets. I don’t think that they’ve gotten everything. If these jihadis get their hands on some of these very sophisticated weapons, there’s no telling what they’re going to do with them because they don’t have the discipline and the controls to use those responsibly. So what’s happening is people are taking the necessary actions to try to protect themselves from this and going forward to provide security for Israel.

Sam Rohrer:       Okay, ladies and gentlemen, again, we’re talking about Syria. The fall of Damascus is what has been termed Syria. Assad gone. Now it’s in transition, the end result not known. When we come back though, we’re going to talk about the impacts on Iran and Russia and the desires of Turkey to come out on top. Well, JR let’s go back into this discussion now, again, coming out of Syria. It is interesting that you, last segment, you referred to the collapse, the very quick sudden collapse of the Syrian army. I actually saw some accurate pictures not manufactured through artificial intelligence, but these were actual shots of entire piles or garments, piles of uniforms, Syrian army uniforms where the guys knowing the city was going to collapse and anticipating what was going to happen. They took off, their uniforms, changed into civilian clothes and just dumped everything on the ground, and they fled because they did not want to encounter what was upcoming.

Sam Rohrer:       And to me, that made me think of the fact that as we’re talking, one thing that happens when a nation collapses, as in Syria, is that something else rises in its place. And we’re in a time JR, where you and I have talked about here many, many times is that it seems like the major nations of the world be that the eastern axis of Russia and China and Iran, and were on the Western side, the United States, the UK, NATO, all of them seem if they could do it, they would love to govern the world themselves. And they’re all kind of jockeying and vying for positions. And so what do we have now is an opportunity for all or some, but somebody’s going to come out on top. And in that regard, let’s talk about some of the impacts here, because clearly Russia and Iran that were the pillars supporting the Assad regime. Now that Assad is gone, alright, they’re going to lose, at least on the immediate talk about what may happen in the impacts on Russia and China in Iran and what we know now relative to what’s happening in transitioning there in Syria.

JR McGee:           Well, this is a devastating defeat for Russia. In fact, Russia’s reputation is a powerful nation, and a protectorate is in tatters today because they were not able to protect the Assad regime whatsoever. In fact, Putin made it pretty clear he no longer had any interest in protecting Assad. Russia really needs that area because there’s two bases in particular. One is a naval base that Russia desperately needs as a warm water port at Tarsus, and that’s very exposed right now. In fact, Russia has moved almost all of their naval ships out of that port in Tarsus. There’s also a military air base communing them. They’re relocating the air defense systems away from that base. That base is very exposed, but that’s where the Russian Air Force has been operating out of to provide strikes to protect the Syrian government. That air base is going to collapse very, very quickly.

JR McGee:           So Russia has been exposed as a kind of a toothless tiger in terms of the other Middle Eastern countries that have been looking at them to replace the United States as a protector. Now, that doesn’t mean that they’re going to trust the United States again, but now they’re looking to see what in the world is going to go on because this is extremely embarrassing. Iran has now lost all of her crown jewels to include the Houthis are now trying to negotiate for peace as well. So Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis are basically in tatters. So Iran has lost all prestige. Their entire strategy is in shreds right now, Sam.

Sam Rohrer:       Alright, and that is significant. I’m going to come back and ask who may fill this spot. But let’s go to Turkey because Turkey, we have talked about the President Erdogan there has stated over and over again that he would like to preside over a revived Ottoman Empire. So his ambitions are big. He’s been involved in the north of Syria fighting against the Druze entities there, but he was also part of the attack group that wanted the fall of Assad. So he was not in alignment with Iran or Russia in that regard. So he is claiming some victory for what has taken place, but it’s kind of interesting because it makes Turkey somewhat in alignment with Israel and the United States who wanted to have as sod to fall. But Turkey is an avowed enemy of Iran, and they had said that they were going to do everything they could to support Hamas. This is a mixed up. This is a mixed up thing that’s happening there, but what do you see happening with Turkey?

JR McGee:           It is very confused right now. And Turkey has been providing support to Alpha Ta, Albin, the SNA, the SDF, and the Syrian and Southern Operations Command. These are the other organizations that have supported the higher here ham that I discussed earlier. And these are the groups that are now moving to take control. Turkey’s coming out of this as a hero. Their position in the Middle East is going to be decidedly strengthened by this. And I wouldn’t say that they’re operating in coordination with NATO and the United States at all. In fact, they’re positioning themselves in direct opposition to Israel and the United States, and they had been trying to align with Russia and Iran, and I believe they’re going to use this as significant leverage to try to negotiate some form of alliance with Russia and Iran coming out of this that gives them a much better seat at the table. All of this is to Turkey’s good, and Erdogan is a very happy guy today,

Sam Rohrer:       And I would agree with you on that. And I want to back and revisit what you just said there because ladies and gentlemen, this is how things happen. Because there was a commonality between Turkey and Israel and the United States in wanting to see as sod fall does not mean that they were in agreement with each other. And that’s the complicating thing. Each of those have their own goals and ambition. So you heard a little bit of what Netanyahu in Israel’s goal is. They want their border countries around Israel to be free of an enemy that’s strong enough to harm the citizens of Israel, the United States, what they want. I’m not a hundred percent sure Turkey definitely wants to be the dominant Sunni, although they’re not directly Sunni, they’re more closely Sunni than Shia. They want to be the dominant Islamic Sunni player there in the Middle East, but different goals and objectives. So you’re right JR, and I’m glad that you had said that they’re not in agreement with each other, they just happen to be in agreement about the fall of the Assad regime. Now, let’s go back up to nata. We’ve already had some discussion about it, but what is taking place there at this juncture in Ukraine?

Sam Rohrer:       There’s too much to get into. I mean, there’s some that are pushing for more funding. Biden wants to put into more billions of dollars into Ukraine. Trump says, no, we don’t want to put it in. Threatens to pull out of NATO. Some are saying Ukraine’s making gains. Most will say that Russia’s making better gains on the ground. Trump says to Putin to accept a peace treaty or a ceasefire, that whole thing is still a boiling pot. What do you think? Because some’s positioned Russia as being weak and obviously they’ve been stretched and weren’t able to defend Syria or maybe just didn’t even want to, but they’ve got, they’re self-consumed up there. But some are saying they’re very weak in the condition right now after a couple of several years’ war with Ukraine. But other would say no. On the other hand, they have not won. But what they have done is they’ve ginned up their economy. They’re in a full-time manufacturing war mode. So they’re stronger now than they were, even though they have not won over Ukraine. Some further thoughts about that center of conflict.

JR McGee:           Well, both Russia and Ukraine are trying desperately to consolidate their positions before Trump’s inaugurated. They know that Trump’s going to come in and try to mediate a ceasefire, and both sides want to have the best position they can. In the last 72 hours, Russia’s made several attempts to take back the land that Ukraine invaded into Russia and Ukraine’s trying to take more land back from Russia in the Crimea. And neither side’s been very successful. In fact, Russia lost every attempt that they made to retake their land in Russia. They lost a bunch of people. This is where the North Koreans are coming in. They they’re providing the manpower because Russia simply doesn’t have the manpower to go make these attacks. They’ve lost that many people and that much armor. So both sides are trying to consolidate their positions in order to have the best possible leverage for the mediation.

JR McGee:           And I want to go back to one thing before we leave from this, and that is who’s going to be the dominant person in Syria? And I believe Abu Muhammad Al Jali is, and I may have pronounced his last name incorrectly. I think it’s Ani, I’m not certain, but he looks like he’s going to be the dominant person in Syria and Russia is going to have to deal with him, and Iran’s going to have to deal with him, and Turkey’s going to have to deal with him because he’s not truly allied with any of those.

Sam Rohrer:       Alright, again, ladies and gentlemen, transition. We’re commenting as what we can put together at this point, but transition means transition, lots of jockeying for power. And out of what’s happening there in Syria, there is going to be another balance of power that emerges in the Middle East. And one thing we know prophetically, Israel’s going to be stronger. We know ultimately Russia is going to be stronger, and we ultimately know that turkey’s going to be stronger. So those things we know, are we watching that now? Maybe. Maybe when you come back, we’ll try to put all of this now into final perspective. Well, as we go into our final segment here, now I just want to thank again all of you who are a part of the program today for being a regular part. And maybe this is your first time. If it is, thank you for joining us.

Sam Rohrer:       If you are a regular listener, we are thankful for your involvement. If you have, because you follow this program and listen, we’ve heard from many, many people and we’re so thankful that God has used the program in your life one way or another, that if you’ve not made this program a part of your daily prayer life, could I ask you to do that? Very, very important for us, all of us on the team here, that we have the prayers of God’s people because of the things that we talk about, that what we say is true and that what we say is biblical and then what we present is right. That is a primary thing. I ask you to pray for wisdom for all of that. If you have not participated with us financially, I pray that you would consider doing that. That is an essential part.

Sam Rohrer:       It’s just a part of eating food for keep the body alive. Ministries of this type money and funds are an important part to keep things going. And this is just one way that you can participate in addition to your prayers. Consider a one-time gift here in December. Giving is a great time this time of year to do that. Become a monthly participant and many do that. So for those of you who have, thank you, for those of you who have thought about it but not done it, perhaps you would choose to do that and it would be of tremendous help. I don’t spend a lot of time talking and some programs beg all the time. I don’t do that by design, but it is important to extend an indication of need and desire. And so I do that. And so you can do all of that on our website.

Sam Rohrer:       Stand the gap radio.com or send us a letter you can give online on our website or on our app or just put something in the mail as many people do. So with that, I’m just going to stop right there. And JR, let me get back into it here right now, and I want to conclude this segment because we’ve talked a lot about the what is happening and a lot of what’s is happening. We’ve had a new election, a new president. He’s saying a lot. It’s causing the whole world to try to reposition itself and so to speak, in anticipation of January 20 when a new president of the United States that at this point is the largest influence on the world, financially, politically, and elsewhere. And that’s why we’ve been able to do our bidding and through the use of our dollar. We frankly, in most cases, I’m going to say over the last decades, used our dollars to bribe countries to do our bidding by threatening to withhold money or sanctioning those we don’t like.

Sam Rohrer:       Or during the Biden administration, JR really took bribery to the greatest level, including this last four years of Biden. We’re actually telling countries you’re not going to get our money unless you advance the abortion causes or homosexuality or other immoral activities. So we’ve done a lot, and frankly, most of the world has come to detest us. That is very clear. And so we’ve had a part and are playing a part, not necessarily in a good way, but causing a lot of the nations of the world to take sides and to do certain things. That’s one thing that’s at hand. But then on the other hand, we know that Israel’s in the Middle East and that’s the Prophetical component. And God is causing things to take place. And east versus West, the eastern axis, Russia, Iran, North Korea, all of those that are a part of that Eastern axis, yeah, all of that’s developed we see in the last few years. So nations are lining, we see that happening. So all of those things in place. Let’s just talk about the why, the cause, we see the what. Let’s talk a bit about the cause, your perspective, like I’ve asked you on some of these other segments and questions. What’s your perspective as to the why and the cause overall that we see? What we see happening,

JR McGee:           Sam, as you’re looking at all these things that are happening, and the one thing that we didn’t get to talk about China in the last 18 hours has deployed 90 warships around Taiwan. That’s unprecedented. And I don’t think the timings by accident. BRICS, they’re moving to replace the dollar as a reserve currency and to replace it with a unit of currency that they want. All of these things are designed to accomplish one thing, and that is remove the United States from its position of both dominance and influence because we believe in freedom and individuality, and that’s the exact opposite of world control and world domination. So the world sees us as an impediment to their one world government aspirations, and that makes them very, very active in trying to both diminish us and eliminate our ability to go do that. Now if you look at some of the things that are causing this and happening that are driving this boat, I have to look at Israel.

JR McGee:           Israel is, they’re amazing. They’re still God’s chosen people. Netanyahu continues to pursue victory in the face of overwhelming opposition from Joe Biden and Blinken and the un. At every step he has resisted their efforts to reign him in and allow the terrorists to win. And the election of Trump. And this unequivocal statement that he gave, it said, if these hostages are not returned before his inauguration, there’s going to be severe consequences that put into motion things that are changing and are driving a lot of these actions. In fact, we’re now seeing Hamas try to find where all the hostages are and find out what their status is so that they can be returned. That would’ve never happened under the current administration. It just wouldn’t have. Now I have to tell you that these two actions alone demonstrate anything anybody needs to see or comprehend fully this concept of peace through strength.

JR McGee:           When you’ve got a strong leader, things tend to work in the presence of weak leadership or no leadership. There’s chaos and there’s destruction. Now we know that Russia is going to find her way out of all of this. They’re going to regain her strength, rebuild these alliances in the Middle East, and she’s going to wind up dominating most of Europe. I believe. We all know that Isaiah chapter 17 still remains to be fulfilled, but these actions that we’re seeing today clearly set the stage for those things to take place and for those things to take place very soon. I think we as believers get to see God be true to his word and his promises. Sam, let’s face it. All these things may appear to be frightening and they can be terrifying. But as Christians and as believers, they should assure us that his returns closer today than yesterday and closer than any time since his promises were made 2000 years ago.

JR McGee:           We’re getting to see this happen. Blessed are we to get to see these things. And I believe very strongly we should be able to use these actions and activities in the front page headlines that we love to read and compare with the Bible to convince our family, our friends and neighbors, that all of this is real and God’s exactly who he said he is. He is the God of love and mercy, but he’s also a God of majesty, power and promise. When God returns next time, it’s not going to be in as a donkey and as a lowly servant. He’s going to return on a white horse as a conquering king with righteousness and justice. That’s what we need to look forward to the world and Satan and all of these actions that we see that are causing chaos and destruction as part of God’s plan. Satan thinks he’s driving all this, but God’s plan to set all this up so that the world can see who he is and that he is real and we get to see it before our very eyes and embrace him as Lord of Lords

Sam Rohrer:       And JR, we’re out of time ladies and gentlemen. That is it. So if you have not bowed before the Lord as savior, now be assured the entire world and all of those who would like to control the world will bow and confess that Jesus Christ as king. At that point, it’ll be too late as Savior. So bear that in mind. We’ll see you back here tomorrow. The Lord will.