The Fall of Damascus: Israel, Syria, and Unfolding Biblical Prophecies
Dec. 18, 2024
Host: Hon. Sam Rohrer
Guest: Bill Salus
Note: This transcript is taken from a Stand in the Gap Today program aired on 12/18/24. To listen to the podcast, click HERE.
Disclaimer: While reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate transcription, the following is a representation of a mechanical transcription and as such, may not be a word for word transcript. Please listen to the audio version for any questions concerning the following dialogue.
Sam Rohrer :
Hello and welcome to this Wednesday edition of Stand In the Gap Today, and it’s also our bi-monthly focus on Israel, the Middle East and biblical prophecy. Today my returning guest is Dr. Bill Salus, author, Prophecy conference speaker and founder of Prophecy Depot Ministries with a Now, as I’ve been emphasizing on this program for about 10 days now, along with several other guests, from my perspective, there are two leading or dominating issues that are that at the head of the top of the headline news and in the eye I think of a coming developing storm. They’re helping to shape the narrative of what is happening. The first is obviously the growing mystery surrounding the thousands of sightings, of unidentified objects being seen, not just on the East coast, important to know, but across America and in Europe, in China, it showed in India and literally the world.
It’s much bigger than what is here. Important to know. I’m going to talk more about the most current status of this phenomenon. I’m going to put it that way tomorrow on this program with investigative columnists, Michael Snyder will be back with me. The other issue is what occurred about 10 days ago, and that is what many are referring to as the fall of Damascus. Other terms you could call it, but it’s a collapse of the Assad regime within Syria in my opinion, like falling dominoes, shifts in the balance of power in the Middle East are happening and happening quickly and impactfully in interpreting these changes. Not just my opinion, but I think any of us who are students of scripture can only be accurately analyzed and projected within the context and understanding of biblical prophecy. It is this analysis and understanding that I’ve chosen to focus today’s program on it. I’ve entitled the fall of Damascus, Israel, Syria and unfolding biblical prophecies. And with that I welcome into the program right now, Dr. Bill Salas. Bill, thanks for being back with me,
Bill Salus:
Sam, it’s great to be on the program. What a time to be alive and talk about these topics. I’ll tell you,
Sam Rohrer :
Isn’t that the truth? I mean really, truly it’s an exciting thing. Let’s get right into it, Bill, because when it comes to what’s happening anyway in Syria and the current and expanding dominance and success of the Israeli defense forces, there seems to me to be a driving power behind what’s happening and just like something is moving and pushing and shoving the leaders and the nations of the world and things continue to shock the world. One thing for sure, the nations of the world I think are morphing and changing in their alliances with each other. That’s clearly happening as are in the Middle East, the relationships with Israel and her various neighbors because what is not what was for instance two years ago? So as we’ve spoken many times before on this program, Bill, only when we understand biblical prophecy can we make sense of what’s happening.
And I’m going to say we’ve talked about this too with full confidence as believers when we do that we can have an expectation, an understanding about what is happening now and in the years ahead and as you say, exciting because we see God’s hand at work. Now that being the case, let me just get right into it. Let me ask you this. First I’m going to say it’s a foundational question to undergird our discussion today, and that is that we know that there is a Damascus prophecy in scripture where at some point Damascus is destroyed. Here’s my question, however, are there other biblically identifiable prophecies regarding the nation of Syria and or Damascus, the capital of Syria that are in scripture that remain yet unfulfilled? If so, just briefly right now, identify them. What are they?
Bill Salus:
I believe that’s saying there are about three, and of course Damascus is the capital of Syria. So when we talked about the prophecies related to Damascus, we shouldn’t, as you have done, incorporate conversations about Syria, the nation itself. Let’s start with the topic of Damascus being destroyed. We brought that up. Isaiah 17 tells us three really poignant verses. We’ll just quickly read them to the audience. Isaiah 17, one says that the burden against Damascus, behold Damascus will cease from being a city and it will be a ruin and see that will someday be reduced to rubble. And we’re told in Isaiah 17 verse nine that in that day, in that day that Damascus is reduced to rubble. Its strong cities or other major cities will be as a forsaken bow and an upper most branch, which they left because of the children of Israel and it will be desolation.
Now that’s important to notate because some people believe that this prophecy found fulfillment in 7 32 BC at the hands of Assyria, but notes the children of Israel, the Israeli defense forces were told in verse nine, and then it concludes the 14th verse. It says Behold it’s even a time of trouble. And then before the morning he, speaking of Damascus, in the masculine front, on the he, is no more, and this is the portion of those who plunder us. And the lot of those who loot us meaning in self-defense then, but who are the other major cities? We get into another camera angle of that prophecy in my estimation and we turn our attention two pages forward in the Bible to Jeremiah chapter 49, verse 23 to 27. And we’re told against Damascus is verse 23 of Jeremiah chapter 49 Hamath and Arpad are ashamed that they heard bad news.
They’re faint hearted. There’s trouble on the sea. It cannot be quiet. Now in addition to Damascus, the other strong cities we seem to have identified here by Jeremiah are Hamath and our Arpad, now Arpad would be Aleppo and Hamath would probably be the Homs and Hama area, but we see Damascus, Aleppo, and Homs and Hama. Those are the main cities, major cities. Even today in Syria we’re told that the prophecy goes on, they have become fainthearted and there is sorrow on the sea. Now we look at that literally that will probably be the Mediterranean Sea where Israel has about half a dozen A class submarines.
Sam Rohrer :
Okay, Bill. Okay, I’m going to interrupt you. I just, we’re going to go, I want to ask you more detail about that, the next segment. But you’re identifying Isaiah 17, Jeremiah 49. I know Psalm 83 is another one that we’re going to talk about in detail in the next segment. So there are other references is the point I wanted to make here. And you’ve done that answer this question though, what are the significant unfulfilled prophecies, or perhaps I could say significant prophecies in the process of being fulfilled that concern Israel, that you would see as a driving underlying motivation for what’s happening in addition to the prophecies regarding Syria?
Bill Salus:
Yeah, I think we’re actually seeing manifest presently, prophetically speaking, we sort of step outside the forest to look at the trees. We’re seeing these Israeli just talked about the IDF, the Israeli defense forces being the cause of the destabilization in Damascus and the strong cities, the Israeli defense forces stand existence fulfillment of biblical prophecy. Ezekiel 37 10 tells us that they’re going to come out of a holocaust type condition that say our bones are dry, our hope is lost, they are cut off and it says they’ll become an exceedingly great army. And we’re seeing since they became refugees out of the Holocaust, the war in 1948, 1967, 72, that’s exactly what we’re seeing, the manifestation of the unity early Israel.
Sam Rohrer :
Okay, just because of time. Let’s hold it there ladies and gentlemen. So there’s a couple of things that work. There’s prophecies in this regard toward Damascus and Syria that’s happening and then there are tied in prophecies that directly concern Israel and Israel’s defense forces. Plus there’s another part of that we’ll talk about more. So in the next segment, stay with us our theme today, the fall of Damascus, Israel, Syria and unfolding biblical prophecies. Alright Bill, let’s get back into this. A lot to discuss and obviously one hour is always a challenge to take a big topic like this and to net it down. But let’s look at the three prophecies that cited just briefly in the other segment regarding the fall of Damascus. And as you say, when you refer to Damascus, it of necessity also affects the entirety of Syria since Damascus, probably one of the oldest capitals in the world has been there.
And it means Syria, when you almost read it to the same in Isaiah 17, it starts out and refers to the burden of Damascus. You talked about that you actually read it, talked about it being taken away or destroyed, becoming a ruinous heap and you referred to Prophecy, some in the past said that was fulfilled when Assyria came down against Damascus in the past. But you said no, no, no, can’t be because it refers in Jeremiah to the fact that the military of Israel actually does that now. Alright, so that walks us into this. Let’s just break these out a little bit more. And that is this with the Israeli defense forces, the IDF now in Syria, destroying in just over a week, some say close to 80% of the entire Syrian military, all of their planes on the ground, they don’t have a big Navy, but they took out ships. They really have done an unbelievable job. So that being the case, here’s my question. Are we witnessing in the process of the fulfillment of these prophecies about Damascus and the accompanying prophecy about the rise to power of Israel and her mighty army? Is that what we are watching? Why or why not?
Bill Salus:
I do believe that’s the case, Sam. However, just because 80% according to Israel’s comments of Syria is destroyed at this point, especially the military. The fulfillment actually happen overnight. So it’s not the gradual thing that’s going on presently, but the emergence of the Asyrian army we’re finding fulfillment in. Now in recap, we said Damascus will be destroyed and will be a ruinous heap by the children of Israel and it’ll happen overnight. But the other camera angle, because we talked about these other cities that also get affected as a result of this prophecy and this war, and we started reading Jeremiah chapter 49 and identified those other cities as Aleppo Homs and Hama and then it goes on to talk about the casual there be casualties in the streets, civilian and military casualties that you read that Jeremiah chapter 49 prophecy, this is 23 through 27, so I invite the listeners to do that. The other prophecy that we should be looking at also is in Psalm 83 and there’s a of confederates who want to destroy Israel and take the Palestine to the possession. That’s in Psalm 83 and we find among them is Syria, which is when Asaph wrote 3000 years ago when he wrote that psalm. That would include northern Syria and northern Iraq. So we can get into Psalm of three and all these other prophets as well. Then there seem to be states sitting for fulfillment as well.
Sam Rohrer :
Okay, so is it safe to say as we’d look at those passage of scripture, that the prophecy of Damascus being totally destroyed, it’s not yet happened, it’s in the process maybe as you’re saying, but if those prophecies there in Isaiah 17 and Jeremiah 49, if those are fulfilled, we will see an action against Damascus, which is Damascus in its entirety, not what we’re seeing yet. And those other cities in Syria, do all of those cities, including Damascus, is that a singular prophecy where they will be all fulfilled, all of those cities in at least a close proximity of time?
Bill Salus:
It appears so because when you connect Isaiah 17, nine says desolation will be in strong cities, major cities with Jeremiah chapter 49 who identifies in addition to Damascus, a march on Arpad, meaning Aleppo, Homs, per se. It seems to be a war effort that pretty much covers the expanse of the whole nation, Sam. So I would think the answer to that would be yes.
Sam Rohrer :
Alright, let’s move now into Psalm 83. You’ve laid that out and in the past we’ve talked about in your writings of which you have many books, which all of them can be, your website you’ve referred to because really it’s what it describes. It describes nations that are collar nations. They actually touched the borders of Israel and you’ve refer to that Gaza up maybe in Lebanon, southern Syria, Jordan, perhaps these nations that are touching them. In that process of Psalm 83, those nations are judged and Israel ends up picking up that ground, ends up gaining territory in that area. Explain a little bit more about that Psalm 83 prophecy, what it’s about, and I mean maybe I just described it enough, but fill it in on what it’s about and then who they involve. Put some names on that and then what is the result of that war or those wars? Could be,
Bill Salus:
Yes. Okay, very good. But do the Reader’s Digest version because you did do a pretty good summary setting up the questions, Sam. Basically there’s a coalition of countries that share common borders with Israel. We have Lebanon to the north where Hezbollah is and they have Syria, they have Iraq, you have Jordan, you have the Palestinians also referred to in the prophecy as the Edomites, you have the Gaza area where the Hamas are struggling to survive. You also have Saudi Arabia and probably Egypt as well and they come together in a confederacy with a devious plan to destroy the nation of Israel. We told before they come together and they want to cut the nation off the name of Israel can remembered no more and they form a confederacy of the group of religions we just talked about. And the goal we’re told, so sea was 12 to take for themselves the pastors of God for possession. So they don’t want a two state solution than this. They want one state solution, they want another nation called Palestine. Now this is a different coalition than Ezekiel 38, which many of the listeners may be familiar with is that deal with an out ring of countries. None of them share common borders with Israel. Time permitting, we can talk about that as well. But this is a different process entirely than that and different motivations, different defeats, different participants per se.
Sam Rohrer :
Alright, so Psalm 83, the border nations, they’re in Gaza touches on Egypt, it touches on Saudis, it touches on Jordan, touches on Syria, Lebanon. Those are the collar nations. That could be a series of battles. In other words, let me come back and ask this specific question. When the October 7th event almost two years ago happened and Hamas rose up, they’re in league with these other entities around them. Effectively they are, but they came up and their statement was, we’re going to destroy Israel and wipe it off the face of the earth. Sounds like that prophecy in part. Are we witnessing and have been the last couple of years, Psalm 83 in process of happening and being fulfilled or is that something not at all happening and it’s down the road yet?
Bill Salus:
Well this is an interesting question. Matter of fact, in light of what has been going on, I got an email from a dear friend, Dr. David Reagan who founded Lamb and Lion Ministries. He’s now retired in, he’s offering books per se. But he asked that same question. Here’s my response to him, Sam. I said, I teach that this is a prophecy in process. It appears to be nearing the final fulfillment stages. Now I compare it to the return of the Jews back into the rebirth land of Israel, which was fulfilled in 1948. But the process of that began in 1897 with the first Zionist Congress in Basil Hertzl, one that came and that prepared the land for the return of the Jews where two then happened that prepared the Jews for the return of the land. And on the morning of May 14th, 1948, the world woke up to the final fulfillment of the rebirth of the nation of Israel.
Now in comparison 73 began the air Israeli war of 1948 when all those same countries we talked about came against Israel and the air Israeli War of Independence in 1949, the tents of Edem, the Palestinian refugees became a reality. That part song 83, 1967, 1 73 other subsequent wars involving some of those residents and the prophetic wars and been happen involving Israeli defense forces were involved. All those countries where Israeli defense forces are taking them to task and winning and becoming exceeding in the great army. Now the way it culminates in my summation points conclusion and we find that in Zachariah 12 versus two that there’ll be final seeds laid by the people roundabout. They states that surround Israel, the neighbors see on Judah and Jerusalem. God’s going to make it a cup of trembling to them when they try to do that, that’s going to be a major mistake because they find out in 12 six that there’ll the Israeli defense forces are going to be fighting the battlefield, be like a wood pile, five hand and the wood pile, the enemies on them will be like sheaves the Israeli defense forces will be like a fiery torch and they will devour them on the right hand, on the left hand.
When that happens, that fulfills several prophecies and ends the of conflict. So it processing now and will conclude with the final siege against Jerusalem will be bad mistake for them because they devour them on the right hand and on the left hand…
Sam Rohrer :
Okay, well Bill, I mean is it possible, I mean the way you’re describing, it’s almost like there will be yet a more organized battle by all of them against Israel, but is that not possible that it can be fulfilled as we’re seeing it first Hamas, then Hezbollah and then something else? Does it have to be all combined or can it be sequential as we’re somewhat watching?
Bill Salus:
Well I think, like I said, it’s in process sequentially, but it will culminate in climax in the final siege attempt against Judah in Jerusalem. And that’s when the enemies are around them and the words used by the terms used by Zachariah be devoured, right the left all over.
Sam Rohrer :
If we’re out time, I’ll have to come back and ask you a further question. For instance, since you’ve mentioned Egypt and Saudi Arabia, they’ve not really been a part of it. Should we expect those two nations to also be engaged in the fulfillment of Psalm 83 prophecy? Anyways, we’ll be back with that ladies and gentlemen in just a minute as we continue our discussion here today on the fall of Damascus, Israel, Syria and unfolding biblical prophecies. Well Bill, we’re going to leave a little bit, which we didn’t completely finish that last segment and wrap it up into this segment as well if we can because it does move from the question of where we are to where we’re going to go as we look at what the word of God says about prophecies yet unfulfilled regarding Damascus, Syria and what God says will take place there on the collar nations around Israel in fulfillment of Psalm 83 where at that point the victory will come at the hands of a strong and powerful Israeli military.
At least that’s what will get credit at that point and God will use the military at that point and involved in that as you’ve said before, that Israel will also gain significant territory as a result. And we’re witnessing those two things even right now. But let’s go here to what I’m calling the power shift that’s taking place because as I’ve discussed in two specific stand in the gap today, programs from last week, the fall of Damascus, the common narrative about the fall of Damascus ranges from on one hand shocking and totally unexpected by most of the controlled media to as Leo Hohmann and I discussed last week. And I’ve said on the other hand it’s not possible that a supposed drag tag group of Islamic terrorists with rifles writing in the back of pickup trucks could have such remarkable results where the entire Syrian army just lays down Russia and Iran who were the strong protectors theoretically decided not to defend and just walked away.
And Assad the president, takes billions of dollars in cash literally now being reported and escorted out of Syria to Russia in a very carefully staged plan of diversion. And that was done by Putin’s involvement in Russia. But all of this not possible without great advanced planning. And I think that’s coming forth with what I’m saying as well orchestrated assistance of the C-I-A, MI6 and Israeli Mossad that worked together because they were involved and in fact that’s the way it happened. It seemed in concert with Turkey and the guarantee from the US of US jets to protect the advancing Islamic terrorists that were composed of ISIS and Al-Qaeda as they marched toward Damascus. So it didn’t just happen as the bottom line bill. That’s how I am looking at this. But that being said, I’d like your response here as it might tie into unfolding biblical prophecy and that is political vacuums are always filled. So at the moment there is a void who is going to come to power and dominate Syria in the end. What biblically prophesied power is, my question will or may develop within Syria. To me it looks like it may be Turkey from by all evidences, however may not be. What do you say and why?
Bill Salus:
Well indeed Turkey will be a major power in the end times. We find that out in Ezekiel chapter 38 where they’re part of that coalition. It’ll come in aftermath of Psalm 83 to catch the issue of plunder and booty. So we can talk about that maybe time permitting. But as far as with respects to, like you said this, this was not put together in a Toyota pickup truck. This is well orchestrated and Turkey is behind a lot of that. They’re lying in wait for the opportunity when they saw the opportunity rise with the father being weakened and Iran being hit by Israel, defense system is down and laws taken out per se, actually fighting distracted in Ukraine, they realized this was a sign of advance. But as far as Turkey being powered was rule of Syria, we know Syria and Damascus are going to be ending pretty soon in existence with suspect to the major cities and stuff according to. So I don’t really know that Turkey will be a lasting power or dominating power. It’s not there for very long, Sam.
Sam Rohrer :
Alright, so what you’re saying based on how you are observing it right now, you’re saying, I just want to clarify it. You are not thinking that Turkey will emerge as the dominating power in Syria, is that what you’re saying? They will or they will not? What are you saying?
Bill Salus:
I don’t really think so. I think they’re going to be too heavily contested as those factions over there. There’s all kinds of different factions in Syria right now and if they do happen to emerge in position, it wouldn’t last very long to Syria is going to go down according to biblical prophecy. But Turkey is more prominent we find out in that Russian coalition of Ezekiel 38. So I don’t think they will be too much involved in if they are, when they see Damascus get destroyed, getting the hightail out of there as quickly as possible.
Sam Rohrer :
All right, so in other words you would be thinking more kind of like what we saw when the United States took out Saddam the same out of Iraq. Iraq has kind of existed as a name, but they don’t really have a dominant government. It’s kind of split up between Iran and the United States. It’s kind of like a headless snake more or less. But you’re saying you would assume that to be more of the result where you’ve got a disbanded group though maybe strong group of terrorists that are in Israel, but not necessarily, I mean in Turkey, but I mean in Syria, I’m sorry I’m getting a little confused here. But without a strong leader as in a Turkey, you’re assuming that it’s going to be defanged and it’s going to be an area with potential problems loaded with bad individuals, perhaps terrorists, that kind of thing, but not dominated by a power, a national power we would see today. That’s kind of what you’re thinking
Bill Salus:
Because the war really specific with Israel and Syria and not Israel, Syria and Turkey.
Sam Rohrer :
Bill Salus:
War is going to be subsequently Ezekiel 38.
Sam Rohrer :
Alright, so you’d say this would probably be in preparation defanging the head of Syria, ultimately Damascus will disappear as a capital. Those cities that are called out, we called out earlier will fall, which would then in effect make Syria kind of like a no man’s land. That’s what you’re seeing. And then that will perhaps lead the way for dominating powers to the north to come down in Ezekiel 38, 39 scenario is the time summarizing that, right?
Bill Salus:
So that’s where you’re going to find Russia and Turkey emerging again in power according to Bible prophecy. Ezekiel 38.
Sam Rohrer :
Alright, well now let’s go there to Ezekiel 38 and 39 where you have, we know Gog, Mago war, there’s Russia, there’s a number of people Persia involved in it. And here’s my question because some would say that at that point in time, and I think you would say it’s sequential to the fulfillment of Psalm 83, it’s sequential comes after Damascus falls and these things happen that the Ezekiel 39 will come down, I’ll ask you to lay out the timetable in the next segment, but some of the ends would say that that dominating power from the north is primarily Turkey. Some say no it is Russia. What do we know from scripture or maybe do they come down as equal partners at that time? And this is Ezekiel 38, 39 war. What do you say?
Bill Salus:
Well it’s a more popular and traditionally taught you is that it’s not Turkey. The main leader would be the Russia area spearheading it, the leader of Russia, perhaps Putin or someone like him. And the Turkey would be a lead player in that Turkey and Russia listed first among all the nine belligerents. And you get some honorable mentions down to the Ethiopia, Iran, Sudan, Somalia, Algeria, some of the most African countries, some of the breakaways Soviet Union, southern steps of Russia per se. But the phenomenon teachings in Russia, not Turkey, the Turkey theory that the leaders, the more recent, as I understand it came out in Joel Rosenberg and UBA started indicating that the antichrist would be a Muslim and that they started thinking he might come out of Turkey. And so to my knowledge, that’s when that basically got most of us throttle in those guys started thinking antichrist maybe Turkey.
Sam Rohrer :
And I have heard that as well. So that’s why they would favor Turkey because we know Erdogan would like to set up a revived Ottoman empire that is an empire that was dead that maybe could come back to life. He wants to be the leader among the Arab nations. He’s an aggressive guy. He’s been wanting to play the peacemaker type thing in the middle. And at this moment it seems as Iran has backed up a bit because of what Israel’s done, Turkey has in fact emerged that would lead to some of the supposition that the leading power could be Turkey, not Russia. That’s what you’re saying.
Bill Salus:
And there’s a historical connection between Magog, the leader of Russia and Russia and this confederacy. I write about this in my three books. Here’s what I say. The connection between Magog and Russia runs partially through this association was made centuries ago as a secular of Jewish historian Josephus. He called them an invading army hoard from the north. And during Ezekiel’s time existed in the proximity of where Russia is today. Wikipedia states in the 17th and 18th century corners regarded the Russian, the descendants of Khans and became conventional to refer to the Russians in the 18th century poetry because the name rest dates back 11th century, the 11th century. He makes the Russian connection a bit difficult but most scholars pointed out to the G 15 because the God personally comes out. The other ones parts of the north D got to put them around Moscow and Russia.
Sam Rohrer :
Bill Salus:
I’m leaning ready to address it.
Sam Rohrer :
Alright, so you lean towards Russia on that ladies and gentlemen, we will find out one thing about prophecy. A lot of times you know the direction it’s going to end up. Sometimes you don’t know exactly how it is until the day after it’s completed. Maybe that’s where it is. We come back, we’re going to wrap this up with what we should think and do about. Well welcome back. I hope and trust that our discussion today on this program has been helpful in helping to understand a little bit better about what is taking place in the Middle East, particularly in Syria. A lot of different narratives that are being promoted, a lot of people either taking credit or trying to say what they think is going to happen. But as my guest Dr. Bill Salas and I are saying, and we’ve said on all of our previous Israel prophecy and Middle East programs here is that it’s not possible to understand the events of these latter years or anything related to the Middle East and anything particular that touches Israel without looking at it through the lens of scripture.
And so that’s what we’re trying to do a little bit and say, alright, what do we know is happening will happen, what has maybe been fulfilled? What perhaps is being fulfilled and what is yet to be fulfilled? And we’re going to summarize those things before we leave the program today. But for all of those with me here, thank you for being a part of the program again, we’re approaching the end of this year as we all know. And in this week in which we’re in here right now, we have our regular live programs. I just wanted to let you know that once we get into next week, which will be Christmas week and then the week after, we generally have done this since the beginning of the program. Tim and us and the team here, we’ve selected programs that for one reason or another rise to the top either in program for which you have commented, people have listened to and forwarded it.
However that may be for most of the days of the next couple of weeks we you’re going to hear what we’re going to call the best from the top 10 more or less of 2024. And that’s what you’ll be hearing. Now there’ll be some very specific programs done for like Christmas Day and some other things of that type. So other ones though will be from various themes and topics that were critical and key throughout 2024. And I think one of the great things about that is that all of the programs are truth, but because they are true, they don’t change. And it is interesting, I even like it sometimes I encourage you to go back in our archives and even pick up programs from four and five years ago. You can search ’em out by topic, by theme. And it’s very, very interesting to hear the perspective given at those times.
And one thing for sure you’ll hear is biblical truth and the application of scripture will be the same. We have not changed in any way. The events of the day have changed and that’s why we’re talking about today as a matter of prophecy because things are moving very quickly. So anyway, I just put that out there just so you know, if you’ve not written to us, would you take some time at the end of this year, write to us, let us know how God has used the program in your life. Tell us that you’re praying for us. We need to know that. Consider sharing with us a financial gift partner with us. Maybe you can do it monthly, maybe you can do it just one time. However that may be. If this is a blessing to you, bless us by being a part of that.
So that being said, lemme just move on here now Bill, very quickly as we look at it, God’s prophetical clock, we’ve talked about it here. That’s what the whole program’s been and that’s what you write about all of your programs, prophecy, people can find videos and books there that you’ve written. But it seems that God’s prophetical clock is speeding up, meaning the events, the frequency of events and the speed seems to be increasing. I dunno if it’s just me, I don’t think it’s me. I think it’s happening. But in that context, could you just briefly lay out the time table, what events of the next significant prophetical event you have? Psalm 83 prophecy that you’re saying is in process. Ezekiel 38, 39 is yet to come. We haven’t talked about the rapture, but that’s there. You talked about Israel coming into being in 1948 and the clock starts. So lay down if you could, the significant prophetical events of which we are apart or what will happen next.
Bill Salus:
Okay, absolutely. I believe before the tribulation period starts, you’ll have the destruction of Damascus, Isaiah 17 and new supporting policies 83 conflict war, Ezekiel 38, 39. The rapture of course that we would probably have at any given time between now and those prophecies. And also when I’m looking at it for the near future, probably next week I talked about, and I believe it’s going to be triggered off by a preemptive strike by Israel and perhaps in concert with America, with Donald Trump, Iran’s nuclear facilities. And Israel has a history of restricting nuclear facilities. We did in 2007 against Syria Albar site in 1981, they cyrac reactor in Iraq. Their vowed to prevent Iraq from getting a nuclear weapon he destroyed i’s primary defense systems recently rendering Iran vulnerable to the Israeli strike on facilities. He’ll likely have America’s approval with Donald Trump. They’re not likely to, probably won’t face any severe retaliation from Iran’s foxes because they’re basically mollified at this point. They will have destroyed the serious air force and missile defense systems, which enables them freedom of flight or Syria airspace.
They know that Iran’s on the fast track to obtaining a nuclear weapon, which the they will not be able to do. And I think it will fulfill the prophecy in Jeremiah chapter 49 verse 34, 3 9 during Iran, which is that territory on the west side of Iran. This is a different Protestant in 38, but there’s a territory where they have, which are nuclear reactive. They had in the Times, which is the primary enrichment facility of nuclear enrichment we on and Isham, which is the largest nuclear research facility there. They have Shiraz there, which is the home of the special weapons, the missile for facilities, which is a very dangerous area I think is going to have to strike. And I think that the pro in Jeremiah 40 would be wrong, feels about a disaster, probably the humanitarian crisis. And it looks like it could be a nuclear attack maybe coming in the very near future.
Sam Rohrer :
Alright, so lemme just summarize it real quickly, ladies and gentlemen. All right, sir, here we are. The rapture has not yet occurred and it could happen anytime imminent, be ready, but we are going to be gone as the church. We cannot be here during the time of the seven year tribulation, the wrath of God. We can’t be here during that time. So it’ll happen sometime before. But as we’ve talked about, and as Bill has written and writes, really you could easily say without a doubt that Psalm 83 prophecies the building up of the Israeli prominence. There are military that taking down of the border, nations around them are in process. That’s a mosque, that’s Lebanon, Hezbollah, that’s now Syria. That will be expanded to include probably Saudi and Egypt. And when that is put down, when that is ultimately all of those are put down.
Then Psalm 83 is completed. We may or may not be here rapture wise, that’ll come later. Then comes Ezekiel 38, 39. But what Bill was just saying, I hope you noted that there is another prophecy regarding Elam, which is Western Iran happens to be where their nuclear facilities are. And what you were saying, bill, and I think it’s astute, we are at that point where you have a Donald Trump in league with Israel who wants to take and put down Iran, that attack by Israel against that part of Iran, Western Iran, ELAM could really occur any time. And actually that’s in the news right now that is anticipated even perhaps before January 20, these things happen. And then we’re into tribulation time and so forth. And again, we didn’t put it all out there, but we’ve laid out a lot that these are the things, we’re really at that door where these events are happening quickly. And I hope that you know the Lord, no scripture and these things then will fall right into place. We can be confident. Dr. Bill Salas, thank you so much for being with me. His website again, ladies and gentlemen, a lot of material there, a lot of material. Prophecy We’ll see you back here tomorrow. The Lord willing here at Stand in the Gap today.
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