The Fall of Damascus – The Rise of Terror?
Dec. 11, 2024
Host: Hon. Sam Rohrer
Guest: Leo Hohmann
Note: This transcript is taken from a Stand in the Gap Today program aired on 12/11/24. To listen to the podcast, click HERE.
Disclaimer: While reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate transcription, the following is a representation of a mechanical transcription and as such, may not be a word for word transcript. Please listen to the audio version for any questions concerning the following dialogue.
Sam Rohrer:
Hello and welcome to this Wednesday edition of Stand In the Gap Today and today on this program, I’m going to provide as accurate an analysis as possible at this time on two of the most important headline news items of today and of this week on Monday’s program with JR McGee. He and I commented on what we knew of these two items that we’re going to talk about today, and we’re frankly ahead of the normal news media in terms of timing of what we said and the commentary we gave on Monday. Now, these two items concern what we’re terming the fall of Damascus, that’s Syria and related, and the dramatic changes occurring there in the Middle East as a result, including the redrawing of the balance of power there and what it means, not just now, but in the weeks ahead. Lots of speculation on that.
Sam Rohrer:
We’re going to talk about that today. The others, the matter of yet unexplained, or I should say the unexplained origin of the rise, significant expanded rise in drone sightings particularly, but not limited to the East coast. A situation I think with grave concerns no matter how it is ultimately described and defined and resolved. Now with my recurring guest and friend, Leo Hohmann, an independent investigative journalist and author of the excellent book Stealth Invasion, we’ll engage these two topics today on a program I’ve entitled The Fall of Damascus, the Rise of Terror on that, and I chose that title because we’re going to be spending the greater amount of time on that issue. But with that, I welcome to the program right now. Leo. Leo, thanks for being back.
Leo Hohmann:
Hello, Sam. Good to be with you,
Sam Rohrer:
Leo, on the matter of Syria. Want to go there because you’ve written on that. You just wrote an excellent article. Those you’re listening, you can find this article leo That’s one website or Leo Hohmann. There’s two ends in that, Leo, but you’ve entitled that article, Leo, in part this in Syria. Be careful what you wish for. I want to build the program today around that in these first three segments because I think it holds within it some very legitimate questions, both in your title and the article. Some of them I raised on our Monday program and I’ve come to consider even more intently in the last couple of days. For instance, I’m just going to throw out a couple of questions, ladies and gentlemen, and Leo, just for your thinking as we go through it that have come to mind. Mind. For instance, are we to believe that Syria in just 10 days could just fall to a supposedly ragtag band of Jihadist pickup trucks with small arms?
Sam Rohrer:
Or does the fall of the Assad regime mean that we should all rejoice because freedom in a Middle East style democracy is now the imminent replacement? Or maybe this question because Russia and Iran did not fight against the insurgents, does that mean that they had no choice and were simply admitting that they were beaten and humiliated and in cowardice decided to run for their lives? Well, we’ll deal with these I think more in the next segment. Then on the matter of the increased drone sighting of which the R 50 just last night in the New Jersey area alone, and the unanimous denials at this point by all government spokespersons from the White House to Homeland Security to FBI all unanimously denying any knowledge of what and what these things are, have no idea. They say these large and sophisticated sources, they’re drones, they’re sources, their purposes, or anything that leads me to draw a conclusion and ask this question, is it reasonable to believe that our national defense apparatus, our Department of Defense, Homeland Security Intelligence departments and all that know what we’re even texting and monitoring on our very phone calls, have no clue what’s taking place?
Leo Hohmann:
Well, my fundamental concerns, Sam, were that the American people and the Israeli people would take what’s happened pretty much at face value and listen to the propaganda coming out of Washington and Tel Aviv that makes this sound like a great victory for freedom. The West Israel, Joe Biden went on national television and claimed a big victory. Russia has been kicked out. Assad has been removed, the brutal dictator as they refer to him, and yes, he did certainly have an element of that, but so on the paper, it looks like a win. It looks like a Big W for Joe Biden, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israelis, the Americans, and a big fat L loss for Russia, which as we know right now, we’re already in World War III and all of the hotspots around the world. You can really boil them down to the US and NATO against Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and an amalgamation of smaller countries that are aligning with them.
Leo Hohmann:
My concern is that when you look beyond the surface and peel back the layers of propaganda, what is really going on and what’s likely to go on in the future? Well, yes, Russia has been removed from a key warm water port in Syria that gave them access to the open seas. Assad, the dictator that everybody disliked in the west, he’s been there for 25 years. I think his father ruled Syria before that, all in 10 days, this was removed and it sounded almost too good to be true to a lot of Westerners. But I’m concerned at the bigger picture of what comes next, and we’re already seeing an element of that, Sam, where Christians in Aleppo and Damascus are having their homes searched, looking for Bibles, crosses, whatever. Some have been arrested, many will be killed. The blood bath is already started in some of these cities where we’ve seen a lot of videos on X coming out. Right now, it’s focused mostly on members of the Syrian military being executed in cold blood being dragged through the streets attached to pickup truck with their bodies attached to pickup trucks, just cruel vile stuff. We’ve unleashed jihadis and we’ve empowered Turkey, which really Erdogan President Erdogan of Turkey is really the epicenter right now of the international Muslim Brotherhood movement.
Sam Rohrer:
Okay, and with that, Leo, it’s a great place. It’s a great place to operate there. Ladies and gentlemen, stay with us because all of those things that Leo just mentioned, we’re going to go into further detail in the next two segments. Who were these people that took over? Is it possible that rather than being forced out, Russia being forced out, they strategically chose to leave and laid a trap? I don’t know. We’ll talk about some of these in the next two seconds. Well, if you’re just joining us today, Leo Hohmann, author, researcher, independent investigative journalist, and a frequent guest on this program with me has joined me and we’re picking up in taking another look at actually two topics that we dealt with on Monday’s program because so many more things are happening in this segment last and the next one, we’re going to go further into what has happened in Syria, how do we interpret it?
Sam Rohrer:
What’s it really mean? Because there’s lot of speculation and there’s a lot of false conclusions. There’s a lot of stuff happening in this regard. So we’re dealing with that here first. And Leo, let me get right into it. Let’s go back. Your recent article, as I said, had this title on it regarding Syria, be careful what you ask for, but I posed the question in the first segment, aren’t we to believe that Syria in just 10 days could just fall to a supposedly ragtag band of jihadist and pick up trucks? That’s what they had with small arms munitions and have the entire army of Syria just roll over. It’s hard to believe. I don’t, frankly. But let’s go into, because in your article you did go into commentary relative to who. Let’s deal with this first, according to your research, who are these no name insurgents, which seem to exercise such incredible power so as to bring down the Syrian government in Damascus, Bashur Al Assad and exile him?
Leo Hohmann:
Yeah, they call them HTS, the dominant faction of rebels, militants Islamists, that made the trek south with lightning speed and took over Aleppo, then hams, then Damascus, and basically overturned the Syrian government in Blitz Creek fashion. Who is HTS? I can’t pronounce the actual words that that acronym stands for, so I’m just going to call them HTS, but they are nothing more than a rebranding of ISIS. In fact, Muhammad Al Gilani, who was a top deputy for ISIS, is the leader of HTS and Mr. Gilani is actually on the US State Departments and Homeland Security Departments list of terrorists, international foreign terrorists, and there’s a $10,000 bounty on his head issued by the United States government. Ironically, this is the man that Joe Biden is now heralding as the leader of a new government that gives us hope for democracy and freedom in Syria. Give me a break.
Leo Hohmann:
Mr. Gilani shaved off his beard for the cameras and it’s all just stagecraft to make it look like he’s going to be some western pro freedom leader when he’s really nothing but an Islamic thug, Sunni militant thug who is Salafist, which that is the most Salafi Islam, that is the most virulent, most violent, most extreme branch of Sunni Islam. And they are engaged in a history of engaging in beheadings shootings, throwing gaze off of buildings, all of the above things that we think of when we think of the very worst of Islam and what it to offer.
Sam Rohrer:
And Leo. And in reality, this group, this loose federation obviously had a fairly tight federation because they were able to exercise some significant power. They’ve actually ruled a good portion of Syria for a period of time. They just didn’t come up out of thin air.
Leo Hohmann:
This is true. They’ve had the backing of Turkey and the president of Turkey, Mr. Erdogan, who as I mentioned in the first segment, is really the leader right now of the international Muslim Brotherhood movement, and we know what they’re all about. This, as I said, is the most dangerous faction of Islam, the most violent. We think Iran is bad. They deserve a lot of the bad press. They’ve gotten the mullahs, but that is Shia Islam and Shia Islam historically, at least not as militant as this faction of Sunni Islam, which wants to establish a caliphate, a worldwide caliphate. And that is what Erdogan has even talked about, reestablishing the old Ottoman Empire. Well, if we look at that empire, it went from Eastern Europe all the way down to Jerusalem and beyond, and so this is Mr. Erdogan’s fantasy to retake Israel and Jerusalem for Islam and Allah, and he’s going to use these jihadis to help him get the job done.
Sam Rohrer:
And it could be, and we’ll go further into that ladies and gentlemen in the next segment relative to who is going to most likely emerge as the real government or the power there in Syria, because that is not yet certain. But Leo the US, we’ve been down on the ground too. Actually, I just watched a short video from a spokeswoman from the Pentagon not long ago who kind of said the quiet thing out loud and actually referred to one of the groups that were a part of this whole thing as being connected to Al-Qaeda, which was actually a creation of the United States. So we got our fingerprints on this too, don’t we?
Leo Hohmann:
You absolutely do. There’s even reports of the US offering air cover to these jihadis as they marched through the Syrian countryside into these cities so that they would not come under attack by the Syrian army. So yes, this is basically a CIA supported operation. If I had to guess, I would say it’s probably been in the planning stages for months. It did not happen all in nine or 10 days. And the one word we keep hearing in the mainstream corporate media is stunning. It’s a stunning lightning fast turn of events that nobody expected. Well, nobody expected it, but it certainly wasn’t all just sudden and organically coming about as the media would have us believe this was a carefully planned, carefully orchestrated CIA operation to deal yet another black eye to Russia and kick them out of Syria. Well, Russia’s gone now. We’ll see how this works out to the west. What we will probably end up with is a big mess and the entire Middle East destabilized.
Sam Rohrer:
Well, that just walks into another article because I’m going to talk a little bit about the how and the why aspect of it. An article I just read, it was posted in Reuters written by a guy named Alan Miza. He said this because it’s a part of this larger narrative, gets into the how and why. Let me just read this briefly, ladies and Gem, listen to this. He says this, but there is the narrative and in terms of the narrative, this retreat from Syria is a thing of anti-colonial beauty in terms of narrative. Until yesterday, Russia and Iran had no real control over Syria. But now that they almost fully do, he says, let me explain. Now think of this because I think this is astute. He said, simply put until last week, who was seen as the responsible party for Syria’s situation, who was to blame for all of its sorrows, instability, poverty, and general mess.
Sam Rohrer:
It was Assad and by extension, his main backers, Russia and Iran. He goes on to say, who’s responsible and accountable for Syria as of today? Well, it’s the west Rebels, the US Tigan, Turkey and Israel. In one fell swoop, one mostly failed state went from being under Russia’s list of headaches and liabilities to being Americas. Who’s going to bear the blame when things go south as they most probably will, the lack of democracy, the political arrests, the totalitarian laws, the civil strife, corruption, dysfunction and so on. Well, not Putin, not Khomeini,’ not Assad. They will be in the we told you so ranks Leo. I thought that was kind of interesting ties into what you’re saying. He’s suggesting that Russia and Iran were actually glad to give the order to Assad to tell his generals just to walk away and that he and they would end up being far better off. In other words, let America become the owner of this mess and effectively set a trap into which the west, US and Israel perhaps as walked. What do you think about that?
Leo Hohmann:
That is very interesting. And on a perception basis, global perception, I would agree with him, but in reality it was not Russia who was responsible for what was going on in Syria with all of the poverty and the difficulties of life living under the Assad regime. It was the West. Now, why do I say this? The Biden administration withheld aid from Syria, from the parts of Syria that were controlled by Assad and lavished aid on the parts that were not controlled by Assad. We even had an oil removal station up there in northern Syria. We were aiding through Turkey, we were aiding directly. And while the parts controlled by Assad were being starved out with international sanctions withholding of aid and development. And what happened was, and there’s even one theory as to why his army folded so quickly was because he couldn’t pay them anymore other than just subsistence rations. And we all know from history what happens to an army when they only get subsistence rations and they’re not making enough to feed their families. They quit. They surrender to the enemy, they go Hohmann to help their families. And this is exactly what we saw happen. As soon as they come under attack, they said, it’s not worth it. It’s certainly not worth giving our lives for a government that can’t even hardly pay us.
Sam Rohrer:
That’s right. Okay, and with that Leo, ladies and gentlemen, so there you have it. So Russia didn’t create the problem. They were invited in, but they got the blame. Well, now there’s going to be a developing further mess. Who gets the blame now? Well, we will kind of interesting how things can turn when we come back. We’re going to go into what happens next now in Syria. We’re midway in the program now moving fast, lots to cover special guest Leo Hohmann. He has his website at Leo Hohmann two N’s on that name, H-O-H-M-A-N, leo or leo I just give that to you because there you can find all of his articles which are very frequent and always I can say from my perspective, extraordinarily well researched and presents a view that you just frankly don’t read anywhere else, but almost always Leo.
Sam Rohrer:
It aligns with what we talk about here because we’re coming at it from the basis of truth and why I’d like to have you back on. So let’s go back on here to this matter of Syria because when it comes to the immediate, in the future state of Syria, you and I were talking about earlier, there tends to be some euphoria in some circles, okay? One way to look at it, but there is a serious question and that is what’s going to happen. Now, voids are always filled. You take out one government, some power base is going to fill it. And if Russia and Iran strategically exited, meaning they didn’t plan necessarily to exit, but they knew probably well because they’ve got their intel of what’s happening on the ground. And as you are suggesting, and I would agree with you, that the jihadist groups that appear to be the victors that have forced them out, that if they were doing things in such a fashion to have the power to have a Russia tell Assad, pack your bags and leave because we’re not going to support you.
Sam Rohrer:
They probably most likely were not caught by surprise. And they had planned an exit strategy, so their exit strategy was not fight, just leave and in the middle of it give the problems associated with Syria to the West, to Israel, the United States and therefore, and so for Russia’s perspective, let them focus on the battles in Ukraine because that’s a battle they’ve got to win. Didn’t want to be in Syria really any ways to begin with. So therefore, and then all of the other things that come into it. But here is where I want to go with you in this segment. A friend of mine who writes, he’s a former CIA agent, been on the program here a number of times. He writes for AND magazine, actually he is AND magazine, he wrote this, he said, so Assad’s gone again. Nobody’s going to lose any sleep over that.
Sam Rohrer:
That man was a monster. The only shame here is that he somehow made it out alive, decades of incredible brutality in Syria. He said, so that’s good that he’s gone. The unfortunate thing is that he’s been replaced by another monster, and just like in the old Japanese monster movies, it doesn’t really matter which monster has won because everybody’s going to lose. Then you wrote a lot of similar things in your article, which I’m not going to quote just because of time, but you talked about this coalition of rebels including the former Al Nusra, Al-Qaeda, other SUNY Muslim terrorists and all of that. So all of this is now sitting there, but something is going to emerge as the power, the real power in Syria. You’ve suggested that it is Turkey and you say the Muslim brotherhood, you actually say this, instead of Russia and Iran running the show now in Syria, now we face the very real possibility that Russia and Iran will be replaced with Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood. All right? What does that mean for Christians and Jews in a post Assad, Syria?
Leo Hohmann:
Yeah, great question, and I have to say I disagree with Mr. Fadis in his hypothesis there. I do agree that both Assad and the new regime could be described as monsters. Where I disagree with is they are not equivalent in the sense that who did they level their monstrous acts against? On one side you’ve got Assad who he was brutal, but who did he focus his brutality on? The Sunni Muslim Jihadists, the new regime that’s come to power with the assistance of the CIA and other entities. Who will they focus and who are they already focusing their brutality on? Christians, Jews and minorities, Shia white Muslims. And so Mr. Fadis is wrong when he says these are just two equal monsters. No, they’re not. Mr. Assad protected the ancient Christian community in Damascus, in Aleppo and other parts of Syria. He did not go after them and try to jail them, behead them, run them out of the country. This is exactly what the new monster in town will specialize in. So I do have to draw that distinction.
Sam Rohrer:
Alright? And that is fine. And I think in reality he wasn’t saying that that would not happen. He’s just saying, alright, you got two entities, both of whom are not freedom oriented. They are in the end Islamic, just with different factions of who wants to be in charge. But that brings me back to the question of who will ultimately perhaps rise to power there. That where I want to go back to that question of Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood because Turkey, well, you already were saying go ahead and fill that out. He’s already stated his designs of what he would like to do. They’ve already been fighting up in northern Syria for quite some time. So alright, build that out a bit. Why Turkey? Why may they come out and be ultimately far worse than Assad?
Leo Hohmann:
Well, Turkey is led by a dictator of the Sunni Jihadist Salafist mold. Mr. Erdogan, he has made it plain time and time again that his objective is to reestablish the old Ottoman Empire, which was an Islamic caliphate that ran from Eastern all the way up in Europe all the way down to it was up into all those eastern European countries and it ran all the way down through Turkey, Syria, Iraq, parts of that country, Jordan, and of course is what is now, and this is his goal. He’s very violently anti-Israel. He routinely puts out statements warning Israel about their war in Gaza and how they need to agree to an immediate ceasefire or else they will face dire consequences. He is the one leader in the world that has the ability to unite SUNY Islam against Israel and against the interests of the United States. So he is now empowered in Syria.
Sam Rohrer:
Okay? Now some are saying that the US in Israel worked in league with Turkey to bring about what is taking place that would assume then that Turkey was working with the US and NATO in this regard, and therefore opposed to Russia. But on the other hand, Russia, immediately after the fall of Assad asked Turkey to help provide cover to exit Russian soldiers out of Syria and they are developing stronger and stronger alliances with Russia. Which makes me wonder, did Turkey pull a quick one on the west? Because we know biblically they’re going to end up in full alliance with Russia not the West. What are your thoughts?
Leo Hohmann:
That’s possible, Sam, at some point, but right now, according to my research, Russia feels betrayed by Turkey and is very unhappy with Turkey. And I think whether or not we find out if that is valid or just a smokescreen will be, if Turkey continues to be welcomed into the BRICS Coalition of Nations, because it was on that trajectory before this all took place. Turkey was in good favor with Russia and was on its way into the bricks nations. If Turkey is now blocked from joining BRICS, then I think we’ll know that this break with Russia is indeed genuine and Russia did feel betrayed by Turkey and they’re not going to be in partnership, at least not anytime soon.
Sam Rohrer:
Okay? I think that is a great observation, ladies and gentlemen, and I’ve thought about that as well, Leo. So that’s one that we can watch because it will become evidence. But ladies and gentlemen, again, prophetically Turkey will be in full alliance with Russia and they will come down against Israel, not right now, but sometime here in the future. Now just a short time left here, Leo, really short, but these groups on the ground to have taken over there in Damascus and so forth, these same guys that you described as this guy cutting off his beard have already said that designs are on the Temple Mount and Jerusalem taking it over. So they are up to no good, clearly, right?
Leo Hohmann:
Oh, I hundred percent agree. I mean, and that’s why the West has no business being involved with the SUNY Jihadists, but this isn’t the first time Barack Obama started organizing and training ISIS and these Sunni Islamic terrorists back in 2013, and we know how that worked out. When they established a brief caliphate, ISIS did and they were beheading people focused particularly on Christians and Jews and of course Shia Muslims. This could just be a rerun of what we saw back from 2013 to 2015.
Sam Rohrer:
Indeed, indeed. Leo, we’re just out of time ladies and gentlemen. Stay with us because we are now going to transition and conclude with presenting what we know about all of these drones and come to some conclusions about what we can tell. Well, we’re going into our final segment now. Thank you for being with us today. We’ve packed a lot of information in on what we know and well try not to conjecture on things we do not know, but stop short of that. In regard to Syria and what’s taking place, we’ve presented today, Leo Hohmann and I have presented what we know and when conjecture about what may happen, the only thing I can say is that biblically is where I go. So if prophetically, for instance, I know S scripturally that Turkey and Russia will be in alignment one day and they will come down against Israel, then I know how that’s going to end up on this program.
Sam Rohrer:
Several years ago when JR r McGee was with me, we were talking about at that point when Joe Biden was placing sanctions on Russia when they first entered the Ukraine circumstance. And his promises was, we’re going to sanction Russia and we’re going to bring them to their knees and I have the power to do it, it’s going to happen. And I said on that program with JR, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about because in the end, Russia’s not weaker, it’s stronger. How do I know that Biblically So I can stand there confidently and obviously Joe Biden than we know many things, okay, let’s put it that way. But same thing here in the Middle East, the nations and the alignment of nations are changing as we speak. They have been for years, but the focus to which they are coming are reflected right off the pages of scripture.
Sam Rohrer:
We know how it can end. We don’t always know the ins and outs and exactly how it’s going to get there. So that’s where can’t go any further than say we know where we’re going to go. So if we try to stop just personal opinions unless we express it that way. Now this last issue, drones, I’m going to mention this because we mentioned it on Monday and here is some of the most recent information. If you’re listening to me and you’re on the East coast in particular, you may have actually seen one of these. Now hundreds and thousands of people have seen them. Sightings are increasing everywhere. Matter of fact, in New Jersey, 21, mayors have signed a joint declaration to the governor saying, we’ve got to get this thing answered because of all of the, let’s put this way, at least the angst that this being created.
Sam Rohrer:
Now, here are some things that are known. It’s been a matter of testimony. Congress the last couple of days, speaker Johnson has talked to the press. I have heard him. He doesn’t know. He says Congress does not know what they are. He says they can’t get the answers. They’re trying to find out what it is. I’ve seen some of the testifying there in Congress in the answers that are coming from our lead department heads are all of the same way from the White House to Homeland Security. We don’t know what this is. We don’t know. We don’t know. We don’t know. Now, here are some things that are known. The sightings are increasing. There are swarms of these items which are, as they’ve saying unidentified they are now, as of this morning, it is clear that their source is somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean. That’s what they’re saying.
Sam Rohrer:
But unknown, I don’t think they’re coming from ships. The latest is that they’re coming right by the water. Okay? That’s one thing. They are following us naval ships us Coast Guard individual that I watched said that they were tracking and following a US Coast Guard ship, but they don’t know anything about it. There is an affirmation that these are very sophisticated. It’s clear that their intelligence gathering involved, they don’t know who our government is saying they know nothing about it and they’re not a part of it. But yet all this is happening. Strangely, you have guys like New Jersey, governor Murphy says, I don’t know what they are. We’re trying to figure out what they are, but then goes on to say, but we know they pose no threat. Now that’s about as ridiculous as you can get because if they don’t know what they are, how do they know?
Sam Rohrer:
They’ve been around for a long time. And it’s not just the east coast, it’s been across the country. It’s just that the numbers of them have been increasing here. It’s happening in the United Kingdom. There are over military bases, nuclear sites actually hovering over government agents of various types. All of these things are happening. So bottom line is it’s a developing circumstance. Congressman Chris Smith from New Jersey, I listened to him. He was talking, and in his opinion, there is just simply no way that our government not know, and therefore some saying, well, it’s just a hoax. He’s saying there’s no way in the world it’s a hoax. We just don’t know Yet at this point, now I have some conclusions. Leo, can you take about a minute and a half just based on that? I mean, everybody is becoming more and more fearful because there’s no answer. Where’s your thinking at this point? What conclusions are you coming to at this point in your mind? And then I’ll close with some of mine.
Leo Hohmann:
Yes, Sam, we’re being lied to. I mean, that much is obvious. All of this we don’t know. We don’t know. We don’t know bit. Well, if that’s true and you don’t know, there’s a simple solution to that. Shoot one down. Okay, shoot one down, take it apart and find out what it is. Find out who’s collecting the data. Find out where the data is going. Find out its mission. This could all be easily resolved. They wouldn’t have even had to allow this to become an issue and to become a media phenomenon. See, now it’s a media spectacle, which tells me that it’s a psychological operation. They’re wanting the American people to know about this. They’re wanting the American people to not just know about it, but become increasingly fearful. And so then the question has to be, and that much I can tell you is I can’t say I can prove it, but I can say I feel strongly that what I just said is factual. Now, what I don’t know is why do they want the American people to be so focused on this and become fearful of it? What do they have up their sleeve for the next step?
Sam Rohrer:
Alright, and Leo, that’s where I would go as well. Ladies and gentlemen, just because we’re at the end, these are my thoughts. Number one, this is very clearly it’s not possible that our own, not national intelligence and all of our system of intel gathering cannot know more than that’s what’s being said. Therefore, if that is the case, then there is a complicity at the highest level. And that brings me to the same thing of what you just said, Leo. For what purpose? When people are fearful, ladies and gentlemen, they are more prepared to, once a crisis is created to accept a solution. So do not be fearful. God knows what’s happening. And for God’s people, we are not to be given to a spirit of fear. And so I would say be aware, but something clearly is happening very clearly. There will be some kind of a narrative and conclusion.
Sam Rohrer:
It may be for us that we are being told that something with China and Russia is happening. That’s what the UK is saying. It may be that there’s going to be some kind of out of space communication. The ground has been set for that. We’re in unusual days, fixate on relationship with the Lord. Keep your eyes open on matters of truth, be anchored in God’s word. And with that then we’re exciting days. That’s all I can say. Exciting days. So this is the latest. We’ll update later as things come further. Thanks for being with us today, Leo hum. And thank you so much for being here. What a lot of information today. God bless all of you listening. We’ll see you back here tomorrow. The Lord willing.
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