2025 Health Freedom in America: From Diagnosis to Prognosis
Jan. 8, 2025
Host: Hon. Sam Rohrer
Guest: Twila Brase
Note: This transcript is taken from a Stand in the Gap Today program aired on 1/8/25. To listen to the podcast, click HERE.
Disclaimer: While reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate transcription, the following is a representation of a mechanical transcription and as such, may not be a word for word transcript. Please listen to the audio version for any questions concerning the following dialogue.
Sam Rohrer:
Hello and welcome to this Wednesday edition of Stan on A Gap Today, this January 8th, 2025 edition. It’s also our monthly focus on the important area of health freedom with Twila Brase, president and co-founder of Citizens Council for Health Freedom with their website@cchfreedom.org. And yesterday here on this program, we had recurring guest, JR McGee. We identified together and analyzed the leading global and domestic issues that we felt were most likely to affect our individual civil freedoms here in 2025. My title for that program was 2025, begins Expecting the Unexpected, anticipating the Anticipated. Now today, my intent is to follow the same general approach, but in the area of health and health freedom, which as we all know, it’s not only a matter of civil freedom concern, but also one of significant moral and very personal consideration one’s health is and how we approach that. But in today’s focus, we’re going to follow a more say medical or health consistent analogy. So my title for today’s conversation with Twila is this 2025 Health Freedom in America from Diagnosis to Prognosis. And with that, I welcome to the program here at the beginning of the year, Twila. Twila, thank you for being back with me.
Twila Brase:
Well, as I have been telling people, it’s 2025 and we’re still alive. So here I am. Here you are. And here we go.
Sam Rohrer:
Well, I’m glad that we are still alive and I’m glad that we are generally well enough to be here together, Twila. And again, I’m so glad that you are pursuing on in your mission and that it is a pleasure to have you back with us. And ladies and gentlemen, you can count on it as the Lord willing Twila will be together with me as we are at least once a month as we consider this area of importance. So Twila, let’s get right into it though. You’re not a licensed doctor and you’ve made that clear, you’re an RN, registered nurse among other things probably. But in my opinion, you’re certainly a medical practitioner. Obviously you are by that title. But I like to consider you, in my opinion, one of the most reliable and insightful doctors. I’m going to put it that way. I know on matters of health freedom around which, and revolves the important doctor patient relationship in particular that we talk so much about on this program.
In that regard, your ability to, I’m going to say diagnose, meaning the identification and the analysis and the prognosis, meaning prediction of future outcomes, including prescription of solutions, both personal and policy. I put you in that category together, which is why I love to have you back on here and I’d like to look at these things here today. So in that light, could you give us a top line diagnosis of the state of doctor patient relationship and health freedom generally in America as we begin this first week in 2025? In other words, how would you diagnose our current health freedom health status today and perhaps do it this way on a scale of one being comatose, totally unaware of what’s happening and 10 being perfect health. What symptoms also could you identify to support that diagnosis?
Twila Brase:
Well, let me just start out by saying that I’m nowhere close to being a physician. However, I have often said that I must have a PhD in health policy after 30 years. So that could maybe get me a doctor title somewhere along the line.
Sam Rohrer:
Well, I’ll give it to you. Yes, you earn it. Go ahead.
Twila Brase:
But I was thinking of giving it a four just here, but I actually think it’s probably a three. I think we’re in a very bad place, but I think most people don’t know it. And the reason they don’t know it is because most people don’t go to the doctor, but they do pay the bills and that bugs them. But if they went to the doctor, they’d see that healthcare medical care is in a very bad place and coverage is in a very bad place too because it’s unaffordable. You’re being ripped off. There’s no opportunity to have real health insurance, which is very affordable and only therefore insurable catastrophic conditions. Obamacare got rid of that, and I was listening to John Stewart of all people talking with Mark Cuban and John Stewart said that he thought the Obamacare was a $1 trillion bribe to the health plans. And what he means by that is that in order to get them to take every person, including people with preexisting conditions, the government said, we’ll give you the whole market.
So now we’ve had all sorts of restrictions on care. And then if you just go more generally when it comes to my number three here, we’ve got restrictions on freedom of speech of doctors, the anti-science masking, it’s starting again in hospitals around the country and it’s going to make nurses leave. There’s a regulatory capture of FDA. Medicare is in control of the exam room, even though people think, well, I don’t have Medicare. No, but it’s in control of everything that happens there. The electronic health records have been imposed by the government to conduct surveillance and profile every patient. And we’ve got DEI doctors, we’ve got medical education institutions who are teaching doctors to be DEI doctors rather than diagnostic doctors. So it’s in a bad state, but I will say there is some freedom and it’s the freedom that we’re trying to build out on here, and that’s the direct primary care practices or the practices that just have fee for service. It’ll tell you everything that everything costs. You just pay the cost, the Wedge of Health Freedom, our online directory@jointhewedge.com, the power of cash still exists and there’s healthcare sharing. There are doctors going free, there are people refusing to sign HIPAA, and there are Indian tribes that are now licensing the ousted doctors during Covid. And so there’s a brand new licensure happening around the country that a lot of people don’t even know about because these doctors are being shut down by the medical boards.
Sam Rohrer:
Okay. Now that’s interesting. We only have less than a minute left here at this break, but you’re kind of moving into also the prognosis based on evidence, some things there that are positive going forward, but how would you give the prognosis of looking here into 2025 more opportunities perhaps ahead of us or less? How do you look at that?
Twila Brase:
Well, I think that states and state’s attorneys generals are moving to bring more freedom generally on some of the things that I talked about. And Trump’s team could change everything, but there’s no guarantee. And I have to say in healthcare, I think there’s a lot of questions about that happening because of the nominees that he’s picked. However, I do think there’s an opportunity to restore real health insurance by having Congress pass a bill that we’re pushing state laws against the corporate practice of medicine could shut down the health plans, which are not real insurance. They’re the corporate version of socialized medicine and they should not be practicing medicine, denying access to care, denying payment. They should be a real insurance company that just pays for what they say they’re going to pay. And we can let people opt out of Medicare and jumpstart a whole market of affordable care and we will try to do that at both the Trump level, the White House level, and the Congressional.
Sam Rohrer:
Okay, excellent. Twila Brase, ladies and gents, stay with us next segment. We’re going to now jump off of what was just stated, we’re sick diagnosis, our healthcare state, A three on a scale of one to 10, 10 being good health. We’re going to talk about symptoms, the causes that have led us to this point. Next segment, the one after. We’re going to talk about some of the solutions prescriptions, which will include some of the things that Twila has just mentioned. Stay with us. We’ll be very practical in our approach on this subject. Well, if you’re just tuning into the program here today, thanks for being a part of this. This is our focus on health and health freedom. Do this once a month. Special guest who’s with me again here, Twila Bray. She’s the president and co-founder of Citizens Council for Health Freedom. They have a website@cchfreedom.org.
My title for today to frame the discussion is this 2025 Health Freedom in America from Diagnosis to Prognosis. And in the last segment, if we didn’t join, I ask Twila how she would rate the overall health condition when it comes to health freedom and the doctor patient relationship with one comatose and 10 being perfect health. She gave a three. That’s significant. And she explained, if you didn’t catch the program, go back and listen to it again and catch that commentary. You can do it on our website at the stand of the gap radio.com or download our app. If you’ve not done it, stand in the gap. But moving on, let’s go and talk about some symptoms and the causes of what has brought us to the point where one of the most astute, and I’m going to say Twila, you are one of the most astute because you’re in this area and you’ve been in this area for a long time.
You give it a three because ladies and gentlemen think of this with me. Whether the consideration is politics or manufacturing or economics or health or religion or personal choice, all of which we talk about various issues on this program, there can be no accountability with a commensurate understanding of responsibility or duty. There can be no measurement and guidelines for improvement or any basis for any wise decision making without an agreement of benchmarks and quality standards. It’s not possible in a civil society and culture, such essential elements of freedom, freedom of worship, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and other aspects of our God-given rights as ensconced within our US constitution as an example. But without solid benchmarks of expectations and rights and laws, you can’t have those and you can’t keep them for sure. The common element within all benchmarks of quality and measurement is truth and it’s absolute truth without truth, all aspects of society become sick.
And I submit that’s such as what we’ve seen for a generation in America. Think with me, an ailment which became I think metastasized through the entirety of government and industry and education, military, healthcare, and even the church in America with the demonic launch and unbiblical implementation and general response to the covid policies of 2020, that was a real turning point. As a result, I think we are now culture wide, very sick, and without a return to God and putting truth back into our benchmarks and determinations of right and wrong, our sickness will be terminal. Now I’m going to say that in a general sense and Twila, I just put that out there as a platform for this because when it comes to health of the sanctity of the doctor patient relationship, which is so key, and you make such a good case for that, we know that is sick. But what would you say is the leading factor? And I know there are numbers, let’s take them kind of one at a time here. What is the leading factor or cause contributing to this sickened three on a 10 part scale that you just said, and how has it caused the current condition or symptoms that we see?
Twila Brase:
Yeah, so let me just say as a reminder about medical care in our minds and in America, we have tied coverage and care together. That is a socialized system in our minds. It’s actually sort of socialized because we think they kind of come together. But the fact of the matter is that they don’t, there are lots of doctors giving lots of care in lots of countries without any kind of insurance or coverage to do it. And it’s just a cash-based system and it’s often a charitable system. And so we have a wrong perception of what healthcare is. And so that’s part of the problem is that we think those two are tied together and you can’t get care without coverage. And so therefore we’re moving more and more towards a socialized system. But I would say that the other thing that really works in there is third party payment.
We should not have anybody else paying our medical bills. The insurance company should pay us according to whatever our contract is with our chosen real insurance company, which is going to be an indemnity policy for insurable and catastrophic events, not first dollar coverage, not a simple routine care, not for those sorts of things. That’s not what insurance is for. Catastrophic and insurable events. It should be paying us according to the contract, we should be paying our doctors and we should be paying our hospitals and nobody in between. And that is the biggest problem in healthcare today, outside of our perception that you have to have coverage to have care. And thus we are moving towards socialized medicine, starting with the idea of lots of the left, of course, ending up with the fully government socialized.
Sam Rohrer:
That is excellent. And of course what you’re talking about there has been, how can I say, incrementally introduced over a long period of time, hasn’t it? I mean for those who are listening who go all the way back the days of Hillary Care and the Great Society of Johnson as an example, and maybe back even before then, the idea that we will take care of you or you deserve what government can give to you, all sounded kind of nice at the point, but now it’s really developed into a monster that’s actually devoured the very basis of a doctor patient relationship, hasn’t it?
Twila Brase:
Yes. Well, I would say if you even look at the Bible, right, it says do not worry about what you will wear or what you’ll eat. It does not say, do not worry about your coverage or your doctor. So what is more essential than what you will wear, what you will eat and where you will stay. And yet we have given third parties full control over and we haven’t given it over food, we haven’t given it over housing, we haven’t given it over those other things that are so essential. And so it’s really such a bad perception and it’s leading to such bad places.
Sam Rohrer:
And not to go further on that, but I’m just going to raise it up ladies and gentlemen, but do think about the many efforts to do, try to take control of our food and to tell us what we can eat and what we should not eat and live and where we should not live. There’s a lot of efforts already out there. So those areas are also targeted just not as far as long perhaps as health. But let’s go back to this again. What would be a second most significant factor that’s contributed to the number three diagnosis, to put it that way, of the state of health in America?
Twila Brase:
Yeah. Well, once we accepted third party payment, really it’s about all the consolidation that has happened because of third party payment, because we have Medicare because of the Affordable Care Act. Now, the Affordable Care Act really caused the consolidation. This was Hillary’s plan, vertically integrated systems so that it would be coverage and the coverage entities, insurance entities would control the hospitals and the hospitals will control the clinics. And all of this will be one big vertically integrated system, which is socialism. But that consolidation is happening. I think there’s like 32 hospitals that closed last year, if I recall correctly. Now there’s a lot of health plans that own hospitals and hospitals that own health plans. We got private equity groups that are buying up practices and they’re just stripping them of all of their valuable properties and others and leaving very little for the doctors to actually take care of the patients or closing it all together. So really what we’re looking at is the entire, when I say that the mission of medicine has been taken over by the business of healthcare, that is what is happening as a result of the government getting into healthcare and particularly the Affordable Care Act, which really consolidated everything. And that’s why we’re losing so many doctors, hospitals and finding ourselves not very cared about in these institutions.
Sam Rohrer:
See, that’s interesting because government, well just put that my experience, I think others listening your knowledge as well is that whatever government touches, government controls, and there are many in government who all they want is control. They want themselves to control. And so whatever they take a hold of, they will control. Now in that aspect with government controls, that means of a necessity that the individual has lost freedom, freedom of choice, freedom of all kinds of things. But what else? You’ve already mentioned at one point electronic health records. How has that is another indication of government’s attempt to consolidate information and to control it, and then talk about where that goes. What’s the government’s ultimate end with the consolidating of the provision of healthcare, the records in healthcare and that kind of thing?
Twila Brase:
So I would say that the electronic health record being imposed, we call it the government electronic health record. It’s not just any old health record. It’s the one the government says they have to have. And it has to do with the government says that it must do, including doctors have to use it meaningfully. And there are actual federal meaningful use regulations that the doctors have to follow. So this is really the end of doctoring. What we’re talking about here is doctors and others just following protocols on the computer. And if those treatments that are out there or that you want or that a doctor wants to do is not on the computer, well then it’s going to be very difficult to get it. And so there’s protocols, there’s artificial intelligence, there are quality metrics, everything’s being controlled out of the computer, and doctors are not really doing doctoring today. They used to. They’re not using their minds like they used to because it takes so much time, it’s not actually worth it for them. And we all need doctors who think, and doctors who care,
Sam Rohrer:
And ladies and gentlemen think about this. Consolidated records means they’re all hackable, they’re all stealable, all usable and sellable. Of course, we know that that has been done. So again, we’ve just touched a few of the leading causes, the symptoms of sickness that we see when we come back. We’re going to consider some of the prescriptions, both policy and personal. Well Twila when we go to the doc and we’re talking health freedom and in general sense here today what you hope for is an accurate diagnosis, which requires thinking and consideration and a connecting of dots, a considering of the symptoms and all of that, which we’ve tried to do in this sense already on the program. But then it needs to come up with a prescriptive policy. What are we going to do about it? And in reality, truth, ladies and gentlemen, as we approach this, again, truth, I’m going to go back to here again, truth has been rejected within American culture.
Talked about that if you don’t have truth, you don’t have a basis for diagnosis, you don’t have a basis for prescription, you don’t have a basis for doing anything. And that’s in any part of our culture. But think about this, within our culture, the rejection of truth has been institutionalized. You say how that? Well, by our judges and courts, I go there because it’s the most official because it deals with law and decisions. But since the mid 20th century, we’ve got to go back a number of years, way more than a generation, a 40 year generation. And that’s when the court then repeatedly defied God’s standards of morality and justice. Well, how Well a couple of them throwing out the 10 Commandments, that’s an example. It’s a big one. Saying prayer to God was no good. Redefining life, saying we can kill instead of preserve life or redefined marriage and human sexuality to name just a few.
Then there’s our elected leaders in both the legislative and executive branches. And I think to our people generally citizen leaders in business and finance and religion becoming corrupted together and in support of each other, how? Well by embracing bribery and pragmatism, which is the result of rejecting God, they have rejected God. They spurned oaths. The oath to the Constitution for those in office don’t mean anything promises well, they’re just good for the moment. And in reality, our constitution today has really become a mere relic on the shelf of history and it’s routinely trampled with abandon. Think about that. It’s true. But to me, go back and read Ezekiel chapter 25. If you read Ezekiel 25, you’ll see expressed there exactly what God described Israel, the condition they were in. Now this is why I think we’re a truly sick nation, not just an area of healthcare or health, but across the board, but there’s the reason for it.
So that’s my diagnosis. Now, Twila, in your mission as Citizens Council for Health Freedom, you’ve diagnosed the most significant causes impacting health freedom. We did that in the last segment, but you’ve also attempted to do something about it, and you’ve already mentioned some of those things in a prescriptive way. But in that light, transitions in power, present opportunities for change, we obviously have an inauguration coming up here just a week from this coming Monday with Donald Trump in that regard. You sent a letter to him in his team, which we talked about back in December, and I think even in November. Can you give us a state of the status of this? Have they responded? If so, what was your discussion and how did it go?
Twila Brase:
So we have done several things since we last talked. So that was an open letter to President Trump sent via media and social media, and we didn’t get any response from that except garnering some interest from news media as to what we might possibly be doing for the next year in trying to impact the Trump administration. But that was just the first shot across the bow. So then toward the end of, let me think about this. That was right. That was just two days after the election after he had won. And then sometime in December, I think in early December, we sent a letter asking him to reconsider his nominees for the Center for Medicare Medicaid Services and for Surgeon General because the Surgeon General was actually a fan of all the cancellation and censorship during Covid and Dr. Oz for the Medicare Medicaid administration.
He’s a fan of Medicare Advantage for all and a 20% payroll tax to fund it. So the last person that we need in charge of CMS is Dr. Oz. Now, we did get a letter at the very end of last year from President Trump. It’s an amazing signature on that letter. And we can tell from the words that were written on there that of course he didn’t read it, but his staff definitely did. And so we will see, we’re trying to make inroads in and just two days ago, I think Friday must have been Friday, I sent a letter to Trump. And so this time, not the open letter asking for the 15 minute meeting, I sent a letter to Mar-a-Lago asking for that 15 minute meeting and also reminding his entire team that I was a member of the Health Quality Summit in 2019 as part of what the Trump administration was trying to do.
And so I was one of 18 and there were more than 300 people who tried to get in there. So I’m just trying to make inroads into the administration. I don’t totally believe that some of the people that he’s picking are the best picks. And so we’re also making contacts with former Trump staff who know what’s happening there and who have other inroads into the new Trump folks. And so that’s kind of where we’re at. It’s a bit of a work in progress because right now there’s a hiring frenzy and we don’t exactly know where everybody is going to land.
Sam Rohrer:
Okay, that’s a good point. And the building out of a new cabinet and all of the positions under that, staff wise, I mean that you’re right, this is a frenzy time. There’s lots of deals being made, lots of people being talked with. It’s just the nature of a turnover in government. And so we don’t know yet, but you’ve not had that meeting. But ladies and gentlemen, there is a reason to make this a high matter of prayer and not for anybody to think that just because Donald Trump was elected, that all of a sudden all policies are going to be good not, and we just indicated a couple of those positions there that would in fact be more of the same, frankly. But here’s another question I want to follow up on because there are some other changes. You mentioned two of the nominees that are questions and would be not good. What about what you can tell us on the status of some of the appointments that are good, that are possible anyways, any update on some of those?
Twila Brase:
Yeah, so I think RFK Junior is a bit of a question mark. I know that he doesn’t support a fully socialize system, and I do know that he really wants people to be taken care of and doesn’t want them sickened by bad vaccinations or shots, genetic shots like the Covid shot was, right? And so I think there’s actually room to have a conversation and to move things in a better direction with him if he gets in. Although I think there’s a lot of questions swirling in the media, but what’s the media know and what’s really the truth? I think that’s left to be figured out. And then Dave Weldon, who’s an anti-vaccine mandate kind of guy, is now going to be the head of the CDC. And I do think that there’s a great deal of hope there in maybe making that organization what it should be. And actually that shouldn’t even be an organization. It doesn’t even have any statutory authority to exist. And so I think there could be major things done between Doge, what Elon and Vivek are running to try to figure out how to get money out of the system and the CDC, which has its fingers into all sorts of things. It doesn’t belong in including everything that it was doing during Covid and all the lies that were coming out of the CDC.
Sam Rohrer:
Alright, that I
Twila Brase:
Think he could do something.
Sam Rohrer:
Okay, that’s possible. Just watch these things. There’s another, there’s been some changes as a result of the GOP leadership Majority change in the Senate. They are walking through the consideration, but there has been some committee changes chairmanships as well. One of them involves Senator Rand de Paul. You and I have communicated a little bit on that. What potential good do you see him now chairing the Department of Homeland Security Committee?
Twila Brase:
Oh, it’s very exciting. It’s very exciting for me because we’re the lead organization against real ID and real ID for all of your listeners. If you’ve got a gold star on your card, you’ve got one. And really it’s the setup for the Chinese social credit system. And Rand Paul has never been a fan of National IDs, whether that’s a national patient ID or a national ID card of any sort. And so he could really work to shut down real ID and bring the power back to the states and end this use for patient estates rights and this move towards giving us all a tracking and identification card. So I did really want him to be part of the, OR head of one of the healthcare committees, but when I heard that he was going to be head of Homeland Security, I thought, okay, I think we can really do something with this.
And TSA and Homeland Security have a deadline of May 7th of this year to have us all have the real id. But they’ve already extended it in a proposed rule to do progressive enforcement over the next two years. So they already know that by having 44% of people without a real ID compliant card or ID that they can’t just impose it in May. And so we had really great comments into telling them why they don’t even have a right to do this period. So we will work with Rand Paul’s office to try to do everything possible to shut down the real id.
Sam Rohrer:
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, again, we’re just hitting a few of the highlights, but there are things prescriptively positively that are being done on a matters of policy. And we just mentioned a few of them, things about which we should know, things about which we should also pray. Now when we come back, we’re going to conclude with again a little bit of the prognosis, looking ahead into 2025 as best we can, and then concluding with what you and I and all God-fearing people can and should do regardless of what happens. Well, as we now go into our final segment, thanks to all of you for being apart here today. Obviously if you’re a apart, we have nobody to talk with. And so it is a real honor and a blessing that those of you who are listening are doing so and feel that the program is important enough.
And I want to thank so many of you who did write to us over the last weeks, particularly in December when we were asking people more so to write and to share how God is used to this program in their lives and to solicit and ask for your partnering in prayer and finances. And I just want to again, thank all of those who did so and it’s important and ongoing. I just want you to know that things like this program and putting the programs together, the guests who spend time like Twila Brase today, there’s a lot of prayer and thought go into all of these things because we feel, and I feel our entire team feels a commitment to God, first of all, and then to you to make sure that what we share, we deliver the truth and the truth only and that we are accurate in biblical analysis.
And when we bring in constitutional things, which is a part on those subject areas that refer to that or involve that we are accurate, we do not want to be sensational. I was listening to a couple of podcasts this morning and I couldn’t listen to them anymore because it was just pure entertainment and sensationalism. There was some truth involved in it, but I couldn’t listen to it. And I don’t want to be just sensational. We do want to be listenable. So your critique and your comment to us on how we can do that is very, very helpful. But I just want to undergird a little bit of what goes into this and to share that there’s a great deal because ultimately I feel our team feels that we’re going to answer to God first of all and then we answer to you. And so that commitment, I just want to state that for the new, if you’ve not heard that before, and to restate it for those who just need to hear it again.
Anyway, with that in mind, let me move forward. In Twila, we’ve diagnosed the state of health freedom in America. We’ve talked about the doctor patient relationship, which that’s the real key of that. You’ve identified leading symptoms and causes. We did that in the second segment and the last segment we talked about some of the, what we’d call prescriptions, things that are taking place that can or should impact policies which ultimately affect a lot of what we do in this whole area of doctor patient relationship and health freedom overall. But I’d like to conclude now with just a little bit of prognosis, put it that way. Looking ahead overall looking into this year, you’ve already kind of indicated some of this, but what do you think is the prognosis for the condition, the state of healthcare freedom here in America right now? Are we sitting neutral waiting to see how’s the trend going? Just what would you say to that?
Twila Brase:
Well, I’d like to have good news, but I think sometimes you have to get to a very, very big crisis point and then you have to be prepared to push it in the right direction. And right now the whole thing is being pushed to socialize medicine. And so I think there is a major crisis coming. Will it come in 2025? I’m not sure. It might just build in 2025. So just some things to realize Medicare is running out of money. Almost 70 million people are dependent on it. Doctors are disappearing, non-physicians are proliferating and being put in their place. There’s more lawsuits against these non-physicians for things that they’re missing or doing. Charitability has disappeared. People don’t feel care or cared for like they did before. The costs are ratcheting up. So the crisis is here. There’s a whole bunch of people and organizations pushing and wrongly really pushing people into Medicare Advantage where their lives can be rationed away and it’s ripping off taxpayers.
And when I say that Medicare Advantage is getting 22% more per enrollee and it has a little bit more than half of all Medicare recipients, 22% more for a total of $83 billion in 2024. So they can offer all these free venues, but then they can just deny access to care, which even the federal government says it’s doing. So we have a real crisis happening and I think it’s just probably going to build in 2025, and we’re going to hope to set up this country to prepare itself for going back to Charitability affordability, patient-centeredness, privacy, everything that patients want and need and that healthcare is actually supposed to be. I will say that in our Medicare guide, we did have a former federal healthcare official take a look at it and he said, nobody else has got in here. They’re not going to be able to find what you have in here.
And he thought it was just a real service to the American people. People can find that on our website@cchfreedom.org. You just tell people what are the 10 traps you don’t want to get caught in and how to make the very best decision whether you’ve been in Medicare for a while or whether it’s just a brand new decision for you. So we’re trying to do everything possible. I don’t think that there’s going to be any lockdowns. I think all sorts of people would absolutely say no to that. So that’s a good thing. And hopefully more and more doctors are going to choose to go free because we need them to be free. We need them to care and we need all the prices that come down to the pocketbook level.
Sam Rohrer:
Alright, I think that is excellent. And we only just have a couple of minutes left here. Let me just switch it here and say a lot of what we’ve talked about is policy because governmental policy regulations are much of what we talk about obviously. So when those things are pretty much out of the control other than we’ve now elected somebody, we can’t make changes. We can sure pray about these things. But from a personal perspective, what can and should freedom loving and God-fearing individuals do regardless of what happens in Washington to preserve and improve their health and health freedom,
Twila Brase:
They have to engage and they have to look at healthcare as something that should be just like anything else that they pay money for. And it becomes affordable down to the pocketbook. And they’ve got to be talking about that. They cannot accept the current situation as normal or we will end up with socialized medicine. So I would encourage them to sign up on our website so they can get informed and that the minutes are my attempt to get as much information into people’s heads as possible so they can’t be deceived. Contact Congress when we need you to contact Congress. Tell them that they want that. You want a way to opt out of Medicare and have real health insurance at the end. So we’re working with a member of Congress to get a bill to bring back real health insurance because we’re going to have 77 million people dependent on Medicare and there’s going to be no money.
So I would just say everybody’s got to concentrate on rescuing and they might have to sacrifice to do it. I was reading Psalm 24, 10 to 12 this morning and just concentrating on how we have to rescue those led to death, we have to hold back the evil forces and God will be watching and he knows. And so our organization is called to rescue. I just rescued somebody from Covid yesterday who didn’t realize what they had to do, but there’s rescues, big rescues at the policy level and at the program level. And so I thank you for letting me be on the program and talk to your people because it is a time where we have opportunities, but we do have to focus on a rescue because time is limited.
Sam Rohrer:
Yes, indeed. That brings us right up to conclusion. Twila Brase. Thank you so much for being with us today, ladies and gentlemen. Again, her website, CCH freedom.org. Go there. A lot of information and a concluding thought from me. Make sure our trust is in the Lord. Do not make decisions as they come up without linking them to a biblical principle or command to make sure that your decision will be blessed of God. Let’s not be deceived. I’ll just conclude it with that we have truth if we believe fear of God and keep his commandments, and with that, we have the assurance that God will undertake for us. Without that, it’s just the opposite. So thanks for being with us today. Lord willing, we’ll see you back here tomorrow.
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