9 Reasons Israel will Strike Iran
Jan. 29, 2025
Host: Hon. Sam Rohrer
Guest: Bill Salus
Note: This transcript is taken from a Stand in the Gap Today program aired on 1/29/25. To listen to the podcast, click HERE.
Disclaimer: While reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate transcription, the following is a representation of a mechanical transcription and as such, may not be a word for word transcript. Please listen to the audio version for any questions concerning the following dialogue.
Sam Rohrer:
Hello and welcome to this Wednesday edition of Stand In the Gap Today. And it’s also our bimonthly focus on Israel, the Middle East and biblical prophecy. My returning guest today is Dr. Bill Salus, author, prophecy speaker and founder of Prophecy Depot Ministries with a website with so much information on it@prophecydepot.com. And I’ll give that again as we go through the program. But since the inauguration of Donald Trump just over a week ago, the entirety of the federal government in Washington DC is literally being turned on its head with the stale and corrupt status quo being upset like never before in our nation’s history. It’s quite something to watch, isn’t it? And frankly, with few exceptions, the changes are long overdue, receiving well by many candidates in the past, lip service for many conservative leaning candidates and presidents for a long time. But as we know effectively nothing but excuses were experienced and it continued to go along to get along.
Mentality prevailed. So this is truly different and I think we all sense it. So we are now witnessing something historic, but where such enormous changes are being made all at once and that is really significant. We must urgently pray and I encourage us all to be in that mind of prayer because when such change and such broad change is made, it creates at least for a temporary time, a chaotic atmosphere. And the only thing that’s really predictable is unpredictability. Unexpected or uncontrollable outcomes are often the result of such times. So that is one reason why I believe that we all who know how to pray should pray for these times. But for the purpose of today’s emphasis, change is also occurring in the Middle East and the new direction of the Trump administration is producing predictable as well as, I’m going to say unexpected impacts, not just in the Middle East generally, but Israel specifically. And we’re going to discuss some of these today. The title I’ve chosen to frame, the core of our focus today is this, Nine Reasons that Israel Will Strike Iran and we’ll go further into that. But with it I welcome to the program right now, Bill Salus. Bill, thanks for being back with me. You’ve been under the weather for a while and so we’re going to pray for you as we meet together today. But thanks for being here,
Bill Salus:
Sam. Great, thank you so much for that. Your prayers are always appreciated.
Sam Rohrer:
Absolutely. And so many I know of our listeners have been under the weather. I have been myself and so we are there with you and we’ll be praying in attitude as we enter this program. But Bill, one of the things I want to start with here, one of the most sweeping of the changes made by this new Trump administration is the result of nearly 300 executive orders already now signed. And one of those provides for a temporary freeze on all foreign aid with two exceptions. One emergency food aid for various identified nations. And this one I thought was interesting. Military and other economic aid for Israel, perhaps not unexpected, but also Egypt. I thought that’s interesting. But another effort by the Trump administration within this past week, I believe to which this foreign aid is linked, is an instruction for the Palestinians in the Gaza to move into Egypt.
And for cities there to be built to house them, such a move would require a lot of funding aid to help Egypt to has long resisted taking any Hamas linked Palestinians. But it’s also a change that would permit Israel if this happens to achieve its goal of moving out the Hamas, supporting Palestinians from the Gaza and in my words, perhaps ultimately permitting the annexing effectively of the Gaza. But we know that really is a part of the promise of land that belongs to Israel. So they would take it under the spoils of war more or less. There’s some commentary. But here’s my question. Is there any prophetical commentary to which you can point regarding this effort to move out the Palestinians and so forth that would tie into biblical prophecy? Is there anything at all that we can look at this and say we can see prophecy unfolding?
Bill Salus:
Well, that area of Gaza is really ancient Philistia from the Philistines per se. And there are some prophecies dealing with that territory which actually fits into the tribal territory of Judah, one of the 12 tribes in Israel, which told in so the vacating of those Palestinians at this point, but is going to come at some point whether that’s going to be in Trump’s plan to move them to either Egypt or to Jordan, which those two countries are vehemently opposed to that. There are ties that you talk about, for instance in Zephaniah, two verse four says, Gaza will be forsaken and Ashkelon that a neighboring area in ancient times will be desolate. It goes on and says that I will destroy you so that there shall be no inhabitants in those areas. So there’ll be a judgment on that territory. We’re seeing Gaza is in shambles right now.
That’s one of the reasons Trumps wants to vacate the area from the Palestinians. So it’ll be rebuilt, he calls it the war zone or our demolition zone at this point. So whether that’s got anything to do with what we’re seeing right now or that’s going to be subsequently because Philistia is also involved in another prophecy in Psalm 83-the climactic the Arab Israeli war. So whether that precipitates it or whether restarting, see the beginnings of that now. But it says ultimately that area says there’s definitely Isaiah two where six the seacoast shall be pastures with shelters for shepherds and folds for flocks. It’s going to be an agricultural and farming type area for Judah, but that’ll ultimately be the Messianic kingdom. So between now and the Messianic kingdom, when Jesus returns and sets up to a thousand year reign on restored earth, this will happen. The Gaza will be forsaken and there’ll be no in evidence of the ancient Philistines, which of course also have some Palestinians in there for these days. So I think in that light there is some prophecy that whether or not it’s going to be fulfilled by Trump trying to move them out of Egypt at this point or what we’ve been saying with the Israeli war, I think it might be part of the stepping stones of that. But I don’t know where Egypt’s going to go from this. My personal opinion was a Trump plan.
Sam Rohrer:
Okay. But one thing we do know that ultimately it’s a matter of timing you’re talking about, is that area now called the Gaza will become a part you say, of what belonged really to Judah. Israel will ultimately control it. And as you’re saying at some point anyways, it’ll become a rich agricultural area. That’s what you’re saying?
Bill Salus:
Yeah. Verse seven it definitely two clarifies that the coast shall be for the remnant of the house of Judah and they shall feed their flocks there, but for the Lord God will intervene for them and return and restore their fortunes. So basically that’s where that’s going. They’ll have to be vacated out of there at some point. That’ll probably be the continuation of war situations. Remember the Hamas are rebuilding in light of what’s going on with ceasefire. So as it has evolved to ceasefire too, so the terrorist organization not got away.
Sam Rohrer:
Okay, so alright, let’s just hold that ladies and gentlemen, we’ll be back. But bear in mind that at least this direction that Trump is encouraging things to go does move towards promises to which God will fulfill with Israel. So it’s at least a direction in the right direction. Stay with us, we’ll be right back. Well if you’re just joining us today, thanks for being aboard here on this Wednesday edition of Stand and the Gap today. Our focus today is a bimonthly, we do it every other Wednesday, at least try to focus on Israel, the Middle East and biblical prophecy. And one of our returning guests that are regular with us is Dr. Bill Salus. He’s the founder of Prophecy Depot Ministries. They have a website@prophecydepot.com. Lots of information, lot of articles, lot of books, lot of videos, much helpful information in this area of Israel prophecy in the Middle East.
Now the title I’ve chosen for today is this, nine Reasons Israel Will Strike Iran. And we’ll focus on that, this segment and next and then we’re going to conclude with getting some thoughts from Bill, from a prophetical perspective of what’s happening perhaps with the rise of Turkey as we see in the Middle East now for many years the anticipation on this matter of Israel and Iran for a long time now, the anticipation has existed and many of them being imminent, almost appearing that Israel would attack and destroy any Iranian effort to produce a nuclear weapon knowing that for the purpose of survival they would need to do that because of the fundamental deranged satanic hatred that’s within Islamic teachings that hold, they must destroy Israel and all Jews and bring all Christians into subjection to Islam. That’s the driving philosophy that makes jihadist and Islamic enemies in the Middle East such a dire threat to Israel and frankly to Christianity.
Now in reality, there have been numerous attempts by Israel to do what they have done and they’ve done some limited surgical things in the past. You could put it that way. Over the years and to this moment, Iran has indeed been prevented from obtaining a nuclear based mass kill potential, which they have made clear that when they get it, they will not hesitate to use it. Now here’s the problem now Bill, it appears that within the last week, even example, according to the Jerusalem post that Iran in its efforts to develop their nuclear capacity, that it’s been identified that there are two Iranian cargo vessels carrying over a thousand tons of sodium per rate, which are scheduled to leave ports in China. It’s interesting China supplying this chemical. Now the deal is this, the problem is that this chemical is for the sole purpose of producing missile solid fuel propellants that would be linked to carrying warheads equipped with a nuclear tip.
This event alone now dramatically raises again the likelihood of Israel taking some preemptive action against Iran’s nuclear development facilities or perhaps sinking these ships and root. And I think there’s a lot of things that could happen, but this is an issue, but the anticipation of Iranian action against Israel is now back on center stage. So with that preface, any comment on that you want to make, but I’ll go right into it. A couple of weeks ago you wrote an article entitled Why Israel Will Likely Strike Iran’s Nuclear Sites. In there you gave nine reasons you think this is, so I’d like if we could, let’s begin to go through what those are and then I’ll ask you the why and the where for of it. But what’s the number one reason that you’ve identified about why it’s likely imminent that Israel will strike Iranian facilities?
Bill Salus:
Absolutely, and your comment about the China shipments coming forward with the damage that’s been done to Iran’s proxies with Hamas, Hezbollah, and of course the fleeing of the Asad regime, Syria, the concern now that Russia will turbo, turbo speed to put together a nuclear weapon. That’s the concern of a deterrent because of the damage that’s been done to the proxies and all the investments they had in those proxies. But like I said, there’s nine reasons to be thinking that Israel will likely strike Iran’s nuclear site. And the first one is Israel has a history of striking the nuclear facilities. Matter of fact a retaliatory strike in October 26th of this past year. This is a headline from JNS that Israel destroyed the secret Iranian nuke site in October and the facility in Parkson was completely destroyed during Israel’s October 26th attack on Iran. And then an article came on Jerusalem post that said this conditions arrived to strike Iran’s nuclear program security official says, and caption is Iran has never been more vulnerable to strikes against its nuclear capabilities of the official says the official had Israel not allowed nuclear Iran and therefore will continue to prepare to strike the nuclear project.
Now. So those are some current events, but basically the history that Israel has from striking nuclear facility takes us back to 1981 on the 14 year anniversary of the six day war when Israel, the six day war in June, 1967, it was Operation Opera in Iraq when was developing in those Iraq nuclear. And the Tructure had destroyed that during that Iranian Iraq war of attrition in the early stages they destroyed the reactor and then Operation Orchard in Syria. They did this in 2007 on September 6th it was developing an elk at the Alki bar site and nuclear reactor. But Israel has done it recently in October 26th with Parkin 1981 with any rock with the Cy Reactor in 2007 with the Alkabar site. So they’ve already got a history of doing this, it’s striking the nuclear sites.
Sam Rohrer:
Alright, so they’ve got a history and it’s clear and you’ve established that. You’ve also talked about one you identified I think as number two there is what Israel holds onto beginning in 1981 that’s called the mono be doctrine. So they actually have a nationally recognized doctrine that they will go after Iran when the time demands. That also plays a part of that, doesn’t it?
Bill Salus:
That goes back to the a cyrac reactor sort in 1981. It’s kind of a backstory to that which I’ll get into, but this AK and be in doctrine called be IND doctrine. I’ll give a quote from Wikipedia which sums it up pretty well. It says the be in doctrine is the common term for the Israeli governments preventive strike Counterproliferation policy regarding their potential enemies capabilities to possess weapons of mass destruction, particularly nuclear weapons. So preventative strike Counterproliferation policy. And it is interesting because one of the guests you have on the show quite frequently is Bill Koenig. And Bill Coing and I were having breakfast one morning with a diplomat from Israel named Norm Ed. And Bill and I, this was back in early 1981, excuse me, this was 2014 Bill Clinton. I sat down with theor and basically we were having breakfast and we asked Yor, we said, what are the chances that this was going to strike you on its nuclear sites?
And he said, well let me tell you the story. And he said, back in and be get together. All his top leading officials, militarily and political officials across the board had a closed door meeting and he was talking to them about what would happen if we struck Iraq or nuclear reactor. And all of them basically was the idea that this is going to be a bad idea because one, it could incite the entire Muslim world to united against Israel and the massive war that might potentially wipe Israel off of the map. Two, it could cause strong condemnation by the international community including America and the West because at that time the West American and the West is supporting Islam, Hussein and the war against Iran because the Iranian revolution in 1979 got the West concerned from that war with Iran and Iraq. It was actually supporting I Iraq in that scenario.
And supreme condemnation, if we go against Sadam Hussein in is reactive three. The international condemnation could lead to harsh sanctions that could topple Israel’s economy. So it was interesting said, well Malcolm be said, I think you offer your comments, I understand that, but let ask you this, what would happen if we don’t destroy this reactor? And he said it could lead to the end of the destruction of the Jewish states. We will strike strike Iraq. Now in 1981, they did do that on his response promptly thereafter. And none of the things they were concerned about, those three items I talked about happened the Muslim world, the nine against Israel, the national community, et cetera. So this policy has been played again in 19, 2007 was out the bar site as well.
Sam Rohrer:
So the historical is that Manaca and Bigham said we’ve got to do it. The consultants said no we can’t. But they went ahead and did it and none of their concerns came to fruition. So now they are emboldened, the doctrine is in place. And the third point you mentioned was Israel has vowed to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. So for them it’s a matter of saving face. They have said this is what we’re going to do, we’re going to do it. But the number four here, just in the last minute is that what Israel has just done in Syria and done some things also make it likely that they can actually do something against Iran because they’ve taken out a lot of their defenses, haven’t they?
Bill Salus:
Yeah, that was incredible. Retaliatory strike October 26th, this one headline that caught my attention on October 30th from the Times of Israel, it says Israel took out primary isen air defensive and left it essentially naked the term we used. So right now, as we quoted earlier, Iran has never been more vulnerable to Israeli striking the nuclear sites. And in my estimation, Israel’s about preparing to do that. And recently maybe that Trump has trying to reach out his administration and say, we will talk to Iran about your program and things change so fast in the middle. Least Sam, we don’t really know what the next current event’s going to be. Maybe they will try to negotiate their way into another nuclear deal, if not likely. But if they don’t, my explanation the strike is going to be in it pretty soon.
Sam Rohrer:
And that’s interesting. So ladies and gentlemen, bill in his article, which you can find there@prophecydepot.com, identifies these nine reasons he’s identified. We’re trying to walk through them some quickly. We’ve identified four when we come back, we’ll deal with 5, 6, 7, 8, and nine. But on one hand, Iran is aggressively pursuing their nuclear capacity. Israel have taken out a lot of the defenses that Iran has had, but it’s culminating and coming quickly to a head again. So all of that brings it forward. Stay with, we’ll come back and we’ll deal with the final reasons here. Alright Bill, we’ve looked at the first four reasons why you’re saying that Israel will likely soon, not later, but sooner than later strike Iran. It’s because of Iran’s nuclear ambitions. There’s a number of things that we’ve talked about in this last segment that would indicate even for instance, this shipment that is soon to be leaving China for Iran, which is for the strict purpose of producing solid missile propellant that would carry a nuclear warhead.
So there are pieces that are coming together, whereas you didn’t mention it, I just saw as well that Iran has announced that it has bought advanced fighter jets from Russia which are now delivered. So it does appear that they are preparing themself. I’m saying this Iran is preparing itself for a response to Israel and there’s a number of factors going on, but into that you’ve identified five, six, and seven. I want you to identify them because they tend to address areas where you’re sensing that if there was a time where the climate in world opinion, at least American opinion, supportive of Israel doing such a thing has probably never been greater beginning with the fact that Trump is now president, not Joe Biden. So anyways, what’s number five and six and seven? Go ahead and lay them out if you can.
Bill Salus:
That is number five actually Israel will likely have America’s approval through the presidency of Donald Trump. Donald Trump, before he was even elected in November last year, there’s an article in the New York Post that said Trump urges Israel to take out Iran nuclear facilities. Biden is for urging the Jewish state to show restraint even before he was elected, he was giving hints in that direction. And then in December of 2024, the Wall Street Journal reported Trump team weighs options including airstrikes to stop Iran’s nuclear program. So the Trump team’s already weighing options themselves from America’s perspective to strike. So certainly if he is thinking in that direction, Israel would’ve logical attitude go, Hey, we could do this and then we’d have their support. Matter of fact, in times of Israel in January of sixth of 2025 recently it said, Israel thinks Trump will back IDF strike any run new program or order us order a US hit.
So I mean the rhetoric is already coming out that Israel feels that trouble support such a strike. Number six, those also because important because it says Israel not likely face severe retaliation from Iran’s proxy. See that was just a concern that they had for the longest time. What about his while responding and seriously chemical weapons into Israel with Oad regime about the Hamas? Now of course it’s only know over time. Now Hamas is pretty much destroyed, although they’re rebuilding as Valo has estimated Assad has left. The Houthis of course has been one of the other proxies have been problem Israel, but Israel is allowed to take them out as well, like they take out alah. So at this point I don’t think we have very much concerns about being a backlash from Iran’s proxy because they’ve already dealt them with severe blow. Number seven. If we have time, Israel has destroyed most of the Syria’s missile defense systems, but able with more freedom to fly safely to Iran or Syria interstate.
So not only have they taken out Iran for the most part, missile defense systems, and they’ve also taken out Syria as well. And after those rebels came over and took over Syria and Asad pled, Israel looked to move quickly to take out the Syrian navy and army and their missiles, defense systems and silos and things like that. So basically at this point in time, s got no concerns about the proxies. They think they have support from the Trump administration and they can fly Syria airspace. And also they feel also number eight has act now because the Iran is on the fast track to retain nuclear weapons, nuclear bombs, and we talked about that earlier in the show as a deterrent. Now with the process being harmed severely, Iran could now go on turbo mode to put their nuclear program together and Israel knows that as well as it’s trying to rebuild their missile defense systems in Iran to prevent from the strike. So a time clock at this point too. So
Sam Rohrer:
Yeah, these are big, big things. It’s so much more, just put this way, I would say it’s the Iranian pursuit and the evidence is that they are clearly, clearly they haven’t walked away, they don’t feel like they have been destroyed at all by Israel. Israel humbled them, but they have not been destroyed. They are doing many things right now to accomplish what they have been threatening and that’s some of the things you’ve identified. But Israel has also, by doing what has been done in Syria, they’ve cleared the airspace, which up to this point they had to worry about Russian anti-air defenses which have now been taken out. So they’ve got an open road, more or less airspace, which makes all of these things and they’ve got a Trump administration that’s basically saying, go get them. So these are the things and I think these are really important items that you’ve identified.
I want to spend the last bit of this segment though on the Prophetical component as well because everything that we’ve identified you’ve identified so far are all objectively measurable. They are the kinds of things that military strategists and others would look at and say, these are factors that are in place, but let’s go to what the Bible says. What does biblical prophecy give to us as an indication that such an event, a major attack here on nuclear facilities for instance in Iran is something that the Bible would give us indication may well occur and may well occur soon.
Bill Salus:
That’s true. Iran is a subject of dual prophecies in the latter days. We’re told in Ezekiel 38, but also in Jeremiah chapter 49. So they’re in biblical prophecy and these are two unfulfilled prophecies. The Ezekiel 38 is probably not got anything to do so much with what we’re seeing right here that they strike any wrong. But the Jeremiah 49 could be maybe part of what was foretold in that prophecy made a disaster, which is part of that prophecy. Now Ezekiel 38 is important to think about though too because heavens going to involve Turkey, Iran and Russia along with a coalition of the nine. And Turkey of course does moving in on Syria as much as they can too. So time remain. We can talk about that maybe in the next segment. When it comes to the first prophecy around 5 9, 6 BC by Jeremiah, a contemporary Ezekiel, he talks about a time would come when a massive disaster in the territory of Iran.
So Jeremiah writes about Iran, which is the west coast, southwest coast of Iran, has the Persian Gulf, but Ezekiel is contemporary about 20 years later, wrote about Persia, which is in part of modern day Ivan. So Ilan and Persia. Ilan was the territory where the Persian Gulf where they had their underground missile silos, the intercontinental ballistic missiles, they underground airbase, et cetera. So this is the most dangerous area where Israel, Israel has to get through to get through to a strike. And it says at one point, at some point in time there’s going to be disaster in this area because the Iranian leadership is going to fiercely anger the Lord. And I believe at this point in time that could be the case because why is he angry with him? They want to launch something lethal somewhere. The prophecy says, he says he’s going to break the bow along with the foremost of the might.
In other words, he’s not going to allow them to launch the missile silos that where probably at Israel they want to live Israel off the mat. And so when this happens, it seems like there’ll be a humanitarian crisis because they bring the for and the full quarters of heaven and all those people are affected in that IAM territory. That southwest area of Iran will flee into the nation of the world since there’ll be no nations where the outcasts of the I Islam don’t go. So it seems like spurs the humanitarian crisis and it says also at that time Iran will have enemies and of course they’ve got America, they’ve got Israel, they got Saudi Arabia for instance, be okay with Israel striking that area per se. So we’re looking at these prophecies, they look like it could create disaster there. Israel’s got to hit that territory there to get through these runs.
And inside of that territory is three primary nuclear sites. You’ve got Naans facility, you got and Shiraz in there as well. Naans, they Ron’s primary enrichment facility. Han has been one’s largest nuclear research facility they already hit is Islam also back in April 19th. They hit that facility also on a drone strike. They already have a history of that. Shiraz is where run special weapons in this facility is located. There’s also the Bouchard nuclear record. So there four strategic targets in its territory that would be hit likely in Israeli striking in nuclear sites and that could probably the details finding fulfillment of the distinct prophecy. Sam in Jeremiah chapter 49, verse 34 through 39.
Sam Rohrer:
And I think that’s interesting ladies and gentlemen, I would encourage you if you’re able to want to look at it further, if you go to the website, prophecy depot.com, you’ll also find there a map which I’m looking at right now. It helps to picture this, a map of the Middle East where you have Iran, if you can picture it, the Persian Gulf, which is to the south and a little bit to the southwest and then to the west of that comes Kuwait and Iraq and then ultimately Israel further to the west. But the point being that Bill you are saying is that in this passage in Jeremiah chapter 49, verses 34 to 39, it talks about a disaster is going to happen in this area of Iran, which is Elam ELAM, ELAM ladies and gentlemen, which is what Bill was talking about. And that is the location where Iran has its nuclear development facilities.
So it’s Elam that prophetically will have judgment brought against it because Iran is doing something that is threatening Israel. And it says as Bill you have in your article say here that God gets fiercely angry with the leaders of Iran because of something that they are doing or about to do. And ladies and gentlemen, obviously that threat to wipe Israel off the map could well be that part, but this piece has not been fulfilled prophetically. So it falls down when you layer it down on top of the other eight reasons, given you have nine very good reasons why Israel will sooner than later preemptively strike Iran. And then of course that changes a lot more things in the Middle East, but a time of change. But the Bible does give us direction when we come back. I’m going to talk to Bill about Turkey and its role here in the final days.
Well, as we go into the final segment today, again a reminder that this program in all of the programs that we do here on Stand in the Gap today have a written transcript that’s nearly immediately available. So if you go on our website, stand in the gap radio.com or on our app, you can find a written transcript, you can then read through that transcript because much information that we give, obviously it’s not possible to write it down or to remember everything. At least I can, maybe you can, but I can’t, I’m not able to do that. So reading along and then listening to the program again helps significantly. And I’ve heard from many of you listening to me right now who have said that you’ve done that with numbers of programs, listened to them four and five times because of the amount of information that is there.
So I think that’s a great thing and I just want to share that as an encouragement, as an option. We try to provide in addition to putting together themes and subjects that are relevant, headline news based, but bring to it a clear biblical worldview analysis. So anyways, that is there. Again, you can access, I would just encourage you to do that and that’s easy than to pass along to a friend, which I would very much encourage you to do if you’re being blessed by the program, share that good news with friends. So anyways, do that. Alright Bill here as we conclude this program, I mentioned that we would conclude with talking about the nation of Turkey because when Israel did what they did in Syria and the Asad, well actually they went in after the fact, but you had basically Al-Qaeda and Isis, military jihadists that were involved.
The Assad regime fell, Israel then took advantage of it. They took out much of the military, Navy did a whole lot of things, which makes now a clear access, at least an air highway into Iran. A lot of things have happened, but in that void, Turkey seems to be emerging as the one to gain primary influence. Now we’ve talked about it in other programs, but with President Erdogan of Turkey firmly aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood, he’s of a worst sort in some respects even then Iranian Shia. And now he wants to take over that nation and he would like to become the arches enemy if that’s possible of Israel. So that raises the question, what does biblical prophecy indicate about what is happening right now with the potential rise in influence of Israel hating Turkey in this void that’s been created in Israel? Should we expect to see a much stronger Turkey emerge in this area?
Bill Salus:
Well they have two main reasons they would like to expand more into the territory of Syria is it’s pretty much up for grabs at this point. One is they’re very concerned about the Kurds in the northeastern part of Syria getting territory and moving closer toward Turkey. They’re even opposed to the Kurds anywhere near Turkey. So they’re supporting troops inside the northwest side of Turkey to prevent that from happening. The other reason is because you see the opportunity now better than ever to reestablish their control over the Middle East. The old Islamic Cali fed of the Ottoman Empire back in 1517, it was destroyed in 1917. They ruled on there for 400 years. So he’s seen the opportunity now to move forward. If he could do that through Syria, he can prevent the curse from moving to the west and he can maybe get a larger grip on the Middle East once again, like tricky used to have.
But the concerns is that the prophecy doing Syria itself, they might concern him. It hasn’t filed fil yet. That’s Isaiah 17 talking about the destruction of Damascus. It says Damascus one day get a cease from Roman city, Isaiah 17 one, it’ll be ruin of he. So Isaiah 17 verse nine is the tion is not only in Syria but other major Syrians in Damascus but also other major Syrian cities. And it was caused by the children of Israel. Of course Israel is going in towards Syria. They going destroy the Syria military per se, and they moved the buffer zone into Syria as well. So if it ultimately the children of Israel caused declaration and major cities including the destruction of Damascus one night you see Damascus, Isaiah 17, 14th including the prophecy in the morning. He is no more, this is a portion of those who rob us in fundus, meaning that of self-defense. Israel destroys the city and other cities as well. Now how will Turkey respond to that if that happens in the near future, which many us think it will be or it will, Syria will likely be worse. Condition is now of course. And also Turkey May at that point to flew back a little bit out the grips of that danger of disaster over there.
Sam Rohrer:
And ladies and gentlemen, bear in mind Turkey has a significant military, very strong military right now still connected to NATO, but they’re not really a supportive member of NATO. So there changes in the wind. Here’s the last question, last couple of minutes of this segment Bill. And that is some would look and say prophetically the thought has always been Russia would be the dominant power to the north. And right now they are clearly dominant, but they’ve tended to back out a little bit with the fall of Assad regime and Turkey seems to have gone stronger. Does the scripture tell us anything about who may in fact be the head of that northern coalition? Could it be Turkey perhaps, or is it more likely Russia with a Turkey supporting Russia? What are your thoughts?
Bill Salus:
In my estimation, it’s been traditionally taught in many of our commentators today would agree with this, that Russia leads it. But in another lead position alongside would be tricky. And that’s sort of in the traditional teaching we follow. It says May God would be the leader, and then you got Ro and Meshe and tubal ball and Michigan two ball would be Turkey, Mago would be probably up in the Moscow West area wash as well. It tells us in verse 11, somewhere in the T they come all the way from the other most parts of the North coalition. And if you draw a vertical line from Jerusalem all the way up to the most parts of the north, you have Moscow up there. So the traditional teaching, some of the historians like Josephus would tell you that the Sian tribe made their way up into the southern steps of Russia on the way up into Russia. And so that was really where may God comes from that historically, remember when Ezekiel world, he didn’t have modern terms like Russia and Turkey and things like that. So he talks about these places. So Turkey being the leader of that is some of the more recent theory instead of Russia, Russia playing more of the back wall, any wall at all. Because some people are think he’s going to be an his Islamic antichrist. So therefore tricky should be the leader of that coalition. But I don’t agree with that person, that’s my opinion.
Sam Rohrer:
But in any event, we would believe that most all would believe that at least whether the lead is Turkey or the lead, lead is Russia. They are in league and they are in league with Iran and the other nations as well. That for sure we could say is very clear scripturally. Correct,
Bill Salus:
Yeah, because also in that prophecy it talks about Persia and that would be of course the modern day Iranians being on the west coast and Persia being the other part of central Iran. So we looked at there as well as also with other countries, Libya, Ethiopia, some of those African countries, and also Sudan, maybe Morocco and Tunisia, some of the southern parts of the Soviet Union, Southern steps of Russia. So it’s a coalition of nine powerful groups coming together to invade Israel in the latter days for Plu and Rudy, the pictures of economies that are hurting, the Russia put together mainly Muslim countries, but we have settled to Israel, especially if Israel continues to be damage with the nations around them.
Sam Rohrer:
Okay, and Bill, I’m sorry, but we’re just literally out of time. Thank you so much for being with me. Prophecy depot.com. Ladies and gentlemen, you can get more information about all the things that we’ve talked today about and a whole lot more. Thank you so much for being with us today and Dr. Bill Salus, again, thank you so much for being with us. Joining me tomorrow here constitutional attorney, David New will be with me and we’ll be dealing with a very current and very exciting, I think topic you won’t want to mess.
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