End Times Warning

Avoid Deception & the ‘spirit’ of antichrist

Feb. 3, 2025

Host: Hon. Sam Rohrer

Guest: Renton Rathbun

Note: This transcript is taken from a Stand in the Gap Today program aired on 2/3/25. To listen to the podcast, click HERE.

Disclaimer: While reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate transcription, the following is a representation of a mechanical transcription and as such, may not be a word for word transcript. Please listen to the audio version for any questions concerning the following dialogue.

Sam Rohrer:

Hello and welcome to this Monday edition of Stand and the Gap today, beginning of the first full week of February and hopefully, Lord willing, what will be a full week of relevant programs and analysis of headline news, which is what we do on this program, but always from a biblical worldview perspective. So thanks for being on board today with us and I trust that you’ll not only have a great day today or depending if you listen to this program at the end of the day, that God has blessed you this day and will do the following days of this week. Alright, well, to say that since the January 20 inauguration of Donald Trump that the world has been plunged into increasingly chaotic change would be an understatement. Everything seemed like it turned upside down, isn’t it? And as I’ve shared on previous programs the amount and the extent of change we are witnessing both domestic and globally as the result of well presidential directives of this new administration.

It’s frankly historic. Everyone’s been put on notice, so to speak, with threats of military intervention on several fronts actually carried out in Somalia. So that’s already happened in position of 25% tariffs on products into the United States from our major trading partners, Mexico and Canada, and a 10% tariff from China to China’s retaliation already imposing a 75% tariff on all US products into China. Global interactions and the markets are frankly up in the air. The issuance of over, well they’re saying now 350 executive orders in literally every area of significance. The announcement of major personnel changes and dismissals of well top FBI officials in just one area that is now the taking over of the US Department of Personnel and asking for resignations of two thirds of all federal government employees to the commandeering of the US Treasury and now the understanding and access to the complete check writing process and the history of the writing of checks by the department by now, Elon Musk and the DOGE efforts, the entire bureaucratic structure is changing.

Many would say collapsing things have changed and they’re changing fast. It’s impossible frankly for anyone to know how all of this change will work out and it would be foolish in my opinion, for anyone to believe that whatever the emerging replacement structures will look like, that they will be of certainty aligned with biblical principles and constitutional restraints. Since it is obvious that neither one of those standards have been adopted as either the guiding roadmap or restraining power over this current sweeping changes. So clearly the comprehensive changes are producing at best a global instability, maybe temporary, maybe long-term and confusion like never before. That’s at least one thing that we can evaluate what’s happening. So how should we as God fearing people think and respond to all of this? Well, it’s in these end days to which the Bible speaks, the word of God must be our comprehensive guide as I personally view what’s happening, the warning of Jesus to his disciples in Matthew 24, 4 jumps out in this passage, Jesus said, of these days in which we’re now living, take heed that no man deceive you.

He then says, for many shall come in my name saying I am Christ and shall deceive many. The Bible says of our days that the lead sign of the times is deception, and whether people, policies, promises, programs or priorities we’re all told not to be deceived and connected closely to this warning. In one John four, two and three, the Apostle John there warns this quote, every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. And this is the spirit of the antichrist which you have heard is coming and even now already is in the world. Well, it’s in this warning which I personally believe is one of our greatest needs in these days. The warning not to be deceived that demands a fuller understanding for all true believers if we are to truly guard against deception. For today’s conversation, I’ve asked recurring guest, Dr. Renton Rathbun regular speaker on matters of apologetics for and consultant to BJU press on the biblical worldview instruction with, I’ll just note here that BJU press is the largest producer of fully integrated and biblically consistent curriculum. I’ve asked Renton to join me again. The title I’ve chosen for today is this, end times Warning, avoid deception, and the Spirit of Antichrist. And with that welcome Renton to the program. Thanks for being here.

Renton Rathbun:

Thank you so much. Excited about this one.

Sam Rohrer:

I am too. We have far too much to carry. Let’s get right into it. I’ve mentioned some warnings from Jesus himself. Don’t be deceived, but it’s likely many people, most people perhaps don’t really know what this means. So start here. Please comment on the importance of Jesus’s warning and throughout scripture about the danger of being deceived and among all the warnings in scripture, many that are there, how would you rank the warning of not to be deceived? How important is this that true believers are fully aware?

Renton Rathbun:

First, we need to rid ourselves from that typical way that we think of deception, particularly in the 21st century. And as Americans, when we think of being deceived, we think of someone falling victim to a scheme that they are powerless to resist. I’m many people know the feeling of getting a text or getting a letter in the mail or getting an email that says, you owe money to the IRS and you need to call and it ends up being this deceiving thing and we just don’t know. Scripture does not speak of deception that way. Scripture talks about deception all the way back in Genesis three as we see Eve was deceived. Now Eve was deceived, but she did know the truth. So when we talk about deception all throughout scripture, what we’re talking about is someone that does know the truth like Eve did, but she exchanged the truth for a lie. What Jesus is saying when he says Don’t be deceived, he is not saying don’t become a victim to a scheme. He is saying do not condemn yourself to a lie. So for even being deceived, you’ll be held responsible. Therefore, as far as warnings go in scripture, be not deceived is at the top of the list. It’s a matter of damnation or salvation.

Sam Rohrer:

Alright, so it’s major and you’re saying it is an intentional act or choice. Is that what you’re saying? That to be deceived as often used in scripture, it is that somebody does know truth but they are willingly giving it up in exchange for something else? Is that what you’re saying?

Renton Rathbun:

That’s absolutely right. If you look at Romans one 20 through 25, what you’re seeing is deception comes in the form of a lie that has to be accepted. And so truth is known, but you have to exchange it for the lie.

Sam Rohrer:

Well that really then, ladies and gentlemen, think about that. Does that not make us all without excuse? Of course it does because what the scripture says, we are without excuse because God has given us his full word, his truth. So that’s what we do with that. That makes deception do not be deceived a lot different than what we normally think about when we come back. Stay with us. We’ll continue on with this as we get into the cause, the cause of deception and the process by which it actually occurs. Well if you’re just joining us today, we’re just heading right to the beginning of the program. We’ve set it up the theme today, end times warning, avoid deception, and the spirit of antichrist. Both of those come right off the pages of scripture. My special guest today, Dr. Renton Rathbun’s, a speaker and a consultant on matters of biblical worldview instruction for BJU Press does a lot of work in the area of apologetics and he and I on numerous programs have dealt with very specific issues that are of grave importance but seldom dealt with in today’s for most pulpits or anywhere in our culture, such as the one today deception.

Now understanding deception, we’re going to start walking through. We have a problem of deception. We talked about it briefly. Jesus warned against it, the scripture warns about not being deceived. So we’re going to move now into where’s it come from and the process You say understanding deception requires several things. Now one on the other segment, Dr. Rathbun mentioned the fact that biblical deception is something that well properly understood. We really are making the choice to substitute truth with something that is not intentionally meaning a choice. Just like it started with Eve in the guarded, she knew the truth and she willingly substituted it. Now that’s a key thought, but beyond that, there’s a couple other things I thought I could mention here. First, the acknowledgement that no one, not one person is innately by birth, by design, immune to deception. In fact, in scripture we’re all told to take heed lest we fall.

And the warning take heed all people. Jesus said, lest you be deceived. Why is that? Well, since the pride of one’s heart is existent, our depraved sin nature, it makes us all candidates for deception. So none of us should ever downplay Jesus’s warning and say, well, it’s for the other guy. Secondly, deception is only possible when you don’t know you’re being deceived. Now think about that deception is only possible when you don’t know you’re being deceived. As soon as you are awakened to the truth, you realize that a trick is being played, the illusion is gone, and then that takes you right into what Renton was talking about. It becomes a choice. I’m going to purposely substitute a lie for truth. Thirdly, these are things I’m just thinking through. In order for deception to work, there must be two parties, there must be a deceiver and there must be someone who’s able to be deceived.

So Renton, we’ve identified briefly in the last segment what I just talked about, the reality of the deception, prominent or age Jesus is warning to take heed, not to be deceived. Let’s talk about the conditions and the cause, and I’m going to put this together in this way. There must be a deceiver, obviously a process by which the lie can be made to appear to be the truth. We’ve referred to that. Here’s a question, what is the source or the sources of deception that face and confront us or put another way, the nature of deception and how impractical terms a person is deceived. And if it would be helpful, we didn’t actually define deception. You may want to throw that into this answer as well.

Renton Rathbun:

Okay, well when you look at Romans chapter one, and like I was saying before, if you look through 20 through 25, you see number one, that we are all without excuse. There’s no one in hell that can say I just didn’t know. It says in Romans one 20 through 21 that we’ve all looked around, we’ve all seen what God has done in this world and we are aware God has put it in us and he is made it known that we know God. But we have decided not to honor God or give him thanks and we profess to be wise, but we become fools because what we did according to verse 25 is we exchanged the truth for a lie. So if I was going to define deception, I would put it this way because it requires a pride, it requires a knowledge of the truth and it requires an exchange.

So deception is when I give into my pride and for my own desires I exchange the truth for a lie. I’ll say that one more time. Deception is when I give into my pride and for my own desires I exchange the truth for a lie. And when we think of the source of these lies that I’m exchanging, what we see is we’re already in the condition to suppress the truth and unrighteousness according to Romans one 18, but the lies have, we’re not able to come up with new lies. The lies come from the devil himself. John 8 44 says, Christ is calling the Pharisees. You are of your father, the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whatever he speaks is a lie. He speaks from his own nature for he is a liar and the father of lies. And without Christ, our father is the devil and we want to do his desires. His desires become our desires, and so we adopt his lies to avoid the truth, we’re suppressing the truth already, but now we need a lie. And that is what the devil provides for us.

Sam Rohrer:

So the father of lies the devil. He cannot say anything but a lie, which is what you have stated. He’s therefore continually putting it out there. So ultimately he is the lie. But when we sin, even the book of James talks about it that there are a couple things involved. It’s the flesh that we carry with us. There is the world generally, and there is the devil breaking out and put them together from the standpoint of all of them are able to deceive. They’re very similar, but they are a little bit different though, aren’t they?

Renton Rathbun:

Yes. So Ephesians two talks about our condition before we’re united with Christ, that we are children of the devil, but even after we’re saved, there is that old man still in us. That old desire to revisit as the Old Testament puts it like a dog to his vomit. We have this old man that wants to revisit that old life and that’s where James one 14 through 15 comes in. We’re aware of the lies out there that we can resist because we have Christ, but instead what we do is when we see or hear those lies, we entice ourselves using these lies developed by Satan and his children. We choose to be carried away in our own lusts using those lies and accepting the lie instead of the truth. And that is always the stance and nature of deception. What we have is the truth, but deception offers a pathway for us, a pathway that goes away from what’s real.

And when we do that, that’s when deception really gains a hold of our heart because there’s something in reality that we think is not enough for us, it’s not going to give us enough pleasure, it’s not going to give us what we think we want. We believe that what God has set forth in the story of the reality we live in isn’t enough for us and we want something more. And that’s when deception comes in where Satan has used his children to create all these lies and in our sin we entice ourselves with those lies to then turn to those lies to get away from what is real

Sam Rohrer:

Renton. One of the things I think that plagues us as human beings with all of these areas of flesh, the world and the devil that is about us all enticing us away from what God has said, one of those deceptive thoughts is the idea that well perhaps if we make the wrong decision or however it may be, that we in our minds feel that we perhaps could be justified or excuse it when we stand before God and we say, well it really wasn’t my fault, God, I was deceived. Answer that argument. Can a person ever escape the responsibility and just blame it on deception and get away with it?

Renton Rathbun:

One of the most difficult things to explain to people, especially today about true Christianity is the level of responsibility that God holds us to When we are talking about our sin, we all think of sin. And this has happened today in the Christian Church where sin has become something that has made us a victim and this victimhood is spread all over America, but Romans one 18 is clear. We are not ignorant of the truth. We know it, but we suppress it, even hate it. Before we turn to the alternative story or the deception to replace that truth with a lie, we think that just because we have loved our lie with so much care and with such consistent feelings upon which we have created all this passion for this lie and wanted it to be true so much that we begin to see the truth as unreasonable and unbelievable. We think now we have some kind of an excuse that we can use, but to get to the point where we have seen the truth is unreasonable and as foolishness and we’ve seen our lie as precious, we have sinned against the Lord, we have done that work and that’s why we will always be held responsible no matter what level of deception we have brought ourselves.

Sam Rohrer:

Ladies and gentlemen, think about the impact of that. Aren’t we not all confronted by this? Have we not all consciously repeatedly substituted the truth of God’s word in his commands for some alternative in our minds justified it. It’s never justified before God. A consequence of enormous is there. We’ll come back, we’ll continue and answer some key questions regarding this. Well, Renton, there are a number of questions that we’re not going to be able to answer all of them, but we’re going to try to get into some of them. But I would like to move from what we discussed in the last segment and the point that you’re making from Romans one is that the deception that is referred to there in scripture is something that is a purposeful, knowledgeable, without excuse choice that people make and substitute by choice God’s truth, substitute God’s truth for a lie and therefore enter into a deception.

That is one. I think that is a key thing. And then you talked a little bit about the nature of deception. We talked about it can come from the flesh and the world and the devil that even though we are redeemed and somebody is a believer in Jesus Christ, we still drag along a depraved heart and as long as we are in this world, we’re going to be confronted with the reality of deception, the world, the flesh, the devil all pulling us away from God. Alright? Now those are key things. In the first segment though, I referred to another place in scripture in one John where the apostle John actually refers to the spirit of antichrist already at work in the world, meaning at that point when he wrote that it was at the time of the early church 2000 years ago approximately, but certainly as Jesus’s word was, it’s going to be increasing as we approach the time when the antichrist himself, the great deceiver actually comes on the seam. Could you build out just a little bit and identify what does it mean in simple terms, the spirit of antichrist which is alive already today in this world, even though the antichrist will be coming,

Renton Rathbun:

Ephesians two, I want to go back to Ephesians two, one through three talks about the great deceiver Satan understood as father to his children. And so let me read it really quickly. And you were dead in your offenses and sins in which you previously walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience among them, we too all previously lived in the lust of our flesh indulging the desires of our flesh and of the mind and we’re by nature children of wrath just as the rest. So what we have is we have an active deceiver named Satan who is working with his children. Once we are saved, we are children of God. We are no longer children of the devil, but the devil still has his children.

So when we are tempted, when we’re looking at Facebook or we’re driving down the road and we see a billboard and there’s something on there that stirs our sin up, it took a lot of work for Satan to create a culture in which we sexualize so many things that we have so many things that entice us even as Christians, his sons of disobedience are at work. There is a spirit of deception, a spirit that says on this billboard, this is what will make you happy. This physical thing, definitely not this ethereal thing you guys are believing in called God. In other words, what he wants us to believe is we ought to be putting our faith in what we see and what we can get out of this world. We certainly should not be concerned with this idea that there’s something we can’t see. But what we do know is that Ephesians six is very clear that we do not fight flesh, but we are fighting principalities and powers. I can quote Jim Elliot, the martyred missionary said that we are in a battle to the death with principalities and powers in high places. That’s what’s really going on. That’s the reality. But his sons, Satan sons wants us through the spirit of deception, make us believe our true happiness and realities on this earth.

Sam Rohrer:

Okay, we could go so much further on that. I’m just going to let that hold for a moment, ladies and gentlemen. Hopefully you got that. And again, a lot of information is being shared. Again, you can get this program and a transcript, read through it off of our website, stand in the gap radio.com or off of our app, take advantage of that. It would be very, very helpful. I am sure. Here’s a question Renton like you to respond to if deception, well you’re saying it, we’re saying it’s a purposeful choice, but on the other hand, if a person is aware, then it’s not really deception as we generally view it to be. We’re actually a participant in it. But can deception or a deceiver be identified and then avoided without the work of the Holy Spirit in a person’s life? In other words, can an unredeemed person reliably identify a deceiver and deception and avoid it?

Renton Rathbun:

So what we’re talking about when we talk about deception as the Bible speaks of it, we are talking about and a real choice in which the truth had to be exchanged. Now what we’re not saying is that when this exchange happens, the person never really is convinced of the lie. We are saying they are convinced of the lie, completely convinced, but nor to get to that point, a lot of sin has to occur to get to that full convincing. And so can we identify or avoid this kind of deception from Satan without the work of the Holy Spirit in one’s life? Absolutely not. One Corinthians two, 10 through 15 is very clear that number one, the spirit searches out the mind of the Father and reveals those things to us. So the spirit has to be working to reveal those secret things of the Father to us.

And of course he does that through his word, but it also says that the spirit teaches us by combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words. And not only that, but the natural man will never accept God’s word number three because they won’t understand it and they think its foolishness. And number four, these things from God’s word that are revealed to us through the power of the Holy Spirit are spiritually understood. And that is how we can have the mind of Christ through Christ’s spirit, which we call the Holy Spirit. So without the Holy Spirit, it is inevitable for us as we suppress the truth and in righteousness to long for a lie, to then replace that truth. That is all we can do. That’s all we know. That’s all we understand because we are the sons of the liar, but only with Christ being in union with Christ so that we are able to have the Holy Spirit work on us. Are we able to recognize clearly when those lies come because we don’t have the mind of the deceiver, we have the mind of Christ.

Sam Rohrer:

Alright, I’m going to go back on this and say though, however that is true. I mean I have always believed that even as someone’s listening to the program right now and they listen, they say, oh, there’s a conviction of the Holy Spirit. Oh, in my life I have done this or I have thought this. That is evidence of the Holy Spirit who alone is able to reveal truth. But let’s go back to Romans one is that has not God in fact built into creation and enough awareness of the truth so that no one can stand before God and say, well, I had no idea that there was a creator of God. And therefore, I mean distinguish and differentiate those two just a little bit if you can.

Renton Rathbun:

Absolutely. So in Romans one, as we read down 18, 19 and 20, what we see is that God qualifies what he says, what he says by us suppressing the truth and unrighteousness. So he says God’s wrath is he’s filled with wrath against us. And why is he filled with wrath against us In Romans one 18, he’s filled with wrath because we have suppressed the truth in unrighteousness. Well what on earth does that mean? What does it mean that I’m suppressing the truth with my sin or unrighteousness? Well then it starts folding back all these things. This is why I’m saying this. Paul says, I’m saying this because God has not only put inside you knowledge of him where it’s already in your mind that your mind immediately goes to the idea that there is a God, but also he is made it plain in everything he has made.

When you look around, you can see the attributes of God based on how he built this world. And you can’t get away from the idea that it was built by God. That’s why everyone is without excuse. But all of that knowledge that we know who God is, not just that there is a God, but we know which one it is. It’s the one that created this world and we know his attributes from that. And we know these things. That is what we’re suppressing with our sin. We hate that idea. We suppress that with our unrighteousness. But in that suppression, as we know, nature despises a void. And so we have to fill it with something so it goes on. Why are we suppressing it? Because we didn’t give God thanks and we didn’t honor him. So what did we have to do? We had to suppress it, but we had to do something. We couldn’t just leave it with nothing. And so what we ended up doing was exchanging the truth for a lie. And that lie was that on this earth, the stuff of the earth will make you happy. The stuff of the earth is what’s real. The stuff of the earth will be your salvation and it’s the lie.

Sam Rohrer:

Alright, ladies and gentlemen, no doubt we’ve raised questions, trying not to let anything of key value unanswered, but it’s important to understand these principles. Now when we come back, we’re going to talk about solution. Alright? Now for those who have chosen to know the truth, as we pursue the truth, God will provide more truth if we shut the door and fill it with a lie. That’s it. That’s right. Now we come back, we’re going to talk about the solution. Well, as we go into the final segment, we often call this a solution segment. And there’s a reason for that is that it’s a pattern that’s throughout scripture. For instance, the Lord presents information. He presents the fact that we have a dilemma called sin. The law came and it proves that we are sinners, but the Lord does not let us there. He provides a solution.

God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son for what purpose So that we could be redeemed a solution. Now there’s only one solution and that’s God’s solution. Well, that’s what the word of God is. There’s truth, there’s one truth, that’s God’s truth. Everything else is a lie. And that’s what we should know. So as we try to come to the conclusion here now of this matter of deception and our title again for the program and the times, warning, void, deception, and the spirit of antichrist, which we defined a little bit in the last segment. Alright? Now as we try to wrap it up here today, the warnings of scripture, when I consider it and in my mind the warnings of scripture against being deceived means to me at least three things. And we’ve really touched on these in the program today, is that number one deception is real.

It’s a reality. Romans one is all about that in description. Jesus’s warning, deception is real. And as Jesus tells the disciple, it will only increase as we approach the revealing of the deceiver himself, the antichrist and those days are right ahead of us. That’s number one. Deception is real and it will increase. Secondly, by being prepared, a person can avoid being deceived. Alright? We don’t have to make those wrong choices. We don’t have to substitute for the truth a lie. Then thirdly, the word of God alone can guide us in how to identify both deceivers and deception and how to fortify ourselves against us. The Lord does not present us with a dilemma, but no hope, no never does he do that. We have a need and he always provides a way. Now are we going to do it? Ask the question. Renton, take a few minutes now if you don’t mind and lay out a roadmap for the person who chooses to heed Jesus’s warning not to be deceived. If it wasn’t a need, Jesus would not have said it, but it was important. So he said, take heed that you’re not deceived. A roadmap for our listeners who don’t want to be deceived.

Renton Rathbun:

As we think about a roadmap of how we can avoid deception, we also have to think of the roadmap that takes us into it. So when we are deceived, deception actually takes work. First of all, it takes a dissatisfaction with the truth. After we find ourselves dissatisfied with the truth, it takes a longing for a lie. Once we start longing for something different than what’s true, we then have to accept a lie and start justifying it. And we know exactly what that’s like. We accept a lie, we justify the lie, and then it takes work to begin to love and start defending that lie. I mean just like Eve who became dissatisfied with the truth that this tree is forbidden, it’s not for you. You don’t get the knowledge of good and evil, that’s not for you. She was dissatisfied with that. She began to long for the lie that it would be okay if she ate it anyway.

And then she accepted the lie and began to justify it by handing it to Adam. And as that happened, there had to have been something that she longed for, something she loved that that fruit was going to give her. And what you see is that deception is not passive. It’s actually an active defiance against God. That is why unbelief does not make you a victim. When you have a hard time believing in God or you’re like, I have doubts, we think that’s a victimhood where we’re struggling with that. Maybe you are struggling, but that is rebellion against the Lord because in creating dissonance with the truth, you’ve began to love a lie enough to have a hard time believing that there even is a God. Now, how do we deal with this? There’s some do’s and some don’ts. Lemme start with the don’ts. First of all, what Satan wants us to do is abandon reality.

How do you do that? That’s really hard. What you have to do is keep people escaping reality. So number one, be careful about your entertainment and how much you have and what you indulge in. Be careful about even how you deal with sports or politics and how much you indulge in that. Be careful how much you indulge in your social media. All those things have the potential of dragging you away from what is real and making you start falling in love with lies. Some things you can do, things that would be very helpful for you is start creating a pathway for daily listening to God. This means reading your scripture. Create a pathway for daily speaking to God. This is your prayer life. Create a daily pathway for you to think about God, where you set aside time for meditating on what you read that day.

Create a daily pathway to talk about God. You should be talking about God to your wife or to your husband, to your friends, to your children. Make it a habit to talk about God. Create a pathway in your day to learn about God. There are thousands of online resources that are really good. Great book. Grab a good book that speaks on God’s word or a topic that you need to know more about. Start learning. And lastly, create a pathway in your day that recognizes God’s work in your life. Keep a journal, create a calendar that reminds you what God did for you. My mom creates these little cards that she writes down. When God answers a prayer, whether it’s an answer they wanted or not, she writes it down and remembers how God has acted in her life. And those things keep you connected to reality.

Sam Rohrer:

Renton, superb. And ladies and gentlemen, we have just about a minute left. Can I just give you some thoughts from my perspective? And again, get the text because you won’t be able to write all this down. Maybe we’ll come back and talk about this further because this solution that Renton laid out and what I’m going to give here, I think are critical. Number one, as I look at that, which is about us, it ties in what Renton said. Number one, we must assume that what we are hearing is to some degree manipulated and deceptive. Assume that what we’re hearing is not true first. Secondly, we must apply the biblical command to test. In one John four 11, it says, beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God. For many false prophets are gone out into the world, and again, I’m just going to list these.

It’ll be in the transcript. What do we test? Well, we test the message. What we’re hearing is it conforming to God’s word. Secondly, we test the messenger. Is this individual telling the truth? What is his life like? Does he give a fear of God? Third, test the method. Doing the right thing also requires doing it the right way. You can do the right thing the wrong way. There’s a problem there. Next, test the motive to the extent that we can, what we’re hearing, what’s the motive behind it? And then another one I’m putting out, apply the false prophet test. Where to avoid false prophets. Well, can you identify a false prophet? Yes you can. The Bible gives the procedure. And fourthly, doubtful things test. After we’ve gone through the test, we don’t have support and confirmation from the Holy Spirit. Don’t embrace it. Alright, those items, you can go and you can find it in the transcript. Dr. Renton Rathbun, thank you so much for being with me today on this important program and times warning, avoid deception, and the spirit of antichrist. Ladies and gentlemen, hopefully this will help you in your days ahead.