This transcript is taken from a Stand in the Gap Today program originally aired on August 15, 2022.  To listen to the program, please click HERE.

Sam Rohrer:                      Well, hello and welcome to this Monday edition of Stand in the Gap Today and what’s going to be, I promise you a very full and practical series of programs this week with very special guests, including ours today. Our goal, as you know, if you listen to the program regularly is to bring to you headline news events and cultural issues of importance to all God fearing Americans with an analysis, we pray, which is always bathed in prayer, presented with godly wisdom and analyzed through the lens of scripture. Now, personally, I trust that you were able to be in God’s house yesterday, regardless of which state in which you live. And since we have radio stations, which beam this Stand in the Gap Today signal into every one of our 50 states, including Alaska and Hawaii, it’s good to be with you again, all across America, as we anticipate another week of programming here.

While we at Stand in the Gap, radio and TV and the American Pastor’s Network view our radio and TV platform as a giant pulpit from which we communicate the truth, want you to know that there is no substitute for being a part of a local family of believers and sitting under practical preaching from the word of God, faithfully presented just as the holy spirit inspired it.

And we’re here to help encourage and to edify and educate not only the pastors in the pulpits, but all of you anywhere you are across this country. And we do that by trying to present a biblical worldview analysis of the issues of greatest importance. As I said earlier to God’s people, God fears, and our nation as a whole, though, the resistance we know to truth in these days is very broad and it’s very deep. And we know that as scarce as truth tellers are in the realms of government and culture generally, and as aggressive as the enemies of truth have become in their efforts to silence or to cancel truth tellers, we all are familiar with that, the even larger problem Jesus warned his disciples about was deception and false prophets who in the end days, our days, because he said deceivers, most often don’t come dressed up like a wolf.

They come dressed up like a sheep or even masquerade as an angel of light. So what is our biblical responsibility in regard to deception and false prophet, just to be aware or was there more? How do we identify a deceiver? What does our duty once we do that, what is our duty as a believer to identify and warn others of deceivers? Well, today I’ve decided to talk about this very relevant issue along with Dr. Jamie Mitchell and our special guest today, senior pastor Cary Gordon, pastor of Cornerstone World Outreach Church in Sioux City, Iowa, and Brother Gordon is also co-producer of a recent documentary film, entitled Enemies Within the Church. And with that, let me welcome to the program for the first time, Pastor Cary Gordon. Pastor Gordon, thank you for being with us today.

Cary Gordon:                     Yeah, it’s an honor to be with you. I’m looking forward to the discussion and I hope that we can benefit and help everybody listening all over the United States.

Sam Rohrer:                      And that is our goal as well. And so let’s get right into it, Cary. I’ll just call you Pastor Cary or Cary, we’ll interchange that, but you along with Trevor Loudin and Judd Saul names that many of our listeners would recognize, you recently produced a documentary entitled Enemies Within the Church. In just simple terms and very briefly, what was or is the purpose for this film?

Cary Gordon:                     Well, the purpose of this film is to obey the scriptures. And the only way that we can stand up for truth is if we’re also willing to clarify and stand against lies and deception. Ultimately the reason why that’s important is lies and deception cause people to go to hell eternally. And the truth is the only thing that’ll set us free. And in the freest sense, it’s the truth that gets us born again and gets us into the kingdom of God so that we can spend eternity with the Lord.

So the duty of churchmen, ever since the very beginning, as you correctly pointed out from the scriptures is not only to preach the gospel, but to defend the gospel from those who had come incorrupt it and twist it and pervert ot, of course, ultimately they’re being inspired by the devil himself because Satan wants to beguile people and mislead them into error so that they find themselves standing before the father someday and he says depart from me, you’re a worker of lawlessness. I’ve never even known you. That’s the devil’s trap. He wants to bring people to hell. The gospel is here to save souls. And so we’ve got to stand for the truth and we have to stand against lies as well.

Sam Rohrer:                      Cary, probably if you go into most churches today, you would be hard pressed to find anyone sitting in the pew to be able to even describe or define the word apostate, but Jude and Paul and John and Peter and Jesus all spoke strongly and warned about these false teachers. Why is it the biblical duty of pastors, for sure, but all believers to watch out for these false prophets and masquerading angels of light?

Cary Gordon:                     Well, Jesus talked about it in John 10 and he made a contrast between true shepherds and false shepherds. And he was aiming that at his contemporary ministers, the rabbis, the Sanhedrin Pharisees, Sadducees in his time. And he described a false shepherd is ultimately a hireling. What is a Shepherd’s duty? Why does a shepherd tend the sheep? Of course, he’s using that analogy to talk about pastors or under shepherds that pastor the flock of God in a local church and their primary duty is to lead the sheep to places of safety, where they can eat grass and be happy little sheep and make new sheep and have little lambs. But there’s also the reality that there are wolves and the wolves want to come and eat the sheep. The sheep die a very bitter painful death. And the Shepherd’s duty is not just the positive, happy waltzing through the beautiful green hills, but also to violently defend the sheep from animals that wish to rip them to shreds, bleed them out and eat them.

And he said, “Jesus makes it clear, a false shepherd when he sees a wolf, he just runs away.” And so the very nature of pastoring is not just a preach, good, happy, wonderful things from the Bible. And there’s a lot of good, there’s a lot of happy and a lot of wonderful, but also you have to confront sin and you have to deal with the ultimate wolf, which is Satan, who the Bible describes as prowling about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. So a shepherd in the Hebrew country might have to defend not just from wolves, but also from lions. And you see that happening with King David. He had to fight a lion and excuse me, I’m thinking of Samson, but these kinds of animals are out there in the world that we live in, they’re spiritual animals. That is how people act. They want to devour to destroy, to kill. And they’re inspired by Satan who has been bringing false doctrine ever since he hung from a limb in the Garden of Eden. And-

Sam Rohrer:                      And that Brother Cary. I want to interrupt right there. Ladies and gentlemen stay with us because when the devil just doesn’t step out in front and just say, “I’m the devil, I’m here to deceive you,” there are certain things that are done to communicate deception. We’re going to talk about two of those which are covered in this film. And we’ll pick it up with our special guest, Dr. Cary Gordon, when we come back in just a moment.


Sam Rohrer:                      If you’re just joining us today, this is Sam Rohrer. Today with me is Dr. Jamie Mitchell. Our special guest is pastor Cary Gordon. He’s a senior pastor and president of Cornerstone World Outreach Church. He’s connected there. He’s also president of Peacemaker, not president of the church, but pastor there to church, but he’s also co-producer of a very recent documentary entitled Enemies Within the Church. They have a website where you can find out more information about this film and it is called

So and it’s the basis for the theme I’m talking about today here in the program, which I’ve entitled Enemies Of Truth in the Church, not just government and culture. We have a tendency to think that the enemies of truth are the media and the shapers of public narrative and governmental politically correct individuals sitting in classrooms and so forth. And they are there without a doubt, but it’s in the church too. Now in Matthew 24:3-11, Jesus himself warned his disciples that in the end days, and increasingly as this world approaches the very last days, the last days being the tribulation period, that deception would be the lead sign. He said, “Don’t be deceived.” But we know at that point also in a convergence, that’s going to be accompanied by wars and rumors of wars and pestilences and famines, and also the significant rise of false prophets who would lead many astray.

Jude speaks of the same reality in Jude 3-4 and that “believers must earnestly contend for the faith,” is what he says because certain men will have “crept in or will creep in unaware turning the grace of God into interesting word sensuality and denying by their preaching and their very lives, the reality of Jesus Christ as the only Lord God.” That’s what it says there in Jude. Then the Apostle Paul in second Corinthians 11-14 expands further by saying, “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ and no marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” The Apostle Paul goes on and says, “Therefore, it is no great thing if his,” the devil’s ministers, “also be transformed as ministers of righteousness.” So you get the idea. Deceivers never looked like deceivers. They look just like the opposite.

Okay, Brother Cary, this talk here, false teachings, Pharisees, deceptions such as the authority of the Lord, Jesus Christ is denied, which then permits wolves in sheep’s clothing to climb into the pulpit and other positions of God ordained authority. All of these things we’re just talking about there. Scripture warns us about. In your film, you expand upon and I’d like you to expand now further upon what you earlier identified. Actually, I wanted you to identify and I want you to do it right now. Because in the film you identified two primary philosophies, I would say more or less, which have been in my words, a conduit for false teaching in the modern church. Identify both of those, if you don’t mind and then go about and explain what the documentary says about proving the reality of take your first one and then we’ll go from there. What two issues?

Cary Gordon:                     Well, I assume that you’re talking about the terms, cultural Marxism-

Sam Rohrer:                      I am.

Cary Gordon:                     … and also the term, the social justice gospel. And it’s interesting that you notice that it’s two prongs on the same fork and essentially cultural Marxism is what we would refer to the exact same philosophy when it is not wrapped in Christianese, cultural Marxism is exactly what the social justice gospel is. The only difference is they dress it up and wrap it in Bible verses that are pulled from their context and they use it with Christian lingo to have it inside the church, whereas when they’re outside in the street doing a Black Lives Matter march, they don’t really care about the Christian lingo. So cultural Marxism and the social justice gospel are two terms for the exact same thing, one inside the church and the other that typically takes place out in the secular arena. And it’s very, very dangerous.

Sam Rohrer:                      Okay. Before you go into a little bit further, define justice first term right now. Cultural Marxism. People heard the word. Can you define it first of all?

Cary Gordon:                     Yes. Sure. Well, you remember in 1848 Karl Marx and Ann Gulf decided that they wanted to do a divide and conquer scheme. And so they broke society into two simple arenas to pit them against each other, to deconstruct and create tension so that after the fight was over, they could reshape society. And Karl Marx’s initial approach was to say, “Most of the world are workers and a very small segment of the world are owners.” And so he divided society into those two arenas and he primarily focused on the economic financial arena exclusively. That’s really where he put all of his effort and energy and it worked really well. And so that is economic Marxism, right? That’s the original form that Marxism came in. You use envy and greed and lust and all of these sinful, natural tendencies inside a fallen man to cause him to fight and squabble over equal pay and egalitarianism and all of those types of things.

Well, it worked really well. So then you move forward to the 1930s and they said, “This thing about divide and conquer works really well. We’ve split the world into two groups. One is a victim group and the other is an oppression group. The workers are the victims. The owners are the oppressors.” Just imagine how [inaudible 00:14:06] here. And so in the 1930s, they added sexism and racism and classism and they called it triple oppression. And this is where cultural Marxism began to take place rather than only focusing on economics and money, talking about class and skin color and gender and equality and egalitarianism in those cultural areas.

So basically cultural Marxism is applying a divide and conquer strategies, creating new classes of victims, not just in the financial arena, but now expanding that to almost everything you can possibly imagine. Now, if you move forward to right now, the year 2022, here are the victim groups. You could be divided by race, economic status, geography, sexual fetish, sexual gender, your physical disabilities, your religion, where you went to school, your age, your nationality, and even species, believe it or not, transhumanism teaches it’s possible to not just be a human. You could be a varying and evolving species. So there is an endless ocean now of victim status classes that you can find yourself in and declare yourself a victim and then go to war against all the oppressors, right? It’s divide and conquer on steroids. That’s what cultural Marxism is.

Sam Rohrer:                      And the problem, Cary, is because of our lack of discernment in the church, pastors and Christians have gotten duped by this cultural Marxism. I mean, I was shocked a couple of summers ago seeing and watching pastors be supportive of a Marxist group like BLM. But let’s talk about that second aspect, social justice. Christians are supposed to be concerned about the community, concerned about the ills and the problems around us, but we’re not talking about doing community outreach. Can you help us understand this social justice gospel and the evils behind it?

Cary Gordon:                     Exactly. Well, cultural Marxism takes on the veneer of the gospel and finds its way into the church really pretty easily. Because if you think of the cultural Marxism as it applied to classism, racism and sexism, those are simple. That’s the trifecta. The triple oppression from the 1930s, which was a clear communist Marxist strategy to divide and reshape society. Well, if you get into the church, naturally Christian people are against racism, right? And also we don’t like real sexism. We don’t like to see someone treated poorly just because they have the female gender. And so these are natural things that stem from a born again soul. We don’t want people to be treated badly for any reason. I mean the golden rule is, we’re to do unto others exactly as we would have them do unto us. And then you sense some kind of injustice.

The Bible says that we’re not to show preference to someone who is wealthier than someone else by only inviting the wealthy people to come sit up in the front or at the best table at the feast, the head table. But that we should be sort of blind to that and invite anyone because they’re human made in God’s image and love everyone equally, love everyone fairly within the church. So then you can see how quick classism, racism and sexism can find an audience and a pulpit within the church because the Bible does have a lot to say about those types of issues. And so what they do is they don’t just, it’s like you were saying earlier in the show, the devil doesn’t just show up in a red suit carrying his pitch fork. The serpent hanging from the branch in Eden just asked questions and they seemed like harmless questions, but he had a sinister motive and Satan almost always uses a lot of truth to deceive people into error and just slips in just enough deception, mixed with the truth, to get them out of order and into error.

And that’s what goes on. You start to talk about racism and sexism and classism in the church using legitimate topics from the scripture. And then you’re able to sneak in some cultural Marxism, without anybody even recognizing what they’re listening to.

Sam Rohrer:                      And ladies and gentlemen in the next segment, stay with us, we will continue with Pastor Cary Gordon here, as we look at the biggest threat to the American church.


Sam Rohrer:                      We’ve identified the problems here, cultural Marxism, social justice, gospel. Now we’re going to give some examples. So before I get back into the program, I thought I would share just one listener comment that I got this morning. Came in from an individual. Her name is Vivian. That’s all I’m going to give at this point. She is from Palm Coast, Florida, and she had this comment. She said, “I love listening to your podcast. I try to catch up on all of them since I don’t listen to the live podcast,” meaning the radio program right here. She said, “Thank you for your truth and godly stand on our country and various other issues. I would not know or understand any of these. If I didn’t listen to godly men and women proclaiming the truth.” Vivian, thank you so much for that because what you just said there is what we hear from people all across the country.

And ladies and gentlemen, pray for us. If you’re not praying for us and partnering with us, but listening to this program and benefiting and what Vivian just said there, if that’s the way you feel, make sure. Please pray for us, partner with us. Partner with us financially as well, as this lady did. And so many do. That is so that we can put this program on other stations as an example, or do more than we’re doing to help communicate the truth, which we all know it is the truth that sets one free. And that’s why we call this program Stand in the Gap. Stand in a gap for what? Truth. And that’s what this program is about today and every day that you listen to this program or Stand in the Gap Weekend or Stand in the Gap Minute or the TV program that is available.

So anyways, just that. And I’m going to get right back into. We have a lot to go over here with our special guest Pastor Cary Gordon, who is a co-producer I guess I’ll put it that way. He’s the primary narrator in a documentary recently produced entitled, Enemies Within the Church. And that’s why we’re focusing on today. It comes off of that. I’d encourage you go to that website,, download that video, get ahold of it. You will find it to be, let’s put it this way, extraordinarily informing, extraordinarily well documented, but it’s what we need to do. Now, let’s go back into it here.

While it should go without saying false prophets proclaim false truth. Now in the pulpits, they preach and teach damnable heresies or destructive heresies, and you say, “Wow, that’s strong language.” Well, that’s what the Apostle Peter uses, exactly those words in 2 Peter 2:1. Then in verse two, the Apostle Peter warns of one eternal consequence of that happening of false prophets, higher links in the pulpits, deceivers masquerading as angels of late. He says this, “And many will follow their sensuality.” It’s another word. Couple times in scripture false prophets are referred to as offering a sensual gospel, a sensual message appealing to the flesh and perhaps more. But again, Peter says here, “And because of them, the way of truth will be blasphemed.” Very interesting. So not only is truth attacked and undermined by false prophets, the very essence of deception and lies the literal way of truth, and when you think about that’s  blasphemed.

Now, who is the way of truth? It’s Jesus Christ who said he is, “I am the way and the truth.” And along with that comes the ultimate persecution of Christians who follow, as we know the scripture says, the way and that’s prophesied so clearly in scripture. So there’s a lot that works together with this. Cary let’s get back into the documentary, Enemies Within the Church you document, not only the problem, the what we’re just talking about that in the last section, cultural Marxism, finding its way into the church and manifested with religious terms more or less, that becomes the social justice gospel as you described it. So going back to the two core strategies used by the enemies of truth to sneak lies into the pulpit, start first with cultural Marxism. If you can divide it, if not blend them together, however, but how has this been done and done so successfully and what contemporary philosophies? You’ve named some but name them again, have been the carrier through which Marxism has literally been brought into many pulpits. How is that done?

Cary Gordon:                     Yeah, absolutely. So dovetailing on what we have already laid down in our discussion, I sometimes say it like this, Karl Marx’s approach, his Marxism in 1848. We call that Marxism 1.0 and then you move up to the 1930s when they introduce triple oppression, which is cultural Marxism. They divided everybody classism, racism, sexism. I would call that Marxism 2.0. Fast forward to right now, when you’ve got all these different victim classes, race, economic status, geography, sexual fetish, sexual gender, let’s call that Marxism 3.0. And so how they get it into the church is really primarily, it seems that first we have these problems that erupt after the reformation, about 100 years out of the reformation and in the movie we delve into these three philosophies that I think are the root of all of our trouble in the church. And they leave a wide open gate for cultural Marxism to sneak in. The first one’s called antinomianism.

And that’s the idea that the law of God from the Old Testament has no bearing at all on Christian living today. And that’s very, very dangerous heresy. It’s not true. Jesus didn’t die on the cross to make the 10 commandments moot. It’s still wrong to lie. It’s still wrong to steal. And we still ought to honor our father and mother and not kill people, right? So antinomianism is a treacherous thing. But once you detach yourself from the law of the Old Testament, one of the first things that happens is you’re able to shape human sexuality in whatever direction you want it to go and justify virtually anything. And so using the old triple oppression approach of sexism, which used to be about, Hey, women they ought to be able to vote and things like that. Well now it’s in Marxism 3.0, you have the church actually supporting sodomy.

You have people who are practicing homosexuals, who are men marrying men, women marrying women, which is an abomination in the scripture, but because they’ve adopted antinomian theology and they don’t think the Old Testament matters anymore, they’re able to sort of create this laissez-faire of sex, they’re denying the authority of scripture over human sexuality. So one of the big wedges right now in how they’re getting cultural Marxism in the churches is over the issue of human sexuality. Divorce is rampant. Remarriage, which Jesus was very hostile toward at the very least among divorced people, divorce, remarriage, adultery, homosexuality denying the [inaudible 00:26:28] of scripture, the authority of the Bible over human sexuality is a huge way that cultural Marxism has trounced over top of almost every denomination in the United States today. And the other is economics.

We’re still using that Marxism 1.0 in the church now, because we’re saying, “Hey, Jesus cared about poor people and so should we. The question is, should the state be forcing and confiscating other people’s money and then giving it to who they want or didn’t Jesus teach us that compassion and generosity should come from willing individuals. That’s the bottom line. So primarily the wedge is human sexuality and then what to do with poverty. Those are the two ways that Marxism has infiltrated very successfully, the church in the United States.

Sam Rohrer:                      Cary, I was going to bring up those three issues. I watched this movie last week. I couldn’t stop watching it. Everybody listening to Stand in the Gap needs to go to your website and watch this movie. You need to help us become discerning in the same way.This social justice gospel is even a more insidious way that it’s getting into the church. Can you give us some contemporary illustrations on how this moves its way into the church and gets a grip and maybe even give us a profile of pastors or churches that are falling prey to this?

Cary Gordon:                     Well, absolutely. And I think one of the easiest ways to help people understand and discern the difference between the real gospel of the Bible and the false social justice gospel is when you put it like this, right? So if you look at the real gospel, you look at Acts and you look at some of the fiery sermons of Peter. I think it’s Acts 2 when he confronts the wicked people who were guilty of putting Jesus on the cross. And he says, this phrase. He says, “I am preaching of Jesus Christ, whom you crucified.” And he was confronting them with the law of God and trying to provoke their conscience so that they would feel guilt, which would give them the criteria that they needed to repent.

The difference between the real gospel presentation is, it says to all of us whom you crucified. The real gospel says, “Your sins put Jesus on the cross.” The social justice gospel, “Says you’ve been abused. You’ve been a victim.” And that’s not what the real gospel says. The real gospel says, “You’re the villain.” The false gospel of the social justice movement says, “You’re a victim.” The real gospel says, “You must repent for your complicity and the murder of the son of God.” The false gospel says, “Many people of every strata all over the world have done things to oppress you, and you need to get them to realize how they’ve wronged you and repent to you.”

So the real gospel says, “You’re the villain. You need to repent to God for what you’ve done. And you can be forgiven.” The false justice gospel tells you that, “You’re the victim. Everybody needs to repent to you,” and consequentially, I don’t think that those people ever forgive anybody for anything that has been done to them. And so it’s just a perpetual state of anger, bitterness, and victimhood. It’s not freedom. And the ultimate problem is people that fall prey to this teaching are not getting born again. And they’re not going to go to heaven.

Sam Rohrer:                      And there you go, ladies and gentlemen, and that’s the bottom line. That’s the purpose of deception, what the devil wants to take people’s souls to an eternal hell away from God. Brother Cary, you just laid that out in a very clear, understandable way. Thank you. When we come back, ladies and gentlemen, we’ll talk about the solution.

Sam Rohrer:                      Well, if you’re listening still and you hear me right now and you say, “Wow, this has been pretty interesting discussion here today,” hopefully you have found it to be that way because this issue that we’re talking about, enemies, enemies of truth, cultural Marxism named one piece of it, the social gospel movement, broad very deep part of many quasi-Christian organizations. Many who you will hear even on Christian radio or TV are promoters of social gospel. Sounds good, not true. And we went through that. Why do we need to know about this?

Well, Jesus warns us about it. So did Apostle Paul and Peter and Jude. It’s all the way through scripture. Why? Well as our special guest Pastor Cary Gordon said, it ultimately is about the souls of men. If we are deceived and remain deceived and therefore dead in our sins, then we will go to hell. It’s as simple as that. But God doesn’t intend for that to be so and so let’s come to the solution now. We’ve identified how some of this has gotten here and I will say that in this documentary, you will find organizations, you will find people by name, by quote. You will find them talking in their words, not what somebody said, but you can listen to themselves, who are in this space of not telling the truth, meaning they are deceiving. And we’re not going quite that way here right now, today in the program. I didn’t intentionally go down the road of saying, “Give me the names of the organizations and the people.” We could, but I want to stay more on the principle behind it because there is a reason why we must know the truth.

And that is so we can identify the evil because it’s eternality of one soul that depends upon it. So I want you to remember that principle today, but you can find out all the organizations and a lot of work that has been done in that documentary, Enemies Within the Church.

So when it comes to the matter of truth and deception, all right, can I just summarize it by saying this? They are competing enemies. They don’t get along. They better not get along. They cannot coexist. Truth and error are by nature warring enemies with very specific different strategies. Ultimately we know as believers that God is the author of truth. Jesus Christ is the very personification and the embodiment of truth. He proclaimed, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” That’s pretty final, pretty clear. We know that the word of God is the established and written truth by which we can both learn, to know, live and defend the truth.

Satan, on the other hand is the opposite of truth. He is a lie. Matter of fact, he’s the father of lies, also called the great deceiver. His mission, to counterfeit the truth, counterfeit God. And soon as we approach further into the end days, he’s going to arise as the counterfeit anti-Christ. His entire purpose is to deceive mankind in regard to the truth of salvation as being the true gospel, that Brother Cary just spoke about in the last segment, through faith in Jesus Christ alone. Why? Well, so that the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ alone, which Bible says is the only thing that can pay for his sin and save souls. Satan’s goal and goal of deception, damnable heresy, and false teaching that Peter uses is to lead souls to hell. It’s that simple. So what do we do about it? All right, Cary, in this documentary, you do attempt to bring forth a biblical solution. Can you share this solution to this problem of what we just talked about today?

Cary Gordon:                     Right after I say this, I want to say, thank you to you and your co-host for having me on today. It’s been wonderful. I consider it a privilege. Any chance I get to talk about the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ to an audience, I love it. I’m a pastor. I love people. I want people to know Jesus and go to heaven. So thank you for that. But yes, the movie is really, really important and I hope that your audience will go and watch it for themselves at It is a two hour documentary. We have primary source documentation for absolutely everything we say in the film. It is backed up, rock solid, battleship ready for court. No one has threatened to sue us, not even one time, because they all know that we’ve done nothing but say the truth, but we do provide solutions.

The movie’s not just a complaint. We’re not just pointing out all the problems with the world. That’s not too difficult to do, frankly. But what we’ve done is we’ve drawn attention to a subtle error and a deception, that many good people, good people with good hearts that love the Lord are getting sucked into, not really aware of how devious it truly is. We’re trying to rescue people from deception that are otherwise good people. That’s what we’re trying to do. And at the end of the film, we don’t just leave you hanging. We say, “Look, here’s some solutions.” In fact, if you go to our website,, at the top of the webpage, you’ll see a button and it says “four steps to save America.” Click that button. Step one is, watch the movie. Step two, repent of your sins. It’s easy to point out other people’s sins, but we’ve all sinned and fallen short of the glory.

What are things that you can change about your life? What are errors you’ve made that you need to get right with God? We want everybody to watch the film. Number two, repent for your own sins. We’ve got some wonderful literature there that explains how to save America. What’s the kingdom of God? Have you been born again? And all of those types of things. Then step three, get equipped with a biblical worldview. We’ve got two really awesome sources and courses where you can go and find out what the Bible has to say about literally every issue that we face today in the west and a biblical worldview is essential. If you don’t know what the Bible says and how to apply it, you’re not going to bring solutions to America. So we want everybody to get a biblical worldview. And then finally, step four is confront evil.

And we have an article, How To Defend Your Nation By Winning Your City. And I give you a breakdown of what I’ve been doing for over 20 years in my community and how I’ve helped Christian people get elected to office and do good things in office. I’ve actually helped over 100 people over the last 20 years get a worldview and then launch out into Romans 13 ministry where they’re serving the community in elected or intra political offices and being salt and light in our culture. So that’s how you do it. Please go watch the movie and thank you again, gentlemen, for having me on your show. It’s a real privilege.

Sam Rohrer:                      And Cary, thanks for being on here with us and for sharing that information. Jamie, let me go to you just to wrap up a little bit here because you just watched this documentary. We’ve talked a long time. Well, purpose Standing in the Gap for truth is defend the truth, resist the evil, which we’re supposed to do. You have a little practical approach that you came up with that God brought to your mind. Would you mind sharing that because it might just click with some of our listeners?

Jamie Mitchell:                 Well, Sam, what’s interesting is just two weeks ago, I was preaching in 1 John 2 and the profile of an apostate. And then you link me to this movie and I watched it. I had heard of Cary before, fabulous. But the problem in the church today, Sam, is discernment. You remember when 9/11 happened and the Department of Homeland Security put together a color code saying, “Hey, this is the terrorist warning signs. We’re at intensity level.” I think that’s happening in the church today. We need to get more and more discernment on how intense things are. And the problem with terrorists in general is, they slip in, they start living among us, they look like us, they act like us. We welcome them, we open our arms to them and out of love, forgiveness, care, grace, they become part of us. This is what’s happened in the church and Cary’s movie hits on it and I just can say it over and over again, the church needs to become discerning.

Sam Rohrer:                      And ladies and gentlemen, that’s about as practical as we can get. And with that, thanks for being with us today, Pastor Cary Gordon. He’s a co-producer of that film, You can go there. Jamie, thanks for being here with us. And ladies and gentlemen, thank you. And again, underpinning why we always say, make a decision to pursue the truth, embrace it, and then Stand in the Gap for truth, wherever God puts you.