America, Prophecy, and the Ways of God
Nov. 6, 2024
Host: Hon. Sam Rohrer
Guest(s): Dr. Carl Broggi
Note: This transcript is taken from a Stand in the Gap Today program aired on 11/6/24. To listen to the podcast, click HERE.
Disclaimer: While reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate transcription, the following is a representation of a mechanical transcription and as such, may not be a word for word transcript. Please listen to the audio version for any questions concerning the following dialogue.
Sam Rohrer: Well today is November the sixth, and of course we know it’s the day after the election, but it’s also, as we said yesterday in this program, a lot of people don’t know this. An estimated expenditure of $16 billion of Republican and Democrat campaign funds culminated yesterday. It was in a win in both popular vote and electoral college vote for as we know Donald Trump. And with this win, it makes him the first president in over 150 years to actually win a second non-consecutive term to office of US president and it will make him also the oldest president to ever assume office in our nation. It’s a significant thing. The impact of the election results are already being felt in our nation and around the world. In some ways, I’m going to say we cannot imagine, but then in some ways we can reasonably anticipate. And today and in the days ahead, people on all levels and pundits of all types will attempt to give their opinion on the results from yesterday’s election and what they mean.
Sam Rohrer: More information comes out and the statistics are evaluated because at the time we do this program, counting is still going on and people are still crunching numbers. One thing I think will likely occur, and that is people and people’s human strategies, the marketers, the planners, the strategist will tend to claim victory. Donors are going to be presented with information to prove that their investments made the difference and people will be lining up expectations of political rewards while others are anticipating the sorry end of their political control and access to power. That just always happens in times of change. In the end, I will believe that with costly ramification, God’s role in the process will likely receive precious little, if any attention, but every believer and God-fearing person must consider yesterday’s results in the unfolding events in these days ahead. I think with great care and significant sobriety, walking in faith and earnest prayer and holy living even more now than before.
Sam Rohrer: So in today’s program, which is our monthly Israel prophecy and Middle East focused, Dr. Carl Brogue, senior pastor of Community Bible Church in Beaufort, South Carolina and host of his own radio program entitled Search the Scriptures, it’s going to be with me. We’re going to stay on focus with our recurring Ephesus with Israel and this prophecy area, but blend it in to the consideration of our election result and America’s role in prophecy. The title I’ve chosen for today’s program is this America Prophecy and The Ways of God. And with that from South Carolina, Carl Broggi, thank you for being with me today.
Carl Broggi: It’s great to be here the day after the election, Sam, blessing to share the broadcast with you.
Sam Rohrer: Well, it’s great to have you on as well because coming from this different perspective, there will not be many people doing the perspective we’re going to be doing on this program. They’re going to be caught up with what I just explained. But I think we need to look at it from God’s perspective and without getting into the political part, because the US House and the Senate, they’re still up in the air. There’s things taking place on that, but I think it’s imperative as Christian leaders that we bring to this moment a biblical perspective. So let me just start out by asking you this general open question. Do you believe that our nation, our people, should interpret a Trump win and a GOP win, which appears it’s going to be the case as evidence that this is the result of God’s blessing on America because we’ve returned to him in humility and obedience or perhaps a demonstration of God’s undeserved mercy to us as a nation or perhaps even part of God’s sovereign plan for our nation and the world unfolding in ways that we don’t yet know. I mean, so I’ve given you three ways we could look at it. Add to that comment, what are your thoughts?
Carl Broggi: Well, probably a combination of all three. I’ve been praying in our church when we meet for corporate prayer, Lord, don’t give us the leaders that we deserve because we certainly have as a nation turn from the Lord the majority of Americans, Sam, as they still sanction the murder of little children in the womb, 64% of Americans support the legality of abortion and most are in all cases. And so all of course the Dobbs decision did was to toss it to the states. Only about 9% believe abortion should be wrong in all circumstances, unless a mother’s life was truly threatened. As a nation we’re sanctioning what God calls evil and God hates it. When we treat children in just a flagrant way and we don’t care about little children, it’s better to have a millstone pulled by a donkey tied around your neck. We’re still mutilating children in America, which is beyond belief.
Carl Broggi: There are three states where parents have absolutely no say that if a child wants to come under the protection of the state, they can have their body changed, they can be on puberty blockers and the like. Apart from that, and this is more widespread, is children in the government school system without exception virtually or being indoctrinated with the L-G-B-T-Q-I-A lifestyle and God finds that to be an abomination. And then I would say finally, most Americans sadly are just giving lip service to God as seen in their attendance on the Lord. Say before covid, most of the surveys said somewhere between 20 and 30% of Americans on any given Sunday were in church post covid, but most say around 20%. Like church track, religion unplugged that actually uses cell phone data where you are physically at and don’t know how they do this, but they only say about five to 6% of Americans physically are in a place of worship.
Carl Broggi: And the Lord says, what I’m trying to say is when we woke up this morning, we have a new president. And again, God is sovereign, that’s Romans 13. God can certainly use our new president. We want him to, in my view, certainly he’s far better than the choice we had who was more flagrant in her evil expressions. But as a nation we’re fundamentally the same people. And so we’ve been bought some time, maybe we can use the time as evangelicals, as Bible, believing Christians to turn our nation back in the direction of the Lord. But we’re fundamentally the same nation and we’re still under the judgment of abandonment that Romans chapter one speaks of.
Sam Rohrer: Okay, Carl, that takes us pretty much to the break, ladies and gentlemen. I’ll take an add to that. Carl, you really reflected my sense is America’s spiritual condition, ladies and gentlemen, has it changed since Monday? The people of America have spoken perhaps not so much in full support of the man Trump or even his policies, but as much as spoken, I think against the woman Kamala and her policies. But as Carl said, America’s votes, eight out of 10 states who had abortion on the ballot lifted their fists against the God of heaven and said, we don’t agree with you God in your value of life. So therefore, and we’re going to talk a bit about it perhaps, did God give us what he did because of our alignment with Israel? That’s a consideration as well. And we’re going to work that in now to the balance of the program.
Sam Rohrer: We’re going to go to God’s bigger plan. Let’s just talk about nations and how does God work with nations? What is his plan for the nations? Well if you’re just joining us this day after the election, November 6th is the day we’re on Wednesday. Thank you for being with us because we’ve made some comment. My special guest today recurring guest, Dr. Carl Brogue who senior pastor of Community Bible Church in Beaufort, South Carolina. Someone who I know I’ve heard from many, many of you listening have come to really appreciate his preaching and his time on the program. But this was also a pre-scheduled day or bi-monthly focus on Israel prophecy and the Middle East. So rather than jetting this focus, I thought, is there a nexus between what just happened yesterday in the election perhaps and the Middle East? Of course there are many, we’re going to try and build some of them out, but in elections it’s easy to think that everything revolves around our nation.
Sam Rohrer: I mean, we’re talking American elections, so we’re thinking about America, but when Russia has elections, the Russians think about Russian elections and so forth. You get my point. So it’s important to think about from God’s perspective, how is God looking at what’s happening here today as a reflection of how we should. So viewing any election or change in national leadership as the end all is always dangerous. So if there are some of you listening think, well now we can sit back and breathe because we’ve got a reprieve, everything’s going to work out from now dangerous, don’t do it. That’s not true. But what elections or leadership changes do represent, they represent a change in leadership and policies that will result though they’re not necessarily all those policies and decisions are going to be good or necessarily all bad. Since this principle in scripture prevails, the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord and like rivers of water, he God turns the heart of that king position of authority wither.
Sam Rohrer: So God wills. Now that’s the prevailing underneath principle. So what elections do represent also are opportunities for the citizens and those in positions of authority to make decisions from that point on that either acknowledge God with an understanding that an account of those in office or those individuals will be given to God for all the decisions we make and therefore affects our decisions and perhaps align our decisions with God’s requirements that God imposes to bring national blessing which we all want or perhaps to continue to forget God and in pride which God hates, make self-oriented decisions and policies which forget God and of necessity according to scripture will bring about God’s judgment. So it’s a time for consideration of our ways and what we do. Alright, so Carl, in this segment I’d like for you to start by describing what call God’s bigger plan for nations and leaders, God’s purposes for them and his purposes through them to put it that way, the bigger picture so we can view our place in history within God’s larger picture and plan for nations and leaders. Would you do that please?
Carl Broggi: Well certainly. To understand the relationship of a nation to Israel, you have to understand what government is all about. And there are many central passages, especially Romans 13, where Paul says every person is to be subject to the governing authorities for there’s no authority except from God. And those which exist are established from God. People will often say, well what about wicked governments and vile and pagan presidents? Are they established by God? Well, God tells us in the book of Daniel the king, Nebuchadnezzar had received his kingdom from God. And Daniel too, Daniel says, you owe king or the king of kings, the God of heaven has given you your kingdom. And so God is the one who gives kings and presidents their authority. Now, as Americans we might think, well I thought I voted that I established the authority. No, God is ultimately the one who gives authority to all governments and we are to submit to those.
Carl Broggi: Jesus affirmed the same truth. If you remember when he stood before Pilate, I think it’s in John 19, and they arrest him because he makes himself out to be a king. And Pil says, I have authority to release you and to crucify you. And Jesus said, no, you have no authority unless it has been given to you by God. And so God is the one who establishes governments and he calls believers to submit to them that we are not an exception to the rule. What the exception of course is if they ask us to do something contrary to the Lord’s will. And so Proverbs says, by me king’s reign in rulers decree What? That’s what God says as he personifies wisdom. And so like Micah the prophet said, A government is to do justice, the love, kindness, the walk humbly with the Lord. And so that’s the purpose of governments.
Carl Broggi: And to have a government that is established by God that rule over people, then you have to have borders. And of course Acts 17 addresses that subject. Lemme just turn there. It says God made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation. So God establishes borders and boundaries. And as you study the book of Genesis and the Tower of Babel, one principle reason is to maintain order and to keep the spread of evil When there was a singular language, evil had more freedom to cooperate. When God divided the nations by language, by people, group by border, that freedom for evil to spread was greatly, greatly limited. And of course, this is why it’s important for our own government to honor the borders that we have something that’s been ignored for the last several years where thousands of people are coming in. There’s nothing wrong with people coming into a nation, but God affirmed in the book of Deuteronomy that if the alien is he calls them, comes into Israel, they have to live under Israel’s laws. But when you lose that authority because you don’t know who’s coming in the front door, then you begin to crumble from within as a nation. And so governments are established by God, borders are established by God and we need to acknowledge that as the people of God.
Sam Rohrer: Alright, and with that, in the same text in Acts, the purpose, God has a purpose not just to maintain order, but there’s actually a purpose related to finding truth. Is there not in that passage in verse 27?
Carl Broggi: Yeah, he goes on. He says here that they may seek God if perhaps they might feel around for him and find him. Though he is not far away from each one of us. For in him we live and move and exist. And even some of your own prophets have said this for we are all his descendants. Paul, if your remember is on Mars Hill, they are worshiping a multiplicity of gods. They are going against what they know to be true through creation and conscience. And Paul takes this unknown God and he says he’s actually very knowable and that if you would seek him or grow for him, you would find him for in him the living God who created the heavens in the earth. We live and move. And he quotes even one of their poets, a guy by the name of ERUs to remind them that we are his children and not in a spiritual sense, but in the book of Malachi, all people are God’s children in a physical sense and that we’re created by him only those of course who’ve received Christ have given the authority to become children of God. And so the Lord wants them to know that we’re his offspring is the next verse underscores.
Carl Broggi: And so like gold or silver or stone, those aren’t gods, those are lifeless. We’re to seek the one true God. And again, government in borders help to allow that to happen in the freedom for it to unfold.
Sam Rohrer: Okay, and Carl in two minutes left in this segment, but God also lays out for all nations. He gave it to Israel, Deuteronomy 28, give your thoughts on that. But he did set up a conditional plan. If you do what I say, then blessing will come. And if you don’t do what I say, then judgment will come. That’s a good one to remember in align with what we’re talking about today, it applies to us as well as every nation in time. Share just the briefest part of that if you don’t mind.
Carl Broggi: Yeah. So Ben Franklin was a deist and he argued that God was the creator but he wasn’t up close and involved in the nation. I hope he had a change of heart through the preaching of Whitfield. But the Bible would say no, God is very much involved in the nations of the world. He can say righteousness exalts the nation, but sin is reproach to any people. And so God doesn’t wink at our sin. He judges nations for their sin and scripture is very, very clear on this. And so if we ignore the principles of God, whether we’ve read the Bible or not, Romans two 15 says he’s written those principles into our heart such that our conscience either accuses us or defends us. If we ignore that and we rebel against it, then God brings his judgment. That’s the thrust of Romans one. They knew of God’s existence but they didn’t acknowledge him as God. So he gave them over to sensuality, to homosexuality and then the third and final stage to an upside down or a depraved mind where evil has free spread. We said we don’t want God and God is patient, he’s long suffering, but eventually says, okay, I’ll let you have your way. And that’s a judgment from God and it’s a caution to any nation that ignores him.
Sam Rohrer: Okay, Carl and brings us right up to the event. We’ve talked about a lot on here, but that instruction to Israel, our founders understood they’d laid down a foundation in our nation and any nation that would do it could expect God to operate in the same fashion, fear God and keep his commandments. Those are his definitions of morality, his definitions of integrity in fulfilling the purposes of government as laid out in Romans 13. And all of a sudden when it is done, then the people can actually literally plan for God’s blessing, but only if they do what God says. So that’s a time of elections for us. Look and say, how have we been doing and what are we going to do now with this new time after election? I think that’s the question when we come back, we’re going to talk about now God’s prophetic plan for Israel because it’s heavily involved.
Sam Rohrer: Well Carl, we’ve talked a little bit about God’s bigger plan for the nations. We gave some commentary on how we should interpret at this point the elections here in America, the rest of the world’s looking, they are looking and they’re all planning different things that are going to happen as a result. It’s happening in Israel. Many of the leaders around the world from leaders in Europe to Ukraine to Israel to others are calling to thank and congratulate Donald Trump because they believe and rightly so, that there will be a difference of some type at least between what happens as a result here in this election than what would’ve happened had Kamala been elected as an example. So the world is anticipating and the relationships with nations because of the role of America at this point are going to either be strengthened or weakened or things are going to happen because that’s one of the natures and results of changes in election.
Sam Rohrer: So we talked about the bigger plan, God’s bigger plan for nations and boundaries that he’s established from the beginning and the fact that God has given all nations and people an option either how to get God’s blessing or how to experience God’s judgment right now, that’s the bigger it applies to all. But let’s go into this because this is our focus for today in the God’s bigger plan for nations and the unfolding part of God’s plan of redemption that he talks about in Genesis three 15, God we know came to Abraham and he continued to unfold his plan with a covenant to create a new nation called Israel. Alright, so here’s my question. Can you explain God’s plan for Israel as a new nation, a people, a city, and God’s promises for them and how it fits within his bigger plan for nations of which we sitting here at 2024 are but apart?
Carl Broggi: Yes. Well one of the founding fathers, George Mason made this incredible statement, I’m reading it here, as nations cannot be punished or rewarded in the next world, they must be in this life by inevitable chain of causes and effects. Providence punishes national sins with national calamities. And so when I think of that statement, I often think of it in reference to Israel because God had chosen the Jewish people. He established a new nation. There were no Jews on the planet before Abraham was established, Noah wasn’t Jewish, Adam wasn’t Jewish, these were all Gentiles until God fixes a new nation starting in Genesis 12, and he makes a promise with this new nation, I will bless those who bless you speaking of Abraham and his descendants and the one who curses you, I will curse and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.
Carl Broggi: The reason he can say that is because God has set Israel apart for a specific purpose. God’s heart is that of salvation. And so the Bible is a message among other things about salvation. Well, to have salvation, you have to have a savior, to have a savior, you have to have the God man. And how are we going to identify him? He’s going to come through the nation and people of Israel. And so God chose Israel for that purpose and he gave us the scriptures to Israel. Paul and Romans three says that Israel has been entrusted with the Oracles of God. Every author of the Bible was Jewish. Now in more recent years, the last 30 or so someone said, well, Luke was a gentile. Luke was not a gentile. Paul is clear. Luke was his personal physician. He hung with Paul and some of the missionary journeys.
Carl Broggi: And Luke like Paul had a Greek name for evangelistic purposes. He makes it crystal clear that the word of God, the oracles of God have been entrusted to the people Israel. And so God has a purpose for this nation, not just to bring the Savior but also to bring him back again. In fact, in Romans 11, he speaks of their transgression. He said Now if their transgression speaking of their rejection of Jesus Messiah as riches for the world and their failure is riches for the Gentiles, how much more will their fulfillment be? In other words, Paul is arguing in Romans 11 that because of their unbelief, God has moved and emphasized a plan for the gentile nations of the world. But there’s coming to time when they’re going to repent and then he’ll say For if their rejection is the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance be?
Carl Broggi: But life from the dead and then he affirms for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. So God made a promise through the Jewish people to bring the Savior and to bring him back again. And so once the predominantly gentile church is removed, God is going to switch emphasis and he’s going to give focus to the Jewish people such that this gospel, the kingdom shall be preached to the whole world and then the end will come. That’s in the context of Matthew 24, the all of that discourse during the tribulation period, how God is using the Jewish people. And John elaborates in Revelation seven with 144,000 Jewish evangelists. And because of their ministry, he said he saw a multitude which no one could count from every nation and tribe and people in tongues. So God is going to use this nation to bring the savior back.
Sam Rohrer: And because of that we know about the Savior. We are able to talk right now and call God our Father, Abba Father, and have the promises that God intended Israel to bring to the world, but frankly failed. But through that, God’s plan was furthered. Let’s go back to Daniel chapter right now. The book of Daniel referred to him Daniel’s 70 weeks of prophecy where God lays out a view of the kingdoms of the world, nations of the world. And has Israel stuck right in the middle of it? Would you relate how Daniel’s view and God’s presentation of the kingdoms of the world, gentile kingdoms of the world would happen and how that related to Israel and bring it up to our current date?
Carl Broggi: Yeah, so he gives us incredible prophecy. We call it the 70 weeks prophecy of Daniel and the first 69 weeks as you study it carefully, and I have four messages at if someone wants to study it. But it’s a mathematical calculation that identifies the timeframe in which the Messiah would come. That’s why the wise men no doubt influence through Daniel himself who come from the East, are in tune to the fact that this is the timeframe in human history that Messiah is going to arrive. And then because of their rejection, there’s a gap of time as there are in many prophecies in the Old Testament, you read passages like Isaiah nine and the Lord describes the whole reign of Messiah from his birth through his ruling over the nations of the world. And Daniel does the same. Jesus does the same in Luke four when he goes to the temple in Jerusalem and he stops right in the middle of a quotation from the prophet Isaiah because the second half of that verse will be fulfilled at his second comings.
Carl Broggi: And so right now we are in a time, we call it the church age, where God has laid aside Israel but he hasn’t abandoned Israel. God affirms in Jeremiah 31 that as long as the sun, moon and stars are hanging in the sky, he will be faithful to Israel. And he reminds them that this was an unconditional promise and covenant that he made with them. It’s not dependent on their obedience. The Lord set his love upon them, not because you were more in number than any other people, for you are the fewest, but because the Lord your God loved you and he promised to keep the covenants that he made to his forefather. So the 70th week, again, it’s 70 sevens literally. And so the Jewish people had not only a week of days like we have, but a week of years. And so 490 years for the last seven years of that prophecy deal with the coming great tribulation period. And John affirms that number the exact same length of time as does Daniel the prophet. And so that is going to unfold after the church is removed and this one world leader will step on the scene and he will eventually eradicate the borders of the world to have a unified world. And really in some ways that plan is already being set up by the globalists that we read about and share about across the planet.
Sam Rohrer: Okay? So the view of the nations of the world given and Daniel brings us up to the point where we now, as you’re talking about, we are in this interjected period of time, which has not been an now about 2000 years after the resurrection of Christ and the ascension of Christ. And until this last seven year period comes about, Luke refers to it as the times of the Gentiles. And when that is fulfilled, that is us ladies and gentlemen. So when we think about that, Carl, it doesn’t Israel being back in the land now and all of the things that again, a fulfillment of prophecy, it brings all of these well, all of this Daniel 70th week and what Christ said, it brings us right up into very momentous days, does it not?
Carl Broggi: That’s right for the 70th week, the last seven years to unfold, Israel has to be in the land, they have to be gathered from across the planet and they have to have a vision and a desire to rebuild a temple, all of which is in place today. All of which could take place in a very short period of time once the church is removed. But this interim period Jesus spoke of in the kingdom parables because of their rejection, Matthew 12, Matthew 13, describes this inter period of time that we’re in now, but suddenly in a moment it is going to end with the catching up of the church and then the 70th week will unfold. But everything is in place. It is incredible. People say, I wish I lived in biblical times and I say, you are living in biblical times. You’ve seen the various issues that God spoke of by the prophets fulfilled in our lifetime.
Sam Rohrer: Literally we are ladies and gentlemen, that’s the view we want to focus on. This election is a part of this bigger plan. We need to take it that way. Bring us back, we’ll look in this next section about, alright, what does God say about America? We know what God says about Israel. We’ve talked about the nations. We’re going to put some culminating thoughts on America, Israel and the end time. Well, as we go into our final segment today, the theme has been America prophecy and the ways of God. Now, if you didn’t catch yesterday’s program, I had entitled that program and I did it with the Honorable Jeff Coleman. We commented on elections, elections and the ways of God. And we dealt with that from the standpoint of anticipating what may happen relative to the election yesterday. And the world was watching and we were watching and there’s a great deal of interest obviously appropriately.
Sam Rohrer: But we walked through that and said, well, this is what man does. And then at the end of the day, there’s the sovereign action of God where he raises up and he puts down. But in a part of that God also said he raises up nations and he puts them down. And all of that is a part as we’re talking today, a part of how God uses nations to whom he grants authority, Romans 13, to do certain things, primarily to execute the justice of God, punishing those who do evil according to God’s definition, praising those who do well, righteously according to God’s definition. And when that is done, people who seek will come to the truth. That’s Acts 17:27 we talked about. But when that’s not done in the evil bear rule, then the judgment of God comes on those nations and the people mourn and languish under evil leadership.
Sam Rohrer: But when the righteous are in authority and they actually do what God says, 28, God will bring blessings untold. And that’s for any nation in any time in history. Well, we as a nation had people at the beginning under the sovereignty of God that came for right reasons and they followed to the best of their ability, the copying and the putting into place God’s plan that he gave to Israel. Deuteronomy 28 in a passage in your Old Testament and they said, to the best of our ability, may we become that shining city on a hill, that holy experiment that does what God says and then we can expect God to bless. Alright? We now sit here almost 250 years later, right? We’ve experienced the blessing of God to the letter of what he says in Deuteronomy 28. He would do and he did for Israel when they obeyed and then he judged them when they walked away.
Sam Rohrer: Well, that’s where we started this program. What can we make of where we are as a nation today? Well, we’re not walking, are we in obedience to the word of God? Hardly. So it puts us on an interesting track. But then as we just talked, Dr. Carl Broggi was just saying, God brought in the nation of Israel for the purposes of bringing the plan of redemption into effect. And through that we now have Jesus the Savior and we are able to come to him as Gentiles or Jews and faith. And that’s the bigger plan put together. And God is picking up in his promises and covenant to Israel, they’re back in the land and all of the things that Dr. Brogue just said in the last segment. So I lay that out there for you, just again to kind of state the bigger picture. It’s important for us as believers to have these things in context.
Sam Rohrer: Dr. Carl Brogue, who’s with me, has a He referenced it, but some of the best preaching and teaching on biblical prophecy and how all these things fit together you can find on that website. And Carl, I just want to encourage people to go there. That’s search the But let’s wrap this up here right now. We’re not a lot of time, but we can pull it together and I know you can. And that’s this America, okay? We have a tendency to think just like the Babylonians did in their eras, their country was going to go forever. The Romans thought that their nation was going to go forever. The British at one point when they colonized the world and the sun never sat on their empire, they thought they were going to control the world forever. But it doesn’t happen. Neither is it for America. So within that context, can’t go into full detail, but give some scriptural guidance here for how our listeners should keep our role as a nation in mind, particularly in regard to what we just talked about with God’s covenant promises to Israel and where scripture says the nations of the world will end up in these advancing days.
Carl Broggi: Well, I think many applications could make from our discussion today, Sam one, I would just say we need to remind ourselves that our trust has got to be in the war and not in politicians. I’m sure you’ve picked it up, but as I hear people speak about our new president, and I’m grateful for him, I voted for him. I couldn’t consider voting for the other party. But one of the things I hear missing, not from all, but from the vast majority of the dialogue, is the Lord. Donald Trump is going to bring down interest rates and he’s going to deal with inflation and he’s going to secure our borders and so on and so forth. And certainly we want him to do that. That’s the function of government. But our trust has got to be in God. Psalm said, some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.
Carl Broggi: And I think at Proverbs one, many of our listeners read the proverb for the day, which today of course would be Proverbs six. But a few days ago they read Proverbs one and God there says, because I called and you refused. I stretched out my hand and no one paid attention and you neglected all my counsel and did not want my reproof. I’ll also laugh at your calamity. I will mock when your dread comes, when your dread comes like a storm and your calamity comes like a whirlwind, when destruction and anguish come upon you, then you will call upon me, but I will not answer. I fear that that’s where we’re moving. Read the last 10 verses of Proverbs. One, I would say to our listeners, secondly, I would say we need to prioritize what God prioritizes. I’m doing a series on Wednesday night on laying up treasure and heaven, what it means to have an eternal perspective.
Carl Broggi: And tonight, we’re listening. We’ll be looking at Daniel 12, one through three among other passages about those who have insight and those who lead many to faith. And Daniel uses this term insight of those who will teach the scriptures. And in a broad sense, God certainly gives men and women to minister to women and men to minister to the church at large. But he gives every believer who’s maturing a responsibility to teach the word of God. That’s Hebrews chapter five. And every believer is to be involved in winning people to Jesus. And Daniel basically is underscoring. We need to prioritize what God prioritizes. We need to seek first the kingdom. We need to speak up. That’s part of our role. I mean, the reason America is disintegrating is because the Bible has left the pulpits of America. And when you depart from scripture, you depart from the preaching of the gospel, a nation crumbles.
Carl Broggi: But when we are faithful to do what God says, when enough lives are changed, God can change the nation. Whether we see a revival or not, it is our responsibility to be salt, enlightened to speak up truth. So Moses confronted the Pharaoh, Nathan King, David, Elijah, Ahab, Daniel Nebuchadnezzar, John the Baptist, Herod, it was right for them to speak up. And as God’s people, we need to be praying for this nation. It doesn’t matter who’s president, it doesn’t change our responsibility. We’re to pray. And certainly as you shared in the last segment on the commercial break, we need to make sure we’re praying with clean hearts because if we regard iniquity in the heart, the Lord doesn’t hear. And so Peter will say, judgment is to begin with the family of God. And when we have this perspective, then we will function properly as a nation. We will certainly want to do what God calls us to do, and that will be to support Israel, to bless Israel for the purposes that God has for that nation. And God’s hand could be on America until he comes and takes to the church.
Sam Rohrer: Thank you, Dr. Carl Broggi and ladies and gentlemen, disclose in prayer. Heavenly Father, thank you so much that we have this opportunity, the freedom yet to communicate as we are on this program, that Dr. Carl Broggi can be here with me, that he can preach from his pulpit that people around the world literally who’s now listening, even in the continent of Africa to this program, Lord, can hear the truth and respond. And I pray in fact that they would. Oh Lord, may we as your people be your servants faithful in obedience and holiness to you, letting the results up to you. We pray in Jesus’ name, amen. Dr. Carl Broggi, thank you so much for being with me, his website again. Ladies and gentlemen, search the and our website. As you know, stand in the gap Get this program and transcript that goes with it. Read it, share it with a friend. Best thing you can do right now, share it with a friend. See you back here tomorrow. The Lord willing.
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