2025 Begins: Expecting the Unexpected, Anticipating the Anticipated
Jan. 7, 2025
Host: Hon. Sam Rohrer
Guest: J.R. McGee
Note: This transcript is taken from a Stand in the Gap Today program aired on 1/7/25. To listen to the podcast, click HERE.
Disclaimer: While reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate transcription, the following is a representation of a mechanical transcription and as such, may not be a word for word transcript. Please listen to the audio version for any questions concerning the following dialogue.
Sam Rohrer:
Hello and welcome to this Tuesday edition of Stand In the Gap Today, and this actually first Tuesday of the first week of 2025. Now, I would’ve been with you all yesterday live here on this first Monday of the year, yesterday being that first Monday, except that the snowfall and difficult travel made it impossible to do this program live here from our studios in Elverson, Pennsylvania as intended for that being the case. We’re here now today and good to be back with you. Hope that you, over the last couple of weeks were able to listen to many of the top programs from 2024, which we have done really from the beginning of this program. It’s always interesting to go back and listen to programs again, even if they were six and nine months earlier, and know that when truth is told, it still is the same and it’s even more true depending upon different issues which we talked about on these programs.
But anyways, thank you so much for those of you who have written during this time, those of you who have committed to standing with us in prayer and finances going into this new year, it is extraordinarily important and obviously we all need to, you and us here as a ministry need to go to the Lord every day and ask for his undergirding strength for all of our activities, and I hope that you do. We do here and you can be a part of what God does in this ministry, and thank you for those who have made that decision to do so. Now that being said, let me encourage you to be with us every day. The balance of this week, you just do a roadmap so you can know what to look forward to today. JR McGee is going to join me in just a moment.
We’re going to look at the global picture here of the most significant events that confront us going into this new year in a practical way, how we as God-fearing people should respond. Our theme today is 2025 Begins: Expecting the Unexpected, Anticipating the Anticipated, and think about that a little bit, but we’ll explain how that all fits tomorrow. Twila Brase with Citizens Council for Health Freedom is going to be with me. That’ll be a good program. All of you enjoy her as well as I do as we look at health freedom related issues. Thursday, I’m intending to focus on the resurgence of ISIS and Al-Qaeda here in America, and that’ll be with Frank Gaffney, president of the Institute for American Future will be with me and on Friday, Dr. Isaac Crockett will lead this program with special guest Pastor Bob Lapine of the radio program, Family Life Today with Dennis Rainey.
I think that’ll be a good program. It’ll be very practical. Now for today’s emphasis, I now invite in recurring guests, JR McGee, X-stream Leadership Group founder and CEO and 30 year strategic leadership and counter-terrorism specialist and instructor in matters of military intelligence planning and preparedness jr. It’s great to have you back with me here and to start out this year together, looking at the big picture from a perspective of both strategic and intelligence and military aspect, which is a good way of looking at things, but also a very significant thread of prophecy that runs through it, that puts it all together. Anyways, thanks for being with me today.
J.R. McGee:
Absolutely, Sam, what a pleasure it is to kick off a brand new year with you and our audience, and I hope that they continue to find stuff of value in these things that they can use in their personal lives and how they make decisions with their families.
Sam Rohrer:
Amen, and I appreciate that. I share that with you fully. Let’s get right in. We have a lot to go over today, but you were with me about a month ago. Exactly. We discussed then major events that were impacting both America and the world during 2024, and particularly as we were concluding last year. Now, to frame our discussion for today, from your perspective, what are the most significant events driving global and American headline news today as we sit here this first Tuesday of 2025, and we’ll deal with again the why of these and the other segments of the program, but what are those things we should have our eyes on that are really driving headline news as we’re seeing them?
J.R. McGee:
Well, Sam, it continues to be the usual line of factors. Let me go through them very quickly. China continues an unprecedented buildup of military spending and armaments. They’re putting out brand new aircraft. They’re building ships at an unprecedented rate almost as fast as we were building them during World War II. They’ve become very sophisticated in their abilities for hacking. They’ve gone from being pretty clumsy at just stealing commercial stuff to they’re now ultra capable code breakers. Jake Sullivan News, the National Security Advisor recently admitted publicly that China can now control our electrical grid. They can control our telecommunications network and they can control our infrastructure networks at will. That’s no longer a conspiracy theory. That’s just fact that the government’s now admitted Russia is becoming very aggressive in their demands because they know that Trump’s going to be trying to shorten this war, and we’ll go into that a little bit more, but they’re demanding that NATO reverse their expansionary initiatives.
They’re also demanding the removal of all offensive weapons near Russian borders. They’re demanding that the NATO and Western Europe nations recognize the Russian sphere of influence and remove all sanctions, and they’re particularly focusing on demands for energy and economic demands. Ukraine just stopped the flow of natural gas to on January 1st from Russia that was flowing through Ukraine, and then you’ve got Israel, but also Turkey, Iran, and Syria. Now, Turkey is now working directly with Iran and sponsoring the resupply of equipment for Hezbollah that comes through the Turkey airspace. We shut that down through Syria, but now Turkey is working with Iran to resupply that, and there’s some things going on in Syria like the recent attack on this missile construction facility that’s buried underground, exactly the same way that the Iranian nuclear bunkers are built in Iran. Israel went in and totally destroyed that in a clear and unequivocal of a message to Iran that your facilities are not nearly as secure as you believe they are.
And then you’ve got the issues of drones. We’ve been hearing a lot about those in the news, and now all of a sudden you don’t. That in and of itself is a story is why did that disappear? You’ve got ISIS that’s active in the United States. Al-Qaeda has been, they spent the last three years rebuilding and re-arming and retraining in Afghanistan, and now they’re here. And it’s ironic that two or three days after ISIS and Al-Qaeda called for attacks on the US homeland, we had an attack in New Orleans and another attack in New York City where people were shot. These things are highly related. They’re very correlated. Sam, this is incredible, all the things that are going on and all the things that are happening, but we’ll build this out later on in the show and provide some more information to the listeners.
Sam Rohrer:
Yep. Ladies and gentlemen, our theme today is this 2025. Okay, 2025 begins, expect the unexpected, anticipate the anticipated, and we will lay out more of these as we get into the program today. My special guest, JR McGee, and stay with us. We’ll be back in just a moment. Well, if you’re just joining us here on this first Tuesday of 2025, thanks for being with us. JR McGee is my special guest here today. For all of you who have listened to before you, no doubt have caught him. JR’s with me. Well, generally about once a month as I do with a number of guests on key issues, and that is what today is taking a macro view of what’s happening in headline news around the world, which takes us in the direction of geopolitical issues. Well, it’ll take us to the Middle East. It’ll take us to the far East.
It’ll take us to the European continent and right here at home and link these events together many times and bring it through the lens of scripture ultimately and how we should respond to the things that we see. Certainly give a perspective that the world does not and controlled media has no concern about, but we know as believers that we cannot understand what’s happening around us unless we look through the lens of scripture. That is a biblical worldview approach, and that’s what we try to do here. Now, JR, let’s go to Eastern Europe. You talked about Russia, Ukraine, so let’s go there first, because in that setting, which has been dragging on for a long time, matter of fact, according to Wikipedia, which is not the source of all information by any means, but it happens to be a source for which it generally is a recognized piece of information.
They would say that this year, 2025 begins the 11th year of the war between Ukraine and Russia, which most people, historians and others and them would say actually began in 2014. Now, I’m going to say here just my thoughts in the end, the war was actually initiated. The war between Ukraine and Russia was actually initiated by the United States and Western establishment mentality during the Barack Obama regime because it was during that time that folks like Victoria Nuland and others were involved in an effort to force from office. Then Russians supported President Yakovich. That was in 2014. Now, then they were successful in that, but since then, the United States have sent to Ukraine over 175 billion in military aid, and it’s increased during the Biden administration. Over 600,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed that many and more, perhaps Russian soldiers, unfathomable destruction of Eastern Ukrainian cities, and nearly a third of Ukraine’s 30 million population at that point before the war have been displaced.
So I don’t see, well, anyways, escalations I think are in sight, but there’s something going to happen there and it’s not done. Now, JR with Donald Trump scheduled to be inaugurated two weeks from yesterday. He has repeatedly stated that he will bring the Ukraine Russian War to a quick end, but with Russian President Putin and official spokespeople saying that, well, they’re now not so sure they can even trump either because they say they’re perceiving that he’s going to follow the same path that Biden has. Here’s my question to you. In your opinion, what is occurring now in Ukraine as neither Ukraine nor Russia seem to be confident of exactly where the Trump administration policies will go after January 20? Put a different way. What do you perceive to be the Ukrainian strategy as we sit here today versus the Russian strategy at this point?
J.R. McGee:
Well, it’s really interesting, and I would submit to you that strategically, this began when Russia invaded Georgia and the United States and NATO and the West did nothing that emboldened Putin and Russia to begin to become more aggressive. Now, removing the president of Ukraine certainly gave Putin the trigger that he needed to go into that, but now the election of Donald Trump has had immediate and drastic results in this. Both Russia and Ukraine have stepped up the tempo even during the winter when they’re normally at a low ebb. They’ve stepped up the tempo of actions to try to gain as much territory and as much leverage as they can because they know that Trump is going to come in and start putting pressure on both sides, come to some type of an agreement. Just in the last couple of weeks, Russia’s made some moves into the area that Ukraine invaded, and Ukraine has been able to hold that territory far longer than anybody thought possible, and the attacks that Russia has made in the last week have all been rebuffed.
They’ve all been fought back, and in addition, Ukraine’s made some significant advancements in the past two days in the Kurt OBL region against significant Russian opposition. Ukraine’s doing extremely well in all this, but they’re both trying to establish the best possible tactical positions that they can in order to leverage that in these discussions that are coming up for Donald Trump. Now, interestingly enough, Putin is still trying to get everything he said he wanted when this first started, and that position I think is increasingly unlikely, but Russia’s not showing any flexibility in that. Let’s face it, Ukraine’s been far more effective at fighting the Russian military machine than anybody ever believed possible. In fact, I go back to when this first started. Joe Biden, who is a great military strategist, offered Zelensky a helicopter ride to safety in the first three days of the conflict. Zelensky said he didn’t need a ride, he needed ammunition, and I think that’s a quote that’s going to go down in the history books that Trump is going to come in very quickly and try to find some middle ground that allows both sides to save face That may work, but it’s going to be extremely difficult.
This has become very personal for both Zelensky and Putin.
Sam Rohrer:
J.R. McGee:
Sides have lost unbelievable amounts of men, machinery and equipment, Sam.
Sam Rohrer:
Yep, it has indeed. When you’re talking like 600,000, 600, 800,000 maybe Russians, whatever, that’s over a million men. That is an incredible, incredible loss of life. So yeah, it’s a big deal. Let’s go on here at this point, and I’m going to ask you this, when Joe Biden came into office and yeah, you made a tongue in cheek comment about him as being a tremendous military strategist, ladies and gentlemen, that was tongue in cheek, believe me, but when he came into office, people remember he arrogantly stated and we talked about it, you and I did on this program. Then he said that he was going to impose US sanctions on Russia so severe. He said that he would bring Russia quickly to their knees. However, that’s four years ago. That didn’t happen. Instead, it appears that Europe, I’m going to submit is being brought to their knees, and certainly if US aid to Ukraine were to be cut off now, they would utterly collapse in who would be left standing? It’d be Russia. So anyways, from your perspective, what can we learn from the last four years of proxy war between Ukraine and Russia, where the real war though has really been between, I’m going to say we’ve talked about it before, Western globalist, the United States and NATO as a block, they are the ones that are fighting with Russia. Ukraine happens to be the one that I think both are willing to sacrifice. What do you think?
J.R. McGee:
I think that’s exactly right. The aim that Biden had with this was to put sanctions on the ruble and financially cripple Russia. In fact, you’re quite correct. He said he was going to bring Russia to their knees. Ironically, today, the Russian ruble is stronger today than it was before those sanctions were put into place. Still to this day, nobody can show me any example where financial sanctions have worked long-term, they simply don’t work, and most countries have gotten very irritated at the United States throwing their economic weight around, and that’s having very negative results across the board. We can talk about bricks, we can talk about other areas of the world that have gotten really fed up with America and our sanctions, but Russia, Putin has gotten stronger politically, but he’s gotten weaker from the fact that so many, he’s lost more men than Ukraine has.
He’s lost almost all of his modern armor and the people who have suffered loss in Russia are very upset about this. So Putin’s got a mixed bag in terms of being stronger, but Europe has gotten their electricity cut off, they’ve gotten their gas cut off, they’ve shut down their nuclear plants and depended on Russia. Ukraine shut down that gas. We’re starting to see telecommunication cables cut going into European countries. I think you’re exactly right. NATO and Europe is in a weaker position than they were when it started, and Putin is actually stronger than when this started.
Sam Rohrer:
And with that, we don only have just a bit left, but let’s talk about the Brix nations. Russia is the leader. They are the spokesperson of leading the way to a new currency to compete with the US dollar. In part because as you said, as we’ve talked about, the nations of the world have become very angry at the United States for throwing our weight around by saying, we’re going to withhold foreign aid as Obama did and stick in homosexual rights and abortion into your constitution, which is what Obama said. And then Biden said, but they’re sick of us throwing that weight around. And he, as in that regard, he’s actually strengthened the passport. He Putin,
J.R. McGee:
Absolutely. BRICS is now much stronger than they were four years ago. BRICS is working very diligently to come up with their own currency, their own basket of currencies that they call it. And in addition to the electronic currencies, the Bitcoins and stuff, they viewed that as being the principle angle to weaken the United States so that we’re no longer the dominant superpower and the one that causes a lot of this chaos in their eyes. BRICS is going to be our biggest competitor, second only to China. Sam,
Sam Rohrer:
There you go. And ladies and gentlemen, China is part of bricks. So here again, economic, military, political, it all comes down dollars and cents. It really does. We come back, we’re going to talk about China, Taiwan, China, the United States, China versus the world for years on this program, we’ve talked about the Chinese threat, the Chinese threat to global freedom, and their dictator Xi, who is now ruler for life, his ambition frankly, to rule the world. Only a few people have really done this for as long as we have, but it’s been a fact, it has been true and it’s ever more true now it’s fully known in proven how the communist Chinese regime have been able to compromise and control, I’m going to say like puppets leading US government politicians starting with the Biden family and others in the Senate and the House. Now, over the past weeks, the issue of, for instance, drones have risen to the highest levels as these drones moved about over across our country, particularly over the east coast, but not limited at all to the East coast, but they’ve moved about with impunity.
We’re all aware of that. We’ve talked about it. They’ve traversed US military bases, water and electrical facilities, and a whole lot more federal government buildings and over the homes of certain key officials. And our government officials have called people stupid for asking questions. Well, they denied knowing what they were, where they were coming from or what they were doing, but they insisted, as we all know, strangely, that they were absolutely positive that they posed no concern even though leading elected officials did confirm in some cases the linkage of most all of them to China surveillance activities, some to Iran, whatever. But alright, Jr, we talked a little bit about that in the first segment, but what I decided about China’s, but a drop in the bucket of all that’s happening is their flex, their global ambition arms. But as you look at China, what is their operative strategy right now? What are they doing that is the greatest concern to you and should be of concern to all of our federal officials and those who are looking at our country? And then we’ll expand into the why they are doing what they’re doing.
J.R. McGee:
Absolutely. If we look at the what they’ve done, first and foremost, China’s amassed extraordinarily wealth, almost all of it taken from the United States, both legitimately through fair trade and some not so fair trade, and frankly, some espionage. You got to understand, China is driven first and foremost by the desire for respect, respect politically, militarily, economically and culturally. They now have the means to demand that respect and their culture supports business transactions that don’t necessarily have the same ethical biases as ours. They view themselves as entirely ethical in their culture. If you can’t protect your information or your stuff, you deserve to lose it. We don’t operate that way and it’s turned out to be to our extreme detriment. They believe they have every right to take Taiwan. They believe they have every right to exert complete and total control over the South China Sea where one fifth of all world commerce passes through.
If they’re successful in that alone, they will have achieved an economic stranglehold on every country in the world. That will be extremely difficult, not impossible to break. Now you mentioned the what and the why. I want to mention this very quickly because this is very important. We refer to this as the Golden Circle. Simon Sinek developed this and I have come to believe in it very, very strongly. 95% of the world looks at everything that happens in terms of the what first, the how second, and the why. Third successful leaders in world-class organizations, they look at the situation completely different. They do it exactly backwards. They look at the why first, then the how. And lastly, they look at the what. That’s to me, that’s the essence of being able to think and act strategically. That’s one of the key elements that allows us to develop sound strategy and sound strategic policy.
The Chinese have figured out at a very high level in their government, and this is exactly how they operate now, they’ve identified the key things that they believe they need in order to accomplish these overarching goals and objectives. Taiwan is the foremost at the top of that list. Taiwan is the leader and the main manufacturer of sophisticated computer chips and integrated secret circuits that drive almost all technology all over the world. Israel seems to be the only country capable of challenging Taiwan in this area, and they’re not yet fully up to speed in that which makes Taiwan unbelievably important strategically. Now, China’s trying to find ways to exert leverage and control over other countries and governments that don’t involve the use of sanctions or financial controls. The South China Sea gives them that. So if you look at what they’re trying to do, the, they’re trying to capture Taiwan as economically and as painlessly as possible.
They’re trying to dominate the South China Sea. And frankly this week the Philippines captured a drone, a subsurface drone that the Chinese were using for ISR intelligence surveillance, reconnaissance, and in retaliation, China captured a US drone in international waters for retaliation. So control of that waterway is becoming huge. Now, you mentioned drones. Drones are a big deal. In fact, the drone wars was a movie for Star Wars and who knew this soon that would be coming to life. But if you look back at the opening of the last Olympics, China showed some mass synchronized drone effects that were stunning. Their ability to develop, manufacture, program and control drones is unmatched. We’re way behind the curve in that. And China also knows that on a battlefield or the ocean, they can’t necessarily take on the United States head to head. So that’s why they’re focusing on asymmetrical warfare.
And drone warfare is one of those key asymmetrical warfare advantages that they’ve developed along with hacking and software control. Hacking allows you to devastate your opponent and cripple them so that they have limited or no means to retaliate. Let’s face it, if our electrical grid went down, our telecommunications went down, there were no phones, no computers, no data transfer, no financial networks being able to transfer money, no information going across the transatlantic cables, no satellites. Can you imagine what that would mean to our country? And through the national security advisor to the president has admitted China is now in control of those very networks. Sam, I can’t tell you how critical and how important that is. Here’s the interesting thing. It’s beyond question that the current administration has proven beyond any doubt their number one object, I’m sorry. Their number one objective is to avoid any confrontation or conflict with China. They’ve gone to absurd links to avoid any kind of a conflict with China, even if that means not responding to a clear and present danger and intrusions in the US airspace into our homeland.
I can’t comprehend what I’m seeing from a defensive strategic point of view. But the problem for China is that these drones can now be used in linked networks. Lemme go back to the drone that they captured in the ocean in the South China Sea, the United States has developed technology that China has also developed. They can link these underwater drones so that the sonar picture is linked and they create a network so that it is almost like the water in the ocean disappears. It’s like it’s transparent. What that means is it used to be a submarine could disappear under the ocean and nobody could find it. What this technology does is it makes the submarines and obviously the surface fleets completely visible, completely vulnerable in ways that we’ve never seen. China is extremely worried about that as is the United States. This is a war for information and technology. And China has proven that they will do anything to win that war. Sam, it’s accelerating and it’s hard to see where it goes. If we don’t start building ships, we will never be able to fully address the Chinese problem
Sam Rohrer:
J.R. McGee:
Through aircraft or satellites.
Sam Rohrer:
Lemme just jump in. I have about a minute left. You’ve used the word war, what you described at the beginning, the international, the China, the Russia, the NATO, the Ukraine, all of these, the Middle East. These are wars and or rumors of wars. All of these have economics tied to them. We talked about the bricks, the dollar, the threat to our dollar economics, military, it’s money, lust for power. Ladies and gentlemen, that’s what the Bible says. These are things that we see. Now, I only have just only about 45 seconds left, but go back to US drones and the things that have been happening here, not the US drones, but the drones here in the United States, China most likely are behind them. Why are they doing it?
J.R. McGee:
If you look at the source of power, if you look at the source of politics, it always comes back to two things. Power is really only conferred through economics, money or nuclear. Those are the only two things that generate real power in the world that people cannot ignore. And if you look back, it’s not just the bankers. There’s one or two small organizations that are driving these countries and controlling the politics and the politicians. I saw a t-shirt about six months ago that I really need to get. It says I need new conspiracy theories. All my old ones have come true. I’ve spent my life trying to dissuade people from looking at some of these things. But the World Economic Forum is at the heart of a lot of these things that are happening now. It’s beyond question. The facts drive you to there. It’s undeniable, Sam.
Sam Rohrer:
Yes, it is, ladies and gentlemen. So we’re bringing these big pictures, which are leading headline news, leading policies being made around the world. We come back, we’re going to say, now how do we put this all together and think about it? Well, as we move into our final segment, again, thank you all for being with us here on the program. And as we look into this next year, I believe without a doubt, and most of the guests that I have on here with me, including JR today, believe that 2025 will be, well, perhaps even more eventful than 2024. And we know how 2024 was so well anticipatory and many ways the entire year. It wasn’t, was driven toward the expectation for what was going to happen in the November election, right? And though everybody seemed to be posturing themselves around the world, governmental leaders, nations, and domestic issues around who they thought was going to win or not win.
And well, now there was a win. And just the other day, Congress certified that Donald Trump will be or is the present. Some thought that wasn’t going to happen. So now, two weeks from yesterday, the inauguration should occur. But there are a lot of things that could happen such as we’ve been seeing that could disturb that or alter it somehow because we have so many people, frankly, who are more concerned about lust for power and positions that they have established more than fulfilling duty to God, duty to the Constitution and all of that. So we are in a time of change and transition, not just because of these things, but because where we know biblically and prophetically the world is headed. But JR like we always do, presenting information like we have done today is but one part of honest analysis, identifying what is and connecting appropriate dots is a part of good analysis.
But today, as I chosen was this 2025 begins. Obviously that’s where we’re here the first Tuesday of the year. And I said this, expect the unexpected because nobody can guarantee what’s taking place. So therefore we have to expect the unexpected. But on the other hand, those of us who fear God and knowing that God is increasingly working his way through the leaders of the world, raising them, putting them down, moving the hearts of kings, we know that God’s got a greater plan and therefore that is, we can anticipate the anticipated meaning. What God has said will happen. So that’s the balance that we, I think can bring into it. And hence the title I chose for today. But let’s go here to you now for your perspective. How should all God fearing people, and that’s who we’re talking to here today, people who fear God, those who have ears to hear, eyes to see how should they respond to what we’ve identified today? Expect the unexpected, but anticipate the anticipated.
J.R. McGee:
Well, Sam, it goes back to what I just was talking about, the great leaders look at the why before they look at the how and the what. And we just talked about a lot of factual information and very specific data. But the more important thing is why does it matter? And you got to look at what’s going on. And here’s the key element we haven’t touched on. Yes. And that’s the US’ vulnerability during the transitioning of power from the current administration to the new administration. That’s a period of chaos. It’s planned chaos, control, chaos. But it’s also a transition where things are not smoothly. They’re not a well oiled machine that presents some vulnerabilities that an enemy may wish to take advantage of. But now the Bible tells me not to focus on fear. Isaiah chapter 41, verse 10 says, fear thou not for I’m with thee.
Be not dismayed. For I am thy God, I will strengthen thee. Yay. I will help thee, yea I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. I don’t think now is the time for Christians to focus on panic at all. I think our focus should be on promise. The promise of the good news, the promise of the things that God has told us that are in store for us. But I think it’s time for us to reach out to our families and friends. We’ve said this before, I’ve said this before. It is time to talk to the people that you can do something about. We can’t as individuals do anything about China. We can’t do anything about Iran. We can’t do anything about Russia. What we can do is talk to our neighbors, talk to our friends, talk to our coworkers. I think I’d rather deal with HR than explain to God how I let somebody suffer the pain of hell for eternity because I was afraid.
Speak up at work and let’s look at what this whole purpose is. God raises up kings and leaders and presidents for his purpose, and he raises up good leaders and bad leaders. He’s raised up Nebuchadnezzar and Jereboam. Those were evil kings, but God used those for his plan. Today he uses leaders we may or may not understand or even accept, but they’re in place to bring to bear God’s plan for the end of days. They have to be there. Satan is allowed to do what he’s doing, and it’s all part of God’s plan. He raises up people that we admire. President Trump, to me, seems to be one of those. I deeply admire what he’s done, but I don’t think we should follow the man no matter how much they seem to be good or how much we seem to like them. I think we need to follow God’s will in his plan.
Now I’m hearing a lot of my friends and a lot of my associates, my professional associates, keep talking about the rapture. Yeah, Sam, we don’t know when the rapture could occur. It could occur before we sign off on this show today, what we do know is how to reach as many people as possible in our sphere of influence. Instead of focusing on the what, the things that we can’t control, focus on the things that we can control, things that we can focus on that are positive things that we can accomplish for good. Today is the day for salvation. Time is short. We’re closer today than any point in history for God’s return. But every generations believed that the rapture was imminent. Even the apostles believed that truth is we simply don’t know when it’s going to be no matter how much we study eschatology. But Sam, we can see the times, the signs in Matthew chapter 16, verse three.
The Lord himself tells us, and in the morning it will be foul weather today appropriate from the storm of yesterday, for the sky is red and lowering ye hypocrites, you can discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the sign of the times. We see the sign of the times everywhere, Sam, and they’re accelerating, but not the time for panic or fear. It’s the time for bold action. And I believe it’s time for the bold commitment to the great commission. I think we as Christians need to go forth and spread that gospel today more than any time at any point in history. Because we’re not promised tomorrow. We don’t know how much time we’ve got. We don’t know that we’ve got that opportunity tomorrow to reach the people that we love with the news that will protect them for eternity. I think there’s so many things to focus in on, are positive, that are powerful, that are prophetic, that the Bible is coming true before our very eyes.
Everything we talked about today, those are details that simply point us to what God has said his word, that this is coming. And when you see this, be prepared. It doesn’t say to be fearful. It doesn’t say to be afraid. It says, be prepared. And for me, being prepared is doing everything in my power to help the people that I know and love, and that I come into contact with the good news of the gospel, which is Jesus Christ. He’s risen from the dead. And if you believe on him, he will provide you with salvation for eternity.
Sam Rohrer:
Amen, JR. And that takes us right up to the end. Ladies and gentlemen. I hope that that is your thinking. We are going to see many things happen that we did not expect the unexpected, but anticipate the anticipated. The anticipated is that we anticipate and believe that God has put those of us who know the Lord here for a reason. Let’s be about his business. We know that He is soon to return. We are to look forward to it and comfort one another with these things. Be active doing what God has told us to do. That is the greatest thing that we can do. Let that be our encouragement and challenge all of us who fear the Lord going into this new year. Thank you for being with us today, JR McGee. Thank you for being with always a good program. God bless you all. See you back here tomorrow.
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