Needed Now: Vigilance, God’s Wisdom, and Truth Based Courage
Jan. 22, 2025
Host: Hon. Sam Rohrer
Guest: Leo Hohmann
Note: This transcript is taken from a Stand in the Gap Today program aired on 1/22/25. To listen to the podcast, click HERE.
Disclaimer: While reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate transcription, the following is a representation of a mechanical transcription and as such, may not be a word for word transcript. Please listen to the audio version for any questions concerning the following dialogue.
Sam Rohrer:
Hello and welcome to this Wednesday edition of Stand in the Gap Today, and it’s actually day two of the new Trump administration. And if you’re like me, I’m watching with very keen interest. Two primary actions by the new administrations. One that I’m following is, this is one how Trump will keep his many promises to reverse all Biden wrongs and to bring peace to the world. That’s one, how’s that going to happen? And then number two, what specific new Trump policies and agreements will be initiated and bring definition to the president’s vision and his understanding of what he means by American greatness? Now there’s a lot embodied within those two. I’m not going to do those further, but I’m watching these two things because expectations are high, but how things actually are implemented and worked out, they become key. Now to this day, I believe our nation has never witnessed such sweeping change and potential for even greater change in such a short period of time.
As a matter a mere few legal actions, for instance, never there’s been such a flurry of outgoing declarations, including bizarre and unconstitutional declarations of broad-based and presumptive pardons as we witnessed under Joe Biden’s final actions and days. Never has this nation ever witnessed such a volume of sweeping executive orders and declarations of national emergency, more than one already, as we saw in just day one by Donald Trump. Now, in my studied opinion, I have never seen such a display of executive branch power being exercised as we’ve witnessed in both the outgoing and the incoming administrations. And this wielding of power is historic. It’s unprecedented in its volume, in its scope, and it’s just beginning. Now for me personally, as someone who spent nearly 20 years in the legislature, in government in Pennsylvania, it raises many concerns to me as it does hope for a return to some normalcy, both in terms of policy content as well as procedure.
I’m looking at content and procedure. Now, this being said, many good changes though through executive orders such as announcing the intent to remove the US from the World Health Organization or the pardoning of 1500 unconstitutionally incarcerated January six attendees. That is welcome indeed. But other impacts and results of careful of approximately the a hundred executive orders is frankly yet unknown. Lots of detail, lots of word, and very broad. And it requires an ongoing careful analysis by all God fearing and constitutionally Americans who place their commitment to moral truth and the rule of law above all else, while many things could be said, I’ve asked Leo Hohmann, author, researcher, independent investigative journalist to join me today, his website, Leo And I’ve asked him to consider with me a careful and serious consideration of some of the things we’re seeing early on in this new administration, raising questions where appropriate, connecting dots where possible and in the end, to leave us as God fearing people anchored in objective truth. The title I’ve chosen to frame our conversations today is this needed now vigilance, God’s wisdom and truth-based courage. And with that, Leo, thanks for being back with me today.
Leo Hohmann:
Yeah, thanks Sam. And just one little item, I am not writing as anymore. Most of my articles are being posted at my Substack account, Leo
Sam Rohrer:
Alright, very good. Thank you so much for stating that and we’ll state that again, Leo. There are few people such as you who literally live and breathe research and analysis of the news and you also believe God’s definition of truth. We’ve talked about it much on this program and you’ve been able to remain journalistically truly independent of political machines and moneyed interest, all of which we know are driving what’s out there now being the case. I’ve made a few comments, my introduction about my views of the past days. How would you compare contrast the last few days of this administration or the first few days of this administration with past transitions that you’ve say perhaps covered over the last decades? What’s different?
Leo Hohmann:
I thank you. Summed it up quite well with your emphasis on the use and some might say abuse of executive power. We saw it during the Biden administration when he took office. He signed a big flurry of executive orders on day one. I do recall that, and now Trump seems to be taking it maybe even to the next level. So the trajectory that we are on, I think should not go unnoted, that the changes taking place in America and perhaps in the world because the United States has been the most powerful country in the world, are less dominated by legislatures and lawmakers and more dominated by executive leaders and executive privilege. While this can lead to faster change, it doesn’t necessarily lead to long-term change because every four years we get a new leader and these leaders can undo what the previous leader had done instantaneously in many cases and put in start at least with their agenda immediately. They don’t have to wait for the good or the bad, depending who it is. They don’t have to wait for the national legislature to meet and debate and pass laws and then sign the laws. They can do it immediately whether it is good or bad.
Sam Rohrer:
I think that’s a great point and it’s a point I wanted to just ask another question about. I took the oath of office nine times, Leo, I can say that when we came in the majority party, there was an attitude of one thing. If we came in a minority party, it was another thing. If we were majority party and we had a governor or president, depending that was of the same party, then things changed again. But I always found, and my colleagues, Leo always commented on the fact that it was so much more difficult for the principle to members, the God-fearing constitutionally oath driven members to vote and to conduct themselves in enduring when there was a governor of the same party. It was actually much more difficult. Here’s my question to you from your perspective, why is it so essential in times like today to keep a truth centered and constitutionally based moral and lawful anchor in place for citizens as we observe what is taking place and taking so quickly? If you can’t finish it, we’ll carry over the next segment.
Leo Hohmann:
Well, I feel like the biggest reason that you need to have that filter through the Constitution and the Bible and the Bible first I should say, and Constitution second, is because of this changing nature of the way government policy is enacted, it’s more centered on the cult of leadership now and the personality of one man, whether it be Joe Biden or Donald Trump, it’s almost like each side has a cult following and they, if one side supports something, the other side thinks it’s automatically evil before even investigating the
Sam Rohrer:
Fact. Okay, there we go, Leo, we’re out of time, ladies and gentlemen. Stay with us. We’ll come back because you need an anchor. When we come back, we’re going to consider some of the things already taking place. Well, if you’re just joining me today, thanks for being aboard. Our theme today is this needed now vigilance, God’s wisdom and truth-based courage. And we’re going to conclude today’s program, looking at those plus some other things. My special guest today is Leo Hohmann, a friend and well-known to all of you who are listening right now, no doubt, website, Leo You can find all of his articles of which there are many and very, very current. Leo. Let’s get into as we analyze a bit of just some of the things we can’t touch on all by any means, there’s too much, but in the last couple of days we’re just commenting on, but the speed of implementation of change, lots of it through executive order, but not limited to that as we move out of one Biden administration into a new Trump administration.
But there was an article that you wrote as actually before the inauguration a couple of days before, and part of the title that you had assigned was, It’s All A Game. Intriguing, but you also chose this subtitle and you said this quote, Americans have been deceived into thinking in terms of Democrat, Republican with one side being good, the other evil. The two sides play good cop, bad cop with a common goal of advancing the system. Now, on one hand, Leo, some could attack this title in the article as just being cynical or negative, and some did. But others have appreciated as a well-reasoned warning for all who live in this age of clear and obvious deception where we know according to surveys, 94% of all of Americans define truth according to how they feel. So we’re at a strange time. We talk about a lot on the program. Here’s my first question for you, and as we look at this area in this article, what factors or evidence perhaps prompted you to write that particular article, just a game and refer to the current political process as being just a game where essentially the same agenda is being advanced by either side, a hard concept for many frankly, to even consider as being possible?
Leo Hohmann:
Yeah, Sam, what led me to write that article was approximately 40 years of observing official Washington and how it works, the political system. I don’t pay so much attention, or at least I should say I don’t pay as much attention to individual political figures as I do the system. And the trajectory upon which it continuously moves over the broad sweep of American history, at least since the end of World War ii. And nobody would disagree that the trajectory of America’s system has become less like a constitutional republic with the government operating within defined boundaries and more like a well cloaked monarchy where we have, as we talked about in the first segment of this show, executive power growing and the cult of personality where if Biden says it, it must be wrong. If Trump says it, it must be wrong and vice versa, depending on which side of the aisle you’re on.
But if you look at the long march of history, we’re continuously moving toward what I would call a beast system. And so both sides, sides, which we see as good one, good one evil move us in the same direction, it’s two wings of the same bird. And I’ve seen it over and over again. And even if something, a policy is implemented with good intentions, like George W. Bush after nine 11 gave us the USA Patriot Act. He gave us the Department of Homeland Security and the Secret FSA court, it was all in the name of fighting terrorism. But what happened, and nobody on our side hardly objected to it whatsoever. But what happened when Barack Obama took over, he flipped the script and turned that national security apparatus away from its original intent, which was Muslim terrorists and pointed it directly at US Christian, conservative, patriotic Americans. And Donald Trump did the same thing in his first term. He used operation warp speed to get the covid vaccines in place very, very quickly. He bragged much about it, but it wasn’t mandatory. Well, what happened? Biden came into office and weaponized it and made it mandatory for our military, our healthcare workers, our law enforcement, and a lot of people lost jobs. And worse than that, a lot of people lost their lives. So it was what Donald Trump did thinking for good was weaponized for evil by the next administration
Sam Rohrer:
And Leo, I think those are good examples and I look back again, you and I have talked and I’ve talked with many guests, but coming out of World War ii, I mean before that, I mean we’ve been in the process. People have been in the process of establishing a new world order of the United Nations, Bush one, Bush two, Putin and the Brix nations. They’re all about a new world order. The World Economic Forum is about their new world order. Donald Trump’s talked about a new world order, have a slightly different definition perhaps, but at the end of the day, it is a world order and that’s a critical thing. Now, let me just shift gears here on this, coming out of this article, one of the concepts that I think many people find difficult to grasp is how that while we have come to think in terms of political parties in our two party system and that everything emanates from one clear party platform or ideology and somewhat we just talked about, there’s always a good guy and then the bad guy, depending upon which side you’re on.
It’s fueled our form and our approach to politics increasingly for generations. Yet behind the scenes there are often wielders of power who care little for which party is in power. It makes me think of Jim Taylor and Mr. Smith goes to Washington. People can recall that business guy, he could care less for who was in charge and didn’t care about the political banter because they viewed themselves as being above the fray. And those in office were just people there that they could manage. Now, in your article, you made this comment, let me just quote, I thought it was good. I don’t buy that the globalist, elitist predator class is truly scared of Trump or that they are dreading the next four years. You go on to say, I believe the globalist elites see Trump as an opportunity in the eyes of the Bill Gates and the Peter Teals of the world.
Donald Trump is just another politician who can be managed. And then you conclude by saying, most of those in the billionaire class see themselves as above petty politics. They know they can cozy up and get the ear of whoever is in office, whether it be Donald Trump or Joe Biden. I thought that was astute and it ties into my reference to an old Jim Taylor in Washington there. Now here’s my question. Do you have any evidence that for instance, these billionaire power brokers to which you’ll refer being a part of the World Economic Forum, globalist, cabal, do they already have the ear of Donald Trump or can one be hopeful that perhaps Donald Trump has them by the ear?
Leo Hohmann:
Oh, absolutely. There’s evidence of the former Peter Thiel. He is one of the PayPal Mafia, as they call them, about eight guys who, eight or 10 guys who co-founded PayPal many years ago. And it became this big, huge, very profitable entity and they spun off many other companies from it. They all became billionaires. Peter Thiel was the leader of that crowd. Peter Thiel went on to form a company called Planter or Palantir, depending on how you want to pronounce it. And it is a government contracting firm. It contracts with the US Department of Defense and the CIA and other entities to spy on Americans online activities and to create a dossier on US American citizens with a threat level to the sending a threat level, assigning a threat level to each individual that it investigates. So Peter Thiel is involved with that. I don’t think too many American conservative Christians would think that was a good business to be involved in. Well, Peter Thiel is the biggest financier of the Trump political phenomenon. He has donated probably more money than any other single human being in the top two or three for sure to the Donald Trump campaign. And so there is a dark side that most of us don’t want to look at, and it involves this area of technocracy and the growing surveillance state.
Sam Rohrer:
Okay, and then obviously we know you cite Bill Gates. Bill Gates obviously is of, we know his presence during the whole Covid matter, but he has also been down and met for several hours with President Trump as well. Just a comment or two about him, about a minute left before the break,
Leo Hohmann:
Had dinner with Trump, spent three, three and a half hours speaking with him over this last weekend. I think it was Friday or Saturday. Don’t hold me to it, but it was very recently right before the inauguration and he came away from that meeting very encouraged. You can see a video of his take on the meeting that I included in my article where as I say in my article, watch this video and you tell me if you think Bill Gates is at all concerned or has any anxiety over the advance of advance of the Donald Trump 2.0 presidency. He seems very relaxed. He seems very confident that his message was well received, if not totally agreed with by the president, the new incoming president at this point that he met with him. And we see more, we’ve seen more evidence, far more evidence of it after inauguration, day, two days after to be
Sam Rohrer:
Exact. Okay, yes, we will, Leo, hold that, ladies and gentlemen. We will talk about some of that, which frankly occurred yesterday. Again, billionaires tend not to be wrapped up in politics. They’re about control and the exercise of influence. They are kings in their own right. Just bear that thinking in mind as we come back in just a moment. Well, there was just joining us, Leo Hohmann is my guest. He’s with me generally at least once a month. And he has a website, Leo where you can find just a vast number of articles all relevant. They really are. And some just right at the cusp of breaking news such as the one we just talked about where he was talking about games and how in the end of the day, the process of politics, be it Democrat or Republican, just goes back and forth and ultimately there’s a move toward, I’m going to say in my terms, move towards a consolidated government where those few in power and those moneyed interests who run the show for those who are in office, and they do ultimately determine a way to, no matter what the people say, you get a remarkable number of similar things that come at end of the pipe.
And for the last many years it’s been this move towards a global government. That has been the goal. We’ve talked about that in many different ways and people on both sides talk about it. Anyway, so just that being the case, Leo, let me go back. There’s another article you wrote just last night actually. This was part of the title that said is Trump to invest $500 billion, that’s a half a trillion dollars, 500 billion in new US data centers to boost the power of artificial intelligence. Now, this announcement that was done yesterday was a big announcement indeed. A lot of people are not aware of it yet, but it was made, well, it was covered by CBS News and Conservative Zero Hedge among others. But in your article, Leo, you cited these words from Zero Hedge, and I’m just going to quote just a little bit of that.
Take a look at the news today about Trump’s AI investment bombshell a story which is breaking at CBS news and in the conservative media at Zero Hedge. And then here’s a piece that you quoted from Zero Hedge. It said, this shares of US-based technology company Oracle surged as much as six and a half percent in late afternoon trading. That was yesterday. Now following a CBS news report indicating that President Donald Trump plans to announce billions of dollars in private sector investment to expand America’s artificial intelligence infrastructure because want to say sources say open AI, soft bank and Oracle will be part of a joint venture called Stargate. The heads of the tech firms plan to invest a hundred billion dollars and then up to 500 billion over four years in building artificial intelligence infrastructure across the United States. Now here’s my question, Leo, can you share more about this new $500 billion public private partnership with billionaire entities and with Donald Trump promising to take the lead? What is this about? What’s the potential problem with such a joint venture?
Leo Hohmann:
Yeah, I actually posted another article about two or three hours after that one, which was posted. The second one was posted after the press conference held at the White House with President Trump and the CEOs of these three tech companies, which included Larry Ellison of Oracle, Sam Altman of Open ai, and a Japanese investor whose name I can’t pronounce, who’s head of SoftBank, which is also involved in many other tech companies. And it includes a video as well. So there’s no speculation here. Okay, it’s the video. It’s the information, $500 billion over four years to build the infrastructure of the new generation of ai, which is generative ai, where the total intelligence of artificial intelligence becomes greater than the sum of all human knowledge. That’s where they call generative ai. And it’s going to take immense computer power and storage ability to handle this. So they’re building these humongous data centers all over the country that will use up a lot of electricity and a lot of water.
So get ready for your electricity bills and your water bills to go up if you’re in an area that is going to be near one of these or even a state where these data centers are going up. But I see this, as I explained in both articles really as Donald Trump being used by these captains of industry, he was surrounded by them. And don’t forget, also Elon Musk is involved with the president to build the superstructure of the Coming Beast system. Donald Trump will build it, someone else will weaponize it. And so this is the warning that I’m sending out to conservative Christian people who are being just getting whiplash from all of the wonderful good things Donald Trump did in his first 24 hours. And it looks to me more like a misdirection, the old football misdirection where you fake the handoff in one direction, all the blockers go with him, but then you give the ball to another runner who goes the opposite way, and that is the one that nobody has their eyes on.
Sam Rohrer:
And Leo again, these three individuals that you mentioned, it is interesting that in this group and the pictures are all out there. I mean, it was a very public thing in the White House. These three individuals are there. It’s interesting that Elon Musk was not among that number. It’s raised a lot of questions. Where was he and all of that. But that’s to the point. The point being, billionaires of significant influence with lots of money are now there and going to be a part of a joint public partner private ship, which frankly, I’ve had major problems with public private partnerships to begin with always because they’re trouble. They’re nothing trouble. But there it is leading the way for this development of expanded artificial intelligence, which we’ve talked about much is a highly problematic technology, but one that is a part of the beast system. And again, we’ve talked about that and you’ve written about it.
Now, here’s another follow up question I want on that. Another major announcement connected to this in more an application, perhaps again, out of the new administration yesterday, concerns the president evidencing his full support and leadership for at least one application of this advanced artificial intelligence, public private partnership where he’s supporting, I’m going to say it’s a warp speed 2.0 type development. Again, just like the first warp speed was focused on mRNA created vaccines. So is this one Now, this is a major concern of mine. You released an article again last night entitled Trump Throws his weight behind New Generation of MRNA gene therapy injections for cancer in other diseases. Here’s my question. What is this major initiative announcement all about and what question does it raise for you and should it raise for? I’m going to say all truth anchored people.
Leo Hohmann:
Yeah. Well, we know that the Covid mRNA injections were an unmedicated disaster. Millions and millions of people came down with acute chronic diseases. Many others died of heart attacks, strokes, brain aneurysms, others had problems. Females had problems with their menstrual cycles. There were many, many stillbirths and people who were made sterile by these injections. And now we’re going to turn these mRNA injections over to AI, artificial intelligence. And I really encourage everybody to read. There was a lot said at that press conference at the White House last night, but pay attention to what was said by Larry Ellison, the CEO of Oracle. He really explained what they have up their sleeve. And this is only with one disease cancer. Like I said, that was just the example given there’s going to be an mRNA so-called vaccine for just about everything if these people get their way and use this $500 billion the way they want to use it.
But he laid it out, Larry Ellison did. He said that they would have an AI directed blood test that could early detect cancer cells in someone’s body, and within 48 hours they would use AI again to gene sequence the cancer and come up with a vaccine uniquely for that single person. What on earth could go wrong with that? Turning over the decision from doctors to AI in terms of what should be injected into one’s body, and just take it as an article of faith that AI knows best AI has detected a cancer cell. Guess what? Everybody has cancer cells in their body, but it’s God’s natural immune system that fights the vast majority of them off and you never have to actually suffer from cancer. Thank God. Thank you Jesus. But AI knows better and AI is going to prescribe an injection, a so-called vaccine within 48. What about a second opinion? What about getting good counsel? It’s all left up to ai. Who can argue with a machine? It’s no longer healthcare is going to be no longer in the hands of human beings. It’s going to be in the hands of ai.
Sam Rohrer:
And ladies and gentlemen, note what Leo is saying. Twila Brase will be with me in a couple of weeks. We’re going to talk about it. We’ve been talking for a long high, how artificial intelligence has been moving into the doctor’s office replacing the doctor. This is now taken gargantuan leaps forward with the announcement by the president yesterday. This is significant. We’re raising it for a clear reason. We come back, we’ll say right now, how do we deal with this? Well, thank you for being with us here on the program today. If you joined us partway through, I would encourage you to go back and pick up the entire program from the beginning where we lay out the foundation for what we’re discussing, our theme today being this needed now vigilance, God’s wisdom, truth-based courage. And so go back and listen. I would encourage you to do so.
Again. We’ve raised a number of questions. I do so because we are to be alert and watchful to all that’s taking place. But as we consider the things here today of which are only a part, these big changes, these fast changes, broad based changes that we’ve witnessed in the outgoing Biden administration and now just a couple of days into the incoming Trump administration, it is moving faster than I could have ever imagined. Change, major change, change in content, change in policy, change in process. Yet I’m going to suggest that there is change. There’s difference, but there’s a lot that have not changed because the political process doesn’t change without God. The political process forever consolidates itself, consolidates more power in the hands of a few. That is the evil leadership. That’s what the Bible tells us and warns us about. That’s why when the righteous are not in authority, the people mourn.
So you have an idea of where I’m going, but these things are important that we carefully consider. So as in conclusion here on this program since we began years ago, it’s been my goal and our goal here as a team to consider leading headline news in light of a biblical worldview and to connect biblical principles to the issues of the day. Doing that today, I do that every day. It’s in this light that I felt led of the Lord to consider the things we have today. But before I go to Leo for his final comments on how to address and approach these days of change, I’d like to offer some final thoughts on why the title focus for today, vigilance, wisdom and courage was chosen. These are my thoughts, is what comes through my mind. Since we are in the latter years of the end days, we’ve been in the end days since Christ ascended.
The latter years of the end days are these days in which we live right now, marked by the fact that Israel’s back in the land and those things are happening there. So we’ve talked about it in many other programs, but since that’s the case, we must be aware that we are in a time dominated by deception. The first leading sign of the age in which we live and which will only increase is deception. Matthew 24, 4, Jesus told the disciples, then take heed that no man deceive you, number one leading sign. So therefore, what do we do? Well, we therefore must be alert. We must remain vigilant like never before. As deception most greatly emanates from positions of authority, particularly the pulpit and religious leaders, and particularly those in positions of political power, the kings of the earth there in Psalm chapter two, now in one Peter five, eight and other places, it says this, be serious, be sober.
Be vigilant because why of the presence of the devil. And that the true battles which are occurring are not occurring in the flesh and blood, but against the very rulers of the darkness of this world. That’s one, be vigilant. Second is this, we must seek continual wisdom. God’s wisdom will be granted to those who ask for it. James one, five makes that clear. Human wisdom and human thinking, pragmatic thinking such as what dominates the thinking of the day will not keep us from error or deception. It cannot. That’s human wisdom. So we must pray for God’s wisdom, which derives from his divine word, the scripture. We’ve got to be anchored in the scripture. Okay? Now thirdly, we must exercise. Courage for God has given us not the spirit of fear, but of courage and strength and of a sound mind. Now, with these three anchors in place, our feet will not be quickly moved, but may this be our individual hope and prayer as we move into this new administration and deeper into this new year. So I’m just going to leave those three things there as thoughts that Leo, you’ve got a few minutes left as you finish the program, but let me go to you for your thoughts now regarding how either you are preparing your mind and hard and how, thereby others who are listening who have a fear of God should have their minds and hearts prepared and make choices and be prepared to make changes as we are faced with challenges which are increasing in these remarkable days.
Leo Hohmann:
Yeah. Wow. That’s some deep stuff there, Sam, that you hit on human wisdom. Let’s take that. What is the sum of all human wisdom, ai, artificial intelligence. All it is, is the complete sum of all human wisdom from the beginning of time till this point, we’re standing in history right now. You talked about Matthew 24, 4, take heed that no man deceived you. I’ve read that scripture a million times, but it never really jumped out at me more than when you just recited it that the emphasis is on, man, take heed that no man deceive you. So if we have a computer system now called artificial intelligence, and it’s not just a man, but it is the sum of all of the smartest men’s wisdom over the ages, that is deception on steroids. So my warning to the listening audience right now is beware of a man, the man or some man beware of the cult of personality that we talked about in the very first segment of this show. Because if you’re listening to a man, you are going to be deceived. We have to be grounded more than ever in the word of God in order to avoid being deceived by man, men and humanity. Humanity, human wisdom.
Sam Rohrer:
And Leo, I didn’t know what you were going to say, but I hadn’t thought of that connection that you made either. So yes, iron sharpening iron here on the program, ladies and gentlemen. But what is artificial intelligence? It is Leo, just like what you said, perfect. It is the sum total of the knowledge of man and ladies and gentlemen we’ve talked about before. What is wrong with ai? Well, AI when it comes to decision making is of necessity by its very nature, absent God and absent truth, it is based off of man’s algorithms when it comes to making a determination of right or wrong or a best choice for you, best choice for someone else based on, well, best is based on some moral value, but it’s absent from God. It’s man’s wisdom. Perhaps. If nothing else, let that raise a red flag. So be vigilant as we approach and go into further days of some good things, some very deceptive things.
Be vigilant, be vigilant. Pray for God’s wisdom. Put man’s wisdom aside. Be very careful man’s wisdom, and then act upon God’s word, truth with courage, conviction. And we’re going to need it as we face choices that come before us. Some pressured, some very tantalizing, but all in these days deceptive. So being very, very careful. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being with us today. God bless you all. Leo Hohmann, bless you brother. Thanks for being with us today. His website, Leo Again, thanks for being with us and the Lord willing. We’ll see you back here tomorrow.
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