by coreygraham | May 24, 2017 | Transcript
QUESTION #2: What is the U.S. debt? What is the international debt? And how would you respond to many pundits and so-called experts say that the debt is really not that much of an issue? Answer: Dan Celia: “I think we have a serious problem in America with the debt....
by coreygraham | May 24, 2017 | Transcript
QUESTION #3: The Trump administration promised major tax cuts, massive infrastructure rebuilding, and the bringing back of hundreds of thousands of jobs from overseas. Will these policies grow us out of our debt problems? Answer: Dan Celia: “Well, those things in and...
by coreygraham | May 24, 2017 | Transcript
QUESTION #4: How do you advise the responsible Christian citizen to view the economics of the day and to live in light of the uncertain economic times? Answer: Dan Celia: “Well, I don’t think we are uncertain about a couple of things. We know how the story ends...
by coreygraham | May 18, 2017 | Transcript
QUESTION #1: Some are saying that we are on the brink of World War III. Can you share your thoughts on the geopolitical climate in the Middle East and why events are so precipitous? Answer: Bill Koenig: “There is definitely tension. There’s a political tension...
by coreygraham | May 18, 2017 | Transcript
QUESTION #2: As nations are forced to take sides, what alignments do you see emerging and what kind of message are they receiving from the White House? Answer: Bill Koenig: “Without a doubt, it’s so fascinating. Basically what has happened is, and that’s...
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