Sam Rohrer: Today, leaders and supporters in the pro-life movement are in Washington DC. A march, then a gathering in front of the US Supreme Court for speeches and prayer for the annual march, will emphasize the horrendous impacts of legalized abortion in this country. And they will also emphasize the need to defund the leading murder of the unborn machine. That’s what I’m calling it, the murder of the unborn machinery that’s in place that’s called Planned Parenthood.
Associated with this day is Sunday that’s designated as the Sanctity of Life Sunday, with many pastors emphasizing in making the case for life as they stand in their pulpits and I wish that all would do it. With that, I say welcome to Stand In The Gap Today. I’m Sam Rohrer and I’m going to be accompanied today by our full team, Dr. Gary Dull and Evangelist Dave Kistler.
Now, normally on Fridays, we emphasize economics and the biblical principles of finance and stewardship and biblically responsible investing. But today, because of the significance of the emphasis on life, we’d like to make the focus of life, our theme for the day. And that theme is, as I’m going to call it here, the case for life and the high cost of murder.
Now, from Genesis 2:7 where the Bible says this, “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.” From that statement to the preamble of the US Declaration of Independence, that recognizes that amazing miracle and says this, “We are endowed by our creator with unalienable rights, among these are life and liberty.”
In both cases, scripturally as recorded by God, the Declaration of Independence recorded by our founders, life is recognized as sacred and special, and it is done so by those who believe in creation and those who fear God. Now, to those who refute creation and oppose God, life is cheap, dispensable and not at all sacred. In the end, one’s view of life and death is a matter of worldview, a biblical worldview that we talk about on this program all the time reveres, protects and cherishes life.
A secular humanist or atheist worldview will negotiate away the value of life and joined with any movement that places one life of greater value than another. Now, these two world views oppose each other and they’re in continual opposition and they have been since the very first days after creation when Cain murdered his own brother Abel and spilled his blood on the ground.
Today on this program, Gary and Dave and I are going to give our respective and personal reasons for supporting life as sacred as God has established it there in Genesis and recognized by our founders and why the cost of death or murder is so very high. With that, Gary, let me start with you because you’re going to get on the next segment. I’m going to ask you to lay out for a few minutes the reasons why you support and defend life.
Don’t go there yet but I’d like your response to how the press normally positions those who are defenders of life. For instance, today in The Hill, that’s a paper. It says this, the headline reads, “Abortion foes march into divided Washington.” And then the first line reads, “The nation’s largest march against abortion.” Now, that article and most that cover anything about the march and life generally revolves around the issue of Roe v. Wade, Planned Parenthood, public funding for abortion, and so forth.
Now, being opposed to these things, Gary, is important but do you think that the positioning as we normally see as something being against this rather than positioning the supporters of life as being something for life? Is that intention … Does that make sense what I’m asking you there? If not, clarify it and go ahead and answer that as you see fit.
Gary Dull: Well, this idea of being for and against is really something very interesting. I remember a number of years ago, somebody came to me in my church and said, “You know, we need to let people know what we are for, not necessarily what we are against.” And I thought about that a lot of times over the years. And, Sam, as it relates to this concept of life, we as Christians as biblicists, are for life automatically which means that if we are for life automatically then we are against taking life whether you’re talking about euthanasia, infanticide, abortion whatever the case may be.
But more importantly, we are for life because God is for life. God is the originator of life. He is the sustainer of life and so we do everything that we can as Christians to uphold life because we want to obey God. The Bible teaches us that it’s God who’s the giver of life and God is the one who takes life, and so we needed to depend upon him with that.
Sam Rohrer: Gary, you’re going to go into more on that on the next segment. I just want to ask you this question, do you therefore believe it’s a problem … Basically, you’re saying no to be known as being anti-murder, anti-abortion is no less legitimate than saying that I am pro-life. You’re saying that both of them go together, so you have no problem with that?
Gary Dull: They go together, yeah. They’re two peas in the pod.
Sam Rohrer: Okay, Gary. Dave, let me go to you because if you look around what’s happening over the country since Roe v. Wade and the ’73, there have been efforts made. Obviously, we know that the fight has been great against that, but yet as we look at overall our culture, murder rates be it in Chicago or Baltimore or wherever it is, are up in many, many places. Abortion themselves are down slightly but not all that much and right now, in 27 state legislatures over 50% of our states, there are doctor-assisted suicide or euthanasia bills before them. Is there perhaps something, Dave, in this? Are we winning this battle and this debate or are we not?
Dave Kistler: Sam, I don’t think we’re winning the battle overall, but I think we can win the battle. Let me say why. With the increase of technology just from the standpoint of abortion, when you can see or a mother is allowed to see that there is a living human being inside my womb, that tilts the needle heavily in favor of life. But I think what you’re getting at, Sam, is this. We need to cultivate in the Christian community and throughout the nation a culture of life where we understand because God is for life. I’m for life then I’m automatically against anything that’s going to be the antithesis of that.
Overall, we’re not really winning the battle but, Sam, we can win it. We can if we’ll just tweak some things and of course, a revival would take care of all of this, wouldn’t it?
Sam Rohrer: Dave, it absolutely would. And ladies and gentlemen, we’re just kind of kicking off the program here today. We’re talking about making the case for life. This is the day the March for Life in Washington on Sunday is going to be the Sanctity of Life Sunday. So, we’re focusing this program today on life. We’re going to talk about some of the normal arguments that come up regarding it.
But we’re going to lead off each segment now to the balance of the program with Gary in the next segment giving about five minutes worth of why he has a conviction for support of life. Dave’s going to go next after the next segment, and then I will conclude and then we’re going to wrap a lot of these things up as we go actually through this program.
On the program today, we’re talking about the case for life, the high cost of death or the high cost of murder in the case of abortion. Across the nation, as you know, today and then on Sunday, supporters of life will give speeches and sermons about why people generally and our nation as a whole should reflect the support of life and oppose abortion.
Many of the arguments will be similar, of course. There will be survivors of botched attempts at murder referred to as abortions or people whose mothers decided at the last moment not to abort them. To many disabled people who the abortion crowd would say are of less value and should have been murdered in the womb, these people will share their gripping stories. I’ve seen some of them. They’re compelling.
And it gives us all a reason to say, “I am glad that you are, in fact, alive.” In such cases for those who support life, these stories are gripping. They’re very real. They’re very encouraging and they’re convincing. Now, for those who oppose life, these examples are mostly ignored, downplayed or just flat-out rejected.
Again, as I started the program today, the view of life and death is a matter of worldview, but sometimes it’s helpful to hear the reasoning of different people as to why they personally hold to life and the applications to our nation that can be drawn from that understanding. And during the balance of the program, I mentioned Dave and Gary and I are going to share our major reasons, our personal reasons for why we individually support life and why we believe it’s so critical that our citizens and that our nation support and defend life as well.
Gary, I want you to kind of set the pattern here for us right now. I’d like you to go first here. Take five or six minutes as you will lay out your primary reasons for supporting and defending life. I think probably there will be a couple of them that you hinted that in the first segment perhaps, but I know that you’re preaching at your church on Sunday on the sanctity of life on this very issue. So, you have a whole lot more material than you can possibly share right now.
So I’m going to ask you to do something impossible. Shorten your sermon down to about five or six minutes. Can you do that?
Gary Dull: It’s harder to preach a five-minute sermon than it is a 50-minute sermon, but I think this is a subject that we really need to take into consideration, Sam, and I’m glad we’re dealing with it today. I’ve been involved with the pro-life movement for years and as a matter of fact, 30 to 35 years ago, I guess it was. I was even involved with the closing down of an abortion clinic with what was referred to as quiet diplomacy in Lebanon, Pennsylvania.
And every year, I preached on the concept of life and the sanctity of life. And there’s no doubt my mind that today we are living in a time when there is an attack on human life. And today, there’s going to be a lot of emphasis on abortion and making an effort to overturn Roe v. Wade that goes back to January of 1973. But when we talk about this whole concept of the attack that’s on life, we talk about abortion and euthanasia, infanticide, physician-assisted suicide, and we can go on and on.
As a matter of fact, I recently ran across a statement by Peter Singer, who is the Professor of Bioethics at the Center for Human Values at Princeton University and he said, and I quote, “By 2040, it may be that only a group of hardcore know-nothing religious fundamentalists will defend the view that every human life from conception to death is sacrosanct.”
He may be right. I do not know. I’d go along with Dave Kistler as what he said a few minutes ago that may be right now, we’re not winning the battle but we could and I think a lot of that of winning the battle goes back to the pulpits. When we talk about the fact that life is sacred or when we speak of the sanctity of life, we need to keep in mind that it is that because it is holy and sanctified and belongs to God.
It is God who gives life. It is God who takes life. The word of God teaches us that. But when you go way back to the beginning in Genesis 1 and try to find the reason why we believe in the sanctity of life, we see it right out for us in Genesis 1:26 and following. And I just want to read those verses where it says, “And God said, ‘Let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the face of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle in over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.'”
“God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them. And God bless them and God said unto them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.'” When we talk about supporting life, it goes right back to that passage of Scripture, Sam, because in that passage of Scripture, we see that human life mirrors God in the sense that it says right there in the first part of verse 26, “God said, ‘Let us make man in our image and after our likeness.'”
In other words, we are made in the image of God. Human life reflects God’s triune nature. He is a trinity, God the father, God the son, God the Holy Spirit and of course, we are trichotomous in the sense that we are made up of the body, the soul, and the spirit, so you see that connection in reflecting God. Then human life reflects God in his kingly rule.
We know that God is the ultimate ruler. Well, God delegates authority in a certain sense and tells us here in Genesis 1 that we are to have dominion over the things of the earth. And then human life reflects God’s personality. Personality is made up of intellect, emotion and will. God has that and he’s given it to us as well. That’s really what it means when it says that we are made in his image. Human life mirrors God, therefore, we should support life.
Secondly, human life manifests God because it shows the power and the desires of God. When you take and look at creation and how that God brought life into existence and continues to do so, that shows his power. Psalm 139:14 tells us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. And so that shows his power and every time we look at a new baby being born, that’s a reminder that it is God himself who has the power to bring life together.
And then, of course, as it magnifies God, it shows God’s distinction between male and female. He made us male and female in order to have the reproduction capabilities. All of that magnifies God. And then we support life because human life manifests God. It makes God known unto us and it’s interesting that when we read here in Genesis 1, we see that God really wants us to enjoy his creation.
In fact, in 1 Timothy 6:17, it says that God has given us all things to enjoy, and when you read them through Genesis 1:29 through 31, it talks about every plant, every animal everything is for us to enjoy. And so as we look at life, we need to go back to God. It comes from God, human life mirrors God, magnifies God, manifests God and therefore, we should be pro-life in everything that we do.
Dave Kistler: Gary, let me ask you question because I’ve viewed it this way, I guess, all of my adult life that those are what are called pro-choice, pro-murder and I like the way Sam has chosen to craft the terminology today because it is what it is. It is pro-murder, support of murder. But those that support abortion are very much akin to those in this country who live in the United States of America and yet want to criticize and condemn all that is the United States.
In other words, they’re taking advantage of the very country they’re condemning and using the liberties and the benefits afforded them in this country to criticize and condemn this country. In like fashion, the people that are proponents of death are taking advantage of the very thing they want to deny to others which is life. They’re taking advantage of that life that they have and using it to deny people the very benefit they’ve been given.
To me, what I’m getting at, Gary, is to me it appears to be the most selfish, self-absorbed choice in act and decision to be pro-murder of anything out there. Is that oversimplification or would you agree?
Gary Dull: I think I would agree to that. I remember one day debating Kate Michelman on WHP television out in Harrisburg. And she was a head of the … I can’t remember the organization she was a head of but nevertheless, when it came down to it, I said, “You know, there is life in that womb, in that young lady or that lady who’s pregnant. And it was comes down to taking life,” and her response to that was simply, “Well, when it comes down to it, the fact is the mother who aborts just doesn’t want to have that baby, doesn’t want that life.”
And so, she was in essence saying that, “Yeah, it’s a selfish thing. It’s a very selfish thing to take that life, that precious life out of the womb of that mother.” So, taking life is one of the most selfish things I think the one can do.
Sam Rohrer: We’re just about at a break here, guys. I want to come back, Dave. I’m going to ask you a couple of questions next segment and clarify some the things that are being argued out there. For instance, one of these is abortion ever, ever possible or supportable? What about in the cases of rape or incest as an example? One of those arguments that everybody hears about, I’m going to ask you that question when we come back, then we can talk about that as well.
Ladies and gentlemen, you’re listening to Stand In The Gap Today with Sam Rohrer, Gary Dull, and Dave Kistler. Our theme for the day is the case for life and the high cost of murder.
This is the day that’s set aside as the March for Life. It’s happening in Washington now as we do the program. And on Sunday, it is the Sanctity of Life Sunday where many in the pulpits will stand and speak. Hopefully, a great majority will take the opportunity to teach their people about what God says about life.
But on the program today, Dave and Gary and I, are trying to, from our own perspective, make the case for life as we individually share why we support the value of life, the sacredness of life, and why it’s so important for our citizens and for our nation to hold that same position. Now, we talk about that really the decision of life and the value of life is distinctively biblical worldview. That’s a biblical view because it goes right back to God.
Yet, we’re in a culture where it is so heavily dominated by a culture that devalues life and favors, as we’re terming abortion, murder because it’s exactly what it is. It’s the willing, volitionary taking of somebody else’s innocent life. That’s what it is. So, we’re in that battle and we’re talking about today and sharing what we believe personally a lot of commonality you will hear because we’re all coming from biblical worldview perspective but you may hear some differences relative to specific pieces of this truth that perhaps mean more to either one of us.
Now, the support of life and the opposition to death and murder, as I’m calling abortion, is a fundamental distinguishing factor in individuals and societies and nations. Nations whose laws are built on the principles of Judeo-Christian thought, those nations will protect life and they will punish those who will murder the innocent, and their loss will reflect it.
Nations who are guided by the ideologies of atheism or Islam or globalism and post-Christian ideologies of various sorts, they will destroy lives of those with whom they disagree, and they certainly will devalue the lives of all others who don’t agree with them.
Now, we see the world right now running full steam ahead into the embracing of the concept of equating the value of life with agreement with government or some person in government, or whether or not that person provides some kind of “usefulness” to society as made popular by Karl Marx and Hegel. It’s important to know why life is important and to view it as God views it.
Dave, I’m going to go to you right now. Just like we did in the last segment with Gary, I’d like for you to take five minutes or so and layout the basic reasons why you have chosen to defend life, to support life, and why it’s critical for Christians, of course, but frankly for all of our citizens and our nation’s policies to reflect this position.
Dave Kistler: Sam, I appreciate the opportunity to do this. Gary gave three reasons why he supports life. Let me give three. They’re a little bit different than his but there will be some overlap. Number one, I believe in and support life for, number one, what I’m going to call logical/medical reasons. The only thing, the only thing that makes sense is that life begins at the point of conception, the moment of conception, the point of fertilization. That’s true with animals and humans. The laws of biogenetics, the science of reproduction, all of it shows unequivocally that conception constitutes a living being that can be nothing else but a living being.
Sam, you know this and Gary knows as well, pro-choice advocates, what we’re calling today pro-murder advocates, try to counter what I just said through the argument, for lack of a better way to describe it, of gradualism. The thought that a fetus is a different thing at each stage of development. In other words, at some point early on, that fetus is not a living thing but at some point it becomes a living thing. Hence, at some point, it would be wrong to terminate that fetus’ life.
But the problem with that gradualistic approach is that it fails to have a clear fix on what it means to be a thing. A thing is itself not something else as long as it continues to exist. In other words, beings don’t transform into different beings. They are what they are regardless of how their appearance might change.
What I look like at six days old, what I look like at six weeks old, what I look like at six months old, what I look like at six years old, and what I look like now at 60 years old is all different. But, Sam, I am the same being. And the same thing is true with the fetus. So, I am pro-life because of the logical/medical reasons.
Number two, I am pro-life because of biblical reasons, and I just want to read a portion of Psalm 139 where the psalmist said in verse 14, “I will praise you, Lord, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are your works and that my soul knoweth very well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in secret and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in your book, they all were written, the days fashioned for me when as yet there were none of them.” In other words, before I was fully formed, God saw me as a person.
And then, Sam, there’s a third reason why I support life and it’s a very personal one. Because in 1959, when my brother and I were conceived and my mom carried us, within weeks of us being delivered, the doctors told my mom and my dad because of the medical issues my mom had at the time, toxemia, host of other medical problems that there was a 50% chance she would make it through the delivery and there was absolutely zero chance that my brother and I would make it. In fact, the doctors told them be prepared for two stillborn children, two twins that are stillborn.
Of course, abortion was not an option in ’59. It wouldn’t even have been an option for my parents because they were believers in Jesus Christ. But had I been born to different parents, had I been born at a different time other than 1959, Sam, my life would have been terminated. But in 1959, because abortion was not an option and my parents were believers in Jesus Christ, I was allowed to be born. And, Sam, I was born healthy. My brother was. I’m alive. I’ve been able to serve the Lord all these years, so I am pro-life for very personal reasons.
Sam Rohrer: Ladies and gentlemen, I think if you’re listening right now, I said there would be some differences. But fundamentally, coming back to the same point, life is sacred because God made it that way. Dave, that’s very gripping and I think that’s very easy for people to remember, logical and medical reasons, about why life begins at conception. Biblical reasons, a lot of which Gary built out earlier and that you’d stated, and then because of a personal reason which I said at the beginning of the program, there are many people who are talking and standing about it and saying, “I’m alive because someone made the choice not to murder me in the womb.” And I think that’s telling thing, ladies and gentlemen.
Now, Dave, let me come back to you because I want to ask this question because there was a leading conservative talk show host this morning that on his program was talking about this matter of life and in his mind, he said, “I am just really back and forth. I don’t really know exactly how one ought to take a position, for instance, on abortion relative to someone who has conceived through rape or incest. I was in public office and everybody who’s in office is forced to come down and answer that question. Are you in favor of life with no exceptions, or are you in favor of life with some exceptions?”
Now, I want ask you what you think about that, Dave. Is there any room under any of these reasons you gave? Any room for abortion? How would you answer that question?
Dave Kistler: Sam, there’s not. And I’ll go back to my own personal example. My mom, had she lived in another time and had she had different set of values, she would have been pressured to have an abortion because your life is in jeopardy. And yet, if we believe the Scriptures, and in Genesis 50, Joseph made a phenomenal statement to his brothers after having lived a very difficult life prior to God rewarding him for him staying faithful in those difficult days and being placed second in command in Egypt. Joseph said to his brothers who had thoroughly mistreated him. He said, “What you guys meant for evil, God meant for good to bring to pass as it is this day to save much people,” here’s the operative word, “alive.”
My point is this, that which is unfortunate, a rape situation, an incest situation, if we say abortion should be allowed for those reasons, what we’re saying is we’re going to put the one life of this person who was, yes, mistreated. It was unfortunate situation. We’re putting that above another life. That’s not ours to do. And what could be seen as an incredibly, and it’s seen as an incredibly negative situation, God can turn into an incredibly good one. And it is a selfish decision on the part of the one injured to say that because of what was done to me, I’m going to terminate a whole another distinct life. Sam, that makes no logical sense. It certainly makes to me no biblical sense either.
Sam Rohrer: Gary, do you have any thoughts to add to what Dave just answered there?
Dave Kistler: Well, I agree with Dave. I think life begins at the point of conception, and I think that can be proven biblically as well as medically. And they’re proving that more and more, they’re seeing that more and more. And so, I see no reason at all to have an abortion.
I know that in the church that I pastored many times, I’ve had doctors say to young ladies who are having babies, “You may not be able to carry this baby to term. Maybe you should consider it aborting.” And in every case, the mother has chosen life and that baby was born and those babies have grown into adults or children or teenagers or whatever the case. Life is life. God is the one who is the author of life. God forms life at the point of conception, and so in my not opinion but in my conviction, there’s no reason for abortion after the point of conception.
Sam Rohrer: Gary, you are in agreement. We’re all, I think, in agreement on that. And, ladies and gentlemen, that’s a major point. That’s a matter of discussion out there and I think what you just heard right here brings you back most solidly biblically.
A lot of compelling arguments that exist for life there are, and many hold to some very convincing principles. They’re all a little bit different and that’s what we’re trying to do today just to share some things from our perspectives. If I could, let me just give five reasons for my perspective now and you’ll see some crossover from what Dave and Gary just said. I’ll try to do this pretty quickly and I’m going to start with here. I could go biblical, I could go historical, or I could go medical. But I’m just going to stay with the primary one that convinces me personally about the value of life and that is the biblical one.
I support life because God does. Gary said that earlier and Dave didn’t use those words but he did say that. That’s where we go. That’s a biblical worldview component. And I go to Genesis 2 where God breathed into Adam the breath of life. And there it says this breath was special because God had already made the creation. On that last day, he made man and it says that he filled his nostrils with his spirit, the breath of God. And that made humankind a living soul, and Gary went into further detail on that.
Mankind is different than animals. God didn’t breathe into the animals the breath of life. He just created them alive, but he breathed into man the breath of life. That’s why life is sacred. It’s God breathed each person a unique soul, each person of great value, each person made in the image of God.
First reason is because God breathed into mankind his breath of life. Number two, I support and defend life because God established universal laws protecting life. The sixth command of the Ten Commandments, “Thou shalt not murder. Thou shalt not take innocent blood,” as Exodus 20:13 says that God recognizes and says, “All mankind, if you’re going to keep yourself whole, better protect life and make it valuable as I have made it valuable.”
God established universal laws protecting life, thirdly, because God prescribed penalties for murder. Exodus 21:12-14, it talks about there that the penalty for punishing anyone who murders is that one life is to be taken for the other. God prescribes penalties, again, emphasizing the value of life.
And he also then passed that onto government to protect that and some of those who are involved in Romans 13, nations and governments that enact justice, punishing those who do evil including taking life and praising those who do well including supporting and defending life.
And then fourthly, I support and defend life because God promises blessings to the people and the nations who follow his moral law regarding life and the protecting of life. And I can’t get into all this passage but Deuteronomy 30:15 through 20, God says to the people, “You follow my law where I value life and I set up how nations ought to run and people ought to live. If you do those things, it’s the same as choosing life. If you don’t choose those things, you will choose death, ultimate to yourself and to others and you’ll choose death for the nation.”
And then fifth, the last one, is that from a national perspective, I guess I work some of these into it from being in office for 18 years and thinking about the role of government and nationhood. The fifth reason is because God confirms his judgment on nations who murder and don’t defend life. Ezekiel 20:1-4, those verses read that, without quoting them. Ezekiel goes to Israel, God’s nation to whom he gave the laws of life, and said I’m going to judge you as a nation because you have shed innocent blood. That is murder. They offered their children on sacrifices, on altars to idol worship. Is abortion any less than that? Is it any less than murdering children in a sacrifice to perhaps as Dave said selfishness or who knows to something else?
But God confirms blessings on nations who defend life, and God confirms judgment on nations who take life. Those are the five reasons that I would lay out for me personally. Now, let me go back to you, Dave or Gary, you’re listening. I don’t know if you have any further comments and wrap up here. Dave, let me go to you first. What Gary said or what you’re coming in on or what I just said, any wrap-up comments from you here today on this theme?
Dave Kistler: Sam, just this. What you and Gary have laid out from a biblical perspective today is the definitive statement on this issue of life. We are pro-life for the reasons you men have stated, biblical reasons primarily. There are medical and logical reasons that will support the biblical reasons. There are also very personal reasons. We could all stories whether they’re ours or stories of someone else that we know closely, maybe a family member, a close friend that also can substantiate. But the bottom line is this, this issue can and only will be resolved when we take what God says with respect to this issue, so that is priority number one.
Sam Rohrer: Okay, Gary, let me go to you. You’ve been listening and you’ll have pretty much the final word here today. Any thoughts that you would have and kind of wrapping together this subject, building on what Dave said and all of that as we close the program?
Gary Dull: Well, I certainly believe that every Christian must stand for life, and if you stand for God, you will stand for life. But I want to speak to pastors and say that Sunday is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, and I would encourage every pastor out there to preach on the concept of life. Dave said that we can see this thing turned around on a national level and I believe we can too if we preach the word of God because the word of God will have its effect.
We can preach, we can pray, and we can teach others about God and his view of life, which is obviously the biblical worldview, the divine worldview. And I think that we need to do that on a consistent basis. The more we deliver what the word of God says, the more we are going to be able to see God use his word to change this whole concept and get people to support the concept of life.
Sam Rohrer: Gary, thank you for matching that. Ladies and gentlemen, when I said earlier that some pastors will be preaching on Sunday and hope many would, in reality, we know. George Barna Research, probably the best ones we’ve had of the last couple of years, I think the number has been down around 10% of those in the pulpit who will actually speak about the matter of abortion and the value of life from the pulpit.
That goes back to what Dave said. This problem can be fixed. The culture of death can be corrected but only can be corrected by the giver of life and the source of life which comes from the word of God and from God himself. And that’s got to come from the pulpits of America, lived out in our homes.
But it’s there as a hope for all who are listening today. If you have physical life and you’re listening, you have spiritual life to Jesus Christ, that’s the most important. That you can have if you trusted him. We courage you that you would trust in him today.
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