Gary Dull:                     Hello there ladies and gentlemen. Sam is not with us today. Dave Kistler’s not with us today, but I am Gary Dull, and I am with you today. I want to thank you so very, very much for the pleasure of your company as we gather around the radio today for another edition of Stand in the Gap.

                                    You know, it seems like each and every day, when we look at the news from Washington D.C., we have the tendency to get discouraged with all of the sad, disappointing and disrupting reports that come from the city. In a city where men and women should be working together across party lines for the American people, so as to strengthen and advance our nation, based upon the constitution and proper law, we so often see arguing, back-biting, and gridlock about things that really distract and prevent our nation from going forward. But what we do not hear about, as often as we should, is what God is doing through various ministries around Capitol Hill. Today, I want to tell you, and I tell you clearly, that God is alive and well in Washington D.C. Let me repeat that. God is alive and well in Washington D.C., and he is doing a work, even though we do not see it in the news every day. 

                                    Well, today in Stand in the Gap Today, we are going to inform you about what God is doing in our nation’s capital, not just once in a while, but each and every day, 52 weeks out of the year. Now if you can picture in your mind the layout of Capitol Hill, you would be encouraged to see that the Capitol building, itself, is practically surrounded by God appointed ministries and ministers. Looking toward the west of the Capitol building, as it were, on the left or the south side is Independence Avenue. On the right, or the north side, is Constitution Avenue. Behind the Capitol building is First Street Southeast, and located up and down those avenues are ministries, reaching into the lives of governmental leaders, each and every day. Well, today we’re going to chat with one pastor who has a church just a few blocks from the Capitol building, as well as two other ministry leaders who have been very actively involved in Washington D.C., in particularly this week.

                                    Actually, my guests today will be John Whaley, who is with Rooftop USA ministries, Keith Davidson, who is with Seedline International ministries. Both of those fellows have been with us before. And then today, we have a brand new guest that is Pastor Brad Wells, of the GraceWay Baptist church, located just a few blocks from the Capitol building. All three of these men have exciting ministries that will encourage your heart when you hear what they have done and are doing in Washington D.C.

                                    But before we speak to our guests, and we’ll be bringing them in, in the last three segments of the program, I remind you that yesterday was the National Day of Prayer, when those who believe in prayer, all across America, united, talking to God in prayer for our nation. This year, the theme of the National Day of Prayer was Love One Another, taken from John 13:34, where the word of God says, “A new commandment I give unto you that you love one another as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.” Folks, I think that you would agree with me that with all of the division that’s in America today, we certainly do need to pray that this great love will come into fruition in the lives of our citizens. But if it is to come into fruition, it must start in the body of Christ, without which it really will not occur. Remember, in John 13:34, Jesus was speaking to those who were his followers. That is, it’s very applicable to those of us who are Christians.

                                    Now, the National Day of Prayer was created in 1952 by a joint resolution of Congress, and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman. In 1988, the law was unanimously amended by both the House and the Senate, and signed into law by President Ronald Regan on Thursday, May 5, 1988, designating the first Thursday of May as the National Day of Prayer. Now every President since 1952 has signed a National Day of Prayer proclamation, including Donald Trump, this year. Now I’m very thankful for the National Day of Prayer, as we all should be, as well for the many governmental leaders, pastors, and other citizens who get involved to pray for our nation on the first Thursday of May, each and every year. 

                                    Dr. Ronnie Floyd is the President of the National Day of Prayer task force, and he has been quoted to say, and I quote, “There is no great movement of God that has ever occurred that does not begin with extraordinary prayer of God’s people.” Can I repeat that again? “There is no great movement of God that has ever occurred that does not begin with extraordinary prayer of God’s people.” Ladies and gentlemen, that is absolutely true. We need to pray. Prayer can not be substituted by anything. The more we pray, and the more we pray earnestly, the more we will see God work. But if that extraordinary pray is going to be effective, then there are certain components that we must practice. Number one, that prayer must be regular, not just one day out of the year. Number two, that prayer must be genuine, not just ceremonially conducted. Number three, that prayer must be given through faith, not doubting, truly believing that God will work. Number four, that prayer must be specific, not just a general God bless America type of utterance. 

                                    I think we would all agree that what we really need to pray in America today is found there in 2 Chronicles 7:14 where God said, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Folks, for our nation to experience a revival, it’s got to start with God’s people because remember that revival is God’s people getting right with God. So church, let’s examine ourselves and make sure that we are who and what God wants us to be, and then, by the grace of God, we will be able to watch God work and bring revival to America. 

                                    So let’s not just pray once a year for our country. The Bible teaches us through the words of the Apostle Paul to Timothy that on a consistent, regular way, we are to be praying for those who are in authority, that we may lead a quite ane peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. Folks, I truly believe that one of the reasons why we’ve got so many things going on in America today, morally, religiously, spiritually, ethically, financially, politically and every other way, is because we, as God’s children, aren’t praying as we should be. Let’s pray for America, consistently.

                                    Well, for 30 years, located right at the United States Capitol building, a Bible reading marathon has been conducted where the people are reading the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, without missing a verse. That’s right. From Genesis through Revelation, without missing a verse, and that’s been going on for about 30 years at our nation’s capital. I’ve had the honor of being involved with that marathon, several times down through the years, and this past marathon, actually on Monday morning, we had 18 or 19 of our young people from the church where I pastor, participate. They had a great time. They were testifying about it during our Wednesday evening service, and it was great. 

                                    So today, we have the opportunity to have with us the current director of the National Bible Reading Marathon, Keith Davidson, with us. Now Keith has been with us in the past. He is with Seedline International, and so he’s not necessarily new to most of you, but it’s a delight to have him with us today. Keith, welcome back to Stand in the Gap Today, sir.

Keith Davidson:             Well, thank you Pastor Gary. It sure is a blessing, and I always enjoy the radio time, knowing that we’re reaching many folks, and folks are praying for different events. This week’s been no exception. We’ve, I think, felt the prayers and have had success because of that.

Gary Dull:                     Amen. Now before we get right in to the National Bible Reading Marathon, just give a brief description of Seedline International, in the even that we’ve got somebody who never heard of that before.

Keith Davidson:             Okay. Yes, sir. I pastored for five years, started a church, and through that time, God just burdened my heart about the bibles, and folks not having anything to read, not even a page. Out of that started Seedline International, and we do production, which we assemble bibles. We do distribution, and go to the mission field, and different projects like that, and transportation involved in shipping. We’re involved in providing bibles around the world for folks that don’t have it, and especially work with countries to get a Bible in their language through some other ministries. 

Gary Dull:                     And God has blessed that ministry over and over again. You know, God’s promised to bless his word, and through the type of ministry that you have, you know God’s going to bless you because you’re getting out his word to people all around the globe. That’s a great ministry.

                                    Well the marathon, Keith, has been going on for about 30 years. Now you’ve not been there all of those years, but I’m just wondering if you could give a brief history of the National Bible Reading Marathon for our people. 

Keith Davidson:             Yes, sir. Pastor Gary, we’ve … I’ve been involved for five years. This was our sixth year, and the first time I heard about it, I didn’t even know what was going on. It’s been going on for 30 years. Dr. Hash, who went to Jerusalem and saw the Bible being read in Jerusalem, publicly, and burdened his heart. He came back and got with Dr. Corinthia Boone, and several others, and they felt like that needed to be done in Washington D.C., so they began that in 1990, reading the entire Bible. I think in the early days, there was only four or five, or so, that had to do the whole entire reading, so pretty unique. Then Pastor Michael Hall, and Terry Hall picked it up, and they’ve been it for 20-some odd plus years, and have taken that on as a personal ministry. 

                                    This year, broke their heart, and others as well, but God deemed fit to allow us to move into that, and they’ve handed the torch off to Seedline International. So this was our first year, and it went really well, but we’re standing on the shoulders of many great folks who started this. Of course, the word of God itself really needs no defending, or anything else. It stands on its own, but it’s as blessing to be a part of it. Many hands, brother Gary, have made this possible. 

Gary Dull:                     Talk about that, how many people did it take to put on the marathon this year? 

Keith Davidson:             We had about 50 people that would work directly in managing, and so forth, but as far as readers, we had over 500 readers, brother Gary, this time. I’m amazed at folks that want to come. We had people even just stop by to find out what we’re doing, and amazed that we could read the Bible at the nation’s capital. Of course, we’re expressing our First Amendment rights of free speech, and that’s actually probably the most important thing that we can do in free speech, is providing the word of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ. But there were over 500. I just can’t get that number out of my mind. It’s exciting and encouraging at the same time.

Gary Dull:                     Well it is, and those people came from all over the country, and so you must be blessed and encouraged by the amount of people who did respond to that. I don’t know how many years ago it has been that I was first involved with it, but a word of interest here, when I got involved with it, I was so impressed with it that we initiated here at the church that I pastor, Faith Baptist Church of Altoona, the same thing, the first full week of the new year. Now we haven’t done that in the last couple of years, but I think for four or five years, Keith, we read the Bible from cover to cover beginning Sunday night, right on through, 24 hours a day, until the last verse of the book of the Revelation. You know, that bought great blessing upon our church and upon our people because the Bible tells us that there’s a blessing when we hear the word of God being read, and when we read it. Amen? 

Keith Davidson:             Absolutely. I don’t know if … You all should put this on your bucket list, those who are listening today. Pastors should bring their young people, as you did. You know, create memories for them when they’re young, and this is one of those things that they’ll not forget their whole life, and importance of the reading of the word of God. Not just nationally, or publicly, but also personally. So it’s a pretty unique opportunity. I’d encourage them to be involved in that, and at least pray about it and become a part of it. The word of God is the foundation for everything we do; the foundation of our country, the foundation for our lives, and especially the foundation of our salvation. The Bible is the most important thing that we can have in our life.

Gary Dull:                     Amen. It is. Now, do you have the dates for next year’s marathon, by the way? 

Keith Davidson:             Yes, sir. I do. Actually I went down this morning to special events and we are doing next year, in 2020, we’ll start at 12:00 noon on May 2, and then we’ll go to 12:00 noon on May 6. We’ve backed up to do a Saturday through Wednesday, and the reason for that is, I believe, it can allow folks in the area, especially to get their churches involved, and families. When we start at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday night, they’re already gearing up for the week, but if we have a Saturday and a Sunday, and I believe also we’ll get more folks can travel in, instead of having to take two or three days off from work. They might just have to take one or none, if they’re close enough.

                                    We had some folks who drove in from Alabama to be there to help us set up, and they wanted to read a lttle bit, then they took off just after we started, and then headed all the way back to Alabama, driving all night to get back. Of course, we were a little delayed this time, but we got it all in, and what a blessing to see folks with that kind of desire to read the word of God. It’s a humbling thing to see. 

Gary Dull:                     It is. Yes, we were delayed because they found a suspicious package. I didn’t realize until Monday that that suspicious package belonged to a person who came from Ghana, ultimately that’s where she was born and raised, but she came to be a part of the Bible Reading Marathon, correct? 

Keith Davidson:             Yes, sir. She did. As a matter of fact, she stayed that night. She said she felt like going home, but some of the folks talked with her and was able to minister to her. Actually, the police officer who was standing with her during all that ordeal was a Christian and a believer, and he encouraged her. He told her … He said, “Well, things always happen for a reason. Don’t be upset, but we have protocol we have to follow.” But she did stay, and I think about 2:00 or 3:00, would’ve been Monday morning, she read several verses in the scripture and just really was thrilled that she wasn’t rejected, or people felt bad about her. We just put our arms around her, encouraged her, and she said, as the police officer said, the Capitol police, “God always has a reason for everything.” So, it didn’t deter us. We just jumped in when we could and took off reading. It took 90 hours to get that done, but we were able to do it by God’s grace. 

Gary Dull:                     Amen. In the few minutes now that we have left in this segment, Keith, can you share some blessings that actually occurred this week, as a result of the marathon there in D.C.? 

Keith Davidson:             Yes, sir. Let me get this in real quick. The AP news, CBN, the Christian Post and others picked up the Bible Reading Marathon. I’m encouraged by that because there’s enough news media that’s negative out there, but they were reporting on the Bible Reading Marathon. That was just awesome to me. The next thing was we had two Tibetan monks. There was actually about six or eight of them viewing the Capitol. They walked by, and of course, we have a new pulpit this year. It has a picture of the American flag, the Capitol, and the Bible on the front. I thought they would just be totally negative about that, but two of them asked if they could read. They spend about 10 minutes each, reading from the word of God. Someone asked me. They said, “Well, why would you let them read?” “Well, because the word of God does the work of God.” The word of God stands alone. So that was interesting to me. 

                                    Then we had a lady from Bolivia who came up, and handed us a note. Someone had typed it for her in English. She didn’t speak any English at all, but they sent her up in there. In that note, she said, “I don’t speak English, but I want to read the Bible in my language.” We had that for her to read. I believe it was in Portuguese. So she was able to stand and read, in our nation’s capital, facing westward, reading the word of God. I don’t know. Those things to me … Then schools came. We had a school that was over 60 students just happened to be coming by, touring in D.C., and asked if they could read. We inserted them in, gave them two or three minutes per student, and pretty awesome to see them and see their excitement about reading the Bible. 

                                    Folks say, “Well, nobody’s interested in things of God.” I kind of disagree with that. I think there’s a stirring, as you talked about in the first segment, for the things of God. I believe it begins with the Bible.

Gary Dull:                     Well it does, and we need to get the word of God back out in our community, back out in the public square. Keith, I believe that one of the reasons why we’ve seen our nation go the way that it has, downhill morally, is because there’s been an effort to take the Bible out of the public square. We need to get it back. Even with the reading of the word of God there in the nation’s capital, there are positive effects around the Capitol Building there, correct? 

Keith Davidson:             Oh, yes. Absolutely. We’ve had several congressmen come down, some of the members. We had some Senators, some congressmen, there’s staffers that would come. Actually, some of them made appointments. When they finished reading, they were thrilled about that. I think it’s an encouragement to them, as well. So there’s a stirring going on. I know we don’t see much of it publicly, but in the works. And folks, there’s a lot to be done, of course. I’m not trying to say there’s not, but there is some things taking place, and I believe the Spirit of God is working as long as we do these type of things. Of course, brother Brad, you’re going to have on a little later.

Gary Dull:                     Amen. Well Keith Davidson, thank you very much for being with us. We encourage you to keep up the good work there at Seedline International, as well as at the Bible Reading Marathon. 

                                    We are talking about what’s going on in Washington D.C., particularly this week, and what’s even going on beyond the nation’s capital. But this past week, we had the opportunity of working with John Whaley. John serves as the national pioneer with the Rooftop ministries. John’s been on the program here before. John, I want to welcome you back to Stand in the Gap Today, today.

John Whaley:                Thank you, Gary. It’s great to be back with you, and always look forward to being with you on the radio. 

Gary Dull:                     Well, it was a blessing to share with you, even in fellowship over a meal or two this past week, but before we get involved with what you did in D.C. this week, share with our people, if you don’t mind, a brief history and the mission of Rooftop ministries.

John Whaley:                Yeah. Rooftop was begun by Dennis Tethers, who’s a British evangelist who grew up as an atheist in London, came to know Christ as a young adult, and God gave him a real passion to help churches get beyond the walls of their buildings to begin reaching people like he had been for so many years as an atheist, and helping them to come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior. The Rooftop, itself, comes from Acts 10 where Peter went to the rooftop and had an encounter with God in which he received a fresh vision of God’s heart for the lost Gentile world, and as a result, he came off the rooftop, engaged a Gentile by the name of Cornelius. His entire household got saved, and then the gospel began to expand across the entire known world. 

                                    As Dennis was reading that passage years ago, he began to really sense that what God was saying to him is that what happened to Peter needs to happen in the life of believers, and pastors, and churches. So, he began taking people to rooftops, and mountaintops, and hillsides, and praying over cities. God has just taken that ministry, and now its become an international movement. We’re in over 15 countries, and just helping people begin to get a fresh vision of God’s heart for their city by doing rooftop prayer encounters like we did in D.C. this past week, and cities, really literally all over the world. Then, begin to work with those churches, and helping them get beyond their walls of their buildings, and their lives, to begin engaging those people that they’re among every day who desperately need Jesus.

Gary Dull:                     Amen. Like you alluded to there, you were very actively involved this week. Share with our audience what took place this week, as it relates to the Rooftop ministries there in D.C. 

John Whaley:                Amen. Well one of the things we do is what we call Rooftop City Encounters. We go into different cities, take pastors, leaders, believers on to rooftops, anywhere we can get a birds eye view of the city, and begin to pray over the city and say, “God, show us what you see when you see our city, and how we can join you in what you’re doing to seek and save the lost.” So this past week, we had our second D.C. Rooftop Encounter, and God gave us an amazing venue on the Rooftop terrace at Charlie Palmer Steak, where from that rooftop there, you can see the Capitol, the Washington Monument, the entire downtown part of the city, and just had an amazing time with about 12 different leaders, including you, Gary, and looking out over D.C. and saying, “God show us your heart for D.C. and our nation, and also show us what’s in our heart that may be keeping us from fully joining you in what you’re doing.” It’s just a great time of listening to the heart of God.

                                    As we read through the Acts 10 story, and again, saw what God did in Peter’s life, and just asking God, “Do in us what you did in Peter, and give us a fresh vision, and begin seeing the people around us, and the city around us, the way that you see it, so we can join you in what you’re doing.” We just had a great time of sharing what God had impressed upon us. Like I said, we do these in cities, literally all over the nation. I’ll be flying out tomorrow for Dallas, and be doing another one of these Monday morning in Dallas, Texas. 

Gary Dull:                     Now it was a delight to be there, and we felt it was quite interesting that even has Christ had 12 disciples, there were 12 of us involved in that particular ministry. That was kind of neat. Before we actually went to pray, you gave us all several specific instructions to follow. If you don’t mind, just share those instructions with our listeners today, please.

John Whaley:                Well, several things that we always point out is one, we want you to listen to the heart of God. So much we talk about prayer. We forget that a very important aspect of prayer is listening. So we always want people to look out over their city. People can do this every day, just prayer walking in their neighborhoods, and just say, “God, we want, first of all, show us what you see when you see our city, when you see our community. Then secondly, God, show us what you see that’s in our hearts that we need to repent of.” One of the things that God confronted Peter with, on the rooftop in Acts 10, was his Jewish prejudice and pride against Gentiles. So we always want to say, “God, what’s in my heart that may be keeping me from engaging a certain person with the gospel, or going to certain places that need to hear about Jesus.” 

                                    Then we encourage people to also journal and write those things down, what God is speaking into their life, and just be very open to what God is saying to them, and then just be available to say, “God, I want to be open to wherever you want to use me, to reach people around me with the gospel of Jesus Christ.” So, it’s really a time of just really introspection and listening as you pray with your eyes open, and look out over the city, and just say, “God, show me what you see so I can join you in what you’re doing.” 

Gary Dull:                     Amen. You say that you did this all across the nation, and even in foreign countries. I believe you did it over in Korea. Is that correct? 

John Whaley:                We did. I went last year with Dave Kistler, and Keith, and several of us went to Seoul, South Korea. We had an opportunity to do a Rooftop Encounter in Seoul, on the Lotte Tower. I think it was the 125th floor where you can actually see over the mountains into North Korea. We had an amazing time of prayer, had several missionaries and pastors who serve in Korea with us for that event, and amazing time of praying over South Korea and North Korea, and just really saying, “God, show us your heart and your vision.” We do, do these all over the place. I have counterparts that are pioneers in countries throughout Africa and Europe. Right now, God is opening some amazing doors for us across Latin America, as well.

Gary Dull:                     Amen. With regard to your ministry there in Washington D.C., what are you expecting God to do as the result of two years now of actually having Rooftop prayer ministry there in the nation’s capital? 

John Whaley:                One of our goals is beginning to develop relationships with pastors. Our passion is to use the Rooftop Encounters in cities to really begin to really build relationship with pastors, and to come along beside them and compliment everything that God’s already doing in the life of their churches, to help them lead their people to understand; How do we go beyond the walls and engage those people that we’re among every day, with the gospel? How do we pray into God’s heart for our city and our community? Then also, how do we begin making disciples who make disciples? 

                                    A significant part of what we do at the Rooftop is really working closely with pastors. This year we’re beginning a coaching process. We already have 48 pastors who are interested in going through a year of coaching in how do we lead our people beyond the walls of our churches, and begin really becoming a disciple-making community that’s really reaching people with the gospel, that we’re around every day. So in the next year, between now and next year’s encounter, I’ll be making several trips to D.C., meeting with pastors, begin to build more relationships with pastors in the city, and then next year, hopefully at the next Rooftop Encounter, even have more local pastors present there on the rooftop.

Gary Dull:                     That’ll be great. Just briefly give your contact information in 10 seconds, please.

John Whaley:                Okay.

Gary Dull:                     Well, welcome back ladies and gentlemen, to Stand in the Gap Today. On today’s program, we’ve spoken with ministry leaders about what they are doing to bring the word of God and prayer to Washington D.C. To say that this has been a fantastic week in Washington D.C. with the Bible Reading Marathon and Rooftop ministries praying over the city, and I would encourage you to continue pray for Washington, that we might be able to watch God work. We like to see that because so much of what we see coming out of Washington D.C. is … Well, you choose whatever word you want to use to describe it. It’s not good. We need to pray for our nation’s capital, that city.

                                    Now on this particular segment, the final segment of our program today, we’re going to talk to Pastor Brad Wells of the GraceWay Baptist Church in D.C. It’s located very, very close to the nation’s capital, and he’s going to speak with us about what his ministry is all about, just a stone’s throw from the Capitol building, itself. Pastor Brad, welcome to Stand in the Gap Today for the very first time, brother.

Brad Wells:                   Oh, thank you so much. It is a great privilege and honor to be with you here today.

Gary Dull:                     Well, it’s a delight to have you with us. If you don’t mind, here at the beginning of the segment, just share with our listeners about your ministry there at GraceWay Baptist Church.

Brad Wells:                   Yeah. Well, the Lord really put in my heart, when I was very young, to be a church planting pioneer, to be a missionary. When I was 18 years old, I went to New Guinea with my parents, as a missionary, and I came back to the states to go to seminary. After seminary, I was married, and my wife and I went back to New Guinea. We served there for 17 years together. But when I was 44, the Lord greatly burdened my heart about coming to Washington D.C. and starting a church and a work. So, we got on the plane there in New Guinea, and got off the plane, with a few layovers in between, in D.C. Nobody met us at the airport. I didn’t know anybody or anything. We just came in. We had already spoke to a church in the area, and that became our host church and our sponsor church. 

                                    After six months of adjustment, we started a church right on Capitol Hill. It was a very interesting time. The Lord has given my wife and I, seven children. We really believe that God uses the family, and the family is the building block of any stable society, whether that be government, or church, or anything. We wanted to do this great adventure together, as a team. We came home one day after kind of exploring, and doing a little bit tourist type stuff, and I said, “All right. We are going to start this church.” And, “How do we do it, dad? What are we going to do?” Well, I bought some frisbees and some footballs, and we went down to the park and just started playing and meeting people. The Lord allowed us to start the church in January 2015, and now four years later, we have just under 100 people, about 80-90 people every Sunday that come. Just a nice, beautiful slice of our society. All people from every walk of life comes to our church. It’s an amazing, wonderful thing. 

Gary Dull:                     Now you literally are within blocks of the nation’s Capitol building, correct? 

Brad Wells:                   That’s right. Yeah, we are at 9th and a little street called Pennsylvania Avenue.

Gary Dull:                     Oh, yeah, Pennsylvania Avenue. We know that one. You are at one end, and the White House is at the other end, something like that. Correct? 

Brad Wells:                   That’s right. That’s right. Our address, actually, is 921 Pennsylvania Avenue Southeast. That’s the old Naval Hospital that was erected my Abraham Lincoln back in 1860. We meet there in one of the rooms that was originally a ward there for the convalescent soldiers. If you went to the other 921 Pennsylvania Avenue, it would be right over there by the FBI, which is not where we meet.

Gary Dull:                     No. That’s probably good right now, although they could use your witness, I’m sure.

Brad Wells:                   Right.

Gary Dull:                     Being that close to the Capitol Building, do you have the opportunity to minister to Senators and Representatives, and others in government on the Hill, there? 

Brad Wells:                   Yes. Our National Mall is set up … Actually, the Capitol building is on a hill, and it overlooks the National Mall, looking over towards the Washington Monument to the west. Well, to the east of that hill is the residential section of Washington D.C., or Capitol Hill. It was designed so that people could live there in the residential area to the east, and then walk to the Capitol and work. So that’s where we live and minister. We have a little house on 8th Street. All the different Senators, and congressmen, and their staff live in that general vicinity. I guess “all” is not the correct word, but many, many of them. 

Gary Dull:                     And you have the opportunity to reach out to them. I’m just wondering, can you share with our people, from your perspective, what God is doing on Capitol Hill. Do you see him working there on a consistent basis, Brad? 

Brad Wells:                   What people see on television and social media is very skewed, and very dark. Actually, here’s the important thing that we need to remember. Really the only thing that’s going on, of any eternal significance, is people are coming to Jesus Christ. I personally know of about 100 born-again Christians that are working in Congress, I mean actual congressmen or Senators, themselves. As a matter of fact, four of my children work directly for saved Representatives … well, two Representatives and one Senator. There is an amazing love for the gospel, the word of God, and Christ. There are people that are holding the line and doing right. There’s bible studies going on all the time. As a matter of fact, I had the high honor, the great privilege of leading a bible study in Paul Ryan’s office for two years. 

Gary Dull:                     Amen.

Brad Wells:                   A weekly bible study. It is amazing, the doors that are wide open to present the gospel and make an eternal difference in the hearts and lives of our nation’s leaders. 

Gary Dull:                     See, these are the things that a lot of people don’t understand, don’t know, don’t think about. Actually, there is a church service that goes on in the Capitol building every Wednesday evening, correct? 

Brad Wells:                   That is exactly right. That is exactly right. Dan Cummins is a good friend of mine, and leads a church service, Wednesday. As a matter of fact, there’s many other church services that go on all over the place, in the various offices and different organizations. It’s not only church service, it’s basically anything that that particular Representative or Senator would like to host, and thinks that it’s beneficial for his office, or his staff, or himself. So there’s non-Christian things that go on, but I want to tell you, there is some bible studies, there’s some praise services. God is working in the hearts and lives of his people. 

Gary Dull:                     Now it may be that some folks listening to us would like to learn more about your church. Could you give your contact information, Pastor Brad, please? 

Brad Wells:                   Yes. Our web address is That’s