Sam Rohrer: The speed of technological advances in America, and in this world, are literally dizzying, but just how fast and with what implications for freedom and security, and economic impact and more importantly, for morality do these advances pose?
Sam Rohrer: I don’t know if you’ve thought about this ladies and gentlemen, but we’re going to try to tackle an issue today, and combine some things together in a way that has probably not happened anywhere on radio, at least not to our knowledge, and certainly not the way we’re going to be doing it today. I hope that you stay tuned all the way through this program, because on the program today, we’re going to focus on just a small part of this enormous issue with an additional emphasis that we’re going to do on future programs.
Sam Rohrer: Today our focus and our theme is this. 5G technology, artificial intelligence, China, and persecution. By the time we get to the end, you’ll see how they’re connected. I’m Sam Rohrer, I’m going to be joined by Dr. Gary Dull and Money Mission Friday, always our special guest, William Parker, Certified Kingdom Wealth Advisor, and principal of Biblically Responsible Investing, which you can find at the website of
Sam Rohrer: In a moment, I’m going to just share how fast technology and knowledge is actually doubling, and it’s going to shock you. We’re going to define 5G technology and artificial intelligence. In the next segment, we’ll identify some of the benefits of 5G technology and artificial intelligence. At the bottom of the hour, we’re going to identify some of the risks of these exploding technologies and we’re going to connect the dots in some of these risks in the form of persecution. Christian persecution that’s occurring in China.
Sam Rohrer: In the last segment, we’re going to recommend a solution for all of us, and one very specific public policy solution for the Trump administration and their China economic negotiations. All of this and more today on Stand In The Gap Today. With that I want to welcome today, William and Gary. Thanks for being on the program and I apologize ladies and gentlemen for a scratchy voice. This is not the way I normally sound, but I’ve had a little bit of a flu last couple of days, and my voice is weak, so bear with me as I try to get through the program and on this very important topic.
Sam Rohrer: But before I begin, I want to quantify specifically, just how fast technology and knowledge is increasing and then share the estimates, Gary, I want to go to you first and ask you to start with some applicable verses of scripture as to what God says that we can expect in regard to the increase of knowledge and these end days, which we are now living, because on this program, we take all issues we say from a biblical perspective, which means we want to start with God and we are going to end today with what God says, so Gary, where do you go? What do you say?
Gary Dull: Well, Sam, actually two verses come to my mind, but the clearest of all is found in the book of Daniel 12 and you know, Daniel deals a lot with the latter times and last days, and particularly when you come into the 12th chapter of Daniel, he is setting up what’s going to be taking place in the great tribulation period, namely, the last part of the great tribulation period, that as we see it is yet to come.
Gary Dull: We believe Sam, that the next thing on the prophetic time clock is the rapture, when Christians will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air and that’s followed immediately by the great tribulation period. In that context, in Daniel 12:4, it says this as Michael was speaking to Daniel, it says, “but thou oh Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, even to the time of the end when many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.”
Gary Dull: That is a direct prophesy concerning the times in which we live, right prior to the great tribulation period. Then in 2 Timothy 3:7 it says, “In that same time,” it’s interesting, “That people will be learning, but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth,” so some interesting verses there, both in the old and the new testament.
Sam Rohrer: Absolutely Gary. Now, ladies and gentlemen, what God said is coming true, is coming forth as we are speaking. Now, I want to take you to an article. 2013, reporter David Russel shilling, writing an industry news, cited a researcher and scientist by the name of Buck Minister Four. He’s the one given the credit of establishing what’s called the doubling knowledge curve.
Sam Rohrer: According to Four, he noticed that until 1900, knowledge doubled approximately every 100 years. Now get this, by the end of World War II, 1950, knowledge was doubling every 25 years. According to IBM in that same article, 2013, they said that the internet of things will lead to the doubling of knowledge every 12 hours. Now, that was 2013. When an article just published this year, digital news, it confirms by those estimates, that knowledge is in fact increasing, doubling, nearly every day by 24 hours right now.
Sam Rohrer: Now, thus implications are staggering. We’re going to talk about the upside risks, and the very downside risk and the upside benefits when we get into it next. Now, Bill, now I want to go to you and ask you this. We’re talking about 5G technology and artificial intelligence. Define for us, first of all, what is meant by 5G technology.
William Parker: What it means, it’s a fifth generation of wireless broadband technology. The service would expand wireless networks capacity and increase transmission speeds, both of which could facilitate emerging technologies, such as autonomous vehicles and basically, growing a demand for streaming video.
Sam Rohrer: All right, now, what you gave there is an official definition. Ladies and gentlemen, if I could summarize it briefly, think of it this way. 5G technology is like taking a rural back road and replacing it with a interstate system, 10 lanes wide and taking the speed from 25 miles an hour, to 90 miles an hour. It’s a bigger road at faster speeds. That’s what 5G communication technology is all about.
Sam Rohrer: Artificial intelligence is the next thing. William, give a definition to that so people will understand what we’re talking about with artificial intelligence.
William Parker: Well, artificial intelligence is basically, refers to computers that can think, and act, and perceive even voice, and basically how humans would actually act in particular situations. From a stand … They’re basically trying to build a computer, or build a robot that would be, basically, replacing the human ability to perceive things.
Sam Rohrer: Okay, so basically, ladies and gentlemen, artificial intelligence is a computer driven process that involves thinking, seeing, hearing, all the things that a human mind does, but now a computer will do.
Sam Rohrer: With the doubling of human knowledge across all spectrums now approaching every 24 hours, the impact and the implications are literally unimaginable. In a November article in Science Magazine, Michael Cutter, who is identified as being a vice president and CMO of quality at Merck pharmaceutical, he said this, “A world which is changing so fast, that ‘Current’ has a somewhat dynamic meaning. We need to think about what this means for our children, the new generation, and even ourselves.” Now think about that.
Sam Rohrer: When things change so fast, ladies and gentlemen, even the word same, or current, has no meaning. Governed under moral absolutes and a fear of God, the pursuit of knowledge is exactly what the book of Proverbs says is good, but it’s when it’s under the fear of God, that it is good. When knowledge is equated with truth, as defined by God, then all is well, but when the pursuit of knowledge, outside truth, and where God has been jettisoned, knowledge will become bondage. It will produce death and it will end up in misery on a scale that’s never been seen before.
Sam Rohrer: Now, in this segment, we’re going to stay on the benefit side of these two selected areas of knowledge growth. What we’re talking about today. 5G technology, the wider road of communication on which information can travel at vastly superior speeds, and artificial intelligence, where computers are now being given the ability to think, and to give sensory response, like our human brain would do.
Sam Rohrer: Let me go here with you, William, first of all. Let me start from a positive perspective. Again, save any negatives to the next segment. From a positive perspective, what kinds of benefits could occur from a nationwide, or worldwide availability to expanded 5G technology that you earlier defined as, for instance, would be a faster road, cars traveling faster, and in your definition you gave, could improve emerging technology, such as autonomous vehicles, and the growing demand for video services. What would that mean from a positive perspective? Maybe economically, or socially, or however you would see it.
William Parker: Well, you’re talking about 5G technology, Sam?
Sam Rohrer: Yes, Uh-huh (affirmative).
William Parker: Well, having the speed is going to allow first responders and other people get to a site of where there’s an emergency happening. They’re going to have information in a lot faster speed, so from a positive perspective, it can get good information to good people in a much quicker time to have a positive result.
Sam Rohrer: That’s a good application. I hadn’t even thought of that, but information … Well, basically, what you’re saying is any information that anybody could perceive of right now, and you gave emergency calls. 911, all of that which you’re talking about, all of that could be substantially enhanced. Of course, that would result in saving of lives. I think that’s one really great one.
Sam Rohrer: Gary, let me go to you and ask you about the area of artificial intelligence. Now, that’s the area we just talked about, where computers, machines, manmade machines, computers, that may end up in a robot, or it may end up in any number of other places that are given the ability to think, or to speak, or those kinds of things that we generally limit to the human mind, and the mouth, and the ears, and the eyes. Give an example of something of benefits that you might have run across.
William Parker: Sam, I want to cite a Wall Street Journal article entitled, Brain Signals Turned Into Speech. Now think about that. Just think of that folks as I define this and expand it out a little bit. Brain signals turned into speech. The first paragraph of that particular article says this, and I quote, “Scientist have harnessed artificial intelligence to translate brain signals into speech, and a step forward, brain implants that could one day let people with impaired abilities, speak their minds.”
William Parker: I think every one of us have known of situations where people had strokes, or became paralyzed, or even those who had Lou Gehrig’s disease, where they’ve lost the ability to be able to speak. Their mind works, but they just cannot communicate what is going on in their mind.
William Parker: Well, artificial intelligence now, is working toward that, so that if a person has had a stroke, and they can’t speak, there can be an implant as it were, put it in their brain that will enable them to talk. Now, that is going to have a tremendous blessing, and that will be a tremendous result for a lot of people.
William Parker: Now, Boston University Neuroscientist, Frank H. Guenther has said in relationship to this, and I quote, “It may be a decade or more, before any workable neuro-speech system, based on this developing research is available for clinical use.” That could be 10 years away, but that says he is saying it today. Sam, if our intelligence doubles every 24 hours, it may be down to five years or two and a half years, who knows? But this whole concept of people who can think, but they cannot communicate, they can’t speak, because of some situation that’s happened as the result of a stroke, or whatever the case, this is going to be a life-changing experience to them. It’s going to bring as it were, the ability to communicate back into their lives, which is going to be a great blessing in that sense.
Sam Rohrer: It is Gary, and that is again, just one, and that, that you are citing right now, I actually have that article in front of me. It was from the Wall Street Journal, yesterday, and nearly every day there is some article that talks about artificial intelligence, and many of them are negative. We’re going to talk about that in the next segment, but many of them are positive. Like what you just cited there, and think of the incredible, the results, and gain, that we would get if somebody in fact, in that kind of condition, could be helped.
Sam Rohrer: William, let me go back to you right now. Again, because we’re talking this on Money Mission Friday. We are talking about headline issues, 5G technology, this highway of information that’s much broader, and cars on it can go much faster than anything that’s even imaginable, and artificial intelligence, the ability of taking the ability of computers to be able to think and process thought.
Sam Rohrer: Now, these things are having an economic impact as well, and that’s what we talk about on this program today. Can you give some indication of what this may be meaning right now economically, what’s happening already in the development of these areas, because some companies got to be doing something and if it’s doubling every day, William, that’s some kind of significant economic activity I would think. How’s it showing up and who’s doing it?
William Parker: Well, I think one of the places you could look at is the stock market, where a lot of computer trade takes place, and it’s all built on algorithms, and now they are adding to that, artificial intelligence, to the platform. We’re talking about people trading in milliseconds, based on current news, or information that’s taking place, and the computers are monitoring that particular topic, and either sending a buy or a sell signal, based on information that was released a second ago.
William Parker: From the world of investments, artificial intelligence is going to play a bigger role as time goes on.
Sam Rohrer: For those that are invested in that, obviously, they are probably experiencing some fairly positive gains at this moment, would that be true?
William Parker: Well, it’s true, but not all IA, artificial intelligence stocks are clean. That’s one of the reasons why you want to talk to a Certified Kingdom Advisor, about making sure if you do have 5G in your portfolio, that you have the clean companies they’re in, and not the companies that are creating pornography, or some other things that artificial intelligence is tied into.
Sam Rohrer: All right. I’m glad you brought that up, William, because again, on this program today, we’re trying to highlight the doubling of knowledge, where it’s happening, and 5G technology, artificial intelligence, and bring it back, there is an economic impact. We’re talking benefits this segment, we’re going to talk about negatives in the next segment, but as you say, in all of this, in all of this that we talk about, there’s an economic component, people’s investments, their savings, all of those things, could in fact be benefiting positively from any of these things, or they could be involved and possibly benefiting from very negative things, and that’s why, again, back and give us the website again, but that’s why Biblically Responsible Investing, having our finances invested biblically is so important, just as looking at these entire big processes biblically, which is what we’re doing today.
Sam Rohrer: What’s the website? And again, the reason why those who are concerned about stewarding their wealth biblically, should be concerned about this.
William Parker: You can go to and we lay out the entire format of why you should be invested in clean portfolios, and why, really truly, giving all of glory to God, everything we have belongs to him. He basically gave us everything. We have to be very good stewards of our money, and that means if you’re going to have a clean portfolio, you’re going to really need to be talking to a Certified Kingdom Advisor to build that portfolio for you.
Sam Rohrer: Ladies and gentlemen, just as we said earlier, that when it comes to the pursuit of knowledge with what we’re talking about on this program, as the book of Proverbs says, start with the fear of God, then pursue knowledge. Without God, the pursuit of knowledge is dangerous. The same with our finances. Start with a God, follow His principles, and then it’ll end up well. Opposite, no good.
Sam Rohrer: With the doubling of technology as we’ve established, occurring every 24 hours, the potential for gain is enormous. If implemented broadly, one of the things that would happen is that everything good would happen faster. In fact, driverless cars, good or bad, that will happen. Driverless trucks, delivery systems, perhaps increased wealth for some, but if in the hands of government, where government’s not limited by ethics or moral law, or government’s that have jettisoned to God, more bad will happen than good.
Sam Rohrer: Now, think about this. What if you take and put these powerful tools in the hands of governments that espouse ideologies like socialism, Marxism, globalism, and Islam. Think about the risk to civil freedom, religious freedom, to Christianity, the US Constitution, and everything, literally, upon which the United states has been built.
Sam Rohrer: In this segment, we’re going to talk about a few of those risks. William, I want to go here to you first. If we want a model and a predictor of how 5G technology connected with artificial intelligence, and put in the hands of a Godless government can predict the great risk to freedom that we’re talking about here, all one has to do is to look to China. China right now is merging these technologies in an enormous way. William, can you share an article or two, or reference, or whatever, to anything that would talk about China in what we know that they are now doing?
William Parker: Yeah. Forbes, August 2018 had a title, China’s Brave New World of AI. Imagine you’re standing in a line waiting to board your regular afternoon flight home, and you give your boarding pass to check in to the attendant, and suddenly the light flashes on the board, and the attendant says, “I’m sorry, we can’t allow you to fly in the plane, because you have a history of treatment of alcohol abuse,” which airlines consider to be a travel risk.
William Parker: Or because a data link to a police department indicates you have multiple unpaid parking tickets. Or perhaps you have a history of trying to visit websites the government deems troublesome, or even dangerous, or because surveillance camera’s happen to catch you entering a building where there’s critics, and people that are ferocious critics of government has in their office building. That was part of the August, 2018 article.
William Parker: China is moving down the path where they’re tracking everything their citizens do. They are way ahead of us on this when it comes to tracking their people. Now, don’t get me wrong, we all have IP addresses, and we have numbers that are tied to our businesses and our homes, which I think has a biblical implication that Gary can speak about, but this new world of artificial intelligence can be extremely dangerous when it’s put into the wrong hand, or hands or when it’s applied the wrong way.
Sam Rohrer: Right, literally, as you said, William, there is a host of things, but that’s just one and it’s happening regularly. Individuals being denied getting on trains, they’re being tracked by camera’s, monitored all over the country. If they throw a piece of trash on the ground, it goes and it gives them a negative social score. We’re just touching the tip of the iceberg, ladies and gentlemen.
Sam Rohrer: But Gary, what William was describing there was a very obvious limitation on civil freedom. The ability to move about, and to get on planes or trains, or being denied access here and there. That’s a real civil freedom aspect of it, but these nations like China, they don’t stop, ever, at civil freedom limitations. They either start, or they will end up certainly, with religious freedom implications. Talk to us a little bit about what we know and what we’re finding out there in research about that.
Gary Dull: Well, you know what’s very interesting, Sam, in an article from the New York Times, back in July of 2018, that was titled, Inside China’s Dystopian Dreams, artificial intelligence, it speaks of shame and lots of cameras. The article basically says this, “At home, China is preparing its people for next level surveillance technology. A recent state media propaganda film called, Amazing China, showed off a similar virtual map that provided police with records of utility use. That is how people are using their utilities in their homes, saying that even that could be used for predictive policing.” Basically, what it indicates is that by using this particular venue, people are not going to be able to hide from what the government wants to do.
Gary Dull: In fact, the film quotes one of the officers who’s involved in this particular film, by saying, and I quote, “No matter which corner you escape to, we’ll bring you to justice.” What that simply means is just simply by the use of being able to observe erratic utilities, the way that utilities are being used in a particular place, the government will be able to have their eyes on the people. That is quite serious. You know, you just can’t be safe even in your own home. You don’t have privacy in your own home.
Gary Dull: Then, there’s another thing that China is doing, Sam, that I think, really is something that we ought to be concerned about. This goes back to January of 2019 in The Guardian, where it say this, “As of 2018, the government has … and talking about China now, has implemented sweeping rules on religious practices, adding more requirements for religious groups and barring unapproved organizations from engaging in any religious activity. but the campaign is not just about managing behavior.
Gary Dull: One of the goals of a government work plan for, “Promoting Chinese Christianity,” between 2018 and 2022, is what is called, thought reform. Now, what that is, is that the plan calls for re-translating and annotating the Bible to find commonalities with socialism and establish a, “Correct understanding,” of the text. In other words, what they are going to try to do is to twist completely, what the Word of God says, so that Chinese Christians will be able to be thinking things, obviously before they act, but they will be thinking that what they are believing is biblical truth, when in reality, it’s not biblical truth.
Gary Dull: This becomes very concerning to those of us particularly, those of us who are involved in missions and other places, but who knows how that’s going to be spreading across the world. That’s scary stuff.
Sam Rohrer: Gary, you are right. That timeframe you identified there, between 2018 and 2022, we’re in that window Gary, and those changes are being made and when I had read this, and I’m looking and saying, they’re scouring and using artificial intelligence to look through the Bible, find commonalities between socialism, and communism and the Bible, socialism they’re calling it, and trying to recreate and re-write the Bible, in order to come up with what they’re terming, Chinese Christianity, that will support government control of even the way people think.
Sam Rohrer: Now, ladies and gentlemen, this is the height of what becomes control. You combine artificial intelligence, the monitoring of the people of China, and put it together with 5G technology, meaning you can transmit that information at lightning speed, you have absolutely total control, and the people who oppose it are Christians and they are going to jail by the hundreds of thousands, and they’re already in China. Just think about what’s happened, and what can happen with this technology and knowledge in the hands of a nation, or people who reject God. This is what the Bible talks about. This is what will come about in those end days.
Sam Rohrer: On the program today, ladies and gentlemen, we’ve taken several major topics and trying to weave them together and to make sense out of … Well, things that frankly, are very hard to understand. Technology, that’s one we’re not all comfortable with, right? Specifically, 5G technology, you’re seeing it all around. It’s just basically, high speed information pathways. It’s like what you use on your phone right now. If you pick up your iPhone and you see at the top left hand, 3G, all right, that talks about speed, and that talks about the width of the road, the frequency that information goes through.
Sam Rohrer: 5G is just takes and expands it exponentially. That’s what it does. Faster speed for information, a broader road, you get more on it. That allows a lot of things to happen. Good things, and allows an awful lot of very bad things to happen, particularly in the hands of governments or people who don’t fear God, and who view technology as a tool for control, which is what we’re seeing implemented right now, in China, that’s bringing 5G technology and artificial intelligence together, and persecuting their people, and running an absolutely perfected managed economy. Even to the point, as we just shared, re-writing the Bible, to use the Bible, and to use religion, as the tool of government, atheistic government, by putting the pieces together using these technologies. The result is already horrendous.
Sam Rohrer: In the hands, as I said, of people who don’t fear God, big things happen and are not good. But clearly, foretold in the Word of God, we know that the increase of knowledge, and the increase of knowledge as it will be controlling people, ultimately, we know scripture says, antichrist will come. Nobody’s going to be able to buy or sell without agreeing to support this world leader. Can you see how it’s possible? It’s actually happening, we’re describing it right now. What can we do about it?
Sam Rohrer: Well, we’re going to do two things. A public policy recommendation. William, I want to ask you to do that, and I want to go to Gary then afterwards and ask him to give a spiritual recommendation for how we take and put all these things together. William, let’s go here. We’ve talk about biblical standards on this program, economics, financial stewardship, biblical responsible investing, all of those things. We’re dealing with those things here today, but in regard to 5G technology, to persecution, to China, to artificial intelligence that China is enormously abusing right now, at high cost to their people, what recommendation, public policy wise, could you put forth, could we put forth, on this program right now for the Trump administration as an example?
William Parker: Well, for people listening to the show, I would recommend that they call their senators, and congressmen, and congress women, to call on the president at this point in time, with the trade negotiations that we have with China, as we get closer to negotiation, that we not only add trade to the agreement, but we add actually the protection of Christian rights underneath the agreement, as part of the negotiations going forward to basically protect Christians that want to live our their faith according to the Gospel, in China.
William Parker: That Christian freedom should be, or religious freedom in general, should be something that should be part of the trade negotiation.
Sam Rohrer: William, I think that is a fantastic thing. Ladies and gentlemen, we’re the first one making that recommendation, but I want you to note that we want to do more with it on this program. But as you talk to your congressman or senator, encourage them to encourage this administration, and if there is ever a chance for a president, willing to do this kind of connection, it is this president now. We didn’t have it before, we may not have it … I don’t know, but these need to be connected. That would result, ladies and gentlemen, in a public policy perspective, with economic negotiations that would truly be a good thing for the United States, but now that we know what China’s doing and how they’re using these technologies, which are part of the negotiations, and not connecting them as William has suggested, we’re not doing what we can do. That is something that we would like to take and make as a matter of discussion, that maybe becomes a part of the presidential discussion election coming into 2020. It’s of that magnitude.
Sam Rohrer: William, I may come back to you as we’re done here, but Gary, let me go to you. You started the program by citing a couple of biblical passages, and we said, on every issue, particularly these like we’re talking In now, you got to start with God, filter what we think, and we viewing through what God says, but then we want to end up with what the Bible says as well. That’s your foundation, so anchor us now in how we view these things we’ve talked about. How should we address them, how should we think about these big things we’re talking about right now. What biblical advice would you give our listeners?
Gary Dull: Well, now I go back to Daniel 12:4, where it says, Daniel writes that “At the end time, many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” Then Paul writes in 2 Timothy 3:7, that “In the end times, people will be ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” Certainly, number one, I’m glad to see what we’re talking about today, Sam, is biblical prophesy coming to fruition, given by Daniel, hundreds of years before the time of Christ. Even what Paul said 2,000 years ago, coming into fruition.
Gary Dull: But we need to be very, very careful with this concept of fake knowledge. Think about it. Going back to what we talked about in the last segment, where over in China, they are retranslating the Bible to find commonalities with socialism, and establish a translation that will get the Chinese people, Christian Chinese people to think that the Bible teaches socialism, and communism. That’s serious.
Gary Dull: It’s very, very, important for us, in the United States of America, to accept this program that we’re doing today, Sam, as a wake up call. Donald Trump talks a lot about fake news, well, what about fake knowledge? What about surveillance? We need to be aware that these things are taking place all around us today. We never know how the development of knowledge, how the development of science, is going to be used by the devil to actually disrupt what we are doing in our nation, and what we as Christians are doing.
Gary Dull: We just got a note here from our producer, Tim. He said, “The sad thing is that very few people see this as a threat. That’s like these home devices, Alexa, Echo, and so forth, people just blindly go along with it. We need to ask God to give us wisdom as we go forward to make decisions from the biblical perspective, so that number one, we’re guarding ourselves from what others might be seeing, as they’re watching us, or hearing us do. But also, that we might follow real truth and real knowledge, rather than fake knowledge.
Sam Rohrer: Gary, I couldn’t actually say better than what you had, and if I could really ladies and gentlemen, summarize it, we talk on this program about a biblical world view, looking at all issues of life from God’s perspective. That’s what Gary said. If we set aside biblical truth, we become susceptible to influence by evil, and by lies, and by deceit, and when put in the hands of tools, technological tools, such as we’ve talked about today, in the hands of people who don’t fear God, the result is control, not freedom. How do we know that? Because the Bible tells us about it. That’s where we go.
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