This transcript was taken from a Stand in the Gap Today program originally aired on June 4, 2020. To listen to the program, please click HERE.

Isaac Crockett:                  Hello. Thanks again for listening. I’m Isaac Crockett and joining me today are the honorable Sam Rohrer, he’s the president of the American Pastors Network and Dr. Gary Dull, he’s the senior pastor of Faith Baptist church, another one of your regular co-host’s here and very involved with the American Pastors Network and our director of the Pennsylvania chapter, and like I said, just very involved in general. And then we have a familiar voice turning one of our regular guests, constitutional attorney, David New is going to be with us today. As we look at a review of some of the topic that’s been brought up on this program already, but the issue of emergency powers and then discuss constitutionally where it comes from, and then the amendments. And especially we’re going to be looking at the 14th amendment today and what powers there are.

                                             But over the last few weeks, we’ve looked at this, the emergency powers of the government during a time, for example, of global panic and global pandemic supposedly. We’ve looked at the lock downs, now protests and riots since the last time that David was able to join us for this discussion. It was a discussion about emergency powers of the government, especially in particular federal government and the president, and so we’ll be talking about some of that more today.

                                             I do want to just start out though by saying everyone who’s listening today, whether you’re listening live on radio or on our webcast or streaming on our smartphone app, whether you’re listening to recorded to this, I want to emphasize something that Jesus emphasized. In fact, throughout the gospel of John, your life is important. Your life matters. And Jesus says that he came, that he gave himself as a sacrifice. That God gives his one and only son as a sacrifice so that we don’t have to perish, but so that we can have eternal life if we will accept him.

                                             In John 14:6, we know that Jesus is the way the truth and the life, and you can have life through him. John chapter 10, Jesus says that, “The false shepherds, the thieves, they come and they steal and they hurt and they pillage and they kill. But I have come to bring life and to bring it abundantly, to bring you to freedom.” And so if you’re here today and you’ve been discouraged or you’ve been depressed, or you’re anxious, I want you to know that the Bible has all the answers for what we need. What we need right now, people are calling for a revolution, we need a revival, in our hearts and in our churches and our communities, in our nation and our world.

                                             We need the Holy Spirit’s empowering. We need true repentance of, personal repentance of sins that we have committed, not kneeling and confessing to things that we haven’t done. We need to be looking inwardly at our actual own sins, we have plenty of those that we can look at. And then we need to realize that not only does your life matter, but your neighbor’s life matters. And when Jesus was asked about this, after saying, “We are to love God with all of our hearts and to love our neighbor as ourselves,” he gives an example of this. When someone says, “Who is my neighbor?” And remember he gives the story of the good Samaritan. And so we need to be doing that. And along with that, we need to remember maybe you were even listening today and you’re expecting a child. And we need to remember that our neighbor’s lives matter and the life of pre born babies, babies in the womb, those lives really do matter as well.

                                             And no matter what you have going on today, know that God is present and God’s strength is available for you if you will turn to him and that he will give direction. And that’s just such an important thing to keep ahold of and to remember. Gary, I just want to ask you as a pastor and you and Sam and others on our team have spent hours and hours working with pastors and ministry leaders all over the nation. As we look at getting over the lock downs of pandemic, getting our churches started meeting face to face again. Worshiping in person as is our constitutional right, and our God given duty and responsibility as Christians. We’ve been working on this and through it all, we’ve had Governors, you have Governor Wolf there in Pennsylvania, where I am in New York, Governor Cuomo, there’ve been mayors, like New York City Mayor, Bill de Blasio that have called the meeting together to worship by Christians and Jews and different groups that, that is not essential.

                                             There are many states, including Pennsylvania and New York, many parts of our states, it’s not allowed really to get together and meet and worship. And yet many of these same Governors and Mayors are now praising, “peaceful protests.” Some of them, like Cuomo saying to, “Wear your mask as you go out to protest,” but they’re not worried about large groups of people shouting and singing together if they’re protesters.

                                             I just want to give you a chance to briefly say something to our listeners about, as somebody who has been working on, bringing us back together to be able to worship in person, the hypocrisy that you might feel when you see these same people, fine with protesters, but not so fine with true Christians coming to worship.

Gary Dull:                           Well, first of all, let me say Isaac, that here in Pennsylvania, our Governor actually did not tell churches they could not meet, in fact, they were recognized as life-sustaining entities. And though he did say, “Be careful about this or that or whatever the case.” And so some of the churches here in Pennsylvania never did stop by the way, that of course is another story, but the hypocrisy is nevertheless there.

                                             It just seems that during this time when COVID-19 was before everybody, that then all of a sudden the situation with George Floyd came along, people forgot COVID-19. And I think that some of our Governors, you mentioned Cuomo and others, they changed their story. They said, “Sure, it’s okay to come together.” And certainly there was no social distancing there at all, in some of these riots or whatever you want to call them. It just shows you Isaac, what takes place when people did not have the word of God as their guide.

                                             You were talking about life here just a minute ago and then I’ll let Sam speak, but the concept of supporting all life is not a complicated matter is it? All life matters. Every life matters. And all life and every life is to be approached with great respect. But it seems like sometimes our liberal friends don’t see that clearly. And the reason why they don’t see that clearly is because they don’t function according to the biblical worldview. That’s why there’s such hypocrisy in the hearts and the minds of many politicians and other people today.

Isaac Crockett:                  Thank you very much, Gary. Sam, could you just give us a brief comment on your concerns about possible power grabs by government officials during this time of chaos that we have unfolding?

Sam Rohrer:                      Well, Isaac, I will, then I’ll set up for the balance of the program. It goes back to what we talked about a couple of weeks ago on the emergency powers act. In this whole affair that we’re seeing unfold now because of COVID-19 and the President, and Presidents have this ability, but when they opened the door to a national emergency and as we cited, there are now 30 some national emergencies done by prior Presidents that remain open to this day. The result of that is the executive branch gains greater authority, diminishes the authority of the constitution, and what we’ve talked about, it really gives a sense of license to Governors and others across the country to say, and do things that they otherwise would not do. And all of that brings us down to the question of law, compliance with the law, and Constitution, God’s moral law, God’s civil law, all of these things, we’re seeing unfold before us, as we see the rebellion in the streets today. So it all comes back to that.

Isaac Crockett:                  Sam, that’s a great way to bring it down, just boil it down so quickly. We’re going to get into that as we come back and we look at the 14th Amendment to the Constitution and what some consider the corruption of the 14th amendment. We want to look at federal government, do they have more power than our founders intended for them to have?


                                             Well, welcome back to the program. Again, I’m Isaac Crockett joined by Sam Rohrer and Gary Dull. And we have David New, our constitutional attorney friend with us today. And we’re talking about a Constitutional issue here, and we’re going to be looking at the context and explanation of the 14th Amendment and how it has been used to give power to the federal arm of the government and power to the President of the United States in particular.

                                             Now, I think all of you listening, or at least the majority of you listening to our program, those who are regular listeners especially, we know that the Constitution of the United States is an extremely important document. Some of you might have your pocket sized copy of it handy right now. You might have it, especially on the days that you know we’re going to have David New on, you might have it handy. If you can pull it out, that would be really great because you can use it today.

                                             And I think most of us have studied the Constitution and the Amendments to the Constitution, at least somewhat, but we don’t always have a full understanding. I think a lot of times we know that it’s important, but we don’t really understand the Constitution until we see something changing. And we see it impacting our lives or impacting our nation all of a sudden with a quick change. And I think that maybe is where we’re at right now. We’re seeing things that we never had to think about before. And now we’re having to think about those and it’s not always easy.

                                             So David, for many of our listeners who maybe don’t know a lot about the 14th amendment, but all of a sudden we’re seeing, state Governors or the President or different ones, doing things that maybe could be considered a power grab or maybe a necessary issue to do. It’s complicated, but all of this because of the pandemic and now the riots and different issues, because of all of this, can you give us a historical context for what precipitated the 14th amendment?

David New:                        Well, the 14th Amendment is, most Americans know about the 1st Amendment for sure, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to assembly. And they know about the 5th Amendment, if you ever watch good mafia movie, the mafia, people all plead the 5th Amendment. Oliver North, who is not a member of the mafia, but he pleaded the 5th Amendment I believe, if I recall. And so they know about the 1st and the 5th, but what they don’t realize is that there is an Amendment that’s more important than both of them put together. And that is the 14th Amendment. That Amendment is more important than the 1st amendment. Very few people understand that and they don’t understand why that’s true. And that’s what we’re going to discuss today.

                                             Now on our last program, when we talked about emergency powers of the President, I believe it was, that was on May 7th. We discussed how the President has a kill switch to turn off your phone, to shut down your TV, to cut your electricity. And he can, or she can also close your bank account without your permission. Now we’re going to understand how the President became, and the Congress, and the Supreme Court so powerful and it is because of one Amendment, the 14th Amendment.

                                             The federal government has been on steroids ever since that Amendment was ratified. It was ratified in 1868, shortly after the Civil War, and then about a hundred years after that, then the 14th Amendment takes on gigantic proportions of power when the Supreme Court corrupted it. Now the 14th amendment is one of three Civil War Amendments, the 13th Amendment ended slavery in the United States, praise God. The 14th Amendment protected the Civil Rights of African Americans. And the 15th Amendment protected the right of African American men to vote, women didn’t get that until the 19th Amendment in 1920.

                                             Now those are the three Civil Rights Amendments, but it’s the corruption of the 14th Amendment that changed everything. Now, exactly how did the Supreme Court corrupt the 14th amendment? What exactly did they do? If you listen to all these conservative commentators, you’ll hear them always talking about limited government. The constitution created a limited government. This is what James Madison said in Federalist 45. He said, “The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the state governments are numerous and indefinite,” or unlimited. Now, that’s what James Madison said the U.S. Constitution is like. The feds are small guys, the states are the big guys.

                                             Now it’s the exact opposite. Today, the federal government has unlimited power and the states have very limited power. You listen to Sam Rohrer, throughout his entire political career has preached the gospel of limited government and that’s the way Madison intended it. What changed it? How did it become changed? And you only have to remember one number, 14.

Sam Rohrer:                      And David, that’s a great place I’m going to interject right now. You’ve set it up, but I want you to build it out because you said, “The U.S. Supreme Court, as they have done on multiple occasions where they have redefined the law, be it marriage or life or whatever, and changed America forever when they did it,” you are suggesting that they also changed America forever in some regard to this 14th amendment. So I do want to know about that. Explain to us about that.

David New:                        Yes. What they did, and it’s really Section One of the 14th Amendment that you only need to be concerned with. The change has been so radical that the Presidents before the 14th Amendment, and Presidents after the 14th Amendment are not the same creature. I’m not talking about their technological power, I’m talking about what they actually can do. The Congress before the 14th Amendment and the Congress after the 14th Amendment are not the same institutions, and the same goes for the U.S. Supreme Court.

                                             You should think of it this way, we know that we’ve had two Constitutions, we’ve had the Articles of Confederation, and then in 1787, we wrote the U.S. Constitution to give the central government more power because the Articles of Confederation did not have enough in the central government. And people say we’ve had two Constitutions, that is not true. We’ve had, and have three Constitutions, the Articles of Confederation, the 1787 Constitution and the 14th Amendment, which was ratified in 1868, that is the Constitution we live under today.

                                             You should think of actually as a separate, completely separate Constitution, they are not the same. Oh, let’s take an example. Take the election of 2000 Bush V. Gore. Under the 1787 Constitution, never in a million years would that decision have been made by the U.S. Supreme Court. It wasn’t until the 1868 Constitution came around, and with its corruption that the U.S. Supreme Court stole that power from the people and they decided. Most conservatives were happy with Bush V. Gore. I was not. I mean, I didn’t vote for Gore and actually, I voted for Bush. But the Supreme Court had no Constitutional authority to do what they did, and they used the 14th Amendment to pick the next President. That could never, ever happen under the 1787 Constitution. But under this new Constitution that we live under, the 1868 Constitution, yes.

Gary Dull:                           Well, I’m going to jump in here quickly if you don’t mind David, because we’re rapidly running out of time here and you’re on the right track and maybe you would get to it. But I want to bring this question to you before we have to take a break. Is there any way in the governmental system of the United States of America, Constitutionally speaking, that the Supreme Court can be brought to task as it were? I mean, we say that it’s the Supreme Court that basically interprets the law, but when they go outside the boundaries, can they be brought back into boundary according to the Constitution, David?

David New:                        Of course there are many different ways. I wrote a paper, nine strategies to control the Supreme Court. And there are several ways you can do it. The most obvious one is you’re going to pass an Amendment to reverse what the Supreme Court has decided, that is very, very rare. The Supreme Court and Dred Scott said that black people were not citizens and could not be citizens of the United States. And the 14th Amendment was passed to reverse that decision, to say that black people are citizens of the United States. The 14th Amendment itself is a great Amendment. It’s this corruption that is extremely bad.

                                             You can limit the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. You can also increase their, you can take away jurisdictions where they can not hear, like school prayer cases, but Congress can do that. And they tried to do that many, many times to where they withdrew subject matter jurisdiction from the U.S. Supreme Court so they can’t decide 10 Commandment cases in a public school, or prayer, or Bible reading in a public school or some other issue. There’s all kinds of things you can do.

                                             During the ’60s there was a proposal to create a Court of the Union where all the Chief Justices would get together and when the Supreme Court rules on something about a state, that they would have the final say as to whether or not that will be upheld. There are different strategies on how to bring the Supreme Court under control.

Isaac Crockett:                  This is very interesting, David, we have a lot more to talk about. We’re going to take a quick timeout, but when we come back, we want to look through, as you say, this is actually perhaps the most important of the Amendments because of how it was interpreted then. The 14th Amendment, an Amendment that had legitimate need, that was a very good Amendment, as you say, but has been interpreted differently than we expected. And as you point out, you would consider that it’s been corrupted over time to divert more power to the federal government. We want to look at that and bridge all these points together when we come back after this time out.


                                             Welcome back to the program, Standing in the Gap Today, and on behalf of my co-hosts Sam Rohrer and Gary Dull, I’m Isaac Crockett. I thank you for listening and for being a part of this today, as we talk about important things, important to our nation, important to you individually and important to our churches and families. And so as we do this, I just want to remind you that if you would like to listen to some of our other programs, I mentioned, for example, David Benham, who was on, who was arrested in Charlotte, outside an abortion clinic, you can go back and listen to the show that he was on with us.

                                             You might be interested in listening to the show we had not too long ago with Toni McFadden, as she exposed some of the under workings of the abortion industry and other programs like that, they’re all archived. You can go back and watch our television program as well. You can be a part of Sam’s one minute programs, Standing in the Gap Minute, our weekend edition, all these different things are on our smartphone app, as well as online at And can also follow us on social media. More and more of you are following us. And you can stay up to date on the latest information, as well as share very helpful information to your friends and loved ones through social media.

                                             And so we do thank you. And we do ask for your help. We need you to pray for us. We have a lot of opportunities here, a lot of ministries, a lot of ways to bring the gospel and truth to stand in the gap for God’s truth on a regular basis. And we need you to be praying for us. And we are also extremely grateful for those who are able to help us financially when the Lord lays it on your heart to support this ministry financially. We want to thank you for that and encourage anybody listening to please, please pray for us and join us in any ways you can. Even just by communicating with us on social media and other platforms like that.

                                             To get back to this issue that we’ve been talking about, the federal powers taking extra control in times of supposed emergencies and things. And so we’ve been looking at the 14th Amendment. Attorney, David New is our special guest and he said that, “In many practical ways, the 14th Amendment is more important than the other Amendments, even our 1st Amendment rights, because the 14th Amendment has been interpreted in such a way that has ceded power and control to the federal government in ways that our founders didn’t necessarily intend for it to be done.”

                                             And so face value, the 14th Amendment was basically there to help facilitate the 13th Amendment, the rights of people who had been enslaved prior to the Civil War, prior to the 13th Amendment. And it was supposed to help protect against a continuation of the Civil War. And as David said, in the last segment, “It was very good and it was very important and it was needed.” The 14th Amendment was needed, but we want to look at how this Amendment has been used now to change and to give federal government more power than the Constitution intended.

                                             So, David, I know we could talk about this for hours and we only have the rest of the program to finish this up, but could you go a little further now in explaining what has happened? And you said it was about a century later that the Courts reinterpreted the 14th Amendment. Can you kind of explain how that changed everything really?

David New:                        Sure. The 14th Amendment basically is an Amendment that transfers power. It transfers power from the state governments to the federal government that’s what it does. Now, and it says it’s going to limit federal power, state power, and you can just read Section One and it’ll tell you that, but the way the Supreme Court has corrupted it, they went crazy. And let’s give a specific example. Why can’t your child pray in a public school today? Why can’t your child have the Bible read to him or her, or read the Bible to other students at the beginning of class? Why can’t your child see a display of the 10 Commandments on public school property? “Ah,” you say, “The 1st Amendment.” Incorrect.

                                             The reason why your children cannot pray is because, in the public schools, in a state public school system is because of the 14th Amendment. Now, what do you mean? The 1st Amendment applied, and only has jurisdiction over the federal government. That’s why out of those 45 words, the first word is the most important word, Congress. And it’s limited to Congress. And as long as you limit the jurisdiction of the 1st Amendment to Congress, that means the Supreme Court cannot decide whether your kids pray in a public school, it’s that simple.

                                             Now comes along the 14th Amendment in 1868, a new Constitution is about to take birth in just a few years because the Supreme Court is going to corrupt it and come up with a novel interpretation. And they’re going to say, “Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. You know that 14th Amendment, that due process clause in the 14th Amendment? That word Liberty in the due process clause in the 14th Amendment, right in Section One? Did you know that that refers to religion? That it refers to the 1st Amendment in fact. Oh, wonderful.”

                                             And once the Supreme Court did that, and they did that and a case called, “Cantwell versus Connecticut,” they did it in the year 1940. And if you want to read the case, it’s 310 US 296, 310 is the volume. US means United States for United States Supreme Court, 296 refers to the page number. And if you just put in 310 US 296, most computers will take you right to Cantwell versus Connecticut. What did that case do? It federalized, religion law. What do you mean? It means from 1940 onwards, your religion clauses in the state Constitutions are worthless, because no matter which way the state goes, the federal court, the Supreme Court can reverse it at will because of Cantwell versus Connecticut.

                                             The framers of the Constitution, wanted religion to be left in the states and the federal government is to stay out of it. And when people, what I tell people that the 1st Amendment has no jurisdiction over the states, or religion over the states and so forth, they think I’m crazy. They think the 1st Amendment has always been applied to the states. Incorrect. The religion clauses were not applied to the states until 1940, which means out of those 30 cases that involve prayer and Bible reading before 1940, in the 50, in the states of this country, how many of them use the 1st Amendment to decide the case? Zero. When was the first time the 1st Amendment was applied to the school prayer or Bible reading case? Well you know now it didn’t occur until after 1940. It occurred in 1950 in the state of New Jersey, the case was [inaudible 00:26:27]. That is why your kids can’t pray in a public school today because they said the Supreme Court told a fib, they said that, “The 14th Amendment made the 1st Amendment applicable to the states.”

                                             Now they said it in 1940 and of course the thing was ratified in 1868, what’s going on between that time? Well, guess what? The legal community in the United States was not taking the position. Courts, state courts, even federal courts, law schools were all saying that the Bill of Rights still does not have jurisdiction over the states, and that remained true until 1940. So that’s how you lost your freedom of religion. What the Supreme Court did in 1940 in Cantwell versus Connecticut, is that they effectively reversed what the framers of the Constitution did with religion in 1787. That’s what they did.

Sam Rohrer:                      You know, I think that you ought to be on the Supreme Court David New. I think I’m going to put in your name and see what happens, but let’s look at that just a little bit more because we’re hearing things we don’t normally hear. Do you think that the intent of the 14th Amendment was there to weaken the power of the states?

David New:                        It was there to make sure that the state’s complied with the Civil Rights of African Americans. And to that extent, if you want to use the word weaken, you can say that, but that’s all it was intended to do. Now, there were some, one other person was John Bingham of Ohio. He said, “Hey, hey, hey you guys, this 14th Amendment that I’m writing and sponsoring, it’s going to make the Bill of Rights applicable to the states.” The only problem is John Bingham was just one man in Congress who took that position, the entire legal community, including the state governments, including the majority of Congress, did not take that position.

                                             But you see the Supreme Court realized, they saw one thing that the 14th Amendment can give them that they never could have before, super power. They never had that power that they had until 1940. They decide when Americans can pray, who they could pray with, where they can pray and how they can pray. That is power my dear.

Isaac Crockett:                  Attorney, David New what you’re saying, I think we all need to hear this. I think we all need to know this. I hope that those listening right now, we’ll share this information with people they know who don’t normally listen to this. I hope that people can go and even if we just take that one segment of today’s program and share it with other people. This is powerful because we see now where the Supreme Court started to become this king of the land so to speak, so powerful, as you said, “A super power.”


                                             Welcome back to our last segment. And we’ve been looking at the 14th Amendment how, in many ways it created a new Constitution. Some have said it killed the first 10 Amendments, but effectively it was used to be applied to powers, to the Supreme Court that didn’t exist before. And so attorney David New is with us today, Constitutional attorney, and he says, “It changed everything.” Sam, you had a really good question for him over break. Could you go ahead and pose that to him as we finish out our program today?

Sam Rohrer:                      Yeah, absolutely Isaac. I generally try to make application in this last segment. David, the question I had for you was in light of this reality, now we’ve talked about emergency powers, giving the executive branch far more authority than they have constitutionally and connecting that with the 14th Amendment, which also does, but grants a whole lot more power to the Supreme Court than was ever imagined. In light of these things together, looking at the events unfolding in our nation today with troops being called out as an example, or the monies being printed, as it’s talking about and governors taking action that are exceeding their authority, all of that kind of thing. Do you perceive that within what we’re talking about, that these actions or others are taking place as a result of these two things, we’re calling out as causes of where we are? But apply this existing, off based, unconstitutional power balance that got messed up years ago. How are we actually seeing that work out this way now, put it in that context?

David New:                        Well, the federal government is taking on upon itself a lot more power than it legitimately has. And they got this power by corrupting the 14th Amendment. So when Presidents and Congresses do all kinds of crazy things, which are not enumerated anywhere in Article One, Section Eight, for example, the 14th Amendment was more fuel to the flame, to make it even worse than it otherwise would be.

                                             Let’s take an example. Look at the 14th Amendment and look at Section One, that’s the only section you need to do with. That is the 1868 Constitution in a nutshell, we’ve got the Articles of Confederation, we’ve got the 1787 Constitution, and this is the 1868 Constitution. Why is abortion legal in the United States? Why can homosexuals get married in the United States? Why can’t kids pray in a public school in the United States? All you have to realize and look at one single word. It has seven letters and that one word, and that all of these crazy things that the Supreme Court has been doing, and dividing this country, they divide this country more than anybody over religion than any radical church or a religious zealot or anything.

                                             They divide America. And it’s all because of seven letters and one word. You see that little word Liberty? In the due process clause, nor deny, it says, “Nor shall any state deprive any person of life, Liberty, or property without due process of law.” You see that word Liberty, put the word abortion, put the word gay sex, same sex marriage. Put the ban on prayer in the public schools. All of it comes from that one single word.

                                             Now you say “David, how could it mean all those things?” Of course it doesn’t. It doesn’t mean any of those things. There’s nothing about abortion in the Constitution, that belongs under the 10th Amendment. You want to have a Bobby and Chucky get married? Go to the 10th amendment, each state decides for itself. You don’t want prayer in your public schools. Fine. You go to the 10th Amendment and your state decides it. But you see the Supreme Court, if they can get five members to take a Ouija board or a crystal ball and look and say, “Oh, the word Liberty. Oh yes, that means gay sex.” All it takes is five votes, five people. The law has nothing to do with it. The Constitution has nothing to do with it. It is not legal. It is totally illegal. And they’re stealing power that belongs to you. All by manipulating one seven letter word.

Isaac Crockett:                  David New, Constitutional attorney, a regular guest on our program, what you have informed us of today is extremely important. I never thought of the 14th Amendment as the latest Constitution, but you’ve shown us how it’s been used that way. And as we look at what’s going on in our nation right now, we are in need of the Lord’s intervention and of the Lord working in us. And so we want to go now to the Lord in prayer, we’ve come to the end of the program. I’ll go to you, Gary, if you could pray for us and pray for our nation and any final words you want to say. And I don’t know if there’ll be time also Sam for you to pray after that, but we do want to close asking the Lord for mercy on our land at this time.

Gary Dull:                           Yes, Isaac. And I’m very thankful for David New and for the insight that he gives us concerning the Constitution. And I’m thankful that God, David has given you the wisdom that he has, and I’m glad that you’re on our program. More people need to hear what you have to say.

                                             Father, as we come to you today, we thank you for what we have here in the United of America, as it relates to our founding documents. But yet Lord, we see how in one way, shape, or form here and there that we’ve just gotten away from some of these things that were laid out for us by our founders. Lord, we repent of that. And I would pray that you would do two things. Number one, that you would give those of us who are alive today, the wisdom to understand both Biblical and Constitutional truth and then apply that to everyday life.

                                             But I also pray Father that you would give wisdom to those who are in the Supreme Court, those who are in the Congress, those who are in the executive branch, those are in government, give them wisdom. Dear Lord, now more than ever before to make decisions that are Constitutionally correct. And then Father, I will also pray that for those of us who are citizens of the United States of America, that we also will do our best to understand the truth of the Constitution and do what we can to keep our elected officials in line with this document, in order Lord, the truth might prevail in this country, both Biblically and Constitutionally. We bring these requests to you and thank you for the way that you’ll answer in Jesus name.

Sam Rohrer:                      And heavenly Father, as we continue in prayer, we just thank you oh Lord, for what you have given us in this nation, a foundation of law and truth as embodied within our Constitution based on Biblical morals. But Lord, we are reminded even as we focus today on this program, that when we move away and believe we don’t any longer need your moral law, we then quickly move that we don’t need our Constitution and the moral underpinnings underneath of that either. And Lord, we really have changed the foundations of authority in this nation.

                                             To a large extent, what we see today, Lord, we are reaping what has been sown, and it causes us Lord to reach out to you in prayer in a more urgent way and to look within. And as we’ve done on this program today, Lord, try to look at the root causes of where we are in this nation. We need a return to you, oh God, and your authority and your laws and your principles, and then extend them out into civil society. Lord, we pray that you might give wisdom to those who are executing and those of us who are watching and doing the best to bring it forth. We commit all of this to you in Jesus name, amen.

Isaac Crockett:                  Amen. Well, David New our Constitutional attorney friend, thank you so much for the great and important information that you have given to us today, for all of us listening. And for all of us here at the American Pastors Network, from Sam Rohrer, and Gary Dull, myself, Isaac Crockett, to many people behind the scenes, thank you for listening to Stand in the Gap Today and I would encourage you to continue to listen and to take a stand for the Lord today.