This transcript is taken from a Stand in the Gap Today daily program originally aired on 11/6/20. To listen to the program, please click HERE.

Sam Rohrer:                      Hello, and welcome to Stand In The Gap today, this Friday edition. I’m Sam Rohrer. I’ll be joined today by Dr. Gary Dull, who I want to thank right up front for filling in for me yesterday on this program. He had rather short notice for that, but I’m glad that he did, and anyway, we are here. What a week it has been, right? Really, the days that will unfold in the weeks ahead, as we are all aware. The vote count, which is the big news of the day, clearly continues to unfold, and we await the result of the contest as to who will be indicated by the vote as the next U.S. president. The evidence of major voter fraud we predicted on this program for well over a year is in full gear in very key states. The outcome of the presidential election at this moment is uncertain. From a media perspective, their goal of holding off calling certain states until the mail-out cheat ballots, as we’ve referred to them, could be counted to prevent the calling of the election for the president, that’s fully in gear. We see that.

                                             A series of Trump team lawsuits as of this minute appear possibly to be too little or too late. But, can I say, this could change. Personally, I believe it’s going to. But we must pray that truth and integrity prevails.

                                             Yesterday, our friend, the honorable Michelle Bachmann who was with us a week ago on this program has officially asked for prayer for certain key requests in regard to this vote counting and this process that is unfolding. I’m going to review her excellent recommendations and then our guest, and Gary and I will pray in segment four.

                                             But to help us in our consideration today of where we are and the changed participation, I’m saying the changed participation of a key segment of Christian voters in this election, none other than Dr. George Barna, who in his latest research found enlightening information about why an important group of Christians were going to vote in large numbers for the president.

                                             And here’s a key, but for totally different reasons than 2016. And then we’re going to talk with George about the so what question. What difference does it make? And you’ll see how that fits in in just a moment, our theme for today’s program is this: The 2020 Election, Trump, and the Changed Christian Vote. So if that sounds a little intriguing, it was intended to be that way. And we’re going to explain what that means, pretty enlightening, in just a moment. But with that, let me welcome in right now, George Barna. George, thanks for being back again with us.

George Barna:                  I was saying to Gary it’s always good to be with you.

Sam Rohrer:                      It’s always a blessing to have you. Anyways, we’ll get right into it, George, because there’s a lot I want to talk to you about. Gary and I want to ask you some questions in regard to. Because before we get into this research I’ve highlighted that you completed prior to the November 3rd election, I want to ask you a question about the election results, at least as we’re seeing them now. And here the reliability of pollsters predictions. It appears that in all areas: congressional House and Senate, governors, and state legislatures, the pollsters were very wrong.

                                             The left did not experience a major gain in any area. The presidential is the only exception. And I would suggest that, based on what we know, the only reason that the pollsters may be right in that regard, if Biden pulls it off, is because of the voter fraud. But this is the issue. Some said the pollsters have so far off that they have lost their credibility forever. Well, between your years of experience and your research as a pollster, what do you say about that? They missed it, why’d they miss it, and has their credibility been lost forever?

George Barna:                  I think things aren’t always as simple as sometimes the media try to make them. I would say that if you look at the pollsters that were working directly for the candidates, they pretty much called things on the nose. Some other of us independent pollsters, not aligned with media organizations, we saw this coming. We called it as it is. But when you look at the major media pollsters, what happened, I think, is that they shifted from trying to be an objective measurement and provide objective reporting of the facts to using polling this time as a weapon to deceive the public, to manipulate the public, to suppress vote, to reduce enthusiasm, to have many other kinds of outcomes besides simply informing the population what was going on.

                                             I think something else that we should have learned in 2016, and if we didn’t, then we need to learn it now is that technology has changed radically the way that we can conduct research. We need new procedures, new techniques, new approaches to how we’re collecting information. And the rates tell us this, the fear that people now have of divulging some of their opinions to unknown organizations, i.e. pollsters, changes the way that we have to do business. But the bottom line here is yes, I think you’re right to a large degree. The polling industry has lost the trust of the people. And that’s going to change future political doubts.

Gary Dull:                           Based on your observations as a political researcher and pollster over so many, many years; and while the prize of who will be acknowledged as president still rages on, the battle, as we’ve talked about before on this program, is one of worldview. And with that in mind, how do you see things unfolding as we go into the days ahead?

George Barna:                  Well Gary, as you know, we’ve been talking about this for quite a while. How this really wasn’t an election about candidates or about parties or party platforms, it really is a worldview election. And as I stand back and look at what we’re experiencing right now, that’s made it even clearer because we can see the two sides lining up against each other. On the one hand, those who believe in rule of law. On the other hand, those who reject the law. On the one hand, those who believe in absolute moral truth. On the other hand, those who believe in emotional sovereignty. On the one hand, those who believe in reflection. On the other hand, those who believe more in action. Those who, on the one hand, say rugged individualism with responsibility is critical. On the other hand, a compliant community. On the one hand, those with respect for history and tradition, as opposed to those who desire novelty, adventure, and experience. On the one hand, those who want freedom but understand that comes with responsibility. On the other hand, those who are comfortable with anarchy without any kind of conscience behind it. On the one hand, those who want to honor God on the other hand, those who honor humanity.

                                             So the battle line has been so clearly drawn and what we see happening now with the vote count, I think there’s a natural outcome of this division of worldview that I just the described. And so we’ll see what happens. It’s very possible that deceit will prevail in this instance. But that does not get those of us who believe in God, who want to honor Christ, who want to advance God’s kingdom, to ever use the same methods, to ever buy into the same lies.

Sam Rohrer:                      George, that’s exactly correct. Ladies and gentlemen, stay with us. This discussion is going to only get better and more complete as we go forward. Our theme today: Trump and the Changed Christian Vote. We’ll talk to George Barna about research conducted in just a minute.


                                             You’re listening to Stand In The Gap today, our Friday edition, and our theme today is this the 2020 election. Yes, we’re going to stay on that for a little while, but from a different perspective. Our focus today is Trump and the Changed Christian Vote, the latest George Barna research is what I’m calling it. And our guest is George Barna. Always with us here once a month, at least. He’s a professor currently at Arizona Christian University. And he is there as the Director of Research at Cultural Research Center at that location. And you can find more information there at All of the various research projects that are done are found at that site. And I would encourage you to go there and look at them; really some of the very, very best.

                                             Now in the 2016 presidential election, then Donald Trump won and shocked the pollsters that we just talked about, the pundits, and the beltway politicians; we remember. The win pleasantly surprised conservative and Christian voters. And in the end, the evangelical voting block turned out to be the block of votes that probably made the most significant difference. Now, while the Christian and the conservative base has benefited in these last four years, the enemies of freedom, moral truth, and the constitution against the president has been unrelenting. The continuing effort to utilize the entrenched power – again, what we’ve talked about regularly here – the Marxist-led media, the deep state, the establishment politicians, all of them together, to do as we just heard – to take even the research, the pollstering, all of that kind of thing, and shape people’s thinking rather than giving them the truth has contributed to the confusion we now find ourselves into today, right now, as these vote counts unfold.

                                             Within the Christian voting block, though, there is a very significant core that George Barna identified. And that core, according to research, shifted in their reasons for voting for president Trump. And George, I want to pick up on this because I read that research, I don’t know, 10 days ago or whatever, and I thought that you seem to be spot on. So let’s talk about that right now. You identified a group some years ago that you dubbed as SAGE Cons, socially active governance-engaged conservatives. Bit summary, and then bring it up to date. What role did they play in 2016? What was their attitude toward then candidate, Donald Trump? And then what significant change did you uncover in your recent research regarding their attitude as coming into the 2020 election and President Trump? I thought this was pretty amazing.

George Barna:                  Well, in 2016, the SAGE Cons were part of the Never Trump movement. In the primary season, they really had no interest in him. They had a group of other candidates who were more spiritually and perhaps even ideologically aligned with them that they were supporting. But when Mr. Trump won the nomination, the SAGE Cons, the spiritually active governance-engaged conservative Christians, evaluated their options. They looked at Mr. Trump, they looked at Mrs. Clinton and they realized that Mrs. Clinton was an absolute danger for America. And so they reluctantly threw their support behind Donald Trump. And I say reluctant. Nevertheless, when SAGE Cons do something, they go all out. And so we had 91% turnout in 2016 among the SAGE Cons. Now, to put that in context, it was about 57-58% with the rest of the public and of those 91% of the SAGE Cons that turned out, 93% voted for Donald Trump.

                                             Why? Because they’re driven by their faith to be involved and to do what they think is right before God. Because their ultimate end is not to be political victors it’s to advance the Kingdom of God. Now we switched to 2020, and we’ve got that same group of people, the SAGE Cons, who were not really too pleased about having Donald Trump as their candidate. In 2020 it was a complete reversal where they went into this election absolutely enthusiastic about Donald Trump. Now they were still irritated by his tweets and some of his other statements, but they were enthusiastic about him as a political leader because he kept his promises, whether it had to do with the Supreme Court, religious freedom, the economy, the military, pro-life issues. I mean, he did what he said he was going to do. He stood strong for those things. And so the preliminary research, I have three studies in the field right now, and the early returns on those are showing that again, more than 90% of SAGE Cons showed up to vote and the support for Donald Trump went even higher.

                                             Currently, it appears that it was about 95% in this election. And let me tell you why SAGE Cons are so critical because when you look, for instance, at the exit polls that the mainstream media pays for. Edison Research, does those for them. And what we found was the way that they measure it, which I don’t think is a good way, but at least they’re consistent from election to election, this group that they call white evangelical Christians in 2016, 81% of them supported Donald Trump. In 2020 that fell to 76%. So we can see again that split that’s even happening within the church because people in the church don’t have a biblical worldview. And so we really have to go back to that issue at some point. But that’s partly why SAGE Cons are so critical toward moving the country forward.

Gary Dull:                           George, you’re spot-on with what you just said, that the people in the church do not have a biblical world view. And that the church I pastor here in Altoona, Pennsylvania, next year, 2021, the entire theme of the entire year is going back and taking a look at the biblical worldview. Because we really need to bring it home to Christians. For many Christians have no concept as to what it is. And that’s a sad thing. But in regard to this election, and we know that we still are facing unfolding conclusions, do you have any reason to believe that the SAGE Cons, as well as the evangelicals, will play any pivotal role in the outcome? Not only on the presidential outcome and also as it relates to other ballot races, what are your thoughts on that?

George Barna:                  Well, when you have an election like this, we’re looking at a whole series of candidates and offices and referenda where we’ve got razor thin margins of victory or loss. So every vote counts. When you have a block of voters, like SAGE Cons who, even though they don’t necessarily know each other, they tend to move in unison. Why? Because the thing that shapes their choices is having that biblical worldview. But they become a more reliable group of people. You have to expend as a candidate or a party, less resources, trying to get them to understand, trying to inform them, trying to motivate them. They’re self motivated by their faith and they’re educated and informed because of their faith. That’s the lens that they take into it. So they make a difference in that way. They make a difference in the sense that right now there are literally millions of SAGE Cons and other Christians who are praying for our country, praying for its future and about the outcome of this election.

                                             So I think certainly this is an important group of people. What fascinates me to no end is that I have yet to hear anything about this group of people, when I just kind of flipped through the mainstream media. Whether it’s what they put in print or what they might have on TV or radio, there’s almost a total ignoring of this important group. But yeah, they play a key role.

Sam Rohrer:                      George, a listener just said, “would you have Dr. Barna again explain, just briefly what is meant by Sage cons?” You described it a little bit, but explain that just a little bit and then work it into this question as well. There has been a significant expansion of Hispanic vote for the president. We’ve seen it in South Florida, a couple of key congressional races were overturned. You now have conservative Hispanics there that have replaced other liberal Democrats. It’s a big deal. Here’s my question: in that change within the Hispanic community, is there a SAGE Con element within the Hispanic movement that is moving them in the way they are thinking, or is that movement within that group just purely economic or something totally unrelated? So those two questions please.

George Barna:                  Yeah. With the Hispanic population, it really is a combination of those things. There are a number of Hispanic SAGE Cons, but that number is not very big. We did not actually see it grow during the last four years. And, in fact, if you look at the exit polls, in terms of the Hispanic vote, Donald Trump got 28% of the Hispanic vote in 2016. He only got 32% in 2020. So a little bit of growth and that helped. And I think the Florida situation may have distorted people’s views about what’s going on with the Hispanic vote. Cubans, who make up a large share of the Southeastern Florida population, they come from a nation where they know what socialism is. They have many relatives who are still living under its tyranny. And so that helped to describe why almost half of them voted for President Trump.

                                             But of course, Cuban Americans are not the majority of Hispanics in American, so it’s different. But we’ve got great Hispanic Christian leaders, Sam Rodriguez, Mark Gonzales, and many others who have been working very diligently to try to raise the understanding of Hispanic Americans about how faith should be influencing their politics. And when we talked about helping them to become SAGE Cons, a SAGE Con is basically someone whose life is driven by their faith. And that faith helps them to understand that they’re supposed to be influencing every aspect of the culture, including politics and government. So they vote more frequently. They’re better informed, but all of that is because they read the Bible more, they worship God daily, they are serious about discipleship, they give their money to the things of God.

Sam Rohrer:                      All right, George I’ve left off right there. Thanks so much. I think that explained it a lot for listeners. I appreciate it. We’re going to come back after the break, ladies and gentlemen, and we’re going to continue talking to George Barna. We’re going to end up saying, “this information, what difference does it make? How should it influence your life?”


                                             Before we get back into discussing with George Barna I just have to read a little bit of a letter that came from a listener. This one is from Pennsylvania. And I’m going to give her first name, Melinda, because Gary and I both know her and others may know her. I won’t give her last name, but she’s been very faithful. She just said this. She said, “Dear Sam.” She said, “I trust that God is keeping the team and that all of you are doing well by the grace of God. The work that you are doing for our Lord is astounding and encouraging to all who have the privilege of hearing and seeing it.” Talking about Stand In The Gap TV, “May our Lord continue to bless it and enlarge it. Always remembering to keep his word in our hearts, that we might not sin against Him.” And then she quotes a number of verses. And then she goes on and she says, “I will continue to send notes of encouragement and love for you all, keep your faith strong. And of course in Him.” Then it has a few other things. And I say to that, Melinda, you are an encouragement.

                                             And for others who communicate to us, you are in an encouragement. It really, really, really is important for us to know that you are listening and to hear from you that you are praying. And you may think that we don’t need encouraging. We need encouragement. We hope that we are encouraging you, but boy-oh-boy, take just a moment or two go to our website, or on our app. You can communicate to us or jot a letter, just note like Melinda did. And let us know that you are praying and that you are partnering with us financially, both of those, but just the way it works, both really are necessary. So thank you so very, very much.

                                             All right, inaccurate research. We’ve talked about research, but inaccurate research and analysis that goes with it and reporting, which comes out of it, is good and can be helpful. Let’s put it this way: inaccurate research, analysis, and reporting is not good and it’s not helpful. But when it is dishonest or designed to deceive or mislead, and that’s what George was talking about earlier at segment one. But on the other hand, accurate and honest research and reporting is essential and it should be pursued as it does lead to knowledge and therefore sound decisions.

                                             But have we reached a point in our culture where truth is so rejected? Talk about biblical worldview where truth is so rejected and discounted that research, analysis, and reporting is not only, at this time, worthless, but if that’s the case dangerous? Well, in the end, at the conclusion of all analysis and research is the question that must be asked: now that we know what we have what difference does it make?

And George, I want to bring up that question and give you some room to run here a little bit, because on a recent Stand In The Gap TV program that you did with co-host Isaac Crockett and me, you made a statement which I want to apply to this discussion today. You said that your goal in the research, when all is said and done, we must ask the question, what difference does it make?

                                             And I said, you know what, that’s exactly right. What difference does it make? So in regard to this specific finding; in this case that SAGE Cons moved in their thinking from voting more against Hillary Clinton, perhaps in 2016, more than voting for Donald Trump to in 2020 voting overwhelmingly for Donald Trump and less an opposition against Joe Biden, a big shift. What difference does this make? What does it mean? Does it reflect a core value change in worldview or just an observation about performance? Is it a pragmatic change or is it a substantive change? What difference does it make? Go where you want to George.

George Barna:                  Well, I think there are several things we could bring up. Number one is a situation like this reminds us that we’re not in charge, God’s in charge. And so the results really are up to God. His will is going to be done. Our job is to accept that will, run with it, appreciate it, understand it as best we can. And to get there, our day-to-day commitment must be obedience to biblical teachings. And then let God deal with the results. But in addition to that, I think when you look at what’s happened in this election, one we can see the enthusiasm gap that happened in relation to the Christian vote for Donald Trump, versus those who were voting for Joe Biden. There was a great level of enthusiasm behind the Christian vote for Donald Trump, because he represented so much of what we believe brings pleasure and joy to God’s heart.

                                             And that’s what gives us pleasure and joy. And so that kind of enthusiasm built momentum for Donald Trump. Now, maybe it was too little, too late. We’ll find out. But it’s certainly served as a counterbalance to the media lies that have been spoon-fed to us over and over and over every day for weeks and weeks. I think another thing we can look at is the fact that what all of this did was reinforced the importance of the role of devoted biblical Christians as being a savvy and active political force. Christians didn’t just sit back and believe all of the lies. They didn’t fall for all of the manipulation that was thrust our way.

                                             And so hopefully that encourages us as a community, but it also raises our standard of behavior. And it puts us in a different place in the political world. That’s not why we exist. We exist to know, love, and serve God; to worship Him, et cetera. But part of that is by how we comport ourselves in aspects of cultures such as politics. And so I think ultimately what we helped to do in this election was to re-establish Christian voters, as an informed, and responsive, and engaged body of individuals. Not all of them, certainly, but I think SAGE Cons are a great example of what happens when you take the Bible seriously into every dimension of the culture.

Gary Dull:                           George, in our last program when we had you on here, and I think that was back on September the 23rd. The program was entitled America At War With Itself. And we discussed your research that indicated that changing world views, and markedly seen within the millennial group, indicate that we have two Americas right now. That would be the red and the blue. My question to you is sort of multi-faceted here. How do we handle this? Is there anything that you’ve seen in this election and the current vote counting that indicates anything more than division? If so, what? How deep is that division? What has caused that division, and what is the solution to that division?

George Barna:                  Yeah, Gary, I hate to be a tired song, but to me as I look at all this, because a person’s worldview determines their choices, their decisions, their behavior, when we look at what’s been going on, it goes back to worldview. And so if we don’t like what we’re seeing, if we think things could be better, then it’s an issue of how do we enhance the worldview of Americans. More specifically, what that means is how do we shift more Americans to having a biblical worldview? And so in order to do that, that requires a long-term strategy. Let me suggest a couple of things that come to mind. One is that clearly what we’re seeing is an ends justify the means philosophy at work as literally hundreds of thousands of counterfeit ballots are appearing at the vote counting offices in the swing States around the country.

                                             And so I think one of the things that the scriptures teach us is, well, Christians need to be wise as serpents in all of this. Now we should have been wise as serpents before the election and seen this coming. You and Sam and others on the program have been talking about this for a long time. It doesn’t seem like perhaps we took those warnings seriously enough to actually put things into place, to prevent all of this. But nevertheless, we have to be aware of what’s going on and react wisely. Second thing that comes to my mind is that, and I hate to say this I don’t want people to get upset, but I think Donald Trump, whether he wins or not, is likely to be the last conservative or perhaps even Republican president that we’re going to see for the next four to five cycles.

                                             And that’s because of what’s happening generationally in America. When we look at the thought patterns and the behavioral patterns of Gen X and the millennials who are now the majority of the adult population. When we look at their worldview that’s what you can predict coming down the line. And that says to me that we do need to think long-term, we have to have at least a 40-year strategy for restoring biblical truth and righteousness in America. And that strategy needs to entail what we’re going to do with children, how parents are going to play their role more appropriately, the kind of alternative schools that we’re going to need to send our children to, how churches are going to have to radically change, not in terms of what the Bible says – that always remains firm, but what we do in terms of how we teach the Bible, where we teach it, how often, the way in which we ask people to integrate it into their lives, how we equip families with God’s word, those things more.

                                             And then also looking at new media options that Christians are going to have to adopt so that we’re not indoctrinated by the nonsense coming out of the secular media. And then also being economically intentional. What are we going to do with our money? What kind of stores do we need to boycott? What kind of support do we need to be showing for appropriate candidates? All of these things and more have to be part of that bigger strategy. And every single one of us Christians who loves God and wants His truth to prevail in America and to save America through that truth, we have a responsibility in this process. We cannot sit back and be spectators that’s happened for too long. Now is the time where we put up or shut up.

Sam Rohrer:                      And, ladies and gentlemen, I’m going to repeat what George just said. Reject end justifies the means mentality. That’s one. Be wise. Biblical truth gives us what we need to know. When we hear the truth, we have to act upon it. Third, the way it’s going, Donald Trump may be well the last conservative president that we’ll have. Why? Because of the changing massive view and worldview in the country. Fourth, he said, we need a generational view of life. Boy, that sounds like discipleship as the Bible talks about it. We need new media options and we need an economic strategy. And we’re going to deal with those later on another program. We will. When we come back, I’m going to share with you some thoughts from Michelle Bachmann about how we need to be praying now, after the election, very important. Stay with us.

                                             All across America and on this program, we prayed earnestly. You listening right now probably did as well. And many of you listening joined us. As we prayed to the God of Heaven, multiple times, many times, for Him to intercede on behalf of this nation. We asked Him to intercede on behalf of his people and the truth. We prayed for forgiveness, acknowledged our sins of idolatry and misplaced trust, which is really what idolatry is all about. It’s trusting anything other than God. And we ask God to forgive, on a national sense, our sins in the shedding of innocent blood. On this program we did our best to lead you, our listeners, to understand that prayer was going to be increasingly needed as our nation raced away from God and into the arms of evil. You remember, we started this over a year ago when we started 52 Tuesdays program, we saw what was happening. We saw what was coming and we said we needed to get ourself into the position where when we prayed, we were in a position for God to hear us.

                                             We emphasize regularly to consider God’s requirements for praying: praying with no unconfessed sin, praying with faith, believing, praying with no selfish motives, and concluding our prayers with praying that nevertheless, thy will be done. We concluded on this program a week before the election, October 27, where we had 17 people pray on this program. All of our co-hosts, many of our guests and some other pastors we are now though, on the other side of the election. The need for prayer has not lessened has it? Matter of fact, like we said, it has only shifted. And that’s the way it’s going to be for the weeks ahead. The need for prayer has not lessened, nor will it lessen. But it will shift in its focus.

                                             Well we had Michelle Bachmann on the program a week ago. And just yesterday, she put forth a note. I’m going to give just a little bit of it, about how we ought to pray. These are her words. She said “In the aftermath of the election, what is going on in the battleground States of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, North Carolina, Arizona, and Nevada is nothing short of wicked. Just tonight Arizona was moved from the blue column to the white or toss-up column. Our prayers are availing much.” That was a positive thing. That’s what she was saying. “It is now up to the body of Christ to step up.” She said, “what if? What if we mobilize a mighty intercessory prayer army to storm the Gates of Heaven on behalf of the voters of these States. If God has chosen to pronounce judgment on our nation and let it fall under the weight of its own wicked devices, then so be it. I can rest in him knowing that I left it all on the battlefield. The prayer strategy is simple.” And she puts forth five things. And she said, “if you can forward this along to others, do that. The power of others praying the same thing is important.”

                                             We’re going to do this right now. Let me give you the five points. And then George, and Gary and I are going to pray. She said, “Per Point one: that God would expose and hold accountable those who practice the seven things that God hates and says are detestable to Him. That comes from Proverbs 6:16, where God says these six things the Lord hates seven are an abomination: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and so forth. Per point two: expose all wickedness intended to steal, kill, and destroy the electoral process in these battleground States. This is something that’s an attack on truth.”

                                             So that’s per point two. “Per point three: that God would frustrate those who seek to steal, kill, and destroy electoral integrity and authentic, accurate vote counts in these battleground States. Number four: to frustrate and thwart the plans of those who attempt to sabotage the state’s election laws and to subvert the expressed will of the people. And then per point five: to pray Psalm 5,” and you can look that up I won’t read it, “for protection and favor for the president and those around him.” I think that’s a good model to follow.

                                             Gary, if I could go here, let me have you start. And then George, if you could follow, and then for time, then I will conclude. Pray as you’re lead. All of these things make sense to us clearly. It’s what the Bible says, but let us lead our people to the Lord and prayer in this focus today.

Gary Dull:                           Okay, Sam, thank you. And certainly those are tremendous points that Michelle has laid out for us. And folks I trust that you heard them well. And I’m thinking of Psalm 5. She asked us to pray Psalm 5 for protection and favor for President Trump. And I’m thinking of verse four, and I’m praying this back to the Lord. Lord, your word tells us in Psalm 5:4, “For you are not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness. Neither shall evil dwell with thee. The foolish shall not stand in my sight. Thou hatest all workers of iniquity.”

                                             And Father, as we come to you on behalf of this election, on the behalf of this nation, on the behalf of Christians, on the behalf of President Trump and just everything that is facing us right now. We know, Lord, that you have no pleasure in wickedness. And even as we are on this program right now, praying, we know that there’s a lot of wickedness going on as it relates to this election. The votes that are even being counted. Father, I pray number one, that you will reveal that wickedness, that you will judge that wickedness and that the outcome will be the fact that we will see you ruling and revealing righteousness. And we’ll thank you for it in Jesus’ name. Amen.

George Barna:                  Lord, we come before you. This is a challenging time for us but it’s a great time, because of that challenge, to rely on you, to lean on you, to look to you for guidance. We ask that your truth, your righteousness will prevail in this nation and in this situation. We ask that you would give your followers the strength to both know and display in very overt ways, your love, your truth and your righteousness. And we ask that you will give us all the courage to accept your will for America. And for each of us in this situation. We ask you to consider giving us another four years to restore the spiritual and political foundations here in America. We ask your forgiveness for not having taken advantage fully of the last four years, where we still have had the freedom to do that. We’ve prioritized other things we’ve been busy. We’ve been distracted. We’ve been deceived.

                                             We ask that, if you give us another four years, that you would help us to focus on the things that matter to you. And that we would do things that would bring honor and glory to you. We pray also for the children of America, Lord, that as the future of this nation, that you would help us to consistently and coherently teach biblical values and morals to our children. That we would model that for them. We would hold them accountable for it as you hold us accountable for it. And we pray that ultimately through your help, your blessings, your strength, we would be able to restore this country to be a place that brings you great honoring glory. And we thank you for the privilege of knowing and loving and serving you in Jesus’ name.

Sam Rohrer:                      And Heavenly Father, as we conclude Lord, we lift up our hands to you acknowledging that you are the Creator of all. You are the Author of truth. And we pray in these days, as they unfold before us in this nation, that truth would be exalted. That you would lift up your glory and your truth. And that justice would be revealed. Those, Lord, who work against the truth. Those who are corrupt, and those who embrace lying and deception and are proud in heart that, Lord, you would expose that you would bring forward and that you would enact justice in these days. That we may see it with our eyes and glorify you. We pray that’s the case. And purify your people, Lord, may we all be closer to you at the end of this process than we are even right now. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

                                             Thank you, ladies and gentlemen for being with us today. George and Gary, thank you. And I pray all of you who are listening right now be encouraged, step into the gap with truth. And then meet us back right here on Monday, please. Have a great weekend.