This transcript is taken from a Stand in the Gap Today program originally aired on Oct. 25, 2021.  To listen to the program, please click HERE.

To view the updated COVID Protocol or the Recommended Lab Testing, please go to the homepage:

Sam Rohrer:                      Well, hello and welcome to this Monday edition of Stand in the Gap Today. I’m Sam Rohrer, and it’s really great to be back with all of you today.

I’ve been gone away for a couple of weeks with my wife, Ruth Ann. We’ve married over 44 years, and wow, we were able to take in visit the last couple of weeks some dear friends in numerous states, and actually did many, many miles of hiking and biking. And all of that is good for our health, we hope.

That’s what we’re going to talk about today, ultimately, about health. We’ll get into that in just a moment, but it’s great to be gone. I know all of you would agree with me, but it’s really great to get back home with family, too, isn’t it?

I want to express my appreciation to members of the Stand in the Gap Today team for filling in for me in my absence, and I want to thank specifically Dave, Gary and Joe, Keith and Isaac, and, of course, Tim, who, behind the scenes here, making the program possible, from the technical perspective, all of this in the last couple of weeks. So just wanted to express that upfront.

We’ve got a full a week ahead of us here this week, and the weeks that are following, and just want you to be a part of every program. I want to thank all of you also for your continued prayers and your support. It was great to come back here, actually, I came in on Saturday to the studio, and able to read a host of letters that have come from many of you from all over the country.

I won’t share any of those right now. I’ll do that in a later program, some of those, but just a remarkable thing. I want to thank you so much for that, for those who are responding both to the radio, and for the Stand in the Gap TV.

So just take a moment on that. Because there are folks listening right now, across the country, that are also commenting, as you are also catching the Stand in the Gap TV program that Isaac Crockett and I lead.

VCY America, which is in Wisconsin, Upper Midwest, carries that program. Dove TV in Oregon, Washington carries the program, lighthouse TV, on Channel 39 and 60 here in Pennsylvania, as well as on most all cable networks across Pennsylvania, New York, Delaware, and Maryland. Then there’s a new network of regular our TV stations in California, Nevada and Arizona, who have just picked up our Stand in the Gap TV program, as well, and they are airing that.

So I just want to mention that too, of you, if you happen to be in those areas, look on your local media. Because you might be able to find us on TV, in addition to this program.

But for today’s program I’m really super excited to have back with me, Dr. Gordon Donaldson. He’s my personal family physician of many years, and frankly, one of the most compassionate, professional and thorough frontline medical doctors, I’ve been privileged to know.

Four months ago, actually, today, on June 25th, today’s October 25th as we’re doing this program, I interviewed Dr. Donaldson on the matter of COVID: Fear or Fact, and it was just a personal discussion, with a very listened to program. I encourage you to go back and listen to it again, you might find it very helpful.

But I said then, and I repeat now, that Dr. Donaldson loves his patients, he respects his Hippocratic Oath, he enjoys his profession of helping people, but also knows the truth, and most importantly, the author of Truth: The Great Physician. So his involvement in family practice, which treats the entire array of patient illness, like all diligent practicing physicians, he’s also an observer of facts, a detective at times, for less obvious sicknesses and he’s a researcher.

Most frontline docs do just that as they try to uncover and deal with the sicknesses patients bring to them, and it’s particularly highlighted, I think, in this era of ever changing COVID policies. Today’s emphasis will be equally valuable and informative as the program four months ago.

Now, the emphasis I’ve chosen for today’s program is this, the COVID truth, from a frontline doctor. In today’s program, we’re going to define frontline doctor, why the rule is so critical in a quality healthcare system.

We’re going to get a current update on what doctors on the frontline are actually seeing in regard to patient health, and the COVID impacts on patients. In simple terminology, we’re going to describe exactly why so many who encounter the COVID virus, or suffer adverse reactions from the COVID injections, why they experience the symptoms they do.

Then we’re going to conclude with what you can do to protect yourself, and to prevent or lessen the impacts of the actual harm created by the COVID virus, or the injection. And I think that after today’s program, you’ll be informed, encouraged, and better prepared, with wisdom to help yourselves and your loved ones during this unsettling time.

With that, let me welcome immediately, right now to the program, sitting right here, right beside me in the studio, Gordon Donaldson. Gordon, thanks for being with me.

Dr. Gordon Dona…:         Well, Sam, once again, it is truly a privilege to be back here, and to be able to share again with your listeners out there.

Sam Rohrer:                      Gordon, let’s get right on here. Do this. Let’s define frontline doctors. There’s a group of doctors out there, many of our listeners know, they’ve already gone to their website, Frontline Doctors, but they may not know what they are.

Define frontline doctor, and perhaps the unique role, in all of the healthcare system that we have, the unique role that frontline doctors provide. And particularly now, in this era of SARS-COV-2, or the COVID virus.

Dr. Gordon Dona…:         Well, Sam, frontline is really, I like to use the analogy of the battlefield. Because that’s truly what we’re out there doing. We are in a battle against an illness. So frontline doctors, or healthcare workers, are those who are in the trenches that are directly confronting the illness.

It would be those who are out there, and I say directly, in direct contact with the illness. But also I like to use the analogy of those who are putting the data together of what we are seeing out there. They help us out. They’re on the front lines in a little different aspect.

Like I said, I like to use the analogy of the battlefield, where we learn so much from the battlefield when we’re out there, and I think we will touch a little bit more on that. But the frontline is basically those of us who are in the trenches, and that can be different aspects.

From a positive standpoint, it’s just being able to confront and not be fearful of what we’re seeing out there. It’s our calling, it’s part of our Hippocratic Oath. We’re out there to confront and help people.

Sam Rohrer:                      And you do. Again, we’re about out of time here, Gordon. I’m going to save this question until the next segment, because one of the things I noticed about frontline docs, as compared to policy makers … I was in government. I mean, you got the policy makers telling people what to do, what they can’t do.

You have researchers that sit behind, on a laboratory, working in an educational institution for a long time, as an example, and they can hurry up or they can delay. But you as a frontline doc, when somebody comes in, you’ve got to make a decision, because that’s life and death. I see that as a unique role.

I want to talk about that just a little bit, when we come back, and then get into what you and other frontline doctors are actually seeing. What are you seeing on the ground with patients now coming into your office, as a result of the virus, or perhaps as a result of adverse reactions from the shot?

So we’ll go there. Ladies and gentlemen, stay with us, we’ll be right back. I think you’ll find this information really, really helpful.


Sam Rohrer:                      Well, welcome back here to Stand in the Gap Today. The theme today I’ve chosen is this, The COVID Truth from a Frontline Doctor.

I’m talking with my own personal family physician, a frontline doctor in communication with a lot of the frontline doctors, and not dealing with the controversial issues, so much of the political … We’re not going to get into that today.

Just want to talk to him and say, “What are you finding? What’s happening?” So in that regard, Gordon, you’ve been on this program before, as well as many other leading health experts have been on this program before.

We’ve talked about the aspects of SARS-Cov-2, the COVID virus, from the standpoint of origin and virology, immunology, epidemiology, and a whole lot more. We’ve discussed what’s actually happening. We’ve cited numbers from around the world, from the VAERS Reporting System, the CDC.

We’ve talked about all kinds of things on the political policies. And I am not going to go there now, as I just mentioned, but I would like to go to this part, that you can speak directly as a frontline doctor.

And that’s what you’re actually seeing, and what you’re actually finding in your practice, and what’s being seen across the country. Before you get into actually describing what you’re actually seeing, which I think will be greatly informative to people as they’re listening, because they’re going to be comparing their own selves, and how they’re feeling or sensing, perhaps.

But as a frontline doc, we were talking before and during the break, you and I were discussing, you as a frontline doc, do not have the ability, like many, the politicians, the policy makers, others in academic institutions, that are researching day in and day out. You are actually dealing with facts. You’re dealing with real life people.

And you’re having to make decisions early in the process, because you can’t afford to wait. Speak about that a little bit before we get into what you’re actually seeing.

Dr. Gordon Dona…:         Yes, to go back to my analogy of the battlefield, is that we are confronted with an individual who needs our help, needs our help now. And it can be a matter of life and literally, in this situation, life and death. So therefore, we don’t have the opportunity to go to a study that’s been an ongoing study for three, five years or whatever, but we go back to, excuse me, what we call outcomes-based medicine or evidence-based medicine.

We look at something that works, has worked, or that we see is working. Based on that, then we can use that, so long as we’re not putting a patient’s health in extreme jeopardy. We look at the risk benefits, and when it comes to the risk benefits in this situation, the repurposed drugs that are out there have been shown to be extremely beneficial.

They are some of the safest drugs in the world, with billions, speaking specifically of Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. With that, if we don’t have a significant, additional adverse reaction, but we know that it works, that’s what we’re going to go with.

And on the battlefield, we’ve learned a lot of medicine just because of that. We have somebody who needs our help, and we look at what’s there, this is what we have to offer, it has been shown to be beneficial. So let’s go with it, and be able to help them.

Sam Rohrer:                      Okay. So let’s get into that a little bit. What are you actually seeing, Gordon? When people are coming into the office now, as an example, or do you have more patients coming in than normal? Again, you’re speaking for other frontline docs across the country too, as well, that you are in communication to, are there more patients coming in than normal?

Is there anything different about that, or what are they coming in with? Just tell us what’s happening, as related to, specifically, we’re talking about COVID virus, and/or the shot

Dr. Gordon Dona…:         With all of those, inclusive, the inclusivity of all three of those, rather it’s a patient who has gotten the shot, and has COVID, a patient who has not gotten the shot, and has COVID, or a patient who is coming in with adverse reactions from the shot. All of those have increased my practice dramatically.

Also, it has changed an entire way that we look at patients. So when they come in with certain symptoms, we have to that take that into consideration, serious consideration that this might be an issue going on, either the COVID itself, or an adverse reaction from the injection. And what are the symptoms? You name the body system, and I have seen adverse reactions to it, I have seen it affected by COVID itself.

That’s the interesting part of this whole thing, in that it affects the entire body. And we will get into that, as to how that works on the inflammation.

Sam Rohrer:                      Are you finding, Gordon, that this particular virus is producing symptoms, which, we’ll define them a little bit later, are producing symptoms that are different than past viruses?

Dr. Gordon Dona…:         Yes, because basically, it affects the whole system on the inflammation side. Again, if we go back to, as we define this illness, it is a cardiovascular, inflammatory, and thrombolytic, or thrombolic type of an illness, that then hits every part of the body.

Because as we know, as we say, the life is in the blood. So when you have inflammation going on in the cardiovascular system, it goes everywhere.

Sam Rohrer:                      Okay. We’ll talk about the inflammation next, ladies and gentlemen. You’re not going to want to miss that discussion. It’ll be the next segment. But Gordon, when you referred to people coming in with COVID virus, having been vaccinated, coming in with COVID virus symptoms, having not been vaccinated, are you seeing any trends related to that?

Are more people coming in now, for instance, with COVID virus symptoms that have been vaccinated, as compared to have not? There’s a lot of discussion out there. What are you seeing?

Dr. Gordon Dona…:         Well, it’s both, and that’s just it. So yes is the answer to that, as I say, because it’s all inclusive in that situation. So I basically, when I see a patient, their status is only in the treatment side of things, it doesn’t really matter. I treat them the same.

We treat them the same, whether they’ve had the shot, whether they haven’t had the shot, treatment is all the same, and it is effective all the same. That’s the other thing is really an important aspect, although, in some cases, we do have to step up our therapy in dealing with some of the other issues with it, as to what they may be dealing with from, just in general, medical issues that they have.

Sam Rohrer:                      Okay. Let’s look into that. So you’re seeing patients coming in, you’re saying basically that patient load is increased a lot. How many?

Can you quantify the percentage of people who are coming in, that now are either COVID virus affected, because they’re either vaccinated or not vaccinated, as compared to those who are not? What’s that number looking like?

Dr. Gordon Dona…:         Well, percentage-wise there, that is difficult to put a specific percentage. I would just look at them in general, in the sense that probably 50% of my practice is now dealing with issues that are related to COVID, or the COVID shot.

Sam Rohrer:                      Can I ask you this? Because I’ve been reading another places across the country and so forth, that the number of people over the last couple of months, as an example, that are coming in with COVID virus symptoms, as a percentage of total patients, are actually increasing from those who have already had the vaccination as compared to, if not? Is that true? Are you saying that at all?

Dr. Gordon Dona…:         Yes. It is a situation where, as more people are out there, and more people come in contact with COVID, that we’re seeing just as many who have had this shot. Again, what makes it a little bit worse is that sometimes they’re coming in with symptoms that can be related to COVID, but you have to wonder, is it also just an adverse reaction to the shot itself, and taking that into account, as well.

Sam Rohrer:                      Okay, again, we’ll get into that, but the treatments that you’re say you’re basically giving, you’re are treating people pretty much the same, regardless of how they got it. Is that right?

Dr. Gordon Dona…:         That is correct.

Sam Rohrer:                      Okay.

Dr. Gordon Dona…:         Yeah.

Sam Rohrer:                      Let’s go to the symptoms now, and as we finish up this segment here, what kind of symptoms? You kind of said, it could be in any area.

But people are listening, and they say, some are saying, “I’ve had headaches,” or, “I’ve not been thinking properly.” Can you identify some of those, in practical terms?

Dr. Gordon Dona…:         Yes. A lot of times, what we’re seeing now with this whole scenario is, it starts out very mild. So a lot of people think, “Well, it’s my allergies, or I just have a cold, or it’s just some congestion, or it’s a sore throat.” And they delay, and we will get into that, because one of the most important aspects of this is early treatment.

So not delaying, and being aware of that potential, but it can be anything, headaches, GI, heart, shortness of breath, cough. Again, all of these things that can be just other standard cold-type symptoms, or a gastrointestinal virus, can be COVID. And if we delay, then we can get behind the eight ball, as we would say, very quickly.

Again, early treatment is the key for us. And when I’m talking early treatment, we’re talking within the first four to five days, max, is ideal. Again, don’t delay in contacting your physician, the possibility of it being COVID, and get on with the treatment. Biggest thing is, is finding someone who will give the treatment.

Sam Rohrer:                      Well, that is a problem, Gordon. Ladies and gentlemen, you’re listening to me, you know what he just kind of referred to. And I have had some interesting discussions with people across the country.

Unfortunately, it has been difficult to find physicians who are actually using these treatments, which have really no downside, but anyhow, we’ll get into that, next segment, talk about this issue of inflammation.

Dr. Gordon Donaldson mentioned it. We’re going to talk about that a bit, and why and how it is that the COVID virus, or anything related to it is actually creating the symptoms.


Sam Rohrer:                      On the program today, we’re talking with Dr. Gordon Donaldson, and for whatever purposes, it may help you, he’s my own personal physician. He is one of those that I have been in discussion with about this issue of COVID and overall general health for a long time.

The matter of health and observing one’s health and doing what we can do in that regard to something that was to me when I served in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, because we’re at that point involved in making policies and so forth. So we’ve done a lot of tracking together.

This year, along with many other experts across the country, many of whom we’ve had on this program, we’ve tried to deal with this issue, which is so confusing and so difficult to get actual facts, that I asked him to come back with me today. And I’m not talking theoretically.

Today, we’re talking about specifically what is being seen. That you cannot argue with. You can’t argue with that. It is what it is. Now, how you take and you build off of that, that’s when wisdom comes into effect and that should be the place that we go.

Frontline docs should be the place that policy makers are actually going for their research, and for their information. It’s the first and the most accurate place that you should go. That’s why we’re trying to do this today, and a lot of this information, I think, probably is relating to you who are listening now. So I wanted to move into this area.

In reality, we’ve already established, seems to be across the country, and as confirmed here today in the program, an increasing percentage of compromised health in patients that are being seen, that has some direct or measurable indirect, but a relationship to the COVID virus, and increasing adverse reactions to the COVID injections. Now, since the impact of this virus, and as we’ve talked about so much, the protein component that is within it, is primarily a cardiovascular. It goes into the blood.

It’s a piece that we’ve talked about it, but it has impact on the pulmonary system or the lungs, right? Those of you, and all of us who’ve known people who are battling this right now, or maybe you’ve battled it yourself, or maybe we’ve lost somebody as a friend or a family member to this, it is real, but it tends to go into that area.

So the logical question that I’ve asked is, what actually is it that actually creates this physical harm of the breathing, and the other symptoms that are being seen? Because once you know that, then the ability to help to prevent and treat it becomes more likely. Fortunately, there are some good things happening in that area, and we’ll talk about that as well.

But Gordon, in several terms, what does the viral infection, the SARS to the COVID virus, we’re calling it, What is occurring in the body that creates these typical COVID symptoms, that are often can be fatal? We know that.

Dr. Gordon Dona…:         Yes. The main thing, to put it in simple terms, is it is a coronavirus, which is a cold virus, but it’s been manipulated to have the spike protein on it. And it’s the spike protein that causes the problem.

That has been shown, it has been proven, that the spike protein is the issue. To put it in simple terms, the virus is the mechanism that it gets into the body, and then carries a spike protein. The spike protein then hits the ACE system, and that’s the Angiotensin Converting System, which creates the inflammation.

The inflammation then causes, as we’ve said before, a small blood clot is the best way to put it, so that the ACE system is primarily in the lungs. There’s a high concentration of it there, so that’s why it goes there.

But there’s also this aspect that there’s micro blood clots that are being formed, and they go into the end capillaries in the lungs. That’s why the lungs become a saturated. And when people are monitoring things, what they, all everybody talks about is, they’re monitoring their oxygen saturation.

So when it drops, then that’s when we get concerned. And it’s because of these small blood clots, that seem to be occurring and going into the lungs, that cause that to occur. So the inflammation is what has created that.

And we go to the drop in oxygen saturation, and that’s where it becomes a big problem. That can happen very quickly. And that’s why, from our standpoint, early treatment is really the important issue here going on.

Sam Rohrer:                      So you’ve referred to inflammation. Can you define that, just very briefly? Inflammation, I mean, I think people look at, they see it, a cut, and they see it gets red around a cut.

They say it’s an infection, that’s an inflammation. But explain a little bit more, in the regard to what you’re talking about here.

Dr. Gordon Dona…:         Inflammation is specifically in the blood vessels. This is cardiovascular inflammation. One of the best analogies that I’ve heard, from one of the experts, actually, he says that what happens is the ACE, or the protein, causes the inside of the blood vessels to become rough. And that’s what the inflammation does.

When the blood vessels become rough, then the body’s way of dealing with that is, “I have to smooth it over. So I’m going to put a piece of clot over it.” But the problem is, those clots then become the them.

So inflammation in the blood vessel wall, in the blood itself, is what is driving this. It is not the connective tissue-type inflammation that we standardly think about with arthritis, or with lupus, or with, “My joints hurt, or my muscles hurt.” This is actually cardiovascular inflammation, which can’t be seen as readily.

Sam Rohrer:                      All right. So, are you saying that, when you identified some of those other symptoms in the last segment … People listening right now, they know about, we’ve heard of people who lose their ability to think, as an example.

There are young people who have died, as a result of the shots, because they have had a cardiac arrest of some type. Or the lungs issue, we know that, that’s a big one you’re talking about that.

Are all of those, a result of these micro clots, effectively, that create this inflammation? Can we think of that in a similar fashion? Are all those similar?

Dr. Gordon Dona…:         You can. Because it, basically, what the shot does is, it basically causes your body to produce the spike protein. That’s the key to it. When the spike protein gets out floating around the body, yes, it has similar type situations.

Again, inflammation around the heart, when they have heart attacks, when they have strokes, when we see the neurocognitive dysfunction. All of those can be attributed to inflammation and clots in some form to, in the cardiovascular system.

Sam Rohrer:                      System. Okay. All right. Let’s just go here, in the last portion of this segment right here. You and other docs have previously identified, before COVID ever became a household word, you had identified the fact that inflammation, as you’re talking about it, has led to adverse health effects be it cholesterol, a whole host of things you’re talking about.

So you’re not saying that the COVID shot or the COVID is producing something that has never been seen before. Inflammation’s always been there, but are you saying that the COVID shot, because of the protein, and the COVID virus that someone gets, whether they have had the shot or not, is introducing the spike protein, which has, as a part of its very nature, by the very fact, it is what it is, it is producing inflammation, which has always been a problem. But it’s producing a whole lot more of it perhaps right now, which makes this a particular problem. Is that right?

Dr. Gordon Dona…:         Yeah. We have to understand inflammation. Inflammation in the cardiovascular system, in the blood, is a cascade.

In other words, there are things that set it off. There are root causes to it. And that can be multiple, going way back.

The inflammation with cardiovascular disease was actually described by Dr. Virchow, in the 1860s. He actually came out with the statement that inflammation is the root cause for cardiovascular disease.

So they’re looking at the root causes. It can be diabetes, it can be high blood pressure, it can be cholesterol. It’s things that set off this cascade that is a problem.

In this situation, specifically with COVID, it’s the spike protein that sets off that cascade and causes the inflammation to be really problematic, and just basically makes it go wild. Because the other side of it is, that it doesn’t … We have in our system, a mitigator of inflammation. That’s your Angiotensin Converting I and II, and on our last program, we talked about that.

So it shuts down the good anti-inflammatory effect of the body, and allows the bad inflammatory side of the body to fire up. Again, there are many other reasons for that root causes, that we can go back to.

But again, that is why, if you have other root causes going on, and this is where our health comes into play, then it causes a bigger issue for COVID. Because now you’re throwing on top of an already marginalized cardiovascular system, something that just makes it go haywire, so to speak.

Sam Rohrer:                      So in reality, the comorbidities that we hear about, the diabetes that a person has, being overweight, that kind of circumstance, or a preexisting lung problem, maybe somebody who’s had pneumonia before, and perhaps are already inflamed in that area, that’s why those folks who have those comorbidities are far more prone to react negatively to the spike protein, which is there firing up the inflammation on a person’s system.

Dr. Gordon Dona…:         Absolutely. That’s what drives it, and that’s the key.

Sam Rohrer:                      All right. Well, that helps me to understand, and I hope, ladies and gentlemen, helps you to understand a little bit too, try to take a complex issue, boil it down as simple as possible. So if it’s inflammation, that is the problem, and the spike protein within the COVID, producing that in an enhanced fashion, then the question is, what can we do about it?


Sam Rohrer:                      All right, we’re going to go into the final segment here now, talking about prevention and treatment, and what you can do to protect yourself, because we want to give you hope, ladies and gentlemen, in this matter. Much of what you hear would say, “There is no hope.”

That’s what the system wants to tell you. There’s no hope, be dependent, be afraid, always. Well, this is not the first time we’ve had adverse health issues.

It’s the first time we’ve had COVID-19, but it’s not the first time that humankind have had encountered sicknesses and viruses, so let’s bear that in mind. We’re going to try to get some answers here.

I want to go here, in this regard, because much of the advancements of modern medicine, the foundational truths for modern medicine, and all of the wonderful discoveries that have been made, were really made by so many who were Bible believing individuals, who took what they were finding on the front lines, what they were experiencing when they were talking and dealing with their patients and people.

And they compared it to principles found within the Scripture, here, for an example, Leviticus 17:11, the Scripture makes a short but very powerful statement, when it says this, “For the life of the flesh is in the blood.”

Well, that statement, for instance, is the basis for understanding the essential nature of the circulatory system, the vascular system. Frankly, it’s the foundation for understanding the destructive impacts of elevated levels of inflammation we’re talking about on the program right now, not only resulting from the COVID spiked protein virus, but increasingly evident as a direct result of the COVID injections, which are making the body to produce the spiked proteins, which are creating the inflammation. Okay?

But another foundational biblical truth, I think, abides in this, is King David said in Psalm 139:14, that, “as human beings, we are fearfully and wonderfully made.” Wow, that is important.

When we seek God’s wisdom, James talks about that, and in other places, in regard to all issues of life, including the matter of health, God will give it. That’s we’re talking about today, some practical things.

Gordon, before you into giving some treatments, and the protocol to help people protect themselves and their immune system, we’re talking about inflammation. I know personally, as a patient of yours, for years, you have been testing my blood. You’ve been testing other patients’ blood level, and looking for levels of inflammation, and seeking to treat it, because it’s always a problem, pre-COVID, is a problem.

What are you finding? Are you able to track right now, when you’re saying you’re seeing elevated levels of inflammation, that you think, perhaps, are coming from the shot, as an example, are you able to measure that? How are you measuring that? Give it a little bit of evidence-based facts, for supporting what you’re saying here.

Dr. Gordon Dona…:         Absolutely. Inflammation is the key. When I do blood work on a patient, and I sit down with them, and I review with them, their blood work, the number one numbers that I look at are their inflammatory levels. And that can be seen in a number of blood tests.

We use Cleveland Heart Labs, and there are some proprietary tests that are done, specifically, some big words. And I’m sure a lot of your listeners out there have never heard these, but the myloperoxidase, and the Lp-PLA2, the plaque activity levels.

Those are inflammatory, very significant levels. And those are two of the key ones, because when we see those elevated, they are far down the line in having, heading towards an event, even. And so we become very concerned about that.

Specifically in this area, there are a couple of other blood tests that can be monitored, especially with the shot, and with COVID. That is, one is called a D-dimer. That one looks specifically at lungs and blood clots. That’s a test that’s done on patients who we think may have had a blood clot on the lung.

But when we see it on a micro level, if we see that elevated, and we don’t have an evidence of an overt large blood clot on the lung, we know that it’s small blood clots that are happening to the lungs. So we will see that level go up.

The other one is what’s called a high-sensitivity Troponin T. Those of you out there who may have visited an emergency room, where you had chest pain, you thought that, or they thought it might be heart issue, they do a Troponin I. That is a little bit different.

The Troponin T actually looks at the small blood vessels. We call it the sound of silence. Because when that, the level of that blood test is elevated, we know that there are small blood vessels, out on the end, that can’t be measured by an ultrasound, or a catheterization, or a large study, a CAT scan or angiogram, or whatever. That can’t be seen there.

But it’s basically the cells that are hollering out to say, “You know, I’m not getting enough blood supply.” So it’s on a very small level that that is occurring. So we can actually measure that.

When we see these levels going up with somebody who has had the shot, that’s very concerning, that they have these micro clots going on. It’s directly related, again, to the inflammation, because inflammation is what causes these things to be these little clots to form.

Sam Rohrer:                      Right, we have just enough time just to give a highlight here, of now, the prevention and treatment. We’re talking about an immune system, everybody’s got one, not everybody’s as strong. A lot of people’s are weak.

The levels of inflammation makes a big difference, whether it’s a strong immune system, or a weak one. So you’ve already referred to it.

There are good treatments, there are successful things that are happening. What are you telling people they can do right now, if they’re listening to enhance their immune system, to put them in the best position to withstand a COVID virus, or anything out there that would increase their inflammation lines?

Dr. Gordon Dona…:         One of the things that we’ve learned from this is that enhancing the immune system against COVID and the virus enhances the immune system against all other illnesses. So that’s the one, if we want to look at a plus that’s coming out of this, that’s one of them. For myself, that’s been a huge plus.

So what do we want you folks to do? Number one, get yourself healthy by just eating right, exercising, and in lifestyle, do the best thing.

Number two is take good supplements that enhance the immune system, of which I call them, the Big Five. And Sam has it hanging on the wall here.

And that is your vitamin D, Vitamin C, zinc, Quercetin, which is one a lot of people are not familiar with, and then, N-acetyl cysteine. They’re the Big Five.

Melatonin is one that we will use as an anti-inflammatory. We talked specifically about the myeloperoxidase, that works to help to stabilize the cardiovascular system. So those are the Big Five, and anybody, they are available, they’re readily available, and so, getting them on board preventively.

If they start with symptoms, then I recommend doubling up on those, and we can then start the treatment. If somebody is already doing that with their system, they have a much better outcome, than if they do need the treatment with the Ivermectin, or with the hydroxychloroquine, or with the steroids, or whatever, they’re going to be already hands down on the front end of getting through this successfully.

Again, with that, we can talk a little bit about, how do we talk about those who have had the illness, and the shot? There is some detoxifying protocols that are out there.

I must give kudos to one of my favorites out there, Dr. Ardis, who, I have used a lot of his material to get that. So go to, and you know you can find a detox, and there are other treatments.

Sam Rohrer:                      And wow, Gordon, time’s up, ladies and gentlemen. Go back of this program,, or on your app, go back and listen to this program, lots of information.

Re-listen to it, send it to your friends, go to our website, We will have an updated version of the protocol, the prevention and treatment protocol just referenced, that you want to take a look at.

And then, seek God’s wisdom and prayer. Don’t live in fear. There are things that can be done.