This transcript is taken from a Stand in the Gap Today program originally aired on Oct. 10, 2022.  To listen to the program, please click HERE.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Well, welcome to another edition of Stand in the Gap Today. I’m your host, Jamie Mitchell, Director of Church Culture here at American Pastors Network. And today, well, it’s a bit unusual. Not only am I actually in the Stand in the Gap studio.

But today, my guest is our founder and president of the American Pastors Network and lead host of Stand in the Gap, Sam Rohrer. Sam, I feel strange welcoming you to your own program and in your own office, but it is really good to be with you.

Sam Rohrer:                      Jamie, no need to feel strange about that. It’s great to have a team of a co-host like we have that can go back and forth and pleasure to work with you. And it’s a pleasure to be in this role today on this program.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Well, Sam, this is an important issue before us today as we want to discuss the upcoming midterm elections, meaning, the elections in the middle of a presidential term and its ramifications. There’s been much said about the 2022 elections and what it means and really what it will yield.

Listen to most reporters and media commentators, and they have declared that this election might be the most consequential of our lifetime. Now, we hear the hyperbole in politics all the time, but I think there’s some truth to that. So, what do we do as Christian citizens?

And also, as you look at races across the country, whether they’re gubernatorial or congressional state representatives, local municipal, Christians are struggling to figure out how to vote and who to vote for. And finally, with all of this upheaval, anxiety, confusion, we know that there is a God in heaven, sovereign overall who will never be thwarted, never challenged.

But Christians are asking, where is God in all of this? And if God is in ultimately control of all these things, why should we even get mixed up in this craziness? So, today’s title says a lot, the elections, praying, planning, and a pastoral response.

And with that topic on the docket, we look towards our own president of the American Pastors Network, a former member of the PA House of Representatives for nearly 20 years, a former governor and senator candidate, the Honorable Sam Rohrer.

And Sam, I want to get your read on these upcoming elections, so many are raising red flags and saying that this is really important. Can you help us and start to outline what might be at stake in the next 30 days?

Sam Rohrer:                      Well, absolutely, Jamie. And in reality, this 2022 election as we’re sitting here now is important. And I think you make an accurate reference to that. And I’ll state this, every election is important, number one. So, to that extent, it’s the most important because it’s as of a certain point in time.

The second thing is, in elections whether they are the presidential year or the off term, as we would talk the midterm as we talk about it now, every representative position in Congress and in the various states are up for election. What that means is, every two years, the citizens of this nation have an opportunity to throw everybody out and start over or to return the same ones to where they were before.

And I think that is what people… that’s why it’s an important election. Now, the question is, as we look at it, are we happy with… are the citizens of this nation satisfied with the policies we’re getting, the laws that we’re getting? What is being done?

If we’re not, then we have an opportunity. Now, obviously, we’ve passed our primaries. And the primaries are when you really make major selections within each party. And so, a selection process, Jamie, in the fall election is perhaps not as significant from the standpoint of having a real choice as they are in the spring primary, but they are essential.

So, that’s really what’s up. So, theoretically, in this year, you can change the balance of power in the Senate, US Senate as an example. Half of your senates in most of your states are up… half of them are up in every two years. And so, you can change about half of your Senate.

In US, it’s every six years, so you got a third up but the states are like every four years. So, the potential for change is significant. And therefore, this election is in fact significant.

Jamie Mitchell:                 And on the docket, Sam, just topically, you have things like the DOBBs decision that came down about abortion, that’s going to play a big role in the States. But there’s also issues with some of these congressional issues with oversight and having hearings.

And looking at things like the Department of Justice and IRS and all of these things. But these are national issues, Sam. There are some local issues that are equally important and we can’t keep our eye off the ball of our local municipality issues.

Sam Rohrer:                      No, we can’t. And ultimately, I’m going to say this, if we were a properly functioning constitutional republic, the local elections would be the most important. Now, in reality, they are critically important. And the states constitutionally are where the power sits. Federal government is not the all-powerful. But a part of our problem and challenges today is that the federal government has printed money and gives money to the states.

And the state legislatures have gone to sleep, many of them, and turned over power to the federal government. And ultimately, that affects things all the way down to your local level, even to your school boards.

So, the effort at the national level to neutralize the power constitutionally that’s at the most local of levels has already been somewhat encroached upon. But nonetheless, the power starts locally and then it emanates up from there.

Jamie Mitchell:                 And these are serious issues, Sam, because we’re talking about locally things like lawlessness and concerns of parents, of indoctrination of children. But Sam, sometimes, believers and even pastors, sadly, will say something like this, “Look, voting doesn’t matter.” What happens will happens. God is in charge. And they take a very fatalistic view of this. What would you say to Christians and pastors who say this?

Sam Rohrer:                      Well, anybody who says voting doesn’t matter is basically saying that choices don’t have consequences. How can anybody stand up in the pulpit and preach or anybody else and say, “All right, here’s what God’s word says. Now, take and do whatever you want.”

Well, that was not very biblical because God says, you make the right choices. I will bless you as a family, as an individual, and as a nation and if you walk away from me and make bad choices, then I will bring judgment upon you. So, no. Elections are in effect a choice.

Most people of this world don’t have elections that have meant anything. Governments of tyranny and dictatorship, the citizens of China don’t vote. So, yes, anybody who says voting is not consequential doesn’t know of basic fundamental principles of choice.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Well, like anything, even though we know the Lord and we have a place in heaven sure and secure, God has placed expectations and responsibilities on us, his children, and wants us to engage in the affairs of this earth, both in our testimony and pushing forth righteousness.

So, when we come back, we’re going to discuss, this is going to be a great topic, how to choose a candidate. Sam, you’ve been one. We need to know who would be a good one to vote for. So, come back and join us for our next segment here at Stand in the Gap.


Jamie Mitchell                   Well, in less than 30 days, Americans across the nation will begin casting their vote for various elected officials. As a matter of fact, in many states, early voting has already started. And so, the die has been cast in some respects. But for many who might wait till election day on November the 8th, you need to figure out who do you vote for?

Well, Sam Rohrer, we need some help today because I’ve said many times that I have voted since my first election, 1980, when I voted for Ronald Reagan. There’s only been a few times when both in primary and general elections that I was not voting for the lesser of two evils.

I think the only time that I ever felt good about voting was when Sam Rohrer was on the ballot. Sadly, that we feel this way, Sam. But what do we do when considering a candidate? What do we look for? How do we know if we’re voting for the right candidate?

Sam Rohrer:                      Jamie, that’s a dilemma that I think most people have. I have actually used that phrase, lesser of two evils. And I think we might talk on that a little bit later here in the program today.

However, let’s just start from for whom should we vote? Now, for the believer, we have to vote for that, which would… is going to be somebody whose decisions, whose policies, whose laws, if they’re in a CAPA, however they may be are going to reflect biblical principles.

Why is that important? Well, because Deuteronomy and other passages, 28 chapter and other passages will tell us that when legislation policies, choices, decisions, both people individually, collectively as a nation, when they reflect the commandments of God, they will bring with it the blessings of God.

And when the policies, the laws, the decisions that are put in place do not reflect the commandments of God, God’s moral law, God’s biblical principles, it brings with it the judgment of God, that’s what Deuteronomy chapter 28, verse 15 says. Now that being the case, it was several weeks ago, you and I were on a program here with someone where we actually talked about the righteous in authority.

Proverbs 29-2 says, when the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice. That’s the result of good decisions brings God’s blessings, and the people feel that. If there is an evil man or womanin position, then it brings mourning God’s judgment, that’s why the people mourn. And so, there’s difficulty, that’s the simple way.

So, what should a Christian look for? I want somebody, I’m going to try to vote for someone who as close as possible to doing what God says. Now, how do I know? Well that sometimes is difficult. Jamie, when I ran for office, you and I got to know each other. I got to preach in your pulpit.

Not very many politicians preach in pulpits and not many of them are even… want to speak about God. You and I got to know each other. In most cases though, we don’t get to actually know the candidate. We know something about them, but it’s more of what their marketing firms tell us about them.

So, here’s the thing what I look for, the more a person demonstrates an understanding of God and have a fear of God, that’s reflected in their attitude, what they say they’re going to do, how they speak to people. It’s a combination of things. And then, secondly, what do I think about God’s moral law, his commandments.

So, if I have a candidate who says, I embrace that, which they’re not going to say this, that which God hates. So, if they embrace abortion, all right. If they embrace same sex marriage or those things that God has very clearly said no to, then that’s not a righteous candidate and I am not going to vote for that a person.

So, in reality, there are less good and there is better. Not often though, Jamie, are we confronted with two truly evil candidates who actually are embracing everything that God hates and opposing everything that God says. So, I would just summarize this.

The more we can determine if a person has a fear of God and a commitment to keeping God’s command, understanding that they are his minister and a servant of God, if they have those things in place, that’s probably where I’m going to try and put my vote. So, I’ll just stop right there for the moment.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Well, and I think that’s important, Sam, because we may not have somebody who we’re going to vote for who is a Born-Again Christian. They may not be a follower of Jesus Christ, but there are many people who don’t know Christ but have a sense of what is right, what is good, what is virtuous.

Now, Sam, I did make that comment before about voting for the lesser of two evils. When there are concerns with both candidates, how do we handle that? Especially as believers, we have this moral compass in us. And when there are issues that truly violate some of the things that I believe or my values or my biblical worldview, how do I handle that? What do I do?

Sam Rohrer:                      Jamie, again, the preference is for those who fear God and keep his commandments. All right. Now, that being the case, we try everything we can to find out about what they will do. So, if you have somebody who’s re-upping for election, then it is appropriate to check his votes, check what he has said last year compared to what he’s now doing this year.

Do his actions line up with his speech. I mean, it’s an easy thing. Every politician promises everything to everybody. Not everybody, I did not, and not everybody does, but most will promise whatever people want to hear. So, I like to find that what does somebody say to this group who wants to hear this?

And then, how does he speak over here to this other group he may hold to an opposite position. If he’s contradicting himself, he’s not a man of honor. He’s not a man of truth. I can’t trust him. So, some things can be that simple. You check against that which to help confirm that which a person says, that’s one.

Now, if both candidates, it doesn’t happen often this way, but it can. And I’ve said this before, what if I were sitting here today and my choice was a Joseph Stalin or Lenin or a Hitler? Both anti-God, both evil. Now, in that case they’re both evil. So, what am I as a Christian going to do?

Well, I’m not going to vote for either one. How can I? How can I stand before God and say, “I know that this person took an anti-God position.” Not just an opinion different than what I had, that’s what I’m talking about. But I’m taking a moral position that they say. “I am going to do. I am that person that describes what God says is evil.”

Can I take and cast my vote for a person who says I am going to work against the will and the way and the walk of God? And first, no I can’t. Now, that most time does not happen. But if it does happen, and see we’re now back to this is… how does a person know? Well, go get some solutions, Jamie.

But most Christians of the day, those who say they understand what’s going on don’t really understand biblical principles sufficiently to make that determination. And that’s where the pulpits have and should be helping in helping people to make a determination. But again, I’m going to stop there and then go back to you.

Jamie Mitchell:                 And one of the problems, Sam, is some of this should have been answered in things like the primaries where we’re weeding these people out. But also, we have a real mechanical problem right now where transparency, even the avoidance of a debate, its candidates are doing teleconferences where they don’t dare get actually with the electorate, we have all kinds of problems.

Sam, let me ask you this. Obviously, when we’re trying to select a candidate, we’re going to find people who actually can do the job that they’re running for, that’s one thing that’s important. But you and I have had a conversation, what is the most important or crucial task of anyone who is an elected official?

Sam Rohrer:                      Great question. When I went in office the first time, that’s the first thing that I did when I actually got there and took my oath. And I’m really thinking through, I’m sitting there and I’m saying, what’s the one single… now, I had thought about this ahead of time, but that really came home after I was officially in office. I said, “What is the one thing that I offer here that no one else here can offer?

And for which I alone will give an account to the people, but more importantly to God.” And that’s my vote. Jamie, that was my vote. And that is why the leadership, Republican or Democrat, across the world and including here in this country, try to do whatever they can because they want the vote of the people in the pew or in the seat.

And what will they do to get that? Well, they will threaten. They will intimidate. They will offer bribes. They will scare. They will do everything they can to get that vote. And I’ve actually had leadership in the past once they were trying to extract a vote from me on an issue to which I did not agree, actually said to me that, “Wow, your vote is hard to buy. Most of the votes out here.

“We have to spend a lot of money to get these votes.” Well, I said, “Yeah, because up front.” But that’s the point. So, Jamie, the vote is the one thing that goes down on the permanent human record. Every person who’s been in any position, you can go and find a record of their vote and upon what they voted.

That choice has consequences. But me as a believer, I understood that before God, before I answer to the people, I will answer to God himself for, did I cast a vote that was reflective of your biblical principles? Because that’s my promise to God as a believer. And then, secondly, how does it relate to the Constitution because that was my oath. So, those are the two.

Jamie Mitchell:                 And this is why Sam, it’s so important as pastors, that’s how we met. I brought the candidate in and I wanted to know how are you going to vote? How are you going to make decisions? What is your principle? And that’s why it’s important pastors, you need to be in the game, Christians. When we come back, boy, what happens if the election goes south?

We’re going to talk about some what ifs scenarios and how is Christians were to handle it. We’re talking about the 2022 elections with Sam Rohrer, Jamie Mitchell, come back and join us for Stand in the Gap today.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Well, welcome back. I’m here with our own Sam Rohrer and we’re discussing the upcoming elections and how we are to plan, pray, and to get some pastoral involvement.

But before we go any further, Sam, as we were discussing about how to choose a candidate, I was reminded that whether a candidate is a person of faith or not, they can and should espouse what we always call a biblical worldview, much like our founding fathers did.

And you’ve written a little booklet that we should tell our audience about. Well, Sam, your booklet is entitled 11 Principles for National Renewal. Can you take a moment and just describe that book and why it’s a significant tool for them?

Sam Rohrer:                      Jamie, I can. What this is, this is what we call a journey guide. So, it’s small, it’s only about 30 some pages. 11 principles that start with the principle of integrity and then it goes to enumerating 10 principles that are found within, believe it or not, the writings of William Penn here in Pennsylvania where we are sitting right now, because it is Penn’s frame of government of 1682.

And people can, if they look it up, they can find it, will be within that treatise. And then, other writings that he did. He actually laid down the basis for how it could be that a, he called it, a holy experiment and he called it self-government under God, how could it happen?

That was the goal. The people coming to this country, they wanted a country that was free where they could raise their children and teach them the way they wanted. And he enumerated principles that come right off the pages of scripture. What I did is I took these and I laid them out in a systematic order.

So, nature and the role of God, the nature of man, the role of government, the purpose for law, the natural tendency of government, and all the way down to concluding with the continual dependence on prayer. These are principles. This booklet is short, it’s tight.

These principles, Jamie, why it’s important is that this was a foundation upon which those who were about to start a new nation, a house, they described it, a shining city on a hill as Winthrop said there in early Massachusetts colony. As Ben Franklin called it.

If a sparrow doesn’t fall to the ground without God noticing, can a nation rise without his aid? They knew that. And what this is the foundational principle for a country blessed of God, that’s what it is. It’s here, it’s simple. It’s a great tool, 11 Principles for National Renewal.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Well, why that’s important is I want to encourage you go on Amazon or you can go on our website and get that for yourself, school yourself up, study, because that’s a help to understand how to pick a good candidate.

But even better, buy a couple of copies and send them to the people who are running for office and people who are going to be serving you and say, “Look, William Penn and our founding fathers believe this is what the government is supposed to be. Is this what you believe?”

Well, that brings us back to our conversation today, Sam. So, let’s say we do all the hard work. We do vet the candidates, we vote and things don’t turn out the way we had hoped for. And let’s say Congress remains the same. Maybe we get a governor whose anti-God, anti-police, leftist, a Marxist. What do we do? But not just our response, what might be ahead for our nation?

Sam Rohrer:                      Jamie, here again, logical question and we really need to ask ourselves that. I think one of the problems we have as Americans generally, and we have generations now. None of us who are alive today, unless we’ve traveled somewhere around the world or came as an immigrant from some totalitarian country.

Nobody in America today understands what it’s like to live in a communist China that’s under totally total surveillance. We think wrongly that it could never happen to America. That’s a real problem because God makes it very clear that it can happen and it will happen that freedom is lost in any nation that once knows who God is and turns away.

That’s what God said to his own people, Israel, it’s the principles for today. So, Jamie, what does God say? Well, if you turn away from me, he says, and you do your own thing, he says. In Deuteronomy 8, I give you blessing. And then, he said, and then you think that the blessings that you have, good weather, children, prosperity, freedom from your enemy or protection from your enemies, that thing.

If you believe that those things that came, prosperity we would call it, came by your own hands because you say you did it, God says, I will take everything I gave you and will take it away from you. So, Jamie, is it possible that we in the United States could face a time where all of the things that we’ve had as blessings disappear.

Where instead of being protected by our own government, we become persecuted and prosecuted by our own government? Is it possible that the savings that we have put aside in our banks disappear as it is now disappearing because our own government is printing money in inflating away the value of our money.

Is it possible that we could lose these things? The answer is yes. And God says, only the proud and the arrogant at heart think that they can avoid my parameters or roadmap for blessing. So, what could we expect? We could literally incur here in this nation a loss of everything that we have. We’d like to think of it, but that’s what God says to expect if, so it’s a potential, yes, it is.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Hey listen, the two most dangerous things for our nation is ignorance and apathy, Sam. And with that in mind, you and I, we speak to pastors all the time. And to be honest, I’m shocked at the silence, the fear, the ambivalence that I see when it comes to pastoral engagement in these matters. Should pastors weigh in on things like elections? And if so, what should they be doing right now, Sam?

Sam Rohrer:                      Pastors should be doing exactly what they’re commanded to do in scripture and that’s to preach the whole council of God. And like we say so often, isn’t it strange that’s so many who say they preach the word of God, Jamie, or even believe it. So, let’s put somebody in a pew.

They say they believe the Bible but they never read it. Or, it’s somebody in a pulpit who says, “Yeah, I am, I’m a pastor and I preach, but I don’t preach certain portions of it.” Really? Now, if God created everything in this world and he created the family, you mean to tell me that we’re not going to preach about the family?

We’re not going to preach about the individual and the individual choices that we make? Which then if we don’t, you can’t talk about salvation or about the family or about the church or about civil government, isn’t it… it’s odd. There’s no way a person, Jamie, can preach the word of God or say they believe the Bible if they choose selectively what portions they will read and what portions they will choose to do.

If they do that, they are making themselves God. And this is the problem, we have withheld, I believe for a long time, the preaching of the whole council of God. So, we have pulpits who do not speak about the issues of life that confront us all of which elections are one of them. So, I’ll stop right there, but that’s where we go.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Well Sam, the other aspect of this, as a person who was a pastor for a long time, and again we used to engage at this level, is I think pastors have a tremendous opportunity to help their congregation in vetting people and getting to the bottom of things.

I mean, a pastor could if he chose to pick up the phone and say to a representative or somebody who’s running for election, “Hey, I need to talk to you because I would need to know some things to be able to keep my people informed.” But there is just a lack of concern. There’s a lack of urgency.

And Sam, candidates always use lines like accountability and transparency and accessibility to the electorate. And is that true? And how do you hold their feet to the fire, not just before the election but after the election?

Sam Rohrer:                      Well, we have to follow what they’re doing, number one. But I’m going to go back to what you just said because, Jamie, you modeled this better than most pastors that I know. And that you regularly had the candidates of which your people in your congregation would likely vote.

You had them in, you actually had me and another candidate that was running against me, we were both in your church at the same time, allow the people to actually see.

Now, what that does is this, when a pastor in the pulpit reaches out who’s a minister of God in government, reaches out to somebody who may run for office, we know biblically is a minister of God role. And communicates to him, establishes a relationship, that political candidate will want to come to that church because they’re all votes there.

But when they come, the potential votes. But if they come, then the opportunity to… and hear the gospel preached and to see what a well-run church is like, and see people who are true Christians there, that will establish a relationship that will transcend the election. I know members of the Pennsylvania legislations where I served who right now and were in the past led to the Lord.

They became believers, true believers in Jesus Christ because they had a pastor in the pulpit who engaged with them personally and therefore influenced their votes, which we just said was the most important thing. So, the power. But see, that’s God’s plan. And again, that’s the whole council of God. That’s why it’s powerful when a pastor reaches out for somebody in the pulpit.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Sam, these are heavy things, they’re serious things. And any of our forefathers noted that if the citizenry of the United States didn’t engage in the process of voting or worse, they were uneducated voters, our republic was doom. Hey, when we come back for our last segment, we want to ask this question. So, where is prayer in all of this election stuff? Come back and join Sam and I for our last segment of Stand in the Gap today.


Jamie Mitchell:                 Well, we’ve been considering this upcoming election and our response as believers, we’ve tried to prepare you and challenge you to get yourself educated about every candidate that you potentially will cast a vote for. And we have tried to raise the flag of how consequential this year’s vote will be.

We’ve also tried to help you see the responsibility as believers and a citizen. And there’s one last dimension we want to talk about. And Sam, at the end of the day, as followers of Christ, we acknowledge that an election or casting a vote is not going to change the hearts of people.

I think we all would conclude that our greatest need in this nation is revival, renewal, repentance. And any spiritually discerning people can see that sin, evil, lawlessness, unbiblical thinking, spiritual apathy is probably our greatest enemy right now.

And we have been clarion to this past year here at Stand in the Gap saying that we need to return to God. Starting with your Letter from God video that you did, Sam, and the other efforts, we’ve tried to warn the nation. Sam, weigh in on why this idea of return to God is key, and then we can share some ways that the American Pastors Network wants to keep facilitating this effort.

Sam Rohrer:                      Let me answer it this way, in this regard, on this program at APN, we talk about a biblical worldview, which starts with God. The 11 principles booklet, the journey guide that we talked about earlier goes to the heart of this. Our founders who came to this country because they wanted to be able to raise up their children, the pilgrims did.

They came because they wanted to raise up their children so that they could have freedom because they didn’t feel they could have it done over there where they were living in Holland. So, it’s all the same reason. All of those who want the blessings of God, those of us who fear God want the blessings of God.

And we know biblically that the only way we get the blessings of God is if we make choices that reflect the plan of God. Now, that’s rather simple in what I just said. It may be difficult, but that’s why preaching has to preach it. That’s why our study of history under girds it.

And that’s why in this program, and even right now, we’re trying to do not relate something new, but something that has been proven and true. So, in that regard, the return to God is something that speaks to those who fear God. Now, our nation needs to return to God. But what our nation really needs, and use the words revival and renewal and repentance, that is all true.

But you know what? God’s plan starts with his people. If my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves. Now, if God’s people do what they are supposed to do, return to God in repentance, forsaking their wicked ways, naming their sins, of which there are many, that’s what our Letter from God was really all about.

God’s saying, “Look, America, look what I have done for you and look what you have done to me. You’ve walked away from me.” The recognition that that has happened by God’s people leads to confession, a forsaking of sin, that leads to repentance, that ends up in revival.

And at that point then God can say, “Now I can come back and bless your nation.” So, the evil world, those who are not believers, need Jesus Christ to set them free from sin in their heart. They need liberty set free. Then they can experience the freedom that comes from God’s plan. The 11 Principles is God’s plan for blessing. And so, Jamie, that’s where it is.

So, we say at the end of the day, elections are important. But really, we need people who in office, who have a heart that is sensitive to God, fear God and keep his command that because then their choices, their votes will reflect God’s plan, which then God says, I will bless. So, just putting somebody in office who has no fear of God in a hoping against all hope that they’re automatically going to do something right and make a right vote, that’s not a realistic theme.

So, God’s people returning to him has from out of that a revival spirit that comes that God’s spirit pours out. And ultimately, so elections, they’re not the answer, they’re a reflection of the hearts of the people, Jamie. It’s our return to God that really makes the difference.

Jamie Mitchell:                 Listen, friends, at the end of the day, the candidates that we believe would be the best ones might get elected, but America still will be far from God. And we need to point our hearts, our minds and churches back to God. Listen, we want to invite you to help us and to promote two efforts that American Pastors Network are doing two practical ways.

First, let me mention to you that the Stand in the Gap programming from Monday, October 31st up until election day, that following Tuesday, each program, we are going to be taking time at the beginning of our program to pray for our nations and the election.

And we’re calling it a week of prayer to discern and decide. And we’re asking our listeners to join us to pray. And will you commit to pray in that time? Maybe get your church to do the same, to take that week before the election to discern and decide and point our hearts to God.

But secondly, last year, we initiated Return to God Sunday, a day to call churches to repent and renew their commitment to God and dedicate a full Sunday to calling the church back to God. As we begin 2023, we’re designating Sunday, January 8th as Return to God’s Sunday.

We will develop resources and tools to help pastors and churches guide their congregation to turn them back to God and start placing their full confidence and dependence on the Lord. But we need you to get it on the calendar. So, Sunday, January 8, 2023, return to God’s Sunday. Sam, why do we believe that this is important?

Sam Rohrer:                      Well, we believe it’s important because God promises, which is what we just talked about briefly. God says, “You turn back to me, I will return to you.” Jamie, again, I reference it often, but it’s so applicable. That chapter of 28 in Deuteronomy, God just says so clearly, you fear me and keep my commands.

And he illuminates all of the blessing, which is everything that we’ve had in our country. Prosperity, good health, children, plenty of rain for our crops, no drought, the security from our enemies, being respected around the world, being a lender nation not a debtor nation.

But God says, “You walk away from me, I’m going to turn all those things upside down.” And he did. So, now, we’re a debtor nation. Now, we’re not respected around the world, Jamie. Now, we have sickness across this country, a sick population. We have lawlessness on the streets.

We are not secure from our enemies. We’re threatened every day. The complete things have turned upside down. So, therefore, how do you solve that? Well, we don’t solve that, God solves that. But it starts with us making the right choice and saying, we can’t fix this problem ourself, although we got ourselves into this problem. God can fix it and so return to God. That’s why we emphasize it because God says, “You come back to me, I’m going to come back to you.”

Jamie Mitchell:                 Sam, thank you so much. As we close, I want to read you the theme passage for our week of prayer to discern and decide. It comes from 2 Chronicles 20. Jehoshaphat was staring the enemy in the face. And in some respects, things looked impossible, much like we’re facing in our nation.

But in verse 12 he says this, “Oh, our God will you not execute judgment on them for we are powerless against this great hoard that is coming against us. Lord, we do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.” Friends, that’s where we are today in America.

Lord, we do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you. And that’s a good way to end. And even though the landscape of our nation is troubling for believers as Christ, our hope is in the Lord. Pray for the elections. Look to the Lord, return to God for Sam and the rest of the APN team. We’ll see you back here tomorrow for another Stand in the Gap Today.