This transcript is taken from a Stand in the Gap Today program originally airing on Oct. 28, 2022.  To listen to the program, please click HERE.

Sam Rohrer:       Just one week from this coming Tuesday, midterm elections across America are scheduled to be held. Now, the potential for an October surprise or even an early November surprise is not only possible, but I’m going to say increasingly likely, as I discussed in depth on this program on Tuesday of this week with Brian Kennedy, President of the American Strategy Group, past president of the Claremont Institute and current chairman of the Committee on the Present Danger: China. Now, if you did not listen to that program, I encourage you to do so by visiting, or by visiting our app Stand In the Gap, as that program will tie in with what I cover today with Sam Faddis, recurring guest, veteran, retired CIA operations officer and senior partner with Artemis LLC.

He’s also a published author and senior editor for And, A-N-D, magazine. Now, today is Friday and normally it’s an Ask Sam Friday when Isaac Crockett poses to me questions as submitted by you, our Stand In the Gap Today listeners. However, Isaac’s away with his family for this week. So, while we’re continuing to live stream, and welcome, by the way, to those of you who are watching us right now, but we’re continuing to livestream this Friday program. Instead of Isaac asking me questions, I’m going to be interviewing Sam Faddis on a very critical topic and asking him key questions.

The title I’ve chosen for today’s program is this, The 2022 Midterms. Can a 2020 repeat be averted? And with that, I welcome to the program Sam Faddis. Sam, thanks for being back with me today.

Sam Faddis:        Pleasure to be here, as always. Thank you.

Sam Rohrer:       Sam, in your role as a senior writer and editor for AND magazine and with your really truly unique experience in national security policies and international and national security involvement as a former CIA operations officer, you have to write about very current issues and you frankly do it very well and I want to compliment you for that. Now, one of those issues about which you’ve been writing a lot is election security and overall election integrity as I’m saying it.

Now, there is a clandestine tampering in our US elections. I think we know that now, foreign players, namely the communist Chinese government has been connected to that. And you’ve written about it and we’re going to cover that particular topic in segment three. But Sam, since you live here in Pennsylvania as I do, and since Pennsylvania was so much in the bullseye of the 2020 vote tampering issue, there’s going to be some appropriate Pennsylvania news. And I want you to feel free to integrate that, as it will be informative to our national audience, even those listening in Hawaii and Alaska and all 50 states pick up frequencies to this program in their state.

Now, all that being said, here’s my question. Has anything substantively changed in Pennsylvania or frankly anywhere in the nation that would ensure that the problems of machine or mail-in ballots as occurred in 2020, cannot happen on Tuesday, November 8th?

Sam Faddis:        Unfortunately not. No. And I think you are completely correct in saying that the situation in Pennsylvania is mirrored all across the country. So, everybody is in the same boat. We have a host of issues involving this mail-in voting system and drop boxes and so forth, and nothing has been done. Bringing it back down to Pennsylvania, the Republican controlled legislature in Harrisburg has done nothing meaningful to address any of the issues from 2020, despite the fact that people have demanded that they do so now for two years continuously. We’re going to run another election using basically the same system we used two years ago.

Sam Rohrer:       All right, and that’s not good news. I knew that’s what you were going to say, because I knew that fact here in Pennsylvania and that was my assumption also across the country. Now let me come back and ask it just a little different way and whatever you say on here is fine, because since, as you say, nothing has substantively happened either legislatively, or judicially, or by court ruling to either discover the facts of 2020 or to prosecute anyone who violated the law in 2020, what grade would you give to this overall election integrity going into this midterm election? I mean it can’t be real high, but what would you put it? A, passing, wonderful? F, failing? Where are we?

Sam Faddis:        Yeah, I don’t know. C minus, D? Are people more awake this time? Yes. Will people be more vigilant this time? Yes. Will a lot of people who vote in person make sure, as they should, that they will vote on election day and if possible late in the day? In other words don’t allow the opposition to see in advance the vote totals coming in. There are a number of things like that, that are going to happen, but drop boxes in many jurisdictions will still exist. I believe Philadelphia will have 75. Luzerne County outside Scranton, people are organizing drop box watch parties to try to prevent cheating. And local authorities are saying they will arrest you if you show up and dare to observe the drop boxes and ensure that the voting is fair.

Sam Rohrer:       Wow.

Sam Faddis:        That’s the environment.

Sam Rohrer:       Wow. All right. Now that’s Pennsylvania. We’re both here, Pennsylvania’s being watched, so it’s legitimate that we’re talking here. But you also said that from your investigation across the country that nothing has substantially changed in any of the other states either. A lot of eyes have been on Arizona as an example. Are you saying even in Arizona, nothing really substantively had changed, or don’t you know that?

Sam Faddis:        Not enough. Has Arizona done some things? Yes. Have they gone nearly far enough? No. I mean, look, the entire whole business of a no excuse mass market mail-in voting is filled with loopholes that you can drive a truck through. In fact, in some cases it appears people actually drive trucks through those loopholes. It is an unpoliceable system, it is unsustainable, it can never be rendered reliable. So, the only real mechanism for fixing all of this is to return to in person voting on election day.

Sam Rohrer:       Sam, what a novel thought. Because, again, I was in the legislature here in Pennsylvania and I know what the Pennsylvania constitution says, and it says in person so that people can actually check and see who it is. Absentee ballots is a provision, but nothing as a mail-in ballot nowhere in the country. And yet, ladies and gentlemen, we have a perverse methodology that is loaded with potential fraud, as Sam Faddis, my guest, is just talking about. Now when we come back, I’m going to go and ask him this question, because as we do this program, there are already indications of problems occurring in pre-voting, maybe among other things. So, I’m going to ask him what he knows about indications of where we’re going based on what we know as of the date of this program.

Sam Rohrer:       Well, if you’re just joining us, today we’re picking up a very rather significant theme. The title is this, the 2022 Midterm Elections. Can a 2020 repeat be averted? My special guest is Sam Faddis, kind of speaking in his capacity as a former CIA operations officer, but now as senior writer and editor for AND magazine AND magazine, A-N-D magazine. Now, Sam, in the last segment you gave our current election integrity process, as I phrase it to you, probably about a C minus. And you also said this, that since 2020 really nothing substantively has changed, either legislatively or judicially, to ensure or that can guarantee that 2022 elections, just a week from Tuesday a week, that the same things may not actually happen. At least structurally nothing’s been done.

Now, with that in mind, I want to go into a different direction based on what we know off of what we’re seeing now, because I put it in this perspective, ladies and gentlemen, trying to anticipate any outcome in life is at best difficult, and sometimes impossible. That goes for national and state elections such as next Tuesday, Tuesday a week from this program here, or the success for instance of a new product launch or the likelihood for instead a person suffering from a disabling disease will positively respond to a new and experimental treatment. Those are all examples of things that you’d like to know the outcome ahead of time, but you can’t.

However honest research and careful observation and noting of trends and general attitudes, or actions of people, or policies can be quite accurate in anticipating future results. Now, that’s the purpose for research and for interviews. That’s why we do them. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s the concept behind those involved in national security and law enforcement, as an example, who have both the moral and the constitutional obligation to be watching for the purpose of protecting citizens against enemies who would seek to harm or kill law abiding citizens.

That’s what you’re supposed to do. So, there’s nothing wrong with that, but in every case it does come down to the moral integrity of the people as both citizens and those in positions of authority, of whether or not that process is both accurate and effective. All right. Now with that being said, Sam, we know that we’re living in days of extraordinary strategic deception, mind manipulation, finely tuned psychological brainwashing and propaganda techniques bombarding us from all sides. You’ve written about that. We’ve talked in depth on this program about that. So, truth is really in short supply.

However, we look at the early signs of this upcoming election and as I’m looking, I’m seeing already evidence of early mail-in ballot questions arising. Just a few minutes ago before the program the question of fraud has come up in Michigan, arising from within the Muslim community has surfaced. So, I think that we’re going to see perhaps a lot of things. Here’s the bottom line, from your perspective, what does the early evidence suggest at this point based on what we’re seeing, that may give some indication about the degree of corruption or the degree of integrity, however you look at it, coming into the election here in November 8th?

Sam Faddis:        Well, look, let me preface my remarks by saying that I don’t want any of this to sound defeatist, because one of the things that is in our favor would be that people are awake now, people are not going to be caught flat footed now. People are going to be more observant now. And I also think if you’re talking about the Democratic party side of the equation, there are just some old fashion issues here like a lack of enthusiasm and terrible candidates and all of these factors that push the other way.

But as we started off by saying, we haven’t fundamentally addressed any of the issues with the electoral system that we saw two years ago. And there is absolutely no reason to think that the folks who cheated in that election do not intend to do so this time. And in fact, all the indications are that it has already begun. Right? The other day, Pennsylvania mailed out over 200,000 mail-in ballots to people in complete violation of the law, because they had not, as they are legally required to do, confirmed the identity of and the legitimacy of the people to whom they were sending ballots.

These kinds of things are already happening. So, we’re in the middle of a war and so far we have not effectively responded. So, just hoping that it’ll turn out better this time is not really a strategy, right? As they say in the military, hope is not a plan.

Sam Rohrer:       All right. Now that being the case, you gave an example of the mail-in ballot which were mailed out without the request of people. 200,000, that’s clearly enough to swing an election again in Pennsylvania. And if that’s being done in other states, of course it can be done again. Now from a person, myself, who’s been in legislative office, I look and say, “Well, wait a minute, where are the law enforcers on the federal level, on the state level that would do anything about that which is done?” Here in Pennsylvania, and again, I’m sharing this for a national audience, here in Pennsylvania the Supreme Court ruled not long ago that the state could not be involved in some of these activities.

Basically the state government here, the governor and so forth, said, “We’re going to go ahead and do it anyway.” This kind of lawless attitude, Sam, to me kind of undergirds a lot of the things that we’re talking about. When you’re dealing with people who are in positions of authority, be they in the court, or in the legislature, or executive branch enforcement of the law, who frankly don’t care about the law, to me that’s a real issue.

Sam Faddis:        Well, I agree a thousand percent, and that’s precisely where we are. Up in Lycoming County, citizens circulated a petition, got all the requisite signatures to put a measure on the ballot to allow the citizens to decide will we continue to use election machines or go back to hand counted, hand marked ballots? Completely legal, completely legitimate, satisfied all the requirements. The Secretary of State’s office in Harrisburg sent a letter threatening legal action if the county put that measure on the ballot in accordance with law. The county, to their shame, rolled over and folded up and quit. US Supreme Court ruled overturned a lower court decision that was going to allow the counting of undated ballots. Secretary of State’s office issued a letter saying, in effect, ignore the United States Supreme Court. Do as we told you to do, count those ballots.

We still have drop boxes. Drop boxes were never part of Act 77, which is the Pennsylvania law that created mail-in voting. The legislature has never passed a law allowing drop boxes. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court created that out of thin air, and yet still we’re going to have, as I said in Philadelphia alone, I think the current number is 75 drop boxes, and local authorities are telling you they’ll lock you up if you try to stand out there and observe what is happening in the vicinity of the drop boxes. We could kind of go on this all day. As you have correctly noted, the folks that you think are supposed to be policing this system are the ones that are part and parcel of the steal that is coming.

Sam Rohrer:       Steal was the word I was going to use, because what you’re talking about is it’s really a license to steal. It’s a license to fraud. It’s a license to commit corruption and goes of the heart of the integrity of our justice system. And what’s being described there is not a just system, but an injustice system. That is a serious concern. So, we’ve got just a couple minutes left in this segment. Is there anything else that you know about, Sam, that is happening across the country that is giving some indication that what we’re describing here that we know about in Pennsylvania is happening in other states? I mean I mentioned the one in Michigan, but anything else that you would want to throw on the table right now?

Sam Faddis:        Well, it’s happening everywhere because what people have to understand is this is not happening by accident, it is not anecdotal, it is not incidental. This is a deliberate nationwide strategy to ensure one party rule on the part of the Democratic Party. It is being done on a very organized, incredibly well funded scale all across the nation. And the real shame, as you and I both know, is that while they are doing this, the so-called opposition, the Republican Party is sitting there on its hands at a minimum just doing nothing, if not actively helping. That’s true in Harrisburg. It’s true all across the country where nobody is lifting a finger to fix any of the… We’re not fighting back against this problem. We’re just sitting there passively allowing them to do it.

Sam Rohrer:       Okay, now I have some ideas here in this last little bit before this break. I’m going to ask you a question, what everybody wants to know. Why do you think that the Republican leadership, the loyal opposition, does nothing?

Sam Faddis:        Well, to be brutally honest, because most of what has happened so far has been to the detriment of what I will call the patriot movement, the MAGA movement, the America First movement, whatever label you want to put on it. And the Republican establishment is not sympathetic to that movement. They want to roll back the odometer to pre-2016 politics. And so when the cheating destroys Donald Trump and folks that support him, they don’t have a problem with that to be brutally honest. They’re fine with that. There is a gap between the establishment and the base of the party that is about the size of the Grand Canyon.

Sam Rohrer:       All right, that’s a good perspective. And ladies and gentlemen, I can give them my own, as somebody being in office, I’ll just say a lot of it is that you have people who are less committed to the truth and more committed to pragmatics and politics, and that is really where we are. So, put those two together and got it. When we come back, we do know from some recent investigations that one country, communist China, has had its fingers in this pot. And we’ll talk about that and what we know in the next segment.


Sam Rohrer:       On October 17, just over a week ago, my guest today, Sam Faddis, he wrote this, I’m just going to quote from the beginning of that article because it’s going to take us into a very, very interesting and disturbing, frankly, subject. He says this, “A number of weeks ago, True the Vote broke the story that a company called Konnech in Michigan was storing data on American election workers on servers in China. True the Vote leaders, Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips were of course ridiculed by the so-called mainstream press. Then Los Angeles arrested the head of Konnech and charged him with violations of US laws on the handling of personally identifiable information by storing it on servers in China.”

The article goes on, “The ridicule stopped. Even the New York Times had to issue a retraction, but it has gotten much worse since then. Konnech wasn’t just storing data in China, Konnech was using contractors inside China to do work in the United States on American election systems.” Now my guess is you probably are not aware of this, but this is significant. So, Sam, when I read this article it was in some respects not surprising, yet it was startling. The same Chinese Communist Party involved here declared a people’s war against the United States some years ago.

We’ve talked about on the program even with Brian Kennedy Tuesday of this week, and they’ve declared a war against the United States and through assistance of globalist minded people here in our own nation, brought the world COVID-19 that brought lockdowns and the launch of the World Economic Forum great reset, which we are seeing actually work out right before our eyes. So, here’s my question to you. Were you surprised about the Chinese Communist Party connection as you just wrote about and I just read, and has anything really happened due to this revelation? Matter of fact for the New York Times to issue retraction, that’s a big deal, but has anything happened and where has this news gone? Because I haven’t seen hardly anything except for what you wrote and a couple of other places.

Sam Faddis:        Obviously I’m never surprised on some level when I see that the Chinese are doing something to us, the Chinese meaning the Chinese Communist Party, because this is a whole of government effort on their part to become the dominant power on the planet. On this specific issue of Konnech and the access to the voting systems, I have to admit that on some level I was surprised. One of these things where it’s like, good Lord, that’s clearly true and still is somehow stunning. I mean you know that it’s factual and somehow it still takes your breath away.

So Konnech has access to all these voting systems. It’s paid by election systems all over the country to provide services and provide software. It turns out that Konnech takes all the data that they collect and stores it in China, and it turns out that the contractors that they hire to do the work are in China. And so not only does Konnech have access to the systems, but the contractors in China have access to our election systems. And then it gets even worse because the access that Konnech was given is what’s called super admin access, which means they can get into all these systems and then effectively they can do anything they want and including, by the way, messing with the security system.

So, people will tell you, well, you go in the system and mess around, there’s a log that shows what’s been changed and you can catch them. Well, not necessarily. If you have the super admin access, you can actually mess with the security protocols and the logs as well. But it’s not just Konnech had that access, but somehow Konnech was given the authority to give the contractors, whoever they are, in China access. So, now you have Chinese nationals on Chinese soil inside mainland China who have super admin access into US election systems to rampage around and do basically anything they want.

By the way, they also have access apparently to a system the Department of Defense maintains that allows you to register to vote from overseas. So, you can basically send in a request for a ballot from overseas without confirming who you are or even your real address and you will actually get a mail-in ballot sent to you. And magically between the time Trump was elected in the 2020 election, something like 350,000 people, supposed people, registered via that system that Konnech was connected to from overseas. We don’t necessarily have any idea who they are. Don’t have to prove your a US cit, don’t have to show your address. It’s an insane backdoor into the whole election system and it all connects to Konnech and communist China.

Sam Rohrer:       So, Sam, at this point in time, based on what is now known that happened as a action there in Los Angeles, and then I think what you’re saying an indictment of the head of Konnech, the fact that there was a direct line connection between a company here, known admin access given to communist Chinese actors on the ground there and because of the connection of it goes all the way up to the head of Chinese Communist Party allowing for tampering. What you just described is that the process and the ability to tamper significantly and because there is admin access, if they do that the way an admin person would do, you can actually go in and change the protocol.

You can change anything you want and cover up all of your tracks so that there’s no evidence that you did what you did as an admin. I believe that’s generally the way it is. So, they have access now, American taxpayers are paying for it. It’s with a nation that’s already declared war against the United States, Communist China. These are all possibilities. In this process where Konnech was identified, was actual tampering and actual involvement by the Communist Chinese Party, was it actually determined and proven or just the potential for involvement?

Sam Faddis:        So, to my knowledge, it has not been proven. But I think in asking that question, you put your finger on the essence of every issue that’s been identified since the 2020 election, right? True the Vote is the organization that originally broke this story. When they first detected that the information, the data was going to mainland China, the very first thing they did was go to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. They didn’t call a press conference. They took all their data and they went to the Detroit field office, because Konnech is based in Michigan, gave them all the data, offered to cooperate fully saying this is a national security issue.

The Detroit field office responded by saying this is a national security issue, we need to get to the bottom of it. At some point subsequent to that, a few months later, the FBI headquarters in Washington DC intervened and shut down the investigation and basically started threatening True to Vote and saying, “If you look any further into this, we think maybe you’re the bad actors here.”

Sam Rohrer:       Unbelievable.

Sam Faddis:        So, when people say, “Well, you haven’t yet proven it, that what the Chinese did with this,” the answer is, “Well, yeah, because nobody will investigate it.” That’s what federal law enforcement is for. There is certainly enough information here to warrant a massive high priority federal investigation and then we’ll find out, do we have a huge problem or did somehow we not suffer damage as a result of this? But you have to conduct an investigation. And yet time and time again all across the country, any time something like this comes up, what you find is that no investigation is ever conducted. And then they will turn around and look at you and say, “Well, you haven’t proven your case, so we don’t have to do anything.” And you’re like, “Well, wait a second, we’re not the ones who-

Sam Rohrer:       It’s your job. That’s right. You’re saying it’s their job. That’s what is so angering at this thing.

Sam Faddis:        Exactly.

Sam Rohrer:       Now we just have about another minute or so here, Sam, let me just take and go broaden this. You and others have been looking at Chinese Communist Party. They’re involved in all kinds of things. The failure to investigate by the FBI or all of this work, now it could be because people at certain levels are maybe afraid or whatever, but do we know enough to really say that the Chinese Communist Party perhaps they own a lot of people in a lot of key positions? Would you say that’s perhaps what’s happening here?

Sam Faddis:        I don’t think we need to add the word perhaps. That is the exact happening here. That is precisely what you’re looking at, industrial scale espionage and everything that goes with it. And I say that as somebody who was in that trade for a very long time. There is no question about it.

Sam Rohrer:       And that failure all the way right now to our highest levels of federal government, it is extraordinarily disturbing because so many things that are happening beyond just the… I’m not going to say beyond just the election, I mean the election is key, but it’s so prevalent. That is in fact a highly disturbing thing that our listeners need to know about. I mean I think we’re about at a break here. We’ll just hold it right there. Ladies and gentlemen, when we come back, we’re going to go into the final segment. I know this information that we’ve been sharing is heavy, but I will assure you it is not sensational from the standpoint of made up. It is not conjecture.

Everything that has been stated today is rock solid, verified and proven, and it does make an issue and it does portend additional issues for this next election, midterm elections coming up. When we come back though, we are going to talk about what we can do to guard the process.


Sam Rohrer:       Well, earlier in the program I mentioned that looking ahead with the goal of predicting outcomes for the sake of knowledge is quite natural? In honest hands, it is appropriate. Now in evil hands, it leads to, as you can guess, cheating, manipulation, deception, fraud, and even, yes, October or November surprises. Now in a culture of true justice and integrity, the system and the people running it run interference for the law abiding citizen. And at the same time a properly functioning government based on truth and justice, that will instill fear in the hearts of the evil and the corrupt.

That’s the way it’s supposed to work. But in evil hands, the structure of government actually swings against the law abiding and protects and advances the evil. So, what should the law abiding person do in regard to this election and the circumstances surrounding it, which we’ve talked about on this program? Well, one thing that I can say before I’m going to go ask Sam for his practical and more granular recommendations for what to do. One thing that I can say from my perspective is do what the Bible says to do. And that is simply fear God, keep his commandments, do what is right, don’t fret. These are things all through scripture we’re told to do.

So, I’m sharing this with people listening, you know some of these things, but he tells us, don’t fret, don’t be anxious for anything. He says, observe, be watchful, be courageous for good, be salt and light. And in the end, be confident that no matter what happens or who is in charge or think they will arrange and manipulate the results to favor their selfish interest, remember this, God is in charge. For it is God who raises up and puts down leaders. That’s what scripture says. It’s God who raises up nations and collapses nations as well. And he makes that clear. So, do right and trust God is how I would conclude it from my overall perspective.

Now, Sam, let’s go to you. As I said, from a more granular level perhaps, what are you recommending that God fearing and law abiding citizens expect and do leading up to November 8th election, knowing that many in positions where they’re supposed to be watching out, are not. What do good people do in times like this?

Sam Faddis:        Well, the first is don’t quit and don’t panic. Quitting doesn’t get us anywhere and panic is unproductive. So, get to work. Vote, vote in person, vote as late as you can on election day as possible to get down in the weeds. In other words, don’t provide the opposition with any information on which way the election is trending, any notice, because that gives them more time to cheat. To the extent you can be involved in the process and put eyes on the process at the polls as a watcher, a greeter, different places have different jobs, do that. The more sunshine that is let in the better.

On a more long term basis. We all have to absorb the fact that we have use, Pennsylvania as an example only, we have pressured the legislature for two years to fix an obviously broken and illegitimate system. For two years they have made a lot of noise, filled the room with smoke and done nothing. So, we need to absorb the fact that that’s the reality and we need to act accordingly. In other words, if you really want this system to be fundamentally fixed, you’re going to have to change the players in Harrisburg and every other state capital around the country. I mean what this is coming down to in a little more long term basis is primary challenges to those Republican lawmakers who have had their opportunity to act and have decided not to.

Sam Rohrer:       Right. And Sam, that is excellent. And ladies and gentlemen, can I say from this perspective we’ve talked about so much. The scripture says that when the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice. But when the evil bear rule, the people mourn. Now, what we’re talking about right now is that when there are laws, when there is justice, when there are procedures based on integrity and law and morality and truth, and the people who are in those positions do nothing when it is clear that there is a problem, well, then they have identified themselves that they are not qualified to be in the positions that they’re in and they need to step aside. Now, in most cases, I’ve been in office for 18 years, I can tell you they don’t generally step aside voluntarily. That’s not their nature. So, they may have to be pushed, threatened.

Nonetheless, that’s where informed citizens come in. That is a duty, that’s a biblical duty, that’s a constitutional duty, that’s a duty of all citizens as part of a representative republic, such as in which we live. Now, I recall a word that is often stated. In Philadelphia, not far from where I’m sitting, when the Constitution was adopted, you recall this, a lady on the states went to Benjamin Franklin and said, “Well, what just happened?” And he said, “, we have now given you a republic, if you can keep it.” All right, well, now what? How do you keep it? Well, knowing the truth, by exercising citizen duty, by parents and grandparents teaching your children and grandchildren the principles of freedom, which come right off the pages of scripture. That’s where it comes from. And to make sure that when you educate your children, you don’t put them in some government school that’s going to take them and teach them Marxist philosophy.

They have to have a biblical worldview that says there are some things that are always right and some things that are always wrong. So, parents, grandparents have to have an involvement. A republic, if you can keep it. And for those who are listening right now, if you’re pastors, so much falls on your shoulders, because if you don’t preach the Bible and you don’t preach the truth, your people won’t know the truth. And that’s a big issue, has been for a long time. So, it’s really all of you who are watching right now and listening, we all share part of the problem for why we are where we are and we’re also part of the solution. Now, what you heard earlier on in one of the spots on this program was that we have a book that is out. I’m going to hold it up right now so you can see it.

It’s called The Return to God Journey Guide: 11 Principles. I encourage you go to our Amazon site and get that. We actually have a book coming out soon based on the same thing, which we’ll talk more about. But there are 11 principles that William Penn here in Pennsylvania identified. Our founding fathers adopted them, and they are essential for how this country was founded, how a government of freedom based with justice coming out of it. These principles have to be in place. We have them in this book, and I encourage you to go to and actually order that and take a look at that. And we’ll talk more here shortly about a book that’s coming out. Sam, we’re about done, but actually we are done. Sam Faddis, I want to thank you very much. Give one website if people want to go and find out where your things are, where do they go?

Sam Faddis:        Go to AND magazine. So, we’re at

Sam Rohrer:       Excellent. Sam Faddis, thank you for all the work that you’ve done and for what you’ve shared on this program. And ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being a part, watching and listening. Pray that you take this information, share it with your friends, share it broadly. Go to, and share it broadly with your friends and neighbors. They need this information. And be empowered by it, not frightened by it. Empowered.