End Times Mysteries: Revealed & Yet to be Revealed

Sept. 11, 2024

Host: Hon. Sam Rohrer

Guest(s): Dr. Carl Broggi

Note: This transcript is taken from a Stand in the Gap Today program aired on 9/11/24. To listen to the podcast, click HERE.

Disclaimer: While reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate transcription, the following is a representation of a mechanical transcription and as such, may not be a word for word transcript. Please listen to the audio version for any questions concerning the following dialogue.

Sam Rohrer:       Hello and welcome to this Wednesday edition of Stand In the Gap Today, and it’s also our bimonthly focus on Israel prophecy and the Middle East. And today I’m glad to share the microphone again with Dr. Carl Broggi, senior pastor of Community Bible Church in Beaufort, South Carolina, and also a host of his own primarily question and answer radio program. A lot more than that entitled Search the Scriptures where a lot of theological and practical content can be found on his website. I’ll give you right up front the search the scriptures.org. But before Carl, what I think is going to be a very practical but little discussed theme today, which is going to revolve around both a theological and prophetical and really those two go together always, but a concept used in scripture referred to as mystery, at least in the King James that uses that word.

Sam Rohrer:       And let me say before I go there, and I’ll just hold that tomorrow, constitutional attorney, David New and I will be offering our perspectives on last night’s presidential debate since people have already asked me my opinion and to give a clue of where David and I will go tomorrow. It’s going to be a number of things from a constitutional primarily perspective tomorrow. Lemme just share a brief overview. Here’s a summary statement that I’ve put together from my perspective that we’ve released. Lemme just give it to you as I’ve put it out to give you an indication and thought on this. Here’s what I said, opinions, commentary and public opinion polls are flooding the news today. Both sides are seeking to spin the results to their own benefit. The debate demonstrated one reality of our current desperate situation. Our nation is fractured split politically, socially, economically, religiously and in nearly every way because we are not unified on the most basic of all things that being the role of God and morality in our nation on any level because we cannot agree on the role of God.

Sam Rohrer:       We are not unified on the simple but profound definition of truth without agreement on God and truth. Policy positions on any issue from foreign policy to Israel, from social issues, to economic issues, from family to community, have no anchor, no predictability. And without agreement on these things, there can be no administration or expectation of justice agreement on what is good or bad, right or wrong. Our problem is spiritual and nothing said last night pointed to God alone as the answer. The world has no answer. We as God’s people though do and we must anchor our faith and trust in him and in him alone. And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Now that’s my summary statement of last night. So I’m just going to leave it right there. Join us tomorrow, go into further detail on that. But now shifting to today’s theme, there’s a concept in Scripture reflected in the word mystery or mysteries.

Sam Rohrer:       For instance, in I Corinthians 4:1, the apostle Paul says this, let a man so account of us as of the ministers of God and stewards of the mysteries of God. Then in Matthew 13:11 and talking about mysteries and his disciples wondering why Jesus spoke in parables, Jesus said to them, to you it has been given to know the secrets or mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. But to them it has not been given. Then throughout Scripture there are a number of references to the word mystery such as the mystery of the kingdom, the mystery of God, the mystery of the gospel, the mystery of Christ, the mystery of godliness, the mystery of lawlessness. Some have been explained, some are revealed, some are perhaps being in the process of being revealed, but because of the nature of them, that seems to me that they all fall in the area of prophecy and really fits then into our discussion today. Carl, the theme for today is this End times mysteries revealed and yet to be revealed. Thanks for being with me today.

Carl Broggi:         Well, what a great theme you’ve selected and so important for the day in which we find ourselves.

Sam Rohrer:       Carl, could you just do this, define the word mystery as used in the New Testament, the concept of end times mysteries. I mean we’re in this end times we’ve talked about that a lot, but put that together and the connection if you would, to biblical prophecy in effect. Give a brief foundational apologetic for this concept called mystery.

Carl Broggi:         Yeah, so the word mystery kind of carries a different connotation in English. When we hear the word, we think of something that’s hidden and mysterious and we’re in the New Testament. It means almost the exact opposite. So it’s somewhat of a challenging word to interpret from Greek lexicon that’s used 22 times in the Greek New Testament directly into English. But context always interprets it. So it takes the mystery out of it we could say. But simply define mystery is something that was once hidden or unknown that has now been revealed by God. And so for instance, Paul speaks to the mystery of the church in Ephesians, the concept of the church was something that’s new that was not found in the Old Testament. God had worked through an exclusive people. The mystery of course was not that God would save gentiles because the promise of salvation through a nation that God established through Abraham was that all the families of the world might be blessed.

Carl Broggi:         Isaiah said the Jews were supposed to be a light to all the nations, but what was not revealed in the Old Testament is that God would now work through a unique body of people where Jew and Gentile work combined on the same level. And so it’s important prophetically as well because there are some mysteries that are directly applicable to the age in which we live in. We’re in the church age as we often refer to it as theologians, and that God is working through this unique entity and that he’s laid aside Israel for a time because of their hardness of heart. It’s not a total hardness, it’s a partial hardening. But one of these days that’s going to switch. In fact, prophetically what we see happening in the church days is very, very significant because if the church can’t be an instrument in which God is speaking and moving and communicating the gospel, then he’s going to lay us aside and he’s going to use a new entity and that’s planned in the future. So yeah, the word mystery is in reference to things that are happening today, things that are going to happen. There are future mystery is like in the revelation that are going to be unfolded and made very, very clear during that timeframe called the seven year tribulation. So it all interplays as I hopefully we’ll see in this session today.

Sam Rohrer:       Okay, Carl, that’s great. Just a few seconds here. Do you think there’s any mystery that’s identified in scripture that’s not connected to what we discuss often in regard to prophecy?

Carl Broggi:         No, really if you look carefully enough, they’re all interconnected, even the mystery of the church. We say, well, okay, we’re in the church age. Well that’s significant because the church age is going to end and the next age, the tribulation age is going to start. So they’re all interconnected. Every single mystery that you look at in the New Testament, you study it carefully.

Sam Rohrer:       Right. Ladies and gentlemen, thanks for being with us today. The theme end of times Mysteries revealed as you’ve heard, my special guest, Dr. Carl Broggi says many we know revealed, fulfilled, all connected to prophecy, some yet to be fulfilled as in the Book of Revelation. We come back, we’re going to talk about some of those that are fulfilled in the New Testament of the word mystery is used 22 times in the King James, the plural form mysteries used five times. Now in the ESV English standard version, that word mystery is translated secret, but the revealing of the mystery secret is always done to help the believer for whom the Bible is written believer in Jesus Christ to understand well the unfolding will of God in his wonderful plan of redemption. And that’s all wrapped up in what we refer to prophecy and all of the parts that come again opposed to what God said would happen as they unfold has happened is happening will happen.

Sam Rohrer:       Now in Romans 1125, the apostle Paul shared knowledge of God’s plan of redemption and the role of Israel talked about that just briefly in the last segment. And he said how in part a blindness had come on the nation of Israel. He said, until the fullness of the Gentiles become in now here are the Apostle Paul’s reason for explaining this mystery was that believing Jews and Gentiles would not be, as he said, be ignorant of this mystery and that no one would be wise in their own conceits and think that this unfolding prophecy plan of God’s redemption as it was unfolding, had anything to do with us or anybody individually, but had everything to do with God’s sovereign will as he determined to bring redemption to the world. Now Carl the Apostle Paul in particular speaks of mysteries. I just mentioned that one, but the mystery of the blindness for instance of Israel in Romans, you talked about it briefly just mentioned again the mystery of Christ, another reference Christ in the church, Ephesians 6 32, a mystery of the gospel in Ephesians six 19.

Sam Rohrer:       Now some of these mysteries have been fully revealed and explained. Some are being understood as time moves along, others are yet to be fully understood as those referenced in revelation that you talked about and we’ll talk about them in the next segment. But here for right now further expand upon this, can you simply first identify these various mysteries regarding Israel, the church, the gospel, and which ones would you say are fully revealed that we fully understand or perhaps maybe unfolding or in process just kind of speak as God would lead you on helping us to understand this concept of these mysteries and these different references like the gospel and Christ and church and so forth?

Carl Broggi:         Well certainly the one you just mentioned, Sam has been fulfilled and we are witnessing it in the day that we live in. You referenced Ephesians six and Paul’s asking for prayer and then he says, and pray on my behalf that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel. And so the mystery of the gospel has already been defined for us earlier in Ephesians and now he’s referencing it. So in Ephesians three he says, by revelation there was made known to me the mystery as I wrote in brief. And then he says, which in other generations was not made known to the sons of men as it has now been revealed to his holy apostles and prophets in the spirit. And so this is why we define a mystery as something that was once hidden but now revealed.

Carl Broggi:         And so he says, I’m telling you a mystery. I wrote about it in brief. Other generations didn’t see it, it’s been revealed to his apostles and prophets. Then he says in the next verse to be specific that the Gentiles are fellow heirs and fellow members of the body and fellow partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel. He establishes for us an important definition. And the definition very simply is that a mystery is something that was once hidden, now revealed. And he says here it’s in reference to the Gentiles that their fellow heirs fellow members. And as we mentioned in the last segment, it’s not that the mystery was not that God was going to not save gentiles because Israel was to be a light to the Gentiles. They had a missionary calling to the gentile nations. Now sadly, they were reached a point where they failed it, but still that was their call in the Abrahamic covenant that all the families of the earth will be blessed through Israel and again a light to the Gentiles.

Carl Broggi:         And so the mystery of the gospel is not that even God would save people through a savior that is as early as Genesis three, but it’s progressively revealed how he would do it. We know that for instance, he’d have to shed his blood, but how would he shed his blood? They stone them the Messiah to death? No, he’d be pierced through for our iniquities. And so God progressively unfolded it and by the time the New Testament is written, they have a full picture of how God has revealed the mystery of the gospel in a person, namely the Lord Jesus. And so whenever we see that word mystery in the New Testament, because scripture is defined by definition what it is, we can take that concept something hidden now revealed and apply it to almost any reference to a mystery in the New Testament.

Sam Rohrer:       Alright, that’s excellent. Now, some of the references like wonder’s a mystery of God. Here’s the mystery of the gospel mystery of Christ in the church. Would you say they all really fit together? Of course they all fit together. But expand upon that a little bit, why there are different aspects that are broken out individually like the mystery of the gospel, the mystery of Christ in the church, the mystery that the gospel has not come to the Gentiles. It seems to be all part of one package, but why the differentiation?

Carl Broggi:         Yeah, so again, I think God establishes a principle best interpreter of scripture, scripture itself so that when we come to these other mysteries, take the mystery of God you just mentioned, that’s from Revelation 10 and verse seven, it hasn’t been fulfilled. The phrase refers to a profound plan that God has in the future that is going to be completed during the time of Jacob’s trouble when the seventh trumpet is blown and God is going to reveal his final victory over evil, over all the wickedness and he’ll establishes kingdom on the earth. Now the fact is is that the concept of God having an established kingdom was revealed in the Old Testament, but God now full-blown gives us a full picture how he’s going to defeat Satan. We don’t really learn about all the specifics of that, how he’s going to judge sin, how he’s going to bring a completion of salvation to his people.

Carl Broggi:         And so right after the mention of the mystery of God in Revelation ten seven, that is going to be fulfilled with the blowing of the seventh trumpet. Then in the next breath he says a few verses later, then the seventh angel sounded, there are loud voices in heaven saying the kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ and he’ll reign forever and ever. And this happens towards the end of the tribulation because the seventh Trump opens up seven bold judgments that are so severe no one could survive very long. So they come seemingly logically at the end. But yeah, they’re all connected. There’s a plan that is happening. And so it seems like things are falling apart, but they’re coming together under the hand of a sovereign God.

Sam Rohrer:       Alright, wonderful. Okay, let me ask you this from these various mysteries, not the mystery of God talked about that, that’s in Revelation. You explained that a little bit and we’ll go back to that. But these other mysteries that Apostle Paul unveiled in Romans and Ephesians and Corinthians and some of the other things, these various mysteries or secrets where they’re connected to the gospel to Israel to prophecy to God’s unfolding plan of redemption. Here’s my question, how important is it to make sure that these are understood as they work together for us as believers today in both looking back at what God has done and looking forward to what God will yet do?

Carl Broggi:         Well, critically important. And so we talk about this mystery of the church that was not revealed in the Old Testament. And so people today have come up with a new conclusion. They’ve done the exact opposite of what Paul warned in Romans 11. He says, he describes of course the vine as being the Jewish people and we’re grafted in as Gentiles and he warns do not be arrogant towards the branches. But if you’re arrogant, remember that it is not you who supports the root but the root supports you. So because we’ve ignored the meaning of various mysteries and we’ve come to conclusions because of certain presuppositions that we start with that are rooted in a non-literal interpretation of the Bible where you align scripture. Now the church is arrogant. We say there’s no significance for the Jews. There’s no more importance to the regathering. Israel geographically is no important than Uganda as one Christian leader said.

Carl Broggi:         And so we have this distorted view of ourselves as the body of Christ, which I think is part of the reason God is going to remove us pretty soon because we don’t respect Israel. So it all interfaces together and much of it comes down to how we view Israel as we’ve covered in a number of previous programs that God made in unconditional covenant with the people that was not predicated on their obedience. There are covenants in the Old Testament that are predicated like the mosaic covenant on Israel’s obedience, but the Abrahamic covenant that involved a land, a seed and a blessing was unconditional in nature. God is going to pull it off no matter what. And that’s the focus of Romans 11 and that’s the warning to us as Gentiles. We shouldn’t be arrogant. And the church for the most part today is arrogant. We have said God’s done with Israel that is now the largest voice in the American church. It wasn’t always true, but it is now the reform perspective that we’re the new Israel God is jettisoned to physical Israel and it’s feeding the anti-Semitic spirit, not just in our nation but across the world.

Sam Rohrer:       So, ladies and gentlemen, I hope you understand if we’re going through it, it’s important, critically important that these various mysterious secrets that once were not known Old Testament times known today need to be known. It really is important that we do know what these are for the various reasons that Dr. Carl Broggi just said that we do not become arrogant in our own minds and come up with our own view of what God’s plan of redemption is all about and our part in it and his part. So that was great. Dr. Broggi, ladies and gentlemen, stay with us. We’ll come back and we’ll look a little bit now at what’s called the mystery of lawlessness that will be coming. What is it? Well, Carl, earlier in the program you mentioned about the word mystery. Mystery referring to things not known in the Old Testament but become clear in the New Testament often the phrase has been used.

Sam Rohrer:       Old Testament is the New Testament concealed New Testament. How am I going to say it? New Testament is the Old Testament revealed and mystery is one of those things that is in that category. But you made clear that mystery is not a mystery as in mysterious and I thought that was a good point to make, but it does talk about things that we did not know with clarity before, but we can know now. Last segment, you talked in a general sense about the mystery of Christ in the church and the gentile nations being a recipient of the gospel when Israel was temporarily set aside that apostle Paul talked about, and we’ve talked about many times in this program, but there is a reference in two Thessalonians two seven that I’d like to have your comment on because people know it, it’s quoted but may not often be understood. And that is this, that’s where it says the mystery of lawlessness. Now here’s the question. We know that one of the signs of the return of Christ is that lawlessness will increase. Is that what this is talking about? Has this been fulfilled? Is this being fulfilled? Is it yet to be fulfilled?

Carl Broggi:         Wow, that’s a fantastic question. So with many prophecies, God sets the stage for the final fulfillment after he commends the church in chapter one, he corrects them in chapter two because they had gotten some kind of a letter. Sam they thought was from Paul. It wasn’t. They had basically been told that they had misunderstood the rapture. They were in the day of the Lord and the front end we call the great tribulation period. And so they were really shaken by it. And Paul says in verse three, don’t let anyone deceive you because this day will not come unless the apostasy, the falling away comes first. And so he actually highlights five specific dimensions that if they were really in the day of the Lord, if they had missed the rapture, they’d be seeing these things and they weren’t seeing any of them. But with that said, while there’s a coming the apostasy, this massive falling away that will turn into a one world religion, apostasy is being set, the stage is being set.

Carl Broggi:         The Pope just a few years ago held a conference with religious leaders from across the world. They signed a document saying that as long as men believe in God, they don’t have to come through Christ, a denial of historic Christianity. Those are the kinds of things that are setting the stage for what we also call here the mystery of lawlessness. So again, mystery, something hidden now revealed. And what he is underscoring here is that right now while evil is operating, it’s functioning, it’s operating in a restrained form and it’s restrained through the church. And so the concept of this man of lawlessness, the antichrist that’s found in the Old Testament, it’s especially highlighted in the prophet Daniel, but what’s not revealed in the Old Testament is that there is this entity we call the body of Christ, the church that God is using to retrain evil.

Carl Broggi:         And so he says here in verses six and seven, and you know what? Retrain him so that in his time the antichrist will be revealed. And so he uses these different pronouns. He speaks of what restrains him now with him being this man of lawlessness. And then he goes on in verse seven, for the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. In other words, sin is spreading and it is going to get worse because two Timothy three speaks of the last days and what it will be like. And though technically we’ve been in the last days since Christ was on the earth, he says in verse 15 of that chapter that it will go from bad to worse. And so we’re seeing this progression, but we haven’t seen anything yet because once the church is removed, that serves as the restrainer of evil. That’s not revealed in the Old Testament.

Carl Broggi:         This is a New Testament doctrine that God is restraining evil through an entity called the body of Christ. When that body is removed, then hell will basically have a holiday. We will see evil unleashed because there’ll be nothing to check it except an autocrat, a dictator which the world will look to. And that’s what we always look to. When nine 11 came, we looked for some national policies that would protect us as a nation and we’re willing to give up freedoms in the name of our care and our protection. And that’s what’s going to happen when the church is removed.

Sam Rohrer:       Alright, let me follow up with a question on that mystery of lawlessness. Okay, that lawlessness the man of sin, the anti Christ is a lawless one, build that out if you need to. And then when the restraint is left, you were referencing there that when the church is raptured, the church is here, is acting as a restraining effort on full out lawlessness. You did not mention the Holy Spirit. Would you include the Holy Spirit? Is the Holy Spirit the restrainer or is it the church’s restrainer both together? Explain that a little bit.

Carl Broggi:         Yeah, great. So in verse six, he’s referring to God’s instrument, the church. And so he speaks of the what and in verse seven, he’s referring to a person, namely God, the Holy Spirit. And the two are, they’re linked together in restraining sin. And so it’s the Holy Spirit in the church that is holding back the power of evil. And so the who is the Holy Spirit, the what is the church? When you look at these pronouns in verses six and seven, in fact some translation will even capitalize the he, it’s interpretive because there’s no distinguishing upper or low cases in the Greek manuscripts, but I think rightly so because he who now retrains that is the Holy Spirit who now restrain in the church will do so until the church is taken out of the way. And so yes, we’re salt, we’re light, we have a powerful impact in the world and we have since the inception of the church, there has been a peace and a civility in the world that they had never known before the body of Christ was established. But what happens at the end of the age is the church gets weaker and weaker and weaker more and more liberal. There’s growing apostasy and that gives permission for sin to spread. And then when the little influence that we have is totally removed through the rapture, then evil has full blown opportunity to express itself, which makes an ideal setting for a one world dictator to step on the scene because people are going to want protection. They value their physical life above all else, even over eternal things because they’re so blinded by sin.

Sam Rohrer:       In your opinion, Carl, you’re looking at the days in which we live, we do see increasing disregard for God, we see increasing persecution, disdain for the chosen of God, the Jews, Christians generally we see a falling away of the church. You’ve referenced that. So would it be fair to say that we are witnessing the early stages of this mystery of lawlessness, but as you have said, we just can’t imagine what it would be like because the church is still here and the holy spirit’s still at work.

Carl Broggi:         Well, there’s no question because when you read these verses, verses two through five and what’s going to happen during the day of the Lord, there’s an assumption that Israel is back in the land, that there’s a temple that the antichrist can go in into defile. So when people read this a hundred years ago, they scratched their heads and said, well, maybe it was all fulfilled like the predators said in and around 70 AD, and then God gathers the Jewish people, puts them in the land, they have all the plans for a temple, they say they can have an up and running in under eight months. All we know is that it needs to be completed by approximately the midpoint of the tribulation period. When the antichrist will go in and do what this chapter says, he’ll make himself out to be God and he’ll defy the temple.

Carl Broggi:         And so yes, the stage is being set. Yes, there’s seeds of apostasy that are being planted through world religions, through the ecumenical movement that is going to create a ripe atmosphere for the coming apostasy. And so because men won’t embrace the truth today, they’ll believe a lie in the future. And that’s what Jesus taught in John 12. He said, listen, while the light among you respond to the light that you might become children of light. And then he warned, he said, if, because they would not believe these Jewish people in his day who saw all these miracles, they could not believe. And while there’s a great revival during the time of this seven year tribulation period, people who’ve heard the gospel and clarity and power will be a part of this coming apostacy. And so the seeds are being sown, the stage is being set for the very thing that we are reading of in this text of scripture. No one could have imagined these things 75, 80 years ago, but now reading the text and it’s like, wow, look what has happened. Look what God has done for the fulfillment of these prophecies.

Sam Rohrer:       So in many regards, Carl, what you’re saying, it was that in the days of the Apostle Paul, there were some things that they just had no idea about at all. We sitting now look back and say, oh, we got the whole picture. But in this case, like the spirit of this mystery of lawlessness, we’re in the midst of seeing it unfold. Our understanding is so much more than what it was in the early church, but there’s a whole lot more yet to come about. So anyways, ladies and gentlemen get the idea there is truth. The scripture contains all that we have. Some of it though is coming to pass the prophetical part. We happen to be at a time where we’re seeing a number of these things fulfilled, revealed some in process, and yet we look ahead to some of the other. When we come back, I’m going to ask Carl to make some application, as I’ve said believers today and say, alright, what should all of this cause us to do or to think?

Sam Rohrer:       Well, Carl, I always enjoy this last segment when we’re together because the purpose is to make application and make sure that any questions we’ve raised have been answered so that we don’t let our listeners walk off and assume something that is not there. That’s always one of my major concerns. But let’s talk to application here. Now the concept of what difference does all this make or should it make? I think of two things I just want to put before and ask for your thoughts here. We referenced one from the Romans 11 passage. Apostle Paul talked about the partial blindness of Israel. We’ve talked about he gave a reason there basically so that neither you believing Jew or you believing Gentile get puffed up effectively and claim an exclusivity to the gospel as an example, but that God had a bigger plan. Then in one Corinthians 15 is another example, the Apostle Paul explaining they’re the mystery basically of the rapture in how think come about. But that’s kind of in the context of encouraging people, informing with the point of encouraging them in their view. So with that, just in context, go wherever you want to, but as you consider our brief consideration of mysteries today, we’ve talked a lot about the how about the why should and how should this knowledge inform true believers listening today? How should it impact our lives?

Carl Broggi:         Well, obviously God is setting the stage and you almost have to be blind not to see it, but sadly much, at least in the American church and really around the world because the scripture is not being opened and exposited, which to me is like a major reason why I think the rapture is even closer, but because God has put Israel back in the land and Deuteronomy tells us through Moses that he’ll do that at the end of time. Moses not only predicts the scattering of Israel to the ends of the earth in Deuteronomy 30, but then he’ll go on to say, I just turned here. He says, when you are in distress and all these things happen to you in the latter days or some Bibles say the last days you returned to the Lord your God and listen to his voice. And so Moses predicts this worldwide scattering.

Carl Broggi:         It never happened in the Old Testament age. Jesus pinpoints when it will begin with the destruction of the temple in 70 AD where he said they would be scattered, but then he predicts in the end of time they would be brought back into the land. And we’ve witnessed that during our lifetime who could have ever have imagined. And so while no one knows the day or the hour we’re in the season, and so this should do something for us. It should cause us to sit up and to say, look, as Gentiles, we don’t need to be arrogant over Israel. We need to be humble. We need to recognize that we’ve been grafted in and God has a purpose for us as believers right now when I look at the imminent return of Christ, because indeed the rapture is imminent. It could happen at any moment.

Carl Broggi:         The second coming is a prophetically driven event. And so a lot has to happen for the second coming to take place, but we’re seeing it happen in our lifetime as the stage is being set as the Jews are back in the land as the days of Noah, for us is of lot of the sexual perversion. It’s all happening, this growing apostasy, this abuse of children. I was in Greenville a week or so ago and I saw this young woman, she couldn’t have been 17, maybe 16, and I said, where do you live? She said, I live on the street. I said, what’s in the bag? She said, everything I own. And she looked Ethiopian to me, and as I dialogued with her, she was lost. And I said, what you need is a father in heaven. I said, if you were my daughter, you wouldn’t be here on the street.

Carl Broggi:         I would be taking personal care and responsibility for you. I would make sure your needs are met and God wants to be that father to you, but you need to have your sin forgiven. And so we have this worldwide spirit of lawlessness and the only hope that we can offer people is forgiveness through Christ. Jesus reminded us, he said, I will build my church and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. And so we as that to be on the offensive, we’re to share the gospel. We’re not to be discouraged by the circumstances we’re to let our light shine. We’re not to despise the people this world to be hateful towards them. We should have the spirit, but by God’s grace there go I, we need to be faithful with the gospel message and to trust God to use us as he pleases, because we’re going to meet the Lord one of these days. And the next event for the church, the body of Christ is the judgment of the just where we are evaluated in heaven, not to determine if we get there. That’s determined one moment before you die, but how we’re going to spend eternity and how he’ll use us in eternity future. So the church needs to wake up. We need to ignore these negative messages that there’s no purpose for Israel. Read the scripture, apply it literally, and you can come to no other conclusion but that we’re in the final segment of human history.

Sam Rohrer:       Carl, just a couple minutes left here and you’ve laid it out. We’ve talked about it many times, but if we really do believe what the Bible says and these things for which we’ve talked today, if our life has not changed, we don’t know the Lord. And that’s so apparent for you personally, just as Lynn insight into Dr. Carl Broggi of these various mysteries, once truths once concealed, but now reveal we’ve talked about today, is there any one of them particularly that has meant more to you or means more to you personally today? The day in which we live?

Carl Broggi:         Yeah, I would probably say the one that we spent some time on the mystery of the church because again, that was a truth that God has revealed and Paul highlights it in Romans 11, that because God is now working through this new entity called the Body of Christ, and we’ve been grafted in. We are not to be arrogant. And when I look at Christian leaders, it’s now a minority of us who believe in a literal, contextual, historical, consistent interpretation of the Bible. When we have these reformed churches, they’re consistent in their interpretation of the Bible for all the events concerning the first coming. But concerning the second coming, they’re not consistent on how they interpret scripture. They allegorize it. And so they have spread, I think a poison, not just in the American church now, but across the landscape where now the body of Christ is arrogant. They’re not praying for Israel. They don’t really have a compassion for the Jew or the fact that God has grafted us in. So when I look at that, I am extremely humbled and I recognize that God’s almost done with this gentile church and one of these days he’s going to remove this church and he’s going to switch gears and begin to work through the Jewish people instead of Gentiles.

Sam Rohrer:       That’s fantastic. Carl, why don’t you close the program in prayer, be a great thing. We only have about 30 seconds before the music begin, but would you pray, please,

Carl Broggi:         Our Father, we’re thankful that in the hardness of our own hearts, you opened us up to the truth of the gospel through the work of God, the Holy Spirit, and thank you that that’s his desire for all men, that whosoever will may come that he wishes none for perish, but for all to come to repentance. And I pray for someone listening today who’s being hardened by the culture, who lack assurance that if this were their last day on earth, that they’d spend eternity. May they call upon the one who died completely for all their sin, past, present, and future. Thank you that whoever will call upon him will be saved. And we bless you for that truth in Jesus there.

Sam Rohrer:       Amen. Amen. Dr. Carl Broggi, senior pastor of Community Bible Church, thank you so much for being with me. Ladies and gentlemen, has a website, a lot of information there. Search the scriptures.org. You can find information there for this program. Again, go back and listen to it, share it with a friend. Hopefully it’ll be of great encouragement to them. And if you want to read this in transcript form, you can find it easily on our website or on our Stand in the Gap app. We’re going to see you back here tomorrow.