When the Enemy Comes in Like a Flood
Sept. 9, 2024
Host: Sam Rohrer
Guest(s): J.R. McGee
Note: This transcript is taken from a Stand in the Gap Today program aired on 9/9/24. To listen to the podcast, click HERE.
Disclaimer: While reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate transcription, the following is a representation of a mechanical transcription and as such, may not be a word for word transcript. Please listen to the audio version for any questions concerning the following dialogue.
Sam Rohrer: Hello and welcome to this Monday edition of Stand In the Gap. Today as together returning guest, JR McGee and myself will engage a consideration of a stark current reality that among other things, increasing lawlessness rebellion against God and an increasing hatred and persecution of both Jews and Christians. Regardless of how a person might like to cover their eyes or their ears, they cannot wish away the reality that the ground is moving under our feet, not just here in America, but around the world. Stability, predictable justice, peace, and security is what all people in all times, at least most people in all times since creation have longed for lawlessness, base immorality, rampant evil with no justice accompanied by war and persecution is what most people accept. Again, the truly evil fear and hope to avoid. However, because we live in a world cursed by sin, where even according to Romans 8 22, the entire physical earth groans.
Sam Rohrer: So what the Scripture says there awaiting redemption available only through God who will judge evil and sin and remake this broken earth, even Jesus himself said lawlessness and more would characterize the times in which we live. So we cannot escape this reality. No one can ignore or wish away what the Bible foretells. Yet we do have a choice of how we respond to these realities, how we consider the enemy of truth and God, and how the true remnant believer in Jesus Christ responds. And yes, I’m going to say live victoriously, even in these days, in Isaiah 59 and 19, it says this, when the enemy comes in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him. And while some may interpret this verse differently, the enemy of God led by Satan and soon to be revealed, antichrist will increase hostility toward Israel and the Jews and against Christians he will seek to kill and destroy.
Sam Rohrer: And combined with the outpouring of God’s wrath in the tribulation period, the justice of God will be meted out against sin and evil and lawlessness. Then the spirit of God will raise up a standard, that standard of divine justice with God himself through the spirit of God, with the ultimate end being Jesus, returning as king of kings and Lord of lords and setting up a thousand year millennial kingdom where the Lord will demonstrate true in just human government under God. So that’s where it’ll end up, and that’s very good news. But in the meantime, the enemy is coming in and we must understand this, this is the truth and how we must respond. The title I’ve to frame today’s conversation is this, when the enemy comes in like a flood. And with that JR, welcome to the program,
JR McGee: Sam. It is always a pleasure to be with you and the audience, Stanley,
Sam Rohrer: JR, again, coming to you, someone, a military strategist and thinking with that hat on, but also aist. We can combine things together, but when in a conflict and we know that we’re spiritually in a war, but in order to not be subdued or conquered by the enemy, there’s some things we need to know. For instance, who is the enemy? What is their objective? What are their strategies as an example, so in a larger spiritual sense in this first segment and we’ll set it up, who would you identify as the spiritual enemy, the foundational enemy of all that which is good and their objective?
JR McGee: Sam, I love the way you started this by talking about a standard. Now in the military we use standards. It’s a banner that identifies who we are, what we stand for, and here’s where we are, here’s where we will defend. That’s referred to this day as an organizational or a unit standard. And I think that’s exactly what the Bible’s talking about here. This is a symbol of who we are and our enemy. Listen, it’s not one country, it’s not one ideology, it’s the entire world. We are in a battle against the world and against the flesh. We’re in a battle. The Bible talks extensively about being at war with the flesh and we’re seeing that the world wants what the world wants and if it feels good, do it. That’s the epitome of that world standard that we’re fighting against. And if you’re spiritual, you cannot be of the flesh.
JR McGee: It’s at war with each other. And last but not least, the devil is orchestrating all of this behind the scenes. Satan is real. I don’t have enough faith to be an atheist. To be an atheist would require me to believe things that are simply impossible. I’ve seen too many things, seen too many prayers answered. I’ve seen too many things happen that are not statistically possible to not believe in God, but the devil is just as real and we’re fighting that the devil is using the flesh. The devil’s using the world. The devil is using all of these things that sound good, that feel good, that entice people, that make them want to chase. After these things, we can give you a perfect life. That’s where utopia comes from. That’s nothing but Satan promising you things that he can never deliver this battle. It’s a spiritual battle. We will fight it in the real world. We will fight it in our flesh. We’ll fight it with sweat and tears, but make no mistake, what we’re fighting today is a spiritual battle on a grand stage and it is building just like the prophets of old told us was coming.
Sam Rohrer: And of course the objective has always been right JR the souls of mankind, that thing of value so much that God loved and sent his son to die. Our souls, the devil’s after that as well. He wants man’s worship. Ultimately the elimination of free will. They want to control all of those things, but that’s on a spiritual sense. That’s the foundation. We’ve got to keep that in mind. That’s why we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but principalities and powers and high places. Now let’s move here to the physical enemy because there is a physical enemy and that physical enemy around us does have an objective as well. And we’re going to talk about the strategies of the physical enemy in the next segment, but lay out some of that in a physical sense, the physical enemy and their objective.
JR McGee: Well, the objective is clearly the elimination of free will, the elimination of freedom, the elimination of choice, it’s submission. The ultimate objective in all of this is for every human being to be in submission to one form of government, one leader, one organization. Everything that we’re seeing is designed and driven to us submitting to and agreeing to follow their will. Islam is the perfect example of this. Islam does not mean peace. People tell you it means peace. It doesn’t mean peace, it means submission. And that is exactly why the war against the United States has become so intense. The United States fosters this whole concept of freedom and freedom of choice and individualism that is the opposite of what the world and Satan is trying to accomplish. And that is submission giving up everything you want in subordination of this one world organization and they’re not going to stop until they achieve it.
Sam Rohrer: In ladies and gentlemen, so is the case with the devil. He doesn’t want our commitment and obedience to God above. He wants submission to him. So the deception is all around us. Alright, so we set down the big picture, spiritual war. When we come back, we’re going to look more now at the physical enemy and the strategy that we can identify around us. If you’re just joining us today, JR McGee is back with me. He’s the CEO of Extreme Leadership Group. He’s the founder of that group, military trainer and Strategizer for a long time, but he’s also a believer. So if you just join us for the first time, that’s just a little bit you should know about him, but he’s with me pretty much every month as we consider things that impact the geopolitical aspect of the world really and then bring to it what the Bible says in light of and from a perspective, his perspective in these focuses from a military perspective because it’s different, we all have different perspectives.
Sam Rohrer: So that’s where it’s now our theme today is when the enemy comes in like a flood. So let me just go further here. We identified the enemy, spiritual enemy. Ultimately it’s the world, the flesh and the devil. It’s been that way from the beginning. The goal is to put all in bondage ultimately to eliminate freedom, physical and spiritual. The devil would love to keep every soul, every person of whom Jesus died from going to heaven. And that’s the goal, that’s the prize, that’s the devil’s prize, the souls of mankind. That’s why each of you listening to me right now, if you know the Lord, Lord died for us because he loved our soul. I can’t explain why he did, but he did. And when that happens, it changes everything. Now moving into that, the enemy takes physical forms as well. From the day of the creation of man, were perfect surroundings and perfect worship where the spirit of God we know from scripture says, walk with Adam and Eve in the garden in the cool of the day and commune with them.
Sam Rohrer: Wow, what a time that would’ve been. The enemy of our soul was also prowling around there in the form of a serpent, presented himself to eve in a most successful strategy of all time. He presented to her, he questioned the goodness and the truthfulness of God and he presented a covetous desire for more a lie by simply asking, Eve hath, God said. And he then presented an enticing desire that she could know more and be more fulfilled and he tempted her to disobey the command of God to not eat of that particular tree. Well that enemy strategy worked then and it’s at the heart of all strategies throughout human civilization, I think varying only in form. Alright, so JR I just lay that down as a foundation, but in the garden alive was presented couch, even questioning the truth and doubting God, the rest is history. As sin came into the world, making all men sinners separated from God, a cursed creation that groans that the Bible says. So that being the case, as you look at our current time and the strategy being used, that we can identify physically that what’s being most successfully done. What is, in other words, how can the enemy be so successful today in making us, the people of the world, our neighbors, our friends ourselves, and frankly all around us do those things, which in many cases we’d say we would never do, but we’re doing it.
JR McGee: Sam, that’s a powerful question and I’m going to give a couple of examples here. The first one is, it’s a simple example and it’s kind of funny, but it’s all unbelievably true. If you want to catch a monkey, it’s not hard. You build a box and you cut a small hole in that just big enough for the monkeys to put his paw through and then you put a piece of fruit that the monkey loves inside that box, the monkey will insert his hand, grasp the fruit, but now the fruit’s bigger than the hole and the monkey can’t pull his hand out and he’s trapped. Now you and I both know that monkey could drop that piece of fruit at any moment, pull his hand out and walk away, but because of his greed and his lust for that fruit, he doesn’t drop the fruit and he stays there until the farmer comes and captures him.
JR McGee: And they do this to move the monkeys away from eating their crops. But that monkey stays there, trapped in that box simply because he will not let go. And that is exactly what’s happening to us in our society today. We will not give up our sin and oftentimes that comes in the form of convenience. Let me give you an example of how this is working and we are the monkeys and this is the fruit in the box. The first they entice you with some kind of a new feature or some convenience. For example, mankind used cash for almost all of our recorded history. And then very recently they introduced this new concept called checks, and the checks made it very easy to carry a lot of cash with you. You didn’t have to carry it around with you, you just wrote a check. A lot of people didn’t like that.
JR McGee: They didn’t engage in it, but a lot of people did because they liked the convenience. Now the second stage is this. They encourage you to participate in this new system with checks. After checks were firmly established, they hit us with what’s called a direct deposit. We want to take your paycheck and put it directly in the bank so you can write checks against it and you never have to touch your cash. A lot of people viewed this as increased convenience and they desired it. A lot of people were very nervous about this, but fewer and fewer people were upset because checks were becoming more and more common. The third phase is they make your non-participation very uncomfortable. For example, I know I got reminders and constant requests from my company to participate in the direct deposit system so we could make the system work smoother and be easier for you.
JR McGee: It’s always trying to make it easier for you, but they forced you into this direct deposit system and even those people who weren’t happy with checks eventually, now almost everyone participates in direct deposit. The next step into this is insidious. It’s coercion. For example, I got a statement from Lockheed Martin, I’m sorry from a company shouldn’t have said that If you don’t agree to direct deposit, we can no longer pay you your paycheck. That’s coercion. And they made it very clear that if I didn’t cooperate, it was going to penalize me. And then the last step of this is a pure intimidation. If you do not comply with the direct deposit system, we’ll have to terminate your employment. Each step of this goes from a wonderful new convenience all the way up through you will comply. I’m old enough that I like Star Trek versus Star Wars and I’m a trekkie.
JR McGee: If you remember Star Trek, the Borg was always after humanity and their motto was, resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. The world system today is using that model in this example to assimilate everyone into this and they’re doing it through gradual incorporation and moving you away from freedom and flexibility into compliance with a specific single system. Covid a great example. Everybody in the world gave up freedoms to comply with absurd requests and non-medical information, and yet we willingly gave up freedoms. We stood six feet apart. Now they tell us there’s absolutely no reason whatsoever. We needed to stand six feet apart. There’s no reason we should have worn those masks. Those masks don’t even catch all of the bacteria, much less any of the viruses. Yet we all complied because of safety between convenience and safety. They have learned they can manipulate human beings into accomplishing and doing almost anything to get us to be a participant in this one world system that forces us into that. And it’s insidious, but it works. And it works because we’re addicted to convenience and we’re addicted to pleasure
Sam Rohrer: Just because of the time and the segment. I mean, we could take and apply this to how the growth of abortion, the worship of entertainment or the worship of the political system, thinking that our answers are found in somebody rather than God or the change in gender. All of these things we could look at because it’s all the same as we talked about incrementalism, you’ve boiled the frog a little bit at a time and he doesn’t jump out of the water. That’s the same kind of thing. But let’s in the balance here, take this matter of currency forward because we know that there will be a global system of currency that will ultimately control what we buy and sell. Work this out a little more because here again, this is something we see. It’s a strategy, but it will ultimately control us and hold us captive like that monkey who’s got his hand around that fist and will not let it out.
JR McGee: You got that right Sam. And here’s the issue with money. Money fungible. It’s portable and you cannot track it. You can’t track money through the system because there’s a countless number of individual transactions and each person gets to decide who they give their money to by going to checking and digital currencies. Now the government has a way to track the movement of those monies. They track every individual transaction. They’re moving away from money, the hard currency, the coins, and the dollar bills because those are non trackable. They’re moving more and more towards digital currency because that is ultimately trackable and they’re going to reach a system where we will have a cashless society. We used to joke about that and snicker that. It was a conspiracy theory. Well ask the truckers in Canada who protested last year, how much of a conspiracy that is because the Canadian government shut off their banking accounts and prevented them from having any access to their money. That’s how they broke up that strike. When the government can control, track and monitor your money, they can control track and decide what you can and cannot buy, where you can and cannot sell and who you can and cannot sell to. That sounds suspiciously like something I read in the Bible,
Sam Rohrer: And it’s what we see ladies and gentlemen in practice right now in China, and yet the whole world is on this bandwagon for this digital currency that is trackable, that does frankly, as JR said, strangely, what the Bible talks about under the rule of the antichrist and global government. Bit at a time, a little bit at a time, and we go along because it’s convenient. Alright, when going to come back, we’ll talk about the enemies of Israel. In the last segment, JR McGee, my guest here today and I were conversing about this larger aspect of the enemy’s strategies and made a comparison that appealing to our base nature as individuals, which is what Satan did to eve in the garden and comparing it to how they capture monkeys as an example with a little hole in the box of the piece of fruit puts in his hand, grabs it and because he wants that so much, he cannot get it out and he’s trapped even though he could get out.
Sam Rohrer: How that compares and describes, I would say, the nature of mankind, depraved from birth who cannot do right? We can’t help ourselves without the help of the Lord. We’ll go there a little bit next in the next segment. What do we do about this knowledge? But the enemy, the world, the flesh and the devil comes from within, comes from without, is always after us and does present itself with human faces, but ultimately a spiritual battle trying to point these things out and say, how did it here? Well, a little bit at a time and very deceptively appealing to our base nature. But there’s another passage that I want to just call our attention to that helps to describe it a little bit is that the enemies around us, the Bible also tells, will gather together in a conspiracy. Psalm chapter two, there’s no more clear passage.
Sam Rohrer: Why do the heathens rage and the people’s imagine and plot in vain the kings, meaning the political leaders of the earth, they set themselves, they arrange themselves and the rulers, it’s that broader category, business, economic education and banking leaders, all of those kind of things. Anybody in a position of having influence on others, it says they take counsel together. That’s a conspiracy by definition. They conspire together against who the Lord, the God of heaven and against his anointed saying, let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their accords from us. But here’s the point, who aren’t this anointed against the Lord and his anointed? Well, clearly that anointed is those who are chosen of God. It’s Yeshua, it’s the Messiah, it’s Jesus Christ, but it’s also Israel and the Jews and their chosen people through whom God said he would bring the truth in the Messiah, but it’s also Christians and the church who we also know from scripture are anointed, the elect, the chosen of God. It’s all of them together. So it’s an unusual thing that we see an alignment building against Israel, the Jewish people and Christians and against God and his law. I don’t think so. JR in a physical sense. We have to acknowledge these things. We just talked out here, but can you share from your perspective how this hatred is manifesting itself currently? As we look specifically at Israel, the leaders of Israel, the Jewish people, which are every day in the news before us,
JR McGee: Sam, it continues to evolve and it continues to grow. I’m surprised that it hasn’t burst forward already. I’m shocked that it has not already resulted in a major catastrophic war. But here’s the issue. Russia has continued to move toward Iran. Iran is supplying Russia with weapons and systems that they need in their war with Ukraine. Russia has now, up until about two years ago, Russia was equally split between Israel and Iran. They tried to play both sides of the fence. They’re now fully in the Iranian camp. They’ve made it very clear they’re no longer supporting Israel. China is supplying Iran with very sophisticated weapons. Now, we’ve talked about EMP electromagnetic devices that take out electrical systems and internets. Those used to be solely the province of nuclear weapons. Now, China has created drones with localized EMPS that can take out a city or a region, and they’re supplying Iran with these drones.
JR McGee: These EMP drones, those are very dangerous and Iran has made it very clear they intend to threaten Israel and the United States. They said that last week they intend to use these against the United States and Israel. So China and Russia are supplying. Iran is their main proxy. Ringleader and Iran has developed Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and a couple of others in the region as their proxies. Hamas has truly been decimated by Iran. Israel has done every single thing that President Biden and Blinken from Secretary of State has said that they could not do. They’ve taken out all their leaders, they’ve taken out the majority of their battalions and they’ve done it with the smallest number of civilian casualties in history. The United States said, you can’t go into Rafah, you won’t be successful. B, you’ll cost hundreds of thousands of casualties. Well, they went into Rafa and they were 100% successful and they had almost no civilian casualties.
JR McGee: B Palestinians created a lot of casualties, but very few casualties were created by the Israelis, and it continues to get worse because as things begin to develop now, the United States and the UN are ganging up on Israel. They’re trying to get Israel to stop. They’re trying to put all kinds of political pressure, financial pressure. Now they’ve indicted the Netanyahu and the World Court. They’re doing everything in their power to get Israel to stop attacking the terrorists, the murderers who attacked Israel. I have to ask. There was a point in time when the United States had a policy, we would not negotiate with terrorists. We wouldn’t. And now not only are we negotiating with terrorists, we’re actively supporting the terrorists and protecting the terrorists at the expense of our closest allies and their national security. When did the American citizens vote to change the policy of the United States to protect terrorists and murderers and rapists?
JR McGee: I can’t believe that we’re doing that. Sam Israel is under enormous pressure, pressure like they’ve never been under in recorded history, but Netanyahu and his government are standing strong. They’re doing what they need to go do because they know that if they back down now, the enemy will take that as a victory. They’ll regroup and they’ll re-attack over and over and over again. The Houthis in particular, they’re beginning to shut down almost all shipping through the Red Sea trading lanes and a lot of oil and a lot of commerce goes through that shipping lane. Just in the last couple of days, there were two tankers that were attacked by cruise missiles, the Amjad, which is Saudi flag and the Blue Lagoon one, which is Panamanian flag. Both of these ships carried a combine total of over 3 million gallons of oil. Now, the potential for an eco disaster is still extraordinary.
JR McGee: They’re still working on those ships trying to keep them from breaking apart. Yet the typical greenies, the people who are always against anything having to do with energy and oil spills, hadn’t said a word about this. I think it’s because they know that they can harass and threaten the United States and the European governments because they don’t have any backbone, but they dare not say anything against the Islamic governments because they will get hurt. The pressure is asymmetrical. It’s unfair. It is incredibly aggressive, and yet the Israelis are standing firm. They no longer have any friends or allies that are supporting them on the world stage, and yet their national security interests are very much at risk here. And they have got to stand firm, Sam. They’ve got to stand firm.
Sam Rohrer: And ladies and gentlemen, that’s where thanks to coming JR let come back on this. You’re talking Iran, Russia, which has moved China, which is in that boat. Turkey has just made announcements of wanting to pursue that further. And one could easily say that, well, you know what? These are more Islamic and all that kind of thing, and so that’s why they hate Israel. But the Western world, the globalist of the world, the United Nations, which is more than Iran, I mean Islam, they’re gathering here in September, just another week, and they’re planning on taking some very hostile resolutions, condemning again, Israel. So it’s worldwide, just like Psalm chapter two is talking about, isn’t it?
JR McGee: It’s, and Turkey I’ve been laughed at for a while because for years, even on your radio show, I’ve been telling people Turkey is going to leave the NATO alliance, and people said, no, that could never happen other than when they need money or weapons, NATO is still giving them weapons and money. Other than that, Turkey has altogether abandoned the NATO alliance and is courting Russia and Iran. Here’s the interesting thing. Iran for hundreds of years have been the mortal enemy of Turkey, and yet now Turkey is trying to actively form a stronger alliance with Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, Yemen and Russia against Israel. They’re actively working with the people that up until two, two and a half years ago, they were actively fighting and they have totally switched. Erdogan has gone all in on the Islamic boat and he’s moved totally against Israel, and Turkey is now no longer a reliable NATO ally and really no longer an active NATO member. For all intents and purposes, they are gone. And even though many people said that would not happen, could not happen. It’s happened just like the Bible said it was going to happen. Sam
Sam Rohrer: Absolutely JR, and we’re out of time right now, but ladies and gentlemen, just in the last days announced, Turkey has been having meetings with guess who? Well, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, both of them who have well kind of friends with Israel, but those appear to be changing as well. Truly Israel surrounded with no friends, the nations and the rulers of the world, lifting their fists against the God of heaven and his anointed Christ, Israel, the Jews and Christians, we see it. It’s happening. And gentlemen, we’re into our final segment now and try to do as we often do when we present information like we have today, to bring it to resolve and to say, now what do we do about these things? It does no good to raise issues and not resolve them. It does no good to create sensationalism, which we don’t do in this program, only to leave people hanging or in fear, which is what the world does all the time.
Sam Rohrer: But that’s not what God does, JR. God never communicates bad news without presenting surpassing good news. And if there was not the bad news of death and sin and hell and enemy of truth as we’ve been talking today, ladies and gentlemen, there would be no need for the good news of the gospel. For example, the Bible is the good news, right? It’s the only place we have good news that is truthful in all truth, that can give us hope of heaven and redemption. But where do we find about the ugliness of sin, the wrath of God? Hell judgment. Well, it’s in the Bible. Where do we learn about that? There will be lawlessness and perilous times in the Bible. That’s really bad news, but good news is that we know how it all ends and this is what we’re in the middle of this human civilization.
Sam Rohrer: We’ve been somewhere in this continuum of God working out his plan of redemption, but there would be no hope if in the Bible, all we knew was that there was a dominating world and flesh and devil that we’ve talked about without knowing that in Christ we can be more than conquer earth through him who loved us and gave himself for us. Well, such as that way in regard to our conversation today about the enemy, their objective and their strategy. So JR, as we often do with our friend George Barn, when we discuss things like this, we ask the question, why does knowing all of this even matter? And what can the wise person, the God-fearing, remnant believer, do about it? So JR, I’m going to give you the bounce of the program. They can fill it out. Why does this matter? These things we’ve talked about and what can and should the believer do in response to the enemy coming in like a flood?
JR McGee: Sam, the question I get hit with from a lot of believers that I talk with is, well, how do believers resist city hall? How do we resist the government? And the second biggest question, is this real or is this just more hype? Is this just people making something up out of nothing? And then what can I do? I’m just one person. I’m just one family. All of these are great questions and we have to be brutally honest with ourselves. We’re facing extreme pressure right now. We’ve been pulled into this gradually. We’re now into phase three or four in that treatment mode, both in our society here in the United States and around the world. I have to be honest, Christians and Jews, they’re the only groups worldwide that is completely acceptable to hate and to persecute. You’ll go to jail for hating and persecuting any other groups, but not Jews, not Christians, and things are only going to get worse as we get closer to what’s coming according to the Bible, this pressure to conform, it’s intense, Sam, and it’s painful already.
JR McGee: Listen, think about things that we’ve gone through, things that we’ve seen, and everyone in the listening audience, I’m positive. You’ve seen and felt this already. If you resist or speak out against any of the liberal extremist policies that are being put into place at incredible speed in our society and around the world, they’re going to say, this isn’t right, but I can’t say anything about it at work or even in my community, or I’ll lose my job or I’ll be ostracized. Each of us is going to have to decide what we’re going to accept and what we’re going to be willing to give up because of our needs, support and feed our families. I get that nothing’s more important than feeding your family and sheltering your family and protecting your family. But there’s one thing in my mind, Sam non-negotiable. This is the red line in the sand.
JR McGee: I will not cross under any circumstances, and that’s my freedom to worship God according to my Bible and my beliefs. If you allow that to be lost, what’s the point of else? You might as well give up and go along if you’re going to give up your ability to worship God. And I think each one of us does have a specific role to play, and we can resist the devil. In fact, the Bible specifically tells us in James chapter four, verse seven, resist the devil and he will flee from the word us. Not so much, but the devil will flee from God’s word and each of us got to have to be willing to fight our own battles in our own way. But never forget God is with us. And if God be for us, who can be against us when we band together and bond together in strength, in numbers that expands and increases exponentially. Look what God did with Gideon and he had 300 fighters against an overwhelming number of odds, thousands of people, and God gave them the victory, not because he had 300 people, but because he was God.
JR McGee: We don’t have to look at this in our flesh. We have to look at this through his eyes, through his will, through his spirit. God tells us we have not because we ask not. And I am so guilty of that in my life. Ask God today to give you the wisdom to understand. Ask him to give you eyes to see, ears to hear and situational awareness, to know what God’s will is for you and your family. We can stand against City Hall. Many people have stood against City Hall, but every time it’s been successful, it’s been because one or two people gathered together their own Gideon’s army of a handful of people, and they prayed and they use the power of God to create yet another miracle. We can stand, Sam. We’re powerful. We have power. We don’t understand because God wants to work through us. He doesn’t want us to do it in our own strength. That’s minuscule. He wants to work through us to do his will,
JR McGee: But we have to be willing to stand. We have to be willing to fight. We have to be willing to submit not to Islam, not to government, not to the world, not to the flesh. We have to be willing to submit to God and his glory. God’s still very much in the miracle business. He is. I’ve seen it. I don’t have the faith it would take to be an atheist. I just don’t. I’ve seen too many things. I’ve seen too many prayers answered. I’ve seen too many miracles that I teach statistics. There’s not enough zeroes on my calculator to calculate the statistical probabilities of some of the things that I’ve seen God do over and over and over again, Sam. We just need to have faith and courage to follow him and trust him and realize he’s got a plan. He’s already worked this out. We don’t have to do this. We just have to be willing, pawns for him to use to execute his plan. We don’t need to know the plan. We need to know the planner. We don’t need to know the outcome. We need to know the Victor
Sam Rohrer: JR. Absolutely. And that breaks me the last little bit reminds me, ladies and gentlemen, as we know these individuals, these three boys, Shadrach Meha in the bed, they go, all right, they decided where they’re going to draw the line. We will not compromise God’s commands to worship him only. And so they made a decision that was their line, and they said, all right, king, fine. Throw us into the fire, if you will, and if we burn up, so be it. So be it. But our God can deliver us. In that case, we know that God did deliver them, but throughout history, millions and millions of the saints of God who would not bow the knee, they did go into the fire and they did not come back out physically and they went to the stake. So it may be that that is what God would have, but it starts with fearing God and committing. We will not violate your commands and then Lord, do whatever you want. But we’re not going to bow the knee to the enemy, the enemy of God, ladies and gentlemen, that’s what we need to do, and then trust the Lord and he will work it out. Sometimes he’ll take us through the fire. Sometimes he will allow us to come to him through the fire, but he’ll always be with us. That’s the confidence that we can and should happen. I hope to see you back here tomorrow.
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