Irrefutable Realities
Jan. 27, 2025
Host: Hon. Sam Rohrer
Guest: Michael Snyder
Note: This transcript is taken from a Stand in the Gap Today program aired on 1/27/25. To listen to the podcast, click HERE.
Disclaimer: While reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate transcription, the following is a representation of a mechanical transcription and as such, may not be a word for word transcript. Please listen to the audio version for any questions concerning the following dialogue.
Sam Rohrer:
Well hello and welcome to this Monday edition of Stand In the Gap Today, and it’s the beginning of the last week of January already. Isn’t it incredible? It’s amazing to me how fast the time flies, but it does. But with the first full week now, this is the first full week of the new Trump administration. The world has watched. We’re all watching. We know that. But this is the first full week, the inauguration being a week ago today. But now that it’s begun, it would be safe to say that if last week is any indicator of change, which I believe it is, the next weeks and months, we’ll witness the greatest domestic and global changes I think the world may have ever seen. Now, many of these changes will be initiated, having already been initiated and new ones by Trump 47. This new administration and each of them by the nature of these executive orders and other things will create a chain of events, some of which well frankly, will be uncontrollable.
They’ll develop their own life. Now, other I think are going to be reactions to events, some of which may be domestically focused here in the United States directly. Others will be global events being things initiated perhaps by other nations or leaders, or directly perhaps as acts of judgment by God directly. But there are other factors at play for which there will be responses needed. Now today I’ve asked recurring guest, Michael Snyder, attorney, economist, publisher of the economic collapse blog, end of the American Dream, and the most important news with his website at the most important I’ve asked Michael to join me again. It’s been about a month since he was with us and for a program which I’ve entitled, and it’s just a short title, but irrefutable realities. Now, while the expectations for hopeful change drove America’s Thinking and frankly the entire world during 2024 in lead up to the November US elections, world leaders are responding in various ways, prepositioning themselves, then positioning themselves now.
And Donald Trump, by virtue of receiving an overwhelming populist vote here is wasting no time in using executive orders and other aspects of presidential power to initiate sweeping change. And these changes have been swift and very comprehensive. And the fact that the truth is the impacts, they’re frankly not at all known, nor do I believe they are predictable with so many pieces of the puzzle already being rearranged simultaneously, that it’s frankly impossible to with accuracy, just exactly what picture will emerge when the puzzle pieces are reassembled. Now that being said, there are some irrefutable realities that I believe are important for all God-fearing people to be aware. That’s the roadmap we’re going to follow here today here on the program, this first subject, I’m going to talk about some weather impacts, second segment, food related, pandemic related. That’s another big area. Third segment, economics war. We’re going to talk about some factors of things that are there, and then we’ll conclude by talking about some extraordinary technologies which are coming to bear, all of which are worthy of comment. And with that, Michael, I want to welcome you to the program. Thanks for being back with me today.
Michael Snyder:
Oh, Sam, thank you so much for having me on,
Sam Rohrer:
Michael, in this segment, let’s address the, I’m going to call it irrefutable realities of significant impacts being caused by natural disasters, weather, that kind of thing, for instance. And you’ve written about all of the things we’re talking about you have written, and I would encourage people to go to your site in order to get those articles and become a member so they can get your articles regularly. But here’s the question. Part of it is the fires in Southern California. Can you share some highlight observations about what is going on there about what you have written? Because obviously this is a major economic disaster. Among other things.
Michael Snyder:
It is Sam, and people need to kind of step back and look at the broader picture because 2024, we averaged a billion dollar disasters here in the United States. I’m not talking about the rest of the world just in the US about once every two weeks. So we’re being hit by a historic disaster after historic disaster. And coming into the year, I said, Hey, I think that this is going to continue to be a major theme. Of course, here in the month of January, we’ve just been hit by the costliest natural disaster in US history. According to AccuWeather, AccuWeather is now projecting that the total economic damage from the fires in Southern California will be about $250 billion, which surpasses the previous record of Hurricane Katrina, about 200 billion. So we’ve greatly surpassed that mark. And looking at Southern California, it’s been on fire most of almost the entire month of January, of course, centered on Los Angeles.
Now, when you think of Los Angeles, what do most people immediately think of when they think of the city of Los Angeles? They think of the entertainment industry. Los Angeles, of course, is known as the entertainment capital of the world as more television shows are produced there than anywhere else, movies. And of course, more pornography is produced Southern California than anywhere else in the world. And all that, the television shows and movies and everything else goes not just out to us, Sam, not just to the United States, not just to Americans, but literally the entire world consumes the entertainment that’s produced in Southern California. And that gives that city more of an influence, more of an impact on our culture than any other city in the world by far, by a very wide margin. And now it just, by some coincidence, the greatest disaster in US history, the cost of this natural disaster in US history has hit Southern California.
Interestingly, during award season when they’re supposed to get rewarded, people are getting awards for what they’ve done in the entertainment history. Well, now they’re getting fired at this time. In fact, the fires were heavily concentrated in wealthy areas where a lot of these celebrities and people that produce the entertainment have their homes. In fact, people magazine listed 60 major celebrities that lost their homes in these fires. So is all of this just a coincidence? Well, some people say maybe everything that I just shared is just a giant coincidence that all this is just happening. Well, it is just a coincidence. We can’t really read anything into it. Other people would say, well, hey, look, this entertainment, this anti-God, anti-Christian entertainment industry has been spewing their filth all over the world for a very long time. And now this has happened. So there’s debate about what all this means, Sam, but certainly the magnitude of this disaster cannot be debated.
Sam Rohrer:
And that’s one of the irrefutable realities, ladies and gentlemen, is that what we’re seeing them not even talking about all the increasing earthquakes and things that are taking place, don’t have time to get to them all have an economic impact. And is it something that’s within God’s picture? What he says answers, frankly, yes, but it’s an irrefutable reality. Come back, we’re going to talk about food. Well, if you’re just joining us today, thanks for being on board on this Monday program. My special guest today is a recurring guest, Michael Snyder, generally about once a month, have him on here. He’s a writer. He is an attorney and does a lot of well articles on key issues on things that are not all economic, but many of them that are impacting us or likely to. He’s got a website that you can go to to find articles. The most important is the site there.
But the theme I’ve chosen for today is irrefutable realities. Because realities are realities. They’re certain realities. They are realities. And the things we’re talking about today are things that Michael, you have raised questions about and written much about, frankly, not just in the last months but years, but some of these things are coming kind of to a head. And so I thought it might be good to consolidate some of these in this view. We’re looking today irrefutable realities. Now, weather impacts we talked about in the last segment. Fires California, the most expensive from an insurance perspective, impacts of any that we’ve seen thus far all this month here of January. And of course, all of those impact economic conditions, whether or not insurance companies have the wherewithal to continue to replace things that are lost, all of that. There’s a lot of places we could go.
We just mentioned that though. But here’s another one. You’ve been writing for months about severe impacts. For instance, developing here in America in particular regarding increasing food prices. Now that’s also happening around the world. You may want to comment on that. But certainly here and impacts of inflation on people’s food budgets and frankly, the potential interrelationship of food, possible pandemics, other connected things like that, and other increasing evidence that appears to be threatening our historic, stable and abundant supply of food with which we’ve been blessed in this nation beyond measure. Now, let’s go to a leading issue about which you’ve been writing, and that’s the matter of egg supply, egg costs and what it means. Just a while ago, Michael got a release from Philadelphia, which I’m about an hour away from here in the East Coast. Axios News this morning, they wrote this. Let me just read a little bit of this and then go to you for much further information, but they say this, egg prices keep climbing at Philadelphia grocery stores as the growing bird flu crisis hurts the nation’s egg supply they go on.
They say Avian influenza has affected more than 13 million birds in just the last 30 days. According to the USDA, they say egg prices are climbing to new record highs. Karen Rispoli, managing editor for eggs in the America for price reporting. Her service Expa, as she tells Axios, and she says this, in some parts of the country like the southeast, a dozen large eggs will be north of $7. Rispoli said in the Northeast, which includes Pennsylvania, where I am based here, prices for a carton of grade, a large eggs have spiked from $6 and 46 cents to $6 and 60 cents just as month according to the USDA, that’s up from a dollar 87 and $2 in one at the same time last year. Organic cage-free and pasture raised eggs will cost you even more. Now, Michael, I worked that out. That is just a year’s time on egg, that prices ranges from 328% to 345% increase. That is more than the price of inflation. That is incredible. So here’s my question. What are you seeing about the impact on egg availability, egg prices, how it relates to avian or bird flu? And I’m going to say the type of irrefutable realities that this is bringing to Americans.
Michael Snyder:
Sam, this is a tremendous shock to the system with the egg prices just obscene. Now, there are in some parts of the country and on social media, it’s been posted where there are egg shortages in some parts of the country where you go to the store and the shelves are empty. Now in most areas of the country in my area, I can go to the grocery store and there are eggs on the shelves. They just cost a whole lot more. Just stunning how high the prices have gotten. If you go back to January, 2022, not that long ago, but this was just before the bird flu pandemic hit. The wholesale price of a dozen eggs was less than a dollar. And now this past week it shot up to $5 and 50 cents the average price of a dozen eggs on the wholesale. That’s not retail, that’s the wholesale.
And so we’re seeing this filtering down to our grocery stores where what you just shared in the southeast, they’re going to be paying more than $7 for a dozen large eggs. And then it’s not just buying a dozen eggs, but you think about how many things eggs are an ingredient in and things we buy on a regular base. Things like pasta and cake mixes and so on and so forth. And it’s in so many things. And then not only that of course, but then chickens and turkeys have been dying off the price of chicken, the price of turkey, which are in so many products as well going up. But it’s because of this bird flu, which in the fourth quarter of last year, 30 million birds wiped out just here in the United States in the last 30 days, 13 million. So we’ve had this pandemic, this bird flu pandemic.
It is just about three years, almost three years old now, but it’s worse than ever right now. It’s raging and killing more birds here in the United States more than it ever has so far. And so in intensity it’s increasing. And now it is not just been in the birds, but it’s spilled over. It’s been killing house cats. Of course it spilled over into the dairy cattle. I talked on a previous program how just in California, so many dairy cattle have died, been piling up on the sides of the roads there on the sides of the highways. Los Angeles Times has reported that in California, and then some people, some humans have started to catch it from the dairy cattle on a limited basis. Fortunately, it is not yet mutated into a form that we know of in which it can spread easily from human to human.
But if it does, and governments around the world are spending lots of money to prepare because they believe that that’s coming. If that happens, Sam, well, the last pandemic had a death rate of way under 1% during a bird flu. Pandemic experts are projecting, well, it could be 10, 20, 30, 40 up to 50% death rate depending on the severity of the strain. But so if a pandemic comes along, we saw how much that covid just paralyzed the world for an extended period of time because of the fear. Well, what would a pandemic with a far, far higher death rate do to the world? What kind of paralysis would we see? And we need to keep in mind, Jesus said in Matthew 24, there will be pestilence in the days before his return.
Sam Rohrer:
And that is in fact what this would properly be called a pestilence. But it crosses over into this matter of food. Now the reason, Michael, that you write about this reason I’m bringing this up again, is not to be sensational and say, oh, no, fear, fear, fear, fear. But it is. And that’s why I tried to choose this title appropriately. Irrefutable realities. The fact of the matter is what we’ve just talked about here with eggs and the impact that’s coming from that is not a potential. It is here and it has been underway and people are actually being impacted. And I’ve heard from many, many people who’ve gone to stores and there’s been no eggs at all, let alone those that go and then have to pay a high price. But just as an example from a practical implementation perspective, you’ve said when you have something as fundamental and core as an egg, historically cheap protein, it’s a good food, but it shows up everywhere. So when there’s a shortage across a spectrum of food from pasta, as you say to lots of things, that drives up those prices as well. But you may not know that it was eggs that drove it up, but it shows up as maybe inflationary costs and that kind of thing. So just build out a little bit how this kind of a thing ripples through an economy and impacts something on a very broad base. It’s a reality.
Michael Snyder:
Yeah. And it’s not just eggs, but you look at the hurricanes that hit Florida driving up the price of oranges. So orange juice, everything that oranges go into, or you look at the crazy weather in coffee producing areas of the world, the price of coffee has just gone nuts, gone crazy. So if you drink coffee, you know it’s very painful. So in so many ways, all over the world, food producing areas have been just hit with crazy weather, disasters, different things. And so the cost of food is rising much faster than our paychecks are. And so just on a daily basis, American families, they’re feeling the stress they’re feeling when they go to the grocery store. You can’t even fill up a cart of food for $300. It is painful for just trying to pay the bills, trying to make it month to month, trying to feed your family. It’s gotten very difficult. And we’re the wealthy nations in the poor countries around the world. Hunger is spreading, pain is rising even here in the United States. I wrote about recently demand at food banks in the United States right now, is that an all time record high all over the nation? I just wrote about that a few weeks ago.
Sam Rohrer:
Yes, you did, Mike. We’re out of time here. But ladies and gentlemen, again, the point for saying this is that scripture does talk about these kinds of things increasing. It is a reality. We have to be aware so that we can prepare. Now, interestingly, ladies and gentlemen, as I look at these issues here today with my special guest, Michael Snyder, I’ve titled Irrefutable Realities, talking about weather impacts, food related impacts, pandemic or pestilence as scripture will use or matters of economics or war, or we’ll talk about technologies here in the next segment. And what it does, I call your attention to this, I’m not going to read to it just because we don’t have enough time, but I would encourage you to go to the book of Deuteronomy where God laid out his provision for blessing on the nation of Israel. It’s what our founders understood to be the case as well.
If you fear me and you keep my commandments and you put them into your policies and your culture is of a nature where your people fear God and keep God’s commands, God says, I’m going to pour out so many blessings. You can’t handle them. Those blessings were poured out on our nation and we have become blessed as no nation really in the history of the world. But the Bible also says, and God told Israel, Derbin 28, go to verse 15 and then walk through to the end. God says, though, if though you do not fear me, you refuse to keep my commandments, you think that the blessings that you have of good health and prosperity and nice houses and plenty of rain and all of those things that I’m going to turn that upside down and I will remove all of those from you. So if you read that chapter, you read God’s plan for nations who wants new God, but walk away from God.
So everything literally that we are describing here, I want to make that connection from weather events to food events to dollars and economic impacts, not going as far to health that disappears. All of the things we’re talking about here, you can find right off the pages of scripture. And that is connection that I would like to encourage us to make and say, we’re not watching something that is just a coincidence. No, that’s not how God works with countries and nations. There are causes and effects, there are choices and consequences. And of this, I call your attention there undergirds everything we’re talking about here today, it should drive us to return to God. That is the goal in the prayer. Alright, Michael, for nearly the entirety of the Biden administration, the extent of wars, rumors of wars has steadily increased. We’ve talked so much about it.
This irrefutable reality, I’m going to call it, caused Donald Trump during the 2024 campaign to declare, and everybody knows this, he said many, many times had I been in office, there’d be no war in Ukraine. There’d be no war in the Middle East, and there’d be no potential war with China. We’d have it all worked out. He said that very clearly. And he’s also stated that when in office, which he is now, that he will bring quick peace in Ukraine and in the Middle East. And in addition, he’s pledged that he will bring a quick new golden age of economics to America that was just stated in his address to the World Economic Forum last week. Now while hopeful, these promises are very high expectations, and I’m going to submit that they are not likely to be easily achieved. Not that they cannot be achieved, but they can’t be achieved without God’s help.
That’s for sure. I’ll put that out there. But here’s a question I have for you, Michael, and that is this. I’m going to go right here to the economic reality portion of it. You just wrote an article where you cited 25 signs of us economic realities, and that is one of the things that God says, I will make your basket that was full become empty lot descriptions that God uses in Derm 28. But you cited 25 signs of economic reality. Would you share some of them right now and what these signs actually mean and why they are in fact irrefutable realities?
Michael Snyder:
Yeah, yeah. After four years of Bidenomics, our economy is a mass. And so Donald Trump, he’s coming into a much different situation than he did during his first term. He came in, the economy was in relatively good shape, but now he’s coming in and our economy is in really bad condition. And that was one of the primary factors why he won the election because people were just sick and tired of how the economy was going. Under Biden. For example, last year, 2024 sales of previously owned homes in the United States fell to the lowest level since 1995, almost 30 years. Of course, 30 years ago, the population in this country was much, much lower. But sales of previously owned homes weren’t even this low during the great recession, during the pandemic, the real estate industry is basically in a state of depression right now because of high interest rates and people can’t sell their homes and it is a nightmare.
Meanwhile, we’ve got the proportion of credit card accounts that are just having minimum payments being made on them is the highest level in 12 years. As Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, they’re just barely making it from month to month, can barely keep up with their credit card accounts. In some cases they’re getting delinquent. We’ve got the 60 plus day delinquency rate for subprime auto loans just reached the highest level ever recorded for the month of December. So credit rejection rates. Meanwhile, financial institutions around the country are getting tighter with their money. Credit rejection rates have hit levels that we haven’t seen since the Great Recession, 2008, 2009, 2010. We’ve got restaurant chains are going bankrupt at the fastest pace since the beginning of the pandemic right now. And so that’s a major issue right now. We’ve got inflation is out of control. In fact, the household income required to purchase an average home in the United States has more than tripled since January, 2012.
So if you want the same home that you bought back in January 20th, 2012, you need three times the income to be able to afford the same house. That is the kind of inflation that has been in the housing industry. Of course, we’ve talked about food and the previous segment and so forth. Meanwhile, the employment market is tightening up. In fact, the hiring rate in the United States in the month of November was the lowest since the early 2010s. So well over a decade, the hiring rate has dropped to a very, very low level. And meanwhile, we’ve got the Washington Post laying off workers, CNN, laying off workers. We’ve got Meta, which is the parent company of Facebook laying off workers. We’ve got Intel laying off workers, we’ve got Kohl’s closing stores, big lots closing 500 stores, Walgreens closing 1200 stores. Overall, more than 7,000 stores were closed in 2024 and is being projected by Core site research that 15,000 stores will be closed in 2025. So what all this tells us, Sam, is that the economic momentum is taking us in the wrong direction very, very rapidly. Now, Trump’s coming in and he says he can fix it now he’s going to get an opportunity and hopefully he can get us moving in a positive direction. But as you noted earlier, it’s certainly not going to be easy.
Sam Rohrer:
Okay? And that is a significant thing that you’ve talked about there, Michael. And again, let me just ask you again, you write this, I mean, I personally, when I was in office as an example, I really did not like to talk about things which are negative. I don’t like to do that. Now, I mean to some extent throughout scripture there are those, the Bible talks about are to be watchmen on the wall. Pastors Jesus said they’re to warn their people about the wolves in the street. Now, every one of those things, the wolves in the street, the fact that we’re fighting against spiritual wickedness in high places to the things that we talk about here are in that category of things that you would say would be negative yet not fun to talk about. But yet they are necessary to bring to alert because that’s ultimately, as I look at the Old Testament, Michael, most of what the prophets did in the Old Testament where they were delivering messages to the people from God who was reminding them, I am the source of blessing. You fear me and keep my commandments, these things will happen. But if you walk away from me, then these things are what will happen. And most of what we’re describing right here are those things that God says are to be expected when people walk away from him. Now on about a minute left here, what drives you to write the kinds of things that we’re talking about here in some of the articles we’re highlighting.
Michael Snyder:
Ultimately, all the things we’re talking about are pointing to the fact that we really are living in the end times. And the goal is to turn people back to the God of the end times the God of the Bible, the God who warned us about all these things in advance, saying, yeah, God really does exist. He warned us about all these things he wants us to understand so that we won’t be afraid. But ultimately our response is to turn back to him, the people that don’t know Christ, to turn and come to know Christ. I believe the end times warning message will be the number one soul winning message in the years ahead. And then also it enables us when we have information to make intelligent decisions, wise decisions about what to do to face the difficult times in which we live.
Sam Rohrer:
Alright? And I think that Michael, that is ladies and gentlemen, ultimately it ought to be that when circumstances occur that are less than favorable, let’s put it that way, that our attitudes and reminds are drawn to the God of heaven. If we do not know him a savior, that is where we must start. And if we do, we must not be driven by the fear of what we see, but faith in God who has promised to walk with us through these things. But we are to be aware so that we can let our friends and those around us know that there is hope, but it’s not around what we see. It’s hope and a soon coming, Lord Jesus. So let that be our thought. When we come back, we’re going to include with talking about some technologies, things that are happening, which we should be aware.
Well, Michael, as we go into the final segment here, we’ve touched on a number of things. We talked about weather impacts, we’ve talked about food related impacts, pestilence that is referred to many places in scripture, economic impacts, which for most people, and most voting people tend to vote their pocketbook, we say. But often we lose sight of the fact that from God’s perspective, economic benefit comes from his hand because we have done what he says. And so sometimes we don’t connect these things. But there is another one I want to mention here. Again, you’ve written about, I’ve talked about it on some other programs that really came to light coming to light by an event actually last week. And that’s a matter of expanding technology. And I’m going to say specifically, Michael, this matter of artificial intelligence, AI driven knowledge, it’s really something to behold.
For instance, and if you’re listening to me now, you may have caught this last week, but we talked about a couple of different programs, but last Tuesday as an example, the new president Donald Trump, met in the White House with several high tech billionaires and made a commitment to invest 500 billion in building artificial intelligence, AI data bases across the us. Now, there’s already 10 that are underway, some major ones in Texas. But each of these require vast amounts of energy and so linked with these gigantic databases, artificial intelligence driven is being linked with energy development because they’re going to need to put up some quick energy development generators close to these facilities. So as you’re hearing one, you’re hearing both of them being talked about. But that meeting last week raised a lot of positive interest on one hand, but it also raised on another hand, extraordinary fear because of the purpose for the artificial intelligence and its linkage.
As was shared by Larry Ellison, the founder of Oracle as an example, where he made very, very clear their intent to link it to healthcare, ultimately replace the doctor in the office linked to surveillance. He’s talked very clearly about all of the cameras that local police officers wear, for instance, will be all linked into the system so they can track the activities of police officers all across the country and a whole lot more. So that being the case, that’s where some of the concern, which I share fully comes from. Now, Michael, you’ve just written an article focused on what you term emerging chilling technologies. And part of it goes with these unbelievably broad and developing technology. Share what you have put together in your article and why are they chilling?
Michael Snyder:
Yeah, particularly this artificial intelligence that you’ve talked about, where this artificial intelligence technology is increasing at an exponential rate, but if something goes horribly wrong, we have very little ability to control it. So I’m greatly concerned. Many others are concerned that this represents an existential threat to humanity, where we’re talking about artificial, ultra powerful, ultra intelligent entities that can perform trillions of operations per second, and that are so far in terms of knowledge and processing, ability and intelligence so far beyond humanity that it is hard to even imagine. I mean, and the gap is growing more every single day. So they’ve created this public private partnership, dubbed Stargate, 500 billion to really accelerate its development in the United States. But what are we doing is this a potential threat. Researchers in China, for example, have created AI models which were able to create functioning replicas of themselves.
In fact, one of the AI models, they got it to create, to clone itself. And then the clone was able to clone itself, creating a potential chain which could go on forever, indefinitely reproducing itself forever and ever and ever. And so that’s extremely alarming. We’ve also got other AI entities which have started to teach themselves. Researchers said to some of these AI entities that they were studying, started teaching themselves new languages. I’ve written about this previously, new languages that no one told them to learn. So they were learning on their own. They were making decisions of what they wanted to learn and then teaching themselves entirely new languages, which the researchers had not directed them to learn. So if we’re getting to the point where now AI is getting to be the point of self-replicating, getting to the point of self-learning. So as these AI entities become more powerful, what could they eventually do?
Could they teach themselves or could someone train them to hack computers all over the world? We’re talking about the ability would be far greater than any human hacker by a very wide margin. But could these entities start taking control of computers all over the world, taking control of the internet, taking control of anything that’s connected to the internet? What kind of power? And if this AI goes rogue, what ability do we have to control it? And so many believe that this is a very serious threat to our way of life, to the very existence of humanity, because could AI become so powerful that it actually takes over the world, takes over society, and what would be the future of humanity in such a picture? Now, the good news is that we know the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back, and that’s the end of the story for us. But given enough time, we should be very thankful that Jesus is coming back because given enough time and the way the AI is progressing, it wouldn’t be too long before our society resembles a horrifying science fiction movie, Sam.
Sam Rohrer:
Well, in reality, from a biblical perspective, again, book of Daniel talks about, in these days in which we live, that knowledge will literally explode. And really in the last days before even AI knowledge has been just quadrupling. But now with the ability to do the trillions of functions, and almost in a second as you’re talking about the development of human knowledge becomes so unbelievably, it’s beyond measurement. Now, ladies and gentlemen, we’re just about at the end, but I would just put out here that this advanced artificial intelligence has been much more developed down the road in China. It’s what China has been using to link all of their cameras, all of their credit scores, and all of their mechanism to basically train and limit and reward or punish their citizens. It’s that model that we’re talking about being developed here. Therein is part of the concern.
We’re out of time, but it is something I want to bring to attention. Be aware, look, be aware, read the scripture and trust in him. But be aware of what is taking place. It’s becoming a much, much bigger issue than we can imagine. Michael Snyder. Most important is his website. Again, Michael, thank you for being with me today. So much information we could have gone over, just hit the highlights. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being with me today. Join us tomorrow here on the program. Dr. Jamie Mitchell will be leading. Dr. Bill Salas will be with me on prophecy in Israel on Wednesday. And constitutional attorney David New will be with me on Thursday. And we have plenty to talk about in that matter of constitution and what’s happening. God bless you all. Take care. Stand in the gap for truth. We’ll see you back tomorrow, Lord willing.
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