by coreygraham | Nov 15, 2017 | Transcript
QUESTION #3: What suggestions do you give to churches to implement church security measures? Answer: Pastor Bob Burgess: “…Again, the first thing that we need to be able to do, we always ask our church families to have the pastor’s heart. We teach that. We...
by coreygraham | Nov 15, 2017 | Transcript
QUESTION #4: Will stricter gun control laws eliminate the kind of violence we saw in Texas? Answer: Bob Burgess: “Absolutely not, and … I’m going to go back to my high school days… And back during those days during hunting season, we could bring in...
by coreygraham | Nov 15, 2017 | Transcript
Question #5: Where does faith come into the picture? Answer: Pastor Bob Burgess: “I trust my Lord. I trust my Savior. I trust him tremendously. I’m surprised that He would use me to oversee His flock, but He trusts me to oversee his flock, and that’s a...
by coreygraham | Nov 8, 2017 | Transcript
QUESTION #1: How did the concept of a Pastors Network begin? Answer: Sam Rohrer: “…After being office for nearly 20 years, and realizing that I was a minister of God. I’m talking personally. I was called as a minister of God in government, Romans 13, and then he...
by coreygraham | Nov 8, 2017 | Transcript
QUESTION #2: How did the radio program come about as a ministry production of APN? Answer? Sam Rohrer: “…I think it was in January 2014, that Gary, Dave, and I met with Dale Armstrong, who’s actually in Ukraine here right now as we’re speaking; and...
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